If you have CPU related freezes/microfreezes, it's cryengine's fault and the solution is to limit the game process's CPU usage to 99% mion.faireal.net/BES/
If you followed all the above but feel like there might be more tweaks to improve your performance as you have a high end rig and your Henry still runs like ass, check out the link below for some user.cfg goodness. nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/27
probably by the side of the road, a cottage in the middle of the road would get run over by horses, and one far from the road would be a pain to get to
Shame the shit's so buggy at release, but on the upper side, an early release is accelerating the process of bug testing and maturity since they now have millions of playtesters instead of a couple. Still, a shame that publishers push early releases like this.
Juan Brown
I thought they were in rotation around the 15th century? Your telling me Henry was born too early to experience the orgasmic effect of wearing gothic plate armor?
Apparently they already delayed release twice but the publishers wouldn't let them do it a third time, so here we are. They had planned a bunch more shit like proper horse armor, crossbows, a smithing activity where you could make your own swords, a dog companion, and some other shit probably. But none of that made the final cut. Hopefully since the game has done so well even among normalfags they'll be able to flesh out their ideas better in the sequel. IIRC it's supposed to be a trilogy.