All the games the ((MSM)) could Demonized. Why are they trying to start a moral panic over Fortnite of all games? Wouldn’t starting a moral panic over PUBG be more logical because of realistic graphics and blood? Also why didn’t they go after Overwatch for being popular with kids?
Why parents are getting really worried about the effect the Fortnite game is having on their childre
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There like 3 weeks Of nonstop Fortnite bashing.
Did epic game pissed off feminists? Why Fortnite and not Overwatch?
Good job.
Probably some gay political shit about cartoon violence glorifying firearms with children while they're attempting to demonize them.
Why am I not surprised? This is just the latest thing parents use to blame for their childs behavior instead of their own incompetence. The state will take care of it though don't worry.
Have you considered doing things with your child that show them video games aren't the only thing in life? I know this is Holla Forums, but I hope you guys get out once in a while just to remind yourselves the world exists
I'm sure trumpstein will pass legislation to fix this.
From what I got, "Cartoony Violence" that affects "The Children" did Blue Asshole Studios of PUB-Garbage fame did a secret deal with those (((MSM))) journalists to attack their competition?
I imagine it's because Fortnite is dethroning PUGB in terms of popularity.
I read about 600,000 concurrent viewers in twitch on some Fortnite streamer, the highest watched livestream, Epic and Twitch bragged about it, and just like Ark Survival, PUBG might go the way of being the flavor of the month twatch game
Seems fine by me
It's on free and on consoles. Hence more kids play it.
Milf at 1:39 10/10 would hit it.
almost makes ya wanna create an anti-videogame GEX.mp4 to show them how to really fearmonger
On GMA? That probably wouldn’t be hard. She a single mother. All her kids look like they were from different fathers.
Why not? Trump already done more damage to the second amendment than Obama, bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan combine.
Do you think we could convince boomers that video games are universally comprised of hyper realistic ISIS execution simulators and hardcore fetish hentai?
Make all video games illegal so only pirates can get them.
Yes, this.
Sounds good
I would be more concerned about kids playing a shit game
"Gaming disorder" is a mental disorder.
Thanks America.
I don't want to blame videogames for things getting as bad as they are, but doesn't some part of you think that things would be quite so bad if the normalfags hadn't gotten them?
Just like homophilia and gender dysphoria.
Makes you wonder why (((they))) removed faggots from the disorder list and add normal things to it, doesn't it?
Take your meds, conspiracy nut :^)
Parents should be worried about their kids shit taste.
Graphic explains pretty well why this is happening: >>>Holla Forums885205
Why is Europe so worried about vidya causing gun violence anyway? I didn't think you guys had civil rights over there in the first place.
No, they don't and nobody claims that here.
They claim vidya causes aggressiveness, hostility and all the problems in our society politicians caused.
This and "The internet is evil apart from our safespace sites provided by our (((greatest allies)))." generally used to keep the sheeps in front of the TV and also serves as general distraction from the real issues they face daily.
Now guess why Merkel launched the whole thing as her eternal election campaign?
t. German
Apart of me like to think Steve job killed hismelf.
killer possibly inspired by counter strike
won't add more because otherwise I'd fill the whole thread
Because they want to avoid chinese influence on the west, as China is in the process of becoming Great Again:
-China's current leader changed the constitution, and became governor for life.
-They are in the path to reinstate Imperialism and abolish the cancer called (((democracy))) forever.
-The current government is reinforcing practices against communism, but also against banks owned by jews.
-China is also reinforcing laws that end completely the notion of copyright. Everyone can create everything from everywhere, and no one is bound to any corporation.
-And finally, China has been enacting laws forbidding (((diversity))) in all it's forms, since 2017. Faggots have no rights. Faggot propaganda is forbidden on media. Niggers have no rights and suffer larger penalties than chinese for committing any crime. Islam is being hunted down, and mudslimes are in the way to become illegal to even exist.
China is in the path to ruin the deformed kikes' globalist agenda, and they are forcing their way in every market owned by kikes.
Expect the weak and impotent as always kikes to make constant attacks on chinese products, even more than now.
But the only way to solve problems in real life IS killing "people"(subhumans).
And to prove my CDU point:
demand for the prohibition of "killer games" and reinforcement of youth sentence law
Rude. Niggers can't help that they were born with broken blood.
I think you got something totally wrong there:
Also explains why we had to invade Poland to save the poor souls hunted by jews and why we had to fight against the ZOG states for ZOG-reasons
It's gaming addiction and it is a disorder similar to a gambling addiction. Are you denying that the people who get themselves killed through week-long gaming marathons, relieving themselves on their computer chairs and all, are mentally ill?
The whole discussion belongs in a different topic though.
No, weak willed
Don't widen the definition ill.