Anyone here playing CS:GO still? What's the opinion on the recent changes to Canals? Will Valve ever stop jewing us?
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
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go away
let him have his thread. better than the skyrim shitters.
fuck no
at least skyrim doesn't have lootboxes
600000 concurrent players everyday. they're making millions, the last time i checked.
Also any love for surf among anons? How long until (((Valve))) finds a way to monetize it?
Lootboxes are optional, they don't affect gameplay.
To be fair I expect a good third of those are smurfs nowadays.
anyone here getting dubs?
i played it about a year, sucked balls, but got to mg2 for some reason
idk, havent played in 2 years so
i would only like to play for fun, not some tryhard sperglord that visits this place
in the early years of TF2 I did a little bit of surfing, I remember testing a wallhack thing and the admin noticing, but I changed behavior so I didnt get banned lol
Not you apparently.
it's the no fun version of 1.6 so i stopped playing it a long time ago
You should try csgo surfing, it's a lot of fun.
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Holla Forums - VIDEO GAMES
You have been here literally for less than a day since you missed last gamenight.
Nothing huge but I prefer that to doing something like ruining Nuke or Militia.
CSGO surfing sucks, I surf in CSS
People still play that? I mean other than jailbreak and bunny hopping what does it have?
Couldn't you post in the dota thread? It's basically the same. I stopped playing a long time ago and I see no reason to come back. Stopped long before operation phoenix, and from what I heard it only got worse since then.
Dota sucks though.
Yes but having one thread for both games saves space for other threads.
Jailbreak has to be the gayest thing in existence
10/10. We wuz again
What the hell were Valve even thinking with that change? Outside of Agency it's the only hostage map I ever played and it just got destroyed.
I stopped playing a while ago, but I still think csgo is the best way to play fun and balanced 5v5 matches with actual human interaction. Alternatives like insurgency and siege are shiet and there are too many improvements compared to cs1.6 to go back.
What I don't understand is how valve is supporting the game, there are still a lot of improvements to be made, gamemodes like hostage could be reworked and made competitively viable, the way you pick weapon variants before entering a match is fucking retarded and has no place in a game like cs, and the ui doens't even work properly on my 21:9 monitor. All we get from valve instead is just casual gamemodes nobody ever asked for and operations with maps and skins they didn't even make.
Valve don't know what they've got with csgo that much is clear.
It's dying because of faggots like you who don't post about vidya.
These skins got added like 6 months after cs:go got released you stupid nigger. If you never played any cs in your life you are either underage, or a nigger.
No, after the R8 Revolver update I finally forced myself to stop. It's a shit game. The only reason I play it now is for coop maps and friend death matches. I never got into surfing.
You are like a baby.
Niggers don't play CS?
ye, cs is white only.
A hostage mode rework would be the dream for me since it's much more fun to play with friends that have varying skill levels.
Apparently it was to prevent an exploit that allowed spawnkilling but it's fucking gay.
Watch this.
Nope, that one wasn't good.
What about now
Well that was embarrassing for you.
Check these dubs.
Canals was bad and now it's even worse.
I'm not very good at clicking the other guy before he clicks me so I stopped playing
Isn't that like every game ever?
that's every modern FPS, but not at all representative of quite literally every other game in history.
In other games I have to click the guy more than once and over a longer period of time, and sometimes I also have to press keys in addition to or even in conjunction with clicks. Given the larger number of clicks, the margin of error is larger as well and I have a more reasonable chance to not be outclicked.
Git gud.
Canals is the only map that shotguns were ever really fun on for that alone I like it.
shotguns are fun AND good in every map, and if you think otherwise you need to git gud, metafags are the worst and ruin all the fun
Nobody that plays csgo belongs on Holla Forums.
All video games belong on Holla Forums, how many times do I have to fucking say it?
The sawed-off is only really useful in hostage maps though.
I never liked how CS guns feel, the weird recoil patterns really put me off GO. I wish it actually more like a counter-terrorism/swat game, despite having the themes of that it's really consumed by its own metas. Not neccessarily a bad thing but CS is just it's own beast now and not a good way to get a CQC/operatin' fix
Could try the latest Rainbow Six but it's been ruined recently.
Your awful taste isn't a bidoe gam
I actually play Siege a lot but I wasn't gonna bring it up since it has a stigma (rightfully so) because of Ubisoft and certain choices made by them with recent updates. I enjoy playing it because it actually has breach/clear/information gathering mechanics and a very strong destruction element. I'm keeping an eye on Ready or Not as well since that looks like it could scratch that itch.
I jump on CS:GO every once in a great while to get some frags in on Dust II on Casual mode with an AUG but that's it
Is the mapping community/custom game community still nonexistent?
It's a shame Ubisoft fucked it so hard that even our general seems to have died off. Fucking Ubisoft.
Most of the community servers seem to be for things like DM or Surf nowadays, at least in my timezone.
Siege was good fun was being the operative word.
Mods won't do their job and clean it I guess.
I'm having a really hard time believing you aren't some Valve dick rider from Reddit, and i'm not using that in the typical brain-dead response way either. You genuinely come across as the kind of knuckle-dragging retard that would post there.
You can promote gay rights in public, but people will still call you a faggot and tell you to shut the fuck up. Overbotch and Fellout 4 may be video games, but that doesn't mean they're worth talking about or that people even want to talk about them in the first place.
Honestly don't understand why people bitch about skins so much. It doesn't affect the actual gameplay, who cares if it departs fools from their money?
Why did you even make the decision to open up this thread? I don't like CS:GO myself, I prefer CS:S but whatever I'm not a sperglord.
Because now I can't download and use custom sprays and texture mods anymore. Now I have to pay money for ugly (((Valve-approved))) wallpaper textures and meme sprays with limited uses.
Jewing for cosmetics is bad but it doesn't harm gameplay.
Actually it can be pretty good in defusal if you know your camp spots. Also it pays its full cost back in one kill.
That's fair enough, I agree shit's pretty dumb. Especially the sprays, which are inanely jewish.
Still, it doesn't ACTUALLY affect gameplay, yet it seems to be the number one complaint on this board if you ever question why people think the game sucks.
R8 was the greatest update. On day 1 it was the hand awp, 1 shotting people from across the map, and everybody was buying it so it was like the wild west until the fun police came in and nerfed it
You clearly never experienced the AUGpocalypse
That's because most of the people who complain about csgo here haven't even played it.
For me, the game is mechanically bland. Beyond bullet spread and positioning, the game doesn't really have anything interesting to offer. If a new Counter Strike game was made with destructable terrain and more variety in equipment for both teams basically CS with the good parts of R6 Siege, i'd probably invest some time into it.
because you don't need to play aa game to have an opinion on it if you have data
All have sprays, the player can make their own and put them on the map with a button press. Unlimited use.
No sprays out the gate, then they become shitty generic icons with limited use.
Let's not forget the e-sports cancer, match making means no one really plays community servers. constant nerfing of shit because people bitch, constantly changing the map because how dare a battlefield be asymmetrical in design and have factors to it.
Go play Condition zero
Opinion disregarded.
Nobody is defending Valve we're just saying that their fucking jewish practices don't actually hurt the game. I also wish that matchmaking hadn't done a number on community funmods but what can you do?
why is there a roach flag at 3 min?
CiS: GOi: Cowboy Edition was the only real fun I had.
;_; azelphur is all that is left, but it's pretty much spawncamping central. same 5 goddamn maps, specifically designed with spawncamping in mind.
I could never get behind the shooting in GO. 1.6 and Source just feels better.
they are not optional, I don't have the option to turn them off. I don't wanna see these flashy skins. Also they came with a price, valve disabled modding in order to add them.
who the fuck is making all these generic video game threads?
t. silver scrub
Most of the anti Steam anons actually use it they just like to pretend they don't.
it's counter strike
it's counter strike with loot boxes
it's the ASSFAGGOTS of shooters, which is somehow not CRAPCUNTS
it's a game I hated since 1.6, why the fuck would I play it
Still doesn't affect gameplay.
Why would you hate counter strike? Are you one of these faggits who don't play multiplayer at all and hate first person games?
it spits in the face of pro quake players
No, I just have anger issues. You cock up once and then you have to wait for the round to end until you get to try again. Yeah no, I looked like the german UT2004 kid when I was playing source in my teens.
Jesus fuck time flies too fast
I heard rumors that the kid killed himself because he got bullied for the vid?
probably not, he made a lot of videos like that.
serves him right for ruining a computer his parents bought for the little. At least the bullying bit, the suicide was his own undoing. I raged, sure, but I never broke anything, maybe cracked a table once or twice, but nothing like what he did.
He was acting, pretty sure his computer wasn't even turned on.
It was fake user.
I'd still rather have the Mag-7.
Out of interest why specifically 1.6. Did you actually enjoy 1.5? I didn't think the differences were that major really but then started on CS:S before going back.
It's one of the oldest fake videos I can think of.
Some maps just discourage the use of shotgun as the offensive side, canals didn't. But then they went and made it bad for shutguns.
Clearly you're ignorant if you say CSGO is comparable to assfaggots. Even more so if you think it's THE ASSFAGGOTS of shooters, because there are real assfaggots shooters out there.
Counter-Strike was never for operating, it was always a tacticool game.
Valve really can't be trusted not to fuck maps up when they have a good thing.
Don't respond to them they're just shitting the thread up. Funny that if I went and did this over in that Mario Odyssey thread I'd be banned for a fucking week while their shitposting isn't even touched but hey that's Mark for you.
1.5 played a little more fast-paced than 1.6 I think but it's been so long I can barely remember.
I started on 1.5 but I don't remember much from it other than player models being different and not being Steam.
Whatever I'm just filtering them.
Tacticool in the best possible sense but yeh it was never something like Swat 4.
I guess that still leaves us with Office.
Office is not better than most maps for offensive shotguns.
I just want Arena shooters to rise up again, maybe I have to make it. But I doubt I have the drive to do so, a game where its just simply who is better, instead of these games with ability crutches, who can memorizes the best exploits, RNG, all of this is in games because it is easier and requires less thought. Games where you are simply decided on who can aim better, aim faster, are true outliers of skill, fighting games are a good example as well, but you run into the scenario where X is best, tier lists, and infinites. Games like UT and Quake were great examples, I loved playing instagib, running around, using skill based movement, being able to clearly see who is good, and who is not. But those games are dead because the demand calls for lack of skill, games like Overwatch, where you have a literal crutch abilities, PUBG, where you can play the entire game hiding, then snipe off the last player for the win, barely doing anything, etc. etc. CSGO was a close contender in it being a skillful game, but it runs into the problem of people caring more about skins, looking at them while in game, I dont mind cosmetics hell I gamble so i see no difference in it to gambling so I cant get on a high horse. But CSGO has lost something, and for me its not fast paced enough so it got boring.
Real competitive games are far away, and may make a resurgence, but ultimatly will die very quickly, just look at UT4, and the more recent Battalion 1944, which is a game that encapsulated PROMOD for CoD 4, a very competitive and active community back in the day, and was very fun. But its dead like every other. Obviously this is all subjective, I have tastes others do not, and vice versa, but I feel a strong point can be made on what equates to tactical, and competitive.
You seem to think the people playing these faux esports games like Overwatch are any good at video games, but they were never attracted by true competitive games to begin with. Competitive lives on and well, it's making tons of money nowadays. Don't blame old arena shooters dying on the audience, blame the incompetent devs.
Did I give that off? I was just showing my hatred to the whole, hell its even my fault for not showing support by playing the game right now and trying to set up game nights to slowly grow the interest, and if I think like this, i'm sure at least 400 others think the same and want to play but dont because others do not so its just an endless cycle.
They are good at those games, after all they are pro at the game, but in a game without the abilities, or some of the easy mechanics they would be average. People only play Overwatch for the characters, and the social aspect, and if they are good at it or get good while playing it for those reason they continue playing. I know people in my shop that say PUBG is god awful, and they hate the chinks that play it, but they play it because they all have it, the social aspect, and because its popular. Its what happened with league all over again. I know some people that used to play UT and they were in the top 500 or more in Overwatch for the first 2 seasons, they stopped playing it due to disappointment in the lost potential, and just hating how bad it was, so I'm well aware of competition existing.
Its everyones fault for whats happening to games, mostly the devs though. Sage for rants and offtopic from CSGO™
Insurgency is better
I just saw this post in passing and dropped in to remind you that no, it isn't "everyone's" fault. Some of us are not to blame, and don't appreciate you rationalizing your own guilt away with "well everybody does it!"
And lastly, it's not mostly the dev's fault.
It's your fault for buying and playing games like CSGO instead of real Counter Strike. You and every other person who plays them. But that's not everyone, and the same goes for DRM, DLC, and digital distribution as well.
I dont play this game.
Everybody has already bought 1.6, user.
I no longer have the drive or the patience to play a full competitive match, I'm bored by halftime.
A big update would pull me back in, they desperately need new maps. When I do play matchmaking it's only Canals, Office, and Agency.
If you play Casual and convince the server to play a newer map like Shipped, it's rather fun, and Shipped isn't even that well designed, it's just fresh.
Wingman is fun as long as you're not in SMFC/GE, at those ranks every match begins with "hvh?" in chat, and it isn't actually a question, it's a verbal agreement not to report. They will still legitbot, and if you outplay them they will spinbot. Rialto and Lake are fun, only because I haven't spent much time on them.
I haven't noticed any recent changes to Canal because I can't find a match after a 30 minute queue. The map one of the least popular and I only play video games in the early hours of the morning.
Alternatively, be an adult and don't buy skins.
Valve does this genius thing with the Operations, which is they let us play good maps from the community on competitive and after the operation ends they delete the maps from the game and you're stuck with the same old dust2/inferno/etc.
"Teeehee so fun." It was fun, but it also fucking killed the game and demonstrated that Valve doesn't ever test the shit they add to the game. Around this time there were rumors floating around of testing TF2-tier add-ons like a tether gun and banned custom servers that let you use skins for free and I decided to NOPE the fuck out.
Holla Forums was always right about CS:GO, and I'm ashamed of ever liking it. The absolute fucking state of this place today.
Their jewish practices do hurt the game you idiot, fuck you for defending cases.
The only time I play CS:GO is when operations starts. I somehow make friends by acting retarded. I was gifted the game so I don’t care about it.
surf_utopia is just surf_legends
I think you're quite mistaken on some aspects of arena shooters. A part of arena shooter gameplay was maintaining control of the map's resources (usually as powerups, health, armor). Meanwhile instagib removes all of that in favor of one weapon- typically a hitscan sniper.
There's always the idea that a hitscan weapon that has no spread or recoil is the true representation of skill; but its always been easier to make airshots with hitscan weapons. And when you have an game where the players are fast enough to move out of the way of rockets and grenades- hitscan removes the concept of dodging entirely or predictive aim. When considering this, it wasn't always about the best aim.
UT and Quake are like the opposite of each other. One is very fast, the other is rather slow. The fact that you even name these two in the same sentence tells me that you don't really play them.
Just like all the other people who call for a return of arena shooters, you don't even know what you want.
Prove me wrong and tell me what makes UT good, what makes Quake good and which one of the UT games you like best. While you are on it also explain to me the difference between these UT versions and why UT3 is supposedly bad.
the arena shooter meme is usually paraded around because there's a sort of quality to to them that lends an air of superiority, plus the number of fart sniffers the genre had with its competitive qualities.
I personally hate the movement in UT, I think it feels like wading through a swamp and the way momentum is built in quake/cpma is so much more satisfying to earn, maintain, and exploit.
totally agree. Would rather see them stay dead if we're just going to keep getting toxikk's so often.
If you ask me, on the Quake-inspired side of things- I'm not 100% sure on UT, the game has always been incredibly moddable from the perspective of server cvars, rules, custom maps, source code since idTech released its engines that are community supported to this day.
There is no shortage of mods or configs that try to make the games more accessible for new players. But in turn, it detracts from the core game mechanics and incoming new players do not understand the game, rather a modified variant of it.
As said, instagib, it's not the game, its a mutator, but its developed its own separate community, meta, and what constitutes "good gameplay". So what happens is the game has a large portion of players who think the game is all about who can aim the best with a railgun and that skill based movement is a grappling hook. But then you give them the vanilla game, they entirely do not understand points of interest of the maps (partly because insta map design is often large, wide open spaces vs corridors, cubbies, traps, trick jumps). They only know how to use one weapon effectively, and their movement skill amounts to +fwd +jump. In turn you see strange misconceptions of what's skillful in bunny hopping.
UT has its mutators which act similarly, but I totally see where you're coming from. If your first experience was the longest yard railgun only instagib, you won't know about power ups, you'll be discouraged to move around in the open and not hug corners, and that'll be what arena shooters are to you. I think CS also had this problem until GO. It was incredibly hard to find a stock server that wasn't 32 player, 16k, awps on round 1 24/7 the same map. Then GO came around and the standard CS experience was 8v8, pistol rounds, map rotation, etc.
I appreciate the opportunity for having player customization but there's the point where it becomes the only thing you have is custom games and the vanilla experience is sorta dead. I haven't played it but I remember hearing gripes from WC3 fans that there was only dota, nothing else.
The complains about WC3 dota are misguided. The real problem was the lobby browser in the game, it was very limited. Of course, when Dota started getting popular all you see in the lobby browser is an endless list of dota, but custom games were certainly not limited to dota. Third party platforms for WC3 lobbying fixed this.
so anyone wants to play or what? I'm down for wingman or even competitive but only if we get a team of 5, no way I'm dealing with 3 15 year old slavic retards
I'm too autistically paranoid to link my Steam account with anons.
He probably grew up with superior arena shooters where you actually have to move and aim at the same time instead of 90s cod standstill shooter.
They are both very fast games, even if one is noticeably slower than the other.
I grew up with arena shooters, and I am very sure that the user above has no idea what he is talking about. His first arena shooter was probably UT2K4. Played it once, got his ass kicked so hard that he decided to never go online again and spend the rest of his time in singleplayer mode. Then he uninstalled it. This or he didn't play any arena shooter at all.
One of them is fast, the other is slower than Half Life.
What the fuck are you even on about.
I'm too shy, I don't even like using my mic in game because people bully for bitchvoice.
Removing vertigo and militia killed the game for me, Valve is full of shit and they should really shove their shit games and shit decisions up their own ass.
I liked vertigo back when it was so broken you could jump into T spawn from CT spawn at the start of the round. Shit was so much fun because of the salt in chat.
Vertigo I could forgive but Militia is one of the oldest maps around.
holy shit, you must be literal faggots if you are "shy" and "paranoid" on a tibetan knitting forum, what the hell man, get a grip
nice dubs
These "people" are the reason why video games won't be good again until a holocaust that's real comes around.
He is one of them, but not the sole reason why gaming is bad. The actual problem is that common people suck corporate dick. Now I am not a communist, but people need to understand that we have to stick together and fight for our rights. But instead people just suck Valve's and other big corporate's dick. I heard people defend everything. First day dlc? "how do you know it's removed content? Maybe it was never meant to be in game!!!" or "When you buy a car you don't get it with all the extras either, so why should I game come with everything exclusive?". Then there are people defending false advertisement, saying that companies have to do it because otherwise their products wouldn't sell.
When pigs fly, faggot. I am posting on an anonymous imageboard for a reason.
I'm sure the reason is that you're such a gigantic faggot the only way you can use a website without unilaterally being told to fuck off is being in one where next time you're being a faggot people don't instantly know it's you.
One of these us true, the other is bullshit hyperbole.
Hello newfag, please lurk for a while before posting.
It's not paranoia if it's true.
Go ahead and post your steam id then, I will add you to my friends list, promise.
How is it even comparable to modern call of duty?
Of course that was 'fixed' because it was too much fun to allow.
I know what you mean but modern CS players are cancer with no respect for the classics.
Some classic maps made it and some didn't.
Milita was in CSGO and was fine until Valve recently edited it and fucked it into unplayability.
I bet he has a Furaffinity page too.
He doesn't know what he is talking about, cod is only known as a noob game since MW2 and 3. Before that it was just another shooter. Halo was the cancerous game back then. Halo players would come to other shooters and bring their cancer habits, like jumping around corners and shit.
We have CoD gamingnights for a reason.
"Good" pic.
HAHAHAHA FAGGOT. CoD4 was the beginning of the end for FPS because it was the first which succeeded at restricting the skill ceiling to almost nothing, allowing the dunning-kruger effect to flourish, thus enabling the masses to feel like they were winning at a game while restricting the skill of those pesky unfun actually good players. It was such a fucking garbage game and the damage it has wrought on competitive FPS will never be undone.
CS:GO is an abomination, and not only that but it's a copy of a copy of a game which was figured out a decade ago. You are not even creating your own skill since the entire game is stale and just a matter of endlessly repeating the exact same angles and encounters which other, actually skilled players figured out for you long ago.
We will never have good FPS games again, because the masses kill any game which threatens their ego. Lose? Just move to an easier game, or whine at the devs until they break the game for you! Never improve! Never care about skill! Skill is for fags!
That's how Holla Forums works right now. If you derail a thread you don't like it'll get deleted or bumplocked.
CoD was always shit and got more so after world at war.
I suppose if they start eating shit too you'll just join them without thinking about it any further.
The CoD gamenight is for UO not one of the later games. 1 and UO play entirely differently down to not even having regenerating health. 2, where the series went multiplay, is when the gameplay degraded.
How many CoD games have you played? You either play them yourself and are a totall faggot, or you don't play them which means you are just pulling bullshit out of your ass.
CoD allowed some hardcore modding back then, which really wasn't that impressive back then but still good compared to what we have today.
Great opinion man, good work. You must really have been good at many FPS games.
Yeah, except jumping around corners is useless in Halo since the ttk is very high and your speed doesn't vary while jumping, so it's usually better to just strafe and avoid as much bullets as possible.
Things like jumping around corners and dropshotting are useful in cod because you gain some speed at the beginning of the jump and you can shrink your hitbox by going prone after you land, and also because encounters last less than any other fps and you are not required to move during a gunfight. It also works in some occasions in CS and Quake if you circle jump but it's not always the best options as opposed to cod.
Your opinion would matter if you actually played counter strike.
I miss timerless skill surf with actual rounds and functional jails (just don't end up in jail, fag) and combat surf without DM (bigloop and any kind of shotgun arena)
Why are you such a passive-aggressive faggot with no arguments and no skill?
Thing about jumping around corners, even in Halo is because the standard mindset is "everyone will be at ground level like me" By jumping around the corner you give yourself a larger window to win the situation you've just engaged in. Also I don';t think it's exclusive to Halo, I used to do it in CS as well if I knew the enemy was coming up, just so I had, what I would consider a greater chance of hitting the bottom from a sort of top down angle
here bitchfaggot, I swear to god if you're a poof in denial
user, I am not going to add you.
Are they selling cs:go themed condoms now?
No Holla Forums is mostly accepting of our faggotry.
I've been playing on a CS:S deathmatch server recently. Gives me a bit of an arena fps hit. I should give xonotic a proper try sometime but idk if it's populated enough for aus servers.
I've tried headshots only deathmatch it's a pretty good way to git gud.
Why not just enjoy deathmatch?
I do enjoy that though.
I wouldn't put it past Valve at this point.
So you've constructed an argument where any answer is wrong. Good job.
SJW tier argumentative skills.
If they can monetise it they'll do it.
You're part of the problem fam.
I'm too scared to add you.