Has anybody else noticed that a huge chunk of the most beloved games are heavily flawed in some areas and the reasons behind why they're so incredible is hard to define? Why do you think this is, assuming you agree with my assessment?
Just to name a few. I don't even like all the games I listed, but I can see why others do. It's not as if it's because I knew they were beloved beforehand. Most of the games that I've played that many consider to be the greatest of all time I had no idea they were so loved when I played them.
Beloved Games
It's nostalgia user.
Youre fuckin gay
Doubtful. I didn't play Dark Souls, Silent Hill 2, or Deadly Premonition until a few years ago (I'm almost 30). While I like SH2 and DP, I don't find them to be the best games ever, but can definitely understand why others do. As for Dark Souls, it is now one of my personal favorites.
Yup, I tried picrelated and couldn't even be bothered finishing the first mission.
So you're saying that the most beloved games aren't actually good? That's not what I was saying at all.
I think it's because a flawed gem has more charm than a perfect one. It's the rough edges that enhance its beauty. Pic related.
1. Popularity is not a meaningful measurement of a game's quality.
2. There may be numerous reasons why it may be difficult for a person to explain why they like (or dislike) any given product. This includes, but is not limited to, the inability to express oneself adequately through written or spoken word and the inability to fully understand what one enjoys in their media in the first place.
3. Many people tend to "follow the crowd", which is to say that there are a large subset of the consumer base who aren't particularly passionate about the media in question and who just want to enjoy something for superficial reasons. In other words, while the enthusiast might devote a large majority of their time to consuming and analyzing every facet of their preferred media, the "casual" is content to mindlessly consume. Therefore, a game's perceived notoriety is influenced in part by a subset of people who don't necessarily understand why the game may be so praised.
4. Anything that has ever been made by human beings can be critiqued for being flawed in some way; what matters is how these flaws relate to the overall production. If a critic is worth his salt, he'll be able to point out these flaws and explain why they're so detrimental to the final piece, and then explain what could have been done to mitigate their impact. Because we live in an age where every retard and their dog has access to a platform through which they can express their mental diarrhea, and because of the points raised in item 2, it can be difficult for the prospective analyst to gleam meaningful feedback on the product in question.
So, what?
Its not nostalgia.
I missed out on a majority of games before like 2008 thanks to being a filthy child at the time with restricting parents, so I've been going back and playing them with no nostalgia available and most of them are just better.
I wouldn't put Skyrim on that list, since going back and playing Morrowind that game is just better with more shit to do, cooler world, better magic, etc.
Also noticed that more games were actually fucking different. Like same exact genre and all but they'd play differently which I swear to god just isn't a thing anymore. Take FPS for example, lets take Dishonored and modern Thief, both stealth based FPS with different abilities in each but aside from graphical style it felt like I played the same game twice in a row. Same feeling in the movement and fighting, same sorts of goals, etc.
But the original Half Life and Doom or even Quake still felt different despite having more shit in common.
Statistically that's bound to happen, faggot. No reason you needed to tell others about your uncommon opinion. I'm curious, why did you even bother making such a comment? Did you think it would sway others? Did you think it would make people whom love the game go, "Oh fuck, this random dipshit on Holla Forums is right, MM sucks ass!"? No. We all know you just wanted attention. You fucking hipster bitch. You make me fucking sick. I hope you die in a goddamn fire while your family watches! There's a special place in Hell for pieces of shit like you. Just off yourself already, you insufferable prick. If your NEET ass manage to waddle over to some poor girl, you should drown any resulting rape-babies, then smother your parents and siblings in their sleep (god knows your out of shape ass couldn't take them while they're awake). Your genes need to be wiped from existence. You know what? Fuck it! I'm going to dedicate my life to finding out who you are and where you live. Just so when I finally track you down I can flip you the bird. Also, you smell bad.
Not really. Majora's Mask is a terrible video game but people like it because of how "alive" the town feels. The Bomber's Notebook lets you keep tabs on everyone in the game and interact with them, interrupting and altering their routines over the three days. Dungeon design is passable. The most interesting thing in them is fairy placement, but as a consequence they're not great unless you at getting all the fairies. Lastly, the technical limitations of the Nintendo 64 led to some creative graphical decisions, adding to the somber tone that makes the game so memorable to some.
Pokémon was a normalfag phenomenon. Red and Blue are deeply flawed games but everyone played them, many of those people being young children who didn't own any other games. They defined many a childhood.
Likewise with Sonic Adventure. The blue hedgehog was already a household name (not only from the Mega Drive classics but the cartoon and PC release of Sonic CD) and the hype of a bigger-than-ever Sonic in 3D was mind blowing.
tl;dr, Nostalgia and marketing.
What the actual fuck are you smoking? I put it on the list because it's a widely beloved game.
It's also shit.
Every game has flaws, it's just a matter of what you're willing to overlook or tolerate to get to the good stuff.
casual leftypol spotted
Lmao, it looks like you're the hipster here, fag.
The mainstream answer is OoT you dork. Holla Forums is probably the only place with a suitable crowd that argues for MM, and even then it's competing with Wind Waker.
The actual best Zelda is Four Swords Adventures
underrated post
Shut up, faggot.
Do you really think anyone is going to seriously fall for your pitiful false flag?
Apply yourself.
Don't do drugs.
Read it again.
This game has great atmosphere. The enemy designs and the dreary environments ultimately give the game a tense and psychological feel.
This game was marketed as very difficult game to complete. While this isn't necessarily true, this promise alone managed to grasp the interests of people who were sick of "press X to win" hallway shooters. Aside from this, the game's simple yet weighty combat is enjoyable for its own sake.
Sonic's first foray into 3D. These games feature fantastic musical score and a vibrant support cast. While some of the levels leave much to be desired, at least a few are memorable.
The first 3D Final Fantasy. This game was hyped to hell and back, so perhaps it doesn't deserve as much of the praise that it enjoys, but it's one of the more straightforward Final Fantasy games, at least as far as combat goes.
Pokemon is an international phenomenon that can be quite difficult to explain. Suffice it to say that children are always a reliable source of income. Nintendo, Disney, and many other companies have known this for years.
Don't know anything about this game
The fifth entry in a long standing franchise, TES:V was destined for mass acclaim. Those who were not familiar with the series received an easily digestible action RPG with a huge portion of content that could keep the average joe busy for weeks on end. Aside from this, the game is probably one of the most modded AAA titles in all history.
This game's atmosphere is in stark contrast to its predecessor, which featured a more "by the books" Hero's Journey affair. Majora's Mask poses philosophical questions in guise of character motivations, and the entire game world can be interpreted as a character study in various facets of human psychology.
The stylish combat system rewards player competence. I hear that some people also like the characters, visual themes, and symbolism.
In short, it's easy to see why these games are enjoyed by some. However, you may not like the reasons why.
Hey, i love Alunya too, but how about you fuck off with your terrible tastes that make /leftpol/ look bad?
I actually loved Shadow the Hedgehog. Hear me out. If you like the good 3D Sonics (SA1&2, basically) then you should play it. You get similar fun from the game play, although it's a lot worse, it's still good. The main problem is you lose all momentum when you jump. Because it's so buggy, part of the fun is finding exploits (I would give examples, but you need to figure them out yourself). And the story is actually okay, lots of unique ideas. The main reason you should play it though: THE EDGE. It is so goddamn funny and it never ceases to be. It is played 100% straight.
There are some really bad levels, though. Like, really, really bad levels. If you can get past that, you're gonna have a good time.
How about the game is shit and you're protecting a shitty Ratched & Clank clone of Sega? How about the fact that Sonic is for children, not for school shooters?
First of all "It's for children" isn't an excuse to be a bad game. second of all It's not Sonic :^)
I wish I could understand why people enjoy Sonic Adventure. I was a huge little Sonic autist as a kid and Adventure is what made me drop the series, it was just so… slippery.
Sonic Adventure 2 is really more for it's chao garden. I still stand by that if Sega wanted they could make bank by turning that into it's own game.
Make it a Mario party esque game all about minigames with your chao which earns you rewards in the form of animals and drives to give them so they can do the minigames better.
Also was Dark Souls really marketed as a hard game? I don't remember much of it's marketing but everything associated with the game being hard comes more from players making it sort of memetic until From jumped on with the Prepare to Die thing.
You know i am right. SA2 advertised that Shadow fellow. And Sonic Heroes too.
Guns shouldn't appear in child's video games, especially if you're allowed to shoot the police.
Jews don't make Nintendo games, they still don't have an influence on them yet.
I did specially say they were hard games to define why they're good, but I'll try to explain why I love them anyway: You mentioned the "slippery"ness. This is actually part of why it is good. It feels natural. It feels like you're actually running super fast in a place that just kind of exists. It's also fun to replay the levels. Every time you do, you are noticeably better and you feel like a badass for zipping through the level in ways that not even the developers meant you to. And the choas give you reason to replay levels. Mostly I think I like it because I've always been fascinated with the idea of running fast the way most people are with flying. And the games just make you feel like you can do that.
Why does every conversation have to turn to jews? Are you people really so unhappy with your lives that you constantly feel the need to blame the scape goat for your misery you made up in your head?
It's in the marketing, so if you ask me, it counts.
People really care about that? I was always annoyed by it. I suppose it's at least an interesting spin on tamagotchis. I like how the player can influence the chao's appearance by collecting and feeding it specific animals, which in turn will affect its performance in the mini game competitions that it can take part in.
It feels nice to be proven right, I guess.
Aside from flashing text not a lot in there shows the game being hard. I saw like getting hit one time, the dark wraith grab, and nothing else really.
I am not even that much of a Holla Forumsack, you are asking the wrong guy.
Except for the scenes that show the protagonist facing off against the game's bosses, which are large and intimidating, the song being played in the background, and the huge PREPARE TO DIE at the end, right? However, let's not digress from the point. The point is that many people were attracted to the game because they were told, whether by the marketing or by word of mouth, that the game is especially difficult. Are you suggesting that this isn't the case?
I guess I'm just not really phased by big bosses anymore, too many games used it. Stand by it was more the people who played it who gave it the reputation though, at least to the extent it has now.
Check em
I think you should at least attempt to think for yourself and make the effort to define what is wrong with them. Or don't and just say "I don't like it" so another thread can die to your inanity.
But I'm not doing your homework.
Threads like this belong on >>>/cuckchan/
What kind of threads do you approve of?
One of the things Game that must not be named has going for it is atmosphere. The visuals and especially Jeremy Soule's score make it easy to get into.
Playing through again and ethnically cleansing all the non-Nords
The man's never made a bad soundtrack. His work on Guild Wars 1 in particular was amazing.
I dress up my gf as alunya and fuck her with such angry vigor. She's Irish too
yeah reddi/v/ro none of those games were ever good XDDDDDDDDDDDD
Todd, get out. Skyshit is not a flawed gem, it's just flawed.
I didn't play a lot of the classics when they came out either, we didn't have much money when I was a kid and my parents didn't like violent games. Playing them now, I find some games are definitely still fun and oddly more polished than modern titles. Quake for example has wonderful movement and weapons, I'd rather play it than any modern FPS which is bogged down with stupid bad design/monetization bullshit and lacks fun features like enemy infighting for example.
This is Holla Forums, you're not allowed to like Bethesda games here.
Thief is great, you tremendous homo.
I really like dragon age: Inquisition tbh
The spindash felt awkward and useless with melee combat feeling like another situational novelty. Shadow's running only feels good in the game when you're doing neutral missions so you can kill and speed past the level without giving two fucks about alignment affecting your score or having to stop and ensure every item/enemy is collected or killed. Didn't like how the Shadow androids and Omega were mostly self contained to non canon dead Eggman endings and felt brushed aside for a stupid alien plot that made things confusing unless you hear the doctor's confession 7 minutes or so into fighting the true final boss. That is to say nothing of its ridiculous presentation. Apparently the 1st Adventure was made with the Dreamcast controller in mind since he tends to stick to walls and is sort of twitchy at high speed. Also,
I can tell you're not from around here.
Is Majora's Mask kino?
yes, fedoras mask is kino
I don't understand why anyone likes this game. My normalfag friends were raving about it when it was released, and they were playing it on console. It was so incredibly boring.
Best 3D Zelda.
MM is overrated Ocarina of Time is a better experience. Even WW is better than Majora's Mask tbh.
No shit user. Deadly Premonition is loved because it's flawed.
I can't even comprehend opinions this fucking shit.
I liked WW more, but then again I love any excuse to pretend to be a pirate.
I never understood the universal love of Sonic Advance 1 over 3.
Advance 1 starts fine but devolves into some of the worst level design in the trilogy. People love that game yet where somehow completely unaware that the exact same game philosophy was carried over into every dimps game since. Sonic Advance 2 and 3 where dimps last attempt to NOT do what advance 1 did.
Now people are complaining about the boost pad placement when it was just a direct port of how late advance 1 design went.
I'm so happy Mania is a thing now. At least there's a chance that future handheld and console 2d sanic games don't borrow from such a shit design philosophy set up by Advance 1.
That doesn't even make sense, and BOTW was a good game.
Breath of the Wild isn't just good it's top 5 of the whole of last year. People hate it for changing up Zelda's gamplay a bit but that was needed to avoid going stale and it's still obviously a Zelda game.
It could have been good if the map was 5 times smaller but had the same amount of stuff in it, as the game would actually be full of content then. But instead, they opted for the INFINITE PLAYTIME crowd, and 90% of the game is boring filler that I'm sure you'll excuse as "comfy", which it was… for about ten hours, not two hundred. It's why Termina and Koholint Island feel alive, and BotW and WW's worlds don't.
Both are open world games with nothing to do. Sure, Wind Waker's world is smaller, but it's exactly as bland and lifeless.
Because last year was crap.
It's only good for the sex mods.
I really don't get how normalfags can get into it without them.
It's not a flawed gem, it's a pile of shit that might just contain a raw uncut gem.
Because mods genuinely could have fixed it, turned it from a mediocre rpg into a framework to build good rpgs off of, which would have put bethesda in their place.
The bethesda modding community simply decided not to, because they prefer infighting over persimmons instead of working together.
And no, faggots who say something is impossible to fix are not right.
The whole point of gamebryo is that it's a framework for adding frameworks with the bare minimum in the way of components tacked on.
It's so abstracted out that you can just add an entire physics engine, at runtime.
That's what the bouncing tiddies plugins (HDTpe, which is Havok 2013, and HDTsmp, which is bullet) do.
Bethesda, the SKSE team, the skyUI team, and the modding community chose not to use this functionality, bar isolated cases.
Gamebryo doesn't even let you have trains without making them a hat on a nigger who runs fast. There's no fixing that shit.
Liking Majoras Mask has become mainstream already, and you should be aware of this.
And now that it's mainstream Holla Forums no longer likes it.
Bingo. Holla Forums has a very strong hipster bend to it. Obviously, not everybody agrees because taste is subjective (and those three words basically just nullify this entire fucking thread anyway). But the general consensus on Holla Forums will always be to shit on popular things. Shit on everything, but particularly popular things. I'm a huge fan of EYE Divine Cybermancy, but that game is a buggy, obtuse mess. But Holla Forums loves it. Ditto with STALKER. But you take something that's far more polished, and loved by many, and suddenly it's shit no matter how good it actually is. If it's old, it's just nostalgia. If it's a Nintendo game you're a numale. If it's Sony you're a nigger. If it's on steam you're a Goyim. If it's Japanese you're just a weeb. And nobody even pretends to like Microsoft so that never comes up. There's a lot of popular games that are fucking dogshit, but I feel a lot of younger, impressionable anons try a bit too hard to fit in and never give things their fair shake.
And of course, that's not to dismiss their opinions. It's perfectly okay to hate a game no matter how many people like it. Being popular doesn't mean it's good or bad, it just means people like it.
No, it isn't. It always comes down to developers having passion about their game. That's where the flaws come in too, they don't come about through malice usually, but rather the desire to try something new but it doesn't work out as well as one hopes.
The passion behind a game creates nuance and nuance creates a strong atmosphere and complimentary gameplay.
Skyrim is a dumb choice for this list, it's "beloved" because it's a feel good powertrip entry RPG that caters to normalfags. Morrowind would be a better example, it has some pretty fucked up game decision choices but ultimately, it remains remembered for its immersive atmosphere. I really liked the signposts on the roads telling you where the roads took you, and having to listen to directions you were given to find something. There's obviously much more to it than that, but when you start really thinking about beloved games, that list becomes huge and you can see why people really like it for what it is.
It's the easiest fucking one.
Unless you did it on Expert.
Tried this and it was just a crappy limited GTA with floaty controls and subtle homosexual propaganda.
Also apparently the original version is less floaty feeling but has missing content over scholarship so I didn't try it.
Yeh Bully is overrated trash for those who don't want to like GTA because it's too mainstream.
Nigger do you need your meds?
Probably they all did something revolutionary and the flaws are not very important to the core game. Pokemon was (I think?) the first monster catching game and the core game was done very well. You can also add Thief, Deus Ex and Jagged Alliance 2 to the list, with the same explanation.
Fedora's Mask a shit.
No, I don't notice it because your premises are bullshit.
ALL games are "flawed" if discussed in a large and autistic enough audience like h8chan. There's absolutely no game that's not going to be "heavily flawed" according to at least one dumb fucking faggot here. None.
You make yourself look bad by existing.
It really isn't hard to define for the ones that are heavily flawed. For example Dark Souls is just unfinished, not exactly hard to define that. Skyrim is glitchy and has an incredibly shit story and shit RPG mechanics. It isn't that well liked games are flawed in a way that no one understands, its that a lot of games are popular simply because they are popular. Skyrim is the best example of this, it is just a bad game but is popular because it is popular.