So, the game is coming out in 2 days and it's looking pretty good.
Also no Denuvo
Ni No Kuni 2
Oh, a jrpg on PC. Recent FFXV was trash, how will this one go?
its more traditional than the garbage that was FF15
The first one got dull halfway through so I have my doubts on this one.
Seems to be better crafted, you can also build your own Kingdom hub.
first one was pretty weak so they'll have a lot to prove here. awkward pocket monster action combat didn't work out too well.
It seems to be FFXV but not shit and you don't have to travel in a homo erotic boyband.
I really love the Studio Ghilbi artstyle too.
The protagonist girl looks cute.
isn't this that shit for little kids and autistic e-celebs?
It looked pretty good from what I've seen, so I ordered the bestest best goy edition.
I'd say you might want to rethink if you want to fiddle with that nino's kunni, but I know full well you know what you're doing and saying. I'll just say I agree anyway.
gay pedo game
He is a QT.
Rule 63 porn when?
I'm asking legitimately fag, if you want to be butthurt over the mildest banter, that's your problem
I only remember the aesthetic and tone of the games looking incredibly childish from what I could see and the only person I remember who could praise it was an autistic e-celeb from many years ago
Why Japan? Why?
I'm glad it's on PC, models will be extracted and there will be some good animations.
Because they have good taste.
Homosexuality is a sin. Also, the only allowed archetype is catgirls, which are for petting and fucking. Catboy belong in the oven.
Well that's a surprise. Maybe they're trying to see if it harms sales or not? Might be a purchase after trial for me.
Level 5 holds some creative liberties in their contract with Bamco
Maybe that's the reason?
I like how they have an older character that you can self-insert as. You can play as Roland and pretend that you are mentoring a young catboy.
Calling everything you don't like shitposting only helps shit up the thread further, tard
Should I play the first one on emulator or what? Another Sony contract shit prevented the port or something? In my book playing sequel without playing the predecessor is sin.
They might port the first one later on, they've shown interest in some tweets and interviews at least.
The second one is isolated from the first I believe so there's no need to play it.
DS emulation exists if you want to try it and RPCS3 is also getting there if you want to play the HD version.
Oh there was already a thread for this, so did anyone play the first one how was it?
What's the translation like? The first game was awful.
The main character sounds like he has autism, but I guess you're talking about the content of the dialogue.
I'm waiting until the game is out before I say something like that.
I seem to remember the first one being dull as dirt and largely panned on release at least in Japan.
Shit taste detected.
I want to fuck him in the ass so hard his eyes tear up and the hair on his tail poofs out.
As for the game, I was really looking forward to it for the longest time, but the closer it gets to release, I can't really seem to bring myself to give much of a shit.
The dev confirmed it themselves this time unlike previously which was just an assumption based on trends.
Totally less gay amirite?
To be honest, its not that hard to do better than Squeenix these days, but damn it Ni No Kuni 2 is looking to be everything I wanted.
You're a sick fuck Schrodinger.
Unless he starts claiming he thinks he's a little girl, he's not a tranny freak, just a pansy ass half-breed prince. Also does this kid's existence mean the humans and cats from the first game can fuck?
You mean crossdresser.
Moreso the illegible wacky racist accents that companies seem to love these days.
What's that audio clip from?
Bro team.
Yes and?
its anti-white degeneracy
Woah really? Tell me more.
Trump is furshit now?
What is this shit? Shame she has a snout.
But what about the "Localization"?
How was the first game in that regard?
The snout only makes it better. Nice quads by the way.
I don't recall any egregious changes, but it was supposed to be a more family friendly ghibli style type thing so there probably wasn't much there to mess with.
Never underestimate localizers ability to shoehorn unneeded changes into jap games.
No way in hell.
No, I am, I never told you to.
>This country has many people, so it's hard to find someone.
I want to die, but you deserve it more.
Do we know who is doing the translation then? And hopefully PC can have an undub mod.
My body is ready.
Solatarobo was pretty good, though.
I dunno, man. I don't know anything about this game. I'm just trying to grind my Nip.
Phil please, save it for when that new little tail Bronx game comes out.
Well, you're pretty good. I can't remember kanji for squat.
Neither am I, yet. However, I've learned a lot of radicals from the KanjiDamage deck for Anki, which allows me to look most of the kanji I don't know on Jisho.
I was hearing that FFXV is like that, but the fact one needs OVAs and a movie to understand the background of this game is stupid. Guess SE is milking XV.
I'm curious too, I'm worried that Bamco is lying about Denuvo, so we'll put our guard down. Then boom Ni No Kuni 2 comes with Denuvo at release date.
We'll OP said it's coming out in two days, and that was a day ago, so unless they really pull a fast one I doubt it.
This. One of the reasons why I'm waiting for the game to come out, other companies, like SE, Warner Bros. and such pull fast ones like it before.
Yeah it's really shitty that steam no longer makes it mandatory for companies to say if a thing has denuvo on their store page anymore. I almost bought DBFZ because of that.
Agree with you there. I gotten into some similar incidents myself. Makes Ubisoft look a tiny bit ethical, when they show Denuvo warnings on the store page and EULAs.
Here's a good Steam curator user:
Another incident was when I got into an argument with a fag on Steam who says "I don't care.", "Nothing's happening with me.", and "People usually complain about Denuvo on Steam." When I was suggesting that the Anti-Consumer Practice Report adds companies that are not putting Denuvo warnings on their page is borderline unethical.
Guess some guys don't want Square Enix, SEGA, and other companies that they love be shown that they're just as bad as Ubisoft/they have their Ubisoft/Activision moments.
The Anti-Consumer Report is a good curator though:
Ubisoft actually doesn't list denuvo on that latest learning expansion thing for AC:O so they might have stopped listing it.
When did they stop doing that? Shouldn't it be in the EULA still?
What even was the first game about???
Really? If I find it there in the EULAs, then it's listed to me (They put me on bit of an edge, with AC:Origins they put the warning on non-USA EULAs. Now I try to search the non-USA EULAs to see if Ubisoft and other companies are hiding info).
The anons from the anti-Denuvo groups didn't know, until I went to Wikipedia Denuvo page.
That was some months ago, before AC:O got release.
Here's the EULA for the Discovery Tour:
It's listed with Denuvo somewhere there.
Sad that I can't find a thing on Square Enix or some of the Bamco games, I'd really like to bust these Japanese companies to the Denuvo Games group prior release date.
I want the old game's characters to return. I actually liked all 4 of them. Waiting to see what is going on with them before I try the 2nd one.
Kid's mom dies, toy turns into fairy to help him undead his mom.
And it's presented in such a way that you don't quite know if he's having a psychotic break or not - until later, when he's obviously really not
If it has a snout, get the fuck out
You gonna use the same pic every time?
Pettiwhisker x Asriel OTP
I hate furshit, but I hate spergs like you more.
please tell me why i should care about your shitty 2ds in a costume pretending to be an animal
hee… ho?
No thanks.
But the game has both English and Japanese audio, at least according to its steam page.
Wait so that's actually a boy?
what do you have against triangle teeth
I watch a lot of male idol anime, so I really don't mind that. In fact I believe I would have enjoyed if it wasn't 100GB and fucking Final Fantasy.
I hate people that sperg out on furry shit, which emboldens furries most of the time, more than the furries themselves.
next thing you are gonna tell me is that you are a fucking homo
I just don't really like what I assume is r63.
when was a level-5 game ever hard?
i probably won't play this game since the only level5 game i could finish was dq8 and that was easier than previous dq games.
Fucking Dark Cloud
you mean the game most anons beat here without even knowing how the game's mechanics work?
IGG's Codex magnet:
My body is ready
But my toaster isnt.
It sure must be something when even IGN calls a game easy.
Oh wow. Are there any difficulty settings to mess with? Or am I just gonna have to gimp myself? Cause now it seems walking sim tier if IGN is gonna bitch.
Crying shame, sounds like they improved the core gameplay dramatically over Ni No Kuni 1.
Any self-imposed challenges to make it worth-while?
Unless its been kept quite, I'm surprised there's no plot twist where it is a trap.
Considering you played as a person from another world last-time, I'm surprised Roland wasn't the main character.
Child dealing with a new world is different from a teen/adult looking after a kid dealing with a new world.
Then again, I guess the game is aimed at kids, hence the young protag and the easier game.
Hopefully those of us with toasters will be able to lower the resolution below 720p.
I am 80% sure it's a boy and was never masquerading as a girl.
From SSD, 16GB RAM, Ryzon 1600 and gtx780 (don't watn tto update with the current shitty prices)
So far game is 30fps or lower in cut scenes (I think it is some shitty lock, though as it is not even using that much GPU and CPU so far), but it is one of those games that for some reason make my whole PC run like ass while they are running.
There are a enough options around. I am running it on Medium Graphics for now (there are only low, standard and high) with all the effects turned off. You can choose between 60fps and 30fps lock, but even on 60 the menu and the cutscene is running on 30 so far.
Also a city gets nuked in the second scene, so maybe it is not complete "for children" after all?
Fukin spoilers
I lied. There is also Unlimted for fps.
Game runs like ass. My CPU is at 25%, GPU at 30%, game at 25fps.
Yeah some UN dude gets sent in a furryshit country. The biggest spoiler of the decade.
>t. (((/monster/)))
Changing the options does completely nothing, even the resolution.
What can I say. I am not surprised Bundai would shit out a completely unoptimized pile of garbage.
The subtitles are atrociously wrong at almost every line and a lot of things will even be without voices.
I don't think the first Ni No Kuni was that challenging so that's hardly a complaint. I don't think crippling difficulty is what you'd expect from a Ghibli designed game.
Oh God, I found what the problem is. Is one of those shitty games that shit themselves if you run more than one monitor.
well that's just awful, they'll probably fix it in like a week maybe
For no I can play with high textures and shadows and even AA with no drops on a gtx780, 1080p of course.
But I am so triggered by the monitor problem I am not sure if I want to play.
I managed to unfuck one of those by temporarily disabling one of the monitor in the driver control panel, temporarily as in reenabling the other monitor right after the game launched.
Jesus Christ, what a cancerous thread. Anyways the game seems to be like the first one and apparently they didn't listen to criticisms of the first one, it looks pretty but the gameplay is garbage and apparently the game is way easier than the first one. So it's not worth playing.
I admit, I died once, but after learning I can jump I beat the elite guard I was suppose to go around. Also my DS4 is fucking disconnecting. Can't tell if it the game is bugging DS4Windows more or is the bluetooth just fucked up for some reason.
Really hate the MMOesque quest log shit on the right like you need a short leash.
What do you expect from a game made for retards and children?
A Sonic the Hedgehog or Minecraft crossover.
The combat is basically Batman shitness where you spam light attack and the character faces the opponents himself. Also strong and proud female to the rescue.
The suits the guy starts with gets removed from you and you can't equip it any more. That's just silly. It would have be maybe fun to play with no armour to make the game easier and be an adventurer in a suit.
Nigga, what the fuck.
lmao just get a laptop
I didn't enjoy the first game enough to warrant playing the sequel. Good art direction but god damn it was piss easy.
So did bamco end up sneaking in denuvo or did they actually ship it free of that shit?
Considering it's already been cracked with a magnet in this thread, I'd say no denuvo.
Just steam works DRM
For how many more hours will I be able to hate-play this game?
I should give a few examples of the translations. Jap is first.
Next scene
Also the strong woman's name in Jap was Aru or something. The prince and the MC have the same names, I think, but I might have not been paying attention. The Kingdom of course doesn't have that retarded Ding Dong name.
Well shit. I shouldn't be surprised, I guess.
Seriously? You are starting to convince me that the game really is crap.
Oh, yes. At the very least
was translated to "You have always been…|" or "I have always been…" or some short shit. Mind you later he does say he will create a world where everyone will be able to smile, but it gets translated as "be happy" again, though this is one of the less offending, it is not completely changing the meaning of what he says, which they do a lot. Mind you it is not censorship, can't even pass for meme localization, it just stinks of a translator/s with typical "creative freedom" syndrome.
Not sure why I even said that. Maybe because it is an example I gave right away so I remembered it. But basically almost every sentence is changed for no reason. Here and there something does get translated without being changed around for no reason.
Anyway, I am tired and it is not like I am having fun, so as a good yuroopoor I might just go to bed now.
Oh right, I should at that the most graphically intensive thing in the game seems to be this My GPU load started was constantly moving around from 80% to 100%. The battles and the castle exploring are/were way less demanding.
How do you have it already? It's not even on
There's a torrent ITT you blind faggot.
Shit I am so tired I can't write properly. Anyway, here is the video with Japanese and English subtitles. Spoiler alert, a bitch you know for 30 minutes supposedly dies. Mind you English, nor Japanese, are my first language, but my translation is for sure way more correct.
You are one dumb nigger. It was literally taken from the site you mentioned, hours ago.
They could at least have a decent post-game or side quest challenge like DQ8 and Xenoblade. It's such a waste to have such a long game and not fully explore the combat system within, you know? I guess I'll skip this one as well.
Source: your ass.
Hey wait a minute wasn't this advertised in a Crowbcat video as "Not Dark Cloud 3"?
That's kind of the norm for anything involving bamco. For better or for worse, fan, or "fan" pleas will often fall on deaf ears.
holy beans I wasn't expecting this to run at a krispy kreme 60 fps at fullscreen on what i thought was a toaster
Is the first game on PC as well?
Don't think so
no, but you can emulate it on the ps3 emulator
And so I am awake again.
Please give me e a reason to continue playing this shit.
Don't even compare Ni No Kuni to Dark Cloud. Dark Cloud is good.
What the fuck happened to that place. Iy wasn't nearly that bad 3 and a half years ago.
You have to go back.
told you idiots it was going to suck. We warned you for years not to bother after the first one.
I am pretty sure I didn't even see his level being displayed before going in. That said, I am bored as fuck anyway. I am trying to find a reason not to fucking delete this.
How many jrpgs you dropped, deleted and never returned to because of shit like this?
I am not really complaining, because there are over levelled enemies dropped around the map. I don't even care I lost 3 levels of progression.
Read the thread. The game is piss easy. I was actually hopping for some fight that amounts to something, but no. I bet being at level 40 is enough to overrun the creature.
So is it true this game's files are uncompressed? Is that why I'm getting 24 fps on my trash can?
Have you tried turning off your second monitor? If that doesn't help, then you will have to blame your PC.
I experience it. Are you going to try and say something stupid again just to embarrass yourself more than you already did yesterday?
Gee, it's a good thing legend of zelda stayed a top down action puzzler. What would have the entire franchise have been like if it tried anything different?
Played it for an hour.
Game is made for kids, cute characters hehe but not for me.
If you played any more than the demo for the first Ni No Kuni you're probably a fucking retard.
Zelda's mechanics have stayed largely the same for its entire existence barring a couple of black sheep, dude. They tried doing something totally different with Zelda II and people didn't like it so they returned to the original formula and expanded on it, which is likely what is going to happen to Ni No Kuni as well if they even bother making a third one. What's the point you're trying to make?
I think it is early to say yet, but there are enough cock suckers that like the current gameplay of the game.
I was downloading with 5mb/s while the torrent was still hot from the ovens and now it is a day later about not even that popular of a game. Get better internet, mate.
Most people playing this game were probably in middle school when the first came out.
God forbid anyone likes anything you don't.
Defend the game then fucker. Let's see you.
Also you realize we have IDs here?
W-well if Legend of Mana furshit didnt spread this one wont be a exception, right ?
Dont you have a /k/ thread to shit up ?
I ain't gonna defend shit. I was just gonna say I actually do like the game, but if I do, most likely you're gonna go on a rave and call me names like the manchild you are.
What's more, your constant negativity is draining enough to the point that I don't wanna even bother looking back at whatever the fuck you think I said.
Don't you have a government and feminist agenda to overthrow, than to worry about a single solitary user that has different tastes than you? Fuck off.
Just go back to reddit, please.
I never came from there in the first place. Tough luck.
You managed to trigger him into a lobespacing fit. Nice.
amazing things i have seen on image boards lately:
people unironically defending dynasty warriors 9
people unironically defending monster hunter world
and now, people unironically defending ni no kuni 2.
it's insanity, what a show! bravo!
Yeah, you guys totally showed me with your top-tier baiting tactics. It's almost funny how contrary you all are.
It is literally one guy.
If you had reading comprehension you'd read that I specifically said "it's a good thing legend of zelda stayed a top down action puzzler". Do you see the difference, or do your nigger eyes fail to understand that as well? An aerial view that is parallel with the ground upon which the character is currently on top of. Instead of such games like ALTTP which were an expansion of the NES top down style, You've got a game that decided to head on over to a more 3rd dimensional variation. The perspective of the camera for 80% of the game (saying 80 because small segments will switch perspective which do not make up the entire game and gameplay) remains in this aerial hovering behind the player character. Complete that with the occasional switching into 1st person which accompanies the new 3d perspective and you have an entirely different gameplay experience.
The point of it is that it took risks and changes, and not just with the second game either. Ocarina of Time leaping to 3d was also a huge risk that Nintendo could've easily dissuaded from.
Are you a fucking leaf?
No, I am a slav. We say "please" while moving towards the person to break his face. And I am not saying it to be edgy.
Nigga, what is technology? Holy shit. Was Nintendo suppose to not transition one of its biggest games into the 3D meme? But the gameplay remained still pretty much the same with the same elements in it. And on consoles that couldn't do 3D it did remain a 2D game.
Also it is super funny that you literally used the wikipedia images.
A slav wanting to be a "hard" nigger, gotcha. My remark on Zelda transitioning started as a parody on one steam "reviewer", Managuan, making the emphasis that the entire "lore and theme" was entirely established by Nino Kuni 1 like they had prime expertise on this fictional world. This isn't Shadow of Lootboxes fucking with Tolkein's fictional world here. This isn't World of Warcraft screwing around with the premise of 3 prior games. This is one game where the only merit to it having the biggest attractions is that it has the blessing and style of studio ghibli. Will this be a sore spot or black sheep if Nino Kuni continues to go on and be a series? probably. There may be some that like the different combat mechanics. Who knows out of the give and take from what Level 5 will learn out of this.
Google image searching hurts sometimes
their approach makes me nervous, but I can only hope that if it turns out to be a failure and only sounded good on paper, that it'll be a teaching experience to have them make a better DW 10.
It's funny that faggots like you think the term "contrary" is an argument instead of realizing that it's just a way of defending poplar things when you can't rebut a criticism.
This, after all this shit from Holla Forums I was expecting this game to be dog ass
It runs like a fucking dream on my Ti 560 from twenty-fucking-eleven
It's just as ghibli as the first game and holy shit I want to go back to playing it now instead of arguing over it with you fucking retards
In the first five minutes the President of the United States shoots a giant rat in the head with the gun he carries around
What the fuck else am I supposed to use if I wanna pirate the game? Find some shifty torrent that’s probably gonna download the game alongside a shit ton of viruses?
You need a bullet and a shallow grave.
Why is everybody shitting on this game exactly? The gameplay videos don't look half bad and that blonde little catgirl is really cute.
All the complaints are "the game is too easy" but I never see these complaints for any other jrpg even though 90% of jrpgs are piss easy
im going to pirate it anyway, although this time i can't shield my inner cheap jewn under any ethical banner that i don't ever remotely ever cared about, i can still claim i didn't like X thing about the game though , therefore i am entitled to the full of it for free.
MHW is a fine game, nino cunny 2 is pretty shit. Just like the first.
Why port the sequal and not the first one, why not port the first one first? Maybe it was some dev problem but seems kind of awkward to me.
Buy if you want to see more of it. Than when it becomes successful you can regret giving them money because they added some cheap bullshit trying get as much money as possible, or trying to appeal to some winder audience. i don't want to be this jaded and negative.
Eh, never played it yet, cant afford it so im waiting for the download to finish.
This game is too much of a solid looking game with no cuckery involved to pirate. If its an actually fun game then I'll buy it. For ps4
Good reviews and high sales have a near-zero correlation with how good a game is.
The plot is to turn a blue eyed blond haired boy into the king of the fucking world.
Literally. That's the plot.
Now I don't know how this game ends but you cannot possibly be any more uncucked than that
You don't have a choice in the matter.
Wait. Scratch that.
This is a game with Kingdom Hearts combat and Studio Ghibli style in which you play a Japanese sword- and gun-wielding rejuvenated version of Donald Trump attempting to make a blond shota catboy the king of the world.
Late, but I remember that was because the console port was inferior to the original handheld version, or something. Nobody cared about the handheld version here, so it did much better.
ps4 vs ps2
Where's the porn?
Does anyone else see the Doom gun in the center of the thumbnail for the catalog?
Can i run this on a gtx 660?
Pirate it and see, you dumb fuck.
Why do you have to get so triggered?
Why would i waste the time to download it? You're the retarded one if you think i'm gonna download 20gb instead of asking a simple question.
no wonder you love piss-easy games
First day shill-kun?
Because the best way to know is to fucking try. Or fucking search online for already posted information. It is not a simple question. It is a retarded question. It is going to take you like half an hour to pirate the game, but you prefer wasting your time waiting for an answer that won't come.
Yep, you're retarded.
Fuck the Japanese community.
It even runs on my GTX560 Ti.
How do you manage to make it run at a decent speed?
When I was on the menu my mouse was dragging along much slower than it should have then I found out I couldnt change any graphical settings and closed the game.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Oh and I have a GTX680.
30 fps would be good enough for me.
user, why do you have a picture demanding dicks saved on your pc?
Waifu material?
>I'm asking (((legitimately)))
the not pokemon gimmick was the worst part of the first Ni no kuni
not only was it slow and shitty, but it looked gay seeing the characters in the back cheering
also rolling to see if I'll buy this game
odds:don't buy
I'm not comparing it to Dark Cloud, it's just a joke because it was developed by Level-5 and people want Dark Cloud 3
Why is the pirate the hardest option?
that review made me laff
I have some money to spend, and people like buying shit naturally
I haven't spent my extra money for nearly 2 years
Spend it on something good.
I would tell you to buy me games then, but there is fucking nothing I want anyway.
I, for one, am glad the Suikoden series is finally getting the audience it deserves.
Could it run on my 5770?
I can fix that
I still cant run the game at all even though I tried to optimize my computer to run it better.
My graphics card is fine i guess.
I think my CPU is trash, is that my problem?
How do people like you even find their way here?
Well, you might be bugged. I fought them. They caught me walking through the bushes.
Or maybe that's the only way to start the fight, which sounds pretty retarded.
Ay, get back in the bog ye scourage of buggerying.
Hear about le 4chan on TV, go to the website, see people talk about h8chan, come here. Do nothing to improve your own knowledge and intelligence in the meantime, and bingo.
How is it cuck?
I had no idea this was on PC. How's it run? Well optimized?
This fucking translations keeps on getting me. Also they made the pirates talk like redneck retards or something, even though they talk very normally, the boss a little more manly, though.
From the level of things I see around me I would guess farming in this game is a big no-no, because the monsters around the story road are with levels equal to what my level would have been if I rushed to do the story and didn't walk around on my own for a little while. Not that the monsters on equal level aren't piss easy either. Though the kingdom building thing will probably require exactly farming for items.
I fought them. I forced the fight. My point there was that I could walk into their backs and they wouldn't react, because they don't see me.
Been here since the first exodus, ive never been that Holla Forums literate but I know more than most normalfags.
Im planning on getting a job then bulding my own PC for the first time.
You don't know enough even be able to ask simple questions properly or use a search engine. You basically just admitted to have been an underage faggot when you came to the site, if not still one as you speak and act like one.
And of course you have no concepts of sage and bumping beyond the knowledge of a 2014 newfag.
Prep that bull goy!
Weren't there some IGG releases with bitcoin miners? does anyone know if this one is clear?
Whatever you say user, also you don't have to try so hard to fit in.
Also thanks for the mega link I appreciate it even though I can't run the game on my toaster.
What the fuck is going on with this story? He needs the pirate captain and his people even if he's obviously a serial murderer that gets his low intelligence played for laughs, I don't mind it, spare him. Sparing Jewdog of casinos, fine, he was being influenced by dark magic. Queen whatever did almost nothing wrong, okay. Blahblahblah did X, whatever, dark magic/irrelevant to Evan, who gives a shit if they were spared.
But fucking Mausinger? He wasn't even influenced by magic, just a literal handrubbing mouse told him to kill the king, kill his offspring, kill all cats and he proceeded to try doing it. Not only is he spared by Evan who is naive so I guess I can bear it, but then the ghost of Evan's dad MAGICALLY COMES FOR A MINUTE TO TELL HIM WHAT A GREAT GUY HE IS AND HOW HE STILL TRUSTS HIM? Even if he doesn't care about his own death that had to be painful as fuck because poisoning always is so, does he not give a fuck about all the cats, humans and mice who died because Mausinger wanted the crown? Doesn't he care about Evan's ruined childhood? Now that I think about it, maybe Mausinger had a fucking point. A guy this stupid shouldn't lead a grandma through the street, let alone a country.
Too early for that. Try later.
Nigga you claim to have been on the internet for at least 3 and a half years and still manage to ask stupid questions like "WILL IT RUN FOR ME?!" without even managing to post your specs. There is literally a thread on steam with people posting their specs and settings, like for any other game, but you already searched on seven continents and couldn't find the answer.
Stop defending yourself. Just run away. Just fuck off. Just leave the thread. Without your ID no one else will know you are a retard in the next thread, until you open your mouth too much again.
So, I don't get it. Why have the law against love, if you want your childhood friend's dick so bad? But then you send him off to live in another kingdom? Makes no fucking sense. Must be the localization.
It makes perfect sense. If the number of actual people/souls in the city changes, the city will begin going away as it'll be impossible to turn time. She overruled it, but now there's a big threat of a faggot who steals the kingsbonds for obvious evil purposes and he''ll be more of use there, especially since wedding ceremony takes a lot of time to prepare.
Uh… shouldn't they plan the wedding together, instead of letting the groom faff off to live and work in another kingdom? And besides, isn't it a little selfish of the queen to break down the laws just 'cuz she loves this dude?
And plus, how the hell would adding or subtracting anyone from the town affect the survivability of it? This is nonsense writing.
motherfucker I meant to quote
Aside from the "draw a girl, call it a boy" bullshit, I don't see many reasons not to find this promising so far.
Yes, it is a plothole.If you can only keep the city intact if the time is reversed as the amount of souls is the same, why are any tourists, diplomats or new vessels allowed? Do Evan and his group have no souls? Or does it only mean souls of the original citizens? It makes no fucking sense. Still less insulting than all the Ding Dong Dell ordeal, sparing Mausinger makes no sense and it only gets worse. I'm supposed to believe the grimalkin whose family members he's killed accept him and are fine with mice because their formerly massmurdering king has a supposed change of heart? That after he is utterly defeated? He'd logically get his "I'm so sorry" rat ass assassinated in an instant either by other mice wanting to replace him because nobody really likes him at that point, or by grimalkin if he displayed any tolerance now. How would any cats he forced into the sewers even trust him to get out when his intent was made clear before? They'd think "I'm good guy now no longer want to kill you all" is a trick to slaughter them easier. Who wrote chapters 5-8? They are fucking awful.
Our resident fat Canadian baby.
Way too easy and handholdy. This is a game for children not just because of its subject matter but also because it's literally a bore to play unless you're still struggling with how to use a controller.
The game feels a bit rushed as a whole. The main game plays like a Tales game mixed with .hack with the not-forum and Chim Chim noises, but there's no character development. Where are the skits? They're really missing to add something to the party. After chapter 2/3, only Evan does anything and he's boring. The rest are just background.
Side bosses can be a bit harder, especially if you charge in slightly underlevelled. Not very underlevelled because you'd have to beat the piece of shit for an hour to get it to half health.
Really. Serviceable combo system, responsive dodge, magic skills with weapon-based modifiers and zone-dependant bonus. It's on okay take at at real time action in a JRPG. Only real problem is that enemies drop like flies, they can do damage and some have nasty combos so you can't just mash2win and take no damage, but they lack staying power.
How similar is it to say the party based Ys games?
The dodge has a retarded delay, at least when playing as potus. Ive been predicting when the ai will decide to attack instead of reacting to it.
Thanks for saving me 60bucks
So you actually buy games?
Ubisoft lied about Rayman Legends having denuvo. Said nothing about it on the store page, yet it had that shit, and IIRC one other layer of DRM bullshit too (besides steam). A bunch of people couldn't even play it for a while because they didn't have enough keys or something. Ubisoft most certainly don't look good in comparison.
Does Trump start caring about his own world at some point? I played this a few hours yesterday and he doesn't seem to give a fuck about all the people who got nuked, he just wants to travel with the gay cat for some reason.
Not that I've seen. I thought it was kind of a plothole, but let's face it– would you want to go back to a radioactive hellscape with CNN in it, or would you want to stay in this perfect sunlit world of magic and naive catboys and where 40 years' worth of aging have been shaved off your life?
He probably thinks he's in actual Heaven.
I have heard he returns to his world.
Well, he says pretty early into the game that he has decided what he's going to do, and it's helping the catboy become a king. Also, becoming way younger all of a sudden might have helped him choose that.
no, don't expect much from a mediocre game. I'm 7 hours in and I don't really see myself finishing this, there is nothing driving me to keep playing, don't give a shit about the characters or story, the combat is piss easy and annoying because the game is full of trash mobs that respawn within minutes of being killed. The only good part of the game is the visuals
If you don't like it then don't play it you fucking dope. Its like as if you're eating shit and you don' like it but continue to do so for hours even though no one is forcing you to.
I don't understand why some anons like to suffer so much with no benefit on their end.
Are you some kind of sadist or masochist? Thats the only conclusion I can come to with you people.
Reddit, please.
How many times in one thread are you going to act like a pathetic faggot?
Why is everyone finding it easy exactly? If it's just a matter of number crunching, could it be fixed with mods or cheatengine?
I remember this being a problem with Dragon's Dogma and Near A Tomato but I lowered my level/stats with cheatengine and ended up enjoying those games a lot.
I'd love to.
So far the game is mechanically easy. I've gotten close to dying due to my own foolishness and took some very surprising hard hits from some nameless mid-boss I wasn't ready for, but I haven't seen the game over screen yet and most battles are just a sushi grinder, especially if you bother putting on your ring of fire resistance before facing a fire dragon.
The people saying that this is a bad game, on the other hand, are either anhedonists or soulless zombies. If you can't appreciate the aesthetics and characters of a game as Ghibli as this one is, you should not be playing video games in general.
They're really trying to cover all the bases, I see. Talk about fan service. Didn't the first one barely have any game to it? I remember hearing it was pretty but horribly routed.
Or maybe that's not enough.
I ain't clicking that.
user, you need to take more of those drugs, maybe it will help you.
What the absolute hell are you even doing here? Who fucks up this bad?
Don't, it's spam.
Does anyone else have frame rate problems on the world map or when there are loads of particle effects in the environment?
This isn't a walking simulator. There's lots of game here.
Yeah, there's been like 4 CP bot posts today, what's up?
Hmm.. Tough choice user.
FOSTA act means any website can be taken down by having illegal imagery posted on it.
I wish all of these literal faggots from 4chan would just leave.
Please do.
nice comprehension skills, nigger.
if you like posts about faggotry and traps, why dont you just go back to 4cuck?
Lets go spam CP on cuckchan!
You dumb fuck welcome to imageboards in general
Is that what we're calling Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit now?
The ironing
atleast i had the sense to leave 4cuck the 1st time they banned a 5 guys thread. i didnt stay put for years like some faggot.
the most noticeable difference in the users on this site, especially this board was the complete lack of literal faggotry.
we managed to be free of you faggots up until maybe 4-6 months ago.
Someone was not here for the Undertale threads
How and why did your gay thread become a meta shithole in the matter of five minutes?
You're trying so hard to fit in, but make it glaringly obvious you're new as fuck.
It's not even that bad right now, faggot is LARPing yugely as a misdirect. I remember when there was a bunch of forced faggoty posters shitting up numerous threads with their faggotship.
Welcome to Holla Forums
your time on 4cuck doesnt transfer here. fuck off newfriend
Damn, you are a huge whinging faggot. Nobody likes you, not even yourself. A neck, a shoelace, a door knob. That is what is in your inventory.
I don't understand that command.
This item cannot be dropped.
You tie one end of the shoelace onto the door knob.
You tie the other end of the shoelace around your neck. Your door knob now hangs from your neck.
That doesn't seem right either. Help me out here user, maybe with a livestreamed video of your own?
Please follow your own advice and leave. Either that or lurk more before posting again.
Are you daft or just replying to the wrong person?
learn how to read you sub Saharan IQ nigger.
Holy Christ the irony.
go check your first reply to my post you illiterate non-white.
No one can be this dense.
Get a room you fags Christ.
no u
Also if Roland was a more realistic politician and capable of doing extremely evil shit like the pictured Bill, all he has to do is claim magic/evil influence of X and/or just simply say it won't happen again as he pretends he's sad over what occured, then mprove for a month and as citizens think "wow he good again I'm glad he didn't get punished for his heinous crap and remained on his position", go back to it. Everyone here is so naive, he'd get away with it forever. If that's Roland's taste, he could do whatever he wants to Evan and he'd always get forgiven after feigning guilt. After everyone around him tried to kill him and he always forgave them, Evan's got to have stockholm syndrome bigger than the one of Sweden and UK combined. Why go back, this world is a scumbag politician's heaven? Not to mention he might be returning only to die a second later because of radiation and shit.
Maybe he doesn't want to be?
I mean, shit- if I had to dodge a bunch of slimy bullshit every fucking day, needing to deal with fucking kikes and the rest of it, and then I suddenly didn't, why the fuck would I bring anything like that in? Why not just enjoy the consulship, take pride in being a heroic leader, and fuck the daylights out of a different big-titted neko or dog-girl every night?
This world probably doesn't even have condoms or any sort of pregnancy prevention. It's too pure. Enjoy spawning several halfcat, halfdog and maybe even halfmouse children as your reputation goes down the drain because of your infidelity. Take only one girl or just fuck Evan
Is there porn yet?
You bet your ass I would
Guess thats what he porn will be about, user, dont you see ?
I don't think it'll be popular enough to get enough porn to sustain dumps.
"Roland, some of the citizens have been complaining about your lechery with multiple species, and I was wondering if…"
"Evan, as Chief Consul it is my duty to help you repopulate your kingdom. You do want more citizens, don't you?"
"…if I could join in?"
Please user my dick can't take this
The story of this game is fucking shit.
Before you say it's because it's a children game and you can't be too "adult" or something, the protagonist's best friend died in front of the camera in the very first chapter.
Just you wait until you see what happens a few chapters later, goldpaw lord being allowed to govern again is fucking less than nothing compared to what will occur, especially since at least in his case dark magic was involved. I also don't understand why they'd show a guy stupid enough to bet his kingdom as a good guy. How am I meant to think he ever cared for his people if he'd risk their lives and livelihoods like so, on a fucking bet?
And yes, the game cannot decide if it's for adults or children. Roland fucking kills and shoots a few ratmen, rat-mage gets a dagger through her heart, you just walk by corpses and later there's a sorta-bdsm femdom moment, but the rest of the story feels disconnected with all that. Considering the combat really makes me think of Tales of series which is also Bamco's, is the end result so inconsistent because they've had two teams working on it and no consensus was reached? It's like there's a kids game mixed with teen one. I like the game, but it could be so much better if they decided whom this is for. Some sidequests really don't fit too, it's as if the game was originally meant to be Tales of Whatever, they just rebranded it and changed shit.
What you are missing is that it is a children/family game. A Japanese one. Death is not a taboo subject for children there.
Being too OP is suffering.
Here is a cheat table to change damage multipliers:
It helps make the game a little challenging.
I could make the enemies a bit spongier and myself a bit squishier, but putting artificial difficulty in isn't really a complete answer to the issues here.
The enemies telegraph attacks and tend to become vulnerable for long periods of time. There are lots of things you can do to boost your power (higgledies, weaponsmithing, armor choices). Some skills are just far more overpowered than others.
Maybe I could tweak it to the point where I'd need to use every advantage to win, but at that point, I'd be basically alone because the ally AI would get fucking stomped, and I'd just be running around a whole lot, like against a particularly tanky Kingdom Hearts boss.
Why did that ghost kamen rider get the boot then?
I guess being fooled isn't a taboo either.
Is this better to be played with a controller or KB+M?
Oh wew, you guys weren't fucking around.
It's really meant for controllers, but KB+M users don't have problems.