The fact e-celebs are already desperate to damage control sea Of thieves is the kiss of death?
Sea Of thieves biggest flop of 2018?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off.
Also what was ?
What the fuck is Sea of Thieves
The new no mans sky.
Honestly the game looks fun but
It's DOA.
Reminder that shills are happy just to have you talk about games even if you shit all over it: they want the headspace.
Is the game even out yet?
Why are they shilling for a game that releases tomorrow? Isn't that Microsoft's job?
The only thing remotely nice about this game is its ocean and waves tech, there's barely even the equivalent of one WoW fetch quest worth of content in it.
What went wrong?
Well, they do got that subscription thing where you can play any game they release for xbox for 10 bucks a month and Sea of Thieves is one of those games. If you like it, then you can pay for the full game but I think everyone will just try it with the $10 fee and leave immediately after they find out it sucks without people to play with it.
They shilled this game with nobody ecelebs during their E3 conference.
The next lawbreakers.
Never get Windows 10.
Never play anything that needs Windows 10.
And above all, never give money to communists that don't hate faggots.
How are they going to damage control this game's failure? I'm betting on "people watched too many gameplay on twitch so of course they would be bored of it after playing for a couple hours, you could say it was part of their experience!"
I guess love is not allowed to bloom on the battlefield. Did anyone ever figure out what the purpose of putting that in there was? I'm still confused.
>>>Holla Forums that should be
Also this.
by mentioning shills they've already won.
They live in your head, rent-free
in a shill thread i posted this,
now lets hope the second part comes true
Well what the fuck, it looked neat. Fucking asinine game developers and limp wristed fucks everywhere.
Can you really call it a prediction when it's so obvious this game is going to fail miserably on all fronts? Nobody's hype for it, nobody's ever gone "Oh boy, I can't wait for Sea of Thieves to release!" Nobody.
ill be honest with you, i was one of the few looking forward to SoT
When's that year of the Linux Desktop coming again?
Sea of Thieves looks worse than blackwake.
I wasn't even aware Rare was behind this.
Truly the buyout was well worth it for all involved.
No one at Rare is worth their salt anymore. Nu-Rare produced this, old-Rare produced Yooka-Laylee, the guys behind Conker are shilling against Trump on twitter, and so is Kirkhope.
It's a bloody shame.
Only one left with any talent and any self respect is David Wise. Freeze Dong was fucking phenomenal and so was Snake Pass, and the OSTs of both were amazing too.
Also, was scrolling through Beanland's Twitter when I saw this. No wonder it flopped.
That dog looks like he wants to die.
I'd forgotten all about that
thats even worse than being named after the skyrim protagonist
Damn, forgot the image
They had gay pirates but not THAT gay.
They're not going to waste even more money porting it to other platforms when it fails on their own.
My prediction is when the marketing budget runs out for this game we'll never see a thread about it ever again while those e-celebs will breathe a sigh of relief and pretend the game and their endorsement of it never existed.
All I needed to know.
Well, it is a British company.
Valentines dragon?
Stfu microshill. We see right through your bs and we will keep shitting on you.
Oh this is gonna be a fun fire to watch.
Friend who played this told me it had no content whatsoever. It's also a windows 10 app store exclusive. Whoever is behind Microsoft video games needs to be fired and beheaded for their incompetence.
As in it has no real story/campaign? What does he mean by content? From what I saw, I thought it was just a multiplayer-only experience that you have to play with friends in order to be FUN® aka Twitch bait.
Picture minecraft but you can't build anything.
Mods will fix it.
dead on arrival
Jesus fucking christ user, not everything it a flop.
Kek, they only give you 30min of autism at most
Even the full "epiczz nuclear reactor!" can only entertain you so far.
Game is hollow, mods don't do proper mechanics reworks, so it's like adding sprinkles to a shit.
Still salty about the lost potential of not going DF-lite
People who don't think enough to understand that it is a bad idea to name your child after flavor of the week things are an abomination. Let's just get a pick axe and SMASH it through their fucking brains. These people are on a whole new level of retardation and are perpetuating the downfall of civilization.
Community managers dictating and policing player conduct always works. Always.
What do you mean? They're doing a pretty bang up job liquidating Rare.
I don't think enough soyboys or chilren care about this for such a pc environment to sell.
A bunch of hideous talking meats.
They smile, while reality beats them down every second. It is hilarious to see this.
As for the tweets, post them. It is always good to redpill people about the leftists in the western companies that are responsible for games sucking.
So, Classic Rare was always made up of communists.
I hope that they are killed in their homes as soon as possible.
Killing leftist and most women is the right thing to do.
Those women that are still conservative, keep them. Bt beat them from time to time, and abandon them as soon as they age.
You do know that the Homefront series is about North Korea invading the U.S. and the protagonists fighting the Norks off while living under their rule, right?
I fucking hate this guy's imitation editing style.
Hell yeah posting AvE, good shit.
You mean act like a nigger and care only about yourself?
How to spot a soycuck 101
Soycucks care exclusively about themselves. They faux empathy as a way of garnering social status.
Never even heard of it.
a cartoony FPS with nothing to do exclusive to a console that nobody owns flooped
in other news water is wet
Soycuck should be wordfiltered and you cucks banned.
Splatoon did pretty well from what I've heard.
Didn't know Tyler Perry was in this game.
Is it worth buying? I keep constantly hearing there's no content.
Ironic acting as if the concept of soycuck belongs to cuckchan when you're the acting like a cuckchanner
If you're going to cap a post (especially if you're a self-capping faggot), at least make sure the spoilered text is visible.
I'd hope he at least has taken to wanting to be called "Keen" as a nickname, or something.
I've been watching a stream for an hour now, and it looks comfy
That's why I can't respect thos Womyn in Anything groups.
i dare you to find a single woman who wouldn't pounce at the slightes chance to signal boost their own vanity
It's hard to tell, but to my count there are three men in the picture.
Nintendo crucified them.
The only person that cares about a given person is themselves.
I was hyped for it. I was excited. It looked like exactly what I've wanted for a while, a comfy game with lots of freeroam on the open seas, and plenty of exploration and adventure.
Then I saw it was Windows 10 exclusive.
They tried to salvage them and failed it's not Nintendo's fault.
deepest lore
Yeah, and they have gone the extra mile to portrait communism as "not a bad thing", while blaming everything on "crazy leaders".
Why the hell would you care for a parasite such as a woman?
Know why non-shitskins get the worst of leftist laws? Because most are retarded enough to care about those that are nothing more than parasites.
All women are just objects to please Men and be abandoned as soon as they age.
Stay mad, soyboy.
You will still get beaten on the streets whenever you try to as much as talk.
If you respect women at all, you are misguided.
For me, it is becoming clear as time goes on, that Nintendo saw Rare as the communist soyboys that they are, and booted them out before they could infest Nintend itself.
Full picture, and doggo looks VERY resentful of these degenerates.
Stop transplanting human features onto soulless corporations.
Do you think they force a vegetarian/vegan diet on poor doggo?
Don't fuck me up harder than I already am, man. Some "curious" employee probably sucks it off every once in a while.
Did you photoshop a Goosebump's screencap?
That fits, pirates were renowned for their polite manner and concern for others’ feelings
still a good game
this is my first survival game user
Judgement coming from someone without experience is worthless
Really user, do you listen to yongyea?
it's actually not terrible. it's not great but it's certainly not the garbage fire every ebin eceleb is making it out to be. then again i got it for thirty bucks so i wasn't really expecting much
I played the betas and I'm using the 14 day trial of Game Pass to play the full game without paying. I doubt I'll purchase the game after the 2 weeks, but it is pretty fun. Sailing with friends and doing the fetch quests are fun. I enjoy fighting other players and skeleton forts the most since they're more dynamic. I wouldn't say it is DoA, but it will definitely need good content patches to have a steady playerbase. The water and physics are fucking great though.
I regret nothing
You can't tell me the cupcakes from store A are the best in the world if you have only tasted those ones.
By adding store's B, C, D, etc. cupcakes to your sample, the quality of your judgement improves because you can compare more complex aspects that you wouldn't have known by just restricting yourself to store's A cupcakes.
On a simpler explanation:
"If you have been famished for days, even a shit will taste like fine cuisine for you"
So yeah, your input is worthless.
that's kinda autistic, hope you wont regret losing friends over vidya
Then again, coming from the "your mother will hate this game" publishers, this isn't unexpected.
Sea of Thieves seemed like it had an interesting take on the MMO idea, considering you had several ways to progress, some by just exploring, or PvE or PvP and you could focus on a single one of these. Apparently sailing out would be akin to launching a server and starting a round of either Co-Op PvE or some PvP instead, depending on the matchmaking and your preferences.
It's an interesting idea but the ships seem way too small and with only a crew of 4 players instead of several more NPC to back you up as extra crew, this doesn't seem to go anywhere, especially if the content itself is so sparse as is being said.
Those sort of retards aren't worth keeping around. Like attracts like, only more of the same will enter the mix over time.
user just stop, by that logic you should stop buying luxurious items like games and just get life essentials instead also cupcakes are for faggots who likes my little pony so your point is still shit.
and you have nothing to say about the game, only an impression which make it manipulative at best
How his analogy could fly so far over your head honestly astounds me.
On what protocol? If you say (((Steam))) you're just as bad as they are you mustard race tier faggot.
yeah nah fuck off
You're right, I should use ((( Origin ))) and ((( Uplay ))) instead, maybe even ((( GoG ))) perhaps then I'll finally stop being a faggot
An W10 exclusive, For what purpose?
Actually, that the opposite of how it works. Having a minimum awareness of the possibility of inorganic conversation is a good defense against wasting time.
his analogy is full of holes user and if you fell for it then you too should not buy game and hell you should not play game at all and this fucker is a shill if I ever see one fuck! you behaviours are the reason that kojima got his name on the video game market! fuck you! enjoy that death straining garbage you cum-guzzle anal-inhalation deadbeat retards!
nice meme faggot
What in the fuck
Have you ever seen an user angry before
I just post this screen cap from /sudo/, This is what I feel right now.
That spacing exposes you as a redditor.
Your opinions confirm it.
You are a piece of shit and your opinions too.
Why are you surprised?
The fraud is a deranged subhuman that worships Pedowood.
If we don't hear anything about the oil spill baby "game" this E3 then safe to say it's either been canceled or it was never actually being made in the first place.
Oh okay, you're just mentally impaired
Seek psychiatric help
Who could have forseen that this game would crash and burn? Apparently not the nu-Holla Forums niggers or this thread wouldn't be as long as it is.
It was clear that this game was nothing but failed Twitch bait from the very first video they showed. If you thought otherwise you ought to FUCKING LEAVE AND SPREAD YOUR CANCEROUS OPINIONS ELSEWHERE.
Better than Killing Floor 2 in terms of co-op wave survival.
Single player has more to do than The Forest.
Thank you for telling me what to feel, perturbed pedro!
Did you have a stroke?
You're already a faggot for having niggercattle friends who try to coerce you into playing GAME OF THE MONTH
I don't think this game is decent enough to be called game of the month, game of the week maybe.
It's pretty much impossible to have friends with any interest in vidya that don't do that type of shit, and it's hard to make friends with someone who you don't share common interests with. hencewhy I don't have friends, and am happier that way.
Gas chambers are too quick a death for them.
Development studios don't exist to make games anymore. They're manchildren daycares and animation asset farms for Hollywood.
just stop posting anytime user..
Less than a day old and the baby already looks cynical and angry. That's amazing.
Seriously, you extreme cuck?
It's an ok game, nothing revolutionary, it's just ok
I like that guy.
He says "situation" the same way people from Belfast do.
He's probably a paid shill, M$ has them everywhere.
Damage liability denial for a case of doxxing.
Dox is short for docs, as in documents. You only need one x, not two.
Got a list of all the shit
Doxxing is internet lingo for making a person's or company's private info public, doesn't matter if it's a single, multiple or no techincal documents at all.
actually he's completely right, the origin of the term came from 90's hacker culture and it does indeed stand for documents
the two x's are redundant
No, doxing is what you described. Doxxing is a misspelling by retards and newfags. Like you.
oh cool, hooktube has thumbnails now? I'm just gonna test with a random embed.
Use google you dumb nigger
The game is trash, I bought's 60 dollars, and JESUS CHRIST i've played Early access titles with more content
Why would you do that instead of waiting for a crack?
top fucking kek
Friends are a crutch for the weak.
In a few more years, he'll be shitposting on imageboards like the rest of you underage faggots.
Should we make him one of us? Take pity on him? Give him a shoulder to cry on when everybody bullies him - then whisper sweet corruptions in his ear, and try to get him to kill his parents and mail their heads to Todd Howard?
He's probably already being groomed by Altman as we speak.
That was during the time of West Baptist Church protesting fag soldiers deaths, saying burn in hell faggot.
Which meant the average person saw religious nuts protesting something, that thing = good, its actually pretty smart.
Shitting on a game with objective fact isn't good publicity or publicity at all. You not using your brain to much but instead using anecdotes to think for you.
I think Mark is a decent mod.
If anything this game reminds me of pirates of the Caribbean online.
You're pretty much going to have to remove all the preinstalled software and you have a lot to disable in command prompt and completely disable Microsoft Edge after getting your preferred browser I recommend Brave
As for the lists for registry removal and cprompt disabling there's plenty out there
if you're too retarded to figure out how to delete your own posts you deserve to be bullied for them
Why didn't you just use the 10$ game pass bullshit to try something so risky. At least if it turned out to be shit you could play ReCore and other shit on there for a month or 14 days for the trial.
It worked for PUBG.
The subscription would end before the game finished fucking loading.
14 days is a decent amount of time
They're actually proud of having their game played on a chinese controlled shilling platform.
Wordfilters used sparingly are a fine tool.
I have win10 and I don't give a shit, its fine. I was looking into buying this today because I saw it being shilled on twitch and I have more money than sense. Then after doing some clicking around I realized it was exclusive to the microsoft app store. That is one of the first things I purged from my OS. What the fuck kind of shitbird developer would be okay with having their game sold next to the racks upon racks of shovelware and phone games?
Why did you type 3 lines just repeating yourself?
because i may be a retard but i'm not a poor retard. the distinction is what keeps me from ending it all
The western "industry" is just a experimental lab and propaganda factory.
The sooner people stop giving money at all to it, the sooner things will improve.
Everything pushed by the entertainment cartel as being "the future" is shit.
It won't work for Sea of Thieves.
You having money does not change anything.
Your life is still as shitty as that of a poorfag.
Your money just delays your inevitable breakdown.
What a fucking moral dude. I love it.
That video was just 100% shilling, why even link that?
Is it wrong that I want epic games to copy sea of thieves just to see Microsoft get BTFO again?
it's spelled doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxing, dumbshit.
Why hasn't someone reported this fag yet?
gee i wonder why this game will flop in 1 month
the only bait here is your post m8
That worked out great for Lawbreakers.
Sounds pretty boring to me
Hahaha OH BOY when will soyboys learn, what the fuck is the point of being a outlaw if you can't banter?
when will this trend die? I have prescription glasses but I rarely wear them, they don't look very good on a lot of people especially ROUNDED onesunless they are UV blocking or sunglasses
Absolutely nobody, not even normalfags, uses the windows 10 store, its DOA. Hell I don't even like using alot of distros' software centers
No, no its not at all. KF2 is decent for what is it but pales compared to KF1
Still doesn't fully protect you, stay delusionalalthough if you are using it helps eliminate a good chunk of it and helps boost performance a bit
This might not be quite up-to-date but it gets the majority of it
This will help to
Also, I implore any user on here to try and at least dual boot if you don't wanna completely leave Windows. Its only going to get worse and you should care about your privacy. Having separate ssd hard drives really helps and makes switching OSs happen in less than 20 seconds
It's actually a fantastically bad game and you're retarded for thinking anything else.
I have just one question, if any user can answer this:
What happens when you die?
I'm kinda worried that nothing happens when you die, turning everything in the game into meaningless shit.
Why the fuck does everyone seems to be allergic for actions to have consequences these days? Oh, right, it's the social media retardation.
Okay, I won't rob, assimilate, rape, and otherwise plunder.
I guess I'm just a fucking tourist.
good taste
I said its decent, I would be lying if I said I haven't had fun on it but it didn't last NEARLY as long as KF1 did. Here is a quick full opinion.
you forgot how the zeds swarm you more efficiently
online kf1 was shit because you always had that one berzerker running off on his own doing laps around the map.
Oh yeah forgot about that, thanks.
nice argument you got there shlomo, i see you had to switch ip in order to try and persuade me but you won't say why my argument is bad, you are just gonna call me a goon reddittor cuckchanner because telling me why i'm wrong is just too hard
My fucking sides! Every ship has a built-in minecraft-style griefing brig.
What kind of future hyper drug are they smoking at Rare?
I said you're retarded for saying it isn't shit. The (((new))) classes are just shittier versions of the existing ones. When half of your positives about the game consist of it being on a new engine so it looks better, you should probably reevaluate why you play games.
Spawning enemies directly in your line of sight and making tiny ass levels isn't Zeds "swarming you more efficiently".
You can also apparently take a page out of Warband: Napoleonic War's book and form a band of asshole musicians too
Even Sid Meier had a more historically accurate portrayal of the pirate life than this. Hell, fucking One Piece is more in line with actual pirates than this trash game.
Thanks asshole, my motherboard just disintegrated.
smaller levels is probably a good thing because of what i just said. Spawning shit ahead of you is gay but once again its better then the alternative.
I dont even like kf2 because giving all weapons a tier type pricing removes all soul and choice from your loadouts. And the community is even more cancerous then kf1 was at the end of its lifespan.
Every game should have the option for a friendly harmonica jam session to turn into a knife fight.
And people pay to play this? Nevermind installing Win10 for this. Holy shit, GOTY.
This user is right on the money. This game seems like a disneyland carnival ride tier pirate game. And every other MMO is already goofy lolrandom shitfest, but that doesn't stop them shilling the point that "this game is sooo much more fun and silly than all the other MMOs", which is fucking stupid.
This kind of game absolutely needs faction base building to prevent it from becoming boring.
Also fuck teleporting to a party. Your pirate adventure should start when you leave the bar and start looking for ships and crew mates. It should not start by opening a fucking menu and teleporting to a fucking brig. Holy shit modern gamedesign is horrible.
Much as I like the theme of that, that Kaguya's legs look like they're melting into her.
She's a fluffy girl
I knew this game was gonna end up a flop. People are already bitching about the major lack of content.
Teleporting monsters is considered efficient?
The enemy cap is actually lower than KF1. They swarm you because the maps are smaller and they teleport in front of you whenever you try to outrun the hoard. The entire game feels sloppier compared to KF1 and everything feels like it has been shrunk down.
Are people in this thread serious?
This game might be the only release Microsoft is going to have this generation that actually makes them money.
They had a beta a few months back with very little content to test out people's opinions on progression and people absolutely loved it and played it as much as possible.
This shit is going to be a huge success
yeah and lawbreaker's beta had 100,000 people playing it, look at it now.
Same for metal gear survive.
The people praising it are glorified shills chasing a fad. Nobody is going to touch this after a week.
That's just not true, at all.
neither for Metal Gear Survive
This shit is right on track to be a big thing. Unless microsoft fucks up real bad that's what's going to happen.
And if you mean actual owners, both lawbreakers and survive had 200k total owners while it was completely free and easily downloadable. Sea of thieves had a closed beta and got to 300k
Peak players doesn't mean total number of players retard
No wonder you think this game will be a big thing as stupid as you are.
are you fucking gay? that's the original 'It' tv serial
Welcome on youtube. If your video gets over 100k views it's automatically immune against take downs.
Yes, true story.
refer to
If you're actually going to tell me that open betas on the biggest online store in the industry is the same as a closed beta on an online store that nobody uses AND the least sold console this generation then you're just an absolute retard.
I just want Rare to make good games again.
Just like destiny 10 year plan beyond the first game.
I am telling you that betas are fucking meaningless and even if half of the people who played through the beta bought it, its still going to flop.
thats one wierdly shaped hand on the right. Why is it drawn like that and does it only have one red finger? Fucking wierd, man
and nobody has to, shit will flip but microshit will still get their shekels from that full 60$ price
They'd have to leave Microsoft since I can't think of anything good they've done under them.
Checking some streams because I'm not going to play since I don't' have an xbone. Just watching for a few hours and it seems like just long drawnout fetch quests. Taking quest to spawn enemies or items to get to take back to outpost to get rewards. The gold seems only for customization which you can't see since there is no third-person view, unless you dance. Seems pretty barren. Unless it gets better later, this seems like a failure of an overhyped game like No Man's Sky. If you want to play it, better to just take the 14 day free trial than pay money for it. It still doesn't seem worth it because it already seems like a free-to-play mmo game by design.
Not enough to make a profit
This is being sold as a service, not as a product.
Do you seriously think that Microsoft is the problem here, and not what modern Rare is and who works there? That getting rid of Microsoft would somehow make these leftist shovelware diversity hires produce great games?
nice flag, fag
All the good devs from Rare left over a decade ago.
Neo-Holla Forums, everyone.
Is this the pirate game no one asked for?
Yeah, and they have gone the extra mile to portrait communism as "not a bad thing", while blaming everything on "crazy leaders".
Show us where they touched you user
I guess that explains the retardation.
What fucking progression? As far as I can tell, you only gain gold (used exclusively to buy cosmetics) and reputation (unlocks quests and cosmetics to purchase with gold). You never get actual upgrades. It's on the direct opposite end of the pay to win spectrum - to avoid people having advantages over other players, they removed anything that could give them an upper hand.
fucking… what? Is there no way to just quit the fucking game and try a different crew if you get locked up? How did the guy stay in there for an hour and a half? Surely anyone sane would just disconnect and try solo play after like five fucking minutes.
Ignore the Valve shills at this point I'm thinking Mark needs to add a filter or something to stop them.
For what purpose?
Rape would make it AO rating.
What if you allowed only female on male rape? There generally aren't any complaints about that in games.
Its very bare bones with a lax punishment system. Also no factions like pirates v navy.
it's a asian guy who eating two donuts
Watching AvE is a great way to spend the day.
find a better insult, like 'underwear caked with cum" and "black-rimmed bearded tryhard" I mean jésus you act like a juvenile, figures this board is like a daycare full of know-it-alls
Remind me of Metokur's video
The ironing. Get bullied, cakeboy.
"I just want to…"
You can't.
The whole western industry wants to end video games as good products and start selling them as shitty services or marxist propaganda.
Fight all in the industry, boycotting their products and services, making normalfags abandon the industry en masse, ruining their marketing and pointing only the bad aspects of any game, and MAYBE someday things will improve and maybe you will be able to have something that you want.
Stay mad, corporate soyboy.
We will always ruin your sales by spreading how shitty your games are.
my cousin was super excited about this game for some reason, and hes the homie so i shelled out the 60 bucks for this peice of shit, not only did i have to make an xbox live account to play the game ON MY PC, but even after adding my cousin as a friend we were unable to join each others party. got a refund cuz fuck that, they advertise as fucking multiplayer sandbox fuck around with buddies bullshit and i cant even add my fucking buddy. fuck Rare Semi-fuck Microsoft. at least they refunded my money.
"valentine" is a real name at least
There are many things I don't understand
Allow me to translate.
"If you aren't a big name youtube or twitch eceleb we will ban you from playing the game automatically when enough people report you".
They're just following the lead of those PUBG faggot devs.
What levels of delusion do you have to be on to tell yourself that?
Tripwire and Konami are both equally shitty too.
It's a shame I don't have any Shadow or Dante images in my folder right now, this post really deserves one.
user, Jim is only good for laughing and pointing at others. He is a shitty person besides.
How did this guy gain a following so quickly?
The thumbnail looks like a giant ass.
Is this their roundabout way of admitting the game is complete shit? From the E3 footage is saw it looked like a dumpster fire.
If I was in charge of a multiplayer game I would track game journalists and put a special icon next to their name so people would know who to bully.
I'd just put them all on the same teams and then livestream as they proceed to showcase their lack of IQ points.
is this johnny neptune 2.0?
You can't tell me this doesn't happen.
I miss dedicated servers, at least with them this kind of shit wasn't enforced from the top up
That dude's an asshole, he steals shit from other people.
normally when you're confused about somethings popularity i found quite often it's because literally kids watch that shit and do what kids do watching it like 40 times in a row
He makes "video essays" which are the new YouTube fad. Basically the shit Xbox Ahoy does but nowhere near as well made, well written or interesting.
They always use the same type of music, as well. That's that RJD2 style of heavily sampled hip-hop beats made from old songs.
That's a bit too much work.
You could have "safe spaces", where you can select how nice or "mean" you want your playthough to be, and instead of actually segregating people, just mark anyone who tried to play safe space mode for maximum bullying, as you know all the journalists would flock to that shit.
fund it
That's so fucking true it's not even funny.
Don't forget their nasally coastal accents.
Holy shit I was expecting some shit like all party members are required to get the ship running but this is diamonds.
Holy shit are you fucking retarded all of them except GoG are bad.
I'd buy him a beer if i ever met him and then involve him in a bar fight i startedno homo but maybe you're more partial to high brow intellectual behind the scenes movers&shakers
Meanwhile in Russia here's how a crowdfunding campaign for a multiplayer pirate game is advertised.
With rape. Lots of it.
Oh and this game is based off of a popular and long running series called Корсары. It has a large modding scene and the one from 2009 is generally considered the best pirate themed game currently available.
game is going to be dead as shit in two weeks after the ((( game pass ))) trial “ends”.
too bad then because it's gonna be filled with russians
That was first on the do not do list of every captain worth his salt,unless they are cargo or somebody is paying a heap of gold for transporting them
What was that really big mod for this game called?
Been awhile since I heard that one, he was pretty prophetic on where the GamerGate ecelebs ended up, a bunch of pseudo-tumblrinas whoring for money. Sad.
On the subject of Sea of Thieves, the beta was shit. The game is like one of those little shells of a game they put over a tech demo, and the tech demo is the water/weather systems, which are actually phenomenal. The game itself is shit though, so it's worth nothing.
The best comparison I can give is it's like Enviro Bear, remember that shit? That youtuber bait before youtuber bait had a name. That's what it's like to run the ships.
Then the rest of the game is like a 2003 movie tie in or something, just bare fucking bones one button combat with no progression systems or advanced anything to look forward to beyond cosmetics.
What a pleasant man to listen to.
I'd love a pirate game with the ship combat from Black Flag, but with more depth, an actual sandbox, functional trading, (vertical) exploration with the AssCreed climbing system and the combat of Origins (or some other simplified Souls variant) and without all the leftist pozz.
All the elements for a good pirate game are there, yet the industry is too incompetent to do it. Just take Pirates! and improve the gameplay for fuck's sake.
Yeah I'd go with cargo.
Never played it, found out about it a few years ago when looking for a game similar to the A&E Hornblower series. This thread reminded me of it.
she's dressed too well and her skin is too light to be cargo
Ruskies aren't fond of sheboons.
You'd be hard pressed to find a people that tolerate niggers, let alone like them, outside of the cucked West. The niggers themselves are too stupid to understand that once their hated "oppressors" are gone they're at the mercy of everyone else, and there's not much mercy to go around.
what's the guys name on the right? was it soygoy of a cuck?
It looked like an interesting idea but the presentation was always full of obnoxious e-celeb cunts like it was desperately trying to be Twitch bait.
That guy sounds like he's begging a child to eat their vegetables. What's with that whining "sympathetic" tone? He kinda reminds me of Johnathan McIntosh when he does that "on the verge of crying" expression and voice to make his hyper-emotional soygoy audience believe something he dislikes is the worst thing ever or something he likes is the most important issue ever.
You hear that everywhere along both coasts.
It sounds whiny, condescending, patronizing and manipulative If someone spoke to me like that I would probably look at them in disgust like "What the fuck are you doing right now?" and if they kept doing it I'd wanna punch them in the face.
Never move to New York.
You'll either hear accents like his, foreign accents or that funny NU YAWK accent.
I keep laughing my ass off over this game, I was constantly told it would kill PlayStation and it'd be the next big Xbox exclusive(which is on PC so not even exclusive) that would wipe the floor with everything else and…yeah.
I never saw the appeal personally, it looks like a fun game to watch other people play on YouTube. That's literally it.
Why would I want to play it myself? Literally all you do is go find chests, drop them off and get money.
Do that 100 times and you can…well you can paint your sail yellow! Isn't that cool!? It's cool because it's only cosmetic so that makes it fun guys, it's not micro-transactions! Yay!
For the record, I have a PS4 and a PC and while I obviously prefer PlayStation, I'd like to feel jealous sometimes. I want to think "Damn, wish I had an Xbox now" one day but I fucking never do.
Why is Microsoft so fucking shit at shilling good exclusive titles?
Quantum Break was "Going to destroy TLOU" and it was average trash at best.
Why does a company with so much money fail so hard at securing good titles and developers?
Anyway yeah, game is shit, nobody will care about it in a month until a "big" update which adds barely anything and then it'll be dead, even if like No Man's Sky they eventually make it halfway decent nobody will give a flying fuck.
I swear nobody in the video game industry knows how to ask people what they want in a game.
It might have something to do with Microsoft using game development studios as tax shelters worldwide and never giving a shit about the games in the first place.
They didn't buy Minecraft because they wanted Minecraft. They didn't buy Rare because they wanted Rare.
>So how big is Microsoft’s hoard. As of June 20, 2014, Microsoft said it had $92.9 billion in “permanently reinvested” earnings from its offshore subsidiaries. If the company were to repatriate all of those profits, it would get hit with a tax bill from the Internal Revenue Service of a whopping $29.6 billion. Instead, Microsoft paid U.S. income tax of $5.5 billion in 2014, according to its annual report.
Why would they care if the xbox brand is a disaster or their game studios produce garbage? They shut down practically all of their offshore studios the same financial quarter that corporate tax reform laws were passed.
They make a lot more money this way, why would they care about what people want in a game if they can buy up properties and exploit them for easy money while on taxes? Making a decent product isn't even part of the equation.
So, like a woman. This shouldn't come as a surprise because soyboys are women in all but name.
I think the biggest issue is why play sea of thieves when you can play Archeage for free.
I have to agree. Their console division is in shambles, Windows 10 is a trainwreck in slow motion, Office is being run into the ground, they are bleeding talent, they are bleeding developers, the place is becoming Little Mumbai thanks to the currynigger in charge and the only reason they even keep existing is that Windows is still a virtual monopoly.
Because one would imagine they want to make even more money. Sure, they're dodging taxes, but that doesn't explain why they're so fucking incompetent in every other aspect. Their console failed, their phones failed, their music player failed, their tablets failed. How many more failures can they make before it catches up to them?
They don't have vaginas
They're well on their way to cutting a gaping wound where their penis was so they can pretend they do.
With just a bit more effort, they could have made it into a pretty decent reference to the practice of mugging and kidnapping people coming out of bars and then sticking them in the brig until you're well out to sea - then pressing them into work under the threat of being thrown overboard. Or, the more modern pirate practice of just taking hostages and holding them for ransom.
Of course, that would only work if you had a reliable group of friends who would either pay your ransom or come get you.. and probably best implemented along with a more stable and buildable guild/crew system taking cues from EVE Online's corporations/alliances. (I think… I've never actually played EVE) It'd give crafty players the opportunity to talk their way out, or defect and become a double-agent for a bounty of gold.
At any rate, you'd have to actually lose something to just dissuade people from disconnecting. But as I understand it - you don't gain levels or build anything of substance. You just take a fetch quest and go on a pirate adventure that in the end amounts to fuck-all except maybe some unlocked customization options.
I've honestly been considering just getting a cheap used Xbox One just for backwards compatibility. My old system is getting on in years and it's laser is getting unreliable - not to mention 360's are probably the least durable hardware ever designed. If the state of Xbox emulation on the PC weren't so pathetic, I wouldn't bother - and despite dropping hints, we've heard nothing so far on plans to bring Xbox & 360 BC to the PC. So yeah, not a perfect solution - but it could save some wear and tear.
I can imagine that if they ever do that then the Xbox platform will just completely dissolve, seems like they're aiming for that. Maybe next generation Xbox will just be a marketplace like Steam.
That or a console-PC hybrid. I'd be interested more then but would get the PlayStation version first since while Sony can be a shitty company in as many or more ways at least I can have faith there'll be fun games…and games I won't get excited for only to see them get canned.
I'd be interested in checking out GoW and Halo but the latest editions sound shit and the future of both series doesn't seem very promising, so I don't see the point in getting invested in any of their long running series honestly. Which is a shame.
The One X just seems like a pointless machine all in all. Power enhances an experience, it rarely makes it.
Paint a shit gold and it's still a shit.
That's called Shanghaiing, and it would be cool to have a game where you could do it not only to NPCs but to other players. It'd be awful, but I can't think of any game which has ever done something like what you're describing.
I don't see how it'd work for anything other than roleplay really, otherwise people would just be annoying with it and lock you up all the time and if you got punished for just leaving…well then why the fuck would you play the game.
It sounds great on paper but I don't think there's any way to make a system like that actually fun.
Like yay you have to stand about for 10 minutes not playing the game, neato.
A shame it's windows10/xbone exclusive. I can Holla Forums setting up a merry band of skelly pirates, and locking up people for no reason. The musicians work out perfectly. We could just get the horns, and start dooting the hell out of them.
I don't follow him but a bunch of people i do on twitter were retweeting total biscuit saying 'it has less content than destiny 2' and if thats true then rare is finished.
From what i have heard and seen in videos, all you do in the game is get a treasure chest from an island or another player, bring it back to the home base island and trade it for money. Rinse and repeat. The things you could buy with it seemed to just be different skins for your water bucket and clothes, not sure if they had any stats that made a difference.
The most fun thing of the game seemed to be shooting people across islands with the cannons
Why not just play rainbow six siege? at least you can be tacticool while doing autistic repetition for cosmetics
You can only lock your own crew up. It's basically a vote kick, except, instead of just forcing the player to leave, they're locked in a cell where they could potentially die, if the ship starts sinking and floods it.
People seem to think that's a viable strategy for VR…
From what I heard so far, isn't this game basically a ripoff of Guns of Icarus Online?
But GoIO at least had a much better setting.
How much I wished SEGA would make an expansion of Skies of Arcadia focused on the Ship Battles…
Then we just recruit people, and lock them up. If we get a reputation we just make sure to grab newbies really fast.
He's cute!
Super retard
The term is "shanghaied"
THAT is how it is done.
Raping women is always a good thing to do and to see in games.
So what? Raping is good.
They know how.
They don't want to.
They want to force Gamers out and force normalfags to accept their shitty games that are the only thing that their incompetent devs can make.
And this
Killing corporate suits that care only about profit and cutting costs must indeed become a common practice.
Uh, thanks. The term I was thinking of but wouldn't come to mind is "impression", which was one of the stated reason sold to the public for the US invasion of Canada.
Being way too obvious there anita.
holy fuck this looks like trash. No amount of shilling can fix how bland this looks
This is why I stopped playing online games. Not being able to swear and be dicks to each other just kills all the fun. You are not allowed to act like a man even an online fucking game. Male behaviour is crime both in real life and online now.
On one hand I am happy it fails, even my normalfag friends say it's total trash and I shouldn't even waste my time checking out youtube videos of it. But on the other hand I like pirates and would love a game like sea of thieves that didn't suck.
It's crazy The Wind Waker had a more intimidating kraken/squid boss than this.