You know that one attack, where you pull it off and it looks just right, sounds just right, all that good shit is in order. What attacks in games do you remember with that perfect feeling from start up and post impact?
For me it's "Real Impact" from DMC 4, it's got the longest wind up for Dante's moves but when it hits it's just perfect, you hear a crunch, the impact effect a mere moment but it's a massive light ray going upwards and then the rest of the hits of the attack come in and the thing you hit, even if it was one of the largest enemies in the game they're been sent off.
The attacks in games with the right amount of CRUNCH
Ninja gaiden sigma's charge attacks are cool to pull off but they don't nail that impact you're talking about it. I can think of games that might have that kind of feel but I haven't played them recently like Wonderful 101 or Bayonetta.
falcon punch
that one's good, too. luigi and zelda both have good smash attacks in melee. you can like more than one attack.
I like the sound that accompanies a stealth kill in MGSV, the sharp note sort of accentuates the concept of a guy getting his jugular ripped out.
Heat Actions in Yakuza games.
I was thinking about that for the OP but thought it was cheating because of how broad the heat actions are.
The King of Fighters 96 through 98 had plenty of those. Especially with Ralph.
Getting a crit in FF7, even though normal attacks looked and sounded like you were cutting through air.
Want to know what game is the opposite of what you're asking for though? The entire Dynasty Warriors series and all spinoffs.
Not hard to pull off, but the stomp in Dead Space. It never gets old when you've defeated a wave of necromorphs to just crush them one by one to get their loot. Also I remember in the DS2 demo, they tell you to "search" the first necromorph you've killed by pressing R2, and Isaac just curb-stomp the body with a really satisfying sound.
Final Fantasy X, Auron's sword cleave. The woosh followed by the heavy sword cut noise is perfect.
Landing a melee hit in Titanfall (2) dat crunch of everything inside them being turned to jelly. Along with the pa-ching of the kill notification its nice.
I can't fucking find a video of the executions or a melee kill montage without garbage music over it. Look it up yourself. c:
Can't go wrong with the big, long windup/charged heavy attack.
Also I really love Dante's Stinger in DMC3, especially when you land the combo version and can keep going for what feels like ten seconds by mashing.
Good choice.
If fighting games count then Virtua Fighter 4 was pretty satisfying.
Literally every attack in Yakuza 0
Every take down in Burnout 3.
Fuck EA for not putting Burnout 3 on pc
Most of the sounds in MGR when your blade is slicing/grinding against metal is pretty fucking nice, though combined with the sound for charging and releasing Sam's blade attacks it gets even better.
That's all you had to say, user.
For me, Mortal Kombat's fatalities are usually pretty good, but UMK3 takes the cake. They're both bone-crunchingly satisfying and campy enough to be worth seeing most of the time.
I like how you can use the weaker enemies to land a counter-attack on the tougher ones at the same time, essentially killing them in a single blow.
There is something to be said about playing effectively and killing shit in mere seconds if you know exactly what you're doing.
Weirdly Zeno Clash had a lot of this despite otherwise being a bit crap.
It's more the type of gear I used in a game.
Playing AoT 2 and while the default gear is good, it just doen't feel right, you know? I spent a few dozen hours with the Tiger Zero gear in 1, longer blades and sharpness at the cost of durability, higher gas capacity and pressure at the cost of blades to use in battle, anchor reel speed and length at the cost of strength. This set really made me feel like Spiderman with Katanas. So using the default gear again was annoying but once I unlocked it in the campaign, my performance improved dramatically.
Any of the wicked weave attacks in bayonetta, it also helps that the enemies in the game lose chunks of their armor when damaged. Hitting anything feels satisfying
Wrong version kid.
The takedown throw in MGS3 made the best noise when the guy slammed into the ground. It really helped sell the idea of knocking a guy out just by throwing him downwards.
Monster Hunter's hammer was nothing but fucking devastating swings sending 3 tonne monsters flying.
The gunlance had the wyvern fire attack that blasted giant chinese fireworks into monster's faces, also send them flying, and had a very long cool down period to make you have to wait to climax, making it even more satisfying.
…And then the franchise got casualized and died.
too bad the gunlance is "near bottom" tier in each game.
Sticking a splitjaw with their own plasma grenades. fuck armor lock though
Fully charging kirkhammer and getting a stagger in Bloodborne feels pretty good.
One thing I always loved about Visceral games was their sound design. Probably the thing that drew me to Dead Space initially when I played the demo years ago. Same thing for Dante's Inferno. Every impact had such punch that you really felt powerful. Even BF Hardline had more punch than BF4.
This attack gets my dick hard every time I use it.
Whats the problem here? You're acting like as if they dont do the exact things they did before. All the weapons in fact got more moves if you didn't know.
In World if you know the right combo the GL becomes one of the most OP weapons in the game, even having more DPS than GS.
The best weapon of all games of all time
AoD is probably one of the best examples for this thread. That slight pause when you connect the hit is very pleasing.
This. That game has the cuhrazy feel I love.
Also reminds me
There is nothing more satisfying than seeing all those health bars just disappear.
Double this. Came into the thread just to say how fucking satisfying it is to pull a 12 hit combo on an angel in mid-air after pulling off an undercut, and then doing a wicked weave heel stomp to finish them off, crushing them into the ground. Gives me a rock hard boner every time.
Take that back.
It does have a cooler animation, but fafnir followup version is besto, and lvl 3 HOS version is always fun as an extra special fuck you.
It's so fucking rewarding and MGR is so tight about that, especially with Sam.
Too bad it's almost completely useless once you git gud. Moves like
and Sidewinder are crunchier due to higher utility.
Maybe not the same but doing almost anything with Azrael in BB is satisfying as fuck, Especially if you super armor an enemy distortion only to push their shit in.
It's fair enough, but pure style is half of fightan
you mean the shitty non-G rank game where every weapon has 20 seconds kill times?
Oh man move over games, the real standard is here.
finally, a chance to repost a webm i saved years ago
Every generation released without G rank. I don't understand why this is an argument. You could literally pick out anything else from the game and have a better argument, but you chose that.
I couldn't be asked to find an AC buster at the time and I enjoy the idea of giving a hospital bed a torture rack drop.
Not an argument.
The headbutt in Blood Money.
It's always satisfying to hit someone with a green shell aiming at where they are gonna be instead of where they currently are, like when they take a curve in front of you.
The open palm shove sam gives everyone in chaos theory
It's always annoying trying to explain what this particular feel is to someone who hasn't played any games with that particular power to them. A game that has shitty, weak-feeling attacks is usually enough to make me stop playing, that's how autistic I am.
Like has been mentioned earlier, Bayonetta feels extremely satisfying to play because the animation is so fluid and the sound design is top-notch. And since God Hand was also mentioned, I always liked the guard break attack. Hitting the enemy's guard makes a hollow, wooden sound, but when you break their guard, you get a flash and a sound of glass shattering. Why can't more developers understand how to give weight and feel to their attacks? Is it truly some Japanese black magic people can't comprehend?
Get that fucking nigger out of here you stupid son of a bitch.
I live for this kind of crunchiness. The juice. The pop. The tension leading into the crunch. I love it.
Have a webm.
Is op as dick.
Throwing people's own shit right back in their faces makes my dick rock hard.
Much better.
GoG HaaH just had amazing animations all around. The graphics were a bit lackluster but damn did they know how to make energetic attacks and amusing cutscenes.
Every time you smashed someone's head into a wall or broke a bottle on their head.
virtually every environmental attack in def jam fight for NY had the perfect level of impact. i'll never forget smashing shitty third-rate rappers' heads into speakers or whatever
Regarding to MH, GS will forever be my main weapon of choice just for the pure satisfaction of landing level 3 charges with all the skills possible (critical, laido….)
I don't think anything vidya related will top this moment of pure kino. Even presenting the metal detector to Von Karma in Phoenix Wright wasn't this satisfying
All rappers are third-rate piles of shit compared to actual musicians.
Don't they just steal classical music then butcher it via sampling?
Pretty much, as well as all their ooga booga muh dik rhetoric in 90% of the "songs"
Did they decide to make Marth's counter multiply reflected damage in Brawl? In Melee it's pretty crap; Roy has the good one.
I like the visuals of the attack obv the smash one is edited, but i still like ganon's kick
I miss the flashy over the top criticals of the GBA FE games.
When this first released I spent a half hour ignoring the final instructions of the tutorial while obliterating the bum. Take-downs, mounted punches, running bricks to the head at pointblank range… Fuck me if he didn't earn every drop of that alcohol.
Knife was better.