Is TF2 actually good video game?

I was going through my nostalgia backlog and I played TF 2 again.

As a kid I loved it but now that I grew up and replayed it, I think it was a pretty poor game.

make the game cutesy

Why is this game praised so much again again?

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The best Team Fortress was the original Quakeworld mod and even that wasn't very good. TF2 is pure cancer.

I think it was.
Only a few games from back then are still as popular as TF2 is now.
Recently a few companies made TF2 clones and they have not been able to live up to the original.

They copied TFC which introduced a lot of new mechanics.

Actually a pretty decent, balanced game if you disregard poor pyro who is shit at anything any other classes do.
It's still alright, now tainted by cosmetics and a little bit more variation, it's still a pretty solid game.
The game begins its unfortunate downfall, each update from here on will include less and less weapons and balancing, and more and more cosmetics, killing performance and ruining a good artstyle while simultaneously increasing undesirable population due to f2p.
It`s ogre.

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It is.
Both here and cuckchan have a minor obsession with trying to have old fag credit since orange box came out pre 2008 and cry about any sort of update to the game even though largely the problems with TF2 lie with the matchmaking system and have little if anything to do with any sort of waaaah overpowered weapons.
Incidentally this also puts them in the same position as the retards that play 6v6 tf2 despite the game calling for 12v12 which you guessed it actually fucks up the balance of the game, where some things might actually start being slightly overpowered

meet your match update killed tf2

Current TF2 is not representative of classic TF2. It was a decent casual MP game.

I'll bet a F2P newfag like you used that shit, I forgot it even existed. It's the most retarded way to join a game, for consolefags who don't know what to do when faced with a server browser.

F2P update killed TF2.

Nigger I'm a primeval warrior. Possibly the only objectionable thing added to TF2 was pre nerf Crocostyle set when it used to make you literally impossible to kill with sniper rifles.

Thanks for playing OP, well crafted.

gabe newell killed tf2 because he didn't like the fact that nobody gave a shit about hl2 deathmatch anymore

it's the only modern fps i would ever play, it was obviously superior in 2007-2009 despite balance issues but it was so great in its time that the its greatness still seeps in today despite the cancer that entraps it, however most of your criticisms have nothing to do with the gameplay and you can theoretically disable all dialogue if it pisses you off that much

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and for the record no, I'm not referring to the "nerf" that you didn't have to wear the crocostyle set, that was a massive fucking buff. I'm referring to the short period of time where if you were wearing the crocostyle set literally all sniper rifle damage would be negated if you were at 1 health, and sniper rifles could only knock you down to 1 health.

None of those things have to do with the gameplay, the balancing, or the level design.

I guess you like playing games made by leftists like witcher 3 then, huh?

stop being a contrarian retard

sage is not a downvote, fellow redditor.


Its pretty good. The graphics weren't originally made to be funny, they were stylized and slightly cartoony which stood out in the days of realistic shooters all over the place.
Its not the TF mods because its not supposed to be, technically there is no Team Fortress 1 just because its a mod for so many things and each one's their own thing.
Cosmetics were a mistake but honestly I've come back to it with a no hats mod and its been pretty good. I'm not kidding, if you hate the look of the game now look that mod up its wonderful even if some 'official' maps have the characters looking out of place without cosmetics.
Gameplay is rock solid at it's core, simple, satisfying, fun. Its got a bit for anyone to enjoy if you like shooters for most any play style. Not to mention its modeled after proper FPS games with the focus on movement as much as shooting which is still rare today.

Not sure what you're on about with the accents, they all just talk like a person with that accent would. And meme quotes you can blame reddit for or some shit, most of them have been forced memes anyways.
Its possible you're either bad at it now, had bad games, and thus didn't have fun or just changed your taste in games.

Biggest real problems with the game have been entirely community based. Shitters crying for competitive spins on everything instead of making the game more fun in general, whiny players, too lazy to check community servers, over buying cosmetics, etc. Seriously both of the two worst updates have been tied to players. F2P update meant too many noobs and uninterested players who just didn't even give a shit or treated the game like only a joke, and the Meet your Match update being for compfags but just ended up making the game less fun for everyone, breaking shit, removing good features, further alienating community servers, and people taking the game too seriously now. Not to mention shit like removing sprays and disabling mods on official servers.
Basically its a good game, used to be better, but is being brought down by the players. I blame reddit for most of this considering Valve links it directly on the website so I assume they listen to them more.

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Honestly I think adding more and more weapons is even worse. After the first few batches, they weren't adding any weapons that contributed anything valuable to the game and served only to dilute the roles of each class, creating a radically new and drastic departure from what the class is supposed to do or be. Not to mention the immense amount of crutch, gimmick or outright useless weapons that would further harm the combat and overall flow of the game.

Either way, the game was pretty much irredeemable trash when F2P dropped.

Some weapons were good, even in the modern day. The new flamethrower for example. Puts pyro more in line with other classes, still a powerhouse close up but is basically a single shot weapon with a fast reload like a close range sniper equivalent.
Though things like self healing weapons, the ambassador, or the crossbow/rescue ranger need to go.

It would be great if we had the option to disable cosmetics and skins. One strength the game had was that the classes had distinguishable designs and silhouettes. If a player popped up out of nowhere, you could instantly tell who you were up against and what they were equipped. Nowadays, anything goes.

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Hi, it appears you are trying to force the meme that classes are indistinguishable with the new cosmetics.
Would you like a reminder that even with every cosmetic equippable by a class equipped by that class (including all class equipables) that you can still tell who is who?

TFC remake when?

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That already exists

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