I thought as time went on graphics were supposed to look better, not worse. Why do Nugamers like this vomit...

I thought as time went on graphics were supposed to look better, not worse. Why do Nugamers like this vomit? I have seen fucking ps3 games that looked better.

Attached: Overwatch-update-773334[1].jpg (1600x900 146.51 KB, 396.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why work for money when normalfags subsidize your laziness?

Video games have become a subsidized asset farm for movie studios.

Having Iphone graphics on a AAA game is the new brown and bloom. They are all trying to copy TF2 which somehow looked better 10 years ago than these games today.

Attached: 135079-team-fortress-2-windows-front-cover[1].jpg (800x1131, 178.78K)

tf2 10 years ago also looked better than tf2 today. Real shame how valve handled that one. Valve is fucked up with how they made TF2 a guinea pig game.

Welcome to the SjW led videogame industry. their cancer has ruined our hobby.

Because it's harder to run and idiots think harder to run is better. This is a real problem on PC because the hardware companies make deals to actually make games harder to run not just on competitors cards but on older versions of their own cards when they also cut driver support. The reason that graphics cards come with 'free' games is part of this because they tell the companies their card will sell better if they can have a game come with it but only if they do as their told.

They are literally made for children that like cartoons.

This also does not help.

its just a Jewish gimmick to push hardware sales

is what is important

Attached: 3295237-cuphead screen shot 9_28_17, 6.46 pm 1[1].jpg (1920x1080, 369.69K)

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Because developing better physics or making games around what an engine can do is no longer being done because of two reasons. One, it's way easier to just make some style over substance shit, since it'll just sell by simple popularity. Two, programmers know that videogame companies treat their employees like dogshit, so all the good programmers would rather program shit for other companies.
We won't get a game that successfully exploits fluid dynamics, we won't get better physics other than "things fall down and interact like they're made of rubber".

It's called art direction not graphics, you uneducated retard.
Feel free not to share your thoughts anymore, please.

It has shitty art direction AND graphics.

Here's what a more updated TF2-like shooter might have looked like, user.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1277x719, 839.9K)

Beauty is subjective, you racist sexist bigot. Trying to make art look more like reality is worse than slavery. Art is whatever anyone says is art.


I thought that is what SJW's want, it's why they hate attractive people in videogames and want just ugly fat fucks.

The more a game looks like its made out of solid blocks of clay without actually being clay, the more likely it is to be a shit western game. I find this blizzard art style atrocious. It screams how safe the developers are trying to play and i only feel contempt towards those who refuse risk taking.

But we are talking about NuVideogames and some people on Holla Forums still like videgeogames.

There is a world in which we got Overstrike instead of Overwatch.

I'd like to live in that timeline.

Reality isn’t what kikes say it is. “Reality” isn’t fats and faggots and trannies and marxists being normal. “Reality” isn’t wanton sex or drug use or Keynesianism.

The graphics are shit too, you fucking dumbass. The polycount on trees in Fortnite are on-par with early 7th gen Rare games. The problem isn't just that they choose a cartoon artstyle. The problem is they choose a cartoon artstyle and then made everything severely lower poly than it needed to be. Look at the textures in Sea of Thieves and tell me those textures warrant dragging down the poly counts.
Then there's the matter of SJWs pozzing the fuck out of these games. Females in video games have never been uglier, but that's okay because "Muh male gaze!"

Just another day at the office, user.

Attached: 1446251886162-0.jpg (508x720, 58.1K)

I'm sorry user but most of the 1st world is either fat, a faggot or both.

The problem with their attempts at copying TF2 is that they don't get the whole picture. It's not meant to rip off CG cartoon movies, it's supposed to remind you of the mid-20th century in various ways from the shading to the architecture.

Realism is a cancer that the industry needs to abandon. Games that try to sell themselves with super high-resolution HD graphics inevitably look like shit within 5 years and perform like shit no matter what platform they're on. Performance should always take priority over graphical fidelity. Games should pride themselves on their gameplay rather than their visuals.

I like the blocky nu-graphic artstyle because it communicates very clearly what everything in the game is at a glance. The developers use shape and colour a lot more freely to convey things within the game compared to the brown and bloom military men with guns used in every single other AAA game.

Fat people and faggots combined make up like 5% of the world population at most.

The shading as in the characters are shaded like they would be in a painting from that period, I forgot that.

Majority ≠ reality. Learn what words mean.

I'm more willing to believe it was intentionally sabotaged to protect some corporate hegemony.

The real problem lies in this weird fallacy that reality isn't colorful. It is extremely colorful and I'm disappointed in every dev that makes a "photo-realistic" game and then doesn't give it color.

Attached: 1455468850361.jpg (977x722, 185.45K)

But make up over half of America and Europe.

Welcome to cultural entropy
Gone with the Wind is still the highest grossing film of all time.

yes those games are ugly whats your point? Being a graphics whore is still blind consumerism.

Because its easier to make and because its less demanding on lower end systems.

And when it comes to catching the eye of a potential customer interesting realistic art style is also harder to make compared to your average cartoony hyper expressive shit.

Attached: DSC02461.JPG (1704x2272, 950.65K)

There are two reasons for this that immediately come to mind. One is that the style is easier to run on lower spec computers because the quality is all in the lighting. The other is the psychological aspect about it. It's visual distinctness indicates that its gameplay is supposed to be about as realistic as Fantasia. Players aren't going to question things like "how can a person shoot out of a cannon in Sea of Thieves?" or "why am I jumping out of a bus attached to a balloon in Fortnite?" You don't have to explain any of this because it's removed from reality. In games that look realistic and clearly aren't like Crysis and MGS, everything has to be explained so that it makes sense and seems possible.

Attached: static.playbill.com.jpg (970x546, 81.97K)

I see this in every single industry, but gaming is especially obvious. For some reason the people running companies don't seem to understand that treating your people like shit results in high turnover, low morale, and quality control going down the shitter. I guess it's because kikes and their pets get off on lording their authority over people.

That's not true though. If it were for hardware, these shit games would look like Quake 3 on the lowest possible settings. The file sizes are also getting bigger as well, for no discernible reason. It's just shitty style. These games honestly look like fucking Shrek.

They look much worse than Shrek.

Not really. The sequels are alright I guess, but the original Shrek looks like ass today. It's visually appealing ass, but it's still ass.

Because the graphics would look "good" if the art wasn't terrible garbage.
please note there is a distinction

Like pic #2 and #3 look like people who know how to do it but suck in the art department.

On the opposite end, sometimes publishers don't hold their employees accountable for anything or hold them to any standards.

>It's Its visual distinctness
I hate this error.

^ This (pic related)

Attached: the absolute state of cartoons.jpg (919x505, 153.55K)

Shrek had better animated hair and skin textures than anything in OPs post.

Cuphead is a NuVideogame though you dinkleberry, and it was made by a literal Chad along with his bro. I'm also really happy that the game itself was successful, shows that the gaming industry still has its gems and the market will react accordingly, contrary to what some fags here on Holla Forums believe.
that pitiful excuse of a weapon is a fucking disgrace, as disgraceful as using the double hearts charm instead of the hachet / coffee. It has shit damage, shit Super EX, and sounds awful. Now man up and use the fucking SPREADSHOT like a real man would.

Shit man, why do you have to remind me about that.

Too bad that Valve abused the fuck out of this game, and now treated it like a red-headed stepchild. Its also a damn shame since the TF2's community right now is nowhere as robust as it was back then.

Yeah but it would remove alot of its potential humor as well, these games may try their hardest to be 'humorous' but they will all fall flat when compared to some random goofy moments in Battlefield or ARMA. Look at this webm for example, i mean yeah the audio did the heavy lifting, but the fact that this shit happens at all will still invite some chuckle compared to OP's example.

Attached: getdawatanigga.webm (600x338, 831.96K)

Liking good graphics doesn't making you a blind consumer, in fact a blind consumer would accept paying $60 for a game that looks like ass.

Yeah, I guess it did. It's been a while since I've actually seen Shrek. The hair isn't just plain colour as I remembered it being.

I've seen PS2 games that look better

Attached: douglas.gif (940x430, 7.07M)

I forgot how impressive that shit was.

nigger the PS2 era graphics the all we ever needed. Wanting 4k resolution and paying out the ass for a GPU just play a garbage 150gb "game" is being a blind consumer. Not to mention the graphics balloons the budget and a ballooned cost of production means developers play it more safe, which means less fun allowed.

Stylized graphics is better than realistic graphics because it ages well. If you release something that looks realistic now, it'll look like fucking trash compared to what's realistic 5 years from now. But stylized games like Wind Waker still look gorgeous despite the hardware they run on being underpowered and old.
The problem with MODERN stylized games is that they're made by Full Sail or Devry or University of Phoenix idiots who learned the basics of how to use 3D modeling software, but absolutely zero art theory about how to make something aesthetically pleasing. And that's how you end up with 500,000 "games" all using this art style. Then a few of the more retarded AAA devs mistake this ubiquity for popularity when it's actually just mass incompetence, and they make shit like Fortnite and Sea of Thieves. overwatch actually looks good

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This is false, it's something companies say as excuses. The Witcher and Metro were both the 2 best looking games on their release and they were made with peanuts. See what a mean, only a blind consumer accepts lazy devs.

Valve is the only publisher I've ever heard of that did that, and I think gaben has learned his lesson by now.

Jesus Fucking Christ that is depressing

they must suck dick like a pro GG 2.0 when?

is it really THAT hard to render the players feet in a FPS? Any devfags wanna explain this to me?

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This is the cherry on the shit sundae with how awful the gaming industry is.

I studied animation (not at any cucked places such as cal arts) and I can tell you most artist and the coders I've met avoid the gaming industry like a fucking sickness.

What I think it is is that devs have gotten into the, frankly retarded, mindset of "More polygons = better looking" and have been majorly neglecting the texture quality that is being applied so they and up dropping these flat as fuck looking models into their games that are only aggravated by their poor lighting models.

They never think this. They can't tell a good product from a bad, all that matters to them is profit vs return and they will only see a game as "bad" if it doesn't make a ton of money.

Kill you'reself.

That's simply not a consideration that many developers take into mind. Are you talking about the shoe-horned in humor, the humor in when something absolutely silly happens in gritty-looking games like Battlefield 1, or both?

Attached: Wind-Waker-canon.jpg (1920x1080, 188.2K)

Attached: doubt.png (227x221, 61.78K)

My point precisely. AAA games have been bombing financially left and right and publishers for some reason are refusing to fix the problem. Ubisoft is being propped up by the leafs as a propaganda platform, EA has sportsball, WTF does everyone else have? What am I not seeing?

Wind Waker is shit.

There are multiple benefits in using a cartoonish artstyle as listed in this thread.

Attached: OP is a faggot.jpg (386x412, 33.79K)

No wonder it looks like and plays like shit

Attached: This is modern gaming.PNG (646x291, 24.49K)

For the first screencap (Fortnite), isn't that because cartoony artstyle is better for the eye than a realistic one in a MMO genre?

They never think about that.

Bioshock Infinite was a cheap game. The story was pretentious, the graphics look dated, extremely low-poly 3D assets, downgraded gameplay from previous games (the player can only carry 2 weapons), level design is basically a succession of corridors, no exploration. That game was The Big Bang Theory of the Bioshock games.

Attached: Rage.gif (300x136, 104.27K)

So you read it, but can't comprehend what you read.

Try a little harder children.

You didn't know? All the UT devs were forced to make Fortnite into a PUBG clone after it was clear that Fortnite was flopping hard and PUBG was the new big thing.

I guess that's what happen when China acquires your company and forces you to develop at gunpoint

Pic related are american obesity rates for american adults.

Attached: obesityrates.png (500x566, 59.75K)

A little early for April fools pls tell me its just a prank

>(((shareholders))) don't want to maximize profits
really activates my almonds

Attached: e18098cc74824cb9ce48a9c9cd5679bc.jpg (640x640, 87.66K)

If it was a prank the average normalfag fell for it because Fornite is currently the most popular online game in the world.

If the statistics on the majority are real, then it is reality. Do you mean to say, "ideally", which is the opposite of "reality"? You need to learn what words mean.

Attached: reality.png (634x223, 8.55K)

maybe if it dies, we wont have to watch UT become an abomination.

Wind Waker has always looked hideous. The lack of decent lighting makes everything look flat, like each object is a sticker slapped onto a blue canvas. I'm not even considering your point about stylized graphics aging better, I'm disagreeing with using Wind Waker as an example.

Attached: windwaker.jpg (1276x929, 176.75K)


You are the same people who parade the "old immaculate nintendo classics" around as the pinnacle of video games, aren't you?

Sure, Medal of Honour does not look stunning today, maybe it never did, but it gets the point across.
You are in the real world tied to real world events.

Honestly, of all the streamer crap there, IGN's video is probably the least cancerous if you wanted to find out what the game is.

Attached: 3.jpg (1280x1024 227.86 KB, 297.88K)

When you post to 8ch.net you support pedophiles


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This fortnite shit looks as gay as that Cliffy. B game that flopped (can't even remember the name of it now.) Why is this garbage a success?

Because people wanted a battle royale game that ran on console and wasn't filled with filthy stinking dirty gooks

Because it copied off of PUBG but unlike Lawbreakers which copied off of Overwatch, Fortnite knew that the average consumer is an idiot and only wants a product fast and free. If the game took another year to develop and was $30 it would be DOE.

Actually, it was 12-year-old playtesters: you know, the ones who wouldn't legally be able to play the game, said it was cartoony and the developers changed the artstyle entirely because of that.

At least Kamiya knows that you shouldn't take all critique from game testers if it conflicts with the overall design when he was on Viewtiful Joe.

It's using cell shading and flat isn't really a bad thing given it's supposed to represent a 2D cartoon. I think you're just pushing your opinion here more than anything. WW is probably one of the the most ageless looking games of its time.


I have nothing against "cartoony" aesthetics. They can look good and you can do more with simple aesthetics than realistic aesthetics, but they have to be genuinely simpler like lower poly. It frees up more performance for physics and high framerates. Whether people take advantage of that is another story since modern devs are so shitty.

Attached: tetra model.png (750x650, 104.03K)

The user was implying that the publishers care about quality. I said that they don't give a shit, they just want more people to buy their games.
Look at the God of War franchise, Santa Monica Studio was done with the IP but Sony cancelled their new project and forced them to make a reskin of The Last of Us. This new GoW game is not for their fanbase, it's for another public.

Clay graphics are better for multiplayer games obviously. Less rendering for everybody, especially those on consoles and entry level PC's


Graphical consistency is more important than graphics. It's a little-known secret and the reason why old games still hold up today.

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1920x1300, 776.29K)

At least in the western industry.
Video games became a scam to steal money from impressionable idiots that buy on impulse.

are you sure this is worse than the brown & bloom of ps3?

deep breath

>judging a game based on the graphics alone and not the gameplay.

Attached: gethit.png (565x796, 384.89K)

gtfo weebshit

go back to neogaf or resetera or whatever fag pit you crawled out of.

I hate those games but realism is pointless and stylized lasts.

Gameplay of Fortnite is fucking mediocre.

it's a slight improvement on the dayz clone and that's all the crowd needs

>deep breath
No, go back to gaia.


I didn't care for the free battle royal version that was available. Felt poorly optimized even with the cartoon graphics and the weapons didn't feel statisfying to shoot.

Only reaosn to go there is for the underage cybersex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men pretending to be underage to cyber sex with other men.

That's not saying much.

Because consoles have been holding back development for years. Look at how good things were in 2005 when PC was the main platform.


No fuck you anime has always been allowed on imageboards. You newfags need to go back where you came from.


>cell shading
Anyways, the reason as to why it looks ageless because it's visually unremarkable. It has been stripped of textures, post-processing, lighting, even geometry. It's hard to improve upon its simplicity because it's exactly how it was intended to look.


also "games as a service" because budgets are so needlessly bloated they need to make microtransactions to reach those profit margins the (((shareholders))) in the company want.

yea but using reaction pictures is gay as greentext starting off with "be me"


Attached: whos that pokemon.PNG (156x170, 3.09K)

Green text is narrative structure for the illiterate.

Reaction images, especially smug anime chicks, really piss off the normalfags and goons. It is patrician tier defense of board culture to smug and gore the unwashed and uninitiated.

Attached: b23c432f9104102df74b5c417e2d633ff4c89ae1a86ca5a9ac178b1c8cf1a2c6.jpg (565x575, 30K)

What about it?

The fuck you on about? I genuinely don't know what you're trying to say when you're objectively criticizing the way the game looks unless you're a graphic's fag.

Hi reddit.

I've seen better Atari 2600 games that looked better.

Profits are fine without microtransactions. Games are cheaper to make then ever thanks to sweatshop dev labor and new tech. Educate yourself newfriend.

Attached: DYz_CTlWAAAjMXj.jpg (612x642, 64.52K)

Phone Games

Graphic quality in the eyes of numales reseted.

Also more females into the field = less quality


Kingdom Come Deliverance is immersive as fuck, mainly thanks to it's graphics engine.

Imagine a Fallout game with that engine.

Emoji usage and meme spacing (your post is a perfect example) is just as cancerous, and express an equal lack of experience with the written language. Or for the sake of argument lets assume your opinion is as shallow as your terse statements reveal and isn't merely the product of being a phoneposter.

Attached: contempt.gif (500x452, 1000.16K)

Never forget the fact that Volvo used the game to test their graphics engine as well, look up all those commentaries on how they tried to perfect the lighting effects and how they redesigned the entire fucking game from scratch because it looked way too bland compared to their old gen. I wonder what would make a game stand out, nowadays? Filling it with high tech hair and clothing tech and making sure most of the mechanics show that graphical tech as much as possible?

The problem with "graphics" is that if they lack direction they might as well have been made for a Warioware microgame. Old realistic shit can still look great if the art direction the game went is coherent, just look at Max Payne, half the cast is made of plastered textures and yet it's still better looking than mobilecrap.

it's disgusting how much more character and wit you get from listening to TF2 character audio or watching the class trailers than any of the Overwatch shorts. Valve WAS full of talented people, wish they could fucking finish something

Pete I know that's you, I need to see you upstairs later this afternoon

Attached: ab34b00bfbaea7bb4196c59d19807eabe175cc622c3eebed0355428102ef55eb.jpg (639x755, 40.12K)

You space after you move to another topic as well as sty in format to the "also" rhetoric. Stay illiterate dipshit.
You're doing a great job of expressing what an eternally unappeased faggot sounds like. Maybe you should fuck off to whatever college forums you seem to browse and we can both be happy.

Attached: Screenshot_3.png (456x416, 373.73K)

Nice word salad, schizo.

They're all trying to imitate TF2.
The difference between something like Fortnite and TF2 is that TF2 took nearly ten years to make and was the result of laborious, careful art design while Fortnite was probably stylistically designed in a month.

Nice argument newfag.

Style is far more important, and those games have unique visual styles.

Not really no. It looks like a Overwatch Clone. Style wise this shit looks like garbage.

You're saying Overwatch doesn't have style? Your opinion of the game aside, it's probably the most stylish game since MGS3.

7 mb gif….. jesus christ user

Fortnite actually had a really troubled development mostly because Bazingaman's chink overlords couldn't choose what type of game to rip off and call their own. Once Fortnight got big the answer was clear and it got a pricetag.

Get the fuck out

That's not style

THIS is style

Overwatch is like that female period painting.

And by the second Fortnight there of course I mean PUBG.

its just disney cg style put into mediocre 3d renders. its boring.

Attached: PARTY HARD.gif (237x237, 443.01K)

Overwatch has a style? What exactly? It's so bland that anything goes in it, just like how TF2 is today.

Even Heroes of the Storm has more style than Overwatch, and that's saying something.

Pure, unadulterated graphics-faggotry. So many of you need to get roped, fucking hell.

You are one dumb motherfucker.

If it has style, then define it. All I'm seeing is something so bland that literally anything goes. Blizzard is busy shoving everything they can into the same game without any sense of cohesion. The very antithesis of a distinctive style.

Nice joke faggot

Overwatch also has shit artstyle, though. This fake "comic-book inspired" garbage sucks because you can't feel impact from getting or dealing hits and sometimes it's full of flashy effects overlapping eachother. Same goes for Fortnite, Battleborn and ARMS


2005 was also the year where consoles along with PC started getting casualized due to big graphic blockbusters like those.

Remove yourself from the gene pool, retard

Attached: 12552591_10153850551769935_8488792474468973540_n.jpg (720x590, 26.87K)

The last bastion of the talent-less hack


I owned a copy of Wind Waker when I was 7 when I got the $99 Gamecube Zelda Collection bundle and thought it looked like ass compared to Zelda 64.

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Now post the full picture

Attached: nugames.png (1469x1067, 848.3K)

Well this is something that I've never seen anyone else bring up, but this is really important.

Remove TF2 from that list and replace is with classic or something.

Oh, yeah, that.

The funny thing about this joke is it only works for switch because It's the only current gen console with games

Attached: e8bb4171fa4754d833fcf0b885bcf611dd0c400245b9454122e74bbcd0cd263c.png (1500x1737, 1.96M)

To bad none of them are any good.

Attached: 757a2c73db99c2e90db035cc8ccb0543d147af4d9abf0615666f5210741a4a15.png (414x303, 106.09K)

I wish Garry's Mod didn't get flooded by autistic preteens because of eceleb faggots.

Wind Waker is one of the worst Zelda games ever made.

The art might be bad, especially with the ass-ugly pirates, but I like the graphics style. It's easier to make "pretty" characters with in the same way anime is easier than photorealism, it's easier on my systems, and everything in the game is much more visually distinct, even if the artists aren't good at doing so deliberately. As far as I'm concerned, there's very few reasons for games to NOT use this kind of graphics.

thanks for the input, pixar

thanks faggot


the reason why this is a fad is that 3D models tend to be way too symmetrical. Meaning they generally don't have the same stylized character of hand drawn art, Therefore the artist overcompensates and exaggerates the expressions even beyond hand drawn to try and capture the spirit of hand drawn animation.

Attached: anigif_enhanced-buzz-15527-1391600559-4.gif (500x300, 935.75K)


Now I want to know where this comes from.

Stylized semi realistic 3d models are possible,
this is shit, this is like running post processing over everything because you suck at modelling

TF2 also looked better 10 years ago. We are in a disappointing age…

Attached: JMEiqCu.jpg (959x1080, 112.41K)

Graphics were a mistake.

reading through this thread its pretty clear 8cucks have some of the worst tastes in video games
why don't you little faggots go back to playing your anime visual novels on the VITA

Attached: HcUAcrn.jpg (540x720, 45.78K)

If we're 8cuck, why are you here instead of the superior halfchan or resetera?


Go back to Reddit

Ignore him, it's just zach being a faggot again.

You're free to leave any time, dyke.

Why the fuck are people complaining about cartoony graphics
Getting Wind Waker flashbacks in this bitch

Attached: 4475a6ce6ad385edf0f5a3902896948e7eee637ec27d3384937da2cef51d96c2.png (217x231, 94.54K)

history repeats itself

Cartoon graphics isn't an excuse for shit visual design.

Attached: 6fe4de7d8fb021b042ca87ca5c3a20fa4516142c1844cb2cc0dbf9df6bdbfaab.gif (160x160, 170.49K)

You're just talking out of your ass now aren't you.
What are you even talking about? What do you mean when you talk about Visual Design and why is it shit?

Attached: 1464731760456.jpg (1080x1080, 736.69K)

Feel free to actually explain yourself when you feel like it, maybe we'll be able to get some actual conversation going rather than ironic implications, greentexting and general shitposting.

I'll be here waiting

You guys are fucking killing me here

Attached: latest.jpg (1280x1024, 158.36K)

The spanish speaking countries keep using them all up with their crazy upsidey down ones at the start of sentences. Once again the Mexicans ruin everything.

Devfag here. There's a few things I'd like to clarify.
Feet/leg rendering isn't an issue at all. The exclusion of them isn't difficulty, but deliberate choice.

First reason is because depending on your engine, your feet can skew your perspective. Your camera is set on a small axis, and things like FOV can hugely impact limbs, proportion, and the sense of scale. This is the same reason why FPS games also have weapon/arm/hand models instead of simply having your hands out in front of you. The end result makes them look small, and you lose your sense of scale and orientation because those are your points of reference to your brain. Finally, it adds another layer to development to worry about, and having to factor in animation for said legs, which opens up a whole new world of jank.

Second reason is a simple one: Most players don't spend enough time looking down for it to really matter, unless there's a very deliberate reason for those legs to be there, such as Mirror's Edge.

Leg stuff aside, this one is for :
There's a few reasons why this aesthetic has been taking off in games lately, and it's actually not for the reason you might think.

Ultra-realism in graphics ages. Quickly. And it immediately dates the games. Devs like to push the envelope when it comes to tech, especially when it comes to really cool new tech. Except sometimes so much that we overdo it in everything. It's why you see games in certain eras overdo certain effects:

Lens flare, then grass effects, then light shafts, then bloom in conjunction with filters. Going with a 'cartoony' aesthetic, especially if the art is really well done, ages longer and it ages better.

Direct examples: World of Warcraft vs. Everquest 2.

From a gameplay perspective, especially in shooters, character silhouettes are extremely important, and exaggerated features help the player to quickly identify others from further distances, and act accordingly.

Last reason is because simply, a cartoony aesthetic draws in larger numbers. Yes, wider audiences. This is especially true when it comes to women, which is something that can't be overstated enough. Companies want female demographics. Games like Overwatch, World of Warcraft, TF2, League of Legends and the Sims have massive female playerbases, and it's in no small part due to their aesthetics.

Sorry for the book. Have some cute lizards as apology. Have a good night, bros.

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VERSUS E A's Ray Trace engine
Video on Hooktube, less shekel-prone.

Also AMD released their ray trace promo, but nobody cares.

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I saw that in an email from them a week or so back,what exactly does ray tracing bring to the table that is impressive or useful?

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ray tracing is a much more accurate way to handle lighting it can be used for an entire scenes but its very taxing on performance.

for now look for hybrid raster / ray trace solutions, with ray tracing being used to handle, ambient occlusion, reflections, and dynamic shadows.

Eh,i'm good on fancy lighting,i doubt i'd see anything made with ray tracing that would be so impressive it'd knock my cock off.

I.M. meen demoman deserved better

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Ray tracing is an approximation of how light travels in real life. One of the final frontiers of graphics, without it we will never attain truly realistic graphics. Modern hardware can not, or could not, handle it well in real time. It's incredibly taxing, and ray tracing is actually more efficient than the ordinary method of calculating light because it calculates light in reverse. From the position of the camera to the source of light instead of from the light to the camera.

Alright calm down,you speak as if it's the messiah or blew you.

women destroy anything they touch

Its just hipster crap.

meh not seeing your own shadow in a game that isn't suppose to look realistic isn't a big deal.

looks like crap

why do you keep pushing this lie?

Companies don't say that, the Devs say that in Q&As and it's specifically refering to development time graphics takes the biggest chunk of time and if your budget isn't big enough you have to make cuts. If anything Devs aren't really allowed to say that Marketing and advertising is the biggest sinkhole of current budgets which is equal to if not more then the total budget of the rest of the project, because more and more executives are from marketing.


I've been playing PC games since the early 90's nigger. I've seen "AMAZING PHOTO-REALISTIC GRAFIX" come and go quite a few times now. Most games look like absolute dog shit because of it. You ever loaded up any of the old flight sims? Aces of the Pacific? Secret Weapons? Do people even remember any of them? I think I've only ever seen one person mention Commanche, but Desert Storm comes up all the time. What about games like Star Wars Rebel Assault? Totally forgotten (and for the best really). Meanwhile X-Wing and Tie Fighter had simple colour palettes and awkward polygonal ships and people still play that shit.

Coherent aesthetic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MUH GRAFIX

Witcher 3 has a few iterations of games to use as a base, and Metro's graphics aren't actually all that spectacular, you are definitely ignoring the importance of the art style and atmosphere. Also stop spreading this bullshit, graphics fags have caused game dev costs to skyrocket. We've known this for years.

Shit game made by kikes but yeh it's kinda pretty.

I can understand people not really liking cartoony aesthetics like windwaker, or not even liking them on a technical level. However, saying that cartoony aesthetics are flawed by nature seems very unconsidered and bizarre to me.

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It's the 'mature games for mature gamers like me' crowd.

The 2 best looking games were some of the cheapest to produce. Graphics don't necessarily cost more.

Imagine watching goofy cartoons after you seen these pics with freaks who deformed themselves to look like goofy. Now imagine if every cartoon you see will have 9/10 chance of being about goofy degenerates and not about goofy. Imagine if everyone watches them and does not see anything wrong with it. Something can be stained forever by association. How would you react.

Good damn these filthy developers, stealing money from hard working marketing department.
Meanwhile xcom is still popular game, regardless of your favorite visuals or graphics. For fuck sake, claiming to hate graphic kids while evaluating games based on their looks and claiming superiority.

I fucking get pissed every time I hear this. Japan makes games cheaply, Eastern Euorpe makes games cheaply too. The only reason Western games cost so much is because they want them to cost so much because they put so much money into stupid bullshit.

The problem with that is perfectly summarized by Blizzard north. They are good at game development and terrible at business. Good developer is a feat, good developer who are good at managing development team is rare, good developer who are good at management and at business if fucking unique. And you still need more than one of these to make most games!
Big companies only care about making as much money as possible while spending only bare minimum their (((specialists))) decide to make most profit. They dont care about quality of the game at all, but some developers may try to make something good.
Small companies always luck money, talents in key positions, other shit. Even if they get overfunded, they will not know where to find all the personal they need and will spend excessive money on booze and hookers.
Also stretch goals in kikescammer is a good example. "we want more money to do more work in the same time period" "smaller portions of work cost much more than the rest of fucking game". Whole fucking idea, that you can increase spending to increase amount of content produced at the same time is retarded, but its whole fucking business model for these games. How the fuck its supposed to work? Are they planning to work less on core content of the game, to make room for "goals"? Or they will hire new people, so they basically will outsource development to some random people and you will pay by proxy some random faggots instead of people who was supposed to make a game? How in any of these scenarios, giving them more money improves game?
And there are scam artists who dont have any good people working for them and the goal is to make as much money as possible while not doing anything.
Cost of labor is different. In eastern europe everyone is basically peasant, and in japan everyone is a slave in terms of payment. Also there are different scale of markets. China is pretty much dictates what games will be developed next. Everything is making at least half of total revenue from china alone. So of course developers will aim at selling shit to chinks who dont know any better with only requirements for a game is to be in chinese and without any spooks. You can develop for a groups of white people (with 20 different languages, and different preferences) or you can develop for a fucking billion chinese as your core audience.

I think you're confusing graphics with art style OP.
But holy shit is the art style hot garbage.

I don't see a problem with the graphics, but the character designs are garbage but that's been around for a long time. Plus those games are all trash from a gameplay perspective anyway. This thread has gone to shit, graphics matter, but graphics quality is another thing. It doesn't matter how high quality something looks as long as it's clean and you can understand what's going on.

I've read somewhere that Dreamworks animators are aware of Dreamworks face and hate it but the marketers keep using it for some reason.

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Are you saying the hyper realistic shit we get in Cowadoody is any better OP?
NuGames look like shit because NuDevs can't do their job properly.

As graphics technology becomes increasingly photorealistic, utilizing cartoonish or surreal art styles helps to visually separate you from the rest of the market. This has always been true, but it became more apparent as technology advanced. Take Spyro the Dragon for example, the original games used a very heavy amount of color theory and other artistic direction that makes them not only stand out but also look good to this day. If they had aimed for "realism" on that hardware it would have looked bad then and horrible now.

Also there are a lot of Tumblr "artists" getting hired these days, but that's kind of a separate issue.

The irony is that photorealism has never been easier, now that knowledge of physically based rendering has spread. PBR even reduces workload by replacing artistically prebaked lighting with simple photoscans and material libraries + more advanced realtime lighting. As others have suggested, I think animation and suspension of disbelief are the main factors. They can handle it at great expense in scripted cutscenes but it's too hard to get humans to animate believably (even at the AI level) in gameplay. Much easier to do non-photorealistic styles that people won't question and will have lower standards for.

As for why western "toon" games look like shit, it's because the art and especially 2D animation worlds have been purged from America and the people who both make and consume these games are tasteless normalfags whose inspirations are Pixar and capeshit and maybe a Miyazaki film or two.

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Normally having simple character designs with a cool stylish look is the way to go since realistic looking characters tend to get obsolete pretty fast.
That being said, developers nowadays just do it out of pure laziness and because they want to stand out from the CoD crowd, ironically they have created a new lazy trend

TF2 was made to be simple by design so one could see the action better.
All these nugames have large amounts of cartoony FXs that block the player's view for no good reason.
TF2 also worked because the style reflected the time period.

Yeah, i don't understand why windwaker HD looks so much worse than the orignal either.

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Post counts by user ID:

11c5fb: 19 (8.6%)

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Because of the unnecessary lighting, all of that bloom kills some areas while giving some life to others

I guess we all can agree that all Nintendo games sucks now

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Good games don't sell

Like Lawbreaker?

I hate the…
crap from neo games journalism


Games have feelings to user

funny, I thought this was a update of TF2-like shooter

Well Overstrike in particular had an entirely different problem, judging your entire game on reactions to previews shown to test audiences. Since test audiences usually don't know fuck all what they want and/or the initial showcase is to an audience that isn't even related to your target audience as was the case for Overstrike.


When you think about it, that's their life's philosophy.

etc, etc, etc, you get the point. Everything they ever do is surrounded by this bubble where they rationalize each and every flaw and failure away without ever addressing one single one of them. You don't have to work hard and exercise if you just pretend being a fat slob is okay. You don't have to actually put effort into journalism if you just pretend that reading corporate provided talking points is okay. Everything in their lives is a constant stream of fighting against their own soul crushing guilt, their own shame at being objectively, morally, and ethically WRONG by trying to pretend they were just being retarded philosophical.

nobody can afford graphics cards anymore thanks to cryptoniggers