Old thread is about to kick it so I guess I'll start a new one.
Retro FPS Thread
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I wish I could play descent without getting a headache.
Is Serious Sam strictly speaking a retro FPS? I know it fits the timeframe but the gameplay doesn't really match up.
any doom wads that are king of the hill themed?
Not that I mean it's bad just that the style of gameplay is so dissimilar it's weird to classify it in the same group.
I would say no, and add that retro is a bad term. Should really be something like "classic" and specifically be pre-2000.
some russian is recreating the game on GZDoom
That works for me.
I didn't know there was a new one. I'll replace it so I don't make the mistake again
I classify it as an intermediate FPS. It has some older features like actually usable weapon switching, high number of weapons, large enemy count and secrets. The enemy arena style map design and lessened implementation of keys is what makes it less retro to me.
The other user's "classic" definition is also good though gameplay style is more important to me than year of release.
The problem with that is we get shit like Ion Maiden infesting these threads.
How is that game?
(((early access))) gives me a headache so I usually don't go for that. I also wish modern devs would adjust their gaudy polygonal geometry to actually complement the shaders available in Current Year and do something besides Pixar art ripoff class shooters with it. We have the technology to put hundreds of enemies on the screen and do stuff like the land-to-space everyone wanted for the real Battlefront II, but I guess making 30GB of urban rubble statics for the next CoD is more important.
Ion Maiden isn't pre-2000, though, and thus classic is a better term than retro. I'm not sure where you get to vintage but I would guess pre-1980.
So I guess technically Ion Maiden shits up a retro thread, by definition that's ok because brand new things can be retro.
A nifty mod zEpisodic came out recently that makes Doom 1 and Heretic's episodes continue onto the next one rather than needing you to start them from scratch. Basically it's to pair with mods that have lengthier progression systems in them since a single episode may not be sufficient.
It hardly "infested" the last thread and it isn't gonna do it to this one. Good grief.
Rise of the Triad has the best tunes out of all the Retro FPS tunes. Try and show me otherwise Holla Forums.
Music-wise is somewhere Descent really shines compared to the rest. I gotta ask, does anyone really care about the Duke Nukem 3D soundtrack past Grabbag and Stalker? Most of the songs there stay in the background way too much and none of them really stand out significantly. The dance remixes of the Duke Nukem 3D PS1 OST kind of resolved that.
I honestly love the Nuclear Winter soundtrack, only because I love Christmas so much.
I remember how memorable the themes from D1 were but the Redbook digital audio tracks from Descent 2 just sounded so professional and well composed. All the themes worked. I was actually just listening to the track "Cold Reality" the other day because I found it on my hdd.
Serious Sam is both not a retro FPS and frankly a fucking terrible game. Instead of actually using level design it throws a ton of enemies at you without thinking. People only like it because of muh based slavs and because it's kinda fun in coop.
Ion Maiden is average at best and the devs are rumoured to be SJWs so don't buy it.
It does tho, and people eat up the whole Arena shooter thing thinking it's what true oldschool FPS games are.
Have you actually played Serious Sam? You walk into a lifeless arena, crappy music plays and then tons of enemies are just thrown at you while you strafe. Once you're done you walk down another lifeless corridor into the next room and repeat.
no yuo
I like Duke 3D's soundtrack but it's way too ambient for the game outside of tracks like E2M7 (Lunar Reactor). What's funny is that Duke 2 does it better despite the limited sound chip, that game desperately needs more remixes, especially E1M2 (video related is mostly full game soundtrack).
I never beat Descent 2 (or even played 1) but did actually listen to the CD audio, it's great. Also the MIDI tracks but I can only find 4 of them online is there more or did the game just have that few?
That said I really cannot think of a classic FPS game that competes with ROTT music-wise. That had a fairly broad and varied soundtrack with remarkable consistency and some real standouts, especially the ones based on classical pieces. It's easily one of the best parts of the game.
are you serious?
I bought it and refunded 3 times to see if anything has improved with the updates.
Performance is atrocious jumping from 300+ to sub-20. They're trying to put loads of 3D models (not voxels) and buildings everywhere and Build just can't handle that.
Enemies are boring, just 3 types of dudes with guns. Some shitty spiders appear later. None of the enemies does anything interesting, like flying or teleporting, they just run at you and shoot.
Level design is very linear and very big, so backtracking, though there's barely any, takes much longer than it should. And the large areas are all samey and empty.
And worst of all, the character design. I didn't care at first, though her voice acting is bland and lacks any humor, personality, anything.
But then recently they posted a news update on Steam with all the iterations of her design since the 90s along with multiple cingeworthy comments on how shameful and sexualized they were. And of course majority of the comment section wasn't happy with how the final design compares to all the previous ones, even the more modest ones. Seriously, check that article out and read it for yourself.
Thanks for explaining user I'm never very good at putting my thoughts into words.
But you'd have to completely disregard the elements of enemy types used, item placement, placement of static enemies, and the combination of multiple enemy types in a larger group to challenge your ability to prioritize targets (see Werebulls and Headless Kamikazes in larger varied groups) to come to such a conclusion. Even the environment can play a role during some of the larger fights, via dunes, pillars, or other environmental hazards. You speak of level design as if it purely pertains to level geometry instead of the actual challenge at hand. This would hold true for Doom (clones), but not for Serious Sam where the level design itself comes from enemy wave composition. It'd be like saying bullet hells are inherently worse than older shmups because bullet hells have no stage hazards and 'just' shoot a lot of bullets against you, much like Serious Sam is 'just' enemies. There is obvious variety in the levels of Serious Sam mechanically, though as an argument against you only state a generalization of the level design itself, which doesn't hold any particular value, unless you mean to imply that the level design direction of Serious Sam is inherently terrible and cannot be done right.
New version of GMOTA came out recently. It's fun
All of the enemies are just variants on 'run really fast at you' with the exception of the hitscan and bullshit scorpion things.
And Serious Sam is not a likeable character, he's just a gruff voice and that's it, his one liners are as uninspired as they can be, some of his lines just involve him whistling some obvious reference, like when a giant ball rolls down a corridor and he whistles the Indiana Jones theme. It's a minor complaint, but man is he gratingly bad.
It's Fallout 2 levels of meme references.
At least FO2 made me chuckle many times, Sam is just bleh.
Disregarding the several types of grunt with different projectiles, green fucks with homing projectiles, flying bitches that have projectiles, fat fucks with missiles, giant fireball cattle, electric fish and more, then sure! I would agree with you.
It isn't like melee enemies with different mechanics make for different gameplay either, no sir. Any "run at the player" type enemy is exactly the same!
Isn't his voice actor also politically cucked come to think of it?
They're just the same enemy types with pallet swaps.
Okay, friend.
Differences in projectile size, speed and effect, and melee range, speed and attack style are just swaps, user. Don't sweat it.
From a gameplay perspective it's the same thing but a different size. Just because the model or texture is different doesn't make it play differently.
Minor variations in the same basic stats. Doesn't come even halfway to the variety you'd get in Doom.
there he goes again
If they didn't, you'd end up with Painkiller where you can run circles around enemies and none of them can catch up with you, nor can their projectiles can catch up with you, so all you need to do is circlestrafe endlessly if the levels and lack of hitscan enemies permit it. For some reason people think Painkiller and Serious Sam are the same, but Painkiller has almost no threat management to speak of since it only throws like two-three enemy types at you at once max.
It'd be more accurate to say that Serious Sam is a first-person mobile tower defense game where you need to kill everything before they get to you and you end up having to deal with Kleers and Werebulls constantly jumping around you while the main horde is approaching. If you could outrun the enemies, the challenge would be gone in an instant, because the game revolves largely around killing enemies before they get in your personal space. You can see this in the Jewel of the Nile DLC once you get the jetpack, where the only enemies you mostly faced are the big green homing projectile dinosaurs, because most enemies in the game aren't designed around the player being able to hover over them. It's also why you only get the jetpack at the very end of BFE for the big boss fight.
What's the difference between an Imp, a Hell Knight, a Baron of Hell, and a Cacodemon then?
Yep, exactly the same
Yeah not really. Small differences make a lot. In other news we are 95% similar to apes.
I was being sarcastic you autist
Yes or as I like to call it an actually good game.
Tower defense is an inherently shitty genre though.
Effective engagement ranges, required strafing tactic to defeat and movement patterns. Only difference between a kleer and a werebull is the kleer throws a shitting projectile at you sometimes. Both are also bullet sponges.
The green monster was also reused with a different scale and pallet swap to red.
To elaborate on this: the only tactic in serious sam is to backpedal and fire with the most powerful gun you've still got ammo for. It's one note all the way through.
Ok sorry it's a palette swap.
you really are trying hard to make it seem like Sam is a bad game, arnt ya?
its such a shame that most your complaints are not involved with the actual gameplay or complete and utter bullshit, or else you probably would have an actual point!
All of the Serious Sam games are bad. 2 is the worst because of its attempts to pander to consolefaggotry but they are all overrated memes and I'm sick of people grouping them with the classics.
Back when my dad used to work for Nintendo, we actually used to put some effort into coding our enemy projectiles. Did you know that every single type of projectile was an entirely unique implementation of projectile physics, hitscan or particle modelling, which multiplied the time it took to add enemies to the game and test them and caused endless bugs?
That kind of mindset is totally worth it. No one wants their projectiles to be just minor variations of the same stats, locked to the same basic projectile system. That would be far too efficient of a workflow and DOOM doesn't use anything like that whatsoever.
As my wife's partner, a talented and diverse developer working for Bluehole Studio Inc. likes to say, "If each frame doesn't have at least 10ms of additional overhead due to our glorious unique projectile mechanics, you have to pay my rent early again."
Not an argument.
I know but the point needed to be emphasised since people don't always seem to realize simple can be a good thing. Personally I've never played Serious Sam but games like Doom show how even its limited AI can present a challenge depending on the maps the enemies are placed in, or to re-use my example from last thread, Mario gets by with its simplistic left-right-run-jump control set and limited enemy behaviour by clever level crafting.
Thank you.
Serious Sam doesn't generally place enemies in maps it has them run or drop in from the sides. Sometimes they scatter a few as road bumps between arenas but even then they're in blindingly obvious spots and just stand and shoot mostly.
Neither was your post. I was making fun of you.
Still not an argument.
Neither was your post. I was making fun of you.
Now this is something I'm curious hearing as to why that is.
How can there even be such a thing as inherently bad genres? There's nothing to suggest that any concept can never be done right, and implying that because the output within a genre being bad makes the genre itself bad is also just plain wrong.
This would make some more sense if their method of attack wasn't all the same.
What? Werebulls are also much faster, have more HP, have a more limited turning speed, and should be prioritized earlier because of their speed.
I hope you understand the irony of trying to pass this off as criticism against Serious Sam's enemies when we were just talking about Barons of Hell. Moreover, a single rocket or an up-close coach shotgun is all it takes to kill a Kleer, and a single charged cannonball, sniper shot, or three rockets is all it takes to kill a Werebull.
Why would you waste rocket, cannonball and minigun ammo on cannon fodder? You can only get by playing that inefficiently on easier difficulties. Moreover, why would you run towards the enemies in the first place?
I can hear the hand rubbing from here with all the consensus cracking you two dick heads are trying to stir up.
First of all, the fact that they is no "Enemy variety" is bull shit. Serious Sam has more enemy variety then a majority of other classic FPS Games, including their projectiles; you have enemies that walk and shoot missiles, stationary enemies that shoot destructable green fireballs, suicide chasers, fast enemies with lunging attacks and a simple projectile, Grenade Lobbers that explode on death, stationary hit scan scorpions, enemies that fire 2 projectiles in a split formation with one of them homing on you, enemies that split in half on death, enemies that fire more then one projectile at once, and much more. So the so called lack of variety is so called fucking bull shit. You're only argument is that one of the bosses is a reskin of a smaller enemy, and the foot soldiers have different colored shirts. All of which is not even a problem in expansion to it, you lying piece of shits.
Secondly, "They is no tactics, you just use the strongest weapon possible!"; clearly you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Each weapon has its different use in different situations, the only instance of what you are saying could apply is the cannon ball, which is offset by its lack of ammo. The rocket launcher can be used to clear a cluster of small enemies or target stronger enemies, but the speed of the projectile has to be accounted for. The Laser guns are a physical entity which means they can destroy certain projectiles that the other weapons can not, with its weakness being the travel time. The Minigun eats through your ammo but can be used to snipe in comparison, and the Double Shotty can be used to take out weaker foes at one shot, but not so much stronger foes. The weapons are designed so that they are useful in specific scenarios in which if you used other options, they can work, but you will be wasting your resources for more pressing enemies. You COULD use a rocket launcher and minigun to kill Kleers in one shot, or you can take them out with one blast of the super shotty when they lung at you to conserve your ammo.
Learn about the game you are actually talking about before commentating on it, you bull shitting retards.
He's going to say you didn't give an argument, user. I already gave up on him and resorted to shitposting.
Magically, strafing and ammo conservation seem to be two long-lost techniques.
anyone know some good settings for OBLIGE to make something for DoomRPG + RLA?
I just find it fucking shocking since his argument can be fucking applied to Doom and Duke of all fucking games
Ion Maiden really isn't that great. I mean it's not terrible but it's one of those games that only really shines because there's nothing like it out there right now. It'll be a FotM flash in the pan at best.
I'd probably agree. Doom's has some great tracks but the OST is very heavily front-loaded.
Isnt they an user working on a super TC of Doom called MoM or somthing?
Maybe? I don't really follow vidya news and nowadays I've rarely got time to even browse Holla Forums. I was meaning it's more like how PoE was praised despite being fairly bland.
Fuck you for lumping me in. I already admitted to never having played the game, but realizing that just because people reduce things in stupid ways doesn't mean they aren't functional from a gameplay perspective. Simple can work fantastic.
Doom's soundtrack works but isn't on par with ROTT. Even in OPL2.
I think the flaw is it's too heavily based on non-MIDI tracks so they didn't all translate well.
r8 the first room of my first level so far
Looking good, I like the opening in the ceiling
i need to make more levels with doom builder but i always give up, i only did like one decent level and that's it
Can I try it?
Oh, and I guess since I remembered now, time to post the updated copypasta I guess
Its 6DOF baby. Think Doom but in every direction. It was made by Parallax (who half of which would split into Volition) and published by Interplay.
A sourceport made for the two games that allow shit like a gentleman's resolution and support for modern gamepads as well as M+KB
You bet your goddamn ass there is multiplayer. Not very lively now, so set up a server, get some anons, and get playing.
>Where can I buy this?
Well since the creation of this pasta, the games have resurfaced on digital storefronts. But I still say you should just man up and use the fucking links. I mean, its not like the original devs are getting money from this anymore. And its free and right fucking there.
GoG: gog.com
Steam: store.steampowered.com
Stop being a fucking pussy.
Well, if you need more direct action, there's Descent 3. Its not as good, but its something if you need it. There's also the Freespace games which, while not the exact same, is by Volition, half the team that made these. There's also three 'spiritual successors' that are coming around so look out for those I guess.
Well there's three main ones. Descent: Underground, made by a bunch of fans who got the license from Interplay that's apparently recreating the multiplayer but it apparently sucks dick. There's Overload, a more true single-player spiritual successor by some of the original Parallax devs that is closer to the originals with closed enviornments, lots of weapons, shit to shoot, and all that stuff, but its also in Early Access. Then there's Sol Contingency, a game by some former Interplay devs that was originally gonna be a remake of the original, but now seems to be a new affair with a multiplayer focus and a demo out there if you care sol-contingency.com
You do God's work, Descentanon
Looks neat, but turn those disgusting texture filters off jesus christ
Hey how does the multiplayer setup work? I think you should be hostfag for an unofficial game night.
H-Here you go, pls no bully mediafire.com
Newly released SP map pack for Quake, based on DM4. A whopping 21 maps.
We'll see if you deserve bullying.
Didn't like the dark sections so much but then again I personally just don't like them. I also wasn't really sure what sort of location the level was supposed to be, but sometimes Doom is just like that and I can't really expect everyone to spend 20 hours decorating and thinking about how things fit together.
All in all, it's alright! I wanna see another from you, you hear? I'm sure you can pull it off.
i tried but i couldnt find it please help its awful
oh shit i thought they were both palettes
Which sourceport? It's probably display options → opengl options → texture options. And options → video mode to switch to the superior software renderer.
I don't advise that approach since the software renderer can't handle some mod features and I'm pretty sure also disables full mouse look. It's also bad for performance. The most important thing you can do is switch off texture filtering/AA and ensure they're not being forced by your GPU driver. My current settings for my toaster.
Realistically, if you want full vanilla look you go Chocolate Doom or DOS Doom.
Gave a semi-serious playthrough of the lootbox mod. First was a total disaster with literally nothing and was down to fists and death by the last part of MAP02. Next was a string of amazing luck (rocket launcher, chaingun, DBS at early MAP02) but even then it's not over, because aside from certain powerups being random, ammunition is much scarcer because of the random (if there) weapons and enemies that drop weapons are much stingier with dropping ammo. Chaingunners in particular drop clips.
Basically, play it as intended: to gain appreciation for Doom's traditional gameplay or serious attempts at randomizers, and to yearn for the death of AAA.
thanks for the feedback lad, i'll make sure i won't give up on my next project
What's up with the recent cuckchan invasion?
i am really not sure, people say it's either from cuckchan or mewch but one thing is clear, they made a shitty attempt to try and raid this board
Don't forget all the terrible puzzle encounters all over the first and second encounter.
Basically a slightly toned down version of Arcade Dimensions
Is quake hard to mod or something? Like there's very few TC mods
The fuck is mewch?
You don't know?
It's just another imageboard website.
RtCW - retro or not? How about Kingpin: Life of Crime?
Oh ok.
I don't really come on Holla Forums as much as I once did, this thread and gamenights are mostly why I bother at all.
I'd say no on both.
Quake's modding community is a lot smaller due to requiring a bigger entry curve than Doom which is so easy your mother could do it. It's become easier over the years with modern tools like Trenchbroom being made, but there's mostly just a small circle of Quakedads who make shit for each other to play. That being said, if you want to try your hand at it, Quake modding is quite easy, especially nowadays when we have excellent sourceports like fteqw and new compilers that let you use stuff life pointers, arrays and structs in QuakeC. If you're looking to get into it, we could always use new blood. I only started playing a few years ago but I'm fairly up to snuff a this point myself.
t. Quake modder
Nah, there's only Simpsons Doom.
Peggy/Cotton = Icon Of Sin
God bless that Vodka nigger.
Are keys in Quake supposed to disappear if you use them once? Like, if I pick up a Silver key and open one door that requires it, does the key disappear and I'm unable to open other doors that require it?
During my playthrough of Quake I became stuck on a map because I didn't have the key for a door. I spent a lot of time searching for it until I finally gave up and looked up where it was supposed to be and then went there on my game and it wasn't there and I didn't have it either. I thought it was just a bug and cheated to be able to move forward, but something similar just happened again and I don't know what the hell could be going on.
It'd help if you specified the map(s). Keys in Quake are consumable but the level will be designed such that there's only one door, or it opens all such doors when you open one.
Here we go. Nothing about the GPU it would seem, typical. Though that can be inferred from the CPU to an extent. Certainly with mine.
Mod-related I tried Lithium. Unfortunately it seems to crash sporadically, but it's probably due to some feature causing problems since I've only seen it happen on MAP03 of Plutonia. Doom 2 it started on MAP08. Shame, I like the overall theme of it, and the fact it actually has some semblance of balance instead of basically being a power trip like a lot of the mods are.
The new trend is dropping support for old platforms. Meanwhile RetroArch has done the opposite and they've started supporting very old systems and now have MS-DOS support. Maybe you could run RetroArch inside DOSBOX on MS-DOS inside RetroArch just for laughs.
Are there any differences between both versions
Yeah I'm being too kind. On the other hand when he does drop older OpenGL I won't be updating any further, and I suspect there will be enough demand for a fork.
For what reason are they adding DOS though? The platforms that runs on are low power enough that what could you possibly run on them?
Chocolate Doom attempts to be as close to DOS Doom in behaviour as possible, while being a clean base to port to different systems and low system requirements. DOS Doom generally has to be emulated these days which is annoying. Still it's necessary if you need to run an older version of the game, or to experience bugs that are dependent on the simplistic MS-DOS environment.
Doing God's work, Descent-user.
Everyone who fell for the viral marketing for old thinkpads at cuck/g/ and 8/tech/ send them data!
This is the best possible outcome to come out of this
Also this. Get a bunch of older computers connected online, download the latest dev build to GZDoom, and send them the old computer data.
Sorry, I thought it was some sort of gameplay feature I was missing, so it would have been independent of the map. The first time it happened to me was in E4M5 (Hell's Atrium). The second time was in AD, in E2M2. Both times with the Silver key, I believe.
What are you on about? I don't remember unlocking a door to realize there were other doors with the SAME key required.
I fucked that up pretty bad.
The gimmick in E4M5 is that you can only gain access to the secret level if you get to the silver door at the exit without having to use the bridge.
Some of sock's maps deliberately use multiple doors and make you choose. This can also be observed in The Horde of Zendar, but I think he might have changed it in the AD version. I think both maps include a second silver key anyway, they're just harder to find.
Yes, I know, I read about that while I was searching for an explanation about why there wasn't a silver key in my game, but I couldn't even lower the bridge in the first place so I I never had issues with the silver door after it.
Ah, good to know, thanks. Never thought there might be a second Silver key.
Been wanting to get into Marathon lately, always seemed like an interesting and overlooked series.
Anything to know before I play it? I know Aleph One is basically the only option for source ports, but any ideal settings or configurations to use for it?
Forgot image.
Also worth mentioning the original Red Faction, which was also developed by volition and reused many assets and concepts from the cancelled Descent 4, though it was a more-traditional FPS.
Literally the WORST build engine game is better than this shit
Playing it as is should be fine, there isn't really any music for 2 and 3 outside the menu themes. Some Anons felt nauseous from playing it though.
I can empathize with that. It's like the build engine but more wibbly-looking. Increasing the FOV and disabling auto-recenter seems to help a lot though.
For the love of god disable the new, """improved""", textures for everything. The new hud is kinda nice though, if you can't stand the old style.
If he plans on quitting I hope he waits until at least he gets aboard the Phor ship.
M1 had such different atmosphere from M2. I really have fond memories of it, even though my favorite level is still Waterloo waterpark from M2.
Then the third game takes the second and first game and throws it out the fucking window, sometimes I'm still wondering what happened.
Sec officer tripping balls
Here for you, everything you need. Most quit at the triology but there is in fact moar, plus at some point if you ever want to try out the multiplayer maps there is support to get started. Then you can get the full psychedelic experience of Marathon.
Would be great. At the very least a fork might happen. As long as the alternative isn't variants that are still infested with proprietary dependencies.
A few older Thinkpads with Intel ME can have it gutted, and open BIOSes. They're also rock-solid machines to use day-to-day if not for gaming. Anyway I'm way ahead of you, Libreboot X200T.
You lower it by touching the key symbol.
I really wish they kept with the music for Marathon 2, it was really good in Marathon 1 and the lack of music killed the mood a lot for M2/MI.
Currently doing Plutonia 2 which turns up the Revenant and Chaingunner bullshit to 11, I await MAP11 and the 2 secret levels since I know they're based on the original but worse. Random question: are there any official Doom maps that use the sector types 10 (close door 30 seconds into the level) or 14 (open door 5 minutes into the level, then close) I'm only aware of a single case of type 10 in Doom 2 MAP27.
What a faggot, what the fuck do you even need Vulkan for a old games? A rhetorical question This is just embarrassing at this point, modern hardware requirements but it performs and looks worse then Crysis 1.
Really dig the ambient, atmospheric music in Marathon. Has a very different feel to a lot of other FPS's at the time, I'm guessing because the Mac had different sound hardware from most PC's at the time.
You want to do what's said here to make it feel less nauseous: pcgamingwiki.com
I play with fov normal = 130, in any case. You want to do this for every game. Unfortunately the sourceport (still) doesn't support 30+ fps. I'd recommend Marathon Phoenix after you're done with the main trilogy. It's story is weak, but the levels themselves are very action-packed and really good, it very much feels like a first-person danmaku on Total Carnage.
It takes place in an alternative timeline where after the ending of Marathon 2 a giant cosmic horror is released from the nuked planet which in turn fucks everything up, but also triggers the ancient alien chip implanted in your head causing you to jump between timelines until you can align the conditions properly for you to get to a space station which can contain the cosmic horror at the moment of the nuke's detonation. You're never really told that you're traveling between timelines, and you have to figure out a lot of what's happening for yourself.
Yes, the soundtrack for Marathon was made using the QuickTime 2.1 soundfont.
anyone played prodoomer? if so, does it get better or worse after the first episode? it has neat ideas but the level design is extremely frustrating
The Alephone soundtrack isn't quite what the original sounded like either, it speaks volumes of how good that shit is. I also generally like the Sec Officer more then Master Chief.
Change the FOV settings.
Game had some stellar art design, it looks like the front cover of a high-profile science fiction novel. Games today could only-ever hope to make that kind of impression.
Is this game playable with patches? Even with all of its inherent faults and dated, over-ambitious tech? It had some forward-thinking ideas at the time for what that's worth.
Also I really want some rule34 of Anne.
Can someone add in Moonman, Noah, Lo Wang and Bombshell to Samsara? Thank you.
I enjoyed your level quite alot actually, didn't mind the dark area so much since it was short and not very confusing. I do agree that the level could have used more to theme it, and that it's good enough to want to play more. Im also glad it wasn't filled with basic enemies, i always thought ID wasted their best level designs on the early shitter levels. Whether it's meant to be an early level or not, it makes for an entertaining one.
It looks good on your CV I guess.
Reminder the original version of Doom is the best, fuck outta here with your ports.
Agreed. The source port community is the gay community.
Do you remember just how grainy the resolution was in the original Doom? I do.
Also, I'm not exactly thrilled about the prospect of visplane overflows.
doom looks fine provided you're in a high res setting and are using correct hardware.
I'm playing it right now, it looks fine. It not like 80's PC games or anything.
Some of the in game terminal art is hit or miss.
Nigga were you playing it on Super Nintendo or something?
The resolution is pretty bad even in DOS Doom. Most of the hard limits though aren't pushed by Doom or Doom 2. A couple of Final Doom maps can trip the visplane limit (Evilution MAP27 to name one).
That's because it's a close-up. Distant objects do not show up so nice.
Mods are love. Mods are life. If the devs did not want that they would never have given so much to people to make it possible.
Look up how to increase your FOV, the default is ridiculously narrow.
Most of the concept art was made by Craig Mullins: goodbrush.com
SNES Doom actually isn't using the Id Tech Engine, it used a proprietary engine by Sculptured Software called the Reality Engine. The reason for using a completely new engine was because it was simply easier to do it that way since they needed to fine tune it for the SuperFX chip
You missed your opportunity to say "PALETTE YOU FAGGOTE."
Pity we never got the sequel. I heard that shit was rumored to have stellar writing and now Bungie is completely shit.
It's playable in the sense that you can complete it, but it's still a clunky piece of shit where the mechanics struggle to work most of the time.
Marathon 2 and Infinity are readily available
He's talking about Halo.
And what does that have to do with anything?
Newer versions have all the games stuttering on any cores even NES.
Fnother free software turned into cancer along with GZDoom and firefox.
You know for newcomer it's easier to just grab Godot/UE4/Unity and make your own shit instead of raping potato Q engine.
QuakeC is in no way simplier than python or sharp or whatever.
He was just sharing trivia with you.
Why is the Steam version so shit?
Nah, that's Duke Nukem.
Are you playing the Source remaster? It's not great.
I mean the Steam version of the goldscr version.
I dunno but damn how do you fuck up that bad
Fuckit I'm keen, where do I sign up?
I think that's just a problem with your computer, mate
What does the Quake community think of Xash3D?
Won version works fine, same with OP4 and BS, both the CD versions work fine but the one you get off steam doesn't at all.
I have a question. Does anyone know how to compress sound effects in the same way Duke/Doom does it?
Compression? Excuse me?
If you mean how to generate them, Deutex and equivalents typically do it. No idea for Duke 3D.
My bad.
And this can lower the quality of sound formats?
I wish I could find a good UT2K4 server with a good map variety and lively bros.
Bumpin' for dem tatted titties.
That's all you're getting in that game.
It can convert are few common formats to the one Doom uses. It's all on the wiki. Read into it yourself.
I'd just like to point out that after some quick digging this place is still alive.
Just use Audacity and resample to lower 'em down to like 11045khz or something.
That'll be necessary before handing it over to Deutex since it only handles a few formats for conversion to what Doom needs. Also it's 11025Hz or 22050Hz. Doom uses the DMX format for audio (basically raw with a bit of extra fluff). With some modern source ports they're much more liberal in formats accepted.
Weren't some anons making their own?
I get the feeling this would make certain part 4 levels pretty much unplayable. I think I'll just play Blood again instead of this.
I can suggest you try Burl Tumd or Ketchup Mod.
I've played plenty of Doom mods. I just hadn't tried that one yet and I kept getting badgered by someone I know to play it.
No, they were just discussing what they would name it if it were to actually happen.
I've been playing this DOOM wad called Reelism and it's a fucking blast. If anything it's one of those rare wads that strays away from the typical DOOM wads (shooting this; activating that)
I love this mod but the RNG always fucks me and I'll end up starting a game with shit weapons and really tough enemies like the aliens or those jetpack fuckers. Then, all of a sudden, I'll get some completely OP weapon that makes a round easy as fuck like the one were you get to drive a tank.
Oh sure, if you want mods use one of the source ports, if you want the real Doom experience you should play the original.
whoever make this chart, go check out ZDF because you're missing out on some good shit to add.
Off the top of my head:
Wild West + Magic themed weapon mod from the creator of Demonsteele. Keeps things pretty simple; no RPG levelling stuff just go and shoot guns like you're dual-wielded grease guns, a double-barrel that you can shove 4 shells into for an altfire, and you get an enchanted bullwhip you use to not only melee, but also nullify projectiles with proper timing, or even reflect them with a special powerup. Has Heretic & Hexen support as well, which is also awesome.
Magic spells + guns mod from creator of Russian Overkill. Play as a dragon that launches enemies into the air magically summons turrets, glides around, powerstomps shit. Has Heretic & Hexen support, IIRC.
80s action flick-themed mod from creator of Russian Overkill. The lower your health, the faster you move and shoot. You can double-tap directions to execute dashes, pick up multiple weapons on most slots, and they all receive multiple upgrades. More stuff than I can really talk about here.
A ZScript mod, from the ground up. Kill enemies to earn credits to buy cyberware, because demons get stronger too. Has Heretic & Hexen support, IIRC.
Six playerclasses, each themed around a different IWAD/megawad. Each gets weapons that are inspired by that megawad. For example, when playing with BTSXguy, you weapons are all energy guns. When playing as AncientAliensguy, your early weapons are pretty standard human guns, but eventually you get weapons like a light-bomb launching alien staff.
Mod where all the weapons/enemies/other actors are MSPaint graphics, but not the shitty five-year-old scribbly kind. They remain very satisfying to shoot, and you can only carry six at a time. Most slots have 2+ weapons, so you have to pick and choose what's best for combat situations you're put in.
A lot of inspiration from 16-bit shmups and the like here, not just in visuals but in mechanics. You have a smaller than normal amount of weapons, so you're more dependent on subweapons that must be swapped out.
Wierd little mod. You play as a girl who has to find or construct all her clothes, most of which are fetishy stuff like the Playboy 'bunny' costume, that black armor from Kill La Kill, the Female Warrior armor from Dragon Quest, etc. Different outfits give bonuses to your movement, guns, etc.
Why the fuck don't you return to the hub world in Arcane Dimensions after you finish ad_S1M1? Do you really have to play all of quake again?
Oh fuck I had that problem too. Man I hated it. Thank god someone here has the same problem
Anybody here wanna play said retro fpses online? whether it be coop campaign or multiplayer?
I'm fucking bored man.
how do I play the midi version of blood's ost in bloodgdx? tried changing it with the settings and it doesnt work
got a doom server you play on hitler?
Not really,i was hoping that quake champions mod would get some servers up and running we could play on.
Yeah, I don't feel so retarded now.
Well shit I'm game, what games and most importantly what time? Cause I'm always alone on gamenights because everyone else is only on at entirely different time zones.
I'd nominate that chart to mention helper mods as well. Two I came across recently are zEpisodic which stitches all of Ultimate Doom's episodes together, as well as Heretic's, and probably works generally. It's for mods such as Lithium or Heretical Doom where you might not hit max level within the space of one episode. The other is Ketchup.
No argument there.
One thing I'm wondering: Has anyone ever tried to make a DOOM wad that fills in the gap between the chapters?
You mean between episodes? They seem like pretty direct continuations.
What I meant is that, for an example, The Shores Of Hell would get a few extra levels that end with you getting on that elevator-thing Inferno starts with.
Sorta neat idea, if a little plain.