Viva Piñata

I've seen people talking about their desire for a new PiƱata game.
There's no chance of it possibly coming back but maybe there could be some sort of spiritual successor? I could see a passionate fan making something of the like but have never heard of any discussion to do so.
What could they actually improve on to make the game an even better/comfier experience? HardMode: Don't mention romancable NPCs.

Music Track
Moment from playing the game

Attached: oh_joy_by_lazuriteshow-d96x2b2.png (1600x900 46.09 KB, 263.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This game was and still is shit. Return to Tumblr right the fuck now.

>Bedtime Story

Attached: Limeoceros.png (446x576 118.71 KB, 59.21K)

Explain how it is shit you gay nigger.

It was bad enough that furries made shitty pinata OCs, and then /furry/ ended up with soft gore snuff from it

That sounds disgusting. I'm glad I never stumbled upon any of that.

Never saw any of that shit.



Go home.

None, fuck off.

You know what, actually I'll contribute to help the thread.

I don't know the names of the tracks
Taming the sours.

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Where? When?

I actually used to play this game a fuck ton as a kid.

oh shit this game was my jam, need to replay it sometime you guys got anymore lewds of the villagers?

In threads on 8/v/ and half Holla Forums. Half/v/ actually had a decent thread about VP last weekend.

Then maybe you should go back there

You first.

Are you implying there is any in here?

SFW is superior.

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Attached: YOU BEST BE JOKING NIGGER.png (206x274, 95.1K)

Doesn't the first game have a PC port? How is it? The port, I mean, not the game.

It does but I haven't been able to find a good torrent and it still has remnants of GFWL.

Its pretty good. Its the game just on PC. I think there is a crack of it circulating so its easily obtained and played.

TV show had some fucked up episodes

this is some advanced horsefuckery

My Little Rareware

But man I love Dan Green's voice.


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Bump, someone post a magnet link for it or something so newfag anons can play this.