Filename thread.
And why did you delete the last one board kike? They're a legitimate part of board culture just as much as Billy was don't think I've forgotten you didn't give him a sticky.
Filename thread
Gachi/MAD threads actually generated quality OCs once in a while instead of reposting the same unfunny, half-assed garbage that was in the last ten threads.
I chuckled
I don't get it
Well "pain" is French for bread, and I don't know where the rest of the joke in it is, honestly.
Tell me I'm wrong.
Half of the fun from these threads were people posting weird shit they found on the internet and asking for a filename, most of these suck.
I'd give it time, it's been way too long.
Because it has been confirmed a festering attraction for redditors.
Exactly the same excuse they used when they admitted it.
3ds Max
It wasn't any better when the threads were weekly, and with NeoFAG and halfchan dumping tons of users between then and now, they probably wouldn't get better anyway.
Who elected you guardian of Board Culture faggot?
Fucking finally.
Yeah no, only a total piece of modernist shit would be upset about any faggot dying.
Could also be
Come again?
God hates fags even fags who are just for pay.
fuck off gay, faggots belong on >>>Holla Forums. traps are the true patrician taste.
Post an image with a funny file name or get out nigger
Funny enough for you moshe?
It's a start, Untermensch.
Is he OK?
Glad to see these threads again.
The Holla Forums filename, .webm and LOL threads have always been the best ones.
The context around that picture peaked my interest.
do you have the source?
asking for a frend
Back to half with you newfag.
wow rude i came over here with most of you fags back then
just give me the source my dude
report and ignore.
if we don't will you die?
It would be extremely painful.
for my dick
i normally don't care about 2d but link getting fucked silly really makes my benis grow
aids and hiv
Though fucking luck faggot. I was about to spoonfeed before you acted like a /r/ faggot.
Next time don't be so much of a fucking retarded newfag.
lmaoing @ you
You should neck yourself as well then.
Stop you niggers and just give me the source fucking dammit
Holy shit that king fleshpound one,good show.
Fugg. tough and though always confuse the fuck out of me.
Black and white crops are impossible to find and sometimes people don't know usually well known mango artists, so I usually don't mind feeding newfriends if I remember the name instantly.
Never feed cancerous faggots though.
Requesting "how to play kinect" with dr zaius
nobody will get this
I get it
I do, but my folder got nuked.
I wonder what happened to him and Quintin, the board is so boring without them
I miss those days. But it was more of a tsundere thing than cute yuri.
Group is gamma_Studio, artist is hirohiko.
Stay mad cuck.
You as well.
coulda fooled me, I thought it was shindoL
It is. The nigger is lying. Don't ruin it
he thinks futa and trap fall into the category off
56% alert.jpg
Got a chuckle out of me.
I thought that pic looked familiar.
You got good taste user
Too bad all that artist's doujins are FUCKING LWND scans
She gets fucked by niggers, user.
Because CURRENT YEAR + 3, its the new hot shit.
Because that is DANCE
What's the problem?
This is bait?
yea my nigga
No. Why should I care what color the dick is if either way it's not going to be mine? Most hentai have Nips and my dick isn't yellow. Besides What if you are a nigger any way? You need some nigger porn to read
But there is literally nothing wrong with what I said. How is watching a girl get dicked by a jap dick any different from watching it get fucked by a nigger dick?
One isn't the color of fecal matter.
Nips aren't subhuman, may as well watch her get fucked by a dog.
Also the color of Chocolate.
I'm usually more concerned with ugly ass shit attached to the dick to make the sex "more degrading". Hairy fatasses and retarded faces in the background or foreground kill my boner.
>He probably doesn't even project onto cute lolis
Because in 99% of cases, animu and mango nips are indistinguishable from whites
Fuck right off mate. Delicious brown girls a cute.
I wouldn't want to see chocolate going into a pussy either,that's disgusting.
Sweets and sex mix very well in 2D land.
Would you by chance be a Jew?
Faggot, I have literally read at least 3 hentai plots where a girl licks the chocolate out of another girls pussy.
That sounds nasty. It would taste terrible.
I wouldn't want vanilla either by that same line of thinking. All food based sex please leave.
Motherfucker i wouldn't touch a 100 dollar bill after it's been in a sexual orifice,my inner germaphobe would go mental.
You have shit taste friendo.
3DPD laws don't apply you dumb nigger.
Hey,if you could bring 2d to 3d,you would
No fuck you I don't want an infection.
Are you saying that you would never touch a vagina?
I had a laff.
Probably not,i'd touch roberts,but not that.
Licking chocolate off of someone's body is one thing, but eating sticky milk products out of a girl's snatch is just disgusting.
A fairly large percentage of hentai that are otherwise completely vanilla have the guy stick his finger and/or tongue in her ass. Does this mean that's all scat fetishism? 2D is not 3D. Get it through your thick skulls that certain realistic aspects are simply not present because reality is shit.
unsage, enjoy your stay, faggot.
If you stick your dick in fudge it's going to give you an infection. Even if the 2D universe somehow explains that way it's still going to translate to what is seen as common sense.
Reported, then.
>paying attention to the burning shitpile that is reality during masturbation to fictional escapism porn
Reminder that /leftpol/ is trying to attack key elements of Holla Forums's board culture to eventually co-opt us. Don't respond, report and filter. Polite sage for being off-topic.
2D analingus removes the only real problem with doing such a thing unless what you're reading doesn't see it as a problem, while 2D vagina food involves getting a sticky pussy, having milk products go bad in the pussy and the food mixing with pussy juice which is disgusting no matter how you look at it. No amount of idealism outside of eating food from android/robo vag is going to make doing such a thing appealing.
Good luck escaping a concept that's rooted into your brain to be unhealthy and fucking retarded. If you want to pretend having sex in chocolate fudge isn't possibly one of the most disgusting things you can do (even in a pristine drawing) then be my guest.
So is analingus, but it's pretty fucking common for the male or female in hentai. Same thing often happens with insertion without lubrication. You fucking know that's going to give you dickburn and not actually be pleasurable for a real woman, but 2D is ideal.
Some post the android girlfriend/waifu who removes her manko unit for cleaning after sex and turns the sensors off, but then her owner decides he's going to force her sensors to always be on so that she essentially has to masturbate after every time they do it.
And so is gore. Doesn't make it less shit taste.
I don't even need to have sex to know that you don't know how sex works.
Reminder that this is a 4chan-tier thread and we have never had them here. Global report.
No, it's not even comparable in quanity, let alone something that is common in what's considered by most to be vanilla. Why are you lying? Analingus and gloveless anal fingering are common as fuck though. I never look for them and run into them all the time. I only run into gore when not looking for it on rare occasion.
But it is just as shit in taste. Why are you appealing to majority here? It's a garbage fetish, get over it.
Hello newfag.
Wew lad. I bet you think puffy 2D manko means that drawing has hepatitis too, don't you?
Once again thanks for not having any understanding of the female anatomy. Cool fact, the best artists draw from real life. Not the retarded shit you seem to look up.
Would a hotpocket please clean this thread up?
shut up faggot
Filename threads are one of the best sources of OC we've got if mods would just protect them from derails they'd be fine. However currently people will try and kill threads they don't like by shitposting it to death and reporting it hoping a weak-willed or lazy mod will fall for it. Board quality is important.
I'm not saying any more to avoid a further derail.
Need a name
It's the same fucking files from 3~4 years ago, why is this thread still alive?
They all got turned into magical girls.None of them have realised it yet.
Great to see mods doing their jobs for a change.
Oh wait…
For the love of god.
Hasn't Sunibee gone full scatfag recently?
Shut up faggot
Nothing of value was lost.
Based on those personal drawings one of his 'friends' leaked; he's been a scatfag for years, he's just been closeted about it.
I think he stopped giving a fuck which is why he's doing fart fetish commissions now.
Oh man, fuck minus8. I'm sick of seeing his shitty flash animations on every booru that accepts videos or .swf files.
He made literally one good animation and even at that it was a recreation of something somebody else did.
There's literally nothing wrong with Shadman.
Fucking this. I'm sick of that same fucking webm being posted on the webm threads like there's anything peculiar about it. It's garbage just to look at.
Hi Shadman.
Why diives, though? Is it the gijinka stuff?
Not him but i hate him for his paywalling.
I know about yiff,that doesn't excuse the practice.
The tv shows was ahead of its time. His attacks actually look like OoT's animations despite being made years ago, did the japs actually use this show as a reference?
Wow. I've never watched more than ten seconds of this show at a time. This is Ruby Spears Mega Man-tier.
Just call it pokéfag bugchasing.
Damn it, filename threads don't happen often enough. My folder is lacking.
Does it """""""steal""""""""" from non-furry patreons?
There's nothing to hate from minus8, his stuff was pretty decent and had no awful fetishes. Only reason that can come up is his personal opinions and popularity, which who gives a fuck.
I just said I don't like his shitty animations.
I know nothing about the guy himself and honestly I don't give a fuck, I hate his art.
His stuff is garbage for porn and barely passable as an animation style.
okay, maybe list some porn animators you like
I don't really watch animated porn, I play eroge and look at still images.
Best ones are made by multiple people. Though any that do anatomy well and defined are good.
Yes, it does. Anyone who has a patreon account and has paid for some pixels can upload them to the site regardless of the content.
not really, no. just some here and there with some gas. Pic number 2 is the most recent thing he's done
You just gave a very dumb man a lot of stuff to fap to
I'm somehow not shocked but kinda surprised I didn't hear about this until now.
Anytime you see somebody draw those big puffy assholes there's a 90% chance they're into massive logs of shit coming out of them as well.
Shit. I've got a whole bunch of Pokemon ones.
That pony ass is a few years old, the poke chick image was done last week. Yes there is some scat and some gas, but not that much.
Once again Holla Forums just shits up a thread they don't like and mods punish the thread instead of banning them.
I removed the bumplock, report leftypol stuff you see I guess.
Thanks lad, and yeh I'll report it all.
Don't know why that one is there twice.
I saw your reports. Looks like you just report stuff you don't like. I don't like those posts either, but if I followed that standard I'd end up deleting half the board.
You probably know better anyways since you can see post histories. With the raid I've been seeing D&C shills everywhere and I guess maybe I'm too paranoid. Keep up the good work.
bethesda games
but why would it stop being relevant?
you know that leddit goes here too, don't you user?
This is a good suggestion.
Happens every time.
When a fox breaks into a coop, it kills every single chicken inside. Unlike other predators that stop killing once their hunger is satisfied, these dumb shits have no concept of taking what's necessary, and being solitary animals they don't even have anyone to give excess food to. Like volves, foxes are canine, they were made much cuter, but as far as intelligence goes they got the short end of the stick.
Most of these posts were total ass, close to 9gag tier of wit.
To even make the thread in the first place decimates most of the jokes.
alright, last one was pretty good
I'm not seeing it
Thank you for your cervix dude.
why did you take his neck?
I don't understand this.
What is her face conveying? Sadness that they fuck? Happiness? How are we equal to these monkeys?
there is a normalfag meme of doing the index finger and thumb in a circle (what used to be the "okay" gesture) being upside down meaning asshole in sign language, supposedly. Normalfags, being normalfags, use this instead as "this represents the hole I want penis in and I'm so totally lewd xdxdxdxd"
fucking clever
She's getting cucked.
Also nothing is equal to anything else outside of abstract mathematics. It's hierarchies all the way down.
There's non-abstract math?
You said it yourself. (((markstein))) is a kike; being a disruptive, psychotic shitbag is in his nature. This is why letting a heeb run your biggest board is, was, and will always continue to be a HUGE FUCKING MISTAKE.
Oy vey this is harassement.
From what I was told, it's a prank from South Africa where you make a ring with your finger and hold it below your waist, and if you get someone to look at it, you punch them.
I wanna marry a nice scaly boy
Who doesn't?
Don't bother. It's itameshi, has a 100% chance of being gay. Also the way he draws dicks is shit.
Good one
well what's a straightboi doing caring about dicks anyway
who the fuck is manly tears?i don’t follow eceleb shit
You're so new it hurts.
I was hoping for a good filename thread after so long but I guess that's too much to ask after so many rapefugee invasions
Cut him some slack, it's not like Manly Tears has been posting or relevant for like 5 years.
He was just some dumb tripfag who talked big, but made the mistake of giving pre-exodus halfchan a full-body picture of him, from which they deduced he was a manlet. He did not like having his stature made fun of, which of course encouraged them to do it more.
Don't do this.
I'd agree with you if googling Manly Tears got you any information on the tripfag, but it doesn't, it gets you TVTrope garbage.
They're a shitty halfchan meme, I have no idea why anyone would use them.
Literal leddit thread
Needs name