vidya waifo bread
i know they're insects, but i still want to angage in sexual congress with them
vidya waifo bread
i know they're insects, but i still want to angage in sexual congress with them
Other urls found in this thread:
bugs are not too weird OP
where can i find this girl irl?
i love catgirlz
luv bots w/ buttz
In the mirror, after five years of HRT and surgery. Better get to it.
my very own waifu
i made her myself
nice doubles but absolute shit waifu
my latest waifu. unfortunately, lost my old one due to an unfortunate incident where i logged into my skyrim one day and my character's head was all small. Couldn't fix the issue and couldn't recreate her, so I had to settle on this
also, every once in a while after I enter/exit a dungeon or other location, her face changes to this and then randomly back again later
It's like you don't even know what a waifu is man.
She is pure
You really haven't seen this faggot around? He keeps posting that shit. He even included dick pics in the background.
A waifu is whatever you fap to, right?
Okay so help me here I might be going crazy.
I distinctly remember a white/dream version of the Mantis Lords existing,I have seen more than one person fight them in an area that looked kinda like the White Palace.
But now that I am actually playing the game I cant find a single trace of said bossfight anywhere
Read Nietzsche, friend. Your waifu is your reason for self improvement, both the hammer and anvil simultaneously. Thinking of her isn't supposed to be some hedonistic pleasure, but an agony you strive to embrace and master. You know you will never meet your waifu, but you should be someone she would be .proud of. Sage for literal autism.
waifus are merely spooks
I was hoping for the one from Nietzsche about the farm boy pining after a princess, but this is quite similar, thanks.
your virgin asshole after muhammad is done with you is a spook
Of course Stirner would say that, loving someone else leaves less room for loving yourself. At least, that’s the gist I got of his ideology, “fuck everyone else, everything else is a ghost in my head, I’m the only thing that’s real.”
>>>Holla Forums
stirner loved his fellow man because he shared what he called a "fellow feeling" with them, which is a fancy construct h made (aka a spook) that basically means empathy
he is kind of an anarchist but he isnt really leftist
Try reading him sometime, I think you're wrong. Stirner just says that you shouldn't do anything to serve the ideas of others, only your own. The ideas of others, like love for example, can align with your own egoistic desires.
Stirner isn't leftypol. Some commies attach to him thinking he's some kinda anarchist but that's just because they lack any subtlety of understanding. He actually trolled the fuck out of Marx and was a huge thorn in his side.
Uhhh if you read Stirner he talks constantly about how the "cause of man" is not his own.
I remember that shitty thread
am i bend
Tbh she needs a slimmer waist to have a better ass.
someone post the andromeda autist
I thought these threads got banned and moved over to their own board? Not trying to be a rulesfag and say this should be banned or anything, just out of the loop and wondering what's up with that.
Nope they've always been allowed.
What a brilliant idea, nothing could go wrong!
And then they get removed, just like this one will
I want a cute crow harpy as waifu tbh
I only noticed that that is a giantess/ micro guy in the pic after glancing at it a second time.
Just TRY to post a gay pokemon image and watch what happens :^)
Not my waifu but probably what turned me weeb
That "game" exists as an excuse to put this character in it.
That's the closest I have to gay pokemon
I want to impregnate Chun-li and start a family of 10.
A good waifu should have a personality behind the looks, something that rarely comes out in videogames.
They're allowed, on wednesday.
Best waifu
No hat girl?
Can't get enough of Makoto
all of these suck, even eltonel's (though that's more for different reasons)
why can't westerners do lolis right, they look disgusting, though maybe that's just shadman
eltonels is pretty good but its not a loli
I know, that's why I said "for different reasons"
pls don't bully my awful taste
well uh… nice trips
In Sonic Forces I didn't plan on making a cute wolf girl my main OC, it just ended up happening.
If only the OC levels were actually good
Tripsman you're a bait and switch motherfucker
You're alright.
Why was my post deleted
for reference
I noticed that, too. I think the mods or BO delete posts to reverse bumps
Dead eyes peeking from behind glasses is always a riot.
>liking Mettatons worst form
In any and all levels, no
I found the OC stages to be some of the better ones since they worked with different functions than Sonic.
Nice try sweetie.
Fuck off to Holla Forums you sack of cancer.
I'm glad vols are putting ban messages more often.
what's with all the trigger happy mods these days? somebody lost his milk bottle?
Bans are happening at the same rate they've always happened at, they're just making more of those bans public.
Just doodle one onto her face or find a new head. She's a doll, after all.
We can see your entire post history, user. We know if you've been naughty enough for a ban.
nice crop
Hahaha I'm jerkying to her and Brianna wu right now
Fuck me daddy
People always gave me shit about liking porcelain dolls. A lot of people think they are creepy. I don't. Normal fags will never understand . Doll waifus are purest waifus. They don't lie, cheat, or do anything but love you. All they want is to be loved back.
this tbh
this is the worst thread
Whats wrong.
No avatarfagging in this thread?
Wew laddy
Maybe he's upset that other people like things he doesn't, or perhaps he's upset that nobody appreciates his waifu enough to post her
Well now I am curious about how the mechanisms for all those weapon attachments work.So,yeah.
I don't know who is waifu is but he seems like the type that would have shit taste.
But Makoto already has a canon husbando, besides MC-kun.
RIP Kiryu
Never played Bloodborne because I don't feel like spending 300 dollarydoosor however much a Bloodborne box goes for these days for one game, but I want to fuck that doll.
Makoto just has excellent taste
Thread over, go home. No waifus can ever be superior to her except her FFX incarnation.
Not a waifu, but Juri is cute as fuck.
I'd date her, have slow consensual sex in the missionary position with eye contact and leg lock frequently and even mary and have children.
Step it up, faggots!
Yes, it's Skyrim
No, I did not make her
Her FFX incarnation is pretty good. She completely saved my ass during the final fight with her overdrive.
Looks like something out of a nightmare.
I don't know what animu garbage she's from, but god she's adorable.
I know this is bait, but checked anyway
It's not my fault you find landwhales attractive, user.
I don't know, I usually want to fuck my nightmares.
Looks like someone tried to remake Lili from Tekken but just gave her a stupid outfit.
Nah, she's supposed to be the genderbent anthromorphized version of the White Stag in Hircine's Daedric Quest.
Oh, never got past an hour in skyrim before uninstalling so that would explain why I have no idea what or who that is.
The author stated that in the picture's description.
Honestly if he didn't I wouldn't have known.
50 years old………
blue < yellow
stretched face tbh
Yellow is good.
Should I be happy or sad?
It's the feral feminist lifeless stare. The poor things don't deserve being cursed with that though.
Dont even play overwatch anymore, mei is just hot
You shouldn't have in the first place.
Don't remind me…
It was the generic my friends were playing it bullshit too
Also i'll just post this tumblr I found here too…
Consider the kind of people who would post in these threads.
This is my waifu, there are many like it but this one is mine.
how do you waifufags feel about autists like this representing your shitty community? >>>/eerie/
He isn't representing shit.
You should be more worried about me representing the "community."
he's the only one that has an entire board he shills everywhere, he's all i think of now when I hear the word "waifu". you can't overcome his cancer with your one post in one thread that's just a picture.
So, where are you from?
I thought the subject of the picture would be enough to push it over the edge.
all anime fans are FAGS. see:
these are some depressing trips, I finished it 2 days ago.
>blue < yellow < white
be happy
Husbandofags need to get their own shitty thread
Nah, he's a waifu my man. I refuse to call him anything else.
You should be happy. You have better taste than at least half of the "people" in this thread
Anyone else know the joy of waifu thinking before sleep?
I can't believe I'm surrounded by newfags
I somehow managed to block that from my brain when I looked through the posts.
Absolutely disgusting.
this goat gives me strength
Why did they make her a goat, was the dev a furry?
why do anything?
When do I know I've found the one? I feel like playing through a bunch of waifubait games to find "her" but I feel like I'd just be wasting time.
Karen is a pretty cool girl.
Can't you fuck and date several animals in undertale? It's blatantly obvious he was the type to yiff at the moon.
not vidya you turbofagnugget
FINE. Then this one.
Coulda sworn there were the dates and implied sex.
not a one
it ain't gay if he ain't real
You'd be right.
Trying to get a waifu is like trying to catch a disease. Why not just be happy you don't have one?
Why you gotta lie tho?
how does it feel sucking at the game?
its gay if its male homofaggot
fucking nigger flag
if you played the game, you would know sex wasn't implicated
It's ok, we all know who you are without it.
. . . .>>14535585
. . . . .>>14535587
Blatant lie. There is obviously dating in the game as per the evidence I provided. You are a liar, and a cheat.
you suck at the game, git gud
you'll never get the super secret ending
Why would I believe you when you are a proven liar, you fraudulent cheat? Nothing you say can be taken at face value, as you obviously do not respect truth or honesty.
except you didn't
I only said
and in response you said
and in context the implied sex was the key word
to which I stood with my first statement
We have already been through this you facetious twink.I clearly asked about implied sex and dating, you emphatically refused all allegations and were quickly proven a liar with a cursory search of undertale. Your backpedalling will not change this fact.
Now, you have derailed this thread long enough with your antics. Kindly vacate the thread and dont come back until reflecting on your actions.
Now don't get me wrong: Undertale is a shit game and I regret taking too long to qualify for a refund. But if that game got one thing right it was Muffet. She's basically perfect.
A man of taste, I see!
you proved there was a "date," you didn't prove there was a sexual date
I proved that you were a liar! And were it against the rules you'd have been reported already.
you proved jack shit
You damned soft-headed boy-toy, I said WERE IT AGAINST THE RULES, i'd have reported you. Clearly it was not, because you're still here, your unfaithful argumentation notwithstanding.
I'm half asleep and read it wrong. I saw report and thought like the millions of times before you actually did it. I wouldn't be surprised if I get banned anyway though. That's just a given at this point. Pewter can suck my dick.
I'll admit I'd never thought someone would actually draw a spider so fucking cute.
Also contributing.
It would be because posting Undertale is against the rules. Antagonizing mods is also in violation of rule 8. I'm not certain but requests for dick sucking and allusions to being a homosexual are also a bannable offense now, despite being perfectly legal in years past.
no, posting an "undertale general" gets the thread bump locked as per the official Mark ruling
the unspoken, undocumented rule is anything undertale = ban for whatever reason we can come up with
And none of this is unprovoked, so it's not deliberate, though I could see someone banning me for posting images of my waifu as "excessively posting with an avatar" or "deliberately shitting up a thread" because they don't like it. Could go the old tried and true 1 week ban for rule 1 or 2 weeks for 4 even though it's a rule about meta threads about Holla Forums as a whole. Then they let everything else violating a rule slide, so I guess they're consistent in inconsistency.
Polite sage for off topic
Can we go back to waifu posting?
here's two to fix that
disregard this, I suck cock
yeah, we guessed it.
>being so cucked he doesnt even want to have sex in the missionary position with his """waifu"""
what's the point when that's not even going to be done for the sole purpose of reproduction
He's for pure and head pats and hand holding
I would do the soul dance thing it's said how they reproduce if it would mean raising a happy family and dying together.
There's very little to stop a BO's personal tastes from turning into a boardwide filter here
is the other problem here homo
He's the only he that I care about, and I don't wanna fugg the goat or do that gay shit from the GAY COMMUNITY.
I understand renamon though, she's best girl in tamers. Her and all her 9 DICKS.
shid, forgot the :^)
is still a problem nontheless
well, he has no style or grace, but he has a funny face, but renamon, he has more dicks, so it's clear that you're the gay community*9
renamon's got canon tits though :^)
But gynecomastia :^)^)))^)^)^))
ur mom is gynecomastia lol lmao owned
well, you could say that, but no u lamo pwn'd
I can't believe I have to talk about tumblrtale shit but this is just so stupid I can't let it slide unopposed.
Faggoat's mother is way more waifu material not only from the standpoint that she can actually be a waifu, but she was also one of the few remotely sane characters in that shitty game.
why do furfags like Renamon, xe's totally shit compared to superior Rosemon
Nah, he's a much better character than trator goat.
Tamers, it's the only reason why anyone likes Renamon. But to be fair, she was a great character in Tamers, and some respect is due.
>(((adventure tri)))
gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post
(((your greatest ally))) of course
Rosemon doesn't have cute eyes.
Who have you permission to (you) me
I'm beginning to truly understand why you're banned so much. It's warranted imo.
Happy that you didn't fall for the waifu meme. Nothing wrong with liking characters from games, but taking to the level of wanting to be or believing you're in a genuine relationship with said characters is a slippery step towards denial, insanity, and depression (see these threads a year or 3 ago and waifu boards like /mai/). Much like but can get even worse. People have actually killed themselves due to not being able to be with their waifu and not being able to "express their love for them" in the real world.
You are wasting time in general trying to find one, waifubait games or not. You're better off having said characters as something that you find attractive and what you're looking for in an actual relationship than thinking you're an actual relationship with these characters.
i don't really conisder it garbage
as far as waifus goes i love pic rel
Find the nearest large city. One of the clubs will have "goth night" on a calendar, usually near or on the front door. That's where and when.
Just tell me what this is called in case I ever decide to play that shitty game again. I can't find it by searching
The filename is from tumblr. Chances are its some artist's donut steel
Here you go :
She is pure despite being a fiend
Do you have any dolls user? If so post some.
They better be cute or we'll bully you
I'm a fucking retardo and forgot to add a pic
The body mod :
The skin texture :
And that kind of face can only be made in ECE :
That and the entire thread reminds me of song related
Thanks. Fuck faggots like this for not just posting the character. 3$ for a fucking jpeg.
Is every embed converted to YouTube or something?
*from YouTube. Anyways, it doesn't look like it.
Embed related.
r8 me
He actually did share his characters in the past.
Unfortunately some faggots made follower mods with his characters without crediting him.
He confronted the faggots but they refused to credit him and a shit ton of drama ensued. Afterwards he refuses to share any of his creations anymore.
how do you feel about hyrule warriors?
If this place was a school a few of you would be alright.
The game was worth a WiiU. Ganondorf felt like a magic monster powerhouse, Girahim was playable and excellent, BOTH versions of Midna were playable, it was fucking gud. Only character missing was Groose
I will admit I would be cautious tapping into critters like Renamon as they're drawn so often into the visage of a slut it would be hard to anticipate a loyal waifu relationship
most people who draw renamon porn havent watched a single episode of tamers in the first place
Implying thoughtforms care when they are being fed hyper-nutrituous diet of lust loosh
>implying you're not gay
Big midna is unsalvageable. I've never seen a picture where she looks good.
Her outfit looks good (and lewd) on the fairies in Hyrule Warriors
The less faggoat was seen the better.
He "freed" them after he got his shit pushed in for causing problems for said people.
He deserves eternal torment and his smile isn't worth protecting.
is there anyone who knows how to draw adult females anymore?
I can see why certain waifuthreads were nuked.
My waifu is stuck in a shit game
i hope i will learn how to, someday
Could be worse man.
I disagree. Although I still prefer Imp midna.
Short stacks is best stack.
I would love to dispense a mass of man marmelade between Cia's fantastic funbags.
Cia is better than Lana, tbh
Well obviously
Underrated choice
I love my daughteru and I always will.
This is my wife, say something nice about her.
Her hair is pretty nice.
Who said I enjoyed this? It's clearly riding on the coattails of Dark Souls, and the way the story/world is written makes it plain as day.
I already liked Rider a lot, but FGO makes me like her more.
She's always a good choice.
I'm more partial to Saber, although I don't consider her vidya and so don't say much about her here. Rider seems pretty cool though.
Where the video games?
They Bleed Pixels is a pretty good video game.
Shortstacks are disgusting
Fate has always been shit
You take that back, boy.
Someone posted a download link here literally the day it came out.
I'm nit a fan of Skullgirls but jesus I'd fuck Valentine so hard.
Meant to say not
Any games with Zone? I love her so much. She puts the fu in my wai
When you just sit there staring at her for half an hour, letting the music roll, just staring and sympathizing, dreaming, imagining your futures together. Those lofty feelings, dreams of cuddling with her, cheering her on of being with her and for her heart body and soul. That is when you have found her.
bugs are not that strange OP, at least I hope not
Why is Pyra so lewd?
Think about it if you had control over what you looked like as in being able to change your form at will would you not make yourself hot/buff as fuck?
go back to reddit my man
You know, I've always wondered. Why do you faggots store pictures like that third? You can't be masturbating to it. You're right though, fifth pic is pretty good.
I want scolipede to push me down and then lay atop me, smothering me in its soft underbelly, and then embrace it as we snuggle through the night.
I've seen a handful of really good lewds of scoliopede.
I could really go for a ddounont right now
the fuck's a ddounont
Do not invoke the sunibee
how he can draw shit like twilight sparkle taking a dump and still be liked is beyond me
furries are weird
I liked him for a few of his pics but holy jesus it's just the same shit over and over and over.
the only thing he's done to spice it up recently is add farting but that arguably makes it worse
Farting waifus??? WHERE
you lazy nig
you can just go to e621 and type "sunibee fart"
He used to make half-decent art but then he decided to focus on landwhales with prolapsed assholes. To make it worse he's starting to move towards farts/scat.
Apparently he's always been into farting and he just kept it from people.
The slippery slope is real and scary. Be careful what you draw, folks.
You do realize Renamon is a type of digimon, not a singular being right? Sluttiness would be as varied as any other personality trait.
one would hope she'd have the same demeanor as Rika's Renamon though
>(((dub))) names
Orcifus are so awesome :3c
this is one extremely overrated slut
They're obviously clean and about to be used you mongoloid.
Degenerate scalefag coming through with the best waifu.
What don't you like about Skullgirls though? I've heard some questionable things about the devs, but the gameplay / character variety is great.
I'll take it back when they stop being disgusting, which will never happen.
Ashleyfags, just remember your trash waifu is buried underneath the WarioWare girl totem pole.
I would not. She looks unhealthy.
What, a waifu thread on Holla Forums? I thought these weren't allowed anymore.
Sorry user, I already beat you to it
Mark is allowing fun again.
A Waifu thread may be fun once and a while, but something like Waifu Wednesday every week just devolves into avatar fagging and circle jerking.
There's no evidence of me being wrong, anything you post on the subject will just prove me right.
Meanwhile the superior Wario series is buried underneath her as well.
Your kind (still) isn't welcome here.
If 4am threads are allowed daily I don't understand why we can't have waifu threads once a week.
This is true, that's the sort of shit that ruined half/v/, a once off or a here and there kind of thing is fine though since it can introduce people to new waifus, maybe encourage them to try out a game they may not have been interested in, maybe they'll even find they enjoy the game outwith that one waifu who baited them in.
These things can be good, but like any medicine too much is poison.
Prove me wrong then
Your own shit taste proves itself wrong.
This. Its more the double-standard that bothers me.
opinion discarded.
Are you afraid of the truth?
The double standard exists because mods use the 4am threads and not the waifu threads. That's all. I wish there was a way to contact the cakejew outside of meta threads and ask him to explain. I'd be fine with us only being allowed once a week rather than daily.
You infer incorrectly, I'm just saying that an interesting design, artstyle (even as fan art) or boasting about her abilities or deeds in the game might be just the push to attract someone to play the game she's in by merit of them being a quality that user is interested in.
Of course, saying that, filthy secondaries who never play her game should just kill themselves like the cockroaches they are.
There's also Friday Night threads which are allowed once a week don't forget.
So, an attractive character? That is not the same as a waifu.
you can use (((TWITTER))) to contact him but his attention span is the size of a grape.
Unf, excellent taste😏👌
here's your daughter :^)
The very reason 4 am threads happen is because no normal threads can exist at such an hour, so it's time to hang out with the few people who are still awake. it needs to be 4AM for a 4AM thread to happen.
Friday night threads are about what anons are currently Interested in and maybe bringing something new to an user's attention.
Waifu's isn't a strictly Vida topic, and unless your a unfaithful fag, your Waifu stays the same, no allot of room for new discussion if it's always the same people posting every week. My true Waifu is Hexadecimal and she's only Vida related if you stretch it.
4am threads happen at 10am for most of Europe, they're an inherently stupid concept that just reinforces the USA-centric issues of Holla Forums. It's 4am in exactly 1/24th of the world at any given time.
there's your problem
It's not unwarranted some times, but the moderation has the consistency of a 12 year old with ADHD.
yeah, actively chosing not to go on a xenocidal rampage and setting up the peace after they're let out is totally causing a problem
or maybe it was that uncountable length of time he was forced into, resorting to killing everyone in the process, then resetting like nothing ever happened that was the problem
what an awful guy
you don't see what I'm doing, do you
What said, stop whining. Besides, even in the US, there's a time zone span of 6-7 hours I'm from Japan and I don't get butthurt about this shit, stop being a bunch of faggots
Wow, i'm impressed.
Good to see this was a good thread without getting deleted or making this into a chatroom like that weekly waifu threads.
So long as Waifus thread don't pop up too often they should be fine, I think.
It's almost like a handful of bad apples ruined the bunch.