New WoW sub race for humans: thicc
Like thats it. Thats the best they got.
When do you think the creativity ran out?
New WoW sub race for humans: thicc
Like thats it. Thats the best they got.
When do you think the creativity ran out?
Other urls found in this thread:
You could make that thing a dwarf and they'd eat that shit up
Wow wasn't really creative to begin with
When they got rid of Blizzard North
Warcraft is Blizzard stealing Warhammer Lore
Starcraft is Blizzard stealing Warhammer 40K Lore
Diablo is Blizzard stealing Bible Lore
Overwatch is just some tf2 clone with women and more niggers
its not even good thicc, not to mention a fucking whale body. I want WoW to just die already
Blizzard takes good ideas and polishes them to make a great sequel, the originality wasnt there to begin with but what they do is usually gold
What is this? WoW: Tinder edition?
Fuck, Freudian slip. Meant tumblr edition
The West is lost.
What about muh fox people?
At the very latest, this shit right here.
How could they fuck it up this badly when the panda female model already exists
Oh wonderful, yet another reason for people who have no right cosplaying to continue doing so.
wait, that's NOT the new female dwarf model?
Pandarens are an old joke faction from Warcraft 3 which predates Kung Fu Panda by about 5 years.
Kung-Fu Panda or not, basing an entire expansion/race/continent on a one-off gag easter egg and follow-up joke singular character is pretty fucking creatively bankrupt. That's not just milking a joke, that's grinding it into a powder and cutting it with a beach's worth of baking soda.
Gotta give it to them… Obese women look like neckbeards without beards, at least they are honest to the source material. Pro-fat comics and what not, try to make their faces look cute but I guess you can't bullshit that much in 3D.
what about males tho
They've even got the Sanpaku eyes down pat to really capture that 'I have a blue checkmark next to my Twitter handle' look. Blizzard knows who their audience is, I'll give them that.
He's half wrong.
They used to make really good stuff, now it's all trash.
Sure, it was all stolen, but they were great at giving old things a new coat of paint and a bit of a spin so you'd end up with something nice.
I don't think even nagas would bring people back to that rotting corpse.
At least the male model looks pretty good.
Okay, they're literally just tall Dwarves. They took the Dwarves and make them human-proportioned. They have the same build, same faces, even the fucking beard. Fucking hell.
It's almost as if WoW development is just a skeleton crew of interns keeping the lights on or something.
"Kul'tiras" humans who live off fish blubber and beer.
Remember that Blizzard is allied with the shadow government to manipulate society and isolate people for easy control and easy killing of political dissidents:
If you have the chance, kill some of Blizzard's staff.
Actually, they're not dwarves, like said they're totally original and unique race, just like my OC. Anyway, how do you guys like my WoW OC? Please feel free to rate and comment. I appreciate feedback but nothing mean, okay guys? If you like these, you can read my fanfiction and visit my deviantart page. Both accounts are called 53ph1r07h5G1RL667 (53ph1r07hG1RL666 was taken lol! xD). Feel free to ask me anything you like about them.
Should come with a penalty to general running speed at the very least.
Whoever designs armors in all these fantasy games should be beaten to death. How can you look at the beautiful, sleek lines of IRL plate armor and then draw this kind of shit with spikes and pauldrons all over the place?
I agree
Visual design in WoW has always been an absolute abomination.
Makes it easier to cosplay.
That's not even thicc. That's just overweight.
Those pauldrons kinda became iconic for WoW
Warcraft's aesthetics have always been dog shit, but Blizzard's getting lazier with age. It's quite remarkable how long and how far they've gone downhill, but incompetent diversity hires find a way.
Why would i want to go on an adventure as some body positive landwhale?
One might even call them "subhumans".
Burning Crusade should have introduced a third faction lead by Illidan that featured Blood Elves, Naga and Drenei.
It would have created a much more interesting dynamic, both gameplay wise and lore wise. But instead they doubled down.
I see the SJW infection in blizzard is still spreading
Inb4 the OP is rusing us because he knows noone here plays WoW anymore
I really hate this industry.
And people are confused when I said I unsubbed at cata. Good fucking hell, the new expansion has skin textures as if they were an actual race expansion. The last good races, lore wise, were released with BC.
Don't give me none of that "b-but it would take too many resources to make…" Bullshit. This is fucking Blizzard. The models exist already, the potential armor tweaks exist already. But no, they go with the laziest shit because lowest common fucking denominator. Blizzard can die now. I hope Battle for Azeroth has literally only a million worldwide players or less so they start treating WoW like it used to be treated.
Now, this is just silly.
Imagine the chimpout if they made a fat nigger bitch SUB-race.
Swarms of Pam Poovey roleplayers when?
I fucking miss pre-WC3 Warcraft.
Wasn't Kul-Tiras supposed to be a badass nation of sailors and pirates that ruled the waves? Also isn't Jaina from Kul-Tiras? Why the hell doesn't she look like one of these fat blobs?
This times a million.
Jaina is a former Dalaran student.
Kul Tiras is one of several human expeditionary forces that landed on Kalimdor during the plague and Arthas' rebellion.
During the bonus campaign in WC3, Jaina decides that big orc cock is better than siding with her father who wants nothing to do with subhumans (daddy issues and despair from being dumped by Arthas concealed with "no more wars!" nonsense, even though the humans could have easily crushed any orc force at or close to the sea).
The result was that all of the human settlements on the shore got wrecked except for Kul Tiras which was left in ruins after being ravaged by Thrall and then rebuilt.
Warcraft 3 is amazing and I hope they never make a fourth game, but they probably will, and they'll fuck it up as hard as possible.
She was the daughter of Admiral Proudmore, the leader of the Kul-Tiras nation. She just studied magic in Dalaran.
I am pretty sure these were the survivors of the nation of Kul-Tiras unless the cucks at Blizzard retconned this too. I wouldn't even be surprised.
so basically they allow you to play as the human peasant, okay
what I'm trying to figure out why they chose this, over say the vrykul giant viking human precursor from wrath.
wow; fatass dlc.
Wow, just wow.
Well, fuck me I always thought they were just an expedition since I never finished WC2.
Ha, if that was true the last major content patch would have been some stupid shit like allowing you to level to level 60 in the deadmines.
Or like, if they launched a new expansion and it's main feature is re-playable scenarios where you have to collect 2000 titan dust as soon as possible.
Thank goodness that's not true at all though, I mean if it was they would just announce vanilla wow again and milk it as long as they can.
How the fuck can't they support a game that literally has people paying a subscription to play it?
They figured out that people will pay subs even if it's shit because muh nostalgia.
That's why they hate private servers so much
Come on, now.
Seriously look at this shit. At first you can actually tell what set belongs to which class, then after a point it gets unidentifiable, but at least still distinct from one another, and then it goes full on diversity™ and everything looks the same. This was also around the same time they added the thing that lets you make equipment look like any other piece of equipment, but I'm sure that was merely a coincidence.
Getting there.
Here's some more because fuck filesize limits.
Thicc as in what? The Tumblr edition?
I mean, most of everything up until Tier 5 is okay for me. It is a high fantasy game and all, but of course that doesn't excuse bad design choices.
I like how tier 7 is tier 3 with a bucket of piss thrown over it.
That's the heroic version. The normal is actually just tier 3 again, which just so happened to be the last armor set that actually had any sort of primary colors in them.
More like 56%>. I mean, the further you go the worse it gets, until it's a vortex of design so awful I can't tell what they were thinking. I haven't played WoW since Cata and seeing how far it's degenerated since that already pitiful state is shocking.
I was so happy getting that tier 2 for my paladin all those years ago, i was on top of the world.
Haven't played this shit game in almost eight years and have no intention of ever going back.
yeah and the new race of orcs is brown.
the new races are just recolors, the humans are actually more innovative than the others because it's an actual new model rather than just tauren with deer horns or grey dwarves or slightly darker purple elves. or even darker purple elves.
How is this wrong?
what kinda question is that? the entire warcraft universe has been chewed up and regurgitated a million times since the first wow expansion. i mean, hell, caverns of time were the first example of re-hashing material and that was in TBC.
also, inb4 fatass rogues sprinting around. at least it'll be kinda funny. i just don't understand why they still refuse to make tauren rogues. everyone can already be everything and shit's fucked beyond recognition so just go with it
Are there even MMOs out there where you can play unique races or is that just a pipe dream?
By unique do you mean non-humanoid, user?
Or monstrous humanoid that just shares a shape.
I remember some game where you can play animals but it was probably crap.
I'm glad they're finally appealing to their audience: their audience of fat fuck basement dwellers and ugly bored housewives.
Tauren have been in the game since launch though.
Do neckbeards play that class?
neckbeard here
i play all the classes.
and all the races.
If this game was alt friendly at least I'd sub another month, but this expansion has been the worst for playing alts.
fuck their artifact power grinding. Battle for Azeroth wants the same grindy model.
I hate how ian hazakostas wants you to get gear so your class can be balanced instead of seeing gear as a bonus which makes your class even more fun. FUCK that guy. he's the last one who needs to fucking go. metzen fucked off. jay wilson fucked off. even celestalon fucked off. just need to kick that guy and WoW is saved. or at the very least someone put him on a leash.
Been playing Project Gorgon and that game is a real MMO compared to the casual trash that is Legion. and that game is not even finished.
Then what the fuck are they? The fact that the game has more than 3 or 4 classes is shit already, but you're saying there's another layer added on top of the stupid amount of classes? Fuck. When RPG developers started to branch off from Fighter, Cleric, Mage and Thief is when RPGs fucking died.
That's Project Gorgon but it's unfinished. Animal forms are not really a race but rather a specialization or combat skill
Races are coming in beta.
Hero class
Fuck off you retarded hipster.
Elf or Dwarf as your class.
Anything outside the holy quadrinity.
No one will play female kul tiran
only gay people will play male kul tiran, and it will be those who want to RP as a daddy bara bear/cub shit.
So far they have covered:
The only demographics left to pander are Scalies, Musclegirls, giantess and ara~
The only logical next step is Naga (Scalies, Ara~), followed by Vyrkul (musclegirls)
Mark my words.
I figured orc already covered musclegirl.
You mean when Elf and Dwarf aren't classes? That's fucking stupid.
they're not going to do naga because they can't wear shoes and they're not going to do vrykul because they're bastards.
Gimme a a fairy race.
Fat != thicc
Thicc is a nigger spelling used for their obese women.
Eh whatever, at least we're getting new troll and orc waifus
Armor design has been going down the shitter. Just look at these three (in order: Morrowind, Skyrim, Oblivion).
The Morrowind suit makes a degree of sense. It still has some spikes to it, giving a sort of "demonic" look - though it's worth nothing that they're less "spikes" and more like the segments on some sort of insect-like thing. The helmets are all ceremonial, and they have the look of it: They look like they've been designed for a ceremony. The shields, too, are done with that purpose. It still generally looks like armor, though.
The Oblivion suit just has spikes on it. There's an "under" section with everything else put on top. Here you start getting spikes for no real reason. The helmet and shield still go for a "face" effect, even though they're clearly not going for ceremony, which is just odd: It's like someone based it off of the original design, but then just didn't understand what they were looking at,and went for lots of red and spikes.
The Skyrim suit is in some ways a middle-ground. For most of the "mobile" sections, it returns to the format of Morrowind, but the helmet now just looks really stupid. There's more unnecessary spikes, albeit not in places that would really be a major hindrance. It's still closer to the Morrowind feel, but it's still not quite back to "proper armor".It's just inefficient. The weapons in this game were definitely the most fucked of the three, though.
Any of them are better than Blizzard armor, but still,fuck. Armor design is going down the shitter.
They're midgets, it's for midgetfuckers, not pedophiles.
weird how the hots team does better work
That's fucking awful and kill yourself.
Did trolls always look like the creature from the black lagoon?
So wow got fat nasty SJW bitches for a new sub race? Why doesn't it have rainbow colored hair?
I think you can get rainbow hair as any race now.
I've now seen so much dyed hair that it's no longer unique. I tried once explaining to a bunch of tumblrinas that if everyone had gold, then gold would become worthless. They didn't seem to understand and kept saying their hair was "personal expression". How can people be such staunch defenders of "diversity" and "creativity" yet all look and act the same?
nice cherry picking
Do they come in green?
why even give them the time of day. Although I understand your pain, i used to like dyed hair but now it puts me off immediately. I also really like short hair but a lot of girls who wear their hair above their shoulders now are complete fucking hipster shits. Fucking what's the deal with the animals and having shitty blunt bangs too?
Since 2004
What's up with the Michael Jackson face?
Those legs are gross man. The proportions are all off. Tall ladies should how have such fat thighs, and that's fat right there; there's no muscle tone.
Why didn't they just give them Lost Vrykuls as a subrace, could have had their own IP tie-in.
Well whatever its fun to watch them keep finding space on the bed to shit
My brothers I too feel the pain of having something I loved turned into something hideous. I can't let goth girls or short hair go though
Between this and OP it seems clear they have hired tumblr as char designers.
Did you forget when they gave her pants because bare legs are problematic?
never let short hair go, brother.
Why isn't there an mmo where I can play a monster? Why would I want to be a carbon copy of the sad, slouched form I am in real life? Who the fuck actually likes this kind of desperate self-insertion?
It's a goddamn tragedy and a crime against humanity
Personal expression of what? Their inner hair color?
If all your soul has to say is "my hair is purple" then your soul has nothing to say.
You can in wow though, there's a faction of monsters. Orcs, zombies, minotaurs, trolls, goblins, they're all monsters except the gay elves
What if my hair is green and purple?
at that point you should probably contact your medical expert.
are you an anime character?
That's not thicc, that's not even chubby. That's just fat.
eh even though i sorta liked it it was always a "daddy issues" flag
I will play WoW again just for that orc ass.
You haven't lived until you've swallowed the muscle pill. It's only natural to want to mate with the healthiest females.
Disgusting waste of digits. Hope you die in your sleep.
Nice trips but nah, you're a closet fag. You can slap some tits on a man's body but it's still a man. A woman should be fit, yes, but not ripped or bulky. Soft.
also what's up with those armpit vaginas
It's like you're gay or something.
The proportions dont seem human.
Can anyone provide a pic of a human being that looks like that?
The closest I can think of is those guys who have had a lot of estrogen and kind get wide hips and tits.
I see smug little squid beaks personally.
I still don't get why they spent time making fat models and completely ignored updating Goblins and Worgen despite saying they would.
It just hit me like a brick wall that dyed hair is not the cool thing it used to be,now more often than not it comes attached to shit political ideologies.
i rocked a deep blue faux mohawk back in the day,it was the shit,i'd probably get asked what my favorite transgender activist is if i showed it around nowadays.
Man,i need to get a drink.
I remember seeing the Worgen models when they first revealed them and I couldn't stop laughing. They're beyond terrible, especially the animations.
The healthiest females to mate with have a good hip to waist ratio for birth and are fecund…
Females with that much muscle and testosterone have almost certainly stopped menstruating, and cannot bear children. In other words, you are attracted to female to male transexuals, which means you're gay.
I think I must've been the only man who liked that. It seemed to become a red flag faster than anything else.
I'm not sure if faggots in this thread are playing wilful ignorance or not, clearly this is the next April fools joke blizzard is playing. No way this is real and you are all fools for falling for it.
I am sure there is a warband mod for this.
I had a liking for them too. Not as much as just short hairs with bangs but hey.
Fucking hell user do you really have to start this shit every time? I like musclegrills too but quit being such a faggot.
I still do.
It's a shame it got coopted by the mentally ill people.
Maybe you should stop being so sad and slouched, then you wouldn't need to project yourself onto a monster.
The ideal musculature on a female is implied, not obvious. It's a shame a lot of people don't get that and make shit like this.
So the Alliance is super cool with evil void demon shit now or what?
What are you saying?
If I were to play an MMO again, I'd either play as a loli or a monster of some kind precisely because I would not want to project on the character like I did when I was a teen.
Didn't know Ted Cruz worked on video games.
pick one. Also Girls Last Tour is shit.
Looks like they want the high cholesterol Meifags audience
Those are both men in the third pic.
A male and a numale.
That's just overweight.
I always liked Arugal plot, and thought Pyrewood village was neat effect. I think it was a missed opportunity to not include human by day worgen by night effect on the players and npcs. They really don't seem to know what to do with them other than having Greymane around.
This is my biggest peeve about high fantasy. Their armors look so gaudy and impractical that it looks like it came out of a Saturday morning cartoon. The armor in Dark Souls and Kingdom Come Deliverance looked cooler and realistic.
I'm sure that will get the sub count up!
I don't get this. So their "new races" are just reskins or trolls with straight backs? I thought every expansion had a new class/race. Blizzard I guess is in it's last death throes and the only people still playing are shut ins or these nu-normalfag wow players that play the game on a fucking tablet. Blizzard needs to die already.
Who knew?
Incorrect. Those tier 7 sets are actually mostly, if not entirely the normal sets. The heroic ones are recolors of those, and both are slightly-different models than Tier 3. Offhandedly,
The weapons too.
How do they even come up with this garbage?
who the fuck is gonna play this?
all WOW players are smelly zitsfaced neckbeards, they play vidya to escape they're disgusting irl selves, they don't want to be reminded of how disgusting they are in the virtual world to
Then why do they play one of the most disgusting looking games ever made?
Have the mind of a 12 year old
I think they wanted to see how it is to bash your enemies with a spaceship. This one right here is so ridiculous that if you use it with your gnome character it will clip through the ground.
because most of them are Mericans who are infamous for their shit taste
The vast majority of their playerbase are chinks and gooks. I don't think I've seen a person in America who actually plays this shit in nearly 10 years now.
Pretty sure all the top raiding guilds are EU. Anytime I see a kill first video it's always a bunch of good genetics going to waste.
sad thing is, it was the last good expac.
They're about as cool with it as they are with Warlocks, so yes.
Are warlock trainers not hidden away anymore?
Masculinity is toxic you fucking faggot.
Blizzard wouldn't dare piss off the progressive crowd, in this case the fat acceptance people, not after they got grilled for the ugly female draenei joke. I'd say it's because SJWs run the place, but Blizz has been SJW since at least classic. Remember The Nicker and the Maine Coon Cat?
It's like the 343 studios vs bungie video. 343 was full of diversity hires and bungie was all white males. Guess which developer ruined the game? Blizzard is the same way. Full of diversity hires. It's affirmative action for faggots and failures.
Blizz is literally Israel since its foundation.
The entire company is literally a subsidized asset farm for Hollywood and China.
I actually like how the skyrim armor looks, in general I'd say it has the best looking armor of any TES game. The ebony armor in particular looks great, and the daedric is the set most guilty of dumb spike-covered design. I've got this idea that older games used gaudy as shit looking armor to create visual interest despite the fidelity (a misguided effort, obviously) and that school of design thought has stayed with us.
On a thread-relevant note, WoW's armor design is atrocious and the only good thing that has come from it is when arguably attractive girls do cosplay to show the world their shit taste in games.
That is not an attractive girl.
That thing looks familiar for some reason.
Okay, so they're just as shit as every other armor in a TES Game.
Female game developer and cosplayer for awhile now. That combination means you're going to get press at some point because it fits into someone's agenda. If I remember right, she tried to attention whore on one of the bigger imageboards and got sperged out.
You must've seen a Dreamworks movie recently.
At least a third of the anons posting ITT are paying Blizzard money to play World of Warcraft in this most current of years. These are your fellow anons.
When will they learn?
Doesn't matter since trainers haven't been useful since Cataclysm.
Upon reflection, the second one always comes from the first. The only difference is political indoctrination.
you mean is.
I think you mean fatt
I think you might be confusing it with a different cosplayer that is more famous for wearing the same constume.
troll, tauren and draenei already can't wear shoes
yes they can. they just wear them as leg warmers.
what could they do with naga? tail warmers?
this has to be bait. did you even look at your own picture? there is nothing realistic about the three leftmost armors. one's a pope which guards nothing, a wasp can sting through that, one's a giant necked fat i don't even know what and the last looks like his helmet is so heavy it'll break his neck if he slightly leans into any direction. they are cool though, i'll give you that.
well, those aren't shoes.
i don't see why not. could be little caps on the end of their tails.
you'd be surprised how much force you need to get through a good piece of cloth. ever thought about why trenchcoats are called that?
Ya know what, I'm ok with the new models now that I've seen it's variations
Gambeson were a popular choice for any combatnat that didn't have the money to afford better armor. They weren't just there to cushion blows.
The more I look at that shit the more disgusting it becomes. Even the NTR loving cucks in Shit Korea do a better job.
Fucking how? These look awful.
Looks like they just slapped tits on a fat guy.
that's what it is. it's not supposed to be used in combat.
the other one is clearly some form of grotesque, and the onion one is obviously set on the gorget like most helmets with gorgets.
the only thing that doesn't make sense is the gut in the armor, armor has small waists so that its weight doesn't rest on your shoulders.
I still don't know how dranaei became so correlated with giant futa horse cocks.
Lord of the Rings Online has a whole Monsterplay mode. it's basically the PvP mode that lets you roll up an Orc, Spider or Warg
delusional furfags sticking cocks on brightly colored humanoid things.
it's probably because male goats aren't appealing
interracial porn is disgusting, even with fantasy races
I actially rolled one of those blue Johnny Bravo looking motherfuckers back in the day for shits and giggles and I was the only one on the entire server. Had I picked mage I would've been that only combo as well.
What's worse is that some artists tend to cross some kind of futa event horizon and then start drawing exclusively futashit.
Is there some correlation between futafags and a higher spending on commissions?
In theory yes, but probably only compared to vanilla, the rarer a fetish is he more likely that someone will pay a higher rate for material of it to be made for them.
I have zero empirical evidence to support this supposition, so grain of salt.
yes. this seems to be the case for trap/futa, furry, and other fetish artwork. there's a good reason that drawfags sometimes get the suggestion that they can do furry work if they want whorebucks.
it kind of makes sense. if you want a certain type of content that isn't what's in mainstream production you might have to put up some cash to see what you want. what doesn't make sense to me is that there is now an absurd amount of futa and other fetish material now so either you're paying to see something that's already readily available, or you're getting a commission for some extremely specific fetish.
this. you'd have to pay artists a premium to get them to cater to you, especially if the work you request is extreme enough to damage an artist's reputation, like guro/gore. but as I stated before, futa is by no means uncommon so if you pay for it, you're probably just a retarded.
They have hooves + no one played male Draenei, but new Draenei were popping up nevertheless, so people stuck an equine cock to match the hooves on the females and that's where the meme came from
I miss when High Fantasy looked like this.
In WoW's case, because of its age, most "armors" are just textures over a flat model, specifically body, leg, and waist pieces. Because of that, you have hands, feet, helmets, and pauldrons to work with when you want to make a defined profile, and even then almost half the races don't even have feet.
This is fucking hideous and I hope it causes the old-die hard fans to turn on the nu-tumblr fags who are only playing WoW as a social sandbox in order to virtue signal.
That's hardly even the issue, as they were once able to make armor sets that actually make some sort of thematic sense. Besides, FFXI managed to do it and that game was made by complete retards who literally don't know how to do anything right.
What I meant to say is that's why the pauldrons are such a meme in WoW. Nu-armors look terrible and I don't mean to defend them.
Maybe I was just unlucky but the only actual women I ever heard who played WoW played Tauren. Alliance was all dudes pretending to be girls.
I think even without technical limitations they'd still do that shit.
In my guild in BC there was a girl that played female blood elf mage. Everyone pandered to her, it was sickening. She was really into mounts and pets so apparently everyone just passed on that shit for her.
She was in a guild magister's terrace run with me at one point and I wasn't aware of the whole "passing on cosmetics for the girl" habit. Not that I'd agree to it either way. The white plainstrider dropped from kael'thas and I just see 3 people pass and she rolls. I type "sweet" and roll on it. She still won the roll and the people just kind of looked at me awkwardly. No one said anything. She was present at a few other encounters and I managed to roll higher on some pet at one point, us being the only ones who rolled again. After that, more people started rolling on cosmetics since I guess I kind of made it fair game and she seemed a tad upset. She wouldn't really speak to me anymore.
Anyone else disappointed that there aren't much if any fantasy variants of humans, I guess dwarves and elves are basically that but they're still technically a different race. I'd like to see a sub race of human that's not just an analogue for a real life race.
What do you mean? What kind of a sub-race of humans would you make?
I don't know, one with red skin? I'm not a fantasy writer.
That`s not thicc, it`s fat. Blizzard knows how to make attractive women, this was literally made for fat pandering, in fact that looks like what blizzard does now, the creative drive now is pandering to a subgroup of their demographic.
I'm disappointed in you user.
A company is trying to make money by targeting everyone? Say it isn't so.
That's a subgroup. It probably isn't even big since only only players who'd make outrageous-looking characters and tumblrites would use the model.
That`s what killed their game to begin with, streamlining the gameplay and make it accessible to all. How is that you are on a videogame board and you fail to grasp the concept of hardcore and casual audience? WoW is the prime exemple where widening the demographics alienates long standing fans and devalues the brand.
So in fact, there`s cases where a company shouldn`t try to make money by targeting everyone, you literally have the mindset of suits you nig.
Furfag here, these are shit and the alpha worgen was way better.
Diablo was made by Condor, not (((Blizzard))). They just bought them out before release.
That's an old joke.
warlocks will always have best tier sets
Do you think anything but a small minority of 1 or 2 here actually plays that trash?
Any of you still play private servers?
What's the most popular one here?
wtf blizzard at least the werewolf pets were fun for a while
An user after my own tastes. The second the skin colors are not the same the chub just leaves.
Vanilla is still most popular. Light's Hope is pretty damn high pop with old Nost characters, but KRONOS III is coming out in 2 weeks and people are really excited for that as well.
Because China.
Same as Guild Wars Factions.
Best armor style coming through.
Except for those pants, It is a good physic. I mean, If you enjoyed someone like Amazon from Dragon's Crown, it is hard to not like that. But, for old fans, that is a heavy design change, so, I understand why people would hate that.
Now, one thing I'm curious, was Black Desert able to also build varied bodies? I mean, at least WoW have some variety, but, it was never for me.
Well, see, it makes sense when your game consists of small metal figurines that you're looking down at from above the table, so you can easily distinguish units in your army.
That's why Games Workshop did it, anyway. Blizzard copied it without understanding why it was that way because they have no original ideas.
blizzard actually made orcs' shoulder armor smaller at one point. it wasn't received well. i didn't like it either
Niggers leave, goblins are the best cock sleeves for humans
hooves, so they put equine cocks on them.
Nothing stopping you from combining the best of both worlds and being a sad, slouched orc either.
is this a fucking werechihuahua?
are they just going to start making midget/fat versions of every existing race? Pygmy undead when
Isn't Jaina corrupted/Evil now?
I think a gobbo friend would be a fun thing to have. That is, until she made your dick literally explode.
Only good MMO is EvE.
Non applicable.
I too enjoy sitting on my ass, playing an alt because FC won't let me use the ship I bought, and because he never takes any fight that even remotely seems fair.
I wonder where they got the inspiration for that juicy belly
That's why you have to keep them away from any reactive chemicals.Or machinery. Or scrap metal. Letting them cook unattended isn't advisable either.
I don't think there's anything I can't fly besides Command Ships.
well go on
Keep'em comin keep posting this semen demon
That's just fat. Of course a nigger like you would love fat pigs.
Yes? So are boobs and ass, but everyone likes them too.
There's a difference between disgusting landwhales and soft, tight bellies
You're posting disgusting landwhales though.
Want to know how I know you're underage?
From what I last saw understand she was racist against the Horde and tried to get king scarface whatever his name is to kill Thrall but he cucked out.
So yes if you're pozzed maybe.
That's just fat. Also gross.
Where did it all go wrong?
From the very beginning. WoW was just a success of marketing, and blizzard's reputation at the time.
Beautiful sleek lines take a trained eye and good craftsmanship to design even more so if you have to do 200 Armor sets.
Hurr durr spikes and shit does not require as much thought and can be made more distinctive easier.
Too bad they skipped that step.
Shouldn't you be cleaning out Zoe's fat rolls with your tongue?
Nah, you're just desperate and have low standards
The boobs and asses that people like are strictly two dimensional and are not composed of fat, user. Nothing in physical reality compares, and is in fact disgusting. I'm worried about you.
Proceed, son. Proceed.
Thicc bitches give me a reason to live
user, even if you posted more I would never be satisfied.
You're talking about yourself here. You're the one with extreme shitty standards.
Of course.
I hope you get raped to death.
What is it about you soyboys that makes you think your androgynous skeletons are the only ideal form for women? More and more I have seen these sentiments rise lately, could that be coinciding with the cuckchan rapefugee floods?
A woman needs good wide hips, soft tits, long legs and a nice, round ass. Anything less is sacrilege and akin to wanting to fuck men. Forcing naturally plump women to accept insane standards that only photoshop can manage through jewish brainwashing media is heresy. I always die a little inside when I see formerly beautiful women demolish their sense of self-worth and their natural beauty as they strive for utterly superficial shit that no one but the jews care to notice.
I don't know about you, but having ribs and collarbones sticking out beneath your skin is not what I would call beautiful nor desirable, and the journey to achieve that state is even more harrowing. I understand your distaste for landwhales, because I share that sentiment, but you need to understand the difference between that and thicc. So she's a little round, but I do not question beauty when I see it. Muscles, toned bodies, thin and curvy, that's all fine, but skeleton women are death to me, and anyone calling for ONLY thin women gets my blood boiling. I will fight for thicc bitches to the ends of the earth.
So I say unto you; THICKER
Preach it, brother.
Are you by any chance the guy that tries to bait Holla Forums folks in every political discussion ?
No, I am just a man that is tired of seeing autists throwing a shit-fit when they see some curves.
You're a manlet, not a man.
Who is the artest for the 4th one? All I am getting is shit from soul-eater.
Calls other soyboys, white knights random landwhales. I agree not every girl needs to be a skeleton but if you don't see at least the collarbone she is a landwhale. Being fit shows qualities like self restraint, discipline and being hard working, of course those things are in demand.
Wow user, if you published this discovery you'd be a rich man
Haha oops, you posted the wrong style by accident user! Don't worry though, I've got your back
The high elf shit is retarded and gay and people who want it are dumb niggers. It would literally be blood elves with blue eyes.
Checked, thanks user.
I meant that the fatty you posted came from tumblr and how that's fitting, retard.
Also i don't get how seeing a woman with a belly blob larger than her tits is attractive.
That's not thicc, that's fat as fuck.
It even uses the same animations of an existing race and everything, clipping included. I'm pretty sure less than 10 people keep the game together at this point.
I see you are UUUUUUUGH fellow man of culture.
I wonder, is the HOTS team cut off from the rest of Blizzard?
The last few HoTS heroes have all been the highly requested fan favorite ones. They're desperately trying to keep their playerbase up.
She has lumbar lordosis, her entire spine is curved all the way in which is why her stomach juts out like that.