HAPPENING: The Linux-powered games console Ataribox has become the Atari VCS


Have the 4 horsemen of videogames united to finally give us that crash we've been waiting on, to finally end vidya-kind once and for all, or will this just simmer into obscurity like before? I'm excited, not for the games, no, that's unrealistic, but for the real world consequences to see how HARD they'll crash and burn.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I hope that d-pad isn't touch based, if it is, this is going to be DOA harder than the steam controller was.

It looks too raised to be a touch pad, plus I don't see why a touch pad would be concave and have those little bumps in the cardinal directions. My guess it's either going to be a clone of the Genesis d-pad, or it's going to be some awful mushy piece of shit d-pad.

If the controller has a Saturn like dpad, I'll get it. It's comfy.

Attached: sega_saturn_pad_1.jpg (600x511, 67.22K)

Dead on arrival.

Saturn was my shit

What's wrong with Linux, the lack of support?

Replace the shitty meme controller with a trackball and it might've actually been worth it. What a shame.

steambox/ouya 2.0

b-b-but it's a revolution, goy!

I doubt anything will happen if they crash and burn.

Think about it, how long has Atari been out of the game, so to speak? Sure, they've published a thing here and there, but when was the last time they developed or published something that was ACTUALLY worthwhile?

Been quite a long fucking time, and I don't think people are going to take this new console any more seriously than any of the shit games they've published.

I'm hyped!

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the legendary phantom is finally here

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wow it's a plastic box with the atari logo and no fucking games to play with! im pre ordering this right now HYPE!!

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Inferior support and shitty UI. It's the hipster OS for people with all day to set these things up and then hours to spend trying to hunt down dependencies.

It's not even funny anymore tbh

I wonder what the price will be. I wonder how good it will be at emulation. I wonder if they're going to consider trying to make this thing competitive on the console market or if it will serve a different role in the marketplace.





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Is that Terreria on the screen?

Yes. It looks like the console version, too.

Where the fuck did Atari get enough money to make a new console? Why would anyone buy this?

Cool, but this looks like a scam. I guess we're gonna get articles saying "Atari goes bankrupt again after refunds/getting sued".

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Me too
If we're let down by this, at least we now know we still have a sliver of hope inside us, enough to get a bit excited for whatever potentially good comes our way
I just want that excitement and competition again mang, I wanna see companies pull of magic tricks and try their hardest to win over their audience.
It breeds quality when consequences are actually at stake.

I'm intrigued.

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Android is derived from Linux, dead on arrival… oh wait.

Could be a scam. I think there was a scam of Atari console before or I could be confusing it with a different one. I remember the Collecovision one but not sure of an Atari one.

Linux has no UI; it's a kernel. You might be thinking of Gnome, KDE, OpenBox, XFCE, or something of the sort.

$ sudo apt-get install program# or$ sudo yum install program# or$ sudo emerge program

Really fucking hard to "hunt down" dependencies.
If you're building from scratch, you need the dependencies regardless of what OS you're using. You can't compile a program without having the libraries and programs that it depends upon.

Why is everything on that controller so cramped into the middle of it? It's like they took a 360 controller and squished it.


Attached: sad.png (256x256, 2.98K)

Linux has no UI. You could probably just install Steam and suddenly the UI issue has been solved.

It's using debian and it's connected to steam, it's fucking nothing.
It only has terraria because terraria has a linux version.

"I have no idea what i'm talking about" - the post.

There is mention of it using an AMD APU. If it has a 2200g or 2400g, then it may be worthwhile to pick up.

Attached: AMD_Radeon_graphics_logo.png (1213x1024, 119.41K)

But what games does it play?

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Look fro yourself store.steampowered.com/linux

Hang yourself from the nearest tree. The Saturn pad will outlive you anyway.

So it's a Steam machine?
I don't see the purpose for this.

so nothing that I can't already play on my pc?

I think you need to re-read his post

That's exactly how they advertised it.
It's for le retro crowd

Are going to have to get audio right before I touch any Unix-based system again.

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On second thought, it is likely using a 2500U. Companies like sticking mobile chips into products like this.

Uninstall pulse, problem solved.


pulseaudio is literally the only thing wrong with linux audio.

It's going to be a true to life holocaust soon if you faggots don't get it together soon. The doomsday clock is a piss in the wind.

If it has no games, should we call it the Atari VHS instead?

You may be fooling some, not me.

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install gentoo

I've been dealing with this shit, trying to push shit since 1999. I am going to rope you all up and record your last sounds.


pay no attention to the crazy

You mean the part when you have freedom of choice in desktop environments, and you can have a consistent visual theme across all your windows instead of the clusterfuck on Windows.

Pay no attention to the uninitiated. Get the fuck back wherever you came from, queer.

Lmfao. These complaints make zero fucking sense in the context of a Linux-based ATARI. They don't make much sense in general, but they are absolutely irrelevant to the ATARI which will have its own support line and custom UI.

I get it. You suck at Linux and like any good idiot blamed the tools and not your small brain.

PS: Linux distributions have a shitton of possible UIs and UI customization. Describing Linux has "having a UI" is pretty fucking off considering how the base is just a text terminal and the UIs are all shit you install on top, which vary depending on your linux distribution and configuration. You basically have zero fucking understanding of the OS.

Do you read worse than you hear? I know that's an issue with some ESL. I've been compiling my own since your mother barely had a clit up. I am so
of these Holla Forums LARP fucks.

Linux isn't Unix based.

So it's Ouya 2.0

There are linux distributions designed specifically for sound engineering and use with DAWs like Ardour if you're too stupid to compile a realtime kernel or get ALSA/JACK running properly.

Issues with sound has generally been dealt with years ago, the only problem now is with the most recent HDMI copy protection schemes on newer graphic cards to thanks to slow driver development and lack of interest. You can use a cheap USB audio out device if that's the case.

Now that's shitposting. My favorite finn, likely. Still, stop pretending to be retarded.

I didn't fucking ask for distributions.
I've been rolling my own drivers before you had cunt hairs.

You can't stop freedom.

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He's right though, linux is just the kernel and it is more closer to posix than it is unix.

At best I have to roll around with a fucking cinderblock of replicated hardware and my own brew.
And, I'm only talking about audio right now.

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apple fanbois would like to have a word with you

Yeah, I'm glad you can still smugpost. This changes nothing. Shit is
I have to do this professionally and the sanctimonious hole Holla Forums thinks it is, wouldn't exist without ghosts that don't even frequent IRC anymore.

Even Mac OSX has more users than GNU though.

Oh boy, can't wait to have a dedicated tux cart machine.

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Linux is for poorfags and programmers. Hardly a hipster demographic.

could be worst

At least it isn't console wars

No, it was not. Because you are not here to get assravated. You don't fit on Holla Forums you don't fit on Holla Forums you don't fit on Holla Forums and you are disgusting. I don't care what Mark says.



Ouya-tan's rich sister? I actually bought the ouya.

Most poorfags pirate windows anyways, linux is only for autists and spergs

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Quite a thing, instead of kicking the log over. Isn't it?

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Wait, didn't Valve actually try to make this? Is this some back room deal where the Steam Machine failed and they brought Atari in to try and salvage it?

Same here, and it's the best job i ever had.

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Who gives a shit? It doesn't even have any games.

I bet if will be full of telemetry and record every word you say to be sold off to the highest bidder. Who needs games when you can be the proud owner of the first ever linux spy box.

>pirating (((windows)))
is that still a thing?

Year of the Linux Desktop 2019!
I've tried your 'free' OS and it's crap. Sure you can make it work if you spend days and days of your free time and obsessively read tutorials but it's really not necessary. Linux is only used by college students with too much free time and overpaid sysadmins who sit on the ass all day anyway.

Well fair enough it's even worse.


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They'd be foolish to build up hype like this without an endgame.

It's ok user, you could've just told us you were retarded, we are understanding people.

Hi Microsoft. What's it like knowing nobody gives a shit about the Windows store and most people are using older versions of your OS that are likely pirated anyway?

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I hope no big console company ever learns about console-tans, it's such a powerful marketing tool. I'm positively sure most anons have thought about buying an Ouya because of Ouya-tan's suffering.
I hope no one actually bought it

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Windows 10 has more market share than OSX and GNU combined m8

Why do you people keep enjoing these re-releases? I originally thought "Oh cool, so nostaliga is back and they're remaking things for that niche." Then I discovered with the SNES re-release that these things have a ROM chip filled with preset games and no catrrdge/cd ports. That, to me, sounds like redditors are spending hundreds of dollars on officially-branded emulators because "Oh, so cool!"

As a person that doesn't really play video games, please explain this to me. It feels like a soyboy/nu-male phenomenon/fad like Transhumanism or Starbucks

You fags shit up threads worse than the goddamn nintendrones.

I found one in a dumpster once.

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I think Japan does do that.

I didn't start shit, I expressed my opinion on the subject of the thread and got dogpiled by linux autists. Funny how you all show up right as Holla Forums starts raiding Holla Forums too.


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Make it (7) faggot

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I'm allowed to have opinions that go against the norm though frankly open source babbies are just a vocal minority on an imageboard it's why they're a thing. I've given my opinion and I've explained why I really don't know what else you want.

Sometimes you want your vidya to just work. Obviously you use 7 and not 10.

What did he mean by this?
tbh I can get why most non-autists don't like it–part of the reason linuxfags like using linux is the extent to which you can toy around with things, which can be boring if you're not autistic enough for it

You're asking the wrong people user.

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It's okay when nips do it

My friend totally fell for it was some type of elite backer we actually drove off from Texas all the way to California for the backers party. It was pretty sweet there's tons of free food and all this shit and then I finally played the console and I just thought it was okay and I guess they were bankrupt like a year later? They had to drop 50k on th the party

Who's this slut?

It's not a matter of boredom or autism it's a matter of not having the time in the day to deal with it. I found it interesting enough but it's a historical curiosity to me and nothing more.

What fresh hell is this?

lurk moar


Armitage III

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So you are all against these nostalgic re-releases?

Thanks nig

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How exactly will this contribute to a crash? Normalfags aren't gonna even know what this is.


That's too good for her.

How is this any different from the Plug-and-Play Atari game from 2010 that cost $20 from a Walmart?

what a rough life

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I'd fuck gamesphere-tan.

Marketing, and possibly a few new games.

Yes those numbers are totally legitimate and organic. A true testament to the worth of Windows 10.

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So I was right then. You people are all idiots buying these shiny $150 "Hyperfantastic Limited-Edition 200% Shiny" rereleases that are nothing more than officially-branded emulators.

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You're one of those instant gratification idiots who hates manuals, aincha? I mean, there are plenty of manuals breaking it down and explaining exactly how to do what you want for pretty much everything, but I'm guessing you opted out of the difficulty of reading manuals and learning how to do stuff, and instead opted for the much easier solution of banging your head against walls, trying weird forum advice from random idiots on the internet, improvising aimlessly in the hopes of somehow making shit work, fucking up horribly, and deciding you hate Linux because it's too hard.

Next time, try using your head. Linux is only hard if you decide to take a stand against learning how to do shit.

That's not an accomplishment considering how MS tried to install Windows 10 on every Windows machine like a goddamn virus. People would just reboot to discover they have Windows 10 one day, without ever wanting it. People would try to opt out multiple times and still get Windows 10 on their PC.


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Literally only normalfags let their OS' upgrade to the latest version. And normalfags want the latest shit anyways so the forced-install shit can't take credit for Win10s growth. Especially since it's not even free anymore unless you have new hardware as of 2016


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Please do.
What kind?

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I've got nothing against manuals but it's still an obsolete and almost deliberately obtuse system. I've tried complaining about various open source projects before and the only answer I get - if I get one at all - is some hipster developer telling me 'his vision' doesn't include a workable UI and that if I don't like it I might as well fork it. Maybe you've never had to work in an office with the technically illiterate or god forbid have employees like that but try teaching each one of them how to use poorly documented software that sometimes has massive changes to functionality on the whims of some developer whose paycheck isn't tied to how good his software is and you'll change your tone. We don't all have the free time to mess with this stuff.

Is it the Ouya all over again?

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What distro and DE did you use user?

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didn't mean to spoiler fug

Then I'm ready for the ride.

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After bouncing off of Arch hard I tried Gentoo, OpenSUSE and obviously then after searching for one that wasn't unusable without a degree in this shit Ubuntu. I've heard maybe Mint fixed my usability complaints but I've been burnt before so I doubt it's worth my time to even look at.

Atari has been stealing people's information and selling it since like 2005

Yeah, then linux isn't for you m8.

Attached: shrugging wojak.png (554x439, 111.01K)

Fair enough.

Virtual Console System?

Ginger faggot, that you?

Video Computer System. I's a reference to the original name of the Atari 2600. The more you know…

Nigga don't be stupid.
If you don't like to set up things then just install your favorite newbie friendly linux flavor and call it a day.

I used a live usb for preview and graphical installer. It just worked right after. You're either flat out dishonest, or you got memed into installing gentoo or Arch.

People would benefit from a Fedora install/launcher that'd automatically add the non-free repos.
Angryanon's got a point that it's a pain to get some things up and going if you start from a regular distro.
It works, but you gotta hunt down the OS driver and hope it's got a friendly install.
Same as above, plus getting a scanning program that's not shit.
Gotta add the non-free repos, get Aids-dobe Flash, get a DRM capable browser like firefox, enable the non-free options in Firefox, and enable DRM content in firefox.
Fedora's actually pretty good at this, not sure other distros

etc. etc. etc.
If you work a soul-crushing job for 12 hours and you've stuck to the user experience of windows for years, Linux looks like a waste of time time you don't have

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what sets it apart from steamboxes?

Brand name, marketing hype, and a guaranteed market of ironic hipsters who'll play it for 2 hours so they can post how retro they feel in facebook.
It might be better than that, but we'll see.

Time money can't buy back…

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What's the point of switching to Linux for these people if they have no consideration for what the OS is about? How about they stick to Windows or use their iPads if they want to watch Netflix. It's thanks to people like them that Encrypted Media Extensions in HTML5 is part of the internet after Flash finally died out.

Hell it would probably be easier to run a Windows 10 VM in Linux to run DRM ladden proprietary software than trying to get it to run natively.

Printers and scanners yeah it's still a pain thanks to the user/groups system that doesn't allow it to be installed in a few clicks. If it's a newer wireless printer or made in the last 5 years it should work automatically though. Otherwise this site explains how to do it


We have always been at war with getting raided by Holla Forums. Was there supposed to be a point there faggot or just another laughable attempt at saving face?

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Do people run linux distros without UIS? are there people that mad?

Will they ever learn?

He said that right here

Fedora is a very bad example for an idiot-friendly distro, given how anal they are about free repos; Debian too. Ubuntu is shit, but for an idiot who wants shit to just work, it makes sure that pretty much everything just works.

You're also wrong about Netflix; It doesn't use Flash in any way now. It works out of the box on Firefox, Chromium, or Chrome.

No he's right about that even if he's a mouth-breathing retard when it comes to FOSS. >>>Holla Forums40411

>>>/leftpol/40411 I keep forgetting they had a split

I run with a WM, but not a full DE. I prefer the terminal for most tasks, because it makes batch processing far easier. If I have a directory of randomly-named jpgs and I want to rename them based on their timestamps, it's far easier to do for file in *.jpg; do mv $file $(date -d @$(stat -c %Y $file) +%F).jpg; done than it is to do all that shit manually, and you're basically only limited by your ability to write quick one-line scripts, unlike GUI file managers. I use GUI programs for obvious things like web browsing, but file management with a drag-and-drop interface is slow and painful as fuck.

Note that I am also a professional Unix administrator and a programmer who targets Unix and Linux systems, so I'm not a typical user. I spend hours a day at work ssh'd into machines that don't have display servers, and X11 through ssh is more of a pain in the ass than it's worth; it's so much easier to just learn to use the command line right.
That said, using a command line isn't hard. With a little bit of effort, it takes only a couple hours of exploration and practice to get used to even for a non-programmer, and you never have to take advantage of advanced scripting. Back in the day, it was the only interface, and even idiot users got by with it. Just because you aren't used to it now doesn't mean that it's hard, it just means that you aren't used to it.


Blade Runner called it.

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What distro is that on the left?


Any good?

Depends what you want. Not as a desktop distro unless you want to put in a lot of legwork. It has nonfree repos, but by default it's free software only, and switching to enable nonfree means also manually installing all the nonfree drivers and other software you need after initial setup, so it involves two phases. It is also rock-solid and incredibly stable, and as with most very stable distros, the repos work on a freeze cycle, so you won't be getting very recent updates unless you use a decent amount of third-party repos.

As with most distros, once you get it set up, it's smoother. Debian, like Fedora, is more pain to set up, but more stable and easier to use with less background shit once you get it running. It's a very good server distro, though, and a dream to get set up for production server use. I would not recommend it to a beginner as anything but a learning exercise; it's fine for desktop use for somebody who's seasoned, but if you're that seasoned, you're already familiar with Debian and its strengths and shortcomings. It's not as rough to get into as something like Slackware, Suse (though I've heard it's easier), or Gentoo.

Forgot to mention. It's the parent of the other deb-based distros. Ubuntu, Mint, and SteamOS are forks from Debian. This doesn't mean a whole lot on its own, but it does mean that if you need configuration help or anything, most of what is applicable to Debian is applicable to those others as well (Ubuntu has deviated rather far, though).

That's because they're playing it on a 360 that's hidden behind the shelf, and the Ataribox is just a prop.

If you use Debian on a desktop you need to switch to unstable repos, it should be still more solid than most rolling distros, but you also get all the updates you want.
I say is a very good candidate to go after using Ubuntu or Mint for some time when you want to get rid of all the bullshit.

You'd like her. She's a killer slut droid who the feminists are trying to kill because her designers made her capable of giving birth to human children so that Mars could have an independent population what wasn't reliant on migrants from Earth.

It's pretty much the anti-Current Year.

Attached: That looks ballin but uncomfortable as fuck.png (500x375, 269.23K)

Absolutely, I just wouldn't recommend it to somebody who's not familiar with the structure and administration of Linux or at least another Unix/Unixlike OS.

Attached: soynix.png (1264x756, 70.75K)

Sorry, Nintendo and Apple already claimed the soy crown. Nice try though. Make a new meme with a neckbeard pepe wearing a 90's shirt or something

They could have still used the fucking ATARI CONTROLLER with the mockup to make it look genuine, it's a fucking picture, not a video, they could have just played pretend regardless but the dumbfucks have to mess that up to.

Debian is best described as slightly fossilated Ubuntu.

Isn't the idea behind "soyboy" being description of the ultimate normalfag retard archetype? Isn't Windows would be the soy OS by that description?

Atari always sucked. C64 had way better games and it could do shit other than games.

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No shit retard, Commodore 64 is a computer.

It's actually more of the trendy beta of betas in the "dank" meme crowd. You know those people, who always talk about their 'childhood' but give less of a shit about it and only do it for status. That meme makes fun of those people, the consumer whores who flaunt too much.

There's some soy-chugging Linux developers but Soyboys are usually either Macfags or trying to make everything into an Apple product.

Then that would be Mac. Linux is anything but trendy beta OS or ironic use OS. If you're not into Linux you wouldn't stomach using it for more than a week, it's not for people that can't really commit to it. It's not bad, just very different. If you can't give a shit to re-learn half the shit you learned about using computers, then Linux won't stay on your hard drive very long.

Wouldn't they be Android as well?

Pretty much, I agree strongly with your input.

You'd be surprised at how well normalfags and computer illiterates can handle shit like Linux Mint and other Ubuntu spins.

As I said, Linux isn't hard. But if you already have over a decade of Windows experience, working with Linux will feel like struggle against your habits at all times.

I do a bit of sysadmin work and I can say that Linux is the better OS, I just wish it had more vidya support. Any time I want to do something on a Windows machine it's slow and the software is garbage, I work like a wizard on a Linux machine in comparison (I'm not even good).

And never forget that Atari made a campaign in favor of faggots.
Don't give money to Atari.

I ain't reading
That shit, nigga

That article doesn't even show anything of it in action. They obviously aren't that confident in it.

Pulse is pretty necessary with multiple sound cards (I have a USB sound card attached to my laptop most of the time) or with HDMI since ALSA doesn't have any dynamic output redirection.

That's only true if you're using the programs belonging to a certain UI toolkit. Not for example when you have GIMP and Krita on the same system. Or hell, GTK+ 2 and 3.

It literally holds up the sky given its presence on many things you use day-to-day.

They do in fact have official OS-tans for some of the Windows platforms used in their advertising over there. Aside from the fictional Neptunia series, and all the fan OS-tans.

Attached: Daily life with OUYA.jpg (960x544, 124.14K)

You can set your default soundcard in the cfg files. There is also UI thingy for alsa that can do it

Learn some history.

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I have to use pavucontrol but any changes take effect immediately. With ALSA I remember needing to close programs and reopen them if I wanted to move between headphones and HDMI, and had some command to run. It was messy. In any case Pulse makes the task easy. The audio routing stuff is also useful for gqrx->fldigi.

Waiting for the windows, android and mac ones of these.

The dream is coming alive, guys. I have seen things you wouldn't believe… sorry for sounding like Blade Runner, but I mean it. Just two years ago, I pre-ordered 500 raffle tickets from Atari to win a subscription to a mailing list, and Atari directly contacted me because they felt I shared their vision, and boy I do! I have exclusive news for you: This new Atari machine will be more POWERFUL than Genesis and Super Nintendo combined! I know it's hard to believe, but you will see.

–Kensuke Sekuhara, co-leader of the department of pre-ordering at Atari Gunkanjima

This reminds me of the NeoGeo X. Does anyone remember that? Of course not. It was a shitty Chinese scam from a bankrupt and defeated company. They fell apart, played games in the wrong resolution, had shitty fan made emulators installed on it, it was a giant mess and was way overpriced.

Sounds like this will be Atari's version of that.

I wanna write a story about an indie dev with no money who lives with his parents and needs something to develop on and finds an Ouya-tan in the trash and decides to use her to develop games.

Pic unrelated.

Attached: 48020266_p0.png (565x700, 227.79K)

A doujin?

MacOS too.

I've always wanted to play Atari Terraria.

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If I showed the last pic to my dad he would think the "atari" is a router and say something along the lines of "that guy is a bigger fag than your italian cousin".

I like your dad already.

I'd only be interested if they were arcade ports or Atari 7800 games. Because Atari 2600 and 5200 were complete dog shit.

At least the 7800 had actual graphics and sound. 2800 was just a bunch of stupid indiscernible colored blocks going ==BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTBLEEEEEEEEEEEP==

And many of the ports and exclusives on the 7800 were actually really good.

Does this console have console?

All the soyboy Linux users I see are using Ubuntu or some other normalfag distro.

Modern Atari is pozed as fuck.
Nothing good will come out of this.

Try Mageia Linux. It's more user-friendly and stable without going full retard.

Arch and Gentoo are both distributions geared towards advanced power users. OpenSUSE is for sysadmins and software developers. Ubuntu is supposed to be newbie-friendly, but I've gotten mixed reviews on it. The impression I got of Ubuntu is that it has the overly simplistic user-friendly way (which is supposed to handle everything) and the hard way, so when shit fucks up you're suddenly dropped into the hard way but if it doesn't then life is good.

What's wrong user? You failed at installing Ubuntu and now you hate Linux because it was too hard for you? lmao smh tbh fam

Maybe they'll release it with the new Tempest 4000, which would be rather ironic since Tempest 2000 was one of the few worthwhile games of the Atari Jaguar.

Getting the same look across Qt and GTK+ 2/3 applications is just using the same UI theme for all of them, and GTK post-2 is cancer anyways.

I hope it flops so hard it finally buries Atari, so someone else can get their IP's and do them justice for once.

They don't call him "Cux the Penguin" for no reason!

Yeah i've heard good things about mint being similar enough to windows it wont be a cunt to adjust to,it's in my mind if i finally make the switch.

Well, functionally it's still a debian derivative, but one thing Mint does well is the instruction manual PDF they offer. It quickly tours you through basic operations and teaches you the most useful thing in the X windowing system: The mouse copy buffer.
Pretty much any ubuntu package or tutorial will work 100% in Mint so that's a plus. Also, you get the proprietary media support packages right off the bat (you can toggle them off in the installer should you wish to, however)

It's not a theming thing. GTK+ and Qt both feel and behave differently, and their major revisions feel different from each other.

100%. I think the only GTK+3 programs I have are network-manager where it doesn't show so badly, and Evince for when xpdf doesn't suffice (X programs are their own source of ugly but I haven't come across alternatives).

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>Gearbox gets the rights to Blood
>Caleb is now a trans positive meme machine
Be careful what you wish for user.

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something something force something something balance

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This has no chance of succeeding. It will crash and burn like everything else Atari related in the past 20 years.

nigger if you think I'm gonna click that

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A real human bean.

I was more talking about how a shitfest of a company gets out of the industry and another one rises up to replace it

Have you used Manjaro or MX linux at all? Any comparisons?

Oh man, that "Pissing on the Ouya" video has a whole new angle now…

Manjaro is pretty user-friendly. I put it on my father's laptop and he's happy with it.

second this

Why is it that all the user-friendly distros have a vomit inducing default DE setup? The standard one for Manjaro is fucking awful, I do use it but scraped all that shit out thoroughly. It makes it look like some fucking Fisher Price OS.

I thought this was going to be like a NES mini, but with Atari games.
But then I saw that controller, and now I have no idea what to think.

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Good to know, I've been eyeing it for a while.
Almost done with with my new setup, where it'll be easy to break test as many distros as I need to sort my shit out, as everything including windows will finally just be VM's with a video card passthrough.

I'm more concerned with decent organization with some configuration hand holding than looks right now, as later on I'll probably do what you did. I'm curious to see your setup though.

I want to take Ouya-tan home, cum on her face to mark her as my property, make her some sunny side ups as she takes a shower, proceed to take her bareback any way i want and take responsibility afterwards.

Definitely not possible on the hardware lol.
Plus, that picture looks more like a C64 game.

Attached: fast_eddie.png (640x396, 2.04K)

Ah, you wanted to use the Arch wiki's GPU passthrough guide, but without having to manually set up the OS? It'll probably work out as long as your hardware's compatible, although it can be trouble getting it working. With my computer's firmware, I have to fiddle with it every time it boots up to get it to treat the onboard graphics card as the main card. (Boot up, go into UEFI menu, turn on multi-monitor mode, save settings and reboot, get to bootloader menu, Ctrl-Alt-Del, Intel card finally treated as main monitor.)

How dumb are you? You seem easily led and proudly ignorant.


Attached: thighs.png (762x603, 196.76K)

Google home already exists.

Why hasn't she whored herself out yet?

You are an idiot and deserve everything you got.

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I wonder if any anons will buy an ouya after reading this comic.

Where are the headpats? You stupid fucks have only job and you always manage to fuck it up.

She really does belong in the trash though

Attached: ouya sucky sucky 30 dollah.png (1465x1332, 613.91K)

I rike it

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Show your Furaffinity tabs, fag

I want to fuck shitpost-tan.

Attached: I'M FUCKING SERIOUS NOW.mp4 (640x360, 6.02M)

A game ahead of its time. This is Generation Niggest's chance to give this kosher masterpiece the respect it deserves.

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Someone licensed out the coleco name to make something called the "Coleco Chameleon", that promptly got cancelled when the licensor started banging on their doors asking to see a real working prototype because they kept showing off a Super Nintendo/video capture card in an Atari Jaguar shell.

The Ouya is an exception to the rule.

Manjaro changes it up quite a lot with every release. I think it's the least awful one but it's been awhile since I used that.

Is there a single reason to buy this shit while having reliable PC for gaming?

Attached: curious operator.png (372x340, 132.26K)

Exclusives. That's the only reason Nintendo succeeded, and that's going to be the only way for Atari to succeed as well.

Nintendo also has portability now, so that's two reasons. I do think that the Switch was very smart to emphasize the portability aspect, since other than exclusives that's basically the only thing that their console has over a good PC.

It does also have 60fps games oddly enough, which is another point in it's favor that the Steambox 2:electric boogaloo isn't likely to have.

There isn't a single reason to buy it, period.

Atari doesn't make games anymore so it won't have exlusives.

Manjaro is basically Arch Linux, except user-friendly. It's usually fairly popular, but given Arch's love of all things bleeding edge, even if you try to run Manjaro using the stable releases from the Manjaro repository, it still isn't exactly the most stable distro around. Usually works rather well from what I heard though, and it's newbie-friendly alright. As for MX Linux, from what I can tell it can be somewhat roughly described as a systemd-free Linux Mint that uses the debian repository over the ubuntu repository and focuses on running light-weight and being user-friendly. I'd probably recommend it over Linux Mint. Debian generally has the benefit of having a massive software repository.

That said personally I tend to use Slackware Linux. First distro and favorite distro, but for a first install, it is more generally recommended for people who are technically inclined or appreciated MS-DOS back in the day. The learning curve on Slackware is exaggerated though. It's fairly user-friendly, but in the old-fashioned Linux command-line way. It is also true that learning on Slackware will teach you the Linux skills that will carry you on every distribution, while other distributions will only teach you how to use that specific Linux distribution. If you're motivated to actually learn how to use Linux itself, Slackware is probably the best distribution to start on.

Throw that abomination out. We don't collect feces.

This is some nigger-tier posting right here

I actually bought an OUYA back in the day
and I got rid of it as soon as I could
To this day I don't know how I was hyped for that thing

Ignore the microcucks.

That's more the fault of the fundamentalists who recommend them every chance they get.

C64 was a computer and the Atari line were primarily game systems. Of course the C64 was going to be more powerful.

This is the OUYA all over again.



Attached: avgn atari.jpg (480x360, 30.25K)


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Except Kirby.

ffs, the release date gets announced and you make this thread? There are no specs and no titles; they've been jerking people around with this piece of shit for a while now!
if it is sold under cost for the hardware and can run user installed linux I will buy one

Nothing exclusive to this vcs machine?

Attached: atari.jpg (928x1159, 202.05K)

You are a real piece of work, aren't you?

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Eh? It's just not on their Youtube for some reason.

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How long until alimony and child support?

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Microsoft has its claws pretty deep into a lot of people I'm afraid. It's hard to compete with billions of dollars in marketing even when you have the superior system.

It probably will be able to but it might end up with the same thing as the PS3 where Sony cut support for that with later production runs.

This is not a good sign.

So will it be the same old games or are they making new modern games for it?
What has that company been doing for all these years?

Given the current market re-releasing old games as nostalgia bait should work.

actually I may have glossed over the best part

It will cost around $250

How much did an Ouya cost when it was new, like $100?

It's a frog company, Infogrames, that has been wearing Atari's skin for the past I don't know how long. The last vestige of 'real' Atari probably died around the same time as the Jaguar did.

Oh my god this is one for the popcorn.

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For (((some reason))) like maybe his SJW wife

It was $99, and no one wanted to pay that for an ouya. $250 is too much since a parent can just buy their kid a Nintendo console for that same amount.

Is anyone, including the manufacturers, even expecting this to be anything more than a fashion accessory console? It's not meant to play games. It's meant to sit on your shelf and look ironically retro.

Attached: Still deserves a beating.jpg (280x180 88.18 KB, 7.45K)


Evidently, because you're a sucker. Skepticism is good, user.

To be fair, we kinda assume that if you're on Holla Forums you are actually rather intelligent, tech savvy, and slightly hardcore. These days that assumption is no longer holding true and idiotic memelords have taken over the fort on Holla Forums and are attempting to force their shit taste into Holla Forums. So we're getting infested with retards and casuals who think they are good with computers just because they can work their way around the MS Windows control panel.

Git gud is usually the mantra of Holla Forums, but evidently it's not for everyone here.

I like that it had a happy ending, but I also liked the bit with the raping. Only problem is Ouyachan is just going to be sitting around like a fucking bitch. At least while she was out on the street she was useful for something and was getting attention.

Except it's running Linux and games made for it, would also by extension be made for Linux?

what really happened to Ouyachan.

Attached: get-the-fuck-out.png (907x251, 130.45K)

Not if they decide to write their own window managing library, audio library, etc.


You got memed hard kid. Possibly ruined any future you had with sysadmin.

This looks pretty cool

I just threw mine in the basement. Pic related. Yes, I spent $700 on an OUYA. It was worth it though. I'll never regret it.

Attached: OUYA-Dev.jpg (800x600, 24.65K)

Thanks user, I needed a good laugh

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Depends on the interest level and whether or not I can get my hands on a developer version.

I fell for the OpenPandora. At least the OUYA delivered something.

It's Linux-based and they've stated at least it won't be locked out of running other code. It's effectively just a PC.

Attached: Gaming on Linux.jpg (720x540, 77.62K)

I just checked cinemassacre.com and it's still there.
Strangely, the embedded video there is from some random unaffiliated channel, but if Rolfe really wanted it gone you'd think it wouldn't be on his website that he owns.
Did he get into youtube trouble?

OUYA was just a Android set top box. The reason to buy into such platforms, even if they suck, is for the free publicity. It is a bit different when you are a small game developer. Most game sites won't cover your game, so you have to do stupid shit to get attention. Doing stupid shit happens to be something I'm good at.
Early release works just as well.

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This shit is gonna flop so hard it'll make the OUYA look good.


lilith… the jewish virus daemon that spreads through low self esteem high acheiving males.

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People need to fucking realize that the Atari they once knew is fucking dead and anything claiming to be Atari since the crash has been different companies literally just using the name to cash on nostalgiabux

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pretty sure that vid has been on his site only for years now because of jewtube rules.