What Mobile Games do you play Holla Forums?
Mobile Game
Chinatown Wars has a really good mobile and tablet port surprisingly.
I don't but my faggot boyfriend plays Exvius, Faito and Fearoes.
Out There, Plague, rymdkapsel, Deemo.
Magia Record, T7s and Garupa.
Chinatown Wars? Triads?
Osmos HD.
Good comfy game.. very calming
Ah I see why I wouldn't know about it. Most of the games I've downloaded are Japanese.
SMT IOS if you still use an older iphone
Oh my mistake then user. Still you should try Chinatown Wars out.
I'll have a look into it but this week is not a good week with 3 ongoing events I want to play.
does it count if i play a mobile game on my PC? I play yu-gi-oh duel links.
Yes. It's called an Emulator. Bluestacks?
Puzzle Fighter because I hate myself and am probably gay.
Dead Ahead Zombie Warfare if you can tolerate a grindy fuckfest. Game has microtransaction and the difficulty curve is fucking stupid (pretty sure its intentional). The pixel graphics are pretty good. I could type a small essay on the whole game but its fairly, simple, and fun. Just expect to grind alot, watch ads (if you want to make the grind less retarded), and go to a dead stop on progress.
Galimulator is also fun
no there is a pc port on steam. its quite a fun game despite how it is so obviously a mobile game.
Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection
Pixel Dungeon
Pleb detected
>>>/cuckchan/ is that way, friend.
How much of your parents' money have you spent on this shit?
Finally done with T7s today. Moving on from all the saved CP.
The smarted way to play these games is not spend a single cent on them. They want you to spend but you game the system by setting up a schedule and using time instead of money.
I haven't spent a single cent.
how sad
that the best current Fire Emblem is mobage
**it's pretty good though""
None, cause I'm not some Asian fuckboy that loves grinding or wastes money on alternate skins for my animu waifus.
There are no good mobile games but drastic is a good ds emulator so I've spent a few hundred hours playing days of ruin on that at least
You are mistaken.
Yes Dad I play mobage.
Jokes on you. I save up on items to buy cute costumes.
Pic related is actually fun.
nigga what
i have less disgust for anyone that prefers audiobooks over reading books than i have for the OP of the thread
The real plebs here are you faggots.
If it takes you more than a minute to take a shit, you have problems.
eat some fiber faggots, there are more enjoyable things to be doing with your life than slowly excreting through your asshole over a pot of stewing shit.
I have half a mind to create /mobage/ myself for the sole purpose of telling mobilefags to go there. I don't have the time to moderate, though.
I don't play cellphone games, and I just deleted the last few I had (bubble witch 3 and airhockey) because I never played them. Hell the only reason why I kept a bitch game like Bubble Witch 3 around is because it vaguely reminded me of Bubble Bobble on the PSX - but they covered it in freemium shit and that nauseating modern marketing art.
If I play anything on my phone it's Project Diva via PPSSPP since those are least fun, real games designed to provide entertainment rather than dissect the fun bits and meter them out to the player so they can better nickel and dime you. And it lends itself well to the horrible touch interface… although sticking displays and your fingers over the screen that's trying to display vital visual cues is still a terrible idea - it's serviceable if just played on normal (so you only have to deal with X and Y and precision with no haptic feedback isn't as big a deal).
the only thing worth getting on anything mobile is emulators.
just do it, who gives a fuck about moderation of a shithole like that, you can just pass it off to any user who'd want it
Echoes and Awakening are better than Heroes.
Mostly roguelikes. (DCSS, Nethack, C:DDA, HyperRogue, etc)
Full bokko heroes x
Also shit thread
we have two mobage generals, pick your poison and make sure you take a lethal dose
Is there there somekind of free tamagotchi-like mobile game without in-app purchases?
KoDP is the best thing I have on mobile.
Besides that ports. Just don't pick up Titans Quest because it runs below 15fps.
Like any mobage it gets boring fast.
But what is even worse, it actually is the best FE game.
dude are you constipated?
I need a yuri wholesome manga out of those two
Too much fibre can do that.
Here's how I can tell you are underage
How old are you if it takes you an hour to shit? Old enough to remember a good sonic vidya?
You will have better luck learning to program your own.
How's the Towercuck lawsuit going? I haven't looked into it lately.
Maybe he shits frequently enough to need an hour.
how the fuck has nobody said granblue fantasy yet
Because it's still mobile garbage designed solely to milk whales with waifubait. Call me when Re:Link comes out.
I find that hard to believe
Because it runs like ass on actual phones.
Because this is a shitty thread and most people play Granblue on mobile emulators anyway.
tits or gtfo faggot
He called his boyfriend a faggot fro a reason.
i really want to play kodp on mobile but that game has the most advanced anti-piracy i have ever seen. i think i havent seen this game cracked in its entire existence in the playstore
I used to play Hearthstone on my phone. It's probably the best mobile game, whixh isn't daying much.
aren't there gf simulator apps?
arent you a fucking loser who cant fuck random whores?
There are actually a surprising number of mobile games that aren't run of the mill whaling vessels if you search under the "Premium" category in Google Play. Particularly ports of older generation games.
pic unrelated
Name two then shill.
not him but kairosoft games are top tier mobile games. every game they made are pixelshit sim games but theyre polished and pretty fun.
We have IDs here cuckchan.
Does it have a harem route? If not, why bother with a waifu game?
But if it's so shit then why does it keep winning all the awards?
Deemo is the shit, even if the albums are expensive.
They all play the same, though.
There are some differences. The F1 and Gamedev ones are similar for example, but the pirate/pokemon thing is pretty different from what I remember. They have about three (when I last checked, which was a few years ago) game templates or styles that they use.
Anyone know any good board game mobile apps? I've been playing a lot of Ascension, looking for something similar.
I have minesweeper on my phone. It's fun.
Girls Frontline and Granblue if you can really consider granblue a mobile game.
been thinking about picking up Princess Connect! Re:Dive and Azur Lane though.
Wasn't the translation complete garbage in that one?
Used to play a lot of Bullet Hell Monday but the whole 'achievements' system of progression was awful.
Now I just use ComicsScreen to read manga and ebooks. The Disaster Artist was a great read. Highly recommended.
Is it even translated?
anything with waifus
Hello there mr goon.
Really amazes me that Chink Games are getting so popular considering how regularly Chinkshit get trashed. Times are a changing I guess.
Although I'm still not sure what to make of modern Chink pop culture. Sure I'd take this any day over Red Commie propaganda and shameless CCP worship, and it could eventually mutate into something else, but I'm not sure what to make of them outright taking inspiration from Modern Japanese Pop Culture from harems to reverse harems down to turning X into Cute Girls.
I used to play love live idol festival but then I got lineage os without gapps because of all the absurdities it does and rooted my phone. Result is I don't play anything anymore.
Ancient empires 1 and 2.
yes, black survival is actual good survival game
how could someone get that, should they choose to get that
Hopefully the next app will be better.
i want normalfags to leave this fucking site
Been playing the Carmageddon mobile port. The controls are kinda ass but it's still pretty fun to play.
none because i have a hacked ps vita lol. phone games are for literal retards
Tried several mobile games, but my choice is using emulators only. There are thousands of games, they are good, they are free.
I play Yakuza Jewfest Dragonball Z Dokkan Battle: Gambling Addiction Odyssey: Rigged Rates Sadness Deluxe Edition.
I don't play it on a phone, though, because I don't own one. I play it on an emulator tucked behind spreadsheets on my second monitor at work.
I like the team-building aspects, but mostly I'm just a filthy buttslut for Dragonball because nostalgia. Don't pity me, for I am already beyond salvation.
This holy shit