Dark Souls is hard AT FIRST, but becomes easy as soon as you know any given level's layout.
This isn't any different than Megaman and the term "Megaman Hard" if any of you are old enough to remember that shit.
Dark Souls is hard AT FIRST, but becomes easy as soon as you know any given level's layout.
This isn't any different than Megaman and the term "Megaman Hard" if any of you are old enough to remember that shit.
So you're saying Mega Man is the Dark Souls of the NES?
Dark Souls 3 is reduced to two button combat, positioning isn't important any more and you just hit dodge/attack alternately until you win.
Dark Souls is only 'hard' because it's bad at explaining itself without trial and error, that's just bad game design. Setting that aside however it's still an amazing game I just don't know why fags have to big up the pseudo-difficulty instead of the actual gameplay, the top-tier atmosphere and so on.
This isn't any different from any game ever made that isn't randomly generated you fucking idiot.
g8 thread OP
I remember picking up Demon's Souls when Yahtzee bashed it, because the dark minimalist narrative sounded great. I returned it like a turd: 'is the whole fucking game about being unable to cancel animations?'. Yes. Yes, it was. I can't fathom the memekids who got in love with this kind of artificial difficulty, you lot are like abused children passing on the trauma.
Holy shit
I really hope this is bait
It wasn't particularly hard. Have you ever completed a videogame that was actually challenging?
I'm from the NES generation and to me a game is its controls. You can describe a game effectively by explaining exactly what happens, and how when you use the controller. The action queue system of DS that roots you in place until you complete the attack animation, takes away control from the player and I can't stand it.
What is this, 2012? We know the Souls series isn't the pinnacle of difficulty and is simply as difficult as the average older gen game. It and Demon's Souls simply came out in a time period where many games stopped being challenging to pander to the wider audience and suddenly there was a game that didn't hold your hand while also being good. PS3 players hyped up because they had no other games at the time and it ended up becoming a cult classic.
We've had this thread a trillion times at this point.
Considering most NES games don't allow you to cancel attack animations, you're full of shit. 2/10, try harder next time.
I still can't consistently beat the mini-bosses in MM9 & 10. I love all the MM games but those mini-bosses was just a bit too hard imho.
That's such bullshit though. It's hard because if you fuck up the game will punish your ass hard. So you get shit like, normalfags running into a group of enemies and getting chainstunned to death.
That would be true if I was disagreeing with an opinion, not a statement of fact that is objectively false
Kill yourself, you illiterate nigger
Don't be a retarded halfchanner with me, kid. That was neither the point addressed, nor something that can be quickly analyzed here. It was the importance of controls, which game stems from, as my no.1 criteria accumulated from my history.
When you hear an opinion unlike the memes you are used to reply to, don't shut it down like a faggot because the instructions to deal with it aren't clear.
Remember all those times in school you botched all those questions, because you simply don't know shit? That's all behind you, because now everything you say is actually magical opinion that's always right
Wow, it's almost like it isn't an opinion
Dark Souls 2 remains the only difficult Souls game, especially those without friends.
The rest of this thread is going to be an autist constantly derailing it to defend his retarded ass opinion.
Is the game supposed to explain basic fucking timing and positioning in text instead of through practice?
It's 'hard' because it doesn't really explain what's fucking up and what isn't and punishes basically any fuckup with death. Spending all your titanite shards upgrading your armor is fucking up, but there's no way to tell that until after you've already spent them all. Bringing your armor from +0 to +3 doesn't actually change the number of attacks it takes for enemies to kill you (since only ultrahigh defense values do that) but bringing your weapon from +0 to +5 changes the number of attacks it takes you to kill an enemy from 5 to 1.
There's no fucking way to tell that that is the case until after you've upgraded because there's no actual explanation on how damage works or to what degree the numbers actually change gameplay. Increasing defense by 30 is fuck-all while increasing attack by 30 is substantial, and then you get stupid bullshit like increasing a weapon's attack rating decreasing the damage. Hell, if you pick the wrong classes, the game doesn't even have its pseudo-tutorial on weight affecting roll and movespeed, so you might assume that you HAVE to fatroll through the game because it is the only roll.
There's also the fact that item descriptions and stat screens on items lie constantly. The catarina set does not improve parrying. Break curse does not break curses. The tiny being's ring does not regenerate hp. The pyromancy flame does not scale with intelligence.
If someone explains the mechanics to you the game is a fucking cakewalk.
Opinions and people can still be retarded even though there's no objectivity to them.
Look who's new
Yeah you're right. I was going to mention that you basically have to look up the item progression in this game because it's extremely unintuitive and vague. Although, I didn't even really acknowledge that part because it's something that's becoming pretty common.
There's also the whole modify/upgrade weapon mess of interface design. Going from +4 to +5 is an upgrade, but +5 to +6 is a modification? That makes no goddamn sense from a user interface PoV and I've yet to see anyone play through that game for the first time and not get fucking boggled for 5+ minutes trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.
Except for myself who got boggled on the second playthrough since the first playthrough was with a wizard stick.
Holy shit, I hope you're baiting and not that dumb. The 'instructions to deal with' are for an uncommon opinion, I was telling you to think for a second before spouting memes.
Just tell me why someone who values good gaming over community cred, should bother with a game that makes control unresponsivity a part of its gameplay. From my point of view, you are willing to take it in the ass for the sole purpose of boasting with your retarded friends.
No, I'm not going to keep at this because I'm old enough to know that beating your gums is useless. But it is telling how fast you start acting out whenever a new observation flanks you from the left field.
cuz classicvanias are fun and well-designed
or are you the kind of babby who can't handle a lack of mid-air control
Look who got baited and buttfrustated, are you 16?
The only games that always stay hard are the shitty ones where the challenges are unreasonable, and or you aren't give the tools needed to overcome them.
Path of the Mentor kicked my ass when first played Ninja Gaiden 2, but then I was forced to stop spamming the Dragons Sword's heavy attack and actually learned how to deal with everything the game threw at me. Afterward Path of the Master Ninja is meant to be harder, but it felt vastly easier since a now actually understood my tool kit.
Being punished for a mistake you had no way of avoiding without prior knowledge of the situation is not good game design.
Uncancellable attack animations that require timing has been a thing for a long time. I can't even think of a game that lets you cancel your animation mid attack. It sounds like you just want rapid fire shit that hits the entire screen like god of war and its clones.
That's true. I haven't played the other games because I don't have a bloodborne box or PS3, but DaS1 would hide enemies in spots you couldn't see constantly. Which was straight up bullshit.
Here's your punchline: If there's a blind corner, there's an enemy to the left. It is always to the left. And there are only two or three blind corners where it is not true. I figured that out by the lower undead burg.
I played all Castlevanias up to SOTN within one year of release. The jump physics that you call mid-air control are not something I'm criticizing with DS: the direct comparison would be the whip animation, but that lasts less than a second so it causes no loss of control (and to further aid you, in some cases enemies freeze when hit).
Please do not shield the faults of your memegame with poor Castlevania, which is having a rough time.
Kill yourself
Yes, it would be really pathetic if it happened.
It happens all the time.
I've never played any game of the GOW saga. But I played the 4 DMCs and plenty other 3D brawlers where canceling was definitely a thing. Those are the kind of games that you should be comparing to DS, not bringing up 2D castlevanias because you need noble fathers. Prove that your game is its own thing and stands on its merits.
Non sequitur, you might as well accuse me of wanting DS to be COD and Neptunia combined. Should I confess this, to make you feel better that you have no arguments?
No, dipshit. Every single action in both castlevania and DS is high committal. You cannot affect a jump's momentum in Castlevania if you didn't see a medusa head, so if you jumped with poor situational awareness you're fucked.
If you whip, you stop moving. You can't cancel the whip, you can't throw a subweapon while the whip is out, you can't jump out of the whip. Yes, the time you spend with your feet glued to the ground is shorter than some DS attacks, but it's longer than others dependent on the weapon you're using. It is 100% a loss of control, you fucking retard. Castlevania, Dark Souls, and Silent Hill are all based around the same core story/gameplay mechanic of high-committal actions invoking a sense of misery and stress in the player.
There's this mechanic called 'poise breaks' where if you deal more poise damage to an enemy than it has poise, it doesn't just stop moving, it gets knocked backwards, gets stunned, has its current action interrupted. Most enemies have zero poise. It is a greater reward than landing an attack in Castlevania, but is balanced out by the stamina meter forcing you to attack sparingly rather than mash the button.
Dark Souls is almost exactly analogous to Castlevania's high committal at virtually every level of design.
Why? Because they're both 3D? 3D brawlers are almost universally low committal to keep up a fun, fast, exciting pace. You get locked into animations for very short amounts of time to make the game feel snappy and exciting. Dark Souls is not supposed to be snappy and exciting. It's not a game where you rail grind down a banister while scarfing down pizza. It's trying to feel miserable and depressing. It's a game where you mercy kill a wounded and berserk hero after he failed his mission and doomed a civilization.
I find it kinda funny you bring up DMC, because I recall the first DMC having really long animations for the sword that you couldn't cancel. Unless there is some exploit I didn't know about.
And what's your argument? "It's like the 3d games I don't like"? You do what liberals do. Start with the objective "You can't cancel animations". Then you bring it into the subjective while acting like everything you say is fact, and throwing snarky insults around to frame the argument.
Wow you truly are retarded
None of the mechanics you are listing about Castlevania has any relevance with the discussion of Dark Souls. It's useless that I keep telling you that the medusa scenario does not compare to swinging a sword: this isn't the same kind of game. Same it's useless that I bring you more 2D games that don't work like this (literally hundreds): they simply have no relationship with the 3D brawler genre.
You made this little tale in your head where Castlevania is the Dark Souls of 2D platformers. Good for you, just don't expect people to believe this bullshit ok?
And get punished if I have the reflexes to cancel or parry? That makes me feel gamed, like this isn't what controls should work like: to you it sounds like a noble feature - honestly I think you learned to like a shitty system from social pressure.
Yes, so? Is this a little secret we can't talk about? Don't try and make me believe your years upon years of DaS general were just because of fun, when the whole genre was built on the 'git gud' badge of honor. Or did you think that everyone else was on board and weren't judging you fags?
cringy thread tbh
Did you learn this shit on reddit? Because normally, over here liberals are just called communist kikes.
What didn't you understand without trial and error?
I noticed you slipped this in to imply dark souls is in your preferred genre, so you can argue it on the merits of that genre.
More liberal snarkyness.
Anyone could just as easily argue that lightning fast unrealistic attacks isn't what controls should work like. You swing an axe in real life you'll have a pretty hard fucking time stopping it. You made a mistake and you get punished.
Just a little extra liberal snarkyness on top
It's not my fault you argue like a liberal soyim.
I accept your concession that you have lost the argument.
Fuckin eh user, just git gud.
Do you have a learning disability
It's really one of the few times the term cheap can be applied fairly.
We had around 3 really good Bloodborne/Souls threads in the past 2 weeks then suddenly we have 10 shitters come out of nowhere with
You're thinking of Battletoads hard, actually. I can beat that game with relatively little problem, since it's all based on memory, and I sat down for a couple months when I was a teen and grinded that shit until I could get it every time. It's all memory, every single movement. If you perform the same moves every time, you'll win every time. There's a certain spot in Terra Tubes, where you're running from a shark, right before the underwater cogs, and then another shark starts chasing you too. There's a specific zigzag that I do every time that lets me get the 1-up there, and one of the sharks lunges at me, and ends up killing the other. I then cycle around and go into the checkpoint. Hasn't really ever failed me.
Mega Man is different from that. Minibosses can't just be cheesed by performing the same moves, you need to actually have good reflexes to avoid their patterns. Castlevania 3, another bloody hard game, is in the middle, where certain things, like the Medusaheads, require reflexes, but most other things boil down to memory.
I'm shit at games, and I know that. But I can still beat Battletoads okay, and Castlevania 3 with a bit of time and effort. But Mega Man is a pain in the dick every time I try it. I've beaten them, sure, but it was far more frustrating than the other two.
Can't you see almost any ambush coming in the first game as long as you pay attention? The only exception is blind corners, which aren't a fucking problem if you're not running in blindly like a retard.
Isn't that true of any game that doesn't have procedural level generation and completely randomized spawning?
Nu-Holla Forums trying too hard to fit in.
Yea, you can see everything coming in DaS1 if you are not retarded. There are plenty of things to criticise DaS1 on but trial and error isnt one of them.
Megaman is easy once you get a full grasp of the controls it doesn't matter if it's a game you haven't played before. Once you're good at one megaman you're good at them all
What? The difficulty doesn't come from traversing the levels, that's the easy part. The difficulty comes from learning how to interact with the enemies correctly and managing your stamina.
He's saying that, once you put in enough practice and memorization into a game like Mega Man or Dark Souls: what once was dauntingly hard becomes a piece of cake.
If a game has a lot of randomization or procedural generation in its levels and placement of items and enemies then it may not be "Mega Man Hard" because you can't reliably memorize where everything is.
It's a meme you dip.
This isn't that big of a problem because titanite is not a finite resource. I agree when you say that it's a mistake for the player to upgrade their armor instead of their weapons, and I agree that the game doesn't explain how damage is calculated, but I don't think it's that difficult to figure out. If you look in your equipment screen, you'll notice that weapons have a base damage and they deal extra damage in tandem with your stats. This implies that if you improve your stats, you'll be able to do more damage. Additionally, you encounter Andre of Astora early on in the game, and he explains the forging process in so many words. He sells the titanite that you need to get your weapons to at least +5; if you're a new and curious player, would you not decide to further explore some of the game's systems by forging your equipment as much as you are able to do so? If not, then why?
Early on in the game, you can find additional sets of armor. Any curious player will try and figure out how to equip and remove pieces of armor. Each piece of armor has a number that represents how much it adds to your equip burden. If you're observant, you can notice that your roll changes depending on what type of armor you have on.
Yes, you're right; these concepts are not explained in some video tutorial that provides an in depth explanation on how the underlying mechanics operate. However, it's not as obtuse as you make it out to be; if you're curious enough, you'll eventually learn how the systems work. Everything you need to know is in your equipment screen. There's even an explanation button that can highlight various components of the character and equipment screens that will provide a brief explanation on what each component means. How hard can this be to figure out?
No, going from base level to +5 is an upgrade, but going from +5 to +6 is a modification. From there, you go to +6 to +10. Then, from +10 to +11, and you can finally reach +15. When you find an ember in the world, you can go into your inventory and read its item description. It will tell you that it allows you to upgrade weapons up to a certain level. If you take any of the embers to Andre, he'll tell you whether or not he can use them. If he doesn't want them, then this implies that there may be someone else out there who can use it, and sure enough, you find out that there's more than one blacksmith in the game.
I agree, the game doesn't give a robust and in depth explanation of everything, but at the same time, it's not that difficult to figure out how these things work. I'm just wondering if you think that the game would have been better with a Navi like character who explains every little fucking thing?
The key difference is that Dark Souls doesn't boot you back to the title screen and make you start from the undead asylum after 3 deaths.
remember 5-1?
Then it was never a hard game in the first place.
This alone shows your claim as false
It's a mistake that's impossible to see coming that is undone by tedious grinding. The rest of your words on the topic do not matter, because punishing an impossible-to-predict trap with tedium is shit design because TEDIUM is shit design.
If you start knight, you're fatrolling from the get-go. If you pick up other armor, you'll notice its stats are lower and therefore it is worse armor and not bother equipping it. You then assume that fatroll is just how the game works because you have no reason to believe otherwise and stack up as much weight as you can without going over 100%.
The game actually tutorializes weight/roll mechanics (though it doesn't make clear where the cutoff is) exceptionally well for a shitload of classes! You see, bandit, sorcerer, and many others have their armor put them right at a roll threshhold, so that when you equip your weapon and shield, your roll gets worse and the player is left trying to figure out why. That's excellent design. That's a perfect silent tutorial. That's on the level of Super Metroid's player training.
Knight and pyromancer do not do that. Knight is perma-fatroll, pyro is perma-lightroll. This is a bit of a giant fucking problem when knight is practically the mascot class since it was used in all the advertisements and is one of the most commonly picked starting classes for a new player. That's really bad! It means that most players won't be trained to notice anything other than "don't use dodging" and "get defense numbers as high as you can." When paired with knight's high-stability starter shield there's even less reason for them to assume that the game expects them to use the dodge button.
hey retard i know how the game fucking works but that doesn't mean the UI is designed well
Which you don't do by going into the upgrade menu which throws everyone for a loop because it makes no sense from an interface standpoint.
It's a mistake that can still be remedied, so your words on the topic do not matter, because anyone with a modicum of intelligence will be able to see that titanite is not a finite resource
Hey, fucktard, don't you remember saying that
I would also like to add that it's not really as tedious as you think when you consider that most weapons can be used pretty well with only +3-5 which costs a pretty small amount of shards. The only really retarded thing you could do is use STR weapons when you're focused on DEX or something. In which case you deserve to fucking fail for being such a counter active dipshit.
Go back to Reddit you unbelievably unbearable casual faggot.
You could say that about any of them
they've always been glorified R1 & dodge simulators
with tedious grinding which is bad
grinding is bad. games should not have grinding.
Can and will, because I'm speaking of a new player's expectations based on how literally every single game they have played worked. If you know the game, you know defense is worthless and you should lightroll. If you don't, you don't, and assume defense is worthwhile. This is why new players invest in stats like resistance, because they do not know that defense is a trap. They literally cannot know that ahead of time. That is Bad Design™.
That's a bit like saying 'well players curious about the game might try jumping into the bottom of bowser's foot to defeat him.' I cannot think of a single other series with percentile weight that applies weight penalties below 100%. They have no reason to assume that Dark Souls does. If they're starting knight and don't pick up any heavier weapons or shields, they're going to need to strip off half their armor for no particular reason. If they found the zweihander and picked up a new shield, they will actually need strip naked to even notice an effect which goes against not just all game logic but also against real life logic. If they started knight the game gives them no reason to experiment with that and virtually all prior experience they have with games will tell them there's no benefit to doing that. If they did something like Nioh did, where the equip load percentage changed colors based on your weight, then they'd have a reason to expect something to change. It's exceptionally poor player training in a series that often has a lot of good player training and that has even done adequate player training within that exact same circumstance on that exact mechanic on other classes. Simply making the knight's starting armor lighter, such as by swapping out the chest piece for the chain armor, would have fixed that problem.
>the menu you go into to upgrade your weapons isn't an upgrade menu because it has a different name
I really don't grasp why you're assuming that I'm the one who doesn't understand this stuff. No, I completely get how it works. I even understand the underlying shitty coding practices that forced them to create a modify equipment and a reinforce weapon option rather than anything sane like they did in any other game in the series. What I am saying is that it causes confusion for a first-time player the first time they try to upgrade a weapon to +6. Yes, they can figure it out eventually. They shouldn't need to.
I had assumed from the paragraph about player training when you equip weapons that I had up there you'd be able to extrapolate what I thought the game needed more of, but I guess you're too inexperienced in game design to actually get what the hell I'm talking about.
I want better done and more consistent player training. There's a tremendous amount of times where the game either out-and-out lies about what things do or completely fails to explain that certain mechanics even exist. I'm not saying that you need a navi to explain that, because that isn't player training, I'm suggesting something like what happens after you get the morph ball in Super Metroid: You cannot exit that room until you have figured out how it works. It's not a tutorial, per se, it doesn't interrupt the flow of gameplay, it is designing the world and mechanics in a way that organically teaches the player what things do and how they behave. Dark Souls does that very well in a lot of places but fucks it up pretty badly in others. I want the fuckups removed.
It's not that tedious unless you're so shit that you have to fight a boss at maxed wep levels. You can honestly beat the game with +6 or so weapons.
Well if you're fucking retarded and put more focus into defense than offense then what's what you get.
And any player that puts to much focus into 1 stat is fucking retarded period. The game will not tank you just because you put 8 or so extra levels into resistance but it will if you put ALL of your soul points into it like a fucking retard.
Honestly reading through your whole post makes me think you're some assmad contrarian who decided to do retarded things in a game and was rightfully punished for it. I mean fuck I burned a firekeepers soul twice before I realized what they were for and even invested nearly 60 levels into my stamina bar and even then I beat the game with a basic claymore and shield.
TL;DR bitch elsewhere. Your complaints are entirely to specific and retarded to take seriously.
Wow, congratulations for saying almost exactly what I greentexted your reply would be in that post, you fucking idiot.
I'm sorry you can't handle the fact that Dark Souls is a game with flaws. Perhaps reddit is more your pace? I've heard they suck that game off constantly there.
And congrats for not even reading what was posted. It's not the games fault you decided to be a nigger and put all of your resources into 1 aspect. If you weren't retarded you would conclude that you would need more damage for your weapon after getting to the first smith in undead burg. Multiple enemies have enough HP for this to b a basic thought that you should consider and instead you being a contrarian faggot thought that you should put it all in defense for absolutely no viable reason.
And I'm sorry that you're such a mouth breathing kind of player that you actively try and make your retarded mistakes into flaws.
I need to ask you, how garbage are you at DS that you need to grind TITANITE? You can have all of your weapons you use at +10 when you get to Anal Rodeo. It's natural progression. You can either use the souls you got from killing enemies for levels or you can BUY the shards for 800 a pop. The large ones and chunks are shit you pick up since the first Black Knight in Undead Burg. If you need to grind to pick up shards, you might be fucking retarded and missing a chromosome.
What you call tedious, many others refer to as fun. Honestly, the game's primary appeal is its combat system. If you don't enjoy the combat, and you think it's tedious, then why the hell would you play it longer than an hour? You're not helping your argument, fuckface.
Wrong. There's nothing wrong with grinding, you're just a faggot.
If you're this fucking dense, then maybe you shouldn't play any games. Maybe you should sign up to be euthanized. Besides, even if we assume that players will place undue importance on their physical defense, that doesn't mean that 1) they are incapable of learning that this strategy will not work and 2) there aren't alternatives, such as finding a balance between moderately weighted armor that will allow you to have a fast roll and that will provide decent defense against various attack types.
Every strategy is a valid strategy until it is proven to be ineffective.
You shouldn't assume anything. If you're assume shit about the game, then you're trying to use accumulated knowledge about other games as a basis for making judgements in the game you're currently playing. Yes, it is true; many games have a lot of similarities. However, you can't take all the previous knowledge you acquired and expect it to be applicable in every new scenario. That's fucking retarded, who operates like that?
Suddenly you need a reason to strip off your armor? Here's a reason: I, a new player, am interested in learning about the game's underlying systems. I have just learned, after I ran away from that huge beast, that I can acquire new equipment. Look, I just picked up a weapon from that dead corpse. How do I equip it? Oh, look, I can go into my inventory and wield it in my left or right hand! What else can I equip? Does that mean I can remove items? Look, I can remove my gear. What implications does this have? In short, if you're not curious enough to try everything at your disposal, than you're either not very interested in the game from the beginning or you're a blathering retard who skips over important information and then complains about not being informed of some important aspect of the story or gameplay at some later point in time. Besides, I already pointed out how your equipment and character screens offer you convenient and easy to understand explanations of all the various variables that are currently affecting your character. If you are observant enough to notice that you can equip and remove gear, then you should be observant enough to notice that gear has level requirements, stat scaling, and that each piece adds to your overall equipment burden.
They did do this. The number that represents your equip burden will turn red if you go over 70% of your maximum threshold.
You're describing a problem will only affect people who are too stupid to take the time to understand how the game works. I've already explained this before, I'd just be wasting my time if I typed it all out over again. I don't want to go around in circles.
So, again, I have to ask. How would you have solved this "issue"? I am not trying to be dismissive, I'm really trying to be charitable here, but I just don't see how these systems, as they are currently presented in the game, are all that difficult for anyone to understand. I am not trying to imply that you can't somehow understand the game, I have been approaching these so called "problems" from a new player's perspective this whole time. Would you be satisfied if Andre took the time to explain the difference between reinforcement and modification? If so, then you should know that he does. Would you be satisfied with a visual aid, like pic related, being implemented somewhere in the game? If the developers made these concessions, then ultimately the game's mystique would've been undermined, and they likely wanted to give curious players, who have a sense of intrigue about the world, a reason to explore. The vague item descriptions and the lack of bright neon signs that explain everything great detail largely aid in this endeavor.
Please name one example of a lie that the game tells you about its systems.
You think that because some classes are equipped with heavy armor that gives the character a slow roll that the concept of equip burden is not adequately explained? Even though the equipment screen will spell out to you in plain English that you have an equip burden?
That's why every time I beat a boss I saved somewhere hard to get out of, waited a few months until I forgot the controls, then went to beat the next one. Didn't expect to enjoy it that much.
I hope I came into this conversation at the wrong time.
His argument doesn't even make any fucking sense since the only grinding in Souls games is mostly for armor drops. Upgrade material grinding was only fucked in Demon's fuck you pure bladestone, you fucking bitch.
It's now the new contrarian meme to shit on Dark Souls without having played it.
Again with these assumptions that I'm bad at the game instead of talking about a new player's first experience! Do you really think someone who knows that resistance is bad would be so bad at the game they invest in resistance? Use your head!
Some people enjoy putting needles in their dick too.
Virtually all people. No, seriously, use the internet and watch a blind playthrough of any videogame. Virtually everyone assumes the game will work like their prior experiences. I have seen people trying to inhale enemies and press down to copy an enemy's power in a fucking Sonic the Hedgehog game.
Yes? In 99% of games removing equipment offers no benefit. Seriously, find me non-souls RPGs where removing equipment improves your character's abilities and the item is not in some way cursed.
The equip burden doesn't actually explain what it does, and it is perfectly rational to assume the penalties start at >100% since that is what a lot of games do.
yes that is what humans do and it is one of the singularly most important things to work around when designing a videogame. super metroid placed a dead end to the right because everyone assumes you go right in a 2d platformer and it needed to establish that the game did not work that way and was instead based around exploration. every single player will come in with expectations based on prior experience of similar games and you need to design around that. that is what makes designing good games so fucking hard: you need to manage perceptions and expectations that were not established by your own game while creating new perceptions and exceptions unique to your game.
Not in Dark Souls 1, the game that I am talking about, and it wouldn't even be that value in Dark Souls 1 because 70% is not one of the cutoff values. The number turns red when your equip load goes up. Have you even played this game?
Same way they did in every other souls game: Reinforce weapon can bring a weapon to +15 with no fuckery, modify weapon changes the weapon's path. They can't actually do this in Dark Souls 1 because the engine is set up so that every piece of equipment had 6 upgrade levels (zero to five) and have to replace a +5 weapon with a different weapon ID that's the +0 upgraded version of the second tier of the normal physical upgrade path that's called +6. It's completely fucked.
The thief class on the character creation screen says that it has a high chance of critical hits, implying that like in almost every game, critical hits are based on chance. This is in turn compounded by the fact that people who don't understand how status effects work, what they do, or how they are inflicted (ie new players who haven't been hit by a status effect yet) will see the bandit knife seemingly randomly cause high amounts of damage (which they will assume is a critical hit rather than filling an invisible bleed meter.)
Just because virtually every game within a genre uses a stupid design element does not make the design element non-stupid.
This comment is so fantastically stupid I'm putting it all alone on its own post
You have never and should never even attempt to design a game, holy fuck. Do you know how many potential strategies there can be for something? Infinite. Attempting to get a boss to kill you on a specific pixel and working process of elimination to have a death on every pixel JUST IN CASE IT'S A VALID STRATEGY is not a thing people actually do. Do you know why? Because it's fucking retarded, and yet, according to you, it's perfectly valid.
Games where you have to do something that goes completely against everything the game has trained you up until now are generally famous FOR BEING COMPLETE GARBAGE.
Breaking these rules or failing to establish rules means you have a shitty game (barring the odd case where you trained the player to expect the rules to be broken). You do not make jumps suddenly move you downwards through the ground in Mario. You don't suddenly give rings a 1% chance of instantly killing you in Sonic. The entire reason Castlevania 2 is so infamous is because it completely and utterly failed to establish consistent rules. The player has no reason to expect crouching at a specific location while holding certain equipment summons a tornado that teleports them somewhere else.
Some people deserve to have needles in their dicks for being so fucking retarded at playing games.
What was yours? Nigger simulator? All you have to do in Dark Souls to not grind in the least is not be a fucking retard and spend all your shit in 1 area. Jesus christ stop posting, you genuinely may be the autist from all those webms with the faggot with the nasely voice. Somebody post him.
Grinding comes in many forms, and if its your first time in Dark Souls you'll probably end up grinding, but if you've played a couple of times and you're short on souls for, say, twinkling titanite, you'll just pop some boss souls you don't need. Grinding for rare drops is another conversation entirely.
Not an argument, dipshit. If you don't enjoy the game's PRIMARY APPEAL, then you should just stop playing it. Why don't you take the dick out of your mouth and explain why you personally, because it is your shit opinion, believe that grinding is a problem?
It's safe to make some assumptions. For instance, the vast majority of console games will use the left analog stick to control character movement, and a large portion of games feature some manner of platforming, which is issued a dedicated button, such as X or A buttons. However, you cannot extrapolate some specific understanding about one game's system and assume that it will apply to another's. If you do this, you're a certified retard.
No, no it isn't ration to assume anything. You should instead be asking, "what does this number represent, how can I modify it, and what results in its modification?" If you do not do this, then you're a certified retard.
Yeah, yeah, I've addressed this above. You're partially right, but you're a certified retard™ because you can't distinguish between when it is reasonable to make a safe assumption and when it isn't.
When you're right, you're right. Fair enough. Still, this is not a point in your favor, because anyone with an IQ above 100 will be able to easily understand how the equip burden affects your movement speed.
Yeah, fair enough. That's only one issue, though. I have no qualms about the newer games' attempts at simplifying the upgrade paths. What I asked you about, and what you conveniently try to ignore, is how you'd solve this game's supposed "problem with conveyance". That's one of your original points of contention, wasn't it? You're complaining about how the game doesn't adequately explain to the use how to use its systems. Tell me, do DaSII and III feature some robust tutorial section that explains the changes in weapon upgrading? It's rhetorical, you fuckwad, because the answer is that they didn't. No, even in subsequent games the developers were confident enough in the player's ability to ultimately understand what is going on in the game. Are you sure you're just not utterly retarded?
Again, fair point. It's fair to say that some items are somewhat misleading, but that can ultimately be chalked up to oversight, and not some deliberate attempt at malice. You're really reaching at this point.
Not in a closed system with limited options. Holy shit you're a retard.
You're just taking what I said to an absurd extreme and trying to make it seem unreasonable by some huge and disingenuous leaps in logic. Fuck you :^)
Holy shit, you're one uncharitable fuck. When did I ever advocate for a system that is so absolutely incomprehensible that no player can hope to gleam any meaningful information and ultimately engage with its systems? How bout you stick that dick back in your mouth and fuck off already, cause you're not even trying to make a solid argument against the game anymore.
Or pull off any number of a half-fuckbillion glitches that get you shitloads of souls and/or items for no effort, but yes, grinding is only a thing for new players.
Grinding is not the primary appeal. Repeatedly backstabbing a half-dozen balder knights for 30 minutes is not its primary appeal. You are being exceptionally disingenuous.
I just fucking told you. It does not convey that you need to go to modify weapon to do what is, from the player's perception, the same thing they've already done 5 times. Simply changing it to the upgrade system used in the other Souls game makes the upgrade menu intuitive enough to require zero tutorial and zero figuring out wtf it's supposed to do. That's literally all it takes to fix it.
If you're talking about various other problems with conveyance that the game has, that's a very lengthy list each with its own fix. The critical hits blunder, for instance, would be fixed by making the status effect buildup bars visible on enemies, just like Nioh did. Yes you'd still want a non-shit translation there but that visual feedback alone tells the player everything they need to know about status effects and it does it as soon as it is relevant.
Never once have I claimed it was deliberate malice, m80. Like virtually every other game in existence, the flaws stem from a lack of resources, be it time, testing, money, whatever.
Which I did the moment I equipped the sorcerer's catalyst because I did not play a knight. I noticed this problem when my friend played a knight. Holy fuck, how many times do I have to fucking repeat it to get it through your thick fucking head that I'm not talking about my own experiences in the game? My first playthrough was with 8 vit and 50 int. It was a fucking cakewalk because I instantly killed every enemy and two-shot most bosses from outside their attack or aggro range. I was fucking bored with how easy almost everything was. A friend hyped how brutally Artorias was going to assfuck me and I only needed to sideroll his first attack before he went down. I am talking about the experiences I watched a large number of players go through and the design flaws they encountered along the way.
Guess what? Sorcerer's catalyst does not use titanite. I never ran into any problems with the upgrade system on my first playthrough because I DID NOT FUCKING USE IT except for that one point where I changed the Sen's Fort lightning spear into a moonlight butterfly horn. Just because you personally have never had your car's ignition destroyed by a tweaker trying to hotwire it does not mean it is not a problem other people encountered.
Time is a functionally if not actually infinite axis to add in to player planning. Some players can be convinced that staying alive long enough results in a win. You've really never even attempted to design a game, have you?
It's fair to say several tell bald-faced lies.
Now that you are walking BACK from those extremes that you yourself said were okay (since every strategy is valid :^)), let me keep your momentum going: Jumping into the bottom of an enemy has killed you 100% of the time in Mario, and reversing that core gameplay element is incomprehensibly stupid design. Until you successfully convey a reason for a player to assume your game does something different from their prior experience they will rely on their prior experience which includes games similar to yours and there's no way to tell what prior experience a player has when they pick up your game. Again: This is why designing a good game is fucking hard. Dark Souls does a shitton of things different from other games and fails to properly explain all of them. All it would need to fucking do is have the equip burden turn a worse and worse color the more weight you have to properly convey that SOMETHING was changing when they went from 51% to 99%, thereby letting the player extrapolate that something might happen if they reduce weight enough. Most games only apply penalties past 100%, and if you spend the whole game above 51% like knight does, you'll assume Dark Souls works just like every other game with equip burden. You'll even get feedback that reinforces that notion if you try to go over 100% when you start failing to roll entirely. Removing roll at 120%, or, hell, halving the listed percentage so that you fatroll from 100% to 200% without actually changing any gameplay mechanics would convey weight rules much better because it would shatter the rule established by hundreds of other games that you're fine up to 100% load.
The combat is the game's primary appeal. A standard playthrough can be anywhere between 20 and 80 hours. Most of that time will be spent doing what you just described. What a grind, huh? Sounds like it, for someone like you, who would rather put 50 million dicks in your mouth than actually play video games.
Cry about it more, faggot. The game separates the two options in the menu so that they're distinct. Once you upgrade your weapon to +5, you will then be able to modify it so that it can be further upgraded. Andre explains this in so many words. He doesn't explicitly tell you that you have to do this in great detail; he implies that there is a substantial difference between normal upgrading - which he explains is quite a standard practice that anyone can do - and modification, which he declares to be 'a finer art'. You're just retarded cause it didn't occur to you to try and modify your weapon after you fully upgraded it. However, I agree that the later games' upgrade paths are more intuitive, given that you can visit one blacksmith and completely upgrade a number of weapons and then infuse within them specialty gems. Even so, this process was not presented to the player any differently; the developers knew that players are smart enough to understand what they must do in order to upgrade their weapons. The system is DaSI is cumbersome and needlessly complex, but its successors are conveyed to the player in the exact same way in subsequent games. How many times must I repeat this shit? I'm going to stick this in a notepad and post it again, in the event that it doesn't seep into your thick skull.
So, then, why are you bringing it up, you fucking idiot? How does this point genuinely add to the argument that, "the game has poor conveyance"? In some capacity it does, but I have already agreed that the item descriptions are somewhat misleading. Even so, the player can easily come to this conclusion by reading the fucking item description and then observing the ring's effect when equipped. How do you think such observations are understood in the first place? Do you think that the Tiny Being's Ring's effect was a fucking secret until someone on the dev team revealed what it actually does? No! People have the sense to observe a game's systems. In fact, that single statement can be used to shut down everything you've fucking said thus far.
How many times to I have to fucking repeat it to get it through your thick fucking head that I'm not making any (serious) remarks your personal experience with the game? I don't know what (you) fucking experienced, hell, I don't even know if you've actually played the fucking game. All of my statements draw upon the assumption that we are speaking about a new player's experience. I pointed this out in another post. Did you miss it?
You got gimped on your first run, if you ask me.
What's your fucking point? Your whole quip about the car's ignition applies to you in this scenario. You get that, right? You probably had a fuckton of titanite in your inventory. You probably never upgraded your equipment. So what? Earlier you said that you think that new players may have to grind for titanite if they spend it on upgrading their armor instead of their weapons. I, and some other anons, pointed out that 'you don't have to fucking do this because titanite is sold by every single blacksmith and at reasonable prices but you must've missed that, too. How does your prior experience support the argument that titanite is scarce enough that it needs to be sought out by grinding enemies?
Yeah, you could technically spend your entire life playing any single game, in order to try and fully deconstruct its systems. That is not realistic, that is not feasible. When I said that, "every strategy is viable until proven ineffective" I was trying to imply that no single strategy should be omitted before being properly tested. When I refer to strategy in this regard, I am talking about obvious strategies that the average player would think to incorporate into his playstyle. Why did you infer anything beyond that? You're so uncharitable it hurts.
I already addressed this point. You call it a bold faced lie, which implies that there's some kind of deliberate malice behind the misinformation. It's more likely an oversight, or possibly a translation error. Whatever the case, it's not a "lie", it's just not accurate information. There is a difference, because lies require intent. Since we can't really know the story behind this, just let it go. It's a weak point. This goes for practically all other misleading item descriptions
This is a ridiculous fucking point. Yes, everyone has prior experiences, and I've already pointed out that it's safe to make some assumptions. However, you're again being uncharitable if you think that because you've witnessed an item system operate in some specific way in one game, that this system will be applicable to any other fucking game. Even games within the same series make changes to the core. In Demon's Souls, you had an item burden that took into account your inventory items as well as your equipped armor and weapons. Did you bitch about how that system isn't properly conveyed? If you did, then you're a retard, because the game explains it in the exact same way that it does it every single one of these games. Apparently you didn't play DeS, otherwise you'd have used your prior knowledge to conclude that DaS may have an item burden system. Did you not play DeS?
You don't need this because you can observe the immediate effects when you try and roll without any armor on. Rolling is a very common behavior in DaS. Everyone will do it, it's a natural tactic that one can use to try and avoid damage. If you're trying on new gear and switching up your playstyle, then your rolling speed should become apparent. Even if you don't, and you want to roll a tank, that is perfectly possible to do as well. Don't act like it isn't possible to become this hulking poise machine that wields a greatsword and a tower shield. While rolling may be a preferable tactic, it is by no means the only viable tactic one can employ. What I am saying is that you can get through the entire game by hiding behind your shield and strafing around enemies. You know, you can still run while in heavy armor. It's not as immediately effective as rolling, but don't act like you have to walk at a snail's pace at all times if you're not lighter than a pillow.
This is an /agdg/ spammer most likely.
Oh my god it's him
Stop it.
I want to headpat that loli.
Discussion =/= shitposting
Headpat bocchis on sight.
Pretty much sums up my first run in Dark Souls.
Did a second run years later, this time by reading a wiki about all the meta shit, and of course now I didn't need to grind for a single second
I think you can admit that the way you went about it to begin with was pretty retarded though.
how come?
Clearly you should have had the hindsight to know what you were doing wrong before you figured out what you were doing wrong.
I think it's pretty obvious that if you stack resources into just 1 area the first time you play that you deserve what's coming to you.
I can say it's pretty obvious you have to kill the healer/buffer first in a fight but then again I have cultural osmosis to thank for that. You're saying he's a dipshit for not properly playing a game blind. That's Youtube comment levels of chicanery.
It was more than just one area, obviously, but I did put a significant amount into Resistance, since in games "I am getting killed way too easily" usually leads to "I should raise my DEF stat". When you throw a significant amount of your points out the window, you will soon start to feel their lack, and thus feel the need to get more via grinding.
In what world do you not? And besides that what enemies in the first areas of the game even do this?
No I'm saying he's a dipshit for doing something only a dipshit would do like stack everything you have into 1 stat.
And at what point did you also question "I'm not doing enough damage to enemies"? It stands to reason that both of these things were occurring and yet you chose one of the other when you were likely already getting used to killing the enemies by now which means you would have a good idea on the amount of damage you were dealing to them. Even if you weren't aware that you would be fighting a boss later on you should have considered that damage would be a necessary aspect and that simply thinking you could tank everything would be retarded after the Asylum Demon.
Simply put there's no logical reasoning for why you would pour every soul you had into DEF and every shard you had into armor instead of using your brain for a few seconds to consider if that's actually a good idea. Especially when you were actually considering that grinding might have been the result of making such a retarded upgrade decision.
He didn't stack everything into one stat, shitwad. Read again, he put a significant amount in, not all, and he said he was grinding to get more stats to put them in non-resistance stats.
Then he shouldn't have had an issue unless he put it into STR and used DEX weps or something. At this point you're just bad.
so okay i guess congrats on being as disingenuous as physically possible
then there's nothing to argue here. the other games did it better and dark souls 1 should have done it the way the other games did it because what they did was unintuitive and weird. Not impossible to figure out, just unintuitive and weird.
Q: How does a new player get souls to buy things
A: grinding, usually
Define those. I'm serious.
No, because it worked exactly like it does in virtually every game with any burden mechanics: You can pick up items until you're at 100% load and then anything else you equip either gets dropped on the ground or you start taking movement penalties. That's how basically every load system works, which is why it's counter-intuitive that equip weight doesn't work like that.
I actually went back and played it after Dark Souls, but that's neither here nor there nor relevant.
Already addressed this: If you start knight, there's little reason to assume stripping naked provides benefit, because few to no games work like that and it goes against real life logic as hard as possible, so you wouldn't notice that stripping naked provides benefits because you wouldn't actually do that at any point. You know, like what happened to this guy.
You'll note that at no point did I ever say it was impossible to win as a fatrolling beefy mclargehuge, just that the knight class failed to inform new players how equip load works due to it starting them off at highest load and giving them no reason to try reducing weight. I also never said that this was a problem across all classes, because almost every class has some brilliantly subtle player training built into the tutorial.
If I asked you that and got that reply I'd call you a fucking retard. If I can kill any enemy in a single hit and can do so well before they can even begin to think about landing an attack my own health is a complete non-factor in a fight. Glass cannon best cannon.
Congrats on being a retarded no argument having faggot. Oh, look, you have a different ID. Are you still the same faggot who was trying to declare that grinding is such a fucking major issue in any game? Why don't you substantiate that argument? You haven't even begun to explain why you think this is a problem, or try and quantify how big of a problem it is in Dark Souls.
Bullshit, motherfucker. You, or the previous asshole (who I assume is (you)), were trying to argue that the game's user interface was so obtuse that the simple act of discerning between reinforcement and modification was practically impossible for new players to understand. You never mentioned anything about the upgrade system itself. You were strictly talking about how the game presents information to the new player. Besides, I've already agreed that later games have a more intuitive upgrade path, so you can shut the fuck up about this already.
You're a retard, kill yourself.
Look at pic related. Remember when I said
and then you said
So any game that isn't rogue-like and is difficult is "Mega man Hard" meaning its not really hard its just cheap tricks and level design?
Every game has memorization and practice involved.
What argument? That performing the same mindless no-danger action over and over is neither interesting or fun? That's something so completely self-evident that only the most disingenuous fuckhead would disagree.
Are you retarded? First post, right here:
Since when is 5+ minutes to figure out 'impossible to understand?' I've only ever said it's counter-intuitive and poorly designed. Fromsoft clearly agrees with me on that, because they've done it differently for every other game.
well thanks for going off on a completely unrelated tangent about the exact specifics of how long a new player will have to grind in order to purchase items? I guess you're admitting they will probably grind for souls and find it dull?
Lies do not require malevolent intent, they are simply untrue statements, you fuckhead.
Yes, I've already addressed this. Blue means lower, red means higher. Does not indicate tiers or that it affects mobility unless you cross one of the cutoff points. Buying healing items in Demon's Souls makes your item burden red, would it then be logical to assume you need to stay below 50% item burden?
Hey hey hey hey, totally ignoring that all that shit I said previously about how a knight doesn't get to observe weight effecting mobility unless they choose to strip naked which goes against both real life and game logic.
You're a retard, kill yourself. Real life logic dictates that hitting things with your weapon deals damage to it, should the player then just go ahead and assume that attacking just automatically damages whatever they're facing, regardless of if the weapon connected? No, because it goes against real life logic.
It's fascinating how you insist you're talking about a new player's experience and then phrase every sentence to be specifically about my experience.
Except for those guys in the thread that talked about how they didn't? They aren't players now?
Shit opinions. Fine, fine. You're entitled to your shit opinion. It's not an argument, though.
In this post, you talk about the USER INTERFACE. You are not talking about the complexities of the various upgrade paths, so eat shit. Furthermore, you still haven't been able to defend your shitty opinions on the issue of "poor conveyance".
Wrong. If someone feeds you misinformation because they are simply not aware that the information is misleading, then they are innocent of being accused of lying. Now, it can be difficult to uncover someone's intent, but intent is a very important aspect of communication, so fuck you.
Like I said, it's the exact same system, but with some additional considerations. If you can understand that, then you can understand the system in this game.
You're an absolute fucking retard if you can't understand that.
Are you trying to imply that everything about the world, as you understand it, should be applied to some high fantasy fictional universe? Get the fuck out of here with your nonsense, holy shit.
Does it hurt your feelings?
Did you not read when I said that this won't be a problem for the vast majority of players who are smart enough to realize that they can acquire and equip new items?
You sound like that one retard who wrote a steam review about some game not being completely retard proof. He complained that the game was poorly designed because, if you were a knuckle-dragger, you could possibly fail to understand shit in the game.
Cuckchan was a mistake.
You're right, I'm not, and never once brought that up. You went into one of your signature tangentially-related spergfests about it, though. No real clue why. I've only talked about modify equipment/reinforce weapon and you've even agreed that it was bit weird and the later games did it better. Maybe come back to this thread when you've cooled your autism a bit and can remember who said what?
No, it's not. Item burden and equip load are vastly different. Stop trying to weasel out of this. If there's no reason to assume there's three tiers of item burden that affects movement just from looking at item burden turning red or blue based on whether it's going up or down, then there's no reason to assume the same for equip load.
Yeah, everyone realizes this. That's not the problem. The problem is realizing the effects equip load has, which you can only notice when you cross a burden threshhold, which you have no reason to assume exists since no other games do anything like that. You're red herringing as hard as possible here.
Ooh, here we go, the absurd ultimatum. That's what people when they don't have any arguments left and try to force their opponent into taking a stupid stance, but only a total retard would actually fall for that. Thank you for admitting that, yes, real life logic applies to video games and especially applies to Dark Souls. I'm glad you agree there's no reason for a player to assume removing their armor increases survivability, and that the knight class poorly explains equip load mechanics.
So those folks in this thread that talked about how they equipped heavier stuff and stayed below 100% and blocked everything aren't players smart enough to realize they can equip new items? C'mon m8
I'm curious what exactly you want from me here. Do you want me to give examples about how Dark Souls could better explain certain mechanics without tutorials? Because I've already done that in this post.
Do you want examples about how to make it quicker to understand the upgrade menu works? Because not only have I done that by using the other souls games as examples, but you've also agreed with me that they've done it better.
No it won't, healing is a non-issue and the game is very fair with letting the player do anything from attacking enemies to escaping. Dark Souls is a game that requires thinking just a little bit in order to achieve your goal, but normalfags can't even do that and the ones who do get into Dark Souls brag about how good they are despite the game not being that hard for anyone not completely retarded and not completely shit at video games after 5-15 minutes maximum.
is absolutely correct.
Grinding is not an inherently bad thing unless you have ADD. There is a good and bad way to handle this.
The nature of an RPG is a grind. Getting to level 100 will always be harder than getting to level 5 because the cost of improvement goes up. Even with access to stronger enemies and materials it'll take much longer at a higher level to reach that next higher plane than your start. In Dark Souls that's getting an ever increasing amount of required Souls to level up or purchase material used to enhance your equipment.
Imagine how dull it'd be if it took no effort or cost to reach what is essentially godhood.
Well, we are talking about the game here. It's not exactly unrelated. It was an off hand remark, fuck you.
I agreed that the upgrade paths were unnecessarily tedious, not that the blacksmith's menu, or any of the menus in the game, are counter-intuitive
Bitch, if anything, you're the one glossing over previous points that were made in older posts. You just hand waived my entire analysis of the amount of souls that it takes to acquire enough shards to max out your base weapon to +5. The whole point of that was to emphasize the point that it isn't all that hard to acquire souls, therefore you won't have to really grind at all if you're careful enough to hold them from the moment you get to Firelink until you reach Andre, but even if you do lose them, getting enough to strengthen your weapon doesn't require much time at all. Again, if you think the combat is repetitive and tedious, then fuck off. This game isn't for you, cause you're going to be fighting hordes of enemies for the duration of your playthrough.
Holy fucking shit, it's like you don't even read. I've already addressed this point multiple times already. You're adamant in insisting that players are too stupid to observe a simple equipment screen and make very basic observations about said equipment in relation to your character's behavior. Whatever you say, autismo.
Alright, you dumb motherfucker, let's retread the previous exchange to see how we got here. I said
Do I really need to explain how video games are not subject to the laws of our known reality? Mario can jump three times his own height. By all accounts, Mario is supposed to be a human being. That is an absurd action that defies the laws of physics. Not even professional athletes can jump so high. The whole fucking point, you disingenuous cunt, is that video games do not have to follow "real world logic". If you are surprised when a game subverts your expectations about how the real world should operate, then you're either a retard or you don't play many video games. So, what did you say in response?
I've read your contribution to solving this supposed problem. I'll summarize what you said:
Bravo, friend. These changes don't necessarily do anything different to convey that an equip burden system is in place. Going by your logic, what if someone assumes that light rolling isn't a worthwhile tactic? What if they assume that shields are meant to absorb all damage, because their starting shield absorbs all damage, and they encounter an enemy that uses magical damage to attack them for chip damage through their shield? If a player that doesn't start out with a shield can learn that maneuverability is efficient at avoiding damage, and that maneuverability is effected by equipment weight - which is something that a light rolling and shieldless character will eventually understand, given your system - then why can't a heavy armor and heavy shielded character make similar conclusions about his gear? The conclusions may be different, but the act of reaching will not be, because it relies on observation and system feedback.
1. Don't make dumb assumptions
2. Make an effort to learn about the game's systems
3. Try every ability, weapon, piece of armor - and tactic - that is available to you
4. Learn, instead of crying about 'muh obtuse and complicated systems'
That was the funniest and most autistic thing I've ever seen related to a video game.
You're more retarded than the user bitching about grinding in RPGs.
You know that's not what was said.
pretty sure they're the same guy
Would any one man have that much autism?
Darks souls was neither hard nor good.Try and prove me
holly shit
There is an autist who made a seven minute long video showing off how fucking retarded he is when it comes to how the game explained equipping armor and weapons.
What the hell even is /trs/?
Wait what? Fill me in on this story I got here late. What the fuck is going on ITT?
Some shitposter made a "Is dark souls da megamin of Dork Shores?" using a demon's souls cover as his pic, then retards came out of nowhere saying Souls was never good. THEN some autist is ITT trying to justify his retardation for grinding in a souls game and how the game "doesn't properly explain equip load". Then some user posted the infamous autismo who made a video showing off how the game supposedly doesn't explain equipping items well enough.
Right thanks. Polite sage since off-topic.
Why the fuck do you even come here faggot?
fuck you retard.
Stop trying to fit in cuckchan.
Why are underage gamers such tryhards?
He says while posting a cuckchan wojak.
Way to out yourself sweetie.
I'm not going to put much into this conversation, as I'm too lazy, but
King's Field IV does this, as an example. Movement speed is different based on your encumbrance rate. Of course, nobody played any of the King's Field games, despite Demon's Souls and Dark Souls being spiritual successors to them. I guess what I'm trying to say is that more people should play King's Field.
You can fuck off or lurk more. Your choice.
To be fair valuing actually hard games is a good thing I just wish people would focus on those and not pseudo-hard games like Dark Souls.
A cuckjak.
Don't older WRPGs do it too?
A new meme board ignore it.
A few of them I think. Old WRPGs were really tabletop games in their mechanics.
Makes sense since JRPGs came from classic WRPGs.
Pretty much but they went off in their own direction eventually.
So… do you Fashion Souls ASAP when rolling a new character? do you have any particular fashion trend you end up spending too much VIT onto?
She looks like her vagina smells.
You can only do so much within the limitations of the game, got any from your files?
Try and beat this fashion set.
Hmm, Demon Souls?
It's literally the default fluted set from the goddam cover you sperg, i.e. the most default of all default armors in the series barring the deprived armor set. Fashion is retarded.
You mean she looks female?
Are there other games where autists shit up lore as much as vaati?
I was going to say Overwatch but in that one people speculate lore until the devs state the lore is gay/autist/snowflake so is not the same.
Silent hill is pretty close.
Except the fact that previously you had to crouch with a different crystal at a different specific location to unveil another path forward. It's mostly the localization that fucks the player in Simon's Quest, not the gameplay itself.
I will be pretty happy when Dark Souls is never discussed again.
holy shit!
They're referencing post numbers in this very thread you absolute retard.
This is the thing user, people tend to discuss whatever they are playing at the moment, which means at least I will be making a thread or two until I go to the next game eventually, such is the nature of these things.
Me too.
Thank you for being part of the reddit cancer that destroys good threads.
touhou souls when
Soon hopefully.
a.k.a. never, unless you mean just a simple reskin
It'll happen eventually.
All games are dumbass.
That makes me dumbass too.
So you're telling me it's just another game with a heavy difficulty spike that suddenly gets ridiculously easy the minute you actually get gud at the mechanics?
What is with all these shitty 1 and done threads where OP doesn't even bother to try at least trigger people anymore? Holla Forums feels more like the unanswered yahoo questions section now.
Have I really been gone that long?
Have you been gone since 2012? It's pretty bad but it's been worse. Cumulatively though it's kinda bad.
Cuckchan's mobile app added Holla Forums support.