Here it is if anyone cares
Nintendo indie direct
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Will you just die already?
You anti-Nintendo fucks are really starting to annoy me.
They're called console war faggots user
I'm not against nintendo, I'm against low effort shilling. I'm sure all the major firms use the roughly equivalent sets of shills.
Anything interesting there?
I don't know why but this phrase is really funny to me.
Why is speedrun bullshit becoming gaming's version of "tested at the nurburgring"
Cause it sounds like whoever says it has a persecution complex, like fursecution.
Thank ADGQ for bringing speedrunning into the normalfagsphere.
Not really.
It was more disappointing then a Jeb Bush speech
I'm not gonna lie, I'd buy Lumines on the switch (but only the Electronic Symphony version)
Now there's a game I haven't heard about for years.
I didn't even know there was a Banner Saga 2.
No one cares, nintendo at this point is just selling WiiU ports at full price, and normalfags are eating that shit up
delete this right now
So either shit games no one cares about or games that will be on every other platform?
What if squid girl armpits smell really fishy?
What if inklings all smell fucking horrible to us humans, like low tide or something, but in their society they think they smell nice?
It is something to think about
Kill yourself.
Nigger, I found'em on pixiv
why does every single indie game need to be speedrun bait or some roguelite?
Only caught the end of it. The only thing I might be interested in was that NES Ninja Gaiden-type game where you switch from 8-bit to 16-bit. Also, I think I heard the guy say Pode as poo-day. Other than that, nothing too interesting. Switch has been mostly indie and ports with just a few AAA exclusives (mostly coming from Nintendo). Kind of wish that the third-party companies would put in a little effort to make new games but you can't expect much from developers nowadays.
His fetish is good, his taste in girls is not.
The only fetish lower than armpit-fetish is hairy-armpit-fetish.
Women should be feminine and groom accordingly.
The only fetish below armpit fetish is all of them + whatever yours is
It's not like there's precedent for it. The notion of dedicated console warriors shitting on brand X or shilling for brand Y is just a tinfoil conspiracy theory. :^)
This sucks because I think soy mouth is funny, but posting it will result in my posts being nuked and this will be the excuse. For the record, I only posted the shit when someone posted a numale. They all keep their mouths open all the time.
I don't see that as often, the shilling part I mean, I only see people shitting on Nintendo because you're guaranteed a flock of butthurt motherfuckers will be furiously waving his arms at you like muppet. A lot of the people I know that use the soyboy meme, own and love the Nintendo Switch themselves, it's just that people don't know how to not feed the troll anymore, so the bait is exploited.
I think Soyjack is cute.
How not to have an armpit fetish:
I want to punch that stupid fucking face so BAD.
3DPD will never fail to disgust me.
Implying soyboys have sparkly qt eyes.
Indie games was a mistake. Danon Baker is such a flaming faggot. Seriously, the indie market in concept is a great idea but in practice its just a bunch of literal aids infested cocksucker shilling their garbage as "art".
The effeminate ones do, soyboys are like Jews, there is a wide diaspora of them
It's mostly PR, and Nintendo spends next to nothing doing these directs so its pretty cheap advertising for these games. I'm not entirely sure why they stuffed Lumines into this though. Next they'll be calling meteos an indie game.
No good reason?
All he did was post "Will you die already?".
In a thread about new videogames.
Maybe we don't need a new thread shilling nintendo trash every two minutes?
The Nindies don't happen every 2 minutes user.
yes and the shit that gets green-lit and advertised is mostly garbage especially if it has a progressive affectation. Those who get to Being that it mostly shovel-ware it doesn't cost Nintendo (or other companies for that matter) anything to allow for it. Its mainly West coast SJW running the indie divisions at every company. They are shitting it up by having really garbage taste. Also by flooding the market with this crap it devalues the asking price of better indie games. Thus hurting the incentives for a indie developer to actually invest heart into the passion product. Its essentially the same thing happened to fine art, after a while talented artist give up and only the trustafarians hacks with connections stick around. Hopefully that diatribe made some sense.
With Gamemaker studio, how great is the possibility that AM2R is going to be ported to the Switch?
If it can already run on linux you can run it now.
Just checked; there is a Linux version and GM:S might be able to handle AM2R. Cool, now just waiting until CFW comes out.
That isn't shilling, stop being a easily offended sped.
You can link Hooktube for streams & it also now allows thumbnails. Their is zero reason to shill Jewtube.
Their is zero reason to shill goontube either, yet here you are doing it.
>>>Holla Forums
Honestly it should be a sticky or at least a cyclic.
Of fucking course it does.
Fuck yeah. Too bad it's just a fucking port instead of a new game
Yaa and everybody I know who uses it is certain it's a shitty fucking console. Checkmate.
If they want to data mine an autistic kid screeching the forest temple theme from Ocarina of Time then I say let them. Maybe they'll get a laugh.
imagine my shock
I don't understand. How do you know people who use the soyboy meme, can you and your friends just not help from spewing memes at each other?
Guess I'll have to do this myself.
He's lying obviously. If he genuinely knows people who post here then that means he told normalfags about us or they introduced us to him as normalfags barely even know we exist. Either way this is some blatant shittery.
Delete this immediately.
Fuck for leaving Nitrome out.
Nobody cares.
I understood.
Bomb chicken is on that list though.
O shit, it was looking for the youtube thumbnail
fuck off mark, nobody likes kiketendo
Here it is. Quality is shit. Enjoy.
soyboys, cringe, rouge lite, retro meme graphics. that golf game though why hasn't any one made a sequel to kirbys dream course?
Source on the nip?
What are you even trying to convey man?
That Nintendo Switch games are mediocre and you shouldn't tell people irl about Holla Forums.
That garage game looks alright. Nindie directs don't need a sticky.
Actually why is this stickied anyways? Isn't the GDC on?
Has there been any cringe yet?
If you count the developers of Overwatch coming out and rattling out a half-hour rant about Trump as cringe, sure.
Can i get a link to that?
How would that not be cringe?
I remember hearing a rumor that everyone who actually made that game was fired pretty close to release which is why every character since launch has been completely unappealing.
It'll be a while before the VODs are uploaded to Twitch. You could probably find a recording if you lurk on leddit.
That whole game is an unappealing pile of shit, I'm still legitimately confused as to how it took off as well as it did, no semblance of tightly built classes, just smear lots of crap powers on top of your classes and call it a game, it feels like adding cheap rpg systems on top of an fps/tps.
I'm talking about in terms of masturbation material here. Of course no one actually plays the game, they just bought it to extract models into SFM and Blender.
Because nintendo gives mark free shit.
It checks out.
The characters in OW are so fucking generic and planned by comity that I genuinely don't find them fappable.
That's what the abuse and guro stuff is for.
Well I'm not a subhuman so I guess that's fine.
Don't kid yourself
Yea you're right. That segment is meant for the (1) faggots. :^)
I can not find a single thing on this list that looks like it isn't misleading or even interesting to begin with. It's pretty much all "how to be a good corporate drone".
That's pretty hot.
Post them.
Sorry, I respect her too much.
You're getting cucked pretty hard right now.
She also didn't practice armpit hygiene before he said something about it. So far she sounds like a retard.
You understand that might be why pictures are being sent to me and not to you?
you saying i get no hoes?
Do you even realize what ‘shave’ means for women?
Shave for me means getting that jungle cleared.
Shave for her means getting that 0.01 mm hair trimmed.
Christ almighty.
How about we don’t condemn it, like crabs in a bucket, but celebrate it, that one of us will maybe get his dick wet?
Also don’t be a beta orbiter, please.
So… are we done talking about Nintendo.
The fact that she shaved at all is fucked. You're supposed to wax that shit.
A true bro.
Would gladly share a beer over a Mario Cart game with.
I don't know what the fuck she did. She didn't tell me or anything but in the pic she had no hair.
Why is this so important?
Or pluck it. Kinda strange.
Does she have a dick, maybe?
That's not how the analogy works.
It's not an analogy
Pics or it didn't happen.
You don't honestly think we're all virgins, do you? For those of you who are, don't get your hopes up, it's not as amazing as you've hyped it up to be. There's no need to whiteknight for the armpit story user.
I think you meant
Right here user
I wouldn't celebrate someone getting laid at all, much less through their degenerate fetish. It's not some grand accomplishment.
Thank you trips sama.
I somehow scrolled past it.
I don't think you understand.
they all look the fucking same
I have not and will not have any sex. I'm a god damn man of the cloth
Similes are a subcategory of analogical language.
That's racist man.
not that's diverse, making everything black is diverse.
but if you make all the zombies black in resident evil then its racist and to make it more diverse you need to add white guys on the zombies.
I never implied having sex makes you cool, or that being a virgin makes you uncool.
The majority of us are a bunch of jaded old fucks, we've had plenty of time to convince at least one woman to spread her legs. The rest are refugees from cuckchan.
Or gooks.
I'm not using similes
Your personality is kind of soft.
Are you not used to being teased?
Or maybe you're just lonely?
The projection here is off the charts.
Tease me instead.
Posting worst doctor meme
You sound kind of gay user
rim me
Oh where have all the originalfags gone…
It's nice to see that the Kingdom of Loathing creators are still making content, I'm surprised that they're still around. Back when I played KOL I was 1 of about 200 active users, now it seems that their numbers have almost tripled which still isn't a lot, but still. I might check out West of Loathing just for shits and giggles.
But I am the older and experienced user in this case scenario.
Regardless, last time I did this sort of stuff with someone on Holla Forums it turned out disastrously.
Well the video is down and so far it's basically a bunch of indies with varying degrees of pixel shit plus Super Meat Boy being ported, about 3 looked promising and I noticed immediately one of them was low poly made to look nopoly 3D. Oh and a really fucking gay ass look at that "museum" honestly I'm more disappointed then i thought I'd be.
Shouldn't it be In-Direct?
Story time please.
Super Meat Boy is good at least.
There hasn't been a good doctor since Eccleston tbh
nice nindies, faggots
True enough.