Losing control?
Whats your favorite game set in a dystopian world?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game set in a dystopian world?
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fuck you
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Yesterday was my 2 year anniversary with Ritsu. Got her some sweets and watched a bunch of fun vids of her. Was comfy.
You probably don't know it, it's called real life;^)
Ya blew it.
Does a near end-of-world setting count?
I had to aim for those dubs fam
How goes
no u
Whats good in the hood monica
Majoras Mask
I got to leave work an hour early today. We were overstaffed and they were looking for people who wanted to leave early.
wew laddie
Deus ex, or warframe it that counts.
Ritsu is slipping
Fuck you leatherhead
Only two years?
Video games are cool, but have you tried the sweet release of death?
I hate you faggots. Have fun
How goes user
What'd you do today?
Time flies when you are having fun
Yeah whats wrong with that
How goes
I'm the boss of this gym, buddy
I completely understand tbh.
Shit that means my anniversary is coming soon too.
Do you still get paid?
I played, I programmed, and now I'm postin
How goes it with you?
Get in the cytube. We're watching Cops.
Hello all, it's girl-user here, up with more stories!
Friend found a dump of The Big O and gave me the files, so I might watch that soon.
I'd rather not risk reincarnating into something stupid as of now, like a vending machine.
I'm the one who's been posting about that girl, and stuff.
I think she's trying to confess to me.
Do you even know the date
Hows progress programming?
And got dragged out with the family for some lunch thing.
Post em
You know the drill.
No I haven't yet.
You wanna settle this greco roman style?
That's just not a long time to me.
I do not believe you.
prove it.
They take about an hour off my pay, but I still get paid for the rest of the shift. Honestly I feel like I hardly need the money nowadays tbh.
Absolutely nothing productive of course. I had some good food though, roast beef with potatoes and cabbage. Even something as simple as that being thrown into a crockpot can be delicious.
Also I really need to get a haircut soon
Didn't season 2 of that get really shitty
When did you get with your waifu
Good, restructured my whole codebase while it was still smol, it should start looking like a game pretty soon
No clue. I've just heard it was still open ended enough that a season 3 that never happened would have been useful.
Shit thread.
Nigger there's a dozen of you fags in these threads.
Yes, 4/29. Though I didn't realize it for a week.
Well, it doesn't seem like you have any bills or anything.
I would love to up my crockpot game. Family cooks shit in ours all the time but its always garbage and flavorless. Drives me crazy.
Demo when
Yeah thats always how it goes
Morning fags
I'm quite glad March break is over. I won't have to deal with my stepbrother's screeching over his shit in Ark.
Pretty sure he's a legit sperg but he makes himself an easy target because he overreacts like fuck at everything.
E.Y.E if that counts. God damn was that a clusterfuck of stuff.
I don't got one. There's a few girls I really like, but none have stuck enough to go full waifu over
Don't billy your step siblings.
this much thirst
read this
I guess i'm the happy one! For posterity i'll call myself girl-user so it's easier.
Today we argued a bunch over a mistake i did, but after having an angry nap (both of us) we felt better and started having fun again.
We got into the habit of me reading her to sleep, she really loves my voice.
Give us your best spergy story involving him
How goes user
Then you got no basis to judge it on.
Who are the girls anyway
You mentioned all this before. When you gonna post her feet monica
I'm not real fond of cliffhangers myself, but a friend's spoken very highly of it, so I might as well.
Bully the shit outta him
I gotta pay $300 a month to help with bills, and there's my uni debt, but that's it really. By friday I'll have 10k in the bank.
So you're a lesbian?
I didn't see your post before replying.
I don't wanna say.
Best thing about my SoL only diet, means theres no real cliffhanger shit
Is it furshit? Or ponies or something equally gross?
Man I don't think I've ever argued minus the fact the rifle is mine and not some dead mans.
Alright. I have come to realize I enjoy bullying people.
Shit slut.
I'm not a girl!
Your hands are so fast user, how many wps can you tipe?
I don't even need to. He does it to himself online. He's the kind of 14-year-old that thinks he's intimidating sending death threats over a video game.
He's the kitchen masturbater
Have I told the story on why he's not allowed to have sleepovers, at at all?
never, and especially not for you
I'll call you attention-seeking thot myself
Hey i'm not attention seeking, i'm here cause i can't speak of this to anyone else.
Thats always fun. I enjoy playful bullying.
Who you bullying and how and why and when
Nah don't think I heard that one
Why not. I have the best taste in all things.
Hold up, that sounds like a good story.
I have bullied my neighbor and the kiddo. Both of which have wondrous reactions.
I may be a furfag but I'm not a fucking brony.
Dunno, never checked.
That's rather sad. You should be a good half brother to him and teach him to play baseball or something.
Depends on how thorough an adaptation is. Not real fond of anime only endings either. Which isn't to say that some anime original series can't still end on cliffhangers expecting more funding, or whatever, but that's usually a benefit they have over adapting a lengthy work. Love it when a series is high quality throughout, and ends exactly how and where it should.
Storytime, user. Wondering how he stacks up to Cornfapper.
Stop this
What did you do?
Until you prove otherwise with a real answer I'm just going to assume that
Honestly I'd rather things I like drag on as long as possible even if quality drops. You can always just ignore later shit
Well during Christmas break he went to spend the night at his buddy's place. At about 2 he's dropped off at home, with a dick drawn on his face. Turns out he brought a knife of course, fell asleep first and tried to stab the guy who drew a dick on his face
You need some spice in your anime, watch completed series if you really can't stand cliffhangers.
And if you just want SoL still, watch Non Non Biyori, my favorite
everyone take the test let's compete
Wew watch yourself around that kind of crazy fam. Don't want to wake up dead
I've seen the first season of non non biyori. It was pretty comfy but didn't hook me enough to see the other season.
Did it ever get any OVAs?
I suppose, but that results in a lot of anger and wasted money and time on everyone's end. Bones especially cannot be trusted to make high quality second seasons of anime originals.
i just beat myself
I'll probably have a demo for the april agdg demo day, but don't hold me to that. Ambitious solo projects are notorious for being dropped.
same shit different artstyle
It has 2 OVAs, and the second seasons episodes take place between the first seasons episodes. It sounds weird, but youd understand if you watched it
Very few SoL get more than 3 seasons anyway so I'm always hurting for more from my favorite shows.
Did you ever get any art for the game?
Maybe I'll watch an OVA then and see if it makes me want to watch more. After I catch up on the other stuff I'm watching
Fine you big billy, here's some of my favorite ladies Vicar Amelia, Dancer of the Boreal Valley, Valkyr, Tsukihi Araragi, Ro-500
I only got 44.
It is very different you triple negro.
I dunno, speaking a broken mix of russian and german then grilling her for not knowing what I said is amusing. That doesn't sound engrish will never get old to me.
Man I had a friend who ran into a guy shoving a piece of fresh corn cob in that no-no zone.
fucking wew
Besides getting pizza, what should I do on my days off? I have tomorrow and tuesday off, and then I'm working the next 6 days in a row.
Go on a hike and eat a burger. Its the most american thing you can do.
How much english she speak anyway?
Order an onahole
I spend minimal time with that little shit. His dad is also his coach in baseball and hockey.
This is a painful truth. I feel conflicted if I want to even give mob psycho 100 season 2 a try because of this
Important word here is tried to. And he wonders why he has no friends
Post more nanachis
Download and play kamidori alchemy meister
Invite the pizza guy to play vidya with you
Do some baking. Make a pie or something so you have an activity the first day and then something to eat the next few.
The boss from DS3.
Ah well, I guess it doesn't matter then.
I'll be drawing the art, but I'm sure at some point I will sit down to redraw everything at least 3 times.
Enough where the teacher doesn't even bother giving her schoolwork on it anymore, as in Fluent or close to it.
None the less fucking wew.
At least Space Dandy slides on a technicality, in that, contrary to Funi's claims, it was a two cour 26 episode single season show, not two thirteen episode seasons.
You gotta get her to record cute messages for 4am.
I know but why
Can you do pixel art?
When I get around the P5, do I play it subbed or dubbed? I'm asking since it's the only Persona game to have dual audio IIRC.
Yeah, pixel art is very simple to do. I also make chiptunes
She's a cutie. Is there more reason needed?
I'm glad so many people like nanachi.
Send chiptunes on steam. I gotta hear that shit monica
Dunno bout that. Gives me an idea on how to troll though.
Everyone does the chiptune thing.
To be a favorite or waifu yes.
Whats the new plan?
I should get on finishing that show. I don't know if anything will top the recline parody though
The dub wasn't awful, but I prefer subs in any situation
have an awoo for my naaa posting
Why do you hate me
Remove /vg/
Just a playback of the last thing said.
How the fuck do you send chiptunes over steam?
I mean she's a one time boss though. She doesn't get a lot of characterization in the source material. But I guess to elaborate, she's a dancer which is a cute thing, she practices miracles so she prays to the gods and is a cutie healer, and is an irythillian which is neato.
Lets start with you music tastes
I think ritsu is loosing it
I mean
Package them up or something? Like a civilized being.
And then you will post it here?
Shes also lanky and tall which is gross.
And whats iythillian.
So you are afraid of getting bullied huh, that it?
If my tape recorder interfaced with a computer, maybe.
Well I'm going on a road trip tomorrow, so I won't be here again until maybe friday or saturday night. So good night all.
I like her height, and she has a cute slim body. It fits her flexible dancing.
I've got nothing for a dirty NEETgger like you
I haven't actually made any worth sharing in ages anyways
Have fun on your trip
Drink and drive for hardmode.
Is everything you own milsurp or something
Cya next time user
Well better get back at it for the demo. Music is important.
I am old fashioned I guess. Honestly if something I find works I tend to use it despite antiquity.
it will be a no music affair. That or I'll put some music you don't like in it and have no volume slider
I'll make sure to include that in the special ritsu only build
good naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Thats true of a lot of things but a digital one in this case works 100x better.
Worth it just for the fact I'm getting something special for me only
I don't know why, but recently I feel like I've lost my drive to play vidya and I don't know why.
Happens to all of us. Best to just take a break from them for a bit. You'll want to play them again eventually.
In this case I'm too lazy to upgrade.
Fresh air is needed.
The only special thing you deserve is a bullet, NEET scum
Could it be burnout?
Yeah well its standing in my way of cute daughteru action so fix it.
what said
Fucking hell why did it take so long for some of my posts to go though?
NEETs will be the stormtroopers. They need the bullets.
Make your own. Your junk works I expect.
NEETs will inherit the world.
No thanks fammo
You'll find one that'll take care of you.
Already dating someone so
The thing is that I usually just play Leafgreen since I'm replaying that now, or just open up a random fighting game and experiment in practice mode.
Considering how little fresh air I get, this could be it.
Thats more just mindless idling than gaming anyway. I've been going a little crazy playing just yugioh and pokemon for the last 2 weeks cause of it.
So be it
There is nothing better than playing vidya in the fresh air.
Not my fault I was born this way
How can this be?
That's an ugly Tae.
NEETs are already the metaphorical storm troopers of real life, missing every shot at life, wandering without aim, waiting to die
The only thing you inherit is my tax dollars
No better than a communist
Maybe take some time off vidya. I usually go through 4-6 month periods of prefering anime over vidya, then vidya over anime
I don't take any gibs though. And you don't pay taxes anyway
have something probably better.
Thing is that I've never really had any anime I actually feel like sitting down and watching. I've been almost exclusively a vidya person.
That's okay but out of character.
Dunno bout that. With objectives said folk are scary.
Me thinks your scared of the leg lock.
If I knock up some soapland whore next time I go, I'm not all that worried.
I'm out. See you guys around.
Cya next time fam
Do you read? Just consume something else
Everyone is scary
I'd be scared for the poor girl
That would be a shameful child, one of a neet and a soapland whore. But hey you get something to bully.
Naw, the real scary folk are the ones who can put a .30cal bullet in a 8"x8" circle at 800 yards consistently.
Night, have fun fapping.
It would be the greatest NEET to have ever lived. My family has no less than 3 NEETs in it, one psuedo NEET, and a hikki.
Add to that a rape baby
What a life, having to introduce a soapland whore to yer family
Nah I'd leave the bastard child over there. I ain't paying no child support
Its not rape if you pay for it
Enjoy paying for it for 18 years
You're god damn right
Over my dead rabies infected body
I absolutely fucked up my diet and ill never lose weight at this pace.
Anyways my mom is gonna pick me up from college for spring break. I wanted to stay here but I realized everything is closed.
Hopefully Ill be able to eat some real food at home since Ive been living off the vending machines here since everything is closed atm.
how are yall?
smt 3 nocturne