Who the best Chrono trigger girl?
And why is it Ayla?
Who the best Chrono trigger girl?
The best girl is the froggo
How does this picture make you feel?
Crono's mom. You ever notice how there is only one bed in the house? Crono also falls in love with Lucca who looks exactly like his mother.
that's where you're wrong, OP
Warm and adventurous! I want to fight for what's right!
The best girl is Vegeta.
(not)Bulma of course.
Why no Chrono Trigger 2?
What is Cross? Or are you suggesting that wasn't good enough to be Trigger 2?
Virgin Bulma is best Bulma.
That's because Toriyama can only draw like 3 faces.
This is where the rick and Morty theme song would play
Yes, in pre-modern times most families did have to share a bed because they could only afford one.
No he doesn't. He obviouisly falls in love with Marle. There was even a cutscene of them getting married that was added to the PS1 and DS versions. Lucca was probably a lesbian. Because her mother crippled when she was very young, she rarely ever got to feel her mom hug her(her mother likely harbored some resentment towards because she didn't save her. It's irrational to expect a toddler to save from something like, but such are the nature of emotions. Another possibility is that she developed a hatred of her husband's creations after the accident and came to view Lucca as one of her husband's vile creations as well), so she became a lesbian in a vain attempt to fulfill her subconscious need for the feminine, or rather motherly, affection she never felt as a child. She probably had relationships with older women exclusively and, based on the statistics of domestic violence among lesbian couples, at least half of those women beat her regularly.
woah, user.
my reaction as well
What is Radical Dreamers you massive pleb.
Lucca best girl
Lucca chances are didn't get married and isn't a lesbian either. She best mom by far.
She probably is a lesbian, given that she becomes a foster mom and like most foster parents, negligently loses her wards in an accidental fire.
Did she ever actually use the mic on that hat?
It's Arale
She gets killed trying to protect her foster kids though.
Man those Playstation cutscenes were fucking awful. The worst one by far is how they completely ruin the opening of the Magic Cave.
Nope, Lynx steals her away and forces her to do stuff off screen, then she dies or something.
Why do people keep acting like Chrono Cross is canon? How quaint.
Its got loads and loads of characters man.
Also before they made it have 50 or so playable characters I think it would have been pretty good.
The problem with Cross is that only 13 or 14 of the character designs are any good and they could have saved the budget for a more coherent story.
Ayla or Luca
Chrono's Mom is also top tier
Marle is pleb
Real best girl
You just reminded me of this.
*I want to fuck Harle
Is that supposed to be nigger nerdcore or something?