Soooo… is this game a fucking botfest?
Might as well just put an auction house in at this point.
Soooo… is this game a fucking botfest?
Might as well just put an auction house in at this point.
shit meme games trying to copy the glory of diablo 2. protip: they failed.
This league is fucking trash. Dropped it day 3.
Yes and it's also shit.
I'm so goddamn tired of doing the same thing over and over again in PoE leagues; they cannot make it new and refreshing enough to warrant making me come back for a new league every three months. Just getting to the point where it's considered the endgame is tedious.
I sure as shit don't know how people are grinding it out to lower tier maps within six to eight hours like they claim they're doing. Maybe it's because I'm not fully planning out every facet of my characters before I make and level them, but one shouldn't have to go through such lengths.
Honestly, even though I'm a completionist who explores every inch of the map the acts seems to go by pretty quickly. I imagine those are the people who rush through only killing magic and rare mobs.
Still, I just want to be able to do maps from the start instead of going through 10 acts.
I really fucking hate D3 and this shit.
Nobody will accept that this game would be more fun with stuff like auto-pick up or action house because of this failure Blizzard created. D3 was so shit it not only fucked over its own franchise it fucked over its genre. Anything good about D3 is ignored and avoided solely because it was in D3.
Plus I actually liked real money ah because I don't give a fuck about being top tier and I liked being able to make some money while playing the game.
This game has mechanic like Labyrinth. This game has people actually making characters around doing only Labyrinth because it is actually valid way to make a lot of currency.
This game is actually centered around doing content with limited portals.
You don't need to be a price fixer or even an asshole to ignore trade requests. You can just play the game like it is intended to be played.
Welcome to post-WoW online gaming.
With resource sharing teams trained to speedrun the game. Bestiary a shit though. League is hot fucking garbage.
Can I play this singleplayer game without registering my ass and staying online yet?
Fuck off with it then.
It's not a singleplayer game Unless you ssfbtw
No idea what that is.
I didn't know that ARPG cucks had such low standards that diablo 2 is some kind of benchmark.
i have a friend who switched to standard this league, i just stopped playing
solo self found. It means you can't trade with other players, I.E. you have to buy a shitload of tabs to store every piece of garbage you find in hopes of using it someday or you risk on passing on a build enabling item. It's mostly played by circlejerkers.
Solo self found.
You cannot trade or party with other people. It pretty much removes MMO from PoE, besides server lag and desyncs. For whatever reason it is still always online.
It is very good news if you have shit internet, which always prevented you from playing HC. Please kill me.
Sounds like jewery.
Diablo 2 is crap as well. 3 was honestly the only good game in the series.
Is that an actual thing or is it just self imposed?
it is a selectable mode in the game, yes, it's not self-imposed.
Oh neat. I love challenges like that in games because it keeps things fresh on a replay.
It used to be self imposed, it became so popular the developers added it to the game.
Right that makes sense. Nice to see devs do something like that.
the devs hung onto the game too tightly instead of giving it to the people to mod, no offline modes, no fun tbh
Go play NoX nigger. It predates Diablo 2 and it kicks ass.
I think you mean Diablo 1.
I'm in act 3 and didn't have a singe interaction with other people, it's a good single player game
That requires an account and an always online connection (from being f2p). I still remember rubberbanding like mad and dying in hardcore because of that.
wow hard
git gud
wizard route of nox was a lot of fun
man you're Delusional. PoE is "THE" game to play right now if you're into Diablo games. Grim Dawn is also very nice.
Try doing Castle Galava as a Warrior (and don't equip the halberd of horrendous as your weapon). I also really liked playing the conjurer in multiplayer. Incidentally, there are some NoX arena matches going on right now.
grim dawn is a great game though
yeah sitting there and making 90 trades because the itemization is god awful is the best!
Don't forget to grind the same 4 maps over and over again for hours at a time to have a chance of getting more currency to trade with, because you will not get anything good.
Also don't forget the wide variety of builds you can do like High HP character with massive AoE or High ES character with massive AoE
Well he's not wrong. If you're a fan of ARPG's the only competition POE really has is Grim Dawn. Despite its flaws POE is basically the top ARPG right now.
Trading is fucking AIDS though.
PoE is shit
the communtiy is shit
and the genre is SHIT
One of 3 things happened:
You are not the only one playing the game. You are not the only one who wants to buy the cheapest copy of the item.
shit happens
PoE is the sequel that D2 never had. Chances are if you dislike PoE you would probably dislike D2 as well if you played it for the first time today.
Please Grim dawn at least has build variety that's not "lol AoE and HP or equivalent"
Not entirely sure but I think if it's sold it gets removed from the site (I use both and GGG's official trade app).
I make sure their status says online before messaging.
People should just stop being lazy and put some effort into unlisting their shit if it's not valuable enough for them to put the time into responding to others.
Grim Dawn is a great ARPG, but you're forgetting other important aspect. Like the fact POE has 3 years on it, more content, better graphics, and a bigger community.
Maybe he was epic trolling me but someone I whispered to trade said to use the chat or something? I also whispered someone from Global (granted for a retarded reason) and he said "Don't EVER whisper me if you don't know me." What a total spastic douchelord.
That's arguable because the entire endgame is maps which is a horrible system, It's the one thing that somehow diablo 3 managed to bungle it's way into being better than PoE at. And the community is awful because it's a fucking command economy simulator more than an actual ARPG.
One was solid, but yeah, three is better. ARPGs are just terrible in general.
you wish, Nephalem Rifts are fucking garbage.
They're better than getting screwed by RNG and having to run redundant maps for 3 hours
or the exciting high stakes gambli… I mean "crafting" that you can do with maps.
Greater Rifts are the definition of RNG you mongoloid. The endgame of D3 is literally just fishing for the perfect pylon placements and mob types. The atlas system in POE is far more interesting and fun than D3 rifting.
The community is pretty garbage for both games.
Any community in a F2P game is garbo tbh.
Unless you mean Greta get the fuck out.
Oh neat.
I can't even think of an online game period with a decent community. The last one I remember is EverQuest. Sure, there's low population games with okay communities but I think EQ was the last fairly popular one.
No it's just filled with fags who don't speak english.
Слышь бля сам ты фаг.
I wish there was a way to play this completely solo instanced. I don't wanna see all these gyppos standing around in the hubs.
Isn't that what Solo-Self Found is? I haven't tried that mode so idk if it gets rid of people in towns.
Path of Exile is alright on HC but it has the be one of the most poorly optimized games out there. People with top of the line PCs still complain about fps drops.
Once you played one season it feels like you played them all though. Gradually you will get tired of the process of remaking a farmer every season to grind 1000 maps to fund something you might actually enjoy playing.
PoE a shit. Too heavy of a gear focus and no offline mode killed it for me. Also getting one-shot from something off screen was kinda bullshit too.
poe isnt perfect and ive never played grim dawn, but you would have to have downs to think d3 is good at anything.
yea fuck this game
PoE could be an excellent game if the developers had the balls or sense to do the following things:
- Allow for meaningful item progression without the hellish experience that is trading
- Enable interesting and challenging gameplay instead of relying on OHKOs by removing the ability to instantly log-out
- Demolish the entirely too fucking random and currency dependent map end-game. Rework the system so that it is based on permanent progression and/or self-chosen difficulty (with correspending rewards)
Nothing popular anyway.
>have fun
Never even heard of bots here to be honest. But I'm used to getting ignored in trade, yeah.
It's an MMO-lite in some ways and there are always bots in an MMO.
Anyone know how to avoid the massive lag spikes on first shader use when playing in wine?
I have to basically try every bossfight twice because I die on the first try while the game is frozen for several seconds. I get 80-90fps otherwise.
I turned off the chat, I play it as a single player game, because that's what it basically is
Granted it's in early access and I didn't buy it but wolcen looks neat