Yes you heard that right. Activision is going to sell a half baked remaster that doesn't even include the multiplayer components
Modern Warfare 2 Remaster Has NO Multiplayer
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what's with all the fucking remasters?
What do you think?
Easy money, broseph
but then what's the point? everyone plays this game only for the multiplayer
Why are these fuckers so retarded?
How to make fat stacks:
im sure CoD kiddies are scrambling to preorder this one
You're missing the point. Modern COD games sold themselves on multiplayer, it's the most retarded decision ever to remake them without multiplayer.
nuCoD is shit anyway, so who cares?
Everything you just listed never came up in the focus group. But Captain Price's sexual orientation? Now that's gonna be remastered for the next gen.
Do normalfags still care about CoD?
Well I don't see a problem since Modern Warfare 2 is where Call of Duty multiplayer went to complete shit.
Not sure if this is more or less insulting than an MW2 remaster without nerfed noob tubes.
The video game industry is absolutely starved of creativity. They need to make something but no one is thinking of anything new to create.
Not the Single Player content, at any rate.
It's likely due to the failure of MW1 Remastered, which fucked itself by being excessively Jewish while all anyone wanted is a shiny MW1 with all of the stuff the game originally had.
If they actually did that, I'd imagine it'd be a best seller by now.
Imagine the fat stacks of cash Activision could make if they would sell something for less than $70 for once.
Has there ever been such a stupid decision made in gaming? You might as well package shit and call it the next Call of Duty at this point. I thought they would've learned their lesson from the last remaster blunder.
Sage for off-topic. Is The Cat in the Hat a good movie? I haven't seen it since I was a kid, but I feel like a lot of the jokes went over my head.
But who even played it for the single player? Are they stupid?
I thought that movie was something like 4 years old until I read your post and checked.
It's just fucking weird. I'd only recommend it for nostalgia or in combination with some drug.
I haven't paid attention to CoD, what went wrong with the CoD4 remaster?
i got really creeped out watching this as a kid, so i will say no though i kept watching it multiple times like it was cocaine
They added lootboxes.
Was it just cosmetic?
It has a meme character that fanboys just adore.
I remember someone streamed it. I'm sure in a couple years it'll be considered a cult classic.
Nope, it had new weapons too, though activision claimed it was only cosmetics.
How many people actually played singleplayer to begin with?
MW1R failed because those faggots decided to lock that game behind a paywall.
By the time those faggots realized they fucked up the steam already died off.
I honestly don't know why these people don't ever fucking learn.
There were special weapons you could roll that are far better than the original ones. It essentially became P2W.
The dev also promised not to add it in beforehand and went back on it.
I didn't play 2 but didn't it still have Cpt. Price who was pretty consistently entertaining?
i haven't played though most cods, just the first one on PC, PS2's port of 2 and MW2 and Price isn't really in the game much, you spend a ton of time switching between 3 different random "characters" in 3 completely different locations.
He's in all the MW games.
I'll never be able to fathom why people were fawning over this character even before release. Was the edgy skull mask really all that did it? There must have been some astroturf marketing going on that no one caught since we were just entering a new decade of major companies learning how to shill online.
Holy fuck, Activision deserves what comes to them. I'd be willing to buy a discount MW2 remastered because CoD was a guilty pleasure of mine in 2010, but not with that track record. The old versions are literally better than the remasters.
Yeah, the source is Charlie Intel. I don
't know them.
Activision knows the CoD fan base just wants a version of MW2 MP without all the cheaters. They would eat it up, lootboxes and all, while ignoring Black Ops 4 entirely. Its the one thing they keep asking for and get denied because Activision cannot even deliver a followup that CoD fans want.
wait what
what's the point then?
I'm assuming the rumor is wrong because not even an executive with no understanding of the industry could be this stupid. Any teenage boy's parents would know that CoD is for multiplayer, and the people running a company don't know that? It has to be wrong.
At least MW1 could be tentatively called somewhat original for its time. This has no excuse.
Braindead normalfags will buy it anyways so why should they give a fuck?
No shit. I'm not exactly sure how MW2 is more cancerous than CoD4, if either was really cancerous at all. (I don't consider a game cancerous just because it's of low quality) I'd blame the rest of the industry for copying them. CoD wasn't trying to ruin the rest of the FPS's, they just made their game and then other companies killed FPS in their desperation for CoD bucks.
I don't really believe this, but dumber shit has happened before.
Calling it.
I find this somewhat difficult to believe
Fuck off you retarded Redditor cunt
I don't give a fuck about CoD, but not even 2 years ago we were calling out game companies for putting too much emphasis on muh multiplayer at the expense of single player. This is a brave fucking move on them in this case in the land of e-sports faggotry
Pretty sure it's laziness, not bravery. Also a bad business decision. This is a remaster of a game that sold for its multiplayer, not a new single player IP. Not bravery, laziness.
It's a retarded fucking move. Most people who play CoD play it for the multiplayer. Even if a company's product is shit, why would we approve of them making it even more shit by removing its primary selling point? It makes sense to disapprove of that. A remaster isn't going to affect industry-wide focus on singleplayer vs. multiplayer.
If it's real and sells poorly, it's a bad thing that will do good in the long run, because it'll hurt them financially. If it's real and sells well, it's a bad thing that will become a worse thing, because it'll set a precedent of being able to sell even worse, lazier, remasters and possibly holding core features hostage.
CoD remasters selling is always a bad thing since they take normal games and shove them into a p2w model.
The coop mode was decent though.
Why its still being made though? I wouldn't invest so much in what essentially is trailer fodder. The SP in MW2 was alright though, shit stains notwithstanding.
You could ask that of any recent CoD and, well, i don't really have an answer for you. They've apparently been trying way too hard to make people play, or at the very least complete the fucking single player content for a long time now for god knows what reason. Like, apparently one of the CoD BLOPS just unlocks all the levels so you can play through them in any order.
Yeah MW2's singleplayer is okay. It's the video game equivalent of a mindless action flick, nothing praiseworthy, but it's great if you got a few hours to kill.
So, they fixed it? Might actually be worth a pirate now.
honestly cod gunplay is just trash, just fight hordes of human/subhuman dudes with very generic guns that have minimal recoil in either a very generic desert shithole or a very generic russian shithole
it's not even remotely a simulator and doesn't have fun unrealistic mechanics so why go with the boring setting that limits you to human enemies and that's it? it has no real reason to exist, no niche aside from children that have since grown up
it's a rumor with as much credibility as cnn bruh
MW2 multiplayer was broken as fuck.
The game was trash thanks solely to the riot shield.
nobody even used the riot shield, everybody used the ump/grenade launcher/bolt action/akimbo lever action shotguns exclusively
Jews can't create good things on their own, the huwite male slaves that used to do that job have been replaced by soycucks and independent womyn so the kikes are resorting to the next best step under the circumstances.
If things keep going like this western AAA is bound to crash, they can't keep feeding off nostalgia foreverunlike nintendo
I used the riot shield.
I had 3 friends i used to play with, and we would all use riot shields, and take strategic spots, and have each other's back with one person usually in the middle with their gun drawn, which is not complicated, but people online would call us cheaters for using any sort of tactics. This game's multiplayer community was trash
I've never played the game, but wouldn't that just make you a prime target for a well placed/cooked grenade?
grenades are only used at the start of a round for kills such as these, m203s being the sole exception
Modded rust for days TBH. I remember all the xbox modders selling golden deagle as well kek.
this post here explains it
the whole game was filled with obnoxious twelve year olds that run and gun, and sadly the game is designed for that, so they tend to get the highest score. The game is trash, all around
ah yes, developers of such classics like F3AR that totally didn't torpedo a franchise into the ground
why are these faggots even still around after that shitshow?
t. casual
MW2 was FPS kino.
Yeah, they were popular weapons, but they were not what everyone used, not by a long shot. You haven't even listed the full meta, which was mostly assault rifles. Don't make shit up.
MW2 was the game where I constantly got accused of hacking. It was glorious.
Can you please stop with the bullshit? There are only a couple maps where a thrown grenade can even reach the other spawn.
People who run around aimlessly get the shit kicked out of them.
And yes, grenades were what made riot shields mostly a novelty. But if you didn't happen to have any grenades when you met a riot shielder, you would have a problem.
They didn't make F3AR. They made good games until mid 2000's and have done nothing but Call of Duty maps for almost a decade thanks to Activision.
The execution of the riot shield was fucking ridiculous.
At the very least make it vulnerable to explosions.
I am almost certain it was a bad movie, but not offensively shitty. It has plenty of good scenes for posting on imageboards as webms, reaction images, or just because you can.
I'm not going to stop you spending two hours of your life rewatching it, though. Watching a bad movie is far less time consuming than a bad book or bad video game, so I don't consider it a waste of time unless its insultingly bad. As long as you don't spend any money on it, of course.
to be fair, the multiplayer in mw2 was terrible and poorly balanced
honestly a call of duty game remaster with no multiplayer doesn't sound so bad
Easy money to made on existing games, of which the originals aren't compatible with the latest systems due to lack of backwards compatibility? In some cases it feels really fucking egregious, like The Last of Us seeing a PS4 remaster like only a year after originally coming out for the PS3.
You do know that if there was a multiplayer then it would be riddled with micro-transactions and supply drops, right?
It's the one thing this piece of shit franchise is known for.
user, but then you can't sell the multiplayer separate for another 20 dollars!
Stanisław Lem. author of Solaris had a large essay about progress in his The Futurological Congress (? maybe o forgot exactly where). He argues that progress is limited, we spoiled by constant stream of scientific achievements and think that such would be forever, growth would be infinite. But it is actually not. Number of inventions is limited and eventually we basically invent everything and there is nothing would be left to invent. ( He goes even further with concept with idea of knowledge depreciation). But lets stop with limited inventions. How do you improve FPS? In the year 2008 it was easy peasy, just make MW2!!! But in the 2018? What is left to improve ? What if is there is no any inventions in this FPS etch tree branch left?
MW2 had balance via "everything is fucking OP so you can use everything" style.
damn, now if i need a retarded fix of killstreaks, sprinting and hipfiring i'll need to play black ops, black ops 2, ghosts, advanced warfare, black ops 3, infinite warfare or ww2 we wuz nazis edition
Don't forget the broken three round burst guns.
apart from the m9, the f2000 and the miniuzi
A combination of creative bankruptcy and judaism. Creatively bankrupt devs that don't know what to develop next and jews demanding that their next game make X million USD. Since the studio has no ideas and the jews who sign their paychecks want X million USD, they remake older games because they know fanboys will fucking buy it.
Normalniggers get out!
They're safe bet for making cash.
The M9 was a monster, especially with extended mags. You could kill the whole team without reloading. Higher fire rate than the USP and less recoil IIRC.
I thought it was the remaster being incomplete alongside having to buy Infinite Warfare.
Same reason we've had a decade and a half of reboots from Hollywood.
It's easy.
but weren't the CoD games multiplayer only?
i never played them myself, i just asume they were becuase of the marketing campaign and the only thing CoD player semmed to care about
You're not thinking jewish enough.
That's what will actually get you fat stacks.
The modern gamer is the best kind of goyim. They're willing to buy the same game multiple times just to see newer textures and slightly better lighting.
that's pants on head retarded because the multiplayer is practically the only reason anyone would have given a shit about this in the first place. bravo konami.
this is really sad to me. i have an enormous amount of nostalgia for MW2. I would have played the fuck out of it yet again, put 2000 hours in.
oh well. they would have ruined it somehow anyway either way.
What the hell is even the point?
Yeah if you aren't a camping faggot you're dead.
That's why I hate COD
You know how I remaster a game? I run it on a better computer. After getting a 1080 I've been having a blast with 4K DSR and reshade.
Hell, you can fuck with dx8 games with reshade now, and its especially useful to unfuck things like far cry 2's brown and bloom.
Came here to post this.
they'll sell it as dlc with the headline 'by popular demand' and then charge for ammo
Or even just wait for modders to do it which is even better.
this like buying touched up special editions of Star Wars with all the unnecessary shit and tons of CGI
What, has summer started early or is it just the 8/v/ Steam community?
You misunderstand…you do BOTH
Holla Forums is a chan built on free speech.
That's pretty stupid. The single player campaign is just an extra that you can finish in 10 hours. The meat of COD is multiplayer.
Reminds me of the order 1866.
Did you know you can make your own thread about games you like?
calling people normalfags on Holla Forums is like going to an AA meeting and calling people alcoholics. no shit.
this whole website is filled with people blogging about their 9-5, blogging about their wives, and blogging about their children–and conversely, bullying you if you don't also have these three things.
come to wizchan if you're tired of this.
it was actually the other way around with older CODs, they had great campaigns
after MW2 the multiplayer started to become more important, and games went to shit
last good cod are World at War and Black Ops
I bet you don't even know what you ddi wrong faggot.
I unironically like him. I think was because his attitude of getting shit done without complaining. Something akin to a action hero rambo-freeman
What are you still doing here? Shoo shoo.
Posted from my iPhone 8
if it's true that they are gonna sell the game with no multiplayer on launch and then sell it as DLC with microtransactions in the future i have no hope for videogames since shitheads will just keep buying like the good goys they are
We're reaching the point when kikes can be proud of the memes people make about them.
So still no mods and dedicated servers? How exactly is that good? That said, what happened to all the mw2 cracks? Like, AlterIWnet, fourdeltaone, TeknoMW2 and whatever else we had.
You buy the multiplayer for $60 more later you impatient goy
It used to not be the case.
Their vidya board over is absolute garbage, in addition to being dead, and for some reason not being nice when telling someone he has shit taste is enough to get your posts removed. /wiz/ is more or less fine though for random discussion.
I browsed image boards before MW2 came out. I liked the game but knew it couldn't be discussed.
It seems that no one gives enough of a shit to bother stamping it out anymore, so here we are. There are plenty of new games to get mad at anyways.
t. old normalfag
Have a bigger pic.
Remember when Holla Forums worried about people supporting bad games?
Now the worry is that people will support gambling DLC that doesn't guarantee any new content for overpriced remasters that don't actually improve the game.
both of them are shitty memes to be honest.
They'll pull that bullshit and we all know it.
So what's the next step of their master plan?
They're about as close to trading money in exchange for absolutely nothing as they can get. The next step is to make the game subscription-based, I guess.
Selling Special ops as "episodes" which are really just the separate mission difficulty tiers
Woah user don't say that word or else I'll have to report you
Both of these are terrifying teebeeach.
I actually have a reason to post this after all these years.
Why is the game industry so opposed to complete games?
fucking watch it happen.
go back to cuckchan you cancerous normalfag, donald trump has nothing to do with video games
They're Russian so at least no whites were killed in that scene except for the player.
I see reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.
Don't bring up fucking politics on a video game board you cringy normalfag
So is there an insurance scam for shit AA video games like there is with shitty Hollywood movies?
As in, it's like they're going out of their way to make the most retarded decisions so they can cash in on it like Sandler does with his trashy movies.
4/10,you got me to reply twice.
Nobody cares, go back to Holla Forums or facebook normalfag
pls fuck off
Holla Forums has always been Holla Forums but video games newfriend.
Are you autistic? Just because there's cancerous cringy "polticians" on here plaguing this website doesn't mean this is 4chan Holla Forums you dumb newfag, go back to cuckchan and shit on that corpse you cancerous cringy political normalfag
Isn't MW2 considered one of the best multiplayer COD games, even with the tube and knife ninjas? Strange design choice.
Blow your fucking brains out, you leftist sack of shit.
No one believes you. No one is falling for you. Shut the fuck up about things you clearly do not understand. Go back to reddit and drink your soy.
Allows me to post this blast from the 2010 past.
The sooner the race war begins, the better. These faggots will be exterminated early and we’ll never have to deal with it again.
Apart from a handful of Hungarian boards yes Holla Forums has always been Holla Forums and Holla Forums which is Holla Forums with a slice of vidya.
user it's time to move on.
You fucking cringy poltical normalfags all use reddit and come from the_donald, literally hang yourself you cancerous autistic faggot. You rightwingers are literally the new sjw's but just right winged, this isn't cuckchan Holla Forums go back to that shithole that is now africa from all the fucking political normalfags
This isn't Holla Forums you cancerous shit, this is Holla Forums Holla Forums you're clearly autistic, go back to cuckchan Holla Forums you filthy political normalfag newfag
way to stick out like sore thumb there you fucking niggerfaggot
you obviously don't belong here so why don't you fuck off my board
The only three weapons I maxed out were the FAL, riot shield, and the ASP.
Riot shield was prime salt mining.
Some of their devs are anti-NRA cucks now. So I can see this happening.
I don't think anyone would give a shit about MW2 remaster anyway. The first MW was actually good in its time and I could see how people would be nostalgic for it. The campaign was appreciated equally as much as the multi. Everything after that was just more samey hollywood shit that people bought for the multiplayer, not because they liked the campaign.
4am is one of the best threads on this entire chan not just this board.
It's almost as if filling the corporate ranks with Lowest Common Denominator double-plus good-speakers has created a talent/creativity void in the entertainment industries.
I wonder who could possibly benefit from that type of environment; where erasing all of a culture's values and replacing them with completely incompatible values is what turns the highest profit.
You think one (((specific))) subhuman culture could do that?
I tried to read one once but the avatarfagging convinced me to put a bullet in my head instead.
How are you still posting,ghost user?
If you remember the story it was Shepard and Makarov working together.
idiots like you probably thought that flying was impossible too, until the wright brothers proved them wrong
Who really cares though. I doubt your average Salmon player would pay enough attention to the story of any game past Bluegill 2: Big Red One, so they're free to push whatever agenda they want.
Im not sure you remember but that reveal is so serious that 2 characters normalfags jack off over died as a result of finding out that makarov and Shepard planned the airport attack.
Oh wait, now I know what you're talking about. I thought that was just Shepard going rogue because most of the enemies you fight are shadow op U.S. soldiers from that point on. And wasn't there that huge battle at a plane graveyard or something between Shepard's forces and Makorov's forces? I didn't give enough of a shit about the campaign to pay really care about the details. The last Call of Duty I cared about was World at War because that one at least tried to keep a coherent narrative. And because they went the extra mile to create a PS2 version, which in my opinion has the superior story
The problem is that FPS these days are built around a controller. Look at the controls for CoD, they are laughably simple, barebones as fuck, yet they take up an entire controllers worth of buttons. Contextual interactions can only get you so far, if the FPS genre is to move forward it needs to be built with a mouse and the metric fuckton of keys that a keyboard provides. Not to mention the six modifier keys left/right Ctrl, Alt and Shift, which results in 728 different potential inputs, not counting the mouse. If we take into account double tap and hold variations then that results in 2184 different inputs, again not counting the mouse. You could also have inputs where you hold two or more modifier keys as well.
Supporting the NRA makes you a cuck, user. You mean the nogunz crowd.
The NRA, like them or not, are the biggest pro-gun lobby around.
That's a shame. MW2 had some enjoyable multiplayer with friends. Spec Ops was pretty neat, too.
I wouldn't buy this anyway, but it's still too bad that they're this out of touch with what players like.
If it the best you got, its over.
I want such Boeing and i want it now! Everyone who disagrees are idiots who reject progress!
No, fuck off and kill yourself.
Better than nothing.
Does anyone remember a video of some guy ( I think he was a """competitive""" CoD player) talking about how MW2's multiplayer was worse than MW's because of the map design? It was like 10-20 minutes long and was basically nothing more than the guy talking over gameplay footage. I saw it once years ago and the fact that I've been unable to find it since has bugged the shit out of me because it was actually a pretty interesting video about map design.