Let's talk about games that are so fucking bad that they are funny, bonus points if they are actually self-aware and know that they're trash, but not in the Goat Simulator kind of way where one makes a deliberately bad game, and the joke gets stale after a minute. More of a "I'm stuck with this shitty job and I hate working on this project but I will at least have some fucking fun with it if I can" kind of way. Let's get the obvious one out of the well, completely lacks any form of self-awareness but that's what makes it so fucking hilarious.
Bad funny games
Leisure Suit Larry.
Oh and come to think of it Night Trap but I guess some anons might not count it as a real game.
Weren't the point'n click games actually kind of decent for comedy games?
They were ok I guess but I find all point and click games to be a bit crap. I guess you've got a sliding scale with something like Full Throttle being horrible in every way but I still play the genre despite the gameplay not because of it.
And to get this out of the way.
Andromeda is still comedy gold even to this fucking day.
And who the fuck could forget this gem?
does this count?
What even is this user? I think those double dubs speak for themselves, I'm sure that the game counts.
Night Trap is just as much of a video game as any VN which is to say not much at all tbh.
some shitty dos game I still keep around for nostalgic readons
it starts to get hard on the fish level
Postal 2 is an objectively bad game everything about it from the gunplay to the 'story' is terrible and yet I can't stop laughing when I play it. The ability to whip out your cock and piss on anything you want also appeals to me on a base level. I guess it's like a dog marking its territory.
I still would.
Postal 2 is a perfect example of an actually self-aware bad game, with the exception that it actually can be fun if you can tolerate the akwardness of it. As a shooter itself it's not very good but as a sandbox it's really decent.
Well I guess but a game that knows its bad is still bad tbh.
Perhaps not the game itself but FFX and Tales of Symphonia are so horribly written that I can't help but find them funnier than just about any comedy game ever made.
Yeh when a supposedly serious plot is making you lose your shit more than the average sitcom episode you know something has gone wrong.
It isn't just the writing either. When a character shuffles up to another like a barbie doll and "punches" them with a whole second delay I can't help but laugh. It's one of the reasons the series went to shit when they started mocapping everything.
Has motion capture ever led to a good game? L.A. Noire was fucking terrible as well.
Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
LA noire sucked because the whole gimmmick it was based off on depended on the acting, and the acting is modern hollywood comedy bad.
Crysis 3 (some people bash the game but I liked it) really nailed this mocap thing.
What game is that pic from?
Max: An Autistic Journey
This piece of work from the late Pandemic.
Basically you can blow everything up to kingdom come and not really put much thought into what you do throughout the game, at least the voice acting keeps the game entertaining ya know.
Hunt Down The Freeman.
Daily reminder Postal is created by a porn company.
Nice meme. Also mocap is objectively better in every single way for anything that can actually be mocapped.
it's like some shit that keeps on shitting
Do you have webm of the asari talking about her pronouns?
I don't think I got that one, but I got this
Just like that one episode of Star Trek Voyager.
And yet people still love it. It's the funniest shit.
The funniest part of Max: An Autistic Adventure is how his favorite video game is a vaccination themed shmup where you play as a syringe that shoots down germs.
Why did you post a Hollow Knight picture when you're clearly describing Nier Automata?
Tekken and Soul Calibur
no way
I understand there are more shit games out than ever before but people like you are why it's hard to believe anything that is said on this board without substantial evidence.
How am I just hearing about this now, holy shit.
A new autism sim just came out, too.
These videos (Video linked is first part of multiple videos) is a stream of Max autistic adventure, if you are curious about the game. The chat alone makes the videos worthy to watch.
The art looks right out of Unteralterbach or whatever it's called.
That would be pretty horrifying considering I'm pretty sure Max's Autistic Adventure was made by a father for his autistic son.
art looks like the siamese twins game or sunfish but pretentious
Postal 2 is kind of in the league with Warioware, games that are absolutely terrible on their own but that they have a bizarre charm because they allow you to do something completely unique while also having their own sense of humor, also pointing out how shit they themselves are constantly. I'd also add stuff like Illbleed or Deadly Premonitions to the mix.
Is fucking your autistic child the perfect crime?
Yeah, at the beginning of the game go to the computer in Max's room an you can play it. It's called something like Vaccinator.
He looks like the girl from Inside Out.
jesus god damn this is so cringey to watch but i wanna keep going
I would only consider Deadly Premonition to be bad on a technical level. If someone made a similarly playing game that wasn't busted it would be one of the best games ever made.
It's quite difficult to recreate the kind of experience of enjoying a bad movie. In video games, you actually have to interact with unpleasant mechanics, which makes them far worse than the passive medium of film.
I had a lot of fun with this game. I wish Mercenaries 3 happened. :(
what the fuck is this shit
What did he mean by this?
Just imagine being this mad because you suck at a game that doesn't even qualify as hard.
If your game is such a broken fucking mess that fucking nothing works and it constantly keeps on giving new shit to laugh at, the players will be more focused at laughing at how bad it is instead of anything else.
As someone who regularly makes fun of the disabled and plays a lot of RPGmaker games Max's Autistic Adventure isn't that good of a game gameplay wise. Freddy Fazbear is in it also. But like someone else said it was made by a father who has an autistic son and the proceeds go to the Miriam Foundation and in the end I liked it. The enemies were surreal in a good way and there was even a vaccination monster.
That last one is literally the first boss from R-Type.
he just wants the world to know hes part of the Kool Kidz Klub now
The only thing I truly fucking hated about that game was how shitty and unsatisfying the rocket launcher was.
Why is there no SFM porn of her yet?
i still have a hard time seeing this and knowing that it's real. like, mass effect 1 was overall a pretty decent space opera where you could go james kirk and bang alien bitches. how did it sink so low that gay krogans are now shadowboxing each other and pronouns are actually being discussed in fucking space?
I love how the "L-look out! He's not having fun!" banner I made is still in in the roster.
Bringing is a classic.
All of the guns were unsatisfying to use though the rocket launcher was just worse.
Harvester isn't "so bad its good" Its just regular good.
Cunts like this are why we can't have nice things
this actually looks kino
You kidding me? Play the game again I think you'll disagree. The acting is so bad It amazes me and the gameplay certainly hasn't aged well assuming it was ever good. The actual content is interesting at best but overall it's a shitty game.
Wow I new this game was incomplete, and buggy but that takes the cake. Thanks for the laugh.
Mario transcends parallel universes. Truck BECOMES parallel universes.
Ayy is cute. What a waste
If they put this man as an easter egg, I swear to god I'll fucking buy it.
No thanks
I'm willing to bet they added all those unusual mechanics like phone charging to make the game seem more in depth than it is. In fact most of the "mechanics" look like that. If this game was fully fleshed out and there were hundreds of routes and mechanics in it along with some pure, well polished retro vidya challenge it would be fun but the chances of this are nill.
Only the melee weapons or pissing felt any good to use. If FPP (First-Person Pissing or eff-pee-pee) actually caught on and somehow became a staple of first-person video games, I'd have a feeling that even POSTAL 2's piss mechanics would be lackluster.
It's just some sheltered sperg who likes to pretend that life is harder than it really is. I'm sure there's plenty of people on this board who grew up with assburgers who can attest to being normally functioning members of society, or at least not CWC-tier abominations, through proper guidance. The guy who made this clearly treats his autism like an impenetrable barrier separating him and the person he wants to be.
I'm not autistic but I used to mentally gamify things that mildly irritated me in a similar manner. I used to categorize and remember when annoying things would happen just so I could act revel in my persecution. Sometimes I still catch myself doing it. This game is dripping with that kind of attitude. "Loud noises and eye contact drain my mental health bar. If I reach zero, surely I will die." It doesn't seem like he wants help, he just wants to play the victim.
I will credit him for finally making people realize neo-80's neon cyberpunk fetishism is autistic as hell, though.
Speaking of ear-related shit, I have this thing when whenever there is a background sound (chatter, traffic, men working at the building site) I can't hear people talk to me very well, but my hearing is actually normal, sometimes even above average when there is silence. People think I can't hear for shit and that I'm deaf. Does this mean I have the assburgers? Legit question.
Sounds more like a neurological issue.
Fuck me, really? Does that mean I'm retarded? It's only slight though, not something intense.
Were there any Dragon Age Inquisition equivalences of these? I can't recall, it feels like it was so long ago.
There was the one with the guys training in the background turning invisible.
Mass Effect managed to do one thing right: Make women funny.
If you have a medical condition, and you really want to post here, please don't. Just find a proper place to do it. Holla Forums is not terminally ill support group, even if it seems like one
Thank you for understanding.
I have a hearing disorder, I'm not fucking dying.
Good for you. What games have you been playing?
Obviously games without sound.
I got this, though it's more infuriating than anything
What games? I know my firstpost sounds like I'm an asshole, but seriously.
I cannot understand what games need sound and which don't. It could be really good information if you told how games work for you.
I don't even know if what I have can be considered a condition, you dense nigger.
Good luck pkaying a racing game, rythm game or FPS without any sound. I guess turn based strategy games need no sound.
any "so bad it's good" cult game?
Holla Forumsirgins barely know how their computers work, listen to this guy, nothing technical can be learnt here
I don't think you realize you're not talking to me, but somebody who's joking around.
I play normal games, I just turn the volume down.
So now you don't have anything to give? I'm fine with that. I was hoping that you could say something about the people with hearingaids, but it's fine. I didn't expect anything from you anyways.
Okay then cunt.
Yes. I see your ID:s are very different.
OK. Fuck this thread. I'm being out-baited, so Hasta la vista, fuckers.
Close the door, nigger.
Almost canonically so.
"You are not allowed to post anything that isn't directly related to videogames. If it isn't even slightly related to videogames you are not allowed to post."
Christ dude they had literally 2 vaguely off-topic posts. Hell, the first one was still related to the aspie game.
Settle down and let them talk.
If we don't police board quality the board turns into cuckchan 2.0
Whatever happened to his video of it, anyway?
There's only one place where people call each other niggers more frequently than Holla Forums - a nigger ghetto.
As someone who has been raped and is an Autistic not by my dad
Yes I'm too afraid of the social ramifications if I expose my rape
Michigan: Report from Hell is an underrated among the all time best bad games. Suda51 worked on it as a producer in some capacity, not certain for sure, and it was released a year before Killer7.
rulecuckery was why I left that place
Well apparently they don't call people over there faggots enough then you fucking fruit.
Then go the fuck back to it.
I'd think if anything autism is one thing that binds a lot of us together,there's no point in making fun of something as an insult if you have it and the people around you do as well.
I have the same problem. In the past year or so, I also became less sensitive to pain and can barely smell foul odors anymore.
My eyes also got rapidly worse, according to my prescription.
I must be drinking too much tap water or something.
k i n o
Shut up, nintendrone. NieR:Automata is the greatest game of the decade.
Why, what's difficult about playing them without sounds? The only thing I can see with FPS is hearing your enemies approaching as you should be able to flank them just from hearing them. It seems like it's more like for difficulty modes though. That said though, I don't want to be a bullet sponge character, so I can understand why sound could be needed for FPS.
Racing games, are sounds actually useful in them at all?
And you can't experience 2B butt as well, Sonyfag/Xbot. Only PC Master Race can.
You have to back.
That second image makes me profoundly sad and I don't know why.
You just wanted my blender?
Does this one count?
That's straight cringe, not 'so bad it's funny'.
This looks like a cry for help.
Sorry, I misread the OP
Does the driver turn into a lizard and bone the captain of the trucking fleet?
It's fun to go on newgrounds and look for trash on purpose. You can filter the search so that the worst rated things are grouped together.
Obama for President: newgrounds.com
Crappy Game Circus:
Big D Fighter:
Oh yeah, and this is the definition of pajeet, featuring nudity
I'm playing Michigan Report from Hell and it's pretty fucking funny.
Not even racemixing. It's two different species, like bestiality except the alien can think and talk back.
Well, he does give him a full come dinner, so…
Mario Party games in general, it is fucking funny to see its characters die when playing minigames.
I hate dykes more than faggots because they get a free pass on so much shit because "DOOD LESBOS HAWT LMAO" I swear.
It's always funny to see a retarded gorilla fail at tasks.
That's normal. You're just being transformed into autistic super-soldier. Drink more tap water if you want the accelerate the transformation.
You could genuinely replace the top letting in that pic with "The signs of being socially awkward" and most people wouldn't question it.
Not really. Being social awkwardness is just that, having a hard time in social situations. Stuff in that pic goes beyond that.
She's the only good thing in the game.
Taking out DK as a playable character was the biggest mistake that series ever made.
Not only that, humans react to sound twice as fast as they do to seeing something. Look it up.
What? Self aware bad things are always awful. Part of what makes a "so bad it's good" type of game or movie is that the person making it thinks it's so great. Like lets take Hunt Down the Freeman, probably the most recent example of a hilariously bad game. You can tell whoever made that cluster fuck thought it was the greatest thing ever. You can't just capture that madness and recreate it.
Not really no. A lot of people show these signs when they don't talk to people for years on end.
The game having sequels after 5 was the biggest mistake it made tbh.
Not bothering with balance and difficult is what killed most of the Mario spinoffs in general.
Was the tensest shit despite there being no skill into it. I still retain Mario party is an objectively bad game franchise despite some good minigames. fun as hell to play drunk though