Losing control?
Whats your favorite video game that lets you get drunk in it?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite video game that lets you get drunk in it?
Other urls found in this thread:
I guess might and magic 4
Come hang out in the cytube for comfy music vidia and sometimes anime Like right now anime
Conker's Bad Fur Day comes to mind.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Happy st patricks day!
Might have a few beers later today, gotta stay up all day to fix sleep schedule anywa.
Mornin lads, how goes?
Playing anything fun?
Didn't do shit today besides play a little Vanquish and binge the rest of B: The Beginning. I really enjoyed B, and I really look forward to a second season of it.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Testing something lads, don't mind me 🤔
Yes its been a non stop shit night tonight, last minute check in fags, almost missed the first minute of 4am while covering for yak and its just a tired day
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. of course
Why was the first thing I thought of GMod Tower?
I miss it
Just remember that existence is pain and you were never asked if you wanted to be here.
How goes user
Whats good in the hood monica
How goes fam
Whats B?
I did nothing today. Been in a rut lately with games and stuff.
So I copy pasted this emoticon and it works here? Can someone explain me how does this exactly work, can I use emoticons on imageboards now
It's another "can work be over yet?" kind of day. Not much happened besides that.
I think i have cdiff again. This is not gonna be fun. Hopefully the doc can give me oral antibiotics so i'm not stuck in the hospital.
Just gives me an error, though that happens with a lot of things for me
How goes user
Why so shit?
Hows your day going user
NEET life/nippon trip when
beep boop gibs me gud animes to watch tbh fam
Aren't they the same thing fam
Shows for me on firefox
When people stop bugging me with debts and I get over my fear of being alone in places I don't know my way around.
sup fam..
ah the weekend, and beer chilling
whats the game plan all?
Hey. Finally got most of my work due after the break done so I thought I'd actually try to stay up for once. So much goddamn writing. Ended up fiddling with my computer today and got it working better. Not at 100% though. So I played Muramasa for a while after that because I never got around to finishing it. I suck at it, still.
What is cdiff?
How goes roboanon
Palemoon is crap but I've got far too many bookmarks to abandon it at this point.
No they aren't you double nigger.
Invasive bacteria in my intestines. Fuck. I need serious antibiotics or a fecal transplant to fix this.
Today I truly realized that my diet is beyond fucked. I basically ate nothing but donuts and doritos all day. I'm shocked that I'm not fat yet.
beep boop my censors indicate that all systems are operated at optimal capacity to be honest family. how are you faring?
Vidyascape I guess.
Just pay for me to be a guide while there, problem solved
Gotta get top rank in yugioh pvp this week.
How goes fam
Whats wrong with your computer?
Cut that shit out before it becomes a problem. Eat some fruits and shit
I eat nothing but frozen meals and i'm still as skinny as ever. i gained about 5 pounds from a couple months ago
B: The Beginning. A new anime series out on Netflix about a genius detective as he deals with a case involving genetic super humans (one of which is also a main character) and the masterminds behind their implementation. It's pretty fucking great. Made by the same dude who did Samurai Champloo.
I feel you, I was there a few days ago myself
Well, its in a pill. Please kill me, this is torture.
So i finally got far enough in wizardry 8 to unlock level 5 spells. Its gonna be forever until i unlock level 6 and 7 spells.
A bit bored. Gotta find something new to play after the thread.
How goes user
And its especially bad being NEET when this happens. I hate it. Usually I'm good enough at NEET life to avoid it
just guests being needy, poos beign unable to operate card doors, last minute checkins, jews being neurotic, boss asking me to cover extra time for someone who is sick when I need to maximize my time for going to see a co-workers choir thing, roommate beign a shit and asking me to pick up his mail when he isnt there
A lot of things. The biggest issue was huge CPU spikes. I only have one game on it to test with because I thought it was an HDD problem.
It's a start at least.
shitpost what you want but it IS genuinely good.
I'm not the one paying for the netflix anyway
Streaming tomorrow more Burnout 3. and gonna try Softmodding my OGXbox live afterwards.
If I fuck up, I fuck up.. oh well
Ha, you faggots are going to be so alone soon. I hope all of you kys. Everyone worth a damn is moving to /vg/ slowly. Fuck you attention whoring inbreds and fuck Mark.
That shit is why I'm NEET
Are you buying new parts or what
I'm the best though. Shit happens
Can you brick it if you fuck up?
Haven't played a game that lets you get drunk in a good while. Maybe Eternal Darkness, but that's just because of Edward's Flask of Liquid Courage. Fucking Sanity Worms.
Not really. Slept until about 6 PM, which was fine by me after moving furniture and shit yesterday.
Stop. Better shit you can watch without stooping to that level.
Consider Gun X Sword, Noein, or The Soultaker.
that or lose all by BO3 data Ive worked on
Speaking of console modding, I'm thinking of trying to figure out how to mod a PS3 when I get one, but I still wanna play online. Can I still play online without getting banned if I mod my PS3?
A nippon hentai game where you got drunk and could have sex with people. It also had a monthyl rent mechanic and jobs for you to do to pay the bills of food/water/beer/rent/etc.
I replaced every part when it started acting up. That's definitely not it.
st. paddies in my town is always a shitshow and my friends/roommates are boiling up a perfect powder keg for fucking drama, not looking forward to fucking any of it. I already told them to leave me the fuck alone because of how poorly they behaved and dragged me into it previous years.
Yakuza series, the drunk effects can be beneficial depending on what you want/character and you get fun little drink trivia in the various in-game bars
How goes user
Oh shit. What would you stream if you did that
What game is that?
How goes user
Id have to start over, Im going to play through the original 4 games
I downloaded the wheel or fortune mobile game. I really like wheel of fortune but i cant really find any home games. I might get the wii u version.
There really arent any online games on the ps3 worth playing except for DeS but the servers for that are dead. Mod it then keep it offline
It's a weird feeling of missing out but not caring at the same time.
I've been trying to get PS3Xploit to work but I'm stuck and don't know what to do. Something about the IDPS dumper not being cooperative or whatever.
Board splintering rarely works but I'll check it out anyway.
boy does it ever
sounds nice
But it's actually good
Just because it's on netflix doesn't mean it's immediate shit. That's just 98% of the time. B is part of that rare 2%.
again, i'm not the one paying for the netflix
i'm right there with you user
I dont drink, partly because i'm underage, and the other part is moral reasons. the bible says that getting drunk off of wine is heretical
You just gonna stay in your room all day today then?
How goes fam
Ohhhh nice, sounds fun. I need a good series to dive into
I've got 2 ps3s knocking around but am far too lazy to try it
Sounds good to me.
St Patricks is just a meme "Holiday" that is really just an excuse for people to get wasted. You aren't missing out.
Its not about whether its good or not. Letting western companies start throwing around money in the anime industry is just asking for jews to claw their way in. Do you want to start seeing kike propaganda in it too like all western media?
How goes user
I guess STALKER? I can't remember many games I played where you can get drunk that were very good. The only other one that comes to mind is Mass Effect 2 and I hated that.
more or less the plan, I did that last year and i ended up having to drive their friend home because they got drunk and got into a fight while he was there and he was supposed to stay for the night but was obviously put off by the situation
Besides Valentines day, what are some other "meme" holidays?
Pretty good. Went to my aunt's birthday today and saw family. Also forgot to answer OP question, so I guess Deus Ex.
morning to you user
don't be stupid, of course I don't want that.
but the show IS good. Is it some sort of bait & switch then? Put out something good or two and then when they got everyone fooled kike everything up to hell and back with it?
Are you aware being underage on Holla Forums is a bannable offense? If you're reported, you WILL be banned.
Forgot the name. You wouldn't like it anyway. It was all in nippon.
I'd rather watch stuff that doesn't have funding coming from western companies to potentially shill our "sensibilities" to the Japanese.
Pretty sure /vg/ here was really fucking dead last I checked. Not that Holla Forums doesn't have issues (like, a lot of issues), but decay cycle drives everyone back to legacy boards.
Went out and had tendies with dad earlier, since he's visiting from some states away. Also found some catchy-ass anime opening I've been chain listening to. Haven't even watched the show it's from.
Doesn't matter. You're still supporting cancer in being part of the viewing statistics. I sincerely hope Kikeflix doesn't catch on much with Japan. They need to be allowed to make what they want to, at least natively (of course localization and even fansubs can shit things up, but that's at least in regard to western releases) without having to kowtow to westerners funding them.
Basically any holiday named after a saint. Or MLK day.
Kingdom come has fun drinking mechanics in it. Stat boosts and debuffs, perks related to drinking, and your character actually looks drunk while talking and stuff. Also I think you can black out too, not sure.
How goes user
Find some comfy anime to watch then
How goes user
I hate seeing family I haven't seen in forever. After last xmas think I'm not going to deal with that shit again
I'd wait a few weeks at least for a more thorough guide anyway. Apparently the one on the website glosses over the method to not brick your shit in the process, I only know because I read about it in the comments.
fun fact: the legal drinking age for leafs is 19
Not worth the trip to canada
i think i'll stick to games tomorrow, despite my anime backlog haven't felt like watching any. Probably won't even drink just in case i gotta solve some fuckin' problems again too
I'm not sure how that one worked, I'm assuming they just hired a studio to make something. Doesn't mean they won't get more influence as time goes on.
That sucks. I fucking love life sim games.
I do that all the time. Anime OPs are the best type of music.
Good thing I'm lazy and put everything off forever then
Whats the tax on booze like up there? I know tobacco is taxed to like insane amounts
Kill la kill was comfy as fucj
Apparently /vg/ is getting a lot more active. Which is good news to me.
Morning, how goes?
I mean I saw them all a few months ago at christmas, and I'm on good terms with them.
Drinking is overrated.
18,000 dollars shorter now but its all good. Fuck the Garand I want an AT rifle.
Booze is leafland is retardedly expensive, 2% increase in booze content does not justify 2 1/2 times the price.
I've been wanting to get Kingdom Come for a while, but I'm fucking broke and have too much on my backlog already to be arsed to pirate it.
I'm pretty fucking dead inside. Just trying to de-stress with some tea and drawing and a goat to keep me company.
Have you considered stardew valley, where you can be a comfy farmer and cuck the nigger with his ginger waifu?
What games are on the menu then
What kind of food was served?
What did you buy?
I would give my left nut for 18k, thats like 3 months in nippon
You have a goat?
Why is it taking so long for omega labyrinth z to get a release date. I wanna play it already fuck.
What's the second PS3 for, Ritsu?
but why not just 18?
and I'm not saying they won't. But the show, on it's own, is good.
getting bullied for liking something on Kikeflix
I guess I can't really argue against that.
Doesn't change the fact though that the show, on its own, is good. I wasn't trying to suggest to go shell out your shekels to pick up netflix to watch it, it oughta be on KA.
I hope you aren't fucking that goat.
That be some low standards.
Nothing yet, was going to wire 1,800 to my friend but accidentally added a zero. Told him to get me a new PTRD/PTRS or something that'll knock light armor out.
Honestly, this one makes me wonder if Genshiken is good. Can't always judge an animu by its opening, or OST for that matter. Plenty of bad ones that manage to have one or both of those categories wind up solid (Bleach comes to mind).
I'll need to check if they have an active /jrpgg/ at this point. Last one I saw was like 2 posts and deep in the catalog.
seen it, i enjoyed it but dunno if i'd call it comfy, big fan of ryuuko though
Its really damn fun. But I'd wait until a couple more patches come out to fix bugs and balance the end game more.
Why so stress? Why a goat?
I'm not going to play a video game with niggers in it.
I had an older fat one that was dying but looking back on it I think I just needed to clean the laser.
Chicken, steak, and lobster that I and my uncle grilled.
Which animu?
Yeah, some of the threads on there are still years old.
I'm curious as well. If I remember right though, it previously took VD a long time to get one, as well as an Amazon node to buy off of. At least it sounds like it already got cleared for a NA rating, even though PAL is giving it multiple bans by way of refusing classification.
Wire me 1800 and I'll procure anything you need. After my expenses of course.
I haven't had lobster in forever. Gonna be craving it all night now
It's for revenge. Besides, you don't marry her, you just get her pregnant. You marry one of the pure girls.
Oh. Well there's a mod that turns him and his halfbreed daughter into aryans.
Not a real one, I wish I did though. Raising goats would be awesome, but I know enough about farm life to know it's a lot of bullshit and hard/dirty work.
Good lord, no. Never.
Stress because money and an upcoming medical thing I need to make a full day's commute for. The goat because I like goats and it calms me down for some reason. It's juvenile and I deserve to be bullied, but I can't argue with what works.
says the NEET
B: The Beginning
Actually I was wrong, the thread in question I was thinking is at is at a whopping 0 replies on page seven.
From what it sounds like the show's pretty much Otaku-club.
What a shame. You should try to get some yourself, they're much cheaper if you cook it yourself. The ones I had were 7-10 dollars per tail.
They are still niggers on the inside
Whats the medical thing?
Is that a show?
Thats a lot of money for a broke NEET with no money to his name.
Ryuuko is best girl. Nonon is 2nd.
That just makes me wanna get it even more. Hell, it's just softcore porn. how am i gonna play that infront of my parents and not be embarassed
you would be NEET regardless fam
Disappointing, I expected a Rolf-like user story
I don't think you got anything I could need.
That ain't right.
If it isn't fresh lobster it doesn't taste right.
White Day. It's sadly not a celebration of whitey though.
Actually I was wrong, the thread in question I was thinking is at is at a whopping 0 replies on page seven.
From what it sounds like the show's pretty much Otaku-club.
My grandpa is NEET so its in my blood.
Not even friendship?
You said this already
Never heard of it.
Maybe if you cook them for your family they'll give you money to buy them for everyone.
By not playing it in front of them?
delinquents and tomboys are always my favorite, grumpy christmas cake following close behind
Third year post-operation checkup on a spine surgery I had to fix real bad scoliosis. I was supposed to be done after two years but the guy wants me coming back for a few more for some reason I was never given. So I have to spend all day traveling and a fuckton on cab fare just to go to a hospital in another city, get x-rayed, told I'm still fine and still have a steel spine, and sent right back home again.
Sorry to disappoint. I promise if I ever get a real one I'll come back here and post lots of stories and pictures.
Wrong. In games they usually make the niggers white on the inside and black on the out. Now theyre just white inside and out. Don't worry ritz, you can even be the cute waifu if you want, and save a depressed neet.
The child is 100% white.
Is KLK worth watching for the girls? I know a friend of mine who saw it said it was good.
Ps4, user.
My anime best girl chart goes like this
Cake > tomboy > big tiddied girls > whatever else is there > power gap > lolis
I reported you. HOW ARE YOU NOT BANNED!?
I knew the system didn't work. Mods flagrantly breaking their own rules.
Hm. Maybe. We'll have to see in the future.
tfw still waiting on white day chocolate
Seeding a tainted hole created a tainted product.
My microwave broke today so now I can't cook anything. I'm going to starve
Sounds like hes just milking you for money
I have to go to the doctor on monday and get some skin tag cut off. Not looking forward to it
But whats the gameplay like
Seems like technical problems on my end. Some posts are taking forever to go through even without some bigass mp4 being part of it.
that's because it's new, headed up by the guy who made Samurai Champloo but it's through Kikeflix
Its pretty good. Ryuuko is best girl. The entire thing revolves around nudity too.
I'm 19
dont mean a thing tbh
if you just want girls go look at porn or something
Good enough for me.
Ahhh thats weird. If your quick reply thing says posted, it usually means it went through. Won't load until another post goes through though.
It is my heritage
My genetic legacy
That's what I'd think too, but because (((leaf))) it's free for me. Maybe he's just billing the government, who knows. Good luck on monday though, going to the doctor always sucks but stuff like that is usually pretty fast and painless.
Just because you have a hole in your taint and take hormone pills it doesn't make you a girl, Chris.
Are they done trying to invoke Cowboy Bebop as his main call to fame these days? I'm just saying that I remember even as of Space Dandy, they were still using "from the creator of Cowboy Bebop" as a tag.
Sometimes the QR box fails to auto clear, and the post may or may not show up for a while. So I'll refresh the page and sometimes the box will clear, but might also still have what was still there before.
no complaintz here, wkng 2am - 2 pm slot then swung to days then bk to nights - chks cash so no worries - im a whr -wtvr pays
It's worked for everything else I fapped to. I just feel like actually knowing the girls character helps make the faps better, because I start imagining lewd fantasies and I'd know how'd they react.
Yeah hopefully. I just really fucking hope I don't get stitches.
I'm just hoping it didn't taint my food that was in it with radiation or anything
Yeah when that happens to me I just copy the text just in case, but its always went through anyway
Why are you talking like this
Yeah but it's not like you're staying around. You're just using weaponized semen.
Kinda simplified but comfy. People complain there isn't enough time in the day, but they just don't know how to into time management.
Liar. You backpedalled once I called you out. You're probably 16 and are flagrantly breaking the rules and receiving no repurcussions! Disgusting! They should at least ban you a bit to be safe, with a public message.
Fresh as in alive when getting thrown in the pot? That's too much effort for most anons. That's the point where I'd just rather go to a restaurant.
Just get a small tv and use it in your room.
Use the damn stove.
sounds neat
I remember years ago on halfchan seeing in vidya girl threads people actually saying there were a few they couldn't fap to after having actually played the game they were from, because they turned out to be just that enjoyable of characters.
my great great grandpa left his wife to fuck some indian, that kind of heritage is shit
How big is the skin tag? You almost definitely won't need stitches.
Dot or feather?
I don't want simplified. I want max autism
Do you know how hard it is to evenly reheat a taco bell burrito on a skillet?
Well yeah, thats why they call them shitskins
A little radiation wont hurt you too bad. An extra arm would be pretty awesome.
Hey ristu, you can vouch for my age, right?
There isnt enough room here for a tiny tv. My computer desk is in my closet.
Was the indian your grandma?
Could just watch Space Dandy if that's the aspect that interests you and you don't want to be a statistic for kikeflix.
Maybe half an inch across
Only if you spell my name right
You take that back.
I get chocolate on both days brah. My chocolate already reached its intended target.
Indeed. War will make for interesting times.
Spreading filth is a terrible thing. It is better to erase that filth.
Man that ain't hard.
Nah, you're good then. As far as I know they'll just freeze it with some liquid nitrogen and do a little snippy. You'll get a bandage and be on your way.
Use the oven.
Plug it into your monitor then?
I have, and I loved it.
It's more about procuring and containing a live lobster, then needing to take it apart for all the meat. If it's just a tail it's a straight shot through.
But that's gay stuff. Isn't gay stuff filth?
I have a laptop.
Whens war coming
18 or 19, I can't remember tbh
Good enough.
Why do you punish yourself?
The skill ceiling is very high if you can manage it. You can get to the point where you got as much money as a corporation from all your farm goods and other things if you do it right. But the game is more about comfy slice of life moments.
Oh good. Thanks user
That takes forever and I want my food instantly
Just eat it as is man. Splitting the underbelly isn't a tough job.
The zone is a filthy place.
Sooner than later.
i think i'm gonna go ahead and go for my walk then go to sleep, ill catch you guys in a few days.
Have a good one lads
sorry, i got my japs mixed up. There's two directors, one *wasn't* the main dude on samurai champloo, but worked on a lot of Samurai Champloo. B's producer also produced Dead Leaves.
i was misinformed, see above
Gotta have a little challenge in life or things get boring.
Is it VR compatible?
With who then
Cya next time fam
WTF ppl r so fn progs. No sch thng as wht. Not a race, genotype or anything. Is a Brit the same as a Pollack, chck there DNA.
ASWR: NO n FNO most diverse dna in the world has wht skin . . gene expression red hair green eyes blue eyes flaxen blonde etc . . . carfeull how'd they do it? its the ultimate killer / predator gene pool thats why it incorps everything and . . . dont piss it off. life forms pass but their ideas are eternal
Not a credibly source. Hes been known to lie. He's also a personal enemy of the mods and mark personally. Apparently he almost cucked mark once. Why would you ask for his endorsement of all people?
No one has gay sex in the zone. I'd appreciate it if you didn't imply such homosexual things again.
Why are vidya controllers so expensive nowadays?
I'm not sure what else i can do to vouch for my age. Does me going to college count?
Rule of business #1, charge as much as people are willing to pay.
I'm out, sleep well anons.
It still should work if it has an HDMI port.
But you have to get all the leg and claw meat man.
That's a shame.
Just like, wait.
The vibrator thingies?
Can you even afford VR?
That's true. But why not challenge yourself in productive ways
Because you will pay
Because they're made to not last especially long and thus a frequent $40-50 profit? Granted, I'm still on my first PS3 controller while a friend's burned through like three of them.
The usual suspects.
What do you think freedumbs do with their other free time?
Only that you're a good goy that actually paid for a useless degree. Show me your birth certificate, I guess. Just blot out the names.
I could always get it for my bday
Cya next time user
The movie?
Unnecessary features. I hate the touch pad and light on the DS4 but the controller is so good.
Does that actually work? I thought that was an hdmi out.
I'm already learning a trade and bettering myself so i can find a qt 3d girl
I'm going for a welding major
Yeah, we'll go with that for now.
and then he insulted my intelligence
Ahh success, Xbox EVO X installed
I said fuck it, maybe what I'll do is do a live stream installing the new 250GB HDD for it
What was your favorite toy as a kid?
Ohhh nice congrats fam
So what can that thing do now
Why do you guys respond fully to ritsu when he doesn't even give you 5 words?
I thought welding was dead as a profession?
Don't do that user. Do it for you, not a grill.
Why get that when you can ask for another vacay to japan?
Holla Forums is really slow today.
Probably the collection of hotwheels I had.
Welding is still alive. It's one of those trades that cannot be automated. The best they can do it have a remote controlled robot or a manufacturing arm. It's still in high demand.
Well I need sleep. Have a good night anons.
Theres no way in hell my parents would ever pay for that. Or afford it for that matter.
If I had my full tax refund I think I could afford to go for a weekend but my dads taking half of it
Never was big on hotwheels. Was more an action figure kid
Cya next time user
Also, i want a 3d gf so i can have kids and a family and shit
Never had them. I ended up being outside running around with a 22 most of the time.
We never had funs in the house until I was turning 18 in 2008 around when king nigger was getting anointed. I ended up getting my dad into them a lot so now he owns way more than me.
That's true, someone has to make the arms of the machines and newer devices
How many do you want?
Why's your dad taking half your tax returns
Isn't it basically the same price as vr.
Why does it have leafs for hair
How goes fam
Because I "owe them rent"
You got me.
I got given a 22 at eight and was told to remove rabbit and yote. Gunsmith life, alright life.
1 wife and 3 or 4 kids. I dunno. Welders make a decent amount of money so i could afford it. i just hope i can find a qt arab girl.
The fuck is a yote?
I have a similar situation. I told you that you can't be a NEET forever, and this is why. The moment people will find an excuse to get money from you, their nose grows about six inches and they don't fuck off till they get their shekels.
legit monicas i'ma b goin away 4 a while tbh
ya'll hol it down 4 me n keep givin da cake nigga hell aight fams
It's a plant girl - a cyborg, at that.
Uh oh. My parents started talking like that and doing shit like that when I was neet for a while. They're probably going to really push you to get a job soon and either keep at it, or use the money to help pay for groceries and other things.
Trade jobs usually make a lot, especially if you work by contract, I think. I'm not an expert.
But why an arab chick
Have fun in prison.
white women hate kids now. Arab women are cuter and love kids. I'm pretty sure they're more loyal too
it ain't all bad monica
i stayz high off dat jenk mos times
They really can't kick me out or anything so.
And when I had a job I kept them away from my shekels so now its coming back to bite me with the tax return thing.
How long is your sentence monica?
A cyborg plant huh? Thats a bit silly
Once all my doctor shit comes in next month I know they will start bugging me about jobs. And when I get one I'll have to pay them each month. But I'll negotiate it down to some dumb number like 150$ a month and be fine. Then its off to nippon.
I sleep
idk tbh yet. could b lik 12 but do lik 2 1/2 on sum good boy points u kno
Unless you're a muzzie threatening to honor kill them they're far worse than white women and dumber to boot as well.
good taste tbh
Cya next time fam
Don't drop the soap
browser dependent monica
nigga firs off da tales of rapin in prisons b overblown up outta proportion monica
second off i'ma b da one diddlin niggas asses balee dat
Okay user. If you want your kids to be brown instead of white go for it. Unless you're an arab too.
Remember to smuggle in some cigs and get a supplier for toilet paper. It's worth its weight in gold in there.
I know how you feel though. It sucks when family of all things come at you for money. Kinda hurts.
I dont mind tbh. Arabs are infinitely cuter than any other race. though there was this super cute half black chick that i almost got together with
sorry I was busy
feather, I am not part indian tho
no thank god
I'm 100% white
nigga export dat shit 2 html w/ xmarks n u can take yo books marks ne where monica goddamn how dum is u
Not when they eat the chickens and go after the wild cats. They deserve getting blasted with .50bmg as far as I'm concerned.
So you're saying you like something that has a higher chance of fucking someone else behind your back? God damn son I dunno what to think of you.
nigga i got da clear tv, da white govn't undies, n a box o' ramen waitin 4 me already monica shoot tf u think i b monica smfh
ay monica
Don't get pozzed then
To be fair. In my situation I've been NEET for 9 years so.
What about yours?
Does it get the ones from the toolbar?
I miss when my grandpa had chickens. The fresh eggs all the time was the fucking best
/vg/ is currently sitting just above /cuteboys/ in active users.
Around here, i dont expect a single white woman to be loyal. If i can find a cute arab virgin then i'll have a much higher chance.
long as it in yo bookmarks folder u shoul b good fammo
ay bronsk
Double and triple yoke are the best. I should webm my chickens one day, they're fucking vicious animals. Nothing like seeing them rip a grouse to shreds in mere seconds.
You got two choices, the arab with the arranged marriage or the one who has completely westernized themselves with all the downsides.
yee yee
An arranged marriage would be pretty good.
I don't think they are. And I mostly use that toolbar so its retardedly long too
You use em for real life pokemon or something?
i'ma miss u monica thx 4 postin all dem mushisis up on dem ayyemmz
Work and part time studies now. Was neet a while back for a while.
stay retarded ritsu bb gib ya boi one lass kissey
( ' 3 ')
Naw, some dumb grouse fell into the pen and the chickens went antman on it before going back to being chickens.
There be no love in that.
no problem fam, I put yurucamp and girls last tour on there too
ye ye monica dat psycho nigga i luh dat nigga fam he be posin backwards n shit ahahahahahahahahaha
At least you are working towards something with studies.
I think my mom will kill me when I quit my next job and go to nippon again.
Homey don't play that monica
Whats a grouse tbh Some kind of mouse?
donchu mean ahahahahahahah
Love comes in time
Only into two girls kissing fam
Wild chicken. Extremely dumb animals.
Nein, you just gotta find that which your red string is tied to.
mebbe we coul b girls 2 nite monica
I doubt any of it will matter anyway. Odds are we'll have ww3 soon or something big. Feels like it anyway.
World War 3 you say?
mo lik world war deez nuts
But how they taste
Save all the gay stuff for prison
With the UK falseflagging itself with nerve agent to pin on russia, yeah feels like it.
I don't think I could be drafted so, maybe it'll be comfy.
Red string?
c'mon fam one time 4 da one time monica
I wouldn't be drafted, but if WW3 happens i expect there to be a civil war in most western countries. It'll be fun tbh. Western life is boring.
Look at this normalfag
point and laugh at this shit
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_thread_of_fate
I do love fun and was raised for fun and fun things.
race wars are fun
I dunno. Maybe my fate is to rescue a qt girl during the upcoming civil war.
Do you grow your own baccy?
g'night 4am iz been real monicas
ya send me sum muffins or w/e when i figger where a nigga b jailin @ aight monicas
dun 4 get bout da dark manz
Naw, I get wholesale prices on it if I want it or I could buy it off the moonshine man if I so chose to do so.
Cya next time fam
Yes sir.
Who knows.
What kind do you use?
If not, there is a couple qt arab girls in my english class and maybe something can happen there.
what color skin?
Sort of yellowish brown. i can tell because they have bigger noses
I'm sorry, what color skin do you have?
Generally cigars or fancy dunhills.
I'm so pale that if i was any paler i would be transparent.
maybe you should consider a better option than brown skin, like work out for fucks sake
Dunhills are pretty good. Only ever had a couple times though.
I'm looking into this britbong rope tobacco like they use to make back hundreds of years ago. You can either toss it in a pipe or chew it. Seems neat as shit.
hahahahahahah wps
In my welding class i'm around high heat and heavy metal, is that a good alternative?
No, im serious. You can see every single vein in my hands and arms.
That stuff can be fairly oily and a bitch to light.
What kind have you used?
And yeah you are supposed to let it sit out and drive after you cut it and before you shove it in a pipe.
Some Gawith stuff the ivans thought looked like dog shit and I can tell you when it actually lit it quite frankly was some spicy as fuck tobacco.
get sum melanin monica
Yeah thats the kind I'm looking for.
Heard it was pretty strong stuff.
I dont know how you made that segway
You know the drill, free tutoring.
Head over to rizon channel:
Math, science, philosophy/theology, and writing (essay comp). Anything you can take as an undergrad in those topics.
Even if I am not in the channel in the moment, I leave it up, so just leave how you want me to contact you if I am not there a the time you show up.
Many people have enjoyed steam and skype accounts to communicate. It's been mostly math so far. Anytime you need, I'm here to help you.
I dont know either. I'm tired. Nigjt.
are you for real?
Cya next time user
Incredibly strong. I think I'm gonna get some sleep.
Nice good to hear.
Cya next time fam
yessnooo dat nigga long gone tbh
eybody report me plz
dis nigga ain't paid taxes in years
click to find out
gonna go fam, got stuff to work on
( ' 3 ' )
dun 4 get about me moinca
dont worry monica, I be waitin
holy shit