For those of you who were still hoping ubisoft was about to die despite the hostile takeover's failure.
Vivendi has sold all its parts in Ubisoft's capital. It's officially over.
That will be all.
Ubisoft - Vivendi news
Does…does that mean no more AssCreed titles? Has this cynical abomination called God finally taken pity on us?
No it means Vivendi gave up on the fight. Ubishit might reaquire it's shares and keep on delivering yearly iterations of it's games forever
It seems like Ubisoft's just changed hands, it isn't being shut down.
I know its only 5%, but if we thought their DLC garbage was bad before, we're probably in for a lot of FUN.
how did these people get their fucking fingers into everything again? i know their chinese but holy shit that is to many fingers, to a point that it goes LOOK AT US WE ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD
Being from a country that does not have human rights, nor enforces intellectual property laws, nor has anti-monopoly laws, while leeching off the west.
Being backed by a single-party government consisting mostly of engineers lets you go full business.
gb2 rick and morty
Actually my friend introduced me to Rick and Morty. I was skeptical of it, because of what le Holla Forums says, but I watched it and I love it way more than Family Guy. Looking forward to season 4
Please tell me you're being ironic. Please tell me you actually know where you're posting, what you're posting, and that you are just shitposting.
Subtle bait, delicious stealth bait.
Being fucked in the ass by your own frozen turds is more entertaining and less painful than Family Guy, so that's not exactly setting the bar there.
dont be stupid.
Hey Holla Forums
that is a great image. you should be proud.
Holy shit. After trying to take over Ubisoft for years, they just gave up?
maybe this was their plan all along, to make ubisoft even stronger
I know ubisoft is full of shit but i'd rather them be their own monster than have vivendi absorb them and become even worse
the only change we'd have seen for certain is uplay being done away with.
shit I would have liked that, I only own one ubisoft game and I bought it through steam and they still fucking made me use uplay
They did take over their mobile division, but failed to do the same with the main branch about a year ago. Since then some anons kept insisting it totally wasn't the end of it, but it was.
Are you implying Vivendi would force Ubisoft to suddenly start making good games? Because the exact opposite is true. Ubisoft would have started pumping out even more crap than they are now.
The implication was that Vivendi would kill Ubisoft like it is known to do and we would be free from its cancer.
No. Accelerationism. Like Disney destroying Star Wars, Vivendi taking over Ubishit would destroy that company. The only reason Ubisoft cranks out the utter fucking tripe that they do, replete with and crammed full of progressive politics and multiculturalism shoehorned messages, is because they get tons of subsidies from the French government. The French citizens are essentially funding digital propaganda through taxpayer money.
Vivendi would have waltzed into the industry barking orders about shit they don't know about or understand and would have wrecked the china shop, and we wouldn't need to worry about seeing any more Ubi bullshit like Beyond Coons and Evil, We Wuz Asscreeds, Watch_Nogs 2, etc.
Speaking as someone who worked for Ubisoft, honestly this is good news for me. Means the Company is still going to be a great place to work with and I don't need to change my plans in the following years. Couldn't give less of a shit about the market being flooded with Asscreeds when they are a joy to work on due to how organized everything is.
Why is it any surprise a French company gave up?
pls tell more.
Tell more about what? Ubisoft has great social mobility and it's a great place to work at, fuck more ya' want.
Do I have to live in France? What opportunities they have for students?
It's strategic asset acquisitions.
It depends on what path you want to take. France is the headquarters itself and has a good portion of developers, but to my knowledge getting into the French studio is basically getting into the highest positions of the company importance wise, regardless if its development or business. Canada is the other major country where their development teams are based, but you'll have to deal with the French-Canadians on a daily basis there and I can tell ya' they were a pain in the ass to deal with due to lack of proper communications. They always struck me and a few others as the stuck-up brats of the company and it showed. Beijing holds a mixture of development and testing teams but they primarily focus on the mobile market, alongside with some of the marketing team which focuses on the Asian and Oceanic region. We all know the chink stories and I'm pretty sure those still apply, but if you got the worst case of the yellow fever, the place seems jam-packed with average and ugly looking chinks, alongside a few decent ones. Singapore holds - primarily - a development team which also serves as an in-house testing team from my knowledge and generally speaking, they are the best people to work with. It's not an exaggeration when I say those motherfuckers all but did our jobs for us, providing us all the material we needed and all the information we could possibly ask for without even asking for it. If they wanted us to work on something, they made damn sure we had everything including the kitchen sink at our disposal before they even thought about throwing some work at us. Add into that the fact they were a pleasure to talk and work with and it made any project they had a heavy hand in coordinating / working on a marvel to work on. Their most recent work was on everything regarding naval combat and water in the newest Asscreed. Finally you have Romania with two studios, one in Cluj and one in Bucharest. The Cluj one is focused on mobiles while the Bucharest one is on consoles and PC, but both cities have both a massive testing team alongside a development team that the Frenchies are quickly trying to expand to rival their Canadian studio. You also got several contractors scattered around the world, most notably the Ruskies which were on the same level as those in Singapore when it came to work ethic and being a pleasure to work with.
As for student opportunities, it depends where you live and where you want to work. I'm not entirely sure about being an intern for them as a student but I do know they offer regular development / programming boot camps through which to teach you how to make their shit and - hopefully - hire you on after University. As an employee, however, even some random ass QA tester I was, you got a world of opportunities with them due to their policy of granting as much social mobility as they can. Language courses for French and Chinese that come along with a certification if you pass, programming courses, design courses, so on and so forth. Employee's are always picked first for new positions and you generally have about a month to apply and try to nab them before they put them out on the market proper for outsiders. Due to Vivendi's attempts the pass few years, they also started an in-house investment program with all employee's where you could buy share in the company at a massively reduced price through them and sister firms. You don't get any say in company policy and need to wait a year or so before you can cash out, but the buying price goes below 50% of what it is on the stock market while you can sell it for full.
This is all in stark contrast from EA, which has a revolving door policy. They don't offer you shit until a mass exodus happens, at which point they generally dish out a 5% raise and that's it.
So Ubisoft belongs to the Chinese then? With all of the financial offences punishable by death penalty over there, Ubi better stop the fuck ups if they don't want to end up in the needle vans.
No, they don't belong to the chinese.
You are the cancer that is killing Holla Forums.
He's not Mark, he's had a job.
(Same guy)
Interesting. I live in Finland atm and looking around for some low barrier places or trainee positions for nearer future. So far here I see it possible getting something at Frozenbyte.
But yea, the locations of Ubi offices do not intrigue me much. Can not stand the french. Had enough of them in high school.
t. NEET weeb who knows what is good for games all the time even though he's never finished a single one
Easy pay minimal effort. Aka - my student life
Don't know shit about Finland, all I can say is avoid going over towards the Swedes over at DICE. If you want to know what a true fuckup is from a development perspective to the point the parent company CEO has to come down to the office and pay you regular visits treating you like a fucking kid because you refuse to do your job, look no further than DICE
In this instance it would actually be an improvement over the current state of affairs, because chinks don't like faggots, niggers, ugly women or Cultural Marxism.
You are retarded. Do you not know what the Cultural Revolution was?
Vivendi is rothschild. It's not like ubisift would have stopped pushing the (((agenda)))
With communism. The Chinese government actively persecutes (feminist) activists in China and they keep fucking over foreign (mostly Western) NGOs. They view Western leftism as a threat to not only their rule, but also China at large.
It's obvious you don't. How come, despite nearly a century of absolute communist rule, you have chinks lose their shit when a game virtue signals? Chink autists threw a massive tantrum when Kerbal included a feminist quote past their latest update, neither The Last Jedi nor Black Panther made more than 40 millions over there.
Dislike the chinks as the subhuman ant people they are all you like, but let's not pretend they actually like the pozz.
Because once you have actual communism you don't the population solvents like feminism once you've fully enslaved your population like the Chinese have.
*don't need
Didn't expect that at all from Ubi. If what you say is true then that puzzles me even more as to why their games are all mixed bags of wasted potential. I was always of the mind that Ubisoft still had enough talent working there to make interesting games in terms of environments and settings, but most of the writing for their games is bloody horrible. I'm sure this depends largely on the development teams, but it seems like a trend among most of their games. Create a game that's eye-catching enough on the outside, but barely have enough on the inside to warrant a full playthrough.
What games have you worked on, if you are willing to tell us, and where does most of the sjw-leaning crowd sit in the company? You can't tell me it's all suits and yes-men who just see which way the wind is blowing outside and are trying to cash in on it.
But the goal of Cultural Marxism is not to enslave a population, it is to wholly destroy it. For all their sins the people in charge of China do not want to see China torn to pieces, hence why they proactively seek to keep Western leftists out. Are you really so stupid you can't grasp the difference?
Where the fuck did I say that you stupid sack of shit? Learn to read.
Which the chinese government already successfully did, and continues to do to the populations under their rule. Look at Tibet to see it in action. They grind everything into a formless mass of slaves.
If they wanted to destroy the population they'd just keep starving them to death, deliberately this time, instead of compromising their ideological foundation to amass industrial power and wealth.
Yeah, no shit you dumbfuck. I already told you the goal is to rule, not to destroy. You can't rule, let alone stay in power, if your totalitarian state has been turned into a gay rainbow full of trannies and faggots.
It kinda is. A lot of Ubisofts profit comes from the fact they have shoe-string budgets compared to the rest of the industry, especially giants like EA or Activision. If I remember right, the past few AssCreeds with the exception of Origin - whose data I never got to see since I left before the title was released - never passed a million in budget from internal data. The thing with eye-catching on the outside but barren on the inside is that's what the market is geared towards. The majority of people never even complete the games themselves, the entire strategy is to make something interesting at a glance and sell it successfully to the public. Focus on the early and middle portions of the game whilst padding the late game content with side quests, activities, exploration, and other stupid shit so that the majority of consumers will never actually complete the game whilst instilling the invested time fallacy into them.
The thing is, this isn't some grand evil scheme or shit. This is exactly what the consumers demand out of their games and the industry itself is happy to oblige since it means they can get away with smaller budgets. Ubisoft is just smart in that the marketing budget isn't overinflated to shit like EA or Activision so their margins are exponentially better.
As for games, mostly Origins, which honestly changed my opinion about the company from mild disgust to infatuation due to the Singaporeans, the CEO himself, and the conditions and possibilities it offered.
Except not in the slightest. The explicit goal of communism has always been an entirely state controlled economy, including ownership of all labor within it. The chinese just reached the endgame. Go shill your utopian apologetics to someone who cares.
It must be hard being this stupid.
Yeah, they just pozz their games by (((coincidence))). As we know, most people desperately crave faggots, ugly women and white men being portrayed as the devil.
Seeing as WE WUZ ASSASSINS sold very well compared to recent games, seems like it.
Compared to what games Ubicuck? Syndicate and Unity? Two crapshots that nearly sunk the franchise into the ground?
Who the fuck are you trying to fool you leftist cocksucker?
It's not exactly a coincidence either, but it's not some council of vidya CEO's gathering around after midnight to discuss how to better poz the industry. Take a look at the location of most major game studios even outside of California. Quebec, Sweden, France, England. They were doomed to become virtue signaling due to the general culture being pushed into those regions themselves, the CEO's don't give a fuck as long as it keeps making them money.
WE WUZ had the blessing of Yves to not be released fucking yearly again and had some extra development time which helped it enormously. Even then the game was still in the beta stage fairly late into the past year.
And then this game came in and effectively saved the series. Aint nothing leftist about it, it's just reality.
Frankly that's more depressing than having a bunch of SJW queers dragging your game down with their stupid shit, though I'm not really convinced that isn't also the case. The writing for most of their games have been cringe worthy at best, littered with nonsense straight out of their playbook.
I can only imagine what Far Cry 5 is going to be like.
Now that Vivendi isn't breathing heavily in Yves neck anymore, do you think it'll influence Ubi's games at all?
So, you're telling me it's all about the shekel, yet they would make even more money by not pandering to the left yet persistently keep doing so.
Man, you're shit at this.
Sure thing, kike.
The writing itself is cringe because you have literal writers on the writing team mostly. As for Yves, I'm certain he's going to approve a lot more niche and experimental titles such as Valiant Hearts since they can afford taking risks again without having to worry about Vivendy blitzing their shares. A major influence for the delay of Origins was, after all, Vivendi's stalking them like a wolf waiting for a fuck-up and a stock drop.
I don't think you realize how little the average consumer actually cares about strong womyn of transcolor characters and how they are a net increase to good PR without having to fork over as much cash to the media to get it.
What a shit analogy.
That's only because you live in the cuck bubble of the West.
Keep shilling what a great and visionary company they are. I'm sure this has nothing to do with the paying you taxpayer money to help produce kike propaganda.
You do realize the west is the biggest fucking market to the industry, right? China is a fucking meme that everybody and their mother is trying to get into, but ain't nobody going to fucking replicate PUBG numbers easily. Shit son, I live in Eastern Europe, I technically ain't even fucking western.
No you're delusional asia has millions of obsessive players who will jump on anything cheap/free. Koreans regularly die from gaming and the Japanese shut themselves away just to get a few more hours in a day. Western 'hardcore' gamers are a joke compared to asia.
But that's exactly what happened you dumbshit. Ubisoft fucked up their cashcow a few times in a row and had to roll out the "very popular idea the majority wants" to rekindle interest in the franchise and use it to get Vivendi off their backs.
Your "logic" still makes no sense. Let's pretend Westerners don't care about the pozz (which we know is not true for at least half the population) and let's assume that the people in charge of Ubisoft are in it for the money.
If Westerners don't care about the political message of a game, and other markets do, why do they consistently push an ideology that actively repels people in other countries from buying their games?
Like I said, you're a fucking idiot, or a filthy, greedy golem sucking Yves' cock like a good little whore, and very bad at trying to shill your company.
Then being this big of a cuckold is even more tragic.
Ubisoft has dipped into the mobile market and has bought out a few fairly popular mobile games. Literally the entire playerbase are Asians who splash big bucks for micro transactions.
Certainly not as big as the market AAA games but trust me, Asians spend money on useless shit just as much as the Western market does
You idiots do realize the evidence is basically contradicting your point of view, right? The previous AC's failed due to being bug riddled fucking messes and boring stories, not because of the fucking poz. America isn't the fucking western world in its entirety and just because Trump was voted in doesn't mean everybody is sick of political pushing in vidya. Most don't even fucking realize it's there.
Sure thing fam, lemme go shoot up my old workplace for being degenerates.
Asians might spend literally all day (they live in 24 hour computer gaming cafes) and hundreds of thousands of dollars playing games, but everyone seems to forget that they're almost exclusively casual shit games.
So, you know, if your definition of hardcore gamer is determined by just time investment, fucking I guess. Yeah, I guess they are more hardcore than me since they spend 24 hours a day on a mobile app versus my 4 in a rogue-like.
Video related is your "hardcore gamer".
I'm actually surprised that PUBG is as popular as it is since it actually takes skill. Though, I hear almost every single chink cheats, so there you go. Asians make our normalfags look good in comparison.
All of the non-Japanese Asisans are whales because their culture puts a lot of value on face and they can show it off. Obviously in Japan again it's their constructive autism only other nationality like that is Germans hence their building railways all over and some possible less positive actions I guess.
What the hell are you even on about? Where did I start talking about cucks and degeneracy?
Are you actually claiming the Japanese just play casual games?
Why aren't you answering the question? If Westerners don't care about politics in vidya, but other countries do, why does Ubisoft still push politics if all they want, as you claim, is the shekel?
Do you take us for idiots or something?
That's what you said, not me. All I did was call you a cuck for defending Ubisoft and their shit.
But AssCreed is not a hardcore game in any shape or form, nor does Ubisoft make hardcore games. What they do make is casual, grindy shitfests with a ton of DLC, which by your own definition is what the chinks, nips and gooks of this world want.
At this point he's just hunting for (you)s might as well ignore him.
Don't delude yourself into thinking the Japanese are somehow more 'hardcore' when it comes to vidya. They're just as casual as the west is.
validating your claim, where the fuck do people think loot boxes came from. On top of that HIT THE LEVER!
Yes. Do you know why Monster Hunter clones were made? Soul Sacrifice and Toukiden etc?
A fool would say "to profit off the popularity of monhun". But Monster Hunter is so popular that no true fan would even look at the competitors.
The reason those clones were made is because there was a demand, an enormous demand, from the Japanese market to make an easier game. There are literally millions of Japanese people who cannot beat Yian Kut-ku, a very easy starter boss early in the game.
That is why the shitty Monster Hunter clones exist, that is the niche they fill.
then monster hunter world comes out, which is even easier than the clones, and the "hardcore" playerbase that refused to play the clones buy the fuck out of it anyway and it's the highest selling game in the franchise now. gooks love easy games.
At this point, there isn't a single franchise that was known for being difficult that hasn't been casualized to hell and back in Japan. Not even Wizardry, which was kept alive in Japan.
That is correct. Is your point that it sells poorly there? I wouldn't really know. What I can tell you is Call of Duty is very popular there, and I think that's more than comparable.
And there we have it.
Retard whales are the exact reason why companies make such scummy moves all the time. It's raking in lots of money.
No need for content or actual good games, just get people addicted to watching cards change into bigger numbers when you pay more money.
That's a good point to bring up actually. Their culture is big on showing off value and in a way 'boasting' about how much shit they spent.
So when kids start playing some mobile MMO with an in game economy or some form of competition perhaps… They spend big to get big. The 'social' aspect has a different definition for them.
normalfags typically find the 'social' pressure is simply being able to play with their friends on a game, if the content is locked behind a paywall, they'll feel more compelled to pay money to keep up with the levelling grind for instance.
In Asia, it's more cosmetic perhaps? They have a pressure to git gud and spend boatloads of money on the most frivolous shit just because they can say they have done so. I'm just throwing out ideas here. It seems that companies know what makes who tick and can exploit that to make profit regardless of the developers even making good content.
Honestly, this stuff is interesting. But at the same time, paying money for a chance to get loot shouldn't really be called gameplay.
To everyone who hasn't noticed, Holla Forums is now a friendly place for industry shills whereas old Holla Forums would have agreed with
for calling out sellouts who knowingly works on shitty mediocre games and is thus part of the problem.
Does anyone have that Final Fantasy poll screenshot that basically showed that Nips stored playing because of difficulty?
So, if Asian whales do it for the social status, what compels Western whales to spend ungodly amounts of money on f2p games?
You might have noticed that we bullied him away.
I hope they lay you off for being the faggot you are and they do it before the end of the year so they dont have to pay you your bonus
it's been infested by leddit for a while
where were you?
also this news just makes me sad, a great majority of the fuckers deserved to be laid off for being the incompetent trashes they are
Again, what a shit analogy.
I'm just reading at the moment because y'all niggas too retarded to realize I already mentioned they poz up shit because it's free marketing that saves them cash and nobody cares as much as ya' think they do.
People asked for AssCreed in Egypt, and that's what they got, along with all the pozz Ubisoft could cram into the game.
Same shit with the FFVII remake. People wanted it, and what SE will give them is a FFXV clone with DLC out the ass.
I thought you were from Eastern Europe. Why are you typing in ebonics?
And I already proved your argument false, which is likely why you stopped gushing over how much you love Ubisoft and are now reduced to passive-aggressive bitching like the soyboy you are.
I would like to see this, mostly just so I can repost it when I inevitably get in another argument with dumbass Americans that don't realize that their idealized based Nippon is actually the biggest cancer to the gaming industry and the sole proprietors of mobile gaming.
I don't care that you work at Ubisoft. I would shill for Soros if I could figure out how to get employed. I have no shame, so I don't blame you.
But the way you type is extremely faggy redditor shit, and every single reaction image you've posted reminds me of how the CIA niggers keep a folder of anime pics "to fit in."
Are you a 50 year old man that's out of touch? Old people always act weird online, like you.
Proved what fam? I realized I tagged the same user twice in the post instead of tagging your post about other markets do caring about politics but you never proved shit about their poz affecting sales there. Asia in general is exclusively a mobile market outside of Japan who has their home games and Korea only cares about Starcraft as far as PC goes alongside Nexon shit.
The poz they introduce doesn't negatively affect sales in those regions because those regions were never a real market in the first place. Hell, the Beijing's studio major game is a fucking mobile Rabbids game. That should tell you enough about what kind of market asia is.
In all fairness, I do need to make up a new reaction image folder, all I got on this PC is 2D tits and ass.
Likely similar reasons in all honesty. The sense of progression, the chance to boast about their game wealth. It's just not as big an incentive to splash out for virtue alone I think. Rather in the West people are more keen on spending money for DLCs and more repetitive content that'll keep them glued on a game for longer.
Also if a group of friends who congregate on disagreement or some shit are constantly talking about how good a game is, you may be willing to buy it to play with them. That's the idea of social pressure and that's why multiplayer games typically make more money if I am not mistaken.
Of course all the streamers on Twitch spend tons of fucking money for the attention and the signalling status. That's just narcissism compelling them to spend hundreds of dollars at a time on lootboxes.
Do people even know how vidya used to be? Look past the dated graphics of older games and you can see a product that was basically complete, purchased once and the content was yours to actually play. There was fun in playing games. DLC (or expansions) was cheap and added a lot to the game and NOTHING was content locked. You got your money's worth in some sense.
Now it's fallen to some cheap gimmicky normalfag shit and any game that actually *has* content will most certainly be bombarded with crappy micro transactions (even in a game you spent 70 bucks for) and riddled with paywalls and DLC shit from the get go.
And that's not even going into DRMs, expansion passes, skins and cosmetics for a game you already paid
Free to play ultimately is going to have all of this shit. But it's getting worse.
I guess you hear people call you a retard a lot, right? The thing with Japan is that their entertainment industry is highly segregated. The faggot that plays gatcha shit isn't going to fork over money for that niche visual novel that gets made. The issue with the West isn't even necessarily the pozz, but the fact everything is made to be an "for everyone" product. Sure, Japan might not be the Holy Land weebs imagine it to be, but at least most of what they create doesn't make me want to hurl in disgust.
Then you have no idea what it is like to be in a workplace filled to the brim with leftists. Let me tell you from experience, it's never worth the money.
Might just also be they're getting money from the publisher to spend so as to normalize the behavior in the eyes of their audience.
Not really. All my younger cousins are glued to the tablet or the phone and play shitty f2p mobile games all day long. I remember my childhood and playing on a SNES over at my uncle's and getting my shit kicked in by Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts.
That is precisely what marxists do.
They create an environment of acceptance and comfort, so the weak feel good there, and then those weak subhumans do whatever they are told to, in order to not lose the comfort and acceptance.
It is not what the consumers "want". It is what was forced to the brainless masses.
Thanks for clarifying that, indeed, killing normalfags and subhumans like you is the only right option.
You will suffer a fatal accident soon.
Another one that must be killed.
If you aren't willing to starve to maintain integrity, you do not deserve to live.
Im browsing this website for ONE! year now (religously browsing r/thedonald before) and old Holla Forums always said. its okay to work for a company which is killing gaming,if you benefit from it.
Bullshit you fucking shill.
It is ok to ruin a company, even if you don't benefit from it.
Based chinks. Can't wait until they take over this shitty planet.
So you're telling me they don't like jews?
but you don't seem to realize that you're a weak subhuman who finds comfort in the delusion of racial superiority, as if you were anything like the men who created western civilization. You were the man who shoveled their shit.
Better shoveling than cooking.
About all I'd like out of China are the rolling execution chambers. Just look at this thing, it's super cute even, could be in a Cars movie.
This is you
Why would you even want a mobile execution chamber? Also I thought the chinks shot people so surely that's too small to use for that.
AssCreed in Egypt was a great concept too it's a real shame it got fucked up by SJW politics.
Keep denying the superiority of The White Master Race, subhuman.
Wonder why so many companies are failing after a single year of redpilling of most Whites?
Or how about one small move from us, and those marxist companies end up in the red, having soyboys like you be fired while we ruin your personal lives? And sometimes, run you over with cars?
Marxists like you are on your way out.
Subhuman weaklings such as you will suffer more and more, and no amount of false sensation of security and comfort provided by shitty companies will prevent that.
Stay mad while we take away your money, leftist.
Not the guy who asked and not even vaguely interested in becoming a game dev but this is a really interesting post, thanks
Kill yourself you worthless sack of shit.
You have to keep and process the bodies and take the organs. It's pretty much very asian to use the entire animal.
I'll try to explain the asian market and why they lag in trend in comparison to the west until pretty recently. Short answer is internet bandwidth. When the west already had broadband, most of asia with the exception of the tech hubbed countries like japan and korea were stuck on 56k and other prebroadband connections. This caused semi casual games like gunbound to be taken very fucking seriously and people would actually pour money into cosmetics for their avatars if available because you couldn't exactly record and upload your replays so character fame actually did travel by the word of mouth or IRC on what name the player had, how outrageous it looks and how good the guy actually is.
Fast forward 20 years and all those elements have now evolved into mobile shit with gatcha. Those people who played the older games are now adults working the asian rat life and some of them literally only game while taking a shit. This doesn't mean there's no hardcore gamers though as asian autist exist. They're the people who demanded the early CS bots be made so hard it would headshot you from impossible ranges because every single one of them have practiced their awp to a hair trigger and they still demand to be able to improve their game. Game wise the asians may seem casual because they were stuck with cyber cafe favourites like CS 1.5 and warcraft 3 but the amount of time they spent playing those few games they had access to was ungodly. Most of those people are working adults now and also only play mobile games and dota occassionally.
Around 10-15 years ago, mmos became popular in south east asia which was made available due to the implementation of broadband but i really don't know enough about the trend to comment. All i know is that maplestory, ragnarok online and ran online were the dominant mmos and all that told me is that people either played them in cyber cafes or had potato tier computers at home for them.
Nowadays though, everyone outside of china and korea is rich enough to own a pc so cyber cafe culture is slowly dying. Japan treats theirs more like a resting spot to enjoy media and the focus on asia now is on free games like dota or purely epeen games like pubg.
We now have a ubi shill?
We've always had ubisoft shills.
Not everyone who works for them is a shill lads. We've all got to make a living.
reminder that they're partnering with Tencent now
Die in a fire shill.
My uncle works at Nintendo.
weak bait with copypasta
Fucking hell, these fucking cunts have their hands on everything. It's bad enough they ruined the Toronto Maple Leafs for a good 10 years while running Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment while keeping ticket prices out of range for common fans. $250 for fucking cheap seats.
Seriously, look up the shit the pension has or used to have. They're insanely fucking rich while teaching your kids things like LGBT rights and other shit. My old grade 6 classroom even had a gay pride flag hanging in it.
Sounds like the kind of person that would gladly fuck over/ sell out an entire group of innocent people if it meant being granted higher living standards by his jewish overlords.
SO an attentionfag derails the thread and you all give him (You)s, congrats faggots
Well he is French.
The French ruin everything they touch.
damn that's some brutal shit, they could at least give the little bastards a mercy killing or something.
France for a start.
Read the thread retard, he's a slav.
Wait what?
The ubisoft dev shill, he said he's from eastern europe.
Oh my bad.
A lot of them believe the more an animal suffers the better it tastes because of chemicals released or some shit.
Surprised nobody's actually called his shit out further tbh.
At the end of the day everything he said is irrelevant to us, employees being treated well at a place doesn't mean jack shit. They could be working in closets getting whipped by dyke midgets for all I care as long as the game are good.
Stale bait.
bump because fuck Ubisoft
And Vivdendi.
Sure that's why they're the only nation to regularly produce non-shit games mhm tell me more.
Same company basically.
So you'd rather see a french company get bought by the chinese than by another french company? Why?
Wake up to yourself, clown. It's a well-known fact that the Japanese gaming market is dominated by mobile waifubait games. Everyone in that country values an easy challenge and pretty graphics most in a game. Japan's casual gaming crowd makes ours look like 90s Golden-age purists by comparison.
I found the poll results, hope you're still around to see them.
Honestly, the only reason I can think of them to just give up is that they aren't in as good of a condition as everyone believes they are.
thats subtle?