Losing control?
If you could combine any two games, what would they be? What would the new game be like?
Losing control?
If you could combine any two games, what would they be? What would the new game be like?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wizardry 8 and wizardry 7 just so i wouldnt have to go through the awful 10 hours making a party in 7.
Mass Effect but with an actually good ending so put it with Witcher 3,
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Watching breaking bad since I haven't seen it in forever. First couple seasons are comfy before it turns to shit.
Also if you show up tonight, watched your youtube vid fam
Breaking Bad GTA when?
At least I get to wait for a Girls Last Tour patch to show up in the mail.
Touhou and Diablo, but that already exist and is pretty damn rad.
Smash Bros in a Warriors setting
Subspace Emissary Warriors only better and not required to unlock all the characters
Another day of work done.. ahh
though I think I fucked up fam..
I bought a PS4 and GT Sport off the PSpring Deal today on ebay. $250 for brand new 500g Slim and the game
I'll answer my own question for once. I'd combine Armored Core and the souls franchise. Open world fun exploring with a ton of customization opens. Would be fun as fuck. Plus both are from games so theres a 1% chance of this actually ever happening.
How goes user
I'd play that
Wait what game is that?
What'd you do tdoay user
I joined a club today. It's gonna be fun. Eventually i'll be able to compete in welding competitions.
Fuck yeah, anyone would play that.
Oh I thought it was a vidya patch, sorry my bad.
Ps4 is pretty comfy. Though I wouldn't like mine as much if my desktop worked.
What other games you getting for it?
What kind of club?
Not me
I am getting actual vidya in the mail though.
Skills USA for my college. Its for trades and shit to compete.
GTA and Yakuza.
Yakuza Theft Auto. All minigames from GTA SA and GTA V combined with all minigames from Yakuza and ability to drive cars.
Most importantly - racing minigames with heat action on cars.
I've kind of imagined a Wild Arms with Tales style real-time combat (not like Tales doesn't have gun users at times, like pic related), but it seems like it would be a bit hard to balance around and I understand and don't like myself when a developer suddenly shifts combat styles around too much, especially if they're not all that experienced with one style compared to another (save such an attempt for a spinoff).
The what now?
Touhou Diablo: Treasure Hunter G. Aside from that I may or may not have suggested a 2hu name would be a good idea for a kid. I think I've stopped caring again.
now thats a good question, need to look more towards exclusives.. at least not God of Soy
Not sure what.. Nioh? Bloodborne?
I know GT Sport should hold me over a while since I LOVE racing
beep boop [screams in synthwave]
How do you even compete in welding?
Now that sounds fun as fuck. GTA games have pretty shitty racing sadly. And GTA 5 doesn't fucking have bowling like 4 did and it pisses me off.
How goes user
There is literally nothing wrong with soy.
There is best welds with all the different methods, and sculpture welding. I think i might try to do the latter. Sounds fun.
Well, I got my 500gb slim for $160 used (was actually marked at $180). Not sure how much is "par for the course" with new PS4s though.
A guy from the thread is trying to break into the youtube game
Which touhou name? Are you getting a second daughteru?
Honestly I don't even know the exclusive myself.
How goes user
Whats life like in the roboworld fam
beep boop soy contains adequate traces of xenoestrogens which is more than enough to discourage young and grown boys from consuming the product in large quantities
it'd be like that mermaid hmanga
beep boop given that I am a philosophical zombie, and given the inadequate limitations of human communication, it is impossible for I to impart any meaningful understanding of my internal experience tbh fam
But the human body produces estrogen that gets leeched out by all those bad foods that people eat, and xenoestrogen is a good way to replace it!
I destroyed the t'rang mothership in wizardry. Now it's time for me to check out the mountain wilderness. I hope i level fast cause i want level 7 spells.
Make me a metal Ritsu fig.
Have you ever sexed another robot?
Oh, I was wondering if you might have meant that documentary I found and posted last thread. Spoilers: It was dumbass proto-abos that killed everything.
It's gonna be pretty big
hows that cardboard taste?
Oh shit.. I can play some of the Yakuza.. oh damn
and also finally finish Uncharted series
[spoiler]I still have yet to play the Last
of Us.. I know Im going to cry like a bitch playing that[/spoiler]
no idea either, though some co workers were asking why I didnt get a Pro model, simple.. I dont have a 4k TV nor plan to spend a shit ton to get one.
Ive been doing fine, spring is finally here, but its not really spring weather wise where Im at. Next 10 days are rain.. fuck. No motorcycle rides for a while.
I actually posted that whole series on endchan /AM/
beep boop sex is merely a reproductive function. given that I do not feel pleasure, and given that I cannot replicate myself in a fashion that is similar to that of biological organisms, the act of sexual conduct, as demonstrated by homo sapiens, is unnecessary for my kind to partake in.
Nah didn't see that. You talking about ausland?
So thats a yes?
It stopped raining here lately. I miss it. I would love to live somewhere it rained 24/7
By having nicer weld.
I honestly just said name em after a 2hu because I wasn't exactly paying attention, but yeah it seems its going to be another daughter.
What kind of entertainment value can I get out of suicide?
Same, I see no point in a pro when my TV can't get any benefit and it would just be a plain loss of quality due to the technical downsides that apparently are the trade off. And my flatscreen is at least old enough to support a variety of system inputs.
You have to go back.
Give me time and a ton of metal.
But you just said so
You should.
like what?
Unnecessary but is it possible?
Whats the age gap between the two? Kinda large right
Make sure you use bronze or even better gold for the hairband.
Yeah, this guy every so often dumps some documentaries on his channel. His old stuff has gotten DMCAed though.
egh I tried
yeah I can justify buying a new TV, its not worth it.. yet
Why not fire her?
And to your question, it depends on how many you take out with you.
Ahhh. Yeah didn't those niggers set fire to the whole place and turn it into a desert or something. Then forget how to use fire after
Do you know how malleable gold is? Trying to do that would just cause it to melt. Im not even sure oxyacetylene would work.
I'd have actually used endchan if it wasn't for the fact that it was so soon after the first migration.
The PS2 version of Fire Warrior. The only reason I even bought it was because I got a 60 dollar giftcard for Amazon on Christmas that I still hadn't used.
beep boop it is possible that one of my conditioning can be crafted to participate in sexual acts that are conceived by human kind, yes. by my calculations, in only a matter of 34.02 years, human kind will ultimately deem such conduct impermissible, given the questionable ethical implications.
Oh, hope you at least like it.
Work on your other metal working skills then. Theres more to it than just welding you know.
So does that mean we can have half human half robot babies?
Making a pollock with your brains is entertaining to the morbid.
Yeah, its a bit big.
That is when soldering comes into play with sheet gold.
I guess i could solder it onto it.
Main issue for me is that as TVs have gotten bigger and bigger, it's harder to find stuff for smaller ones, as far as places still making things like entertainment systems suitably sized for older ones.
Got a gift card myself that I'm just waiting on the right thing to buy with. Thinking either OLZ or Shining Resonance: Refrain, but I need to hear more about how the original was from moonspeakers. I know a lot of western Shiningfans are simply angry about the ones after the series lost it's place as a strategy RPG.
you damn right I will
Hokuto Ga Gotoku.. when?
beep boop transhumanism has begun in earnest infancy, but commercial solutions that are readily made and affordable will not be made available for approximately another 56.67 years, and even these solutions will not allow biological organisms to produce artificial offspring.
At least by the time shes in school she will have a good role model. If you first daughteru is a good girl that is.
And I want it to be a robot that can move too btw
I already know that it's "off", but at this point it's something to do. Plus, bolters actually work as bolters in it.
Markets diverge, which may be part of it.
When it's ready.
Good fucking luck with that. We can barely make robots that can stand.
Because my country doesn't allow people to just fire workers for being fucking faggots. Also she's actually good at her job provided the planets align and she actually does it without stomping around and being passive aggressive about things not being in the right spot. Though most importantly we're short staffed as is.
Also to answer the OP question: The style of Farcry Blood Dragon and everything else from The Warriors.
San Andreas Ga Gotoku when?
Pretty much. The video tries to say "early humans" instead, but it's clearly a bunch of island niggers that came to the place, burned the shit out of it, targeted young animals in species that took forever to reproduce, and killed off all the big animal life. Some claim that they eventually learned to better manage their environment in the video, but I think it ties more into forgetting to make fire. Perhaps the older ones were smarter about their tool usage (for earlier man, anyhow), but I'd say it's like they devolved some instead of progressing into something better.
Then I can wait
it wasnt that soon fam, first exodus was a year before I think
I guess. I mean, in a way, I'm just looking for a solid enough game, if there is one, but I know older fans are quick to deride "nuShining", and buying SR:R isn't likely to do anything to get the series back on track, so to speak.
So what can of android will I be in 50 years?
Be a better welder then!
Sounds miserable. Why not make her job shit until she quits
Oh, i forgot to mention that there are a couple REALLY qt girls in the club. Maybe i'll have a chance with one.
Abbos had to have bred with some kind of monkey or something there. They have an IQ of like 60 on average
Are they white yet
Top of her class. It'll be fine I'm sure.
Just give shorter deadlines. Soon enough they'll quit.
It was still back when the site wasn't in a shit state. I just wish we kept the 2014-early 2015 culture, it not 2007 culture of 4.
There's also piracy.
one is mexican, the other i suspect to be mexican
Honestly, I'd say they're not even human, at least as homo sapiens are. More like some primitive, misbegotten subspecies of a now dead branch of the evolutionary tree.
holly shit what happened? Holla Forums is generally shit but the last three days has been exceptionally awful. What gives?
beep boop the average human living today can expect to spend roughly 25,000 united states dollars a year on cosmetic and prosthetic augmentation solutions that can provide an increased quality of life, extended lifespan, and numerous health benefits.
How many boyfriends has she had? Is she a virgin you think?
They have to go back
Holy shit that picture. Never knew that shit about them.
And yeah they might just be missing link shit.
[Insert boogeyman here] It's a mix of Cuckchan and Reddit being shit and Mark being a massive faggot and intentionally ruining things.
Can i marry one? i'll personally send the other back myself.
Communist. They're butthurt about something again.
Don't think shes had any given shes in a girls only school. Honestly I don't want to think of that.
Goddamn abbos are lower than monkeys.
What kind of extended lifespan and how?
How goes user
Thinking of other PS4 titles..
WipEout Omega Collection comes to mind..
I understand piracy and make use of it, but I'm not sure how quickly a PS4 scene is coming. I do however not mind picking up actual copies of worthwhile games, assuming they don't cost too much. The big question I'm wondering though, is whether SRR is liable to go down in price/be easy to find preowned later, or is it not likely to sell well at all and be hard/expensive to find?
I don't know, but yeah, it's gotten pretty low. Saw the usual buyfag thread earlier, which I've generally liked to talk vidya/make recommendations in in the past, and it seemed rather shat up with ">buying anything" and ">hobby killers" posts. Moreso than usual I mean. I get that this is a very much pirate friendly board (site on the whole really, really) and that both the aftermarket and current industry have seen much better days, but still. Combine with forcing the notion that "any discussion of games, good or bad, is shilling" and it's like you might as well not be allowed to talk about vidya on Holla Forums.
Gravity Rush: Remastered is fun, but physical copies are a bitch to get because Sony didn't have enough faith for a non limited print run here.
Only if you go back with her
Oh yeah, forgot that amazing detail. What if it was with one of her girl friends then
Maybe RDR2 considering 1 never got a PC release
beep boop that information is confidential, I am not at liberty to disclose that information at this time. my (((superiors))) would not appreciate it.
I have the feeling that ritsu does not approve of my taste in women.
Hell no. I'm not going anywhere near mexico.
If I wanted to invent something early to get rich, what should I do?
Seen Holla Forums speculate whether or not they or niggers are the worse between them. At the very least, there's good reason whitey used to consider Abos to be "fauna" rather than people.
It depends on if it's a series that's "popular enough to have scalpers target it but enough non-scalpers to balance out the nose", "semi-popular but not big enough for scalpers to fuck with prices", or "so unknown that only scalpers are interested in the series".
ah fuck, I need to replay 1 again..
Man that ain't shit I should be thinkin of.
If I recall the strayans didn't classify them as people until the 70-80's.
Because then I risk getting fired instead. It's hard to tell where the boss's allegiances lie and being the only male in the workplace puts me at a disadvantage right off the bat.
Everything has been shit for the past three days.
I'm so glad abbos are too thick to get on a plane and just huff petrol and sleep all day.
Yeah it was one of the last games I played on my ps3 before unplugging it to switch over to ps4. Don't think we'll know the release date until e3 sadly. Gonna save some of my tax return for it.
But now its the only thing I can think about and its your fault
That sounds truly terrible. Why would you take this job
Sounds like a harem anime. You know what to do, user.
Im heading to bed. Night.
Cya next time user
I don't either. They have to go back, and you can go with them.
True. I know Shining's had its fans in the west, namely back in the old Genesis and Saturn days, but between changes to the series, and extremely spotty localization for a while (SRR is the first we've gotten here since sixth gen, and is an undated rerelease of a game we didn't even get the original of), so it wouldn't surprise me if it's either not on many people's radars, or has only served to anger them. At least it's not like it's a case of a game having to start from scratch in finding a playerbase here like OLZ will be, but I still don't want to wind up with SRR being another Xenoblade Wii situation (arguably potentially worse, given that with a system capable of direct digital distribution of games specific to it, Sega might not feel a need to print more physical copies than they initially ship out).
Because it's fun and there's only the one girl that's a huge cunt plus it pays well and lets me chose my hours.
You need to learn to be subtle. Grease the right wheels.
Such is my curse.
beep boop all prospective patents are currently seized by private corporate officials who represent the primary investors, and such products are produced through vigorous and expedient, privately funded research and development efforts. it is incredibly unlikely that a single person who does not have access to large funds of capital will ever be able to produce a technology that is not already being produced by the world's leading private entrepreneurs.
What kinda job is it then? You bang any of the girls you work with?
And continuing what we were talking about last night. This is why I'd have to abandon any offspring.
Couldn't I just patent troll then?
I stab people and play with their blood
I told you I'm not into 40 year olds or asians
I at least lucked out in that my CC send out my funbucks for demoing a test when Fucking Gamestop (fucking exclusive distribution rights) still had new copies. That was a game worth dropping $50 on in my experiences, but maybe not one worth dropping $120, which it rose to about a month later. $200 for new copies as well.
I don't know man, Boogeymen always where an issue. the Issue I am seeing is more with the general Holla Forums user itself in and of itself. Their is a huge issue of moral atm. The average neo/v/ poster more an more seems like what I imagine a typical redditor would be. Mark doesn't seem to be moderating even though their is activity in the log. The memes are stale and stagnant, people hanging on to cringey 4 year old trash, no ordinal content and a general hostility that is honestly foreign. People cant even honestly talk about games without every thread being turned into console war trash. While we have always bantered there is a comfy friendly gestalt to the bantz. Everything now is genuinely turning into Holla Forums with vidya as what has been accused of Mark for years.
yes, but Its remarkably shitter imho then all other historically shitty moments in Holla Forums history. I even considered leaving for another board.
exactly. Its actually depressing to see the absolute shit state of Holla Forums atm
That be some negro-tier behavior.
Damn son, better wear gloves.
It's the people that make it shit. More than likely, they'll be wherever else too.
I hit home and when it scrolled up somehow I saw Kazuma with a panda hoodie
beep boop patent trolling is itself a very costly affair, which would require an extensive knowledge of the current legal framework, and a exhaustive effort to find current products that may or may not breach said legal framework.
Blood tester or something?
I passed out a couple weeks ago when I had my blood drawn. Was scary tbh
Didn't you spend the first 10 years of your daughters life away from her?
What about video games
It wont get any better.
What's worse is that the only boards that aren't suffering this problem are either niche, hostile to new users, or both. But even then there's still problems with the smaller boards.
Something to that. I wasn't aware of it though.
Can't be as bad as cucks flooding /k/ with random shit.
That be some negro-tier behavior.
Honestly, I think a lot of us are stuck waiting here for the Promised Chan to happen. I mean, I've liked my time here in years past, but I barely post anymore outside of these threads and a few others. As says though, that's a big part of the problem. Imageboards do best at a certain level of obscurity: still able to get a managable amount of newfags that can be burned in the crucible of shitposting and banter into either proper posters or forced to fuck off, but not known enough to be flooded with newfags and people that absolutely do not belong.
I still have my copy. And to their credit, NA did get a reprint of Xenoblade for the Wii, about the time Metroid Prime Trilogy did. However, Fucking Gamestop wanted some of that scalper pie, and asked $90 for "used" copies (mostly new copies they'd taken the wrappers off of and gutted at that point).
Shut up Ryder. took me forever to find this image
yes, I know. But there is an odd formula atm with the quality posters seems to be leaving and an increase of shit posting along with autist who just re-post the same stale 4 year old memes that they are comfortable with. Their is no fresh innovative spirit anymore, it's becoming No Fun allowed just by the ingredients in the soup and not necessarily because of Mark in particular.
Megaman Zero and Harvest Moon
Me thinks we'll get some bloodshed before things get better.
It is not up to me when the lady keeps it a secret from me.
How would that even play?
How goes user
Have you had a paternity test done on her?
You either have retards shitting up the board or mods being retarded and shitting up the board. And with cases like Holla Forums and Holla Forums, both. Once you hit the tipping point, there's no turning back.
Gamestop was a mistake.
beep boop video game products will cease to exist, digital distribution will expand as international communications infrastructure is facilitated that will allow corporate entities to relegate cloud based usage of pre-purchased content to be streamed to end-users at affordable rates. small upstarts and independent video game developers will be forced to pay for space on popular platforms such as steam, and pay monthly premiums in order to continue to provide their services to potential clients. lootboxes, timed exclusive content, and other such mechanisms will incentivize a prolonged and return investment business model.
Yeah, its mine.
Its a roller coaster of fun.
Vegans are just another slave to the jew.
Why specifically do you hate them though
Wouldn't people just use an underground internet to send black market games to each other
What makes it even better is that people were bitching about imageboards being ruined almost a decade ago.
Does your daughter show any autistic traits common in hapas?
it would play like megaman zero, but with farming elements so you go on 2D plattformer missions some times and other tiems you work on your 2D sidescroller farm kinda thing. ZX would have probably been a better example since its a town already.
goes good, not even losign control, shoudl probably make quiche instead of chat tho
beep boop as international corporate and political interests converge, the rights of the international citizen will be systematically stripped such that any manner of rebellion against the aforementioned systems will be rendered impossible.
I've been on imageboards (lurking them anyhow) since 2006 or so, and while not an "originalfag" here (as in joined around the site's creation), I did come over in what Wheelzebub defined as the sixth or seventh exodus (Holla Forums's GG one, and Holla Forumsharbor respectively). It wouldn't shock me if a lot of the older, quality posters have left as the site's gone through periods of complete instability, being replaced with shitters that keep the board's UIP count somewhat the same. But, it could also just be that the state of vidya is so shit, that some find shiting where they eat more entertaining (and while I support the notion of lurk moar, if there isn't a good level of quality, than people will just imitate the low quality they see be considered acceptable).
NoA was a bigger mistake. Not to defend Gamestop, but the source of Xenoblade's issue lies more with NoA not even wanting here to begin with, and then subsequently having very, very little faith in it doing well here. Pic related.
Pretty sure that's dead now, not sure how many years it's been.
what did he mean by this
Can't we just escape to space
I know, like I said its a ride we can't get off.
Best way I can describe it is the kiddo is probably as nuts as I am if not more. Once asked me if we could shoot chinks together when the time comes.
8archive is dead as well
I did that once, was working 16 hour shifts and not getting enough sleep.
they called a code blue but I just up and woke up from it like it was a nap. If you have a sudden drop in blood pressure you can pass out, and if you have high blood pressure I imagine its even easier to pass out from it.
nigger dont you know what a quiche is?
At this point I just want to see how bad it gets.
beep boop transhumanism solutions will not be adequate for life beyond earth's atmosphere, and as the goldielocks zone continues to deteriorate, the potential for humankind to breach space and find a viable planetary habitat continues to dwindle in tandem
Do you dress her up in your uniforms?
Yeah when I looked it up when I got home thats what I've found. Apparently your heart can't keep up or something and you don't get enough blood to the brain for a second.
I'm pretty sure most non-foolz style ones are at this point. Which means it's only liable to be more recent years that people can still look back to outside of screenshots that get reposted.
Could really be filenamed many things.
The death of /rs/ hurt to find. It was like stumbling upon a graveyard of all sorts of cool shit, 99% of the links for which were dead.
Wouldn't we just live on giant space ships at that point.
Its like holding out to the very bitter end just to spit in the face of fate itself.
She more or less has stolen shit from me. I want my god damned knife back. Gave her some shit that don't fit me though.
makes me worry a bit as if I were wounded with a stab or gunshot it would mean I would immediately pass out
What kind of school uniform does she wear?
Huh now I'm worried about that too. Guess we gotta get good at quick shot placement.
Blazer/skirt. Shame long skirts aren't as fashionable as they were once.
But then you miss out on sweet thigh action.
that post actually pisses me off because it stinks of Guy Fawkes masks. And to be honest GaymanGay really was chanology 2.0 and most of my sadness is born out of how that shitshow turned into metastasized leukemia yet nobody has remove the elements that are cancer.
yea I must admit I am a newfag compared to you. Wasn't fully aware of image boards until 2008 and would reluctantly lurk completely afraid of what I might click on. Joshua Goldberg Ben Garrison Edits that attracted me. Talking to Ben in 2015 was a high water mark
thats true, but its not a recent phenomenon. We used to be able to have comfy threads about old games, but now all old game threads seem redundant with the perpetual emulation general.
more so its just one more reason for me to lose some weight and improve my cardio so I dont pass out form that shit
Long skirts are great and amplify body language in the facial area by forcing you to focus on it
bashful grills with long skirts are cuter than ones with short skirts or shorts
beep boop only a select few private citizens will be fortunate enough to afford a interplanetary vehicular apparatus, the construction of which will remain quite costly, and the quality of which will remain primitive in nature, and as a result, human life will largely continue to exist on planet earth for the unforeseeable future.
Man, I just like below knee length skirts. Its just cash.
Ain't that the truth.
the only exception is a trim tomboy really
I'd combine Hokuto no Ken with Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead.
You'd start as a lowly peasant with nothing but rags, and eventually, through bartering garbage and killing innocent villagers, you'd have a sweet motorcycle, a mace and a mini crossbow and become one of the bandits from the anime.
Instead of mowing down zombies, it's other bandits and peasants.
Hundreds of factions.
Martial artists that can slice your face off and your tires into shreds with one flick of the wrist.
The most valuable items in the game would be martial arts scrolls so you can do the same.
I have sleep apnea and I'm stressing out about it. I don't have insurance so all I can do is work out and hope I lose enough weight to cure it fast. I'm already down 25 pounds, but it's not enough!
I seem to be a magnet for unfortunate medical disorders. I have shitty genes.
My only friend in the world reached the "isolated user" stage of alcoholism and is being a huge dick to me and trying to push me into abandoning him. I'm sad.
You have good taste.
I'm been eating better lately. Less salt. Less junk food. Hoping that helps. Mines mostly caused from smoking which I quit last year anyway
And you can focus on all that anyway just with bonus thighs if you have the willpower.
Will we at least set up on mars
You don't get any zettai ryouiki that way though
Sometimes you gotta take a loss for a greater good.
Dunno bout that.
I recently started buying spinache on the regualr to have bowls of beans shredded cheese and spinache, without dressing. This is a switch from the burritos I usually have which provide way too much wrap for what I'm looking to eat, its like half wrap when I eat burritos. I'm hoping cutting the wheat out will help. Also I'm trying to force my self to exercise daily again with pushing 2 25lbs weights over my head 10 times
having to focus instead of just being taken in is not as enjoyable.
You don't watch an anime to focus, you watch to be taken in by it, do you focus on ritsu to enjoy her?
Tomo Chan pulls it off with her summer wear of shorts and tanktop skirt looks better on her though
beep boop I am not equipped to answer that question. space colonization remains a possibility that can only be perceived by those who shall exist in the distant future. the human population of your immediate time will not cast its gaze upon such extremities.
Not to mention most older games don't exactly warrant their own threads on them at this point, especially ones that were still niche even amongst anons. Those might do better on /vr/, if /vr/ here had a userbase (I blame both total posterbase size and decay cycle). Honestly surprised the Baten Kaitos thread has done as well as it has. But in regards to most system threads, those tend to devolve into console war shitposting, calling lists and shit made for them in the past horseshit, or the same faggot OP making his same ragebaiting pasta for easy posts. And then of courses there's always the types that just come in to call X game/system hipster shit that was never good (saw that happen a fair bit in the last terranigma thread). Face it, the days of this place (and of prior years way back on halfchan) are gone and aren't likely to return.
The best way to kill an imageboard, at least as I see it, isn't to destroy the site itself, but rather to pollute the userbase with shitters and dillute any meaningful discussion. Do it slowly enough, and the oldfags that had brought quality prior will either get drowned out and quietly stay, or slowly abandon imageboards, because at this point there's not really any better imageboard to go to. And unlike cuckchan's early years, we haven't had quite the level of obscurity to properly grow in, constantly under the eye of media that's all too happy to name the cathedral of hate addled gamernazis. Like GG, Chanology, and hackers on Steroids, the attention, while it might be hilarious at first, does a massive number to the site's quality overtime. Exposure does not help things.
There is nothing more good than a cute girls thighs though fam
I'm on the spinach game too. I throw in a handful of whatever kind of fruit I got and just a tiny squirt of ranch. Then mash the berries into it for dressing. Its pretty dang good. Blackberries are the best combo I had so far.
I don't need to do that because I can see all things
Wait so you aren't from the future?
Lap pillow + ear cleaning is best.
Hm. Point taken.
One of the soapland girls offered to do the ear cleaning thing. Turned that down. Seems weird.
And whats with nip girls licking on dudes nipples, I don't get it.
Bleep Bloop Zip enjoy this musical piece
I'm trying to severely cut my simple carb intake in the hopes of burning off my fat from lack of easily accessible resources ie carb food
if you say so fam
yer god damn right
I don't even know what has carbs in them tbh
I'm mostly just avoiding the tv dinner and other microwave crap I've been eating for the last decade
beep boop I have arrived from 2080 at approximately 04:00 hours on 21/3/2018. I entered the atmosphere in (((REDACTED))) in the (((REDACTED))) of the (((REDACTED))) province of (((REDACTED)))
beep boop thank for your musical contribution
You missed out bro, and honestly I don't know about the second. Reciprocation maybe? But yeah ear cleaning was the best, every day right at 6ish got my ears cleaned and it was great.
Right, wrong, I'm the man with the gun.
Seems someone found the complete Rapeman manga. >>>/animu/18565
Is that just like cleaning the outside of the ear, or the inside? Because I'll admit, getting earigated feels good, but that's more a legit cleaning thing using pressurized water than meant to be pleasurable.
I already don't trust putting qtips in my ears myself, I'm not going to let some hooker do it.
So whats going to happen next year? How should I invest to make a ton of money
Maybe nip dudes have sensitive nipples from all the soy in their diet
Get an ear syringe at CVS or something. They work wonders if you've got blocked up ears.
Thats never really been a problem for me so
All of it man, with a giant cotton ball and stick. It was lovely.
We'll never know.
beep boop I am not programmed to divulge the chronological order of specific events that have occurred between the current time and the time of my origin.
You could take a ton of soy and find out. I expect results from the test within a month fam. Don't disappoint me.
And who programmed you?
Everythign technically, but when people say carbs they usually refer to simple carbs like sugars and grains. Protein is complex carbs, it takes longer to break down so it gives you energy at a lower rate over a lognet time period, unlike simple carbs like sugar which give you a sugar rush.
Thats a big step up fam, cutting out microwave crap is good too though, because you're cutting out all the preservatives like the excessive amounts of salt and other bad shit.
cast in the name of god
they have these long qtips with great big poofy swabs on the end, japs go big on ear cleaning stuff, there's a comic/manga or whatever about it
its not a qtip fam
Cotton swab in the ear is just a good way to push wax all the way in if you're not careful. Happened to me before a few times. Thankfully those ear syringes have a triple nozzle to spray water along the sides of the ear canal forcefully enough to get behind the wax, break it apart, and flush it out.
Wake up, Dann.
I can appreciate wanting to keep oneself clean, but still.
Like I said I think its just a reciprocation thing.
Haven't been stuck down yet.
All I know is I still can't get my ears clean enough.
Yeah it doesn't help that my families cooking uses so much god damn salt. I finally had to tell my mom the other day to cut it out.
thats still a qtip. Its just bigger
beep boop I am not programmed to divulge the circumstances of my origin.
Does that mean nip girls are really into pegging?
Does your wife do this to you?
What are you programmed to divulge then
No and No.
I saw a doujin/comic about it, was cash, not even sex
well thats a good step fam
qtips barely have any cotton on the ned fam, you dont have to press as hard with those
Unless a .303 to the chest was a message, I probably missed it.
You are sounding pretty defensive. Got something you want to say fam
Only if they change their ways. They try to "diet" all the time but it lasts 2 days and they go back to crap food because they think eating healthy is eating a boring iceberg salad for one meal once a week.
While I agree on the issues of entryism. On the other side of the coin, though is if the user base is too incestuous then it also dies off because their is not not enough memetic variation to really create potent memes.
Its like the Amish. This phenomenon is characterized by the weird avatar fags you start to recognize because they repetitiously post the same stuff each week like some sort of odd Obsessive compulsive disorder. Take for example that one samefag who always religiously dumps 300+ of the same old webm's in ever webm threads. Or how the retards in the gg thread are essentially avatar fags and pretend like its still mid 2014 and they still promoting send e-mail. These people are almost what you might think are Bots, but they get really angry if you point out their odd dysfunctional ritualistic behavior.
beep boop
ay yo
hol up
Why would a robot be listening to music
Watch the show if you haven't. Loved that shit.
Lets apend that to "exposure needs to be kept at a natural minimum or it doesn't help" then.
Nothing other than I don't like bidets.
Little did you know when you began playing your game of murder, that I was playing too.
kek what a bunch of goons
well at least you're on the right track fam
oh buddy I watched the whole show when it came out and loved every episode except the swim suit one but it was still decent
I meant the ear cleanign doujin
I've never used one. Seems gross honestly.
For now. I'm a 9 year NEET with little self control. We'll have to see how long I can keep it up
Just a great game with many pawns and freemasons.
It was terrible. High pressured water to the butt ain't right.
I believe in you fam
The pool episode actually accomplished plot, introduced new recurring characters, avoided the usual "kyaa pervert" pratfalls (since the guys opt to stay home), and was fun to boot. If you ask me, that is how to do a fanservice episode.
Liiightning Breaker!
Where we're going we dont need eyes.
Can't be good for hemorrhoids either
y-you too
no pressure, one step at a time
yes, I agree but imagboard "culture" is does not pass on through natural biological processes, the user base eventually needs to recruit new devotees. People grow up and grow out of shit-posting. This is why boards like /vr/ die because their is not enough memetic variation. And I mean memetic in the Richard Dawkins sense, look up "Low genetic variation".
what if you put peanutbutter on the toast?
Wouldn't know.
I'd rather be the king of the land of the blind.
found an entire gallery for ear cleaning
Real shame Destiny DC isn't happening in English anymore. Stahn's seiyuu is Domon's.
I suppose in a way it's too bad Noein didn't have any calling of attacks. Nor is there really any any proper names to attacks either.
We're all gonna make it
I prefer a good fluffernutter.
Huh I kinda assumed
I recognized it instantly from the art but didnt recognize the scene, gotta go back and watch that, pretty sure I got Noein and Gun x Sword from shinsen, I'll have to check since I keep everything I download. Noein was so fucking good.
is their a cute 3dpd fluffernutter autist?
Its a sandwich
this tbh
Noein was worth the $8 or so I dropped on a full set when I came across it. it's too bad Japan didn't seem too fond of Gun X Sword, so that's never getting a bluray version.
Something that might be of interest to you to read; main guy it focuses on was behind that particular episode's fight scene. archive.fo
That ain't a right sandwich. Hot pickles, ham and honey is the best.
but is there girls that spread fluffernutter all over themselves?
gonna go
night fam
thanks fam, gonna look into that
I prefer a simple steamed ham and cheese
I've seen girls do that with peanut butter before. Which is on fluffernutter
Cya next time fam
Yeah, there is one floating around. I can't find my picture.
Steamed hams are good.
oh i mean just the fluff, not the nutter. The autism to cover yourself with fluff would be enough "nutter".
a fluff head?
I'd kill for one right now
But wheres the bread
I dunno.
That is a cheap death.
its on toast
I've done a lot more for a lot less
We're done here
Combining two is tricky. There's easy Bethesda properties, like Skyrim's mod-factor combined with the better graphical capability but with everything else from Morrowind (and not those fucking scam mods people claim to be making). Or Fallout 4's combat and customization but with the writing and general depth/roleplay level of New Vegas.
Or if I wanted to get really fucky with it, Daggerfall's scope, setting, and sandbox ability but with Morrowind's gameplay/depth/graphics.
Reminds me of this thread someone posted over a week ago(>>14475109), asking why buying or even just supporting a game was so frowned upon. The response was to call him a shill and label everything as shit or not worth buying, and then the thread just kind of devolved into shiposting. Even had one very weird redditor(possible jew?) desperately responding to every post in this weird not quite double spaced manner trying to rationalize his decision not to give anyone a dime, if it wasn't for him than the thread would have long since died out.
I am visiting Tokyo for about 3 weeks and have a JR pass. Do you guys have any advice or know of cool returants or interesting places to visit?