Losing control?
The main character of the last game you played becomes your roommate, whats that like?
Losing control?
The main character of the last game you played becomes your roommate, whats that like?
Other urls found in this thread:
That is gonna be a cramped apartment.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
I did a whole lot of nothing today. Might have some beer and watched gccx and new game after thread though.
I suppose some of you are wondering where I was last night. tl;dr, I got hit with an "internet outage" in my area. On the bright side, I found a shiny in Leafgreen.
She'd probably be fine living in the garage. I mean, she made a room for herself in an old sewer pipe in the game.
Nice, what was it? Not a fucking Zubat or Tentacool, I hope?
How goes user
Oh nice what shiny? I think I've only ever caught 3 and they were crap like mankey and pidgey.
It was a Zubat though, wasn't it?
Yesterday a girl waved at me when we were walking by eachother
Whats good in the hood monica
Did you talk to her?
I've still got all mine from Gen III and up on my White Version. Think I naturally caught like 18 or so, not counting Red Gyaradoses. Mostly in Gen III.
Probably pretty gay
It was a shiny Meowth. It was level 43 when I found it, so I could evolve it if I wanted.
On my HG randomized run it gives you a random shiny there. I got fucking golem. Was pissed.
Are you sure she wasn't waving at someone behind you?
What'd you do today user?
Not bad but its colors are just like a little darker right? At least you can throw shekels when you attack
Not much going on here. Made a few more mp4s of music from games I like.
Shame it's one of those that don't have much of a difference between the standard and shiny looks.
Mornin lads, how goes?
Playing anything fun?
I haven't played much vidya the last few days. I can't really seem to hunker down and play for hours in a row. I'll pick up something for an hour at most and then drop it again to go watch something or play something else.
I've finally got a good habit down of working out every other day and going on my walks. I can feel myself growing stronger and also my libido has increased. Instead of being able to go a few days without rubbing one out I feel even more powerful urges to rub one out on a daily basis.
probably a pretty decent roommate considering he's always out adventuring n' shit. If we wound up being friends I could probably go adventuring with him and meet cute girls.
10/10 roommate in my book
heyo amigo, how goes?
at least there was a brightside
No, we were the only 2 people there
Petty cool.
It's unfortunate, yeah. The worst part is that shiny Persian isn't that much different either. Here's what they look like, as a reference.
beep boop time for regenerative sleep cycle to begin.
Nice, how did you rip the?
Guess you are going to have to buy another onahole huh?
And I'm ok. Haven't been gaming much myself so a bit bored
Honestly, since i started the welding class i've been getting a better workout than i ever have been carrying those fucking bags across campus twice a week and i dont feel much of an increase in libido at all.
Was she white?
How goes user
Yeah I can't tell that the persian is shiny at all honestly.
Cya next time roboanon?
Yes, actually.
fucking net didn't want to connect for 8 fucking minutes
>basically just Mila
rip me
Vice city now
Stay away from her then
You are late
Will do
Already had the music, or know where to get the mp3s from the soundtracks (be it game rips or OSTs). Perk to liking games that the rights holders don't get too picky about DMCAing hosting sites. Mainly making these to post on occasion since there's no mp3 functionality here. I just use photoshop's timeline feature to make them into mp4s.
Did it just explode on you?
Same. Still got company over which makes it hard to really feel like playing much.
Yeah. It's too bad not every shiny can look as appealing as, say, the Beldum line's form, but you'd think they could put a bit more effort into distinguishing a lot of them better.
did you read what I said in the first part?
My birthday is next week. Hoping I can get a decent amount of birthday money to put towards a new PC. I've been stuck on my shitty laptop for over 3 months now.
Nah I caught it but golem is dumb and ugly and has a shitty orange shiny color.
Never do
The teacher said i did a couple really good oxyace welds with rod. I think i have the hang of it now.
I have not slept for 4 hours and I can't seem to fall asleep when lying down
uh.. a Car?
Sitting here eating some Rallys, damn I didnt eat anything all day.
Hey at least its Thursday and got tons of recommendations for PS4 now.
Nice. You building it yourself or what?
And damn if you get enough to build a PC on your bday you are more spoiled than me. Mines in like 2 weeks and I'm just hoping to get 50$ in amazon funbux
4 hours or 40?
And why not sleep standing up then?
What is Rallys?
Probably dealing with the PTSD from being a time traveling mech pilot who's failed to save humanity from giant insects so many times that your timeline is meaningless to him
How was your day /4am/
I meant to write 4 days.
Also, it's been mentioned in a few threads already, but if there's any gust fans here, Atelier Marie and Elie for the PS2 is now in English. Also announcement that the same team if working on CnS: Offline now.
Sometimes the color variation at least changes between the 2d and 3d games. I remember my sewage green Dragonite turned fucking gold when I sent it from LeafGreen to Colosseum.
The more I think about it, the more I wonder if I should get a PS3 or PS4.
The PS3 doesn't make me pay for online, but that'll probably be swept under soon, seeing as how they're aren't many new releases for it.
The PS4 has new releases and some shit I'm interested in, but I gotta pay for the online.
Making decisions about menial shit is hard.
4 days is a lot. Are you on crack or something?
I didn't really do much but it was comfy as always.
How goes user
Early shinies are for the most part ugly sadly. Especially when I only care about first 2 gen pokes.
There really arent any games worth playing online on the ps4. It has alot of good single player games.
Its like the cheaper alternative to Five Guys, but still pretty decent.
The Fries are where its at, and usually most places are late super late
My family treats me well, and they know I'm pissed about my PC getting fried. I'll probably get at least $100-200 to put towards building a new one, that is if they don't surprise me with a prebuilt Kinda lame but I wouldn't complain
Played some GMOTA. I think it's been 4 days since I tried to get HAN to work for my ps3 and I'm still only barely there.
If the PS3 has enough games of interest to you, I'd say to get one, especially since now at the end of it's life, it's been out of "NOGAEMS" mode for some years and established a library. PS4 isn't physically backwards compatible anyhow (and PSN purchases from the PS3 era aren't usable on it either). I've got both systems. Also, to my knowledge, it depends on the game if the online required PS+, or whatever. Heard GR2's don't, but they're going down in July.
What are you interested in that has online?
No, just l-thyrooxine, quetiapin and venlafaxin. Two of which are for the depression.
So glad it didn't blow up.
That's what I was thinking. I know I had a friend who got a PS4 only for singleplayer shit, but there's some fighting games on PS4 that I wanna try, like KoFXIV, Rev 2, and UNIST.
it goes alright, had a pretty okay day today
payday is this Friday, and this is the first pay I start saving for my nip trip.
Those fries look fucking awesome, that breading and pepper on em has got to be good.
I'd say ps3 if only because its a lot cheaper and has a lot more games to collect
Even with a prebuilt you can save up and put in a couple better bits anyway
i feel you. I may be able to hunker down with MHW again now that the Deviljho update drops sometime today i've also got The Evil Within 2 that came in the other day.
I dunno what to tell you. I workout at home doing pushups, squats, situps and taking walks.
Gonna play 4 after VC?
yeah, i feel you. How much longer your company gonna be staying?
why not both?
get one first, then a few months later get the other. Then you can get whatever games for either one. PS3 games are pretty cheap too now.
Why? I played that not too long ago. It's just been a while since I played VC and San Andreas games.
If you want fighting games get them on pc.
Maybe it's because my libido is already at maximum
Whats the 3rd one for then?
Are these known to cause insomnia? Might want to talk to your doc about it
I always just save my masterball for any shinies honestly
Not known for causing insomnia. L-thyroxine for my thyroid.
God tier drunk / or after work food
The doom mod I mentioned yesterday.
The most current PS3 homebrew exploit.
Nice. I've been wanting to go back more and more lately. Really don't want to work though
I'm just waiting for KCD to update one more time before I restart it. Also new event to play in yugioh tomorrow.
What did your thyroid do to you
Dad and his dog are here until the 30th or 31st, I think. He's not really on vacation either; mainly came here to work in a warmer setting until it gets less cold where he lives.
I like to keep them on hand for that myself, but at that point in the game I didn't have one. Too early on. You can always try to make a Spore/Swipe Breloom for dealing with shinies too, but that takes some effort and not every game has access to Shroomish, let alone the ability to teach it False Swipe.
I'd do that, but UNIST isn't on PC, Rev 2 doesn't work for some reason, and KoFXIV's PC port is kinda shit IIRC.
Kiryu is technically still a virgin.
I finally get my infusion today. Thank god. I'll finally be able to think again.
Just thyroid underfunction or whatever its called in english. This body gets worse with every year.
Any foods good while drunk though.
Oh right the touhou mod. Can't imagine shooting cute girls in the face being fun though
I've never used false swipe until my current run but man its been so nice. Put it on my marowak so he has a real use
but he can still kick our asses
Just get a cheap copy of p5. It cant be that much since it came out a full year ago.
Maybe i need to rethink my sexuality.
Whats your native tongue?
And I feel you there. Been to two doctors in two weeks for different shit. And have to go back again in another week.
Mother language is russian then learned german and learned english through videogames when I was young. The accent of mine sounds foolish
Given it's already on the PS4 and the trend for PS2->PSP or PS3->Vita updated releases is over, I'm not sure if it's ever going to see an FES/Golden style version. At the same time though, Fatlus does like milking the same games over and over, though P4 has had it the worst.
Spore Swipe Breloom is nice, as Spore is 100% chance sleep inducement, letting you make shit easier to catch on top of whittling the health down, and Breloom's somewhat fast if memory serves. Can also run it with Focus Punch if there's stuff you don't care to catch, and Spore punch stuff to death.
Persona 5 is actually still about $40 used.
So? It'll probably be inferior.
He got close in 2 but that didn't work out.
i forgot
maybe, that or your testosterone output didn't increase from changing from carrying backs to the welding stuff
it was on sale, sue me. And i'm still saving plenty.
I'm waiting for a while before picking that up. Gonna let them work out all those bugs.
hang in there amigo
No, the mideval one.
Good taste you faggots.
It's worth the 40 bucks easily. i spent 90 on it
Maybe i'm already at max test production too.
I have been. He mainly only has time to do stuff after his work hours and on the weekends, so I just keep sleeping all day until like 3 PM or so. Finally warming up some here.
I don't think I posted about it though. It was like a while ago, just while it's been years since I played the older ones.
Are Soul Caliburs 4/5 any good?
I've seen it go for $35 leaf dollars on PS3 and $45 on PS4 at the cheapest.
How so?
Do you work as a translator? That'd be a pretty nice gig
Yeah but its a flower
Its not too bad with the bugs at this point, at least for me. I've only had 1 side quest bug out.
But you shouldn't be buying it anyway.
Ohhhh right. Whats your favorite movie user?
On the CE, I would hope? Because fucking hell, no single JRPG needs 2013 XC Wii-tier prices on standard copies.
You can make custom characters in 4? I think. It was pretty fun to mess with that. They just reskins though really.
The best description for myself would be a ill hikikomori.
P4G and Catherine added a useless character, what makes you think P5 will be any different.
I got the CE. Why do they give me a soundtrack CD with only 12 songs on it. Fuck. It doesnt even have blooming villain on it.
Hikki life is pretty comfy at least. Are you the sad kind or the happy kind?
I don't watch movies much but I thought One Hour Photo was kinda cool.
I take medication for my depression. Would you like to guess which I am?
Did Catherine full body come out yet? I'd wait until it comes out before we know the new girl in full detail. All I know about Marie is that she's a tsundere, and a bad one at that IIRC.
Heading to bed. Night.
maybe so
No clue amigo
IV is fuckin excellent, V is not nearly as good but I still thoroughly enjoyed it, even though it's got quite a few shortcomings.
sounds like a nice plan.
wasn't gonna. I was just gonna pirate it.
I could go for a robin williams flick. I'll check it out, thanks
Depends on if the pills are working
Cya next time user
It's a fungus/dinosaur/kangaroo thing, you faggot. Only big downside is that it takes until level 50 to learn Spore unless you breed it down, meaning you (temporarily) miss stat gains in evolving it so late.
Don't forget new Strange Journey. I can understand adding new characters for a new version (or making NPCs into party members, like "Calamity" Jane Maxwell in ACF, or Flynn in Tales of Vesperia PS3), but at least make them likable/have a benefit to including them in the plot.
Because some companis have been getting very, very cheap on first print run OSTs, like Fatlus and Bamco. Or wait, do you mean the CE's OST was that abbreviated?
I hope to do a bunch of hot spring tourism and hiking when I'm there
Should be a blast
They're unfortunately not.
Unrelated but
>tfw urge to avatarfag with my commissioned pictures
She's still a pointless character.
Night dude.
Speaking of CEs why are western ones going crazy?
You mean the fucking Yukiko look alike for no reason? I'm still mad Flynn never joins the party in the west.
See you around.
3-5 had character customization IIRC.
From what I know, V's biggest sins is cutting a bunch of the cast and the story sucks, but I remember people saying it was the first decent SC game competitively since 2.
Uh huh sure.
How much you saved up so far?
I hate that kind of pokemon. Always feels like you can't use what you want to use while playing until post game content.
Ohhhh nice. I like the idea of hiking but sounds more tiring than anything tbh
I don't know shit about the competitive scene. The story DID suck though, and so did cutting classic character and replacing them with their respective underlings.
That's the idea. I want to go see some pretty shit in the wintertime. Been debating on whether to focus more on urbex or hiking, and whether I want to go to hokkaido or shizuoka more, but I may just end up doing shizuoka since it's closer to akiba
Commissions of who?
Them getting rid of adventure mode was the real tragedy
Not bad. Practically half way there.
Get a PS3 and mod it. Fan-translation's been out for a few years. But yeah, stupid it never came west on the PS3. Maybe Eternal Sonata's PS3 version didn't sell well enough here to interest Bamco in Vesperia PS3? But yeah, they'll ever give an honest reason for why, and have enterred a "fuck off and stop asking" mode a few years back.
For your information though, he plays like a mixture of traditional Tales swordsman (think Cress), mixed with light focused Magic Knight tendency to make him feel like a Paladin. He even gets that massive light beam Rowen has in the Xillia games, albeit without Rowen's ability to Tune it.
With what, prices? Absolute trash being the bonuses? The game not even being included anymore?
i enjoy looking at the anime in these threads
krautchan is dead btw
Where shizouka?
Are you going to hike mt fuji?
Which means by next year when you go you will be able to afford to bring a friend. Hint hint
Of my original donut steel character that I based more or less on the overlord light novel character pandoras actor. The picture I posted earlier was one of them.
Did anyone main Raven in that game for a bit? cause I did.
How goes user
Spoopy. Whats it for? You don't want to fuck it or something do you?
No, I simply like the design and used to roleplay non-sexually as it.
Shapeshifters are cool
I've had my eyes set on the izu peninsula for a long time. Wanted to hit it in the summer but at this point I'm for just about anywhere. I've been collecting info on different hotsprings related places, trying to build a map/road plan. I want to maximize comfy
Raven's a fun all-arounder, albeit a bit limited in elemental coverage (took until the PS3 version to give him a ranged fire arte via altered artes). problem though is that if you need only one ranged damage dealer, Rita's pretty broken with the right skills and not just BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE, and Yuri's broken as melee, and Estelle heals better, so that leaves him mostly as support to their other roles. He also burns TP like mad if you try to use him as main healer.
Thats a thing?
Are there any super hot hot springs? Like reasonable enough to get in but with a good burn?
you're right. I should text my best bud from highschool and see if he wants to come
Surprisingly enough it is indeed. Here's another oc donut steel
No clue, but I think I just found my target
Yeah that'd be comfy. Wish I had someone to drink with sometimes when I was there tbh
Isn't that a batman villian?
That looks comfy but far too cold for me. No thank you
I'm not knowledgeable about batman villains.
Most people think of some league of legends character when they see the skeleton
get a job then and come with me, especially now since i'm only gonna do a two-week stint.
Too bad i couldn't have Judith as a party member most of the time since Yuri, Raven, Rita, and Elstelle were stacked as a team.
Apparently hes from batman beyond. Which is fun and you should watch it
I'll get a job sometime at the start of summer probably maybe. Depends on how I'm feeling
Judith has her role and can be fun to play (namely being Anti-Air like Farah and Regal before her, albeit with an actual weapon to give range), but from what I recall, as an AI, she doesn't utilize herself to her best potential (and even then, other party members could break her air combos). It's too bad that games with more than eight party members wouldn't be able to utilize the mid-combat party swapping aspect like Xillia tried (doesn't work with Xillia 2 due to their once again being nine playable characters).
I'm happy Xillia made on of the protags a brawler, rarely see that in JRPGs.
Aight lads i'm gonna go start Evil Within 2 now that I'm all brushed up on the story from the first game.
You all have a nice night.
sure thing
Cya next time fam
Play MML
Night dude
See you guys tomorrow.
I'm bored, guess I'll go play vidya
g'night friends
Cya next time guys
night dudes
everyone's leaving
before I actually dip someone linked me this
Yeah, Jude's been the second in the series after Senel, but Legendia was such an oddball game in general.
You want another fist fighter/fist weapon protag in a JRPG, Yuri Volte Hyuga might be up your alley. He's a great protagonist in general.
I'm assuming it's named in regard to music, but what the fuck. Not to mention FLCL did NOT need another "Season" anyhow.
If it makes you feel any better, I'll be here until the thread finishes. I jsut won't post a lot
heard. classic use of typo cryptozation or some shit.
Same. I just like when the fun stuff is happening.
No, just accidental typos thanks to insomnia
If you're going to crop parts of an image for transparencies, start with an image image wider or taller (depending on which way the image is longer) than the area you're wanting to shop it over at it's base quality and downscale as needed. Otherwise you get that shitty artifacting from upscaling.
I didn't make that, I saved it because it was funny.
I am currently visiting Japan and am in Tokyo for 3 weeks. Will also be taking the train to see Kyoto and Osaka. What kind of interesting restaurants, and places should I check out? Among any general advice you can give about Japan.
( Because of the timezone difference I kept missing the thread and the responses to it.)