I haven't played the game for many years, but what the fuck? I don't understand these changes. I thought they just ruined the game with the cosmetics and too many weapons, I didn't realize the chimps in charge ruined so much else.
I haven't played the game for many years, but what the fuck? I don't understand these changes...
Other urls found in this thread:
I hated it for no playable females back in the day.
Too many toaster peasants so they had to fuck up the graphics and lighting and pass it off as a "bug" fix.
No Valve. It wasn't a bug. It was a feature.
None of those affect gameplay
So who cares
Welcome to valve.
let me fix that for you, eceleb man
This is always the stupidest excuse considering graphics options exist.
Yeah it is so much effort to post a link. I don't know how anyone manages to do it.
Cum on steppit up.
i see you are incapable of coming to a personal conclusion yourself and must go to e-celebs and anons to know how to think.
how about enjoy the GAMEplay, and not get so caught up in graphics.
I refuse to support a developer who rather than optimizing the game or creating more in-depth setting options, chooses to simply downgrade the entire visuals.
I think it looks bettet with the changes. Clamped lighting looks too cartoony for my tastes. Gamble though is Fucked. The machina rewards unskilled snipers with body shots and pyros are cunts.
game looks way better now.
Question; Why do people dislike crowbcat?
I always see anons here say
but doesn't necessarily help with informing other anons. Is they something he has done wrong?… I thought he did was compile videos.
He's actually a really good guy.
I'm subbed to him, but some of his videos seem to just be cherrypicking about a particular topic. I think he did a video about PS4 or Switch launch problems (or both) which made it seem like a failed launch, even though some people are bound to run into issues when millions of a system are sold (I don't own either btw).
You get that when you link his Youtube videos, it smells like shilling.
They lowered the resolution of textures, removed dynamic lighting, got rid of animations that are not seen during fights, made the weapon models smaller to improve visibility.
I would have been ok with these changes had they given us the option to easily enable them.
The one change that really toasted my marbles was when they decided to reduce the amount of grenades the demoman can have in his main weapon, yet not change the weapon itself to reflect that it now has 4 projectiles. The model clearly has space for 6 grenades.
It's stock 2007 with bug fixes and the full graphical fidelity of the original. Perfomance is so great that my shit toaster can hit 144 frames even without configs.
so basically: buthurt nintendo and sony fag on Holla Forums are mad and the>>14541940 is "the new meme" use to shit on him?
i want the 13 year old cuckchan to leave
Spammers started showing up once the Switch video came out. Notice how very few of them can type a coherent sentence.
He makes garbage videos using other peoples' content and then shills them on cuckchan and here for ad revenue.
But to be honest, it's not stock 2007. It tries to be pre-mannconomy (the shop update) with all the (actually good) improvements and balances from live TF2 and absolutely no cosmetic items. It's still being worked on since it misses a lot of weapons, but they just added a few.
We are going to play tonight, you can download it from here moddb.com
Thread over here, remember to check it to know when people will start playing
Is that one link roleplaying attentionwhore finally fucking gone?
All the badly optimized hats and weapons fuck with the memory limitations of the old source engine so they have to cut where they can I think.
Is TF2 vintage like the 2007 TF2? When you look at the comparison between the scouts face in 2007 and now you can see a horrible difference. The faces now are all fucked up.
The what?
Literally who
You think if anyone were actually this autistic they would have just fucking hung themselves by now
How do you pronounce that?
Yes you dumb faggot now never mention him ever again.
Guy who gets wetdreams over Link from Legend of Zelda, tried to pander Holla Forums and Holla Forums for making his servers segregated and eugenic, once Holla Forumsirgins were fed up with his trigger-happy bullshit they decided to dox his sorry ass. That scared the shit out of him and decided to leave Holla Forums and join reddit, and later he became a tumblr lgbtaqzxymsi+ sellout.
Of course he was a DRUMPF supporter just to shield his shota fetish, yes he completely neglected his REAL political views like a Kool Kid
His videos are good; I think most anons are skeptical of him because of his success.
Despite this, he is a faggot because he's taken down a couple videos (at least the "VR isn't great" and "Video Games vs Christians" ones, and I think one more) because people complained. He "didn't want to give people the wrong impression."
He's a useful idiot, and should not be treated as anything more.
It's because Valve switched to c_model from v_model + w_model for weapons years ago. c (complete) replaces both v (view) and w (world) models and is contained in a single package, so it increases load times and performance in most cases and is probably better for handling reskins. I agree that the c_models look inferior and valve doesn't allow custom content on official servers anymore (aside from huds) so you can't put the old ones back, but whatever.
You're thinking of TF2C
Alpha is upset vintage exists and that we laugh at him. SO much so him and his gay boyfriend and other fagfriends have tried their hardest to sink the mod
They also changed the lighting system but couldn't be assed to update the old maps
He posts other peoples content out of context.
His videos are constantly cherry picking the worst aspects of a game, but he never posts the positives.
If you read the descriptions of his videos he can barely type in English, his sentences are full of spelling and grammatical errors which leads to the conclusions he's either poorly educated or a foreigner which amounts to the same thing.
He is purposely obtuse and vague in a large part of his videos as to avoid people pinning criticism on him for siding with a certain opinion.
I think though to re-iterate the main problem people have with him is he reinforces the negative aspect of games without giving them a fair shake, he is encouraging and I hate to say this but a toxic attitude in his fan base towards otherwise good games, because it's fair easier to shit on something, it attracts more clicks, more views than to be positive about a game, hence why you have all these youtubers with negative emotions to their names like "ANGRY JOE, ANGRY VIDEO GAME NERD, ANGRY CENTAUR GAMING, I HATE EVERYTHING" e.t.c. there are many more out there, Crowbcat is just another one of those types, people think he's some form objective journalist type but he's just a band wagoner jumping on what's popular in the moment to shit on something specifically for the views = revenue.
The thumbnail alone shows they improved visibility, which is a positive.
because he pointed out bad things about kingdom come deliverance.
Fuck dude I gotta go to class, are these actually in?
If gunboats are in I'm out, I can't stand those fucking things.
really great idea you got there retards lmao
And yeah man, I totally hate Crowbcat. He never gave Mass Effect Andromeda a fair shake. What a bastard. Hey, on an unrelated topic… Who else is excited for Anthem? Me too! :^)
He pointed out a bad thing about a game they like. Fortunately, I don't play shitty games, so I'm not affected.
How old are you?
What bearing does that non sequitur question have on the conversation at hand?
How old are you?
What are you? 12?
What bearing does that non sequitur question have on the conversation at hand?
Why does a simple question about age offend you two so much? It's a very simple question. How old is ID 29717d?
In one of his latest videos he bundles Kingdom Come with Hunt Down The Freeman simply because they didn't managed to implement siege battles with hundreds of characters that were promised in the beginning of development, completely ignoring the rest of the game or the context surrounding the two projects.
He's implying that you're underaged based on the information supplied in your post. You must be autistic or belligerent to not notice that.
Jesus Christ, look at the fucking replies itt. We're being raided.
I'm aware of what he's trying to do. And I'm aware that it's very difficult to construct an ad hominem attack on an anonymous image board. I just wanted him admit what he was doing before I pointed out how childish it is.
I'm 33 by the way.
CrowbCat is comedy. He's not out to "inform consumers" or whatever. He's out to rip on games for being shit. It's not like Zero Punctuation who pretends to be a reviewer but just shits on everything (or at least did when I last watched one of his videos). Crowbcat makes funny edits of press conferences and gameplay to point out how shit games are. And most modern games are shit. He has never presented himself as a journalist and only the dumbest of the dumb would infer that he was from his videos.
By whom? After looking at your post history, I'd sooner believe it's you doing the raiding.
You're the one posting with :^), I don't think you have much room to talk about how childish other posters are.
Oh joy, a volunteer is here to flex his mod powers in the hopes that someone will suck his dick for it. Or is it the cake jew himself?
Dude, like, what the fuck is wrong with you? You obviously do not belong here.
I take it you didn't get the reference then? Maybe you should lurk more?
I don't care for references, it's reddit-tier. Ironic shitposting has always been shitposting regardless of your intent.
Posting on this board is a chore sometimes.
Oh shit sorry dude. You don't care for them? Well if you don't care for them I guess we should all stop. Hey someone tell Mark that 3dd9dd doesn't care for something so we can all change the board rules. Is there anything else you dislike?
Personally I dislike people who don't lurk before they post. Like for example people who don't get a common as dirt board culture and try to play it off like they totally get it but just don't like it.
Classic defense: Act like a shitposting retard and use "board culture" as a defense. This isn't Holla Forums.
Classic moron defense. Act like a retard then pretend it's only for the good of the board and not an attempt to force your personal tastes onto others. This aint your moms basement.
Crowbcat is a cool guy.
I don't think you belong here
A heads up Holla Forums is being raided, partly from cuckchanners and partly from Holla Forums who see the latest split over to /vg/ as "their chance to free Holla Forums from Holla Forums influence"
Originally I come from /m/ so this level of retardation and meme spouting is super fucking annoying. It's like that one kid who spouts shit in public conversation trying to look cool but ends up looking like a massive retard
:^) became widespread purely because it was one of the few Goon memes Holla Forums trannies would endlessly spam that was mildly amusing and that is why it caught on over 2 and a half years ago, despite this only people who lean into certain mindsets actually use it in earnest instead of just posting a Jew. In fact I'd go so far as to say that your very first post is a huge redflag and it has nothing to do with :^)
I dare say you post across the entire site even.
That's a pretty retarded reason.
You are the kind of feminized trash this board needs less off. I'm sick of you fucking waifu fags acting like your opinions and bad taste is normal.
The differences are marginal at best. 9 years of development being spent running in circles making animations more appealing to cover up the fact that vanilla TF2 hard little differences between the classes. all melee weapons were the same save the spy, soldier pyro, heavy, and engineer all had the same secondary, engineer and scout both had the pistol etc. the game developed at least 400% of its original content after F2P
They've been constantly cutting back the graphical quality of the overall game to try to counteract how horribly optimized the cosmetic items are.
Some hats have more polygons than entire maps.
the sheer amount of hats and weapons to render probably cut deep in performance so they cut elsewhere.
Weapons are still shit, from any age. The only good one is the Kritzkrieg.
Valve changed the lighting model on some of their official maps for some reason. It's likely for aesthetic purposes. Old TF2 had more of a "Half-Life 2"-esqe lighting model that in my opinion clashed with the aesthetics of the game. Newer TF2 I think actually looks better, the lighting looks more "flat" which actually goes more with the games art style
Also Crowbcat is halfchan-tier cancer that actually thinks GTA IV is a better game than V and liked nuDoom. You all fell for his ruse
We got you covered.
Wew, what the fuck is he risking? He doesn't even have a patreon.