Why did Fromsoft change things with original Dark Souls 2 but made them worse?
I could go on. Why did Fromsoft ruin their own game like this?
Why did Fromsoft change things with original Dark Souls 2 but made them worse?
I could go on. Why did Fromsoft ruin their own game like this?
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It's a mix of "muh B team" and the fact that From has absolutely no idea what made DeS and DaS enjoyed so much. 3 suffers from a shitload of problems as well, which should give you an idea.
It's just confusing because a lot of these decisions are objectively worse. Especially the Belfry Luna one.
I did like playing Dks2 vanilla so it's jarring playing SotFS and seeing very little was actually improved upon and they mostly just made things worse.
I guarantee it's mostly this, they hit gold but weren't sure how or why and their attempts to do it again weren't good
Scholar is better. You don't really even need specific examples, you'll start to feel it as you close in on the later areas of the game. Less fights where you're just going through the motions with small packs of enemies, instead condensed somewhat into fewer and tougher fights. Undead crypt, amana, dragon shrine, aldia's keep. All better.
Heides is better, what the fuck are you talking about? That place had absolutely nothing going for it originally. The flexile sentry in sinner's rise makes a whole lot more sense than the one they put near the shrine of winter or whatever it was, too.
I can't defend the belfry luna thing though. There is also the matter of a couple of armor sets which are a bitch to acquire as they come from enemies that don't respawn even with covenant of champions.
Its the complete opposite
What the fuck are YOU talking about?
The worst part about this is that it doesn't even make sense. Why is there a dragon right in front of the dragon slayer boss?
There's a puzzle encounter involving a dragon breathing fire and a bridge in a souls game, better call it shit.
The patrolling knights give the area some actual character and a gimmick that helps make it more memorable. Considering the limited resources (they couldn't remake the entire game) it's a good effort. The game fills in the gap of tough recurring fights with the forlorn phantom and the pursuer.
This is a shockwave tier excuse.
Guess they could have stuck it somewhere else, yeah. It's still not a big deal at all.
And it is literally a puzzle encounter, you said it yourself. The thing has next to no HP once you get past the fire.
False. Dark Souls 2 was made by "the B team," Scholar was after they finished working on BB and they decided to make a new version of Dark Souls 2 using the regular talent of FromSoft. Any changes you hate in scholar are made by the A team. Pack that in your pipe and smoke it.
SotFS is just OoT Master Quest, but not as funny.
Its sticks out like a sore thumb along with the wandering heide knights with botched aggro range.
learn to read IDs nigger
The bridge dragon in Dks1 was a much better designed fight. You could avoid his fire attacks and cut off his tail to get his sword. I remember grinding that fight because I liked it when I played that game.
The Dragon in Heide's Tower is just pointless. It's a dragon that you just need to time avoiding his breath and then he's easy as hell to kill. If you use a bonfire ascetic and approach him from Ornstein's bonfire he's a complete joke
Not an argument.
Hence why I said muh B team
In scholar they're both liars, because dragonrider still doesn't ride the dragon, and now dragonslayer has failed to slay the dragon.
Not only from but every Japanese game company. It's like Resident evil when they are too fucking retarded to see what made the first ones great, even though it's quite obvious.
also sageru for shit circle jerk thread.
One good game can be exploited for a long time with low quality sequels and rehashes, but too many good games in a row creates an expectation of quality that has to be lived up to. They're not retarded, just lazy and jewish.
the riders look like they fatroll. only dragon i could think of in 2 they could actually ride is the ancient dragon. and again that fight is a push over once you get passed the breath
I prefer vanilla probably just because I like knowing where everything is, but I think SOTFS adds so many enemies the world feels not dying at all, but positively overcrowded with life. Also most of the difficulty changes seem front loaded, making the early game areas play like the late game areas but with less tools for the player, leading to a weird power curve. I also think the interconnected nature of Dark Souls 1 was partially unintentional, looking back, at the very least they didn't see it as something the player would derive enjoyment from, but rather as a means to gatekeep warping. Miyazaki certainly didn't seem to like that players would always take the master key. Demon's Souls has the best boss fights, almost every one has unique mechanics, by Dark Souls 3 every boss is just the roll/attack routine. "Gimmick" bosses were the trues saviors after all; Allant would be a tutorial boss in DS3.
Did they ever fix the part where his attack was inconsistent with the animation? I reemmber being hit by a crushing attack before his foot even moved.
I was convinced at that point that they fell so hard for the DURK SURS IS LE HARD xD meme that they thought the things people complained about were the things they need to do more of to make the game even LE HARDER to play
iirc there's some concept art of them riding some kind of wingless dragons in the artbook. I really wish DS2 had been given more time.
Hitboxes haven't been touched
Did they at least fix the part where enemies turned like they were on top of a record player?
That's not a dragon, it's a Drake or a Wyvern. The only actual dragons in DS are the ones like Seath or Ancient.
It's working as intended, just as poise works as intended in 3.
They started to belive their own hype. How many time have you heard talking games that it's dark soul of something or how it's like dark souls, thees cases it's mean game has some chalenges.
What made DeS and DS great was multiple thing not just that it's hard. DS3 is epitome where there is nothing else then challenge.
I was under the impression the Ancient Dragon in DS2 was just a golem in the shape of a dragon, created by Aldia, though where it's will comes from I guess I don't know. Honestly I don't care all that much about Dark Souls lore, it was only ever meant to add colour to the game and not tell a contiguous story, fans obsessing over it is why DS3 ended up being so unoriginal.
I don't think it was. They clearly spent a lot of time doing things like making it so that you could see later/earlier levels just looking out into the vistas of the game. Similar to how you could see the tower of Latria in the distance from the second level in DeS
I think it's moreso that the devs listened too highly to criticism of Dks1. Specifically that people didn't enjoy backtracking and wanted to warp between bonfires.
I also think that adding teleporting was the result of technical necessity since they had to improve the graphics. So making the levels less interconnected and more instanced to mask loading makes more sense in that regard.
Untouched in SotfS, even worse than 2 in 3. It’s objectively bad game design to have the wind up for enemy attacks track, indicating to the player that they need to dodge, only to have the attack itself track even harder so you get fucked for dodging anyway. Almost as frustrating as enemies being allowed to damage you through map geometry while you get a recoil animation for attempting the same. 2 and 3 allow the enemies to be janky and get away with it.
BB has that map geometry shit in fucking spades, dropped it within 5 minutes of starting.
I actually like 2 and 3, I just didn't like the way they changed things in the first 15 minutes of SOTFS, so I didn't play beyond the forest of the last giant tower waypoint.
So is it better to just play the original?
Nigger, what are you talking about? It's the opposite entirely, very little was made worse and most stuff that changed was improved. If anything they didn't change enough, in the end the covenants are still bad.
I'm not going to say yes to that, but I prefer the original over scholar. The upgrade was only $5 if you had both Dark 2 and all the DLC, so I bought it for the DirectX 11 upgrade to Dark Souls 2. $5 is nothing.
I've seen people hate both, I've seen people love both. I've seen people love vanilla and hate SOTFS and I've seen people love SOTFS and hate vanilla, and they didn't all love the one they first played. There's some eceleb speedrunner that started with SOTFS and hated it, and was then convinced to play vanilla and loved it. Either way it's not on sale right now and if you're pirating then there's no reason you can't try both.
I'd suggest neither
Alonne knight phantoms? What?
Yes sir.
Nah. 60 fps, comes with all the DLC, and plenty of balance changes. Made my boi Barbed Club less broken, but did pretty good regardless.
Ivory King is the best DLC in Souls.
Original has 60fps if you're playing on PC.
Define phantoms. I didn't it play it so long ago I don't remember the Iron Keep, there were no knight phantoms.
What the fuck, i thought they only added more enemies everywhere compared to the original.
Now i'm going to search all the changes.
Fuck, i knew something was off when playing through No Man's Wharf level design-wise.
Kek, didn't know this either
In DaS2 outside Fake Orenstein I would call that a drake. The Ancient Dragon toward the end of the game was easily the largest 'Souls boss I have fought and was clearly a dragon.
I figured because it gave me the Ashen Heart and a big soul it was actually a dragon. I'm playing through 3 now and I all the "lore" and timeline has me confused. For me 2 seemed to be way after 1 to the point everything was called something else because they forgot. However so far 3 feels like it takes place right after 1 or possible some fucked timeline. Also I never understood how Kalameet could exist if Seath killed all the rest of the dragons… (same for covenant dragon). Maybe it was a golem.
It drops a soul of a giant.
FPS durability bug still isn't fixed. Its actually worse in the rerelease than the original on PC.
All for the worse. The DLC is untouched so it feels especially jarring.
I've heard one of the complaints is that most of the bosses in DS2 are humanoids in armor. Is that true and if so why is it considered a problem or failure?
They're less interesting to fight and overall become repetitive. It's a problem 3 has as well. Basically more shit like the Gaping Dragon and less Artorias clones.
around 50% of them are
Lack of variety. While it has more bosses than both Dark Souls 1 and 3 in number, a lot of them are big dudes in armor or humanoid group with some mobs.
There's a noticeable skew in that direction yes
Makes it feel like the game has less surprises. Like "oh here's another armored guy with a sword/spear, here's another one, here's another one"
There's fewer surprises like in Dks1 where they throw a giant dog with a knife in it's mouth.
They patched it in original, but durability was always supposed to be a manageable resource in 2, frankly they went overboard in patching it in vanilla; even using a rapier in the Sinh fight only took about half the durability off and half his deal was supposed to be that you need to switch weapons halfway through the fight.
Yes, but consider that Dark Souls 2 has double the number of bosses than most soulsborne games, there's a lot of lame bosses like dragonrider, but I'd say there's as many good bosses as any other Dark Souls game, although most of those good ones are dudes in armor like Alonne/Fume. Demon Souls is still king for me when it comes to bosses though.
A different team made it.
Theres a difference between being a manageable resource and losing half your durability because your attack animation clipped through a wall or a ragdoll while fighting a group.
I wish I had FPS that good, but it's all the more reason to stick with vanilla.
The engine of the Souls games has some serious problems.
Dark Souls 3 doesn't have this problem. Neither does Dark souls 1 for that matter even if you unlock the framerate.
I was just wondering as someone who got into this "genera" via Nioh. About half of the bosses in that game are just elite samurai with a pokemon but those fights were still enjoyable. Of course Nioh is historical fiction and not high dark fantasy so maybe that makes the difference.
That seems like an all too common occurrence with the Souls games, unfortunately.
Nioh actually has mechanics with which you can keep up with fast bosses. You don't have half the shit in Dark Souls 2 and 3 that you have in Nioh and most of the time the games actually takes away mechanics from you.
In Nioh you can parry and counter every single humanoid boss, every single boss in the game also has a stamina bar which has a negative effect on them if they run out. In Dark Souls 3 you can't parry and riposte the final boss and none of the humanoid bosses can be backstabbed. Most of them also have infinite combos.
The bosses in Nioh are meant for replayability(because they reuse them so much)
Oh yeah that reminds me if I ever play through again to keep all of them because after I dropped the dragon that would have been 5x on Vendrick
I'm not against humanoid bosses I just want more variety
I actually had to count out loud every time he did it.
I always have this feeling that the people who bitch about dork souls 2 combat are just bad.
What did beating the Belfry Gargoyles do to weaken the Lost Sinner?
I wanted to wait for the game to be properly finished and packaged before I bought it, so I never played a non-Scholar version.
Thanks for advice, anons. It seems there's no choice to play the SOTFS for beginners because muh less bugs.
fug I meant 'no choice but'
In the vanilla game you had to kill the Belfry gargoyles to obtain the Bastille key which let you open all of the doors in the Lost Bastille and Sinners Rise levels. You needed to do this in order to use a torch to light up the Lost Sinner's arena to make his fight easier since he would normally prevent you from locking onto him.
In SotFS you obtain the Bastille key immediately after Ruin Sentinels making Belfry Luna pointless as an area and completely skippable.
It took me a long time to enjoy playing dark souls 2, in pvp I still feel like I have absolutely no fucking clue what I am doing and I still win duels about half the time and invasions moreso
is it that nobody has any clue whats going on? thats what I feel like, I have a relatively tame build and I feel like I am surprising people
this is as opposed to dark souls 1 where I have a totally off the wall build and KNOW I am surprising people or 3 where I am pretty sure its a surprise but surprising them didnt matter most of the time
I understand what you're saying, but in most cases locking on is a crutch that only really helps with parrying.
Regardless of whether or not the player wants to make the fight easier or not. My point is that Scholar of the First Sin changed this and made it easier for no reason other than some players didn't like having to fight the Gargoyles or use a Pharros Lockstone to get there. It turned an optional boss fight that I felt motivated to do, into a fight I couldn't care less about.
Ontop of that it made it so there's no reason to fight Lost Sinner without having lit the torches. Since all you need to do is light a torch at the bonfire in sinner's rise, light the fire near the elevator. Kill all of the mummies and the Wharf boss inbetween yourself and Lost Sinner, and then light the arena
Completely true. There's a single memorably monstrous boss. Literally just the one. It's a problem because Dark Souls 1 had a ton of interesting and memorable boss designs and DS2 doesn't. Admittedly, yes, a lot of the big dude in armor with big weapon fights in the Souls series are among the best fights in the series, fighting the same overly similar things over and over gets kinda tedious.
Swing exactly as many times as you need to kill the enemy.
I still can't comprehend why the fuck you would ever tie durability loss to how long the weapon's hitbox stays in a corpse. Why not just make it decrease by a set amount on hit?
Thats exactly what it does, except that passing through a ragdoll counts as multiple hits which are checked on a timer based on the framerate.
You fight Kalameet in the past, if the Everlasting at Ash Lake is any indication not all dragons died after the war.
Sister Friede… I hate her "I kill you no matter what" movement.
Why are NPC summons such idiots but they handle themselves better against players?
Because NPC summons are at least supposed to help those who play offline while any retard can put down their summon sign online.
NPC summons are generally most useful as a distraction against bosses so you can whittle their HP down.
A good example of this is the NPC summon for Ruin Sentinels. He does almost no damage against them. However since you have to kill 3 of them as quickly as possible before they all gang up on you using him to distract them buys you just enough time to make the fight more manageable.
I wish my suspension ended already, I wanna co-op.
For the amount of "strength" Slave Knight Gael has he is the most stupid summon against Friede, he doesn't roll out of the ice, always takes it, stays in the way of all attacks and usually never lives to see Friede's final form.
Ornstein was after his mentor, the nameless king, who allied himself with dragons.
I like the changes. Didn't buy the DLC and got SoTFS on discount so I only cost 30 dollars
My favorite part about the remix is that the enemy placement makes more sense in terms of lore. For example the Dragon in Heide's Tower of Flame. The coolest part is killing the dragon drops the shield I designed.
they also added way more fragrant branch of yore and its also a starting gift so you have more starting path options.
Your shield is pretty good.
Yeah, surely they wouldn't even gift a copy of the game to someone who won a design contest.
Full of shit, next time don't bother to type.
It's better to never play dark souls 2
They did give a copy of the game to me. But I was a PS3 version and a collectors edition that I left unopened. I bought a second copy. Remember it was almost a half year before the PC port was released. The discount was for anyone who owned the PC version.
check the exif data
You know chans strip exif data from files uploaded, right?
Shit is blank son.
Did you discuss this in the past? I seen to remember something about a shield contest being mentioned either here or on 4/v/.
To stay on topic, is there any list of all the changes SotFS made?
Can't find relevant shit on youtube, and the wikis don't explain the important shit like the Lost Sinner changes.
It's my favorite shield aesthetically, so thanks I guess. Is it supposed to actually be black? Because part of the reason I like it is the slight dark teal tinge but every description of it I read says "black & white" and that dude that made a real life version made it jet black.
No, the image above is the original design. Its meant to be off white peach and dark teal. Its based on the grass crest shield, Celtic knots and Frampt vs Kaathe. I could have done a more detailed illustration but didn't actually think I would actually win, so wasn't really invested in spending alot of time on details.
I don't know off the top of my head, there was a tone of little changes but nothing significant. The most valuable change was the addition of the Agape Ring because Souls Memory was garage.
Answer me faggot
Yes, it was probably about 3 or 4 years ago here but I don't often bring it up.
If you use DSFix and uncap or set FPS to 60 it completely breaks the physics engine because some jackoff thought it would be smart to run physics calcs in the same pass as the scene render.
Nice, Teal is my favorite colour. Also the agape ring was added to vanilla in a patch, but I think you might need to own all the DLC's for it to show up.
It only has minor effects on jumping and that one ladder in the Undead parish. Its hardly as bad as you make it out to be.
yeah, if you own the DLC then there is no reason to get SoTFS. As I said, considering the DLC was initially 30 bucks and SoTFS came with all the DLC I thought it was a fair enough price with the PC discount.
You don't understand.
If anything perhaps I understated the severity. DaS is to be played at 30fps.
The only issues is trying to make the jump to return to Undead Asylum and a ladder in Undead Parish glitch where you can go out of bounds. Otherwise 60fps works fine.
Dark souls really are not games I ever want to go back and replay
especially not 2 or 3,i dont remember a single thing about 2 and 3
What a waste
Bloodborne is good though
it affects other things
Actually, Pilgrim Belclaire is the most useful of all NPC summons next to Bradly if I'm remembering his name right. She's my mage waifu who can completely destroy the sentinels. Now Felicia is a piece of garbage slut who's a masochist for taking killing blows and not healing.
i remember dual wielding was pretty cool
prove it
not that i'm obligated to do so, but higher than 30FPS in DaS provides higher timer precision which can be a problem
There are several areas in the game where 60 fps means you can't step over a brick or ledge so your character can slip and slide over the edge to their death. Your roll distance is also incredibly short if you fast roll. That's what I've noticed anyways. I also believe gravity kills at a shorter distance in 60 compared to 30, but I haven't done that much testing.
also certain frame-perfect glitches/exploits get harder to do the more frames there are, etc.
Isn't the ps3 version still not updated?
I heard because of hardware limitations they discontinued the updates
PS3 SOTFS isn't actually SOTFS, it's vanilla with the dlc.
Yes, what I mean is the stuff detailed in OP doesn't apply
Of course not, those are all SOTFS changes, they're not in vanilla DS2 on PC either.
What else does the SOTFS version makes worse?
And what does it improve?
I know I really wanted to fight the Drakein front of ornstein.
Then play SOTFS PC or PS4 version, it's not in PS3 SOTFS/vanilla or PC vanilla.
Look up.
I love seeing you pop into DaSII threads shield user.
Currently replaying through DaSIII and even though it's reasonably fun to play it's so fucking short and there are parts that just piss me off in that they almost designed it around fucking up or preventing clean runs back to a boss after you die. Also the sheer number of insta kill grabs, ten-minuted attack combos, and infinite-stamina enemies gets old fast.
Does anyone have any excitement over the remaster of 1 or do we expect a lazy addition of 60fps and some fixes to lighting and upscaled textures?
Are the boss fights anywhere near as memorable in DS2? I will always remember Sif and Ornstein & Smough from DS1.
Do you still fall through the floor on some ladders when doing 60fps?
yes. anyone saying 60fps is viable for dark souls is retarded. It just doesn't work and isn't worth the headaches.
Yeh a developer believing their own bs always ends badly.
I wish 60fps was possible but 30 really isn't that bad. Pretty much everything through the 90s was running at 30 after all. For multiplayer stuff I can't tolerate less than 60 though.
framerate autism is the most absurd form of gamer aspergers. 60 is ideal and should be targeted for pretty much every game, but to act like it's the end of the world when a game runs at 30 just means you need a bullet in your mouth.
Pretty much. At the end of the day a stable number matters more than what number you peak at.
No, even the ones with decent areas to fight in aren't good bosses
I'm interested in how they ruin it and how badly it will run on the switch.
but other than that? Na given how dast I can beat the game I really dont feel a HD update is going to change my already formed opinions I've had for years
Its basically as appealing as if they made a HD update for Rock Paper Scissors, like sure it might look a tad nicer but it could look uglier and still be the same game
Pursuer, Gargoyles, Sinh, Sir Alonne, Ivory King
As long as it's stable it's not a big deal, but of course you cannot tolerate such low quality on PC, or you end up with no games running higher than 30FPS.
No, because they weren't meme'd into the ground.
Same with characters, like Solaire "praise the sun xdxd" (aka the new "cake is a lie"), or Gwynevere "does anybody else big chest ahead xdxd" or Gwyndolin, spammed by trap-lovers.
Don't misunderstand me, i like those characters, but people spamming them is the reason why they are memorable.
It happens with other aspects of DS1, like the skeletals on fireshrine, gargoyles or blighttown: Just because people spammed them "le hard choke point xdxd".
In fact, same things happens with BB, DS3 or DeS, no "memorable" characters except the maidens.
AND I REPEAT: this is "mainstream memorable", not what you, as an individual, consider memorable
The Royal Rat Authority is such a retarded, badly made boss fight that it hurts my head to this day to imagine someone adding it to the game and thinking it worked fine. Pharros Lockstones are retarded. The record player spin you right round enemies are retarded.
It's a shame because parts of DaSII feel… cozy for some reason. Something about Majula is really nice.
Care to elaborate for someone who's more played? Do you mean stupidly wide turning circles, or (like pic related) where they just sort of rotate on the spot with absolutely no animation or what?
one of the best designs in the game
post portfolio
How could anyone talk about Dark souls 2 and not note how incredibly slow it is? Attacking is slow, rolling is slow, enemies are slow.
I hated DkS2 at first because it seemed like such a huge let down and betrayal. I've grown to like the game but still hate the music in Majula and hate the shitty design of Stone Trader Chloanne. Its not the sexuality, but rather that she looks butt ugly like a elderly woman with a fucked up wig and bolt-ons.
Thanks. I painted these
and in a rare occasion do request in the draw threads.
I mean that the enemy tracking is ridiculous in that they'll wind up for attacks and follow you through the entire process from start to finish, even if it requires their model to inexplicably spin around as if they were standing on a giant invisible swivel. Or sometimes they'll wind up and not even be tracking you totally during the start and then magically rotate around at the last second exactly where you are.
Combine this with hitbox fuckery and it's a very frustrating experience.
DaSIII does this with some giant overhead smashes that mostly everyone agrees are bullshit when it comes to following player movement and that I think people were commenting on earlier in the thread.
I drooped ds2 the moment i got to the "hub".
Tell me what i missed.
10 wasted hours.
Dark Souls 2 is the only game in the Dark Souls trilogy that doesn't have a tutorial boss fight, and these are supposedly praised. The ogres are super easy to kill and the dragon is entirely optional if you suck. Fucking git gud.
Majula music is alright, but the place gives off this uneasy feeling.
Having standards is not a bad thing you battered housewife.
Just dodge before they hit rather than during the windup, the only time tracking bothered me was when NPC invaders did, as they should follow the same rules as the player, Forlorn being the worst example.
He's not saying they're impossible to deal with. He's just saying they're frustrating because you have to find ways around their fuckiness instead of them working correctly in the first place.
If enemy hitboxes worked correctly, you could have used a mix of safe distancing and rolling invincibility as part of your strategy. As they work now, you have to rely exclusively on rolling invincibility. That's what's bad about it, it forces you to use that one game mechanic over and over above all others instead of allowing for more variety and for common fucking sense like when you physically see an attack shouldn't hit you but it does anyway
Dark Souls 1 also had a shield contest I think the "Giger" Shield you found in Tomb of the Giants.
Not just the jumps and ladders, it screws up the timing and other stuff like pyromancy, projectiles, compare for example combustion at 30FPS and 60FPS.
Where exactly did the weird dancing come from? I mean, I saw the original videos but who came up with that dance?
Hitboxes are fucked in all the games.
not in 1
More or less like that but walking in place when you circle around them, wind up animations also track until the last second, the worst offenders are the iron clad enemies (turtle armor) because they have a mechanism to prevent backstabs so you would expect to basically stick to one side on them.
If someone made a game in a similar manner (when it comes to respawning and all) what do you think about basically the player character waking up on their safe zone after death? as in "was this a bad dream? a premonition of sorts?" kind of thing.
Not to mention the bunch of enemies that have 360 degree rotating attacks that drain stamina like crazy if they connect even once on the shields.
That never pays off.
Let's not forget how in DaS3 From doesn't want you to do anything other than retaliating like in bloodborne with a ring that doesn't recover jack shit because they added delayed attacks, crippled shields and crippled parrying.
Have you tried attacking a giant soldier in Anor Londo right after a shield smash?
yes thats how I usually fight them since I run around with barely any health I need to wait for the safe zone after the slam to be sure I wont get fucked up
The point is, the hitbox on the shield smash lingers after a full second.
I dont think so, I have a char in anor londo right now and will go double check though
check it, try to get close as soon as the shield slam hits the floor.
I don't understand your question.
Do you think a totally-not-dark-souls could use the "you died" mechanic by not making you undead but instead making it appear it was some kind of dream or premonition?
I've run the boss a few times and every time she gets ganged up by 3 of them while I wail on them from behind. Of the 3 times I've fought the boss, twice she's died by them. The third time she was reduced to 1/4th health.
I guess that could work. why did you ask me?
I ask everyone in general.
Why is a dragon right infront of the dragonslayer boss, and why isn't there a dragon infront of the dragonrider boss? how does that make sense? Is the old Dragonslayer just inept in terms of lore? Is the dragonrider boss supposed to just not ride dragons?
That's not the point. Adding more fragrant branches of yore ignores that they made it so that you have to keep backtracking to earlier areas when you didn't have to. It creates more busywork. This is especially annoying on NG+ because they made it so you lose all of your yore branches. So you have to keep backtracking despite only needing to because the devs wanted you to.
A good example is Things Betwixt. It's just the tutorial area in the vanilla game but in Dark Souls 2 you have to go back to it to get the estus flask shard. In some areas of the game they put a statue just to waste the player's time. Like putting a statue infront of the area before Ruin Sentinels for no reason other than to waste the player's time
It's stuff like that, that was just annoying.
Having autism is, though.
Dark Souls 2 is crap we all know that.
I actually noticed the opposite, I found that player movement felt slightly faster due to the increased framerate. And that since you don't start with a shield at chargen (unless you pick cleric) you play more experimentally and less defensively at the start of the game. Compared to Dks1 where you start the game just turtling a lot and only really start actively avoiding enemy damage once you git gud.
They put a statue in front of the earliest available standard knight set.
For what purpose? It's not like it's incredible powerful or popular set or anything.
I forgot how much it bothered me when I first noticed that the 'claymore' in DaS2 wasn't actually a claymore. It's like how they included a bardiche in all three Dark Souls games but managed to give it the wrong name every time.
Dark Souls 2 does have a tutorial boss fight with the Last Giant. It's just that the devs made it an optional fight and not one that you need to do.
Most of the criticism of the dragon is that it's not a good fight. The dragon's fire hits you behind the wall of the stairs and the only difficulty in fighting it is just having to time avoiding it's fire. It's easy as hell in melee. If you look at youtube videos of people doing SotFS Dks2 they almost always cheese the fight with a bow because it's significantly less time consuming.
This is in stark contrast to the bridge dragon in Dark Souls 1 where you could avoid it's flame attacks and fighting it in melee was harder than fighting it at range. It also had more thought put into it's design since it has melee specific moves and reacts to the player. (if the player hides behind the walls to the left and right if flies up and uses an AOE fire attack, if you get behind it, it attacks you with the tail etc).
It's rare I hear someone complain about the Bridge Dragon in Dks1 since it is an optional fight and it's fun to do. Almost everyone complains about the dragon in Dks2 because it's lazy filler content that isn't enjoyable.
Porting these games to PC were the biggest mistake From ever made
Since people keep asking for a list of changes, someone made a google doc with the majority of them
The community for these games was great when they were console only. Now multiplayer is wall to wall hackers and we can't have a single thread without someone like showing up. I'd rather have to keep a PS3 around than deal with that.
What weapon was that one?
Who are you trying to fool retard?
You know what's funny? Just today I was invaded by a cheater. I was on a new character in the forest of fallen giants when I got invaded by a guy with a blue name called "Fromsoft Support". He backstab teleported me all the way to Majula where he wanted me to follow his trail of Prism stones to the bonfire where he had set down 23 Divine Blessings. He then killed himself. I had no idea what the fuck had happened so I stood around Majula for a minute. I needed to get back there anyways because I wanted to level up
To be fair I wouldn't call 9 years just 'a few,' Demon's Souls' servers lasted far longer than anyone thought they would.
Pics related, in 1 and 2 they called it a scythe and in 3 they called it a glaive. I also just remembered that you can get Gundyr's bardiche in 3, but it's called a halberd for whatever reason.
DeS's servers were originally supposed to go down only a few years after the game did, the only reason they didn't was because people flipped their shit which caused Atlas to move the date forward.
I suspected as much.
Hackers basically killed my interest in the game.
Anyone who was around in the early days knows what I'm talking about.
I think they are a mixed bag. Sure you get faggots like Malcom Reynolds who just run around shitting up everyone's games, but then you get some guys like the one I got who either help new characters or fuck around with the scripts to see what they can do to make the game more fun for both parties involved, like the fapper guy or the player boss people.
yeah the great community of twitch streamers and youtubers who clamored for this shit to get on PC in the first place
They're still playing the game in an unintended way and that's wrong.
Exactly my fucking point.
I don't know, I mess around with III because I hate having no poise. I go offline and then run around in full plate, tanking all of the hits while creaming the enemies with a UGS. If you're a purist, just say so.
DS2 was made by the B team, people who had no idea what what a "souls" game was and made a game off the brief they were given, they were probably the team that used to make Armored Core.
DS2 vanilla was however earlier in this thread someone mentioned that SotFS had much of the team from Bloodborne working on it after that game was done. So it's not entirely the B Team's fault.
Miyazaki used to make Armored Core before he started working on DeS. Most likely the company is going to go back to making Armored Core games now that he wants to move away from Dark Souls.
Does NB have the rights to the series or does FROM own them? I wonder how long before they make a DaSIV despite them saying they don't want to. It's kind of interesting that no other studios aside from the guys that did Lords of the Fallen/The Surge have attempted badly to ape the mechanics of the series considering how popular the whole thing is. Can't be that hard to just rip it off can it?
I honestly love the style of these games even if they sometimes piss me off to no end and are often really disappointing. It would just be nice for them to actually finish a game and not have parts throughout that you're pointing to and saying 'oh look here's where they ran out of time/money'.
It'll be interesting to see if Code Vein is any good.
Most likely Namco Bandai owns the rights to the series and they just contract Fromsoft to make new games. I know Miyazaki doesn't want to make a new one and most likely the studio overall doesn't.
Namco Bandai might make another Dark Souls game and hire some of the staff from Fromsoft to work on it. I don't see that happening for a few years though.
He said he's open to someone else making a new one without him he just feels tired of the series.
Most games ripped off the invasion mechanic more than the slow delayed attacks and animations. The biggest reason they don't ape those is because it makes combat more complicated to design. (you have to make characters with tons of distinct attack animations and enemies have to accommodate this as well. It makes testing a nightmare).
Fromsoft has made good dragon fights in the past. Hell even the bridge dragon in DeS was more interesting since they built an entire level around him and you could walk underneath the bridge to avoid his attacks.
I think NB has the rights but From have some contractual control over development for creative reasons.
I somewhat see this as unlikely given that Miyazaki has said Fromsoft has no rights to Demon's Souls and Atlus owns it outright. Most likely they have the same deal with Namco Bandai.
I'm sure an user said that was the arrangement in a different thread.
Miyazaki is the dark souls of Kojima
I think it's moreso that Fromsoft is burnt out on making the same game for 10 years now and they probably wanna do something else.
You can see it with how every Souls game has repeated trends and ideas. Like a dragon with a bridge, a swamp area, etc. It often feels like the devs only had enough ideas for one complete game and just kept reusing them. By comparison at least Hideo Kojima tried varying up every Metal Gear Solid game into it's own thing for better or worse. Like setting MGS3 in a jungle.
Kojima was also trying to complete his long running continuity in the series so he was probably obsessive over completing it.
Were you playing in the covenant of champions? That doesn't sound normal, not for NG at least.
It's lazy design because (You) say so? The getting past the narrow bridge the dragon is cleverly using as a choke point is part of the challenge. The only bad thing happening there is the bad hitboxes on the fire.
It's a reused enemy put there for no reason in a place he's not supposed to be in. Yes I call that a lazy design.
In his original boss location he can actually fly and do other shit other than sit there, breathe fire and let the player kill him.
The original location is the cage just before you ascend to the dragon area, and then in the dragon area you have two more dragons. It was already reused in the original, but I guess you always need to have something retarded to throw a hissy fit about.
If you kill Ornstein and use a bonfire ascetic and teleport to the bonfire in the chapel, and then walk down to the dragon. It's an even easier fight because he can't breathe fire on you.
By comparison the bridge dragon in Dks1, if you ran to the bonfire under him and used it, he flew away and then would fly back.
By comparison, Dark Souls literally has no flaws, right?
I'm pointing out how Scholar made decisions that were clearly last minute changes by the designer and had very little thought put into them. You can also see it with how they would shove fights into the game that didn't fit like putting No Man's Wharf's boss into the area right before Lost Sinner despite him not fitting through the door and the chambers with the Undead Aberrations now being vacant. Or making Belfry Luna pointless and making it trivially easy to light up Lost Sinner's boss fight whereas before you had to choose whether or not you wanted to fight the Gargoyles.
Almost all of the decisions made to the spawns in Dark Souls 2 feel completely unnecessary like the designers were trying to fix something that wasn't broken. There are changes that make more sense like making some sets more easily obtained rather than being heavily rng dependent like in the vanilla game but for every 1 step forward I see 2 or 3 steps back.
no, faggot. It was always shit, and the copying was always bad design, before the re release
Your point was PC players ruined the community, the cancer was in the community long before the game even got a PC port.
nah, total biscuits following infesting the community had a much worse effect than people reposting obscure japanese webcomic translations being interested.
Yes because a game that is based around story should be artificially hard so only the most autistic of users can play it. Wow 10/10 game.
I was going to do my stuttering apologist act but I rather not, you know that thing where some people keep saying that console games should stay in console and the like.
By comparison Dark Souls 2 has much more numerous and severe flaws.
What kind of pathetic cock sucker sits around defending dark souls 2? Kill yourself.
Piss poor bait.
I wouldn't say that, the game was pretty niche before it got a PC port and/or all that streamer attention. IIRC at the time I was still dicking around with the likes of skyrim and new vegas. Dark Souls changed how I viewed videogames.
I know that this game has a pseudo sunbro covenant but does it have the sunbro armor ?
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