This looks pretty cool, I'm considering buying it. I just want to know one thing: how cucked is it?
We Happy Few
It's not redpilled but I wouldn't say it's cucked.
full cuck
Oh really? What have I missed out on?
It's yet another janky survival crafting game
Wait, for real? I remember the original announcement made it look like some Bioshock shit.
Choose one
Didn't this shit release two years ago?
It seems to portray redpilling as a bad thing.
It´s survival, crafting, early access and open world. And was bought by Gearbox
Does that answer your question?
Kind of, it's in EA hell. Gearbox bought it up to arbitrarily double the price and there seems to be almost no development being done anymore.
A fate worse than death, not that it looked worth a shit to begin with.
The absolute state of this board.
I just saw an anti-feminist poster telling women to stay in the kitchen. Which would be great if this game weren't set in a dystopian universe.
Guess that answers that.
That doesn't even make sense in context considering the first trailer opened with a woman manager giving you shit for not popping pills.
it entered early access with a price of something like 25 burgereuros (I think). It had cancer-tier survival, you would have to think about and tend to all your needs for 90% of the time, while you spend the rest 10% discovering the randomly generated map. The devs acknowledged that the survival system is aids and they said that it would be fixed, never heard much from it ever since. Except them hiking up the price.
I don't know that it has crafting, but it's absolutely an open world survival game where you have to collect drugs to fit in if you go to towns, I don't know that there's even a game beyond that.
They fucked people interested in it by releasing some sort of collectors edition package that doesn't even include the fucking game, just a bunch of hipster bullshit like a record, poster, and I forget what else.
I think he means it takes no stance, neutrality is better than being a cuck but obviously only if you're there because you haven't chosen and not because you think radical centrism is the correct concussion.
Yeah, was probably Gearbox's doing.
Oh fuck. Well may as well abandon all hope.
No that's pretty much it. Those fuckers just threw in 'If you buy this package over $50 you will get extra useless shit that doesn't even help or explain anything deeper to what the game is all about!' Very much the classic we'll make you feel like a special big boy for buying this package for us.
Can't say I'm surprised. Watch out for this wave of cancer anons.
The game is crap either way.
After all the shilling that went on when it was shown, you really don't know anything about it?
How (((curious)))
On a serious note, they changed it to pander to "le survival maymay":
I never visit Holla Forums other than for faggy threads like friday night, and vita general maybe.
Kill yourself, Randy.
then allow me on behalf of the hivemind to give you a proper welcome
I'll go back to >>>/eerie/ :)
Worse than Marvel vs. Capcom Infinity. At least you get your crappy infinity gem eggs.
I think the devs are on to something here. This set has everything the nu-male hipster retards want.
It's missing a black dildo though, probably because they know every nu-male already has a set of those.
This is going to be one of those 11/10 masterpieces that no one remembers after a month.
apparently they didn't want to make a collector's set and gearbox made them. they had an argument over how to market the fact that it didn't include the game itself. gearbox would have rather scammed people that thought it would come with the game.
i'm not going to say some dumb shit like "i feel sorry for compulsion games" or "it could have been good". because if they didn't have the integrity to tell gearbox to fuck off then no, it wouldn't have. it was a piece of shit on arrival made extra shit by gearbox.
sad that manuals are a fucking collector's item now when they used to be standard. i remember buying max payne when i was young and reading the manual for two hours while my mom did errands. they actually printed pretty pictures in it and wrote stylized.
then it devolved to simple black and white text, and then to nothing.
Did anyone save the collectors edition screencap? That kind of jewry is reason enough not to support it
Look up.
Get this fucking viral bullshit out of here fagget.
just more bullshots user
I doubt this is much better still. Much like that Hello, Faggot game.
looks better than modern britain
That game pisses me off. One, because it was obvious streamer bait. But the real kicker is that originally it had some ambition to it, trying to be a game with learning AI. But then they trashed that idea and dumped in a bunch of five nights at faggots game theory crap to make it pandering on two fronts.
The very first reveal was nothing but terribly written first person story trash. I think "ambition" was one of the last things the developers ever had in mind.
I have one, two, three. But I'll disappear again.
Ambition isn't it. It's the potential in a lot of these things even more broken that something like Stalker.
It's a mix of Brave New World and 1984. The citizens take pills to blind themselves from the corrupt state of their society.
If you fund communists, then you're funding their ability to blacklist you from using their product and services. Like what happened with Rainbow Six Siege.
You have to spot cancer before it spreads everywhere.
Who are all these amateur faggots suddenly? The election season is so boring.
Source on pic.
dubs thread?
it is now
CTF is still on.
Isn't Jim Sterling a voice in that game? Or was that another shitty looking indie dumpster fire?
Everyone is being a gigantic faggot, so allow me to be the only guy without a dick in his mouth for a second to give you a proper "review" of the game.
I pirated it when it was still a beta and then later when it finally released.
Short story: It's a sorta neat idea, that has some decent execution in some areas and happens to be unique enough in a few spots that it deserves a pacing glance. However, more than that and you're being robbed.
Long story:
The game is your standard survival crafting open world, but believe me here: it's actually mostly well done at least for this genre.
You can find plenty of collectibles around to craft things with, recipes are unlocked by finding manuals thus rewarding exploration instead of grinding, and you can easily find more than enough stuff with short visits to the town to the point that you don't actually have to hoard shit.
Since all crafting happens in safe houses where you can store all materials, there's a bit of rote here where you treck through an island till you find the safe house (the underground metro station) and then you'll forage every house till your pockets are full, return, store, craft and more out again until you picked the island clean.
You don't have to do this, but it's fun to steal from houses.
I mention this whole paragraph as a positive because compared with the standard games in this genre, you won't spend every waking minute looking for specific items to craft basic shit while carrying an endless amount of uncraftable trash, while there's also also some danger related to scavenging.
The setting itself is fairly unique or at least there aren't that many games set in Not-Britain, The Cartoon Version. You get 2 kinds of "biomes" with an island full of wastrels and poor people that can't take Joy (the drug the plot is tied around) and then the normal islands where everyone is high as fuck.
The first type is easy to get around with, enemies aren't very tough, traps are very simple but the resources you find are shit.
The second type you'll move to as the story progresses has much more dangerous traps and enemies, however it's nothing too difficult anyway.
There's some comical moments with bleak humour regarding the story and Joy, there's some weird characters and some funny locations like the cult of Yam, but they are mostly sparsed out and you'll see most of what matters in the first islands.
Now enough faux praise, here's why the game is shit:
Also >>>/suicide/
It's clear that they had a neat idea regarding story progression when they were starting but they couldn't carry it over the whole game.
The first bit of the story you get is simply to cross over a bridge to another island. There's several different obstacles to cross depending on how you want to tackle the situation, but they all require that you explore the island you're on and find something there to help you.
You can help a guy to get a free battery and power part of the bridge to go across.
You can find a guard and beat the shit out of him for his keys.
You can help a dude and get parts to repair a section that also lets you go across.
These are pretty cool segments since they work with the open world, where you explore it and pick your options based on what you want. Don't have what you need to complete this? Come back later when you have better\right gear.
However as the game progresses, the story now starts to happen inside houses and later underneath the sewers. This means linear progression through levels. In an open world game.
Your hunger, thirst and sleep are still ticking but some segments do not allow backtracking, so you better hurry the fuck up. Your supplies are also limited to what you brought with you and can find on that level, so you're fucked if you didn't brought enough or wasted shit or brought the wrong crap. All this becomes a very noticeable problem when you get your first boss fight and the whole process of taking it down requires several tries of different shit till you figure it out, where you'll waste supplies and vitals. By the way, it's a roguelike, so you can't reload a previous save.
This is the main problem with it, from a gameplay perspective. The story works against the gameplay and viceversa.
The gameplay has you going around nigging shit left and right and acting like a fucking psycopath, not only because it's usefull to hoard stuff but also because it's fun to use some of the shit you make like all the damn bombs or darts.
However, the story implies your character is actually a moralfag and pays almost no mind to time of day (except to close the places you wanted to visit) or to your character needs. Almost like it happens in an entirely different game.
The gameplay screams "run everywhere! nig all you can nig!" but the story tells you "go here and talk to this person, don't waste time looking around".
Speaking of story, the secondary quests are terrible. Some are very basic shit, others are crap you can't even complete until you change island but you have no way to know this and there are only a very small handfull that are actually neat or interesting. The side-characters are too much fucking caricatures to actually work as characters you give a rat's ass about, let alone do favors for.
His name is James Stanton, Jim Sterling is a persona of his.
He's being absolutely serious. Just go look up some gameplay or fuck, go watch some cancerous youtuber play it for a while. It's a survival crafting exploration type game, just without the janky voxel block world building style. I think it even has some "rougelite elements" if I recall correctly. This blatant bait and switch between what looked like a really fascinating story driven psychological horror game into full-blown early access meme-game faggotry is what instantaneously killed all hype for the game and made it fade into obscurity.
That's not what "cuck" means, otherwise absolutely any game that has merch is "cucked". You faggots are retarded.
This merch is especially shitty, though. Dare I say, so shitty that only a cuck would want it?
Correct, but not for that reason.
You can make a lot of different bombs and poisoned darts or gadgets to use and it's fun to see their effects.
However, none of that shit is necessary. You can mostly shove people around or just beat the fuck out of them with no penalty. Even the guards stop being a problem once you get a decent weapon and you can outrun absolutely everything and everyone for fucking ever.
Even in the areas filled with guards and robots, you can run around without being touched so all the nifty gear you crafted sees no purpose. In fact, standing still to use it will likely get you hit instead.
See, the crafting is decent when we are talking healing items or weapons or clothes since each serves it's purpose well enough, but for gadgets, it's Dishonored all over again. If you want to have fun with it, you're gonna have to be a dick and use stuff you really have no need for.
And to make things worse, the story segments don't require or even have much use for those things either. The entire point of being MacGyver and solving your problems with quick thinking and duct tape is simply worse than just bashing things with a big blunt object.
So unlike every other sandbox crafting survival game, they do give you the tools, they just never require them to progress, are worse options than brute force and don't work as well during the story segments, so here's story clashing with gameplay again.
You'll never feel smart tossing bombs around, you'll just feel frustrated, knowing you could have done the same thing in one third of the time with a baseball bat at the expense of a bit of durability instead.
Yes. But that doesn't have any bearing on the game itself. I can sell shitty Tetris merch so shitty that only a cuck would want it, and it wouldn't make Tetris cucked, just the merch itself .
This game could be horrible, though, and I have no interest in it; I just hate bullshit non-logic.
Lastly, let's talk about Joy.
The main mechanic of the game is a drug called Joy. You take it and you see the world in a new light, feel happy and whatnot. However withdrawal makes you feel like shit and people don't really like to see that, so they chase you over that crap.
The gameplay effects are that you run a bit faster while on joy and can even sprint around without causing suspicion of the upper caste of residents.
However withdrawal makes you look like an outcast (a Downer) and drains your hunger\thirst faster for a while.
This mechanic supposedly matters a lot because they lace the water with Joy in the civilized islands and you, according to the story, don't want to take too much Joy.
I honestly can't remenber what happens if you OD on it (I think it was a single gameover and that's it) because it's actually fucking hard to reach OD. When you get to the civilized islands, you can easily drink water from anywhere and consider the Joy buff as an actual buff since you can sprint everywhere now and faster to boot.
It's made out to be this terrible gameplay element where you're forced to take it in order to blend in, but the reality is that there's no downsides to it except for withdrawal that you never get with infinite sources of joy around you anyway and since it's the best way to blend in, slurp it in my friend!
Storywise, the idea is that Joy makes you hallucinate a much more beautifull world. The starting segment has you beating down a pinata full of candy, only for the Joy effects to end and you see a rat corpse with every other person eating it's guts.
However when you play the game, the only effect you get is a brighter and more colorfull vision, but otherwise everything looks the same. Except for a few missions where you can see ghosts and stuff, nothing visually changes about the game with or without joy, just the color palette.
So basically, it's a complete fucking blunder of a gameplay mechanic that does nothing but contribute narratively to some degree when the gameplay isn't contradicting the story.
Tetris has a long lasting reputation and a reason for having merch. This game is made by nobodies and was forgotten within a month of it's announcement, while the only purchase available for the longest time being unrelated merchandise and the privilege of being a bugtester at a hiked up price. The game itself and its players got cucked by Gearbox.
On a final note:
It's the kind of game that gives open world survival craft games a bad name (and there's no shortage of these).
It's not worth a single dollar since for everything they did right, they did thrice as much wrong.
Arguably, it's not even worth a pirate. I found the whole thing to be quite buggy even with the final release that I had to use console commands to unfuck some situations. (flashbacks to Skyrim come flooding)
If you care about politics, they were funded by the canadian government as well. That and the money from Gearbox already gave them far more than this shit deserves.
It was a neat idea when it was just in beta and it needed a lot more effort put into it, but they fucked it with their "muh narrative experience" and strayed far from the genre.
Now you get a mess that works against itself in both gameplay and story. Loads of unique options to work with, but neither is required, loads of story about serious government control amidst a comic and silly village.
I just hope that future devs see this and learn a valuable lesson from it: if you're working on an highly interactive genre, stick to it and keep the story you are trying to tell on the backside.
The game is shit. It went through several phases, now it's a Bioshock rip-off with crafting and survival.
That sounds fucking lame. If Joy actually manifested as hallucinations that changed the entire world as you saw it, it could be awesome. What a fuckup. GearBox fucking up is no surprise in the least, though.
I thought this looked pretty cool, but then I saw that 50 dollerydoo price tag for an early access game.
Jew me once, shame on me.
Jew me twice, never again.
Something tells me the only lesson anyone will learn from this is "the E3 trailer is all anyone will ever remember about my game so I might was well lie as much as possible".
Actually, Bioshock already had crafting.
And considering there's no cool psychic powers nor tough enemies or a story focused around an economical model, it's actually worse than Bioshock.
I was expecting that Joy at least prevented you from using weapons or being violent or prevent sprinting, what with being a pacification drug and all.
Not being able to fight back against guards or anything else nor sprinting for safety would mean you'd have to use said gadgets to get by or pick your fights carefully.
Or possibly have every guard and threat appear as something normal instead so you never know what's dangerous and what isn't.
It was an horrible disappointment not just because of how tame the whole thing was, but also because of all the cool shit they could have done with it.
The price and the politics are enough reason to avoid it.
As if we needed more proof.
A real fucking shame too, I was actually looking forward to this game. The worst part is that hipster faggots are going to eat this shit up en masse due to its (((aesthetic appeal))), thereby demanding more half baked survivor games focusing on looking good rather than gameplay.
Hipsters ruin everything they touch.
Forgot the part where one of the devs shilled his game on here and tried to act like some random person until he got called out and threw a fit and left.
Got a screencap?
I hope one of you faggots screencapped it.
Just buy it goy
it's gearbox cucked, don't give shekels to randy bitchford, he won't release the old duke nukem forever build and botched the port of Halo CE just pirate it and make the soyboy play the guitar while crying about goobergabbers
No game is ever worth buying.
Always pirate.
As for being cucked: the whole plot is about "it is better to use drugs to force yourself into a false happiness than to face reality as it is".
Leftists' wet dreams. Avoid it.
Also, those:
Never support shitty devs.
It was not just Gearbox's fault.
The devs are incompetent failures that are in the bandwagon of "put one cool aspect in the beginning. Sell based on that and looks. Finish the game with whatever and try to profit."
Any current game that "looks interesting" in the trailers and in the beginning is guaranteed to be shit, with the interesting part being only in the beginning.
This kills the vidya industry.
Doesn't even take elaborated-upon greentext to kill any interest in this game for everyone but Randy Pitchford himself.
That's jewish not cuckolded.
The actual game is what matters not how much the collector's edition costs.
This is meta commentary.
it's pretty cucked
Jesus christ.
This reveals their mentality for the game as well as any gameplay or review could.
So what?
There are already enough games for a whole life.
The industry is shit.
So it is ok if it ends completely.
And we will still have plenty of games for our entire lives.
Who makes the game, what are their ideology, how they sell it and what are the companies policies are what matters.
If any of those are shit, or the developers are leftists and other pieces of shit, the game is not worth buying ever.
Getting for free without compensating them, on the other hand, is always acceptable.
Pirates are scum.
So a visual representation of what people do on their own on a daily basis? No thanks, if I wanted to see that, I'd look outside, visit my relatives or go to Reddit.
Shoo shoo shill
So what's the deep, dark secret of the game? That the citizens ate their own children during the nazi occupation/blockade?
If they don't have the confidence in the game's staying power to include it among the "collectibles", forgive me for thinking that it's going to meet the expectations expressed in that move.
Dropped it instantly. Ok I kept playing for a little bit, it's fucking shit. Every single game that subliminally subverts the red pill meme like this is shit, every single time without fail.
Stay mad, soyboy.
There is nothing that you can do to stop us from getting all games for free and crashing the industry.
Looks totally gay what the fuck are you on about?
The collectors edition doesn't include the game? What the fuck, for what purpose
ruin everything you touch!
The very fact that you subhumans know about this game taints it beyond repair.
The fuck are you talking about, nigger? This shit has been well known since day 1.
Yes, because shitty games are automatically good because they've got a secret club sized following. Take you're meme spacing back to the shit hole you crawled out of.
Just what combination of ignorance and greed is needed for studios to make these blatant deals with the devil
Unrelated, but I've got these.
It's not "cucked" because it doesn't watch it's wife have intercourse with another male. It is however a poiniant take on culture, socioeconomic divides and of course intersectional memetic culture that derives from a more philostonian understanding of mankind but none the less is quite good. I would argue the game captures the political landscape of america quite well, not only for it's ability to use the 'Mask' and pills as both allegory and metaphor as well as literal interpretations and heavy handed showcases for pharma and it's abuse. Most americans are on SRII or some form of antidepressant and the worlds most popular books are self help books.
but because it's not an anime Holla Forums hates it. If it was moe blobs and "waifus" then this would be Holla Forums's favorite but of course because it isn't it's somehow a "SJW-Boogie Man Gaymer Gate Game"
Ah, phil.
It's spelled "poignant" you pseudo-intellectual communist boot-licker.
Why would anyone accept an offer from Gearbox?
Just because I made a typo doesn't mean I'm wrong silly billy
The game is shite m8 truly shite I got drunk one night and bought it, passed out in my chair left it on for 10 hours and couldn't refund it
Thanks user.
Well, they're not too far away from a possible future, I'll give them that.
The fact that you say silly billy does though.
Hold the phone, everyone has a price except the ultra rich and wealthy.
Principles, stances and moral justification, blah blah blah , etc ; Do not pay bills. Only people born into true wealth can honestly preach that a large sum of money cannot sway their opinion or sell their dreams. Because what's sinking 200K in a start up if it's daddy's money or someone else's money?
At that point you can either.
Ignorance and Greed have nothing to do with it.
There is also the pressure of the here and now. A lot of people do not look towards the future when making serious choices. Now if your dream was generating serious buzz, you could possibly hold out - -but then you run the risk of losing out even more. For example : I could talk about Bitcoin in this regard but between the normals and (((someone))) trying to pump and dump it after a decade of flopping between worthless and useless; Let's not even mention how newfags hopped into Bitcoin without even knowing about the repeated bullshit- - I don't feel like getting into what they're doing to it now.
more like we happy jew am I right
What are you, a 40k inquisitor?
I'm late to shit shit someone redpill me on the game. Too lazy to read the thread.
Kill yourself, low effort faggot.
Fuck you reading on mobile is hard.
Spoonfeed yourself you nigger scum.
if you're too lazy to look shit up for yourself especially when it's provided within this thread,then you deserve getting fleeced like the sheep you are
"We Happy Few" is a game about alternate history England where the British Isles were invaded and occupied by Nazi Germany. The occupation resulted in/was ended by an unspeakably atrocious act on part of the English people which has left them emotionally broken; to counteract this everyone has become addicted to a drug called Joy which does exactly what its name implies, literal happy pill that makes the world look better than it is. You play as some guy who stops taking his Joy and is ousted from civilization and now you have to, I don't know, escape England or something.
But it's a shitty survival crafting game so any value of that plot doesn't mean a damn thing, and it's also published by Gearbox and is an overpriced early-access money-wringing piece of garbage.
So it's pretty much real life.
I just thought the devs were really stupid or had a massive disconnect with their sales team.
what the fuck is this cancer
Are you kidding? The thing about wealth, is that you can never get enough. They wouldn't be trying to bribe politicians left and right if this wasn't the case. They're rich, but they want to be kings. Sage for offtopic.
Holla Forums
A libertarian sees nothing wrong with that.
that's a stupid comment, coming from a stupid person.
Regardless of your political ideals as a consumer of a product you have the choice to become a customer.
Under capitalism its fine too but given the game has barely sold since they had the price hike, its being weeded out by natural selection by capitalism.
ikr, Drumpf is literally a nazi, just like the villains of the game. It reminds me of that time in Harry Potter where
I like Trump for the most part but the story isn't about nazis, for the most part
Its if WW2 was one by Germany, Britain had to surrender however they had some condition which was so awful the population takes hallucinogenic, basically Soma from brave new world to forget their guilt.
Its more BnW then Ewul Nazis.
It made a neat setting, had some good aesthetics and I was following it for some time, but it went to shit in many ways making me glad I didn't buy it.
Not an argument. Thank you for proving me correct. A libertarian sees absolutely nothing wrong with public sex, miscegenation, white genocide, or anything else displayed there.
No shit.
No one questioned this. If you were really too stupid to understand I was talking about ONLY the image, what with its superimposition of the seminal libertarian over something libertarianism supports, you need to pay more attention.
Go back wherever you came from.
Where in the world building is this supposed to be the official premise?
A 14 word review of the entire industry in the last decade or so.
Almost as cucked as you for wanting to buy it.
You're angry about nothing kiddo.
Didn't the developer try and justify Gearbox's involvement by saying they were only helping with the distribution?
After having an exclusive reveal during Microsoft's E3 conference, yes.
Thanks for reminding of all publishers it was fucking gearbox.
Its was on Steam, most sales in videogames are on digital now.
It was an excuse to sell their game to them in all but name and then raise the price.
how is gearbox still in business?
Even some of the models were released for SFM.
Fish would have been offended by him if he was still alive.
I think Take2 has something to do with that.
We really need a filter that changes redpilled to pozzed.
That's a very charismatic duck.
Fuck off leftypol
I will not bump this thread
That company was always suspicious because they're bigger than Ubisoft yet they don't have a E3 conference. Not that they'd have anything anyone cares about other than GTA but still.
and the pills are 'coincidentally' red
Sounds like it also has a bit of The Futurological Congress or Faith of Our Fathers in it too then. But it's probably nowhere as good as either of those stories.
Buy games and support the industry you chucklefuck.