Streaming again.
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That Jack sure is milking this
They release a new one every year but they're pretty good.
If only.
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One step at a time, guys.
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first timer how does this shit work?
Go and type in the room code with a name.
Room code this time is GPSR.
Beware the egg shaped hedgehog jew.
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Some answers from the last games.
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Quiplash 2 is up and room code is uayq
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This one is all about making your own prompts.
The code is SLZB. This time with self made prompts. Oh boy.
These answers aren't too bad.
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Episode ID for those that want it.
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Last game's answers.
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Let me upload a higher quality version of that.
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Holla Forums sings the stand man or machine you colossal faggots.
I'll dump the last answers from the last game and other misc photos.
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That's all for today, anons. I'm feeling pretty tired so I'll end it here. Goodnight.
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Good night OP, you weren't a complete faggot today.
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This was the highlight of the night tbh
Are we doing this again today?
No, next stream is Monday.