#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Rapeman Edition



GDC 2018 is currently going on. Ready up your screencaps and OCs against GDC and bombard the tag and archive posts about the event!

>Bill also violates the "ex post facto" laws in the Consitution: archive.fo/OsPBB#selection-123.0-145.267
>Bill passed the house: archive.fo/URSb4
>Suggested course of action: archive.fo/WAl4u#selection-60917.0-61031.16
2. Holla Forums is being infested by people from other websites - mainly cuckchan and failed 8ch offshoots with their aim being its destruction
Most affected boards by this are /sudo/, Holla Forums, /cow/, and Holla Forums.
archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 archive.is/8vwcE
>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games

A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: liberapay.com/archiveis/donate
B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices
C. OP DICKTIONAIRY: The Destruction of Words and Language

>KC:D delivering the salt. archive.is/FZ6yo#selection-327.0-327.259 || archive.fo/VIMpt || archive.fo/nsnAk || archive.fo/TmKre & archive.fo/k6PN9
>U.S. Copyright Office is considering a rule change that would loosen the restrictions governing emulations and reproductions of abandoned online games (ESA not happy: archive.is/4GRJm ): www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/online-games-dmca-exemption/
>Net-juu's Director got into a bit of trouble thanks to the valiant efforts of (((ANN))): >>>/animu/14073


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

>Reminders (important, READ THESE!):
•Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
•Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
•Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
•Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

•The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
•#GamerGate Wiki: ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page
•History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
•View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

•All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
•Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)
•An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

•GamerGate Wiki Support List: v.gd/0fOHO3
•GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/n6GPPt
•GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: v.gd/vzRsRb


•Current: ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP
•Old: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/README.md


Other urls found in this thread:


First for Mark is the best jew

He's the least jewy jew ever lived.

Archive of before bread:

Attached: palutena.webm (1280x720, 428.45K)

Not first for benis, therefore sage.


Attached: HelloCharlotte_Smug.png (375x385, 163.68K)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:



- tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912
- tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145
- Techraptor: archive.is/mAi0m

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )
- operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt
Fakku 2001-2100: files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt
Fakku 2101-2200: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399
Fakku 2201-2300: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551
Fakku 2301-2400: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2383501
Fakku 2401-2500: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2391161

Info & feedback welcome

Attached: Airi 01.png (2560x1648, 1.08M)

Explain what mew.ch is to me and why people keep talking about it.


Predictions for this thread
Some or all of these will happen in this thread.

Attached: before posting online.mp4 (811x432 7.4 MB, 254.17K)

That's fucking gay.

Attached: wea.jpg (1000x944, 76.9K)

Imagine how summer will be.

E3 will bring in some serious cancer.

It's only a couple months away. Spring break is just a week away. Get ready.

Aren't the spring holidays coming?

Have a nice day, everyone!!!

Attached: 3d2807f5c3e45c3e59b5815bb3dd5c835125388edc69308a198a609c8b22daaf2.png (1064x1397, 442.23K)

Where's that fox from?
I remember seeing it before but I don't know if I actually downloaded it.

Attached: 36b9cfd8d1a131d35bf6da383c73424425cf93594e2aed6d30633087d449d625.png (644x700, 286.3K)

What else did I expect form this misogynist board?

Attached: scrappack4_pout.png (318x403, 10.57K)

Enjoy archive.org/details/manga_The_Rapeman

Is this a new maymay?

gamergate is rape

(you) are rape.

I come back to the old bread and see (56) in the tab, I think "Oh wow, lot's of anons are posting now!" and then it's 56 tor shitposts? I've never been so disappointed.

Attached: yuin_itkupsykoosi.jpg (640x480, 24.73K)

Someone should make a viv edit of this.

Just filter torfag.

Attached: gamergate.jpg (500x690, 512.28K)

Happens a lot these days.

Attached: Commando.PNG (367x442, 262.48K)

April fools day is coming too. Last year we got hacked. May happen again.

I really hope it's something less destructive.

Some autist will exploit a bug rather than report it. Happened last year, may happen again.

When or are you just a retard?

Or it's gonna be an actual April fools joke, except nobody will laugh.

did nobody report that fucker?

Please go on.

Attached: nagatoro-original-drawn-by-774-nanashi--6f46182c09b0c61b3d8cc5a1232d07ce.jpg (294x370, 36.45K)

Remember to filter anybody from ToR.

Attached: 2018-03-20_01-38-31.png (1350x312, 111.17K)

But I’m just asking a question. Seriously when did it happen or are you just pulling some bullshit.


You know, The old Republic.

Getting awfully defensive.

Some guy using tor has been spamming.

Why don’t you answer the question. I’m clueless about this /vg/ shit.

There are niggers in the webm thread saying little witch academia was tumblr shit.
This is not ok.

Attached: Rage 21.png (386x396, 99.14K)

It was tumblr tier harry potter. fite me

Actually, it's Onion routing. Somebody's been using Holla Forums's Onion domain and spamming the site. Onion users have an ID of 000000.

And, there's no way to block them, is there?


Attached: 658c12bc7c36017dcbafb2ec478032119d83632d28f04f1f45156226b1378732.jpg (500x332, 114.91K)

Guys see cake kike's failings as an opportunity to shill their board, guys on Gamenight were mad and willingly took the plunge an entire timezone has almost moved however it's only been a few days so /vg/ is in the "wait and see" zone because years ago every Holla Forums killer made out of spite would always die shortly afterwards. The key for /vg/'s success is being legit and also that everyone there doesn't post for the sake of posting. At worst they end up making another Holla Forums boards that lasts.

The biggest issues is that /gghq/ fucking died from a board split and it had a far more bigger amount of users whom left, I don't want Holla Forums to die no matter how much I hate cake.

Mark and metafags had a fight then a board split took place.

That would explain it.

It goes against everything SJWs stand for, tumblr only liked it because they ship everything. The main character actually has personality and flaws and sucks at everything and everyone hates her so it pushes meritocracy and through nothing more than determination and perseverance against all odds she succeeds. The whole show is like a metaphor for gamergate
The only tumblrish thing about is the lack of pantyshots which is the only flaw they point out in the webm thread but they wanted to tell a more serious story the same studio made kill la kill
And akko is cute
I'll stop now sorry

Only if I can still fuck dudes and wear girl clothes.

Attached: Spit_on_gays.jpg (664x466, 62.04K)

It is slowly gaining. A few days ago it had 210 something IPs and less than 20 pph if I remember correctly. I have a feeling we won't be welcome there though.

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This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

Attached: SUPERIOR.gif (758x696, 101.86K)


maybe I will start browsing their, this board if full of redditors and Guy Fawkes mask wearing MRA liberalist and its all because Mark tolerates this fucking cancerous general long after GG died.

Attached: acidman.jpg (454x384, 52.82K)

Like clockwork they show.

Attached: oh lord this is sweet.PNG (872x709, 592.71K)

nigger stop being a Gay Gamer

Attached: a17154092ce691924d25c84f47ad75d85431710eb96980dfec6c906c427840e9.jpg (802x601, 54.33K)

So what is your goal? Are you in this thread full of redditing Guy Fawkes mask wearing MRA liberalist to advertise? Do you want us to go with you? Or are you simply here to say goodbye?

see you revoltfag

to temporarily mock you cancerous ebin assholes who are the blight on a otherwise good board. Then I will filter this thread like I do every single day.

user, I use Holla Forums, I just don't fallow this cancerous general and always hated Acidman.

Not unless Holla Forums shuts down it's Onion routing node.

Might want to dial it down on those female hormones.

I don't take female hormones, but I'm considering it.

No I'm pretty sure you're here to advertise. You know what? I'm sold, I like this idea. I'm going to go to your board and post a bunch of redditing Guy Fawkes mask wearing MRA liberalist shit. I appreciate the invitation! Sounds like fun, thank you for having me.

Well seeing that they made cameos of jewbecca sugar and other pozzed animators in their second film, the show is somewhat Tumblr lite execept that it's heavily monitored. Hopefully season 2 is never ever given the writer passed away last year.

Attached: IMG_0523.JPG (3264x2448, 897.95K)

That, or mark bans anyone coming in from the Tor node, provided he can do that I doubt he can. also, sage for self-reply.

Good taste

Attached: older women fetish.PNG (811x380, 233.81K)

The list here keeps getting more and more checked off and the thread just started. I'm unsure if I should laugh or cry at how fucking predictable these guys are.

Attached: A bit closer to heaven.jpg (215x235, 6.06K)

I thought it was over, it already had 2 seasons and came to a solid conclusion.

Why would you do such a thing?

Bunch of fags from the TF2 thread got assblasted about some shit Mark didn't want to do for them. Honestly this /vg/ thing feels like yet another try to split the board.
Doesn't help that Mark is being worse than normal recently. The fucker refuses to have a decent meta talk when he fucks up and thinks just an apology will magically make everything better. Whenever I bring up shit he's done wrong and I want him to address his response is half-assed and he fucks off randomly for no reason.

I honestly wonder what is wrong with that fag sometimes. He's certainly not doing the board a favor.

Attached: advanced bullying.png (600x1724, 464.17K)

Since "so disgusting" has been co-opted by anons for shitposting, I think this might be "so disgusting" user's new image.

First, please don't, you'll end up looking like an abomination. If you don't believe me, look at how all those trannies look like, there is probably one Sarina Valentina for a thousand Laura Kate Dale in this world.
Next, please stop being gay and go get some pure gyaru pussy.

Attached: FBI reports on v.mp4 (480x360, 236.01K)

Mark has been fucking up(more so then usual) but the /vg/ with the whole shit going on lately with all the cancer coming on Holla Forums lately, it's pretty clear what's going on. I'm all for a proper meta thread but the /vg/ shit screams 2015 style D&C.

Attached: hmm thot.PNG (788x853, 298.87K)

I thought the two parts is season 1. Aside from that I agree that it had a solid conclusion, and it was leagues better than kill la kill.

Great idea.

Don't do that.

Attached: fruit.png (770x617, 207.71K)

just wait until CRISPR-Cas9 technology becomes available, hormones are just a cheap solution

One post every two seconds. I don't believe the fags saying he's doing it manually.

user, he probably has multiple devices.

So when Holla Forums finally kicks the bucket…how bad is it going to be for us?

What is that, and why does it sound like some cyberpunk shit no one should take if they don't want to get their brains hacked?

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Relax, i'm just kidding, I just don't eat red meat and eat plenty of chicken/veggies and that is doing enough as is. What's this CRISPR-Cas9 you're talking about?

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Attached: Ponder's Theme - Song【Electro Swing】.mp4 (640x360, 15.16M)

Active gene editing

Why do you faggots feel the need to talk about this?

Extremely bad since Holla Forums next to Holla Forums takes in a full brunt of the cancer.


To all the people bitching about Mark, would you rather this guy as your BO?

Attached: vol.mp4 (202x360, 1.01M)

why did japan have to cave and ruin her?

didn't want him to screw up with hormones

I like Mark and would like to have a beer with him.

Fucking don't. 9 times out of 10 you're come out worse than if you were just crossdressing.

It is one season. Netflix just decided to split it for some ungodly reason.

Selective genome editing based on how certain bacteria adapt to bacteriophage viruses. Really cool shit, although the real application for it is cancer prevention and curing hereditary diseases.

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I also couldn't help but notice that new pictures of him have him being fatter and his glasses have become more granny like.

That was just translators being shits. She actually says foreign not black.

Is Mark going to die because he ate so much cakes?

Stop posting things like this, I just fapped.

Why must you post blatant lies like this?

This vol is actually fucking hilarious.

Attached: 8ch tv.webm (270x480, 10.92M)

ah, that makes sense. Funny how cucks attach themselves to fan servicey anime.

It looks like a lot of people are now going after jontron and pewdiepie again for making fun of the UK for the nazi pug joke conviction. A lot of the standard fags are also getting in on this to shit on video games somehow too.

That's not going to magically allow him to post from them precisely two seconds between each post.

Because they actually enjoy it but feel embarrassed and guilty because of it since they feel the need to validate everything they enjoy with their social contacts. Meanwhile anons don't give a shit if someone likes what they like or not.

Yeah, its clearly a bot.

So you admit you're attentionwhoring and shitting up the thread?

Holy fuck

It's translators fucking up, and she wants to be a good mother. She ain't gonna fuck a nigger.

Did you see all the goons larping as Holla Forums, /r/the_donald faggots, and Holla Forums trannies that have been plaguing the board the past few weeks? When Holla Forums is done and over with, they're gonna start coming here en mass, and flood this place next, and god help you when they do.

If it's that precise then he could be using a bot to do the posting for him, using a template.

female horomones don't change your bone structure and you'll look like a freak if you take them. On top of that horomone treatments cause heavy mental disabilities and users tend to kill themselves after doing them for a while.

If you're a man biologically, exercise regularly and any urges you have to this nonsense will pass. Exercising also gets rid of fat around the base of your dick, so you'll literally get a bigger dick out of it and the quality and feeling of sex and masturbation increases since your urethral passages aren't being stretched or restricted.

It's better to improve what you have rather then trying to replace it.

Besides, treatments like that won't actually make you into what you want, wait for cybernetics to go into full circle, since our brains run on electric impulses, once we figure out soft robotics, improve it's look and integrate it with micro sensors, you can literally have a detachable penis that works on wireless or some shit.

Seriously, we have the technology, just fucking wait it out and stop being a pussy, go exercise.

He looks like he could fuck up zack with a good headbutt or two.
I would pray for zack but that vol is a monster.
zacks fucked.


Zack is a shit with a shit tier waifu.He has it coming.

Hormones aren't even that bad, I get you guys don't like trannies but everyone always overstates how bad they are. No they won't make you into a monster if you're already decently attractive as a guy you'll look good looking female. The laura kate dales and (rat looking speedrunner who's name escapes me)'s of the world were already ugly guys and probably didn't even have gender dysphoria to begin with and saw being a tranny as an escape from their current ugly selves. Unfortunately if you're an ugly guy taking hornones will only make you 20x uglier. But if you're attractive or already a passable trap they'll only make you an either decent or good looking "woman"

That being said user shouldn't take them anyway especially if he just wants to be a better trap

Attached: 1465983124776.jpg (720x405, 54.08K)

No fucking duh. The user I'm arguing with is trying to say he does it manually. Several anons have said this the past few times he spammed as point to make fun of him. Faggots are that are so fucking new and/or retarded that they can't tell bot spam from manual spam.


Attached: 1445809841887.png (401x385, 277.84K)

Isn't Zack on Suicide watch due to his sex tape with /leftycuck/'s BO?

Well manual spam is about 5 seconds a post on average.

Wait when did hooktube get thumbnail previews? That's great

he reminds me of someone but I don't remember who

Today: >>>/sudo/40654


torposter have captchas for every post, it can't be a bot.

Some anons got tired of the state of mark's bullshit and tried to turn it into another Holla Forums.

No, it was the Counter-Strike thread. Mark got triggered by somebody calling his moderation shit and nuked hundreds of posts, banning everyone including himself for a few hours.

Have you seen the state of Holla Forums? It's been dead for two years.

mark defense force please leave
It's exactly what happened to Holla Forums. Doesn't Mark even have a discuck for the mods like imkampfy does? Every time somebody mentioned /polk/ or mug/pol/ or so on like 8 (1)s would show up at the same time calling them shills.

The guy fills the captcha manually then the bot does the work for him, in fact the bot does everything but the captcha so he just has to keep filling the captcha when it crops up on whatever UI he's using for the bot.

Attached: 473bd7fa9f0efd01d4809d7e88e5c157afbe866a83fd5d4272ccdeb7b782c025.jpg (464x598, 54.21K)

Is there some workaround that allow bots to pass captchas?

Attached: The mask slipped.png (640x480, 267.75K)

It was both really, the TF2 Classic thread has now immigrated to /vg/ and will start shilling that board in the next, and final thread.

You're fucking retarded. Captchas are not bot proof and 8ch's aren't nearly the strongest.

Better not say that ethnonationalism is different from civic nationalism, that's a banning.

that's cute as heck. how can one be mad at such incompetence.

Attached: risitas.webm (400x300, 689.14K)

But because I don't trust /vg/ means I'm clearly ok with all of what Mark does.

Attached: a bit retarded.jpg (727x480, 37.61K)

Spamming buzzwords like that isn't gonna make you more convincing.

Attached: constanza.jpg (600x450, 188.9K)

Attached: Yoko Taco.jpg (638x568, 32.3K)

The guy who received that specific ban message was the OP of the Gamenight thread too.

How can anyone hate Mark? is a fat male jew version of Gilda, just made to be bullied and loved.

Take your Meta shit here:

I can when it fucks up perfectly fine threads.

He even said in the ban message he was giving himself a timeout.

No, I'm saying he does and comparing him to imkampfy. Isn't that where the cap of him commissioning that artist is from?

How in the fuck.. he can ban himself and he is dumb enough to actually do so.

Attached: 6522582285_021be23653_z.jpg (640x430, 148.89K)

Mark is a huge sperg but the meta fags are using this as opportunity to cause a board split.

It's pretty great, I know someone who could use this. He's a brilliant mind in a broken body because of a genetic disease.
Too bad (((they))) are going to ruin our chances to cure cancer and perhaps have a real life character editor.

Attached: Anton chigurh has got it.jpg (988x750, 61.45K)

Could I become an orc or a giant neanderthal with this?

Probably eventually but genes are quite interlinked so any editing of one gene might cause unexpected changes. So it would all need to be quite documented and studied which is probably decades or tens of decades off

Things like this are why I unironically love Mark.

We might not live long enough to witness this, but I already feel we'd be going ham on that. Maybe too much, imagine hearing your som tell you he wants to be an ara, that'd be awkward.


Tranny suicide statistics are not because of hormones, they're because people with gender dysphoria are usually living DSM-5 registries even before they start hormones. Almost like hormones don't just magically solve everything.

Attached: 7c3ab91369b5db599e951ed7a2458c5c361c3e05db53afcf6fd5b36f5b558406.jpg (323x633, 29.26K)

So… no way to become young again? or slice your genes with a lobster and be biologically inmortal.

Decades? The effects of gene editing at different stages of life has already been observed for over a decade in animal testing and even though it's not well publicized there has been adult gene editing without the permanent effects for commercial use in some countries. Plus that one guy who actually got gene modification as a treatment for his disease.

Thread is already shit and full of butthurt goons

Nigger, those are minor changes he was asking about becoming an orc it's pretty fucking different

No that's actually within the realm of possibility soon like within the next few years. I was specifically referring to becoming an orc or neanderthal

I just want to be bigger, more fertile and inmortal.

He'd need to be edited before he ever hit puberty let alone not being an embryo.

Did you notice how quickly the thread quieted down to talk about gene splicing?

Yes, good work user.

Attached: Good Job.webm (480x270, 120.78K)

You'll regret this, buddy. Man will never be strong enough to withstand immortality.

You really shouldn't want to be.

Ehh eventually but drastic changes after the embryonic stage are being worked on at the moment as well. It's actually the field I'm working on my degree in

Soon everyone can be immortal catgirls

Didn't the fag's posts get deleted?

Holla Forums I can take. They're more mildly irritating than anything else. The rest though, I'd rather not.

That's the most credible thing in this post.

Yeah. Although everyone keep in mind that the CRISPR-Cas9 system has a template limit and currently is not that efficient at editing (of course, that's being worked on).

I'd rather have 100 years of youth really. I mean fuck, I'm pretty sure I'll want to die when I'm fifty.

It's like you don't even cyberpunk.

Attached: 1059a18c5e09abc3955ce368662e5edfb3df9f1e9eea29a99aa6e4034feeac76.png (541x376, 211.45K)

The concern trolling for /vg/ lately really isn't subtle and I have a feeling things are going to feel pretty 2015 for a while.

Don't expect mere gene modification to make you immortal, but do expect it to significantly improve your life expectancy. Lobsters being immortal is a meme, Jellyfish are the ones that are technically immortal. Now, figuring out how to regenerate tissues with stem cells without making everything go full cancer? That might actually bring if not immortality, then at least something approaching an indefinite lifespan.

I just wanted to give him an advice

Its like you don't even have money.

Or worse, dying at 400 then having their genetically enhanced super genius kid take his mantle for the next 500.

Only a species in particular, because it can essentially return to it's infant stage. Besides, being inmortal essentially assures you a violent death.

That's if you'll be able to get past the artificial inflation or the regulations "for your safety". Modern society would not give this tech to you willy-nilly.

Why? my genes tell me I shouldn't die and that I don't want to die. I want to see all games, I want to learn constantly and I don't want my body to die slowly.

I wouldn't think it twice to take a loan to be inmortal.

I believe lobsters can't die of old age. I'm just happy with that.

It's certainly something I'd expect. If I were a Jew, I'd never go around curing cancer without a large price tag. Better yet, keep profiting from cancer by manufacturing new kinds of diseases, then wait several years selling treatment before proposing a "brand new" cure. Yes, that's what they'd do.

Attached: (C89)_[Dorepooru_(Leopard)]_Leopard_Hon_23_no_2_(Oshiete!_Galko-chan)_[English]_{doujins.com}_-_2016-11-24_17.46.55.png (910x826, 599.19K)

Post it here as soon as the Jew reveals himself.

I can imagine the benefits over being a lobster.

Attached: Jellyfish_Girl.png (800x600, 537.67K)


It's almost like there's profit to be made from human suffering and an entire industry would collapse if we were all perfectly immune and immortal. If we all had the ability to be immortal, large parts of society would just not function anymore. Pretty sure there've been books about this exact subject.

Attached: 1499256980028.jpg (326x390, 39.08K)

That's why space colonization needs to become a thing soon, if everyone is immortal they need to leave at some point. Keep earth for the young everyone else has to go be a space nigger

And how do you plan to get them to leave when you've got no leverage like the potential of death anymore? Where would the money come from? How would it be enforced? Who's to say you wouldn't inadvertently create the Fourth Space Reich which hates all things Earth?

Immortality isn’t invulnerability. You can still kill people

Also, we just have to keep the inmortality treatment for developed countries and wait for africa to die out.

And how do you plan to get them to leave when you've got no leverage like the potential of death anymore?
We're just gonna kill them

I hope The Rapeman gives Gilda the what for.


Boring. I was hoping for a Jim vs. Honey Badgers update.

What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Attached: 05c4b7be1e7a565a63c0a45b82dfb7ccb604fb3cb3b593ff3971e0a7ea094d01.gif (500x400, 255.58K)

omg amazing user you can watch a 34 minute long video in three minutes! Teach me how!


I read the title and hit stop, duh.

I smell shill.

Lurk more. Please.

Attached: 1451377925423.jpg (176x270, 13.85K)

Or you could shill less. That's also an option.

Attached: 48cbae17988f4e28b6e9206f1d5e0db5573af308c9f11ea00c11e70767562141.jpg (1280x720, 53.78K)

Let me dream, damnit.


Or you could try and not immediately out yourself as a newfag. For your own sake.

Just report him for shilling.

I've seen you guys posting him for months, but I never really bothered to ever watch him.

How many "[some dumb bullshit] anyway X thread" are there?

Attached: cat and crow in mutual disbelief.jpg (500x590, 60.4K)

This is why you should vote for the kemonomimi party

Attached: bd5c60db0ab0f6c1b0b714b587f47b11.jpg (1011x1200 1.18 MB, 129.68K)

Wait people don't know event?

Attached: She.png (286x374, 162.41K)

DmC Devil May Cry came before Gamergate

I don't get the point of youtube vs hooktube links/embeds. Why does it matter? You should already have some type of proxy service like TOR/VPN/VPS and use something like youtube-dl + watch-with-MPV to watch videos so you don't have to use the browser's fucking shitty video player.

Jim really has become a drama channel.

Attached: 1471939422035.png (1023x828, 365.86K)

He's been one for a while.

How is that any surprise? that's what the guy loves doing. Starting shit to anyone dumb enough to take the bait, which is alot of people.

I didn't really pay attention outside of his tumblrisms and internet insanity videos.

well having no self awareness of his own shit or fanbase.

Give me a reason to hooktube Event of all people, and I will. But seeing as he neither monetizes his vids, nor has a patreon or any other crap like that, I see no reason to.

Apparently there are people this fucking new.

Convienice, and it doesn't give clicks. The recent hooktube autism is a bit much though.

Have you seen the Johnathan Ross vids, or the Diaperfur vids? The Badgers are going to end up like them, with a bunch of people distrusting them and people not going for their fundraisers again. All because they simply could not help but keep feeding Jim when he prods them.

The shilling is real, however.

Randomercam seems to be the only one with the common sense to not engage, but yeah at this rate they're gonna fuck themselves hard over petty edrama.

Depriving him of views, if people want views they need to get off youtube.

youtube-dl is even more convinient though. It is literally right-click -> watch video on the link or embed frame and I use a proper video player so I have much less buffering than those you watch videos through their browsers have to deal with. Also using youtube-dl does not give it clicks either. The one advantage hooktube does have is allowing you to view deleted videos but people getting triggered over youtube embeds doesn't make sense to me. Really this whole embedding shit is pissing me off. You know the solution that will appease both the youtube autists and the hooktube ones? Making fucking webms as a show of courtesy for anons with shit internet that can't afford to watch these bloated 100MB+ videos. I'm starting to realize that the WEBM autist was right all along.

Hey gg, I've been away a while. How are you all doing? It's GDC time and it's kind of hard to see all those SJW cucks still having a voice in the industry.

Attached: Sisko_baseball.jpg (576x432, 39.3K)

Attached: not big surprise.jpg (1280x720, 155.62K)

Honestly, we haven't actually seen much about GDC so far.

>many people here were introduced to Jim through the five guys drama and are only now realizing this

Attached: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat.webm (844x476, 2.13M)

Hell the original Internet Aristocrat was a retuspurae clone.

Attached: 05f9cbc30925571e97398f1153552cf9d8aa1365101d916d77cff88c8543c270.png (800x800, 352.17K)

I mean if you wanna get technical, Jim was a fucking drama whore long before the InternetAristocrat persona.
After all the Metokur in MisterMetokur comes from the METOKUR forums.

It's simply wise to ignore Jim at this point. Whether you like or hate him, the more he's brought up in these threads, the more likely anons are to get caught up in all this.

Wait, GDC's on? Fuck, did I miss something?

Attached: 1467777016786.png (508x405, 363.69K)

Guess dobson is a serial killer now

Attached: Dobson.jpg (648x598, 67.84K)

Not yet. Supposedly one user is going and Niche Gamer are also there. Also the SJW shit seems to be on the last day.



do we need more proof that gamergate threads are just for newfag redditers

Fucking animals.

Honestly, you shouldn't be looking up to the guy who literally says "you should be ashamed of yourself" while approving of policing speech at tournaments and conventions. He even whinged over "racists in GG" long ago. Partly approving of totalitarian commie shit, as the left does, leads to more totalitarian commie shit. Shoe0nhead is the same story; buys into some lefty shit thus enables the worse aspects of the left to encroach further.

If that pug guy made a racist joke instead of a nazi joke your Based Nuke Nig would approve of his punishment. You'll defend him, but you know it's true.

Attached: pirate_pug.jpg (500x375, 136.63K)


You guys are a bunch of faggots

Attached: punishedV.jpg (1280x1600, 373.13K)

Do they hire elementary school dropouts now?

When does it start actually? It's just so I don't miss anything.

no even full blown sjws shit on this lol

pretty much Im more concerned over florida empowering the Baker act & everyone has their cocks in their hands what the fuck Holla Forums? You went to shit this quick when my computer shit out?

Oh god, there must have been poo everywhere.

Attached: india.jpg (680x751, 114.78K)

You realize that despite doing this for years, Event hasn’t really attracted much of an audience? It’s amazing he has such a small following

Redpill me on the baker act

Gut oil once again?

Maybe there is hope.

Attached: 1407800257368.gif (700x525, 421.28K)

You forgot today was the day Count Dankula got convicted so soon?

Attached: pug.jpg (482x621, 39.44K)

But will his pug be okay?

what a grim future

PewDiePie made a video talking about how vloggers only get a big following by "flexing" their wallet on kids. Essentially, kids and teens nowadays being raised in a consumer culture are materialistic as fuck and the truly large vlogger channels show off expensive shit. If it has expensive shit or dollar amounts in the title kids and teens will click on it.

The UK is long lost trips.

It's his girlfriends pug, but considering she got death threats to her doggo over the vid, we'll see.

Those SJW panels are always empty chairs everywhere and a handful of soykin who buy into the bullshit. If not for cronyism the panels wouldn't happen at all.

The Florida Mental Health Act of 1971 (Florida Statute 394.451-394.47891[1] (2009 rev.)), commonly known as the "Baker Act," allows the involuntary institutionalization and examination of an individual.

The Baker Act allows for involuntary examination (what some call emergency or involuntary commitment). It can be initiated by judges, law enforcement officials, physicians, or mental health professionals. There must be evidence that the person:

possibly has a mental illness (as defined in the Baker Act).
is in danger of becoming a harm to self, harm to others, or is self neglectful (as defined in the Baker Act).
Examinations may last up to 72 hours after a person is deemed medically stable and occur in over 100 Florida Department of Children and Families-designated receiving facilities statewide.[2]


& leftists & cuckservitives like Scott are trying to get this expanded to alt right kids.

I wouldn't put it past the rozzers in Britcuckistan to euthanize an animal for offending them.

Attached: yume_nikki_drugs.webm (452x360, 2.05M)

Isn't Autism already considered a mental illness.

We gotta freedom the fuck out of the Redcoats.

Attached: 791728cd547688c9f7050193145f7f77.jpg (1000x1294, 853.95K)

Why don't they hand it off to one of those nice diversity hires from China?

If there is something I learned is that the State can kill your animals with no reason, like how they killed the animal of a nurse who got ebola because my government is so inept it can't even prepare people for something so serious.

Castrating young boys and dosing them with dangerous drugs is totally kosher, but if they speak of blood and soil you gotta chuck them into re-education.

Attached: maximum_degeneracy_brought_to_you_by_transexuals.png (656x809 199.86 KB, 274.57K)


now they want to empower teachers to send kids to the loony bin for being PERCEIVED as alt right

the fourth image is a prosthetic not a dildo not that it's much better

Attached: 42543_1.webm (720x360, 2.94M)

People have to suffer, otherwise this world wont change. It's good that these crazy feminists do fucked up things like that, because this means they lose support.

Doesn't it start now?

We don't even need to banter against Bongs, the jokes write themselves.

Attached: uk weapons sweep.png (595x1274, 1.02M)

Attached: dO7B8v7.png (1005x664 70.89 KB, 58.64K)

Uk police is a meme. A cancerous one to especify.

I just checked it and it started yesterday already. That's why I asked if we missed anything important.

Attached: 2240f603eafac0de6ba52254535cd647.jpg (566x800, 220.23K)

Proof that /vg/ is anti-GG
Please don't >(1) me, I just woke up.

Attached: 20af4f9062b854f80159a6bf9589cb2373e803086eeef9134cd5bd22d0670e94.png (389x568, 84.77K)

The UK is a Totalitarian State at this point. The USA and any other country that isn't completely insane should embargo The UK, Sweden, and Germany. We might also have to declare war on Canada and Mexico and possibly nuke them. Also sage for a nigger thread.

Speaking of which, what happened to the last board that was suppose to be "the end of Mark's Jewish reign"? IIRC, wasn't it /games/?

I have 0 stake in board drama and actually like Mark but a post is nothing more than one user's opinion and that thread seems pretty split.

Attached: 51252352523535.PNG (1786x864, 131.85K)


Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Making an ugly ass sweater
☑ Made Logan Paul level up
☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish
☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement
☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco
☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games
☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar
☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson
✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting
☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf
☑ Bought Mombot™ merch
☑ Was caught with weapons of mass destruction by Batwu but framed a GamerGazi mod for the crime
☑ Evolving across industries
☑ Saying that dyed hair is criminal
☑ Played To Catch a Predator with GGrevolt
☑ "ethics in gamming journalism."
☑ Review bombed Black Panther on Rotten Tomatoes to break it's perfect 100% score
☑ Kingdom Come shows #Gamergate has won in every sense of the word
☑ Used the GamerGate Time Machine to inspire a play about trolls, bots, and hactivists
☑ Dis-invited Anita from Trump's meetings with game industry executives
☑ Causing a 50% decline in viewership for the Oscars in 4 years
☑ Helped contribute to the rise of the alt-right
☑ Made ALL videogames inspire Alt-Right ideology
☑ Turned Reanon into gamergate's grim harvester of souls
☑ Death by Easy Cheese™
☑ Ordered an user to fuck the feminism out of his female friend.

this actually looks a lot better than his current comb over

Gotta love how one thing happens and its all SPLITTHEBOARDS SPLITTHEBOARDS SPLITTHEBOARDS
Wait a month and repeat the whole fucking process.

So does anyone have a video of a half hour rant about Trump yesterday? Might as well upload this latest video from youtube on their own channel I guess.

Pls remember

Attached: A banana is not a carrot.webm (640x360, 6.73M)

Why is this being posted again?

IIRC they all end up dead.

I don't really give a shit about Mark and /vg/ doesn't look all that bad idly browsing its catalog, but only time will tell if it sticks. Still they look like faggots with shit like "mark hate thread" and this whole drama thing is pretty fucking tiresome on top of the other bullshit.
If it sticks then maybe I'll check it out? I'm not trusting of anyone on the internet though.

Attached: Gondola doesnt know.png (500x327, 7.95K)


Is Yoko's Panel up yet?

Oh that's gold, can you spread this around the board? Everyone supports gamergate so their D&C shill board should die quickly.

Attached: 83edcd3e9f22766273ecf7d8a36457e64a5ae89aca791806d817f5b7e26a8edf.jpg (1366x768, 138.58K)

Attached: don't know.PNG (846x486, 688.92K)

Welp, that settles it. Even if /vg/ isn't intended to be D&C it sure is being used as such.

Attached: it_says_youre_a_faggot.jpg (1280x1440, 252.93K)

Archived. Fuck those niggers.

Well I'm not actually there and I'm waiting for videos to come out too.

Raid when?

Just checking if I am talking to the same userbase as last time I posted it

Attached: 0hbh7g3jq2j01.jpg (1242x1651, 167.95K)

Anything need FARTing? I've signed back in for the Dankula result.

lot of distactions going on here, time was this would be a happening

Begone, faggot.

Attached: e774585e03938eb49d61489c198951b08aa8d4119f8d0861ba5f07a5383b795e.jpg (392x495, 45.16K)

What is there to do? Britbongistan is cucked and there's nothing any of us can do about it.

Bring a bike tire and hold the country hostage with it.

I'd say it's worth bringing it to the attention of the normalfags, although the UK is fucked unless the SNP, Tories and Labour get completely voted out of parlament.

Shit, I forgot jokes aren't allowed in the UK anymore, guess I'm fucked now.

People are already talking about it really. You've got the skeptic crowd, altright types, and even normalfag Trump supporters talking about it, don't think it really needs an additional push. Still not seeing what good talking about it will do when UK government clearly doesn't give a fuck.

Can't wait for a 18+ limitation on fire and boiling water.

people need to stop acting like this is new shit, jokes haven't been legally allowed in the uk for quite awhile now

You only lose when you quit user. Bongland has a history of irreverent humour. If memed correctly this will get the normalfags on board.

There is no harm in pushing it. To do nothing is always worse than doing something, no matter how seemingly futile.
After all, apathy is death.

Talking isn't doing.


Attached: Screen Shot - 18-03-20.jpg (685x1187, 362.78K)

Moderately tempting

So you're just gonna wallow and whine and just talk in the threads instead and "do" even less.

Attached: 4bef8129b7f521bacb6b5dd4a4260fc4aa5a8dfc6cf2971c5ad5f1420c79ccce.jpg (1200x800, 397.4K)

Feel free to go rant about it on twitter.

Hey, it's their money and they can throw it out however they want. Unless they are using government funds, because that would totally suck.

Good morning.

Remember to put UK on your blacklist if you faggots don't want to get imprisoned for "hate speech".

Attached: Thought Criminal.jpg (600x359, 45.69K)

unfortunately most countries have gay extradition agreements that can screw you over regardless. Russians have a law that forbids extraditions, to bad we don't have this shit here.

That doesn't sound too hard, I'll apply now.


There doesn't seem to be any logos or links of grants, funds or organizations anywhere on the game's pages. If someone has the game they can feel free to check the game's credits for shit like this, but so far game seems to be self funded. Good on Johnathan Blow, I suppose. He's still a faggot though.

I liked kill la kill better, but its because it reminded me of flcl.

Sucy a better

Still some of the largest surprises of the past few years, noch and pewdie

Oy, I will fite you, lobsters are imortal, provided nothing attempts to kill them, they are ageless. nova scotia has an arra deticated to lobsters. Now lobsters being tasty are a meme, at least for the price

They already do this.

Go watch vandread, its what you described, immortal earth jews raise space humans as cattle for their organs.

So like every generic SA goon then. I dont really need to know if he is one or not. Hes what he has made fun of, a lolcow all the same at this point

Its terrifying, and even my libshit of a sister has problems with kids being forced to transition at a young age and aknowledges that parents who pull shit like that should not have children.

Its been one since at keast the 1600s, it just lacked the technology to hunt down dissenters with ease.

Isn't there already 20+ regulations on fire and boiling water in Eurostan?

He's for the conviction?

Probably. The Daily Mail made up some EU regulations about the size of bees and curvature of bananas and shit and no one could tell that they were fake.

Attached: 1439014594948-0.jpg (466x928, 168.67K)

Dude started off doing streams for Holla Forums, before vidya streaming was mainstream. Is it really that much of a surprise?
And Constanze is best girl. Although TRIGGER have a knack for making shows with insane concentrations of best girls.

Attached: constanzeMP5Kurz.jpg (327x451, 38.32K)

Through pure luck. Akko is a fucking idiot.

Attached: eaaa803b33ceedf9e0062c45507a29209a40e03736b3949528add1a6dc39ce70.png (252x314, 11.06K)


So it's the uncommon time of anime?

I also dislike Akko.

…and clumsy and energetic and optimistic like every Shoujo MC ever

I want Andrew to give her the D so Tumblr would explode with rage

Attached: akko-p.jpg (999x1250, 152.72K)

damn this thread hit 300 fast

This is odd, it's day 2 of GDC and they're really hiding their Marxist colors thus far. Do they know that everyone's eyes are on them today, or maybe some of them are monitoring this very thread? It really makes you think.

Attached: Hmm 7.jpg (525x436, 25.61K)

OP TIMBER! Full Version

Injection Tips:
1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.
2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.
3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.
4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

Attached: timber-big-04.png (1241x1754 116.08 KB, 132.48K)

OP TIMBER! Social Media Friendly Version

Injection Tips:
1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.
2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.
3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.
4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

Attached: timber-sm-04.png (1200x1200 76.04 KB, 49.43K)


not really since most of the big aaa companies are there, it's more the "indies" that do that

I would love that to happen. As much as I enjoy yuri, their shipping is as obnoxious as babies crying for attention.

If they are watching:

Attached: 948px-John_Henry_Fuseli_-_The_Nightmare.JPG (947x768, 161.71K)

Even better: Tease them about their shit-ass ship until in the very finale it shows her getting married to Andrew. Better yet, show her having children that look just like him.

In that case, should we expect see articles within the next week talking about how misogynist Japan is with Rapeman shown front and center?

Attached: [Aisaki Keiko, Miyawaki Shintaro] The Rapeman Vol.1_0008.jpg (876x1200, 237.99K)

probably? I don't know

There could be another possibility. They've finally started to notice the effect their rhetoric has had on their pocketbook and the CEOs in charge of them have given the instruction to dial back.

Attached: 1520023604330.jpg (1920x1080, 243.12K)

Wish I drew that during the heyday of the show. Would have caused a mess like the white Black Panther.

It's already about every week we see an article shitting on Japan or a new anime they find problematic. Expect even more for the Olympics.

Attached: __andrew_hanbridge_and_kagari_atsuko_little_witch_academia_drawn_by_hanayama321__3abf60bbf462ffc8d0d4d80736655704.png (784x1000 186.19 KB, 293.07K)

Probably. After screwing one of the pioneers of the gaming industry out of a lifetime achievement award because of muh soggy knees, after everyone's called them out on this shit with former female employees calling bullshit on the whole ordeal, I would guess they' probably trying to dial back in hopes the outrage will blow over.

They threw everything SJW at the end, in the 3rd day.

No I mean hes in the twit thread saying its idiotic.

I can appreciate constance, but sucy just works better for me. And I thought pewds went too mainstream to return. I gues you cannot take the board culture out of a person.

So keep on being loud so they cannot escape the greivois error and are forced to denounce wu instead?

Kukuruyo got gud, damn took him long enough

Do I seriously have to give up yuri just because Tumblr likes it?

Attached: b01a7c45fc18919a378bb2453861607b.jpg (2000x1500, 1.74M)

If you do the tumblrists win

I didn't give up cock because Tumblr likes it.

Oh god, the vampire loli is her grandmother, isn't she
Seriously, I get that CS3 is great and all, but seeing too much of this shit is going to spoil too goddamn much before I get the chance to play it.

I found this on the Twitters.



Tumblr likes yuri because it validates their own sexuality. It's a crutch rather something to enjoy, however much they tell you otherwise.

Attached: ffedac85a7fb5c6ea6555c203a5bed2ec1194897b5560f265bfdd31dff28cd85.gif (480x270, 2.87M)

It's a good reference that can be coupled with this. archive.fo/GHYhr

Is that also why they go nuts whenever a anything doesn't have a character that validates them?

Even though I think Andrew was a pretty cool dude, I ain't petty enough to abandon my love for yuri because of tumblr. And besides FRANXX is doing that already and much more effectively than Andrew's appearance ever did.

Aw shiet, that's a good read.

Attached: this is official art.jpg (2048x1435, 236.78K)

It's also something else to make ugly

Attached: tumblr_ox7rqiJLvK1w94j73o1_1280.png (1280x1527, 3.28M)

I'm sorry user. I figured anyone who could Rean moon would have played it. But I suppose that was hiragana.

But yes, you're right. She's basically a Shinobu expy.

Attached: DLVMBD4U8AAHVk1.png (1200x675, 1.27M)


Tencent (PUBG), a chinese company with connections to the Communist Party, now owns 5 % of Ubisoft


Am I misremembering or did somebody from Trigger's staff drop that they like the idea of these two shacking up in a Q&A and their only reasoning for it was that it'd be hot?

Attached: e062f4d4-6ff9-4db6-9901-5ce1c3f9a30a.png (228x267 75.98 KB, 71.83K)

I can read the characters in hiragana and katakana, but I don't know that much of Japanese words (and fuck kanji), but that particular word I do happen to understand. I certainly don't know it at an appropriate level to play an RPG with one of the biggest scripts in its genre.

That's a good reason. A cute girl is good. Two cute girls is even better.

Attached: 251e7143f079a4647f31732d08ee3006.png (723x1023, 778.1K)

Start with the easy to understand few stroke kanji and work your way up.

ANY medium or larger company in China has to do the bidding of the party or they will get fucked.
The party has its hands in literally almost everything there.

No doubt Tencent has a few party members watching over their every move.

Holy shit, talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire.

You aren't, but that was just Tattun on 4/a/ and the dude isn't in any creative position.
That said staff did have an actual fucking live debate during the panel section at one of the TRIGGER Night events they do from time to time, with the topic being who would be the dominant one in the relationship. No I am not fucking kidding, this actually happened.
There's also the matter of pic related that's on one of Yoshinari's infamous burner accounts.

Attached: TMLVandoneofyoshinari's artbooks.jpg (664x908, 105.3K)

Holy fuck

Attached: 1e3d28eb5a5e5782199db989dcd86c226997286c8bed6f7c1333ccff7559ab0c.jpg (543x675, 40.99K)

Exactly. And, if it doesn't exist, they'll force it.
Which also explains "diversity" pushes in games and media. They don't have enough empathy to play as a different person, and not enough self-respect to play as beautiful, idealized forms of their gender.

Post-modernism. Not even once.

Attached: beh.png (602x629, 54.21K)

Breaking: Count Dankula (and Buddah) on the Alex Jones Show


All I know is that they gave dream sucy lesbian urges.

Yeah, just because Tumblr likes something doesn't mean I have to stop. Tumblr likes Hero Academia and so do I. And I'm going to enjoy swimming in fujoshit tears when best boy hooks up with best girl.

Attached: e31dcfe2d081c276dc56f9258b04bb21.png (2458x2502, 1.89M)

I feel it is almost impossible to avoid spoilers. coming out in japan years before it comes to the west means shit is going to drip eventually.
I wish I could be surprised by something. I end up getting spoiled on everything

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Attached: going.png (1160x1783, 1.77M)

The creator seems like the reclusive type that'd ignore all the shit tumblr produces and just do what he loves. So that's good. Tumblr hasn't fucked with manga too much just yet. But there is bullshit like the NTR manga.

There's anons in the /vg/ meta thread saying that they don't want to replace Holla Forums and just be their own board. Of course this is just either 1 or a few.
At this point it's just people attempting to make /vg/ and Holla Forums to absolutely hate each other. Just ignore /vg/ and let those fucks do their own thing instead of making yourself look like fucking fools. Holla Forums won't fucking die and I hope it won't

Attached: tfw_no_redberry_pie.jpg (2199x2264, 316.39K)

Attached: SEMETRICAL DOCKINGU.gif (245x200, 1.18M)

Abandon it because it's forbidden love.

Attached: forbidden love.jpg (394x487, 66.84K)

I want to play all the videogames.

That just makes it better.

Attached: __miki_sayaka_and_shizuki_hitomi_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_jihanki_kunicho_gt__sample-5f84d4c709c7b42d3eed61c34685472f.jpg (850x531, 120.85K)

wew, the metafaggotry completely fucked this bread up, and of course all the anons took the bait instead of ignoring. Also:


Attached: Vavra3.png (615x510 326.25 KB, 109.51K)

Does autism count?

Yes it is. You're thinking of eternal youth. Immortality is probably millenia away if it's even remotely possible.

I should also note, there's a scientific term called biological immortality which occurs in nature, but it's not the same as common use.

There are different levels of immortality. E.g. Tolkien's elves that die when killed.

you are fucking gay. There are so many interesting mythologies and you are into this lame ass bullshit? People came up with this trash because they didn't know better.

Did Tolkien invent the word?

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Yeah, just like webm autism. It's fine to not give clicks, but people complaining about (((YouTube))) embeds and links are just too autistic. :^)

No, that was just an example of it being used like that. The definition just refers to the ability to live forever not invulnerability.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-21 at 1.07.18 pm.png (628x333, 48.05K)

When will "nerd" culture die?

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I assume the A from LGBTQIA means autism it's actually agender

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Games must become haram again, they must be the source of every ill so the corporate cucks will distance themselves from them. We must embrace those who would say videogames cause mass shootings, because it will save vidya.



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There are a lot of types of Immortality

Cannot age but can die via damage
Anchored to an object, phylactery for liches or Shikaisen, if object is destroyed, your immortality is gone
Cannot age, wounds heal, immune to diseases, toxins, Time manipulating powers may affect you, can be removed by deus ex machina.
Stop aging at certain age, body is completely inmmune, in case of receive damage, this may not heal, time manipulating powers may affect you
Cannot age, every harm you receive is instantly healed, time manipulating powers will not affect you, Immortality applies to not only the body, but mind and soul as well, rendering the user truly "absolute", cannot be removed at all.

Missing a few letters there user.

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But can they beat Uchiha Madara?

I do not wish unions on my worst enemy. But for the game industry cucks? I'll make and exception. We should push for this, it would destroy every indishit dev studios in an heartbeat. They think negotiations with unions would be like a little communist pow-wow, a small talk among leftist allies, well they are wrong.

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I don't know who this teal cocksucker is but he just deleted the Dark messiah thread. That's pissing me right off there.

Attached: teal can suck a dick.PNG (1249x422 52.05 KB, 185.32K)

Or certain incarnations of Deadpool; who pissed off the Marvel Universe's avatar of death so bad (I forgot how) that she will not take him, and in one book, regenerated (after having his body vaporized) from a single drop of blood (via some mutant-power-boosting McGuffin).

Yeah, that's shitty.

I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I’m not even talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. I’m talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.

Since GDC is going on, I decided to to watch one of the presentations Iwata did for the event.


You forgot the P.

My vote goes here. I came into the bread expecting to see an avalanche of GDC's bullshit interspersed with talk of the Dankula verdict, but the former is extremely limited.

Cautious optimism? Cautious optimism.

For the record, as much as it would make me sick to see the megathreads actually have to move literally anywhere but our home board here, GGHQ is forever your bunker in case of need.

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I don't understand what you typed.

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How fucking new are you dubsman?

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Just decided to look at what's shown up on Twitter, and the cancer doesn't seem as widespread this year:

Supposedly someone complained about Trump for half an hour but nobody whose made that claim provided a video for it so far.

I was partially ironic, I know it's some Naruto shit but I am from the Dragonball generation. Sorry.

They keep pushing this idea that the only option devs can take is to unionize.
It's all unionize unionize unionize - I don't hear of any other options being presented though.
If you're a worker and you don't like the offer, don't take the job.

Ick soymale face.

You did that on purpose didnt you?

Damn those are well designed robot faces.

If devs unionize companies will h1b1 more. Animators will be fucked hard, programmers harder.

Also see

I noticed the same thing following my Twatter at work today. A lot of generic promotional shit like you'd expect from GDC, but nothing like the deluge of outright Communism that the last 2 years had.

There are interesting implications for this. Nobody here is going to be fooled into thinking they've magically abandoned their SJW positions. Rather if this is the case, then what we're seeing is them hiding their powerlevels.

But is a powerlevel that is hidden and not expressed in their work still dangerous? Can they be good little goys in the confines of their own heads, and yet be forced by the power of the pocketbook to finally


I'm a little excited. If this particular tide was ever going to turn, it would do so in an event that should look a hell of a lot like what we're seeing right now.

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They have to do something though because some of their work conditions are just ridiculous. I have a friend at Ubisoft Montreal and he works tirelessly during crunches, no life, just focus on work. I'm glad I went to work for the government back then, less pay but better quality of life. I'm not in IT anymore, but if I still was I would never waste my time "working fro videogames", it is a dream for teenagers.

Pretty boring.

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The pajeets I'm forced to hang out with have told me that almost all the classrooms are full of Indians or some other race without a white guy in sight. How the fuck do you get less white then that? Convince Pajeets to go White Face, then ban White Face?

Attached: herp.png (264x234, 3.75K)

I like how it's all in the last day. Sort of a good buffer so industry heads can quietly leave. "Oh you know I'd love to stay, but talk about overwork! Just gotta make that flight today wouldn't miss it otherwise! :^)"

You should see my program at the college. Every class is literally 70% pajeet. I hate them so much. Noisy, smelly, rude cheaters. Walk in half an hour late chatting on their phone like it's no big thing while the 15 of us who aren't street shitters are trying to write a fucking midterm.

These panels have been empty since their inception. The only reason there are there is that if they are not accepted then they have to face a social media onslaught of cucks and soyboys journalist for weeks. Easier and simpler to give them a small room on the last day.

There is only one man who hates them more user: the pajeet who tries
Work exec orders some cloud product. It's total shit, was coded on a dime by the finest imported hires out of Bangladesh. We have a database guy who's also a pajeet but actually knows how to math and common sense. While everyone's quietly fuming at all the extra work, he's the one who'll bring up each stupid failure in excrutiating detail and curse them out

Most of the pajeets don't even show up for lectures, and one classroom had to be rearranged because they were cheating off other students without the students noticing, so the pajeets and the students doing the work honestly were getting 0 marks and being written up for plagiarism. They also literally cheat during exams. My guess is part of it is because the foreign students are almost all rich. There are literally 5 white people in the whole program, counting me. The other non-pajeets are a mix of chinese, black, and muslim. Ironically the muslims and blacks are the most likable because they do the work and don't talk over the professors and don't show up halfway through the class yapping away.

This reminds me of my college days, since I was coming out of my neet days I was doing it by evenings while working. It was will all the pajeets and muslims, these were sucky days.


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Honestly what I've noticed the most is the lack of white men. All the whites in my program are guys but if you look around, you'll see very few white men. Indians are most common, then arabs of either gender, then white women. So I mean, it's great for someone who's straight and single. But there's a lot of dyed hair and single motherhood going around among them. The white people seem to gravitate together, just because most of the minorities only like their own. One of the black guys in my program is alright, but he doesn't talk much, and the chinese guys are nice enough. But the pajeets only like pajeets and most of the arabs only like arabs. But I've gotten more sex since starting in September than I did in the years leading up to starting. That's pretty nice.

Shouldn't be a huge surprise, there's limited financial aid for us compared to every other group, not to mention having to deal with all the anti-white anti-male bullshit on campuses now.

It kind of did surprise me. I haven't really seen any anti-white or anti-male stuff yet, but the only reason I can afford to go is because I get grants for being in my late 20s. Basically every semester, an extra $900 or so of my student loan is converted to a grant, which I don't have to ever repay.


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goodnight gamergays

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goodnight marche


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Well, I mean, those are some leading questions, but I was asked to do this kind of thing in fifth–

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It's almost like everyone overreacted and they just want to talk about video games without mark fucking it up

I just want the kikes and redditors on it to die

My dad was a teacher for around a year and his class was full of spiclets that whined about trump deporting them because their probably-illegal parents taught them to.

So Mark?

Univision pushes that line pretty hard, too.

Where is that from?

I was almost a teacher, and the worst wasn't the attempts to push inclusivity on children so much as the "everyone's a winner" bullshit that made them all entitled brats and the "intelligence is fluid" shit that made them put special ed kids with normal students and pretend they weren't dumbing down the curriculum so the tards wouldn't fuck up the class average. On the plus side, I had a professor who dedicated half of our last class with her to rant about how the modern school system was destroying boys by treating them like defective girls.


Oh fug.
Youtube for some reason stopped putting her videos on my subscriptions page weeks ago. Resubbing and turning on notifications does nothing.

Its nice to see that parts of KiA still operate on the same wavelength as Holla Forums #GG.

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I saved this from KIA like 2 years ago.

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GDC is still on-going, but hope you lads have been watching Facebook burning down because the Libtards have found "conclusive evidence" that Mark Suckerburg helped Trump win the elections by "selling" millions of user data by a third-party analytics company that Trump's campaign dropped 4 months before the election.

Two things will happen, Facebook gets fined and Mark resigns while handing the keys to someone sympathetic to the liberals or it burns to the ground with regulations.

Mark! noooo!

Attached: Mark Kern Remix of Born To Die.jpg (480x571, 121.85K)

Or literally nothing happens because they're a bunch of faggots with no backbone and go crawling back to facebook.

Marky boy is literally in hiding after being summoned by the FTC and the cuck governments of the EU, and he sold his shares before the plummet when he had Facebook ban Cambridge Analytics.

No, Mel Brooks is the best jew, followed by Gilbert Gottfried; Mark is number twelve.

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Isn't that robot running for president?

Attached: hello fellow humans.png (1040x1146, 1.34M)

This "Scandal" is blowing up in a wonderful explosion, looks like Oprah-Mark ticket is out for 2020, the hypocrite drones are now angry about Marky selling user data because it allegedly led to Drumpf winning.

didn't obama do the exact same shit though? Hell every fucking election everywhere has user data getting sold, it's been like that since social media exploded. Damn normalfags are slow

2008 and 2012, lots of smiling and handshaking, and bragging about Kikebook helping King Obango win the elections, nobody gave a shit, but when it's Drumpf, everyone loses their minds and gave an ultimatum to Marky and Kikebook, they are either with them or against them.

He's gonna use this to step down so he can run for president in 2020

Unlikely, everyone who voted for Shillary and the Never Trumpers want to lynch the faggot and want regulations and trust busting for Facebook, Google is laughing about this all the way to the bank.

Breaking: Sixth IED of peace exploded in Austin TX at a Goodwill Thrift Store

And you think they're gonna remember that in a few years? Cuckerberg is gonna be all apologetic and "of course we need more regulations so this can never happen again :^)" and after he stand down his replacement is gonna feed all faceberg data to the DNC after zuck joins them.

You just wasted a post.

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The MSM hasn't reported anything yet, just Infowars same with the one that blew up at the FedEx center.

Much better. Thanks, user.

There's no way user.
Even the normalfags have been making fun of Zuck for being a robot/lizardman/alien.

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Sleep tight, you Australian furfag.

I'm going to need a source on this.

Attached: extreme business.webm (480x360 2.32 MB, 943.87K)

What do you mean exactly?

Attached: War on Boys.webm (640x360, 6.92M)


That video is so sexist. The narrator might as well be saying that because males are demonized as serial-killers-to-be, then society could even be creating school shooters because we tell boys they are monsters which creates a self fulfilling prophecy .

I will add. That there is a strong correlation between school shootings and the proliferation of feminism/ demonizing of males.

how in the shit did you get that from the video?

Raise a boy from the cradle telling him his destiny is to kill everyone and riddle the world of the human virus, then give him a gun when he's 20 and see what happens.
That's pretty much pretty much what american education does. It tells boys to sit the fuck down and stop trying or be a woman, that's why you end up with broken people, NEETs and whatnot.
There's two sides to the zero tolerance thing, on one hand, telling fags that are not interested to leave the classroom when they are being a hindrance to the others should be allowed.
On the other, I've seen plenty of teachers making the wrong student leave the class because a group was talking and the student turned around to tell them to shut up, also general immaturity from someone who was interested in class(guy said something to his friend, teacher said "if you say one more word you're out", guy literally said "word" and got kicked out of the class) which was met with unproportionately high backlash back in middle school and high school. Teachers need to fucking pay attention to the class and realize that they are dealing with immature kids.

Fuck forgot to put :^) at the end of the first post. Sorry.


Former Gawker sites don't seem to be flying so good.

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There's also the thing about mind-altering drugs, but that ends up in the broken people cause, and is why I am not interested in gaining work (in fact that's the clear reason as to why I'm dragging my feet on finding work).
Also, there's the whole issue of high-profile criminals in America running unchecked.
I'm lead to believe that nothing will get fixed until an economic crash happens. And that can easily be done by making sure men don't work, 'cause if there's one well-known rule that's playing itself out repeatedly in the modern day, it's that women destroy.

I hate how right I was on it's like clockwork

America, like pretty much every other democratic country, is fucked by politicians using loopholes in the rules.
You pretty much can't win against them, you try to play by the rules? You lose, they control the rules. You try to use loop-holes like them or just ignore the game? They use the media to expose you. It's like the only way to change is via violent uprising.
I hope some big event, like a giant economic crash or something, happens in the next 100 years to cause that violent uprising, or at least some form of change for the better, or else I feel we'll be completely fucked.

So nothing has s changed then.

School and especially Uni/College are fucking useless, as you aren't taught anything useful or the teachers try to brain wash you into being another zombie.

Attached: high school is shit.JPG (1744x633 88.64 KB, 201.57K)

Says the faggot trying to promote a random nigger with ~300 views per video.

Glad I left from that shithole early. The school I attended is being sued by a mother for allegedly not doing anything to prevent her kids being killed by the gang MS13 even after being informed that they were threatening them on its grounds. Coincidentally the same school Reggie Fils-Aimee attended in his youth.


We still have media outlets sourcing Anita Sarkeesian in the current year.

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Wow, you really care. Cringy.

He's not random though, he's known to those who were around the DMC fiasco with the media years before GG. Viewership for his gaming videos also always averages out to be at least 3,000 - 5,000, and sometimes 7,000 - 9,000, and this has been consistent for years, just scroll down his video list. He was likely only posted here because he's been away for a while.

I mean, agree that he doesn't need to be posted here as all the time but no need to be autistic or lie about him either.

Shilling is cancer and so are you.

Nigga couldn't even photoshop the building in right.

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All I mentioned was Event has been known for a while due to the DmC fiasco, not sure how I promote someone by saying pointing that out.

The schools fail to protect kids from harm and they wonder why kids rather skip, Also interesting bit on Reggie.

I have a feeling it's Marche due to how aggressively salty the accusations are.

Good evening fellas. Remember that Anita Sarkeesian diddindunuffin to the massive downfall of the Western video game industry over the past 6 years, that it's her "criticism" that elevated their works to a whole new level.


Attached: LOL 27.jpg (640x360, 43.96K)

Reminder that America, particularly commiefornia, is responsible for the Mara Salvatruchas

That, or some unholy combination of commie, tranny, and/or furvert imitating marche saltposting

Attached: gondola beats up some kind of furfag merchant from a french cartoon.png (2000x2000, 482.64K)

Who in the fuck even is marche, another e-celeb shill.

You really don't belong here.

Attached: Furry go in the trash.jpg (384x274, 35.54K)

I'm going to stay regardless of what you think.


They're about to take away our video games, what more else, our freedom and our right to exist. Who and what is gonna stop them from doing those things? Ethics?! Kindness?! As they ravage everything that YOU and I hold dear?! It's not time for diplomacy, for YOUR enemies aren't human, they're monsters. Time to push back and the momentum is on your side.

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Count Dankula just martyred himself for Free Speech and for Europe. What with how people who go to jail for making fun of Islam die in jail, it makes me sick to my stomach

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why is the UK regressing into a 3rd world country

Wow what an islamophobe.Was the little fragile white man scared of a little diversity?

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I know, it's awful. I'll ask about getting a copy of the report I made with the police after my own encounter with a gang a few weeks ago. One was bailed and another is still in a detention facility. In more related news, brace yourselves for even more newfags.

About the same reason everywhere else in Europa.

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Why is Asia Minor or Anatolia Turkey now considered part of Europe now? I see it in a lot of maps now being pushed.

Turkey and it's shills have been trying to become part of the EU for well over a decade.

Agenda pusher claims it's others trying to push an agenda.

it's not him this time, honestly you're absolutely terrible at spotting him, you need to git gud or stop trying

Attached: Agenda.png (662x671, 167.8K)

Bring it up next time mark makes a real meta thread I guess.



My biggest problem right now with the whole /vg/ and Holla Forums's mods need work, is that legit issues on the moderation aren't being addressed but the board split is a very clear D&C that is being pushed.

It'll die off just don't fall for any bait. These things normally have three stages I find. 1 is the initial seeding of complaints and that's happened. 2 is the blatant D&C to persuade the easily confused and that's ongoing. Three is when they know they've got everyone who is going to leave and they swap to calling for some sort of change or action to stop the same thing happening again or get revenge for it. We ride out stage 2 and filter + report stage 3 and Holla Forums will be back to business as usual by this time next week.

Also they're already running out of steam because this time yesterday they were spamming the board with loads of new threads.

rejoice, Casca stopped being a potato

Attached: slow.jpg (618x545, 75.2K)

I pinged teal about it, but he's offline right now.

That's just as good. Often with cases like these there are suspicious post histories or something involved so you have to give the vol a chance to explain himself. They'll be stressed out about the current raid too so I'm sympathetic if it was a good thread and he made a genuine mistake. Tone doesn't come across well in a post and if you imaging reading that OP when you've just had to wade through a ton of reports and actual bots/VPN hoppers it does look a bit dodgy.

/vg/ is suppose to a "generals" board.

Attached: moses disappointed.gif (294x232, 1.74M)

No they were spamming Holla Forums I meant. I've not been keeping tabs on /vg/.

A bigger problem is keeping him from wasting time over IM@S.

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From reading the meta thread on /vg/ it seems to me they think nothing bad will ever happen, that everyone who visits the board will be a quality poster, and that they can please everyone.

Any new info on GDC?

On a Chinese stock exchange website no less.

That list has been correct the past few threads.

Attached: smug nurse.png (674x410, 277.46K)

They are hiding their power levels right now.
Wait for last day, it should be full of cancer.


How is everyone's day going so far? Has there been any fallout from dankula?

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But still doesn’t deny you act but if it must be posted in every thread at least make it bigger

People are pissed and sjws are throwing a party.

I made a slightly better edit of that right after posting that version. I messed up on the letters. Still a shitty effort, but slightly better.

Attached: viv attacking a dark fortress of evil.png (800x800, 1.04M)

Throwing a party over the fact that one can be jailed for telling a joke on the internet. I can't help but scoff anytime I hear SJWs try to act like they're "the good guys." Any idea of them being good is a fucking joke.

Attached: tired_annoyed_disgust.PNG (360x414, 275.84K)

Meanwhile, on Something Awful:

Attached: dansaltyatkim.png (1877x494, 178.53K)

Looks like that was from last year. I forget who exactly foldable human is. I know the profile pic and name.

He was one of many subs that followed the nostalgia chick to chez pocalypse.

The guy who tried to get this place shut down with Laurelai by posting CP.

Ah ok, I know who you talking about. His real name is…Dan Olsen? Is that right?

What bothers me the fucking most is how they don't realize how this will very much fuck them over as well.

Their whole movement is something to laugh at. The people in general are something to laugh at.

I will look into this picture if I can improve it when I can get back onto my machine.

What do you mean? They're on the right side of history.

Oh, this thread must be about how the collaborators on TGWTG airing the dirty laundry. That thread about the behind-the-scenes peek of their movie Kickassia by a Holla Forums user who worked backstage checked out.

Nostalgia chick, linkara, phelous, Obscurus Lupa etc were like "hey remember how spergy and creepy Doug and Rob was blah blah blah" on twatter. Seeing Linkara badmouthing their former boss about muh contract and muh artistic freedom is pretty funny

Spoony (now Troony) wasn't in the conversations because he has become the clique's pariah after that rape joke incident

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I was asleep when the chapter came out, that's why

Thank you. I forgot the Holla Forums thread, but yeah Lindsay Ellis did mention how Mike Michaud had some kind of autism and speech impediment.

Oh, what the fuck. Miles doesn't deserve this shit.

Attached: tsubasajam.jpg (938x960, 762.39K)

its a fake twitter account

Oh, right. His actual account got suspended.

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Not to bring up little witch academia again, but I have further proof that it isn't an SJW tumblrfest. Not only does it feature a female main character that is dumb, unskilled, hated, and forced to struggle and improve in order to succeed, which flies counter to everything social justice stands for, but it also uses love and joy and happiness to save the day.

See, SJWs love using the idea of love as a weapon, they use it as a cludgel but they never live up to it. When they shout "love trumps hate" they shout it with hate and malice in their voice. In practice SJWs believe in hate and anger. They believe their enemies should be destroyed and exterminated. They think they can simply rage at the world and achieve their aims. To quote an insane SJW I came across years ago before gamergate, "the time for peace has past." Even their media pushes the concept, look at the ending of Stranger Things. What saved the day there? Hate and rage. El uses her boiling hatred to defeat the enemies. I honestly expected in the last moment for her to use memories of her friendships to boost her powers, but no. Simple hate and rage is all it took. This is how the SJW sees the world. People like moviebob for example. He thinks his hate will save the world. What side is pushing for unification? It's not SJWs. What side says "don't end friendships over political differences? It's not SJWs.

Little witch academia took a different tact. Akko used joy and happiness to unite the world. She didn't simply talk the talk, she walked the walk and never forget SJWs are always nothing more than talk. If little witch academia was a tumblrfest, it would've had a very different ending and you know it.

Attached: consider the following now with 30% more akko.png (1022x1022, 398.5K)

Shit's a (convincing) fake.

Linkara is the only TGWTG contributor who I can see actually surviving this trainwreck and getting out of this clean. A guy who jacks off to Muppet porn looks better than the others, let that sink in.

Oh god.

Attached: time to drink.jpg (442x509, 25.76K)

Remember that Sailor Moon is beloved with tons of SJWs and had a flawed idiot leader. Then again, most of them hate Usagi and ship the other girls.

Attached: arcademakoto.png (1020x764, 1.05M)

Reminds me of that one person who does a lot of Precure fanfics and constantly killed off the one protagonist who is canonically straight.


Attached: 1471898877049-0.jpg (255x203, 12.03K)

Reminds me, what happened to pedoberg? We really should bring up the people who defended that creep more often.

Tossed out like the cumrag he is once he outlived his usefulness. I think we should also remind everyone that all these people that defended Sick Nick also took over a trans support chatroom to help Chelsea build a personal army with the stated purpose of trolling and doxing anyone who ever criticized her.

But see, that further disproves the arguments from that webm thread. Sailor moon has pantyshots, and SJWs still love it. Just because SJWs love something doesn't necessarily mean it's for SJWs. SJWs love cheeseburgers too. All it takes for an SJW to love something is for it to have vague promises of shipping and even the smallest hint that it doesn't implicitly go against their ideology. There are lots of things SJWs have latched onto for various reasons, doesn't make those things "for them." If they want them they'll have to fight for them. I won't surrender things so easily. If something is made by SJWs, that's different. But if it's just them liking something, I don't care.




Geek.com: "IGDA Director Jen MacLean on Guns, Diversity, and Dreaded Unions in Video Games"



Boy, do I love hyperbole.
You fuckers don't get to have your cake and eat it.

Attached: stop talking.gif (190x190, 13.2K)

How pitiable.

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Attached: You serious.webm (640x360, 423.78K)

This might interest you guys.
Japanese guy complains about meeting American feminists in japan.

There's also that Usagi can initially do fuckall without tuxedo mask giving her support.

He got redpilled hard after the Logan Paul shit.

Attached: Feminism 2.0.webm (640x360, 5.99M)

It's literally just a rehash of a "muh realism" style shitpost. I half expected him to start whining that guns never jam and you don't get a random chance of dying from infection after every successful mission. The kind of guy who whines up a storm whenever a wushu flick shows someone deflect bullets or something.

Attached: ai.png (743x730, 436.43K)

I don't really understand their logic. If they hate usagi that much, they should also hate the creator too seeing that she's happily married and having crazy sessions with her hubby, and usagi shares the same aspects of naoko. In fact, they should just abandon their liking to this show and give up the animu hobby, and resort to jacking off to whorra or rwby.

Anyone notice the board quality improving? We recently had this god-tier thread

Attached: dcfec2d20a4dc71c98f42190371736519265b83d80c35e30b62a4a923348c604.png (635x640, 458.05K)

Why did you have to remind me of that, user (And, how it feels knowing that RT and their parent companies are going to be dragging along what's left of Monty's corpse for as long as they can since it's the only thing Western media has made in the past few decades that the Nips have latched onto)?

Attached: What's Wrong with RWBY.png (1260x1054, 397.37K)

There are moments where I forget that nips sometimes have shit tastes in shows, and they actually churn out high quality merch for these pieces of shit media.
And his wife got away with murder. That's a terrible fate and end.

Jesus Cuckchan needs to fuck off.

Got most his property, along with a lot of indiegogo cash from Monty's fans, and presumably fucked with some guy six months after his death.

Holy shit, we're getting CP spammed again.
Haven't seen that in a long fucking time.

Attached: difficult.png (544x565, 416.56K)

So, how is the UK doing lately?

Attached: rdTs7G5.jpg (1415x1477 70.52 KB, 277.78K)

Hope you guys didn't donate to the Honey Badgers thing, apparently they are using donations for various gofundmes to other projects like the Red Cross does.

An accusation without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Life has never been the same since I got my leg blown off and watch all my friends die playing Pokemon Heart Gold.

Attached: Renge born to kill.webm (1280x720, 9.86M)

Well PedoDan was evoked earlier. When he is summoned he comes.

I too would like proof but at the same time I never donated to jack shit so it doesn't matter to me either way.

You played using Nuzlocke rules, didn't you?

Attached: 21af8a9d3ad5c444747f1aee99a4adf4.jpg (698x988, 546.43K)

yahtzee made a video, it's kind of surprising I almost thought he took the argument from one of these threads

how can a board game make a video?

no first for benis, therefore sage
good try but i always say no instead of not

What's you opinion of SJWs that say "no tolerance for the intolerant?"

Also, does anyone have the gif version of this?

Attached: queston triplets.jpg (500x500, 23.82K)

There's no shred of tolerance among them, they use supposed "oppressed" individuals for their own benefit to signal how altruistic they are in order to gain social capital.If they say "no tolerance for the intolerant" they were never tolerant to begin with.

It's already dead

Attached: Oh really when.jpg (438x294, 27.19K)

the other yahtzee

If someone can get over the talking machinegun, it's pretty good. It's almost like talking with people from Baltic countries in your language, and you get every third sentence through and everything else is garbage.

that's new

Attached: 1381907742289.gif (200x172, 1.82M)


Attached: 1521207006.png (370x320, 9.98K)

Get the fuck out.

Attached: [REMOVAL INTENSIFIES].jpg (566x800, 73.19K)

How does such retarded doublethink exist still? I see people who work for Fakku all the fucking time keep sperging out about why games need to be censored.

Anything for you user.

Attached: 1521375204.jpg (351x351, 77.94K)

I guess it's because they can gain more money from it?
Trying to create a porn monopoly or something like that. Or they are just plain retarded.

user, that was last weeks video. He reviewed Hunt Down the Freeman this week: escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/117181-Hunt-Down-the-Freeman


What I still like about him is that at least he can see through some of the bullshit even though he's a fucking idiot on gun control.

Provide webm or nothing. The Escapist's been contaminated since 2016 iirc.

There's a 2 for $3 deal right now, where you get two sausage egg and cheese mcmuffins for $3. Or maybe he's talking about the 1 2 3 menu? It's a selection $1 things, and $2 and $3.

Wow, that was stupidly easy. Just had to "right click" on my phone. Didn't know I could do that.

Attached: b78852cac4e249953d556cb6e53ab516.webm (848x480, 12.82M)

Great. Start with that shit next time.

So anything funny or rage inducing happening at GDC yet?

Not yet, just lame and cringy SocJus shits we've been seen for years.

Attached: hold.jpg (403x335, 25.46K)

It's a mixture of both along with being hypocritical. They're trying to be jewy with the money, but not fully understanding the consequences on the actions they are trying to implement. To be honest I find it sometimes hard to get into 3dpd porn since often times it looks filthy, there's tattoos, and the moans and swearing is overbearing

Well that's disappointing, they're holding their Commie sympathies in check this year?

Good take and he blames clinton while mocking aussieland? Nice

haha, the corporate overlords have told all the SJWs to dial it back. This should fuel their hatred of capitalism even more

If they are intolerant towards something, that makes them, by definition, intolerant, therefore justifying being intolerant towards them and so on recursively.
It's a retarded concept, even more so if you account for their savior complex. "I want to save the world and I can literally do anything ever, that's why you should trust me shitlords. But if you're intolerant I'll just give up on you. "

I'd believe that. JBP is trending on Australia's premier publicly funded Commie propaganda machine so maybe CEOs might finally get the message? There's also news that the mudslime cop who killed the Australian woman is facing murder charges but the case only describes gross negligence and not her being shot because she was haram.

Attached: Capture.JPG (460x254, 29.79K)

I don't believe that charging someone for killing someone for being Haram in Australia is going to happen any time soon.

It's the same shit as the "punch nazis" thing.
Gives them free reign to be intolerant to anyone they want

Attached: Mouse parody.png (1078x768, 153.19K)

It's in Burgerland.

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Attached: IGsquUs.png (307x441, 229.69K)

Why would anyone visit that wiki.

Attached: how pathetic...png (1207x801, 629.08K)

the better question is why does it exist.

Attached: Rachnee spitting.jpg (700x394, 47.57K)

Because this world is full of shit people.

Attached: FUCK THIS GAY EARTH.webm (480x270, 2.02M)

So is it just me or do cuckchanners tend to have an overwhelming hatred of everything anti-SJW? I always knew it was really easy to manipulate 4chan but I never realised it would change so much in such a short amount of time. I have a cuckchanner friend in real life and he won't even use the term "cancer" because it's "cringe." He says things "give him diarrhea" instead and he shares SJW memes that make fun of prominent anti-SJW personalities. Yet he claims to be a republican.

Cuckchan is pretty much Reddit at this point they want to pretend to be right or edgy.

Sound like you got a RINO who uses halfchan. I would call 4chan cancer straight to his face, and watch the fireworks.
"I say hurl. If you blow chunks and she comes back, she's yours. But if you spew and she bolts, then it was never meant to be." -Wayne Campbell, 1992

Why do they always use insults that revolve around shit? It's something kids do.

Attached: [Touma Ran] Mother Collection Mothers First Correction (Kinbo Inkan III).PNG (535x449, 240.81K)

I also really fucking hate how resetERA is being used as source lately due to the Switch stuff.

They got nothing else they can make fun of or any other way of calling something bad. Call something Cancer? You're offending cancer survivors AIDS? The Gay Community and poz pigs. Retarded, idiotic? Ableist slurs

They have nothing but shit. I'm waiting for the day that someone brings up the fact that they're kinkshaming corprophiles then that's gone too

Let that shit go. If you keep caring that place it only hurts your heart.
You know what to do.
Not big surprise.
So he's /cow/ard, huh? /cow/ is full of those people.
Confucius said halt your relationship as soon as you notice your friend is cancer.

Attached: Let it go my son.jpg (665x613, 68.05K)

Well, considering there ARE coprophiles among them it's actually surprising they can use the "shit" word.

Attached: 10$donation.png (680x732, 611.54K)

It happened

Attached: How Congress Censored the Internet.png (1024x768, 928.34K)

Attached: Ryan Gosling approves.jpg (320x240, 10.49K)

Doesn't shock me anymore. But hey, the shitshow may be entertaining. Honestly, I'm so blackpilled now that it doesn't anger me.

Well shit. What's the designated bunker outside of this site?

Attached: 399c35018818105f3a5833692ae3b3df.jpg (736x588, 57.26K)

So I take it that if one CP spammer posts child porn on here, Holla Forums's done for?


A few years ago I saw shitty 21st century remake of Nightrider series and it stares the main villain that believe constitution holding the truth and must protect it. And the shit jew protagonist says cheesy line "I think they've found new religion!".
Fucking Statism is the oldest and more devastating religion that haunted mankind forever and killed billions. Yet if you say "We must protect the constitution" then you're right-wing conspiracy theoriest nutjob.
Fuck this gay world.

Attached: 1101110704_400.jpg (400x531, 81.18K)

well… Hope the moderators are on their A game.

Are you wearing the sunrise suit right now?

Attached: 763757c83968fa543353c016270aac387e3e80eb9ae3bcdebf6783d81691e4c5.jpeg (1032x764, 102.24K)

Having re-read the topic, it looks like deleting it wasn't necessary. I'm sorry, It was an honest mistake. I'll do better in the future by triple-checking threads before even entertaining the idea of bumplocking, let alone deleting it.

Well that would explain the CP spam from earlier. If I had to guess, that was probably a warmup from shills to get this site deleted under the new rules because of GamerGate. As if we won't just swarm everywhere else again and make their lives a living hell.

Attached: depressed.jpg (300x300, 68.88K)

The bill still has one leg to go before it becomes law: *Trump has to sign it.** Hopefully all the different groups (Including the DoJ) making a fuss actually managed to grab his ear about it.

Attached: 7e424552cfc6f3a3cdc3201f8e9b629af6af5451e8121ceea52f98072c281216.jpg (2400x1823, 766.72K)

Cheer up, tomorrow's another day. Have some lewds to cheer you up.

Attached: bed.jpg (3541x2508, 481.42K)

Trump's fatal flaw is kids. When kids are in danger, he acts irrationally. I wouldn't hold your breath.

Like you think the president would be against something like this. I don't even think he'll read the fine print in the bill or think this through.

Knowing how "CP" works for some people, Posting the Sorceress or Rinko Iori anywhere might be asking for trouble.

Attached: Anon startled the ara.gif (1008x567, 1.31M)


Here's the problem - Trump wants to protect children. He is every bit the stereotypical "think of the children" Republican as you'd expect, which is why he held that meeting about violence in video games a while back I personally don't like kids playing violent vidya unless they are truly mature enough to handle it, but that's not something for devs or pubs to decide, but rather parents. This supposedly concerns child porn or child sex trafficking. You'd have to convince him that not only is the bill un-Constitutional, but it's counter-intuitive in its intended purpose (protecting children from rapists), AND you'd have to do it quickly before he gets to the office and signs it.

No I'm a Freedom nigga and wear Wind of Freedom suit.

That fucking tactics used all the time by gook government authority. Gook passed that kind of law years ago when Lee's term and I've seen countless websites met the Korean Interent Police page after fuckinb obvious loli (not even CP) spams. Another fucking connection between SK and NWO.
But we use VPN anyway. The more serious problem is that out legal system considered loli shit same as real CP and rape, perhaps even more serious crime than rape itself if you read the lawbook.
The next step of NWO would be 'Categorizing the 2D and artificial things same as real child pornography'. Watch the fuck out, I warned you. The Illuminati and Committee of 300 desperately wants to illegalize the loli and arrest people for watching piece of drawn tits, while they kidnapping and adubcting real children and rape them inside their hidden bunker under the Vatican.

Attached: gookstalker.jpg (550x412, 72.44K)

America certainly needs an economic crash. in short, nobody in America should have jobs. Just let the dollar fail, as the currency's a Jewish scam, anyway.

We had Jason Schreier saying the Sorceress was a lolicon fantasy, we had that bong journalist asking if a cute anime was CP, we will have someone from the government deleting 4chan because he believed Rinko Iori was a kid, believe me.

Attached: smug ara.jpg (512x512, 66.28K)

I really hope the DoJ is on top of that.

Fuck off & die Jim fag

Holla Forums, I mean, fuck I'm retarded.

Attached: capture.jpg (807x700, 82.29K)

No and a lot of the articles being passed around are too broad in explaining what it actually does. The bill itself isn’t the meat of the issue, but how it can be abused and interpreted to hurt platforms. The thing is, sites can now be held liable for the actions of the users if they partake in online sex trafficking (Which they seek to define along the lines of Backpage users advertising sex with minors or fags on Craigslist trying to get paid for blowjobs. Not very well-defined at all.) So if someone posts pics of children and advertises a way to contact and have sex with children, and the site administration deletes that, the changes to 230 can hold the site liable under the condition that the site administration deleted the content, which implies they knew it was there in the first place, which can then be used to say that the site is knowingly facilitating sex trafficking. The bill allows this because it’s too broadly worded to be competent and actively punishes sites that either don’t know their users are doing this or actively try to police it as they should. It retroactively defines “participation in a venture” as simply knowing about it in any capacity

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I take it you didn't watch Dean Esmay talk about them running charities to the ground just recently.

This isn't some pussy "oh mark said whatever in a gamenight" shit. This can kill the entire website in one malicious, coordinated move that has been done already. I mean fuck, I don't need to tell anyone here why this place doesn't show up on google.
What's the backup plan? Masterchan? I've honestly grown addicted to the imageboard format, other forums feel way too sanitized now.

The simple fact that there are americans who believe some parts of the constitution (which are the two first ones, ie. the two most important ones) simply means the country's spirit is dead. Or at the very least the people fight against those rights are against the very spirit of the country. It honestly baffles me how this isn't brought up more frequently.

Totalitarianism in the flesh. This world becomes more cyberpunk by the hour.

Attached: Gondola 2079.jpg (1000x1000, 449.28K)

I hope anons translated my nonsense Engrish garbage by their own

Attached: Shame Cube.gif (250x188, 453.68K)

What backup plan? We're fucked. New website won't recover us if it gets shoad like the last one and the one before which will happen.

Love you all, will miss you all, regret not expressing that often enough

They'll probably have difficulty taking down onions. We might all need to become TOR autists.

I think "stated purpose" is a better phrase to use. The people who designed that bill don't actually give a fuck, they're just doing what the lobbyists tell them to do.

Shit, i don't know if i'll be able to make hundreds of posts in minute containing nothing but asshurt.


Attached: goodnight!.jpg (947x618, 119.28K)

Acid mentioned something about making our own "internet". How can we do that?

Attached: ancient internet.PNG (1783x200, 116.74K)

The christfag with brain damage?

I remember him defending the muslim rape gangs in germoney

Real reliable

Attached: OH THE JUICE.PNG (454x586, 348.76K)

Speaking of Lindsay, she in turn had this to say on the same thread Dan is in on SA

Attached: lindsaysaltyaboutjim.png (1875x675, 249.7K)

I'm really bad at stealthing in MGS5.
Every time I try to play a stealth game I forget that I never do because I'm bad at stealth.
Subscribe to my blog at guywhoisbadatstealth.livejournal.com

Attached: 1403124218646.png (537x604, 194.53K)

I was googling shit about tankies to understand their nutjob beliefs better.

Nice post, made me forgot about the internet being fucked for 0.5 seconds.

I love how you have that betalord "male feminist" doing the creepy fake concern thing.

I'll be sure to regale you with more stories of me being bad at stealth once I play more. These missions are kind of long and my attention span is pretty short. I did accidentally dive off a cliff earlier. then I threw Kaz off a cliff to see what would happen. Then I found out people I punch out can wake up so I started carrying them to a cliff and throwing them off so they don't wake up. I know the game has a morality system. I feel like I should probably get evil points when I go up to an enemy who's unable to fight back anymore but is still alive, and put him down with a bullet to the head.

Well I'd be happy to hook up to an old BBS system if that is what it takes to talk about what i want to talk about without censorship

Vee got "trolled" by some obvious troll, but he was so ridiculous it was rather entretaining.

Still, King of Holla Forums is shitting on him right now.

Attached: a_new_breed_of_stealth.webm (427x240, 7.31M)

To those who think Trump won't pass it.


wasn't he detained in a psych ward?

Not that far off from how I rescued Kaz. I have the MGS Collection on 360 but I never got around to playing them because I'm lazy.

He was on the gym.I guess there is no problem talking about E-celebs when we are so close to shitposting time

I forgot the important "I have never played a MGS game" line.

That's Ivanka, not Donald. Try again, this time with Donald's account.

The point is a close family member has much grater influence than the DoJ.

Attached: Stupid Piece of Shit.webm (1280x720 113.74 KB, 4.71M)


I honestly don't give a fuck about all that nonsense.

If Trump is the business man we're led to believe, he should know much better than to mix personal life with professional life.

Not to mention that the bill passed with a veto-proof majority in both the House and Senate. The only chance at this point is for lawsuits to happen and for the courts to hopefully strike it down. Which DOES have a favorable chance of happening since as written it is both unconstitutionally vague and flagrantly runs afoul of the ex post facto clause of the constitution.

no , like they had to commit him because he had a nervous break down and threatened to kill himself?

Fuck off.

Attached: im not even bothering you.png (207x573, 118.6K)

I'd rather see anons spamming porns, even traps, than seeing anons talking about e-celeb BS.

Attached: internet celebrity bullshit.jpg (385x541, 30.44K)


Lots of happenings on the horizon now that SESTA/FOSTA have passed congress be vigilent anons. Stay strong.Keep up the fight
Also because Yoko Taro has given another talk at GDC this year, which should have occured a few hours ago I thought I might as well webm his previous talk during GDC 2014. An user said during the last thread or two that he was going to attend that talk and I would be appreciative if he could provide his summary of it.

Attached: Yoko_Taro_GDC_2014_Part_1.webm (640x360, 14.92M)

I think people wouldn't like the kind of porn I would spam, or I would dump some. Here's stuff from my wallpaper folder instead.

Attached: 25a2243dfc169d843090f122cf9e08a426615a5edfcd82ab4f80ab195d3d6a46.jpg (2500x1213 2.82 MB, 899.07K)

Add this for the new bread please!

Attached: Hive Minds Think Alike - Song【Electro】.mp4 (640x360, 13.46M)

The second half.

Attached: Yoko_Taro_GDC_2014_Part_2.webm (640x360, 14.42M)

I… alright then. I Won't say anything else about e-celeb stuff.

What is a good game for fishing that even 5 year old kids can play?

Attached: please anon.png (207x387, 139.93K)

NieR: Automata.

Attached: fuck you.jpg (804x395, 89.35K)

Embed related, or LABO Kit 01.

A common tactic of shills seems to be them not actually paying attention to what your saying.
spelt Calibur wrong

Attached: Soul Cailbur 6.png (634x1468, 646.95K)

You're not into inflation are you?

Depends, I dont know of any fishing games that are pure fishing that are also fun. I liked twilight princesses once I understood what I had to do, and fishing is legit the only good thing in ffxv.

God no. And I want to clarify that I wasn't suggesting I like illegal porn, either.

The robots in the beginning are cute. I don't care if my nephew sees violence, he's young but I think he'll like the game.

I just want a game to chill and to have my nephews entretained. There is no Animal Crossing on PS4.

Inflation and vore aren't illegal, even though it feels like it should be.

I don't like vore either. I guess some of what I like is technically illegal here but that's because Canada is retarded about drawings.

Try looking up fishing vr game gor ffxv minus using since you have ps4. But thats about it.

If you trust them with a phone or tablet, there's an official Animal Crossing game for those devices ("Pocket Camp") that has fishing and bug catching.

At least its not blue and orange we need more purple green

I guess I'll just have to buy a fighting game and let them smash buttons.

Any features confirmed for the new Soul Calibur?

Isn't FFXV suppose to be a good fishing game?

Get an older 2d kof if possible, or if you think you can get away with it a bunch of fightan game demos.

Its one of the better ones, which has a vr fishing only game thats why I pitched it. But tside of fishing the game is meh.

I liked Hot Shots Golf when the PS1 came out. Is the original on the PS4 in any way? A kid could probably handle it.

Anf other than getalt and no switch announcement, I have no clue. If they do a switch version, link again is a must

The cover isn't awful but it's not good what really got me though is he hit me with the "Mature game for Mature gamers such as myself"


Thats kinda ass.

Youtube is gonna completely kill themselves.

Good morning!

Attached: Ruthless Aggression 15.jpg (600x400, 56.08K)

So does this mean no more Hickok45, or forgotten weapons?

Attached: hicock45 Is A Big Guy.jpg (1150x767, 629.56K)

Attached: But, what.png (239x416, 65.28K)

Forgotten Weapons and InRange has Full30 to fall back on.

At this point I can only assume that Google has consciously decided to kill YouTube and are just getting some virtue signalling points before they do.

Well they did just say "fuck you" to a good chunk of adevrtisers with this move.


Attached: Retard 2270.jpg (1200x897, 85.69K)

Blockchain. Content hosted by people across the world, data validated by indices and plurality.

Tech is still far off and until you have some means of making it easy to set up and adopted by enough content producers the change is going to be slow.

Attached: ee614650bbcce3c98fdd64bd6cd1cc71f0f18ef9a031cdd7d37bd1c734da438b.jpg (268x265, 18.05K)

Hickok45 is on Full30 as well I believe, but it won't have even close to the same amount of views as jewtube

Yeah and their only real draw being all the lets players that draw in all their viewers to the site.

In unrelated news vice was just held viable for all the cp randomly appearing on their site. :^]

They might not be able to plug gun shops or auctions under the new guidelines. Don't know how anal youtube will be about it.

Welp, it was fun while it lasted…

It and cooking are the only reasons I go, and I can get cooking via text.

I mostly go there for video game analysis videos. Mark Brown does some interesting stuff and I like GGGmanlives' videos on retro FPS games. Stop Skeletons From Fighting has an interesting series on ambitious games, too.

I need a baker
I'm holding out for a baker 'til the end of the bread
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And it's gotta be fresh from the oven

Attached: baker5.jpg (400x600, 51.66K)

That's so weird, I just discovered his videos an hour ago. Watching the HalfLife 2 tutorial vid as I'm posting awful posts here.

I am thinking that Google wants to run people off of Youtube so that they can delete all the videos and use that for DVR space for Youtube TV. Remember that "Unlimited DVR was part of Youtube TV's advertising.

Do people even watch/pay for youtube tv?

But, they're even going to be ridding the site of Leftist content as well.

I haven't seen that one yet because I've been watching stuff on other sites for a while instead. His videos on Zelda dungeons were interesting.


I will shamelessly shill for it when he actually make it. It would take years.

Or just the really classic way.

Attached: 4151e0vCUfL.jpg (356x499 60.24 KB, 35.58K)

The new rule is that they're banning any video that displays any weapon.

The only thing I eat is carrots. I don't need a cookbook.

My stars.

I'm pretty sure the way that'll go is that left leaning content will be given an appeal while the right leaning content doesn't.

That reminds me, the liberals here in Canada are using the recent US shootings to try and push an even more draconian version of the long gun registry on us. We very, very rarely have a shooting, but what they want is
Keep in mind that we already have fairly strict gun laws. Mandatory trigger locks, pinned magazines, etc. If this manages to pass, it'll be one of the first things axed when Trudeau loses next year. Current projections have them in the 20-30% votes range. Their approval is worse than Harper's was right before the election that he lost.

There are groups of people.
One of them are the people who read Cord Cutters News (reminder, not all of them, as there are areas not served by it).

Liberals are more commie than ndp. But what would one expect from maxist jews?

I have books too, what I use youtube for is odd ideas or how to do difficult or dangerous techniques like say filleting a fish.

Honestly, I expected them to realize they're already in a perilous position, and to hold off on pushing for something so controversial until after the election. I guess they're just resigned to losing and going balls-deep while they can. They're about to lose one of the biggest provinces, too. Especially since the premier is busy whining about mansplaining instead of campaigning. She's literally going to lose to a guy who's only famous for having a crackhead brother.

Yep, just like any second term democrat.

Poor Justin's not going to get a second term. And this is in a country where we kept "George Bush Jr. but even more corrupt" in office for 9 years and 10 months. After these last few years, the name "Trudeau" now means about as much as the name "Mulroney". For the non-leafs, that means the most you can really expect is to get a mediocre comedy career out of joking about how much people hated your dad while he was in office



Attached: Unlimited Bread Works.png (1474x1050, 1.53M)

Wait a minute, the shitty third rate comedian I keep seeing on the comedy network is his son?

Im still gonna mock him for being castros bastard while having brain issues from being a shitty boxer.

Yep. Even better: his daughter ran in the Ontario Conservative primary and got fucking DESTROYED. She wasn't even Jeb Bush tier, because Jeb lasted until near the end. She came in dead last out of the candidates. She's on the same level as that nutty bitch who was eating dog biscuits in the US primaries.

Everybody's going to mock him for that shit forever. He deserves it for being a gay retard.

I never donate so I've been desensitized to stuff like this. Still, proof is needed.

It's basically "both sides are dumb, everyone is dumb but me" shit. A many anti-sjws are cringe, but they have no nuance about it. muh "BOTH SIDES ARE BAD"

Trump will sign it. His offspring has been shilling for this, and he himself buys the "BUT THE CHILDREN" rhetoric to the tee. There's no reason to believe he won't, especially when it will make him look like that he doesn't want to protect the kids.

Despite the amount of trolling GG did on twitter, it's very disappointing how many former GG e-celebs can't recognize when they themselves are being trolled. But then again that sums up most youtubers in general.

That's a very shitty cover.

Wow that is so fucking useless a definition that there isn't even a point in bothering to stop child sex trafficking because you'll get sued by the pedos for stopping them.