As usual.
>did you roll for Mercedes?
So yeah, the story is bad as usual because Nasu ain't writing it.
As usual.
>did you roll for Mercedes?
So yeah, the story is bad as usual because Nasu ain't writing it.
Other urls found in this thread:
>not >>>/animu/
Muh Jealter
It was better than Septem
Lancer rules, Alter drools.
Anything is better than Septem. At least the basic info we're getting about America is pretty swell.
For shame.
Nah, rolled for Billy, got the SSR CE instead. Does anyone actually want to use that or should I burn it? (I did later get Billy from Friend Summons) Didn't expect to like Nightingale as much as I did though. Won't ever go out of my way to roll for her, but I wouldn't mind being spooked by someone that shares Mo-san's va. Had a dream about a foursome with Mordred Nightingale and Rama
Story's better than Septem and London at the very least. Don't worry though, next singularity is when the real writer shows up. Rama and Sita are precious and must be protected at all costs. At least Karna's death here made more sense than it did in Apocrypha. I used the Grail on Kojirou, but now I want to grail Leonidas.
Original. Though I want to see his castle NP already. None of the Lostbelts take place in Ireland right? Has the first one even started yet?
I'm surprised there weren't any Skinwalkers in this chapter seeing as for at least part of it we had a Shaman with us. Could've been interesting, especially if they ended up being connected to Grendel somehow. Beowulf was here, why not?
Not sure if I want to summon for Edge since I only have 40 sq and Miss Surfer Mor is limited.
Iskander when?
After Jealter's event.
Then you should've done it, ya goof. Had been waiting for a thread for a couple of hours already before I went ahead.
Nigga, das homo.
Kinda want to see Skinwalkers and Grendel, too. I liked the confirmation that the beastmen were Celtic warriors who threw away their humanity, too.
Not yet I want to finish all the free quests to roll with all the sq I can have for cute nurse!
Best singularity so far followed by okeanos, it was fun and I liked most of the characters but I feel they had too many servants and they didn't know what to do with them
Nothing beats the original cu! it felt great to solo cu alter with him 3 times in a row during america
I hope the next batch of events we get are entretaining at the very least I dread the day we get to the go west event
Definitely bringing him with to my fights now, too. Been doing the free quests immediately, so lagging a bit behind still.
I only gave a single summon ticket since I got Geronimo and I wanted to give the friend point exploit a try. I only got a CE I already got.
It's okay, better than the last few. I hear that the next three are really good, so I'm looking forward to those.
Original, to the point where I decided to grail him to Lv.85 so far. His Protection From Arrows B is god-tier when leveled to 10. I really want to try Cu Alter when I get the chance, but I'm holding out for Jalter.
There's a reason why Camelot has a stage play. From what I heard it's when Nasu begins to have more influence in the story or something.
I'd love to see a recording, but I know how the nips feels about stuff like that.
The Extra anime just gets worse and worse. They just skipped the 4th floor entirely? Are you fucking kidding me? And now Rin can do Prisma shit willy nilly now, just fuck my shit up.
Fourth was Nursery Rhyme, right? I remember it being:
I don't feel like watching the episode that explained the layout so I could be wrong.
Either way I am not that big of a fan of them turning Hakuno into Cloud and Female Hakuno being Zack.
Only 50K bond points left until I get Herc's CE. I can almost taste the power. Have any sjweebs gone on rants about Edison technically getting power from Trump yet?
I want to exercise with Mordred while she gives me advice and encouragement towards getting buff and then lovingly conceive a child together
It was from an overload of Miyuki Sawashiro's voice I guess. I'm not normally attracted to guys unless they're like Astolfo.
I'll probably put Artemis up on Support when Camelot in case any of you niggas need help with Gawain.
The school doesn't really count as a floor, since it's the Seven Seas that make up the arena. The 4th floor was a choice between either Vlad or Arceuid as your boss, and they just skipped over it entirely.
At first I thought it was just poorly adapting the game, but now I see that is a poor sequel to the game, while simultaneously retconning nearly everything important. MC's motivations? The reason behind them is gone, her being dead was either dropped entirely, or ignored, as they sorta gave that story beat to the new guy, who does nothing with it. All servants don't matter, when before they were the highlights, Rin is yet again forced as the main girl, DEADO FACEU is the stupidest shit i've ever heard, and Nero doesn't even use her powers consistently. It's not a fucking Dead End, she still had two more uses of Thrice Setting Sun that, apparently, work passively now.
Also, they ruined the interesting aspect of Julius coming back, since now it's just a known quantity, and has happened before so often that they have a name for it. Also holy shit, why is Twice Pieceman even here? You were supposed to FIX the story, Nasu, not make it worse. This whole "what if the story kept going" thing could have been cool, but now it doesn't even fit with Extella, which is the overriding canon going forward.
To me the worst is turning your Assassin into Berserker as a two-for-one kind of deal. Honestly, they should've done what Apocrypha did and split everything in two seasons because even though Apocrypha is fucking awful it at least told its story consistently instead of doing massive lore dumps every two episodes.
On a tangent, it's not the Mushroom man's fault directly. He gave too much control over to Shaft. And Shaft has done predictable Shaft things with it. Unlike Apocrypha which Nasu praised in spite of its many faults, he's been rather "mixed" over last encore.
America was great (of course) nightingale is crazy and i love her for it
I have a question. why do people love medb when she is the queen of whores and is 2DPD?
Angry Manjew just got a new Interlude on JP.
I hope this makes him more relevant among other Avengers.
D&C honeypot, avoid.
Never ever.
Just make sure not to support it financially and they'll get the message.
More info on Manjew's new Interlude
Actually only 99 other Manjew's, they are all Shadow Servants. One of the enemies is Shadow Emiya with two break gauges. First one is 403,000 HP.
At the start of each turn all Angras are buffed with Attack Up (1 turn) and Crit Chance Up (3 turns)
Emiya's second gauge is 358,640 HP. He casts 1,500 HP Curse for five turns on you. This Curse cannot be removed by any means.
Emiya's final hp bar is 302,200 HP. After reaching his final gauge, Shadow Emiya will use an upgraded version of Saint Jannu's NP and make all enemies invincible for 3 turns while stunning himself for 2 turns.
While there are 100 enemies, you only need to kill Shadow Emiya to win.
It should give him more use in stall teams, his NP's actually really good for long boss fights now, especially the ones that hit really fucking hard. If you get lucky he might even be able to take out an entire BREAK bar.
That's cool. Even more reason for me to grail manjew. He's my favorite nasuverse character besides Edison, but I spent 5 tickets on the story summon trying to get him and failed, so I'll be giving up on that dream.
Huh, no wonder the news was weirdly out of place. They generally wouldn't just randomly place a quartz interlude in the mix
That's pretty annoying though.
t. /a/ hotpocket
Bond 10 is 100% worth it on him as he's one of the few, if not the only, Servant who resists Beast Class enemies including the final boss.
There are even videos of him soloing said final boss.
If you've gotten a manjew though you've probably also gotten plenty of actually competent servants during your time playing the game that can do the job just fine or better. Unless you just so happened to get absurdly lucky with the fp gacha early on in your gameplay I guess.
Would Leonidas be a good choice for Goetia if You're doing a low rarity run? Goetia's NP is AOE so that lowers his value a bit but I imagine he could still draw away a few hits. Is Mash available for his Demon God King form at least?
I don't think Mash is but since Goetia nukes you on the first turn you can use low rarity Servants like Asterios and possibly Mata Hari to heavily cripple him for your high rarity backup.
Ah, that complicates things for me a bit. Goetia's NP doesn't pierce evade or anything right? I'd planned to fight him with the two Mordreds, Cu, Herc, and Manjew, ideally with either version of my wife getting the kill.
It pierces invul iirc. You have to guts it if you want to survive.
Angry Manjew finally getting some well deserved love.
So for Cu, Herc, and likely a support Herc that's easy, the Berser-car's get four lives each. Manjew's in the back row and Miss Surfer Mor has her Endless Summer skill she could use. I really wish at some point Mordred gets her Instinct skill replaced with a Guts skill called 'Mother's Curse' or something, she canonically has Battle Continuation at like Rank B from the last wound she gave Arturia.
Also the Invincible pierce comes from that buff he gives himself turn 1, does Goetia use it more than once?
She deserves it after admitting I'm not her ideal master.
Oh man, I get really hyped when servants that need it get crazy buffs
I did a few 10 rolls, she never came. Got Helena though and since I don't have a Waver she'll do
Better than London and Septem, that's for sure.
The one and only FSN bro. Best Doggo
Rolled for Helena, got Rama, np3 Jeanne, and Seiba off two ten rolls and a handful of tickets. That holy bitch always blocks me from the lolis; she blocked me when I rolled for Jack too.
Nice for Manjew. I hope I eventually get the fucker, snarky satan is a pretty swell guy all things considered.
*blocks your path*
"You need Jesus!"
Any vids of the fight yet? Because that invuln+2 turn self stun kinda sounds like Rho Aias, which would be hype.
We're getting Medb's banner earlier than expected.
Sometimes things just go so far that they fall off the chart and come out on the other end. Medb is a mega-slut, but somehow manages to be pure despite it.
Still, take it from Cu; don't stick your dick in crazy.
Isn't Cu the only one who outright didn't fuck her?
Kinda like in pic related.
I do know Fergus did fuck her and in lore she can use Caladbolg due to that.
must be the wrong pic
"I don't hate being antagonized.
However, I cannot tolerate the fact that, among the men of Ulster, there is one man - and one alone - who did not become mine even though I thought "I want him".
Even though I called out to him, tempted him.
That attitude in which, let alone be swayed, simply said 'what the heck are you doing?"
"I won't forgive him. Won't forgive, won't forgive, won't forgive, won't forgive, won't forgive! Absolutely, not him!"
"Cu Chulainn of Ulster! By the name Medb, the lover and ruler of all men, I swear! I'll surely make you succumb to me!"
How odd. This is her Bond level 3 bio according to the Wiki.
I ain't burning Quartz to get her when she appears to confirm if this is in NA.
she wants to put a collar on that dog but she absolutely loves it that cu cant be controlled
Yeah, according to lore he just blew her off completely.
That attitude in which, let alone be swayed, simply said 'what the heck are you doing?""
Take it up with Jannu, I ain't got anything to do with this.
America banners confirmed for bait.
Of course they are. It means that if Cu Alter and Jeanne Alter's banners get the overlap them whales will whale on both.
I thought that America was okay, but it didn't have any high points or low points. Very bland, just like drinking a glass of water. Also Cu Alter dies like a bitch because lel weak to everything so I didn't get that sense of struggle at all.
I wanted to ask about servants, because I just did Carmilla's bond quest. Do servants who deny their own nature get negatively affected in some way? If an Avenger gets persuaded to drop his anger, does he lose power as a servant?
He's a 0-star with the stats of 2-stars, so he's actually in the friend point summon.
Well that was 15 minutes well spent.
Got her in 26 rolls total. That's another servant I have to level and ascend now on top of the other 70+ in waiting. Gotta try for Jalter too.
MURRICA > London = Okeanos >= Orleans > Septem. Orleans actually had a slightly clever setup with some of the servants fighting their counterparts (Carmilla vs Liz for example), Okeanos was ADVENTURES!, and London actually made better use of the apocrypha servants that apocrypha did. Also, Tesla was excellent, but he should have had more screen time. MURRICA was better, but not by that much, it did seem odd that Robin could reach half-way cross-country in 1 hour, but Edison's performance sold it in this singularity.
FSN doggo best doggo. Cuzilla does not apply, especially since he interrupted the Karna/Arjuna fight.
It's not a honeypot it's just full of the shitposters that couldn't use basic grammar.
How about you stop plying shit OP?
Repostan again because I'm genuinely curious.
Has someone gone out of their way to count how many umus there are in original Extra?
Yeah. Last Encore is just a complete trainwreck. Most of my enjoyment has been from just been questioning why the fuck anything in this happened. I'm sensing some End of Evangelion-tier shit rearing up soon especially with the last episode. I'm hoping this is finally going to be Nasu's goodbye. If that's true it's going to be a fun ride.
If this is Nasu's goodbye, then who will write the rest of the Lost Belt?
Doesn't the cakekike play this game? Man you know it has to absolutely suck nigger dick if that fat fuck likes it.
Enjoy you scam gatcha, you gullible goyim fucks.
btw I'm from the granblue thread
so the wall street journal did a video on fate grand order about a man who spent 70k on fate grand order which also included videos of other youtuber whales which they are mad since they didnt ask for permission
I'd be mad too, honestly. They're putting people who spent way less on the same tier to that Japanese guy.
I know one of them made the calculations and spent between 4-5k on both his JP and NA accounts.
why didnt they use the hardcore walls like ziss and touhousniper now thats a big whale.
Only 15?
And they used footage of when SoberOni got his Nero Bride which was in less than a 100 Quartz. I believe it was between 30 and 60.
Meanwhile ziss spent like 1000 Quartz getting a single Jack.
Anybody going to post that newspiece?
Hotkeys and two screens to work with makes for quick work. Besides, I didn't even do much of anything there because I can't actually draw for shit.
Nope, I like her but not enough over other servants.
Really boring and written by someone who read about America on a Wikipedia page.
It had a lot of potential if anything was better researched.
Cakekike has repeatedly started he hates mobage but allows it because it is vidya, albeit very very shitty vidya.
Anybody seen the newest Lost Belts previews? I'm wondering why we got another Alter Ego, Lancer looks fine though.
Fug, this is the Alter Ego
Fair enough it just seemed fast to me.
Did a 10-roll for Medb and "Mercedes" each.
Got nothing of value except 2 Fragments of 2030.
Ziss hasn't posted anything in months, and G&A Reviews is more Popular than Touhousniper. Actually digging up more accurate whales takes more work to do than you give the Wall Street Journal credit for
Okay that's really neat
Is there anything that slut won't fuck? Jesus.
Brah, you do realize that 2030's >>>>> waifu any day, every day. Right?
But what good is a CE with no Waifu to stick it on?
Jokes aside, I know it's good, but not getting what you wanted is still a bummer
Disappointed, tbqfhwaoy.
Twice Pieceman Pseudo servant when? :^)
Unironic Jesus Saver class when?
Isn't this that clown fucker from Shimousa?
this banner completely fucked with everyone and everything
Local Queen ruins everything and fucks everyone.
I did see someone spending 300 Quartz on her and getting spooked by Yuri Pirates and Marie.
I knew calling her cute during story was going to help rolling for her
He is already in the gacha, but only in the story one
Also something I just noticed is that NA FGO is not even trying to go faster to catch up with the JP version and I might even say we are going slower but maybe because they decided to release another rate up instead of the da vinci event
It's bait, they know everyone is saving for Jealter so they are throwing the Cu Alter rate up just before dropping the Da Vinci event.
Right after Hitler Lancer and Robert E. Lee Ruler
They're probably trying to realign things so date-specific events begin at the right times. The Valentine's event ended before Valentine's Day.
The only important thing is making sure Salomon comes out on Christmas so the suffering can repeat itself.
That art is just so fucking shitty holy fuck.
I don't understand this meme. Why do people say that Nightingale's art is bad? It looks alright to me. Certainly not any worse than, say, Caligula's or Bloodaxe.
I'd honestly have to put her on par with Caligula and Bloodaxe, their art is uninspired but I don't get derp face constantly from them. Her other expressions are barely but she doesn't make her other expressions anywhere but My Room and story events.
Maybe I'm immune to it since I've played some older VN's in my time which honestly do have faces which border on derp-tier. You get used to this sort of thing.
I get you.
Sometimes I wonder how I got through the original Umineko, but it certainly lowered my standard of what I would consider "bad" artwork.
And when I look at Higurashi… *shudder*
I'll take Nightingale over that any day
Higurashi does have updated artwork that is better
I know that, there are even several versions.
Same for Umineko.
You getting used to bad art doesn't mean it isn't bad, it means you're used to it. The artist for Leonidas and Irisviel is my personal favorite and it really makes Caligula and co suffer by constant comparison, as opposed to an entire VN with bad art like Tsukihime :^)
I loved Tsukihime and F/SN but Takeuchi's art back then was ass.
awesome tits
Fund it.
I'll dump half my paycheck every month to roll him until I get his NP to 5* if they do.
One step closer to crushing the oppressors!
Newfriend reporting in; is it worth saving quartz for when the next limited servant releases? I got lucky and pulled lancer elizabeth and berserker tamamo for my first pull then both arthur and altera in my second.
Save quartz until a servant you want is on the rate up. Since odds are shit you need either luck or mass amounts of quartz to get them so look ahead if you are on NA and plan out who you want.
And more important, do not quit the game if you don't get what you want in the roll like some retards I happen to know. This year we have plenty of good servants for free in the events, like pic related.
Because it's notably worse than most if not all of the other character art in game. More than that - It's better than anything else the artist has done, including other pictures of Nightingale, and notably worse than art done by fans of said character. It's also made notable by the fact she gets a considerable amount of story exposure and is a 5*, which in general means she should be one of the highlights. It's the combination of these factors that makes it stand out so much.
Emiya's getting along quite nicely.
What is the context for this?
Is this person someone of actual note? I doubt it. I mean, I agree with the sentiment presented but I find the need to link to fucking twatter of all places to be quite questionable. Pardon the filter; it's late and I'm about to go to bed.
I think you meant to say, what did she mean by this?
She's making fun of someone else saying this and I have no context for why some mysterious third party is saying this.
Well, it is a common sentiment among secondaries. Especially the Zero ones.
What's his np at? He better be maxed out in every aspect.
This silly little game is now playable on browser if you have nothing better to do.
I keep getting spooked by other SRs and SSRs.
Hell, I've got Heracles at NP4, Vlad at NP2, Atalanta at NP3, just from trying to roll in Emiya banners. Hell, I only got Okita because of that, too.
So, when I started the Murrica singularity, I got up a popup saying Mash has changed her fighting style or something. A couple days in, I still can't see anything different, no new skill, NP looks the same. What the fuck changed?
No bully, pls. I only started 3 weeks ago.
She started to use her head more : ^)
She got new voice lines during fights, and her ascension two animations changed, not NP, just attacking.
what in the goddamn
If Cu can qualify as a Caster why can't the one who taught him runes be one too?
Besides the whole "Scat is only a servant because her realm got destroyed thing
It does show laziness on their part if it's Scat. And if it's not, then that's the designer's laziness.
Someone tell Cu about that.
Also here's the Archer one.
More like I gripe because I was expecting something a new servant, maybe Morgan Le Fay.
Or Semiramis who is a dual class Servant.
Every god damn time.
It might end up being Caster Scat. The dialogue certainly leans in that direction.
There's a chance it'll end up being her sister, Aoife, but I'd almost prefer that didn't happen, considering that it's been pretty much assumed that since Scat is fundamentally an Aokoface, Aoife would end up being a Toukoface (and thus a superior Servant).
I guess I'll have to fucking save up for another servant after Muramasa drops
She could also be either her evil twin sister or her daughter, who knows
Perhaps she can be summoned because of the different timeline world that the Lostbelt prologue hinted at, or something like that. I dunno, man.
What's most interesting about the Lost Belts is their place relative to our new understanding of how the Human Order "trims" doomed timelines, or leaves them to progress.
It's been established that the organized Dead Apostle Ancestors of Tsukihime do not exist in worlds where it is possible to summon Heroic Spirits, save as outliers - a much weaker Roa fights Dantes in a drama CD, it's been hinted that Nero Chaos was still about, and so forth. But as an organized group? Not around. The best example is Primate Murder, and the distortions between his existence in these "Tsukihime-type" timelines and in those tied to Fate.
Take that to its logical conclusion, and it hints at the possibility that the various plot-lines of Tsukihime are all technically Lost Belts. Which hopefully means we'll get to see a >collab with yourself.
How do you nignogs farm mana prisms?
Do the 40AP ember gathering once, do the 30AP for the rest of your AP everyday. Repeat unless there are missions you need to do otherwise.
Do your dailies.
Araya Souren did nothing wrong.
He died.
In addition to the 30 AP ember gathering don't neglect any events that come up in the future. They'll frequently have 1000 mana prisms in addition to annoying to farm materials.
Farm Hands and burn all the 3* EXP cards.
It was bound to happen at some point inb4 Achilles still never ever
Farm the 30AP hands and burn the 3*s. But why do you need to farm them apart from the ones you need for the tickets? Chaldea Lunchtime won't be released until the end of the year, and until then you have plenty of events to farm them before that date
Lostbelt Assassin? Well, whatever she is,
I'm in love. I'd grail her to 100.
Is that a new Tamamo I spy?
It might be the secretary that was with the fatso and Kirei.
In Saber Wars Tamamo mentions that one of the Tamamo Nine is "the Kind and Dependable secretary, Tamamovitch."
So, after this Higashide comes back with Agartha or does it write any other scenarios beforehand?
Is that part of a bigger picture or did they just release that as a cock tease?
He's probably involved in the writing of a handful of characters/scenarios specifically, like how he probably wrote Cu's character but with a lack of Hydra didn't control the entire singularity. Nasu takes over for the main writing of Camelot/Babylon/Salomon.
The former. Someone clipped it out because it's the first sighting of this particular form of *whatever this Tamamo is.*
I hope that means Saber gets a buff.
Why make a character people will roll for by default better?
Honestly, Saber could be pretty good if they ever introduce an interlude that upgrade Instinct. Imagine if that skill had crit star gather and crit up.
Don't have to, that is called Titoria alter.
Given the lore blurbs for her skills, I'd do something like,
As buffs which would turn her into an all around decent servant.
Since she's holding Avalon you might as well add an HP regen for 3-5 turns.
Notes incoming.
One of the Lostbelts seem to be a Notes reference, if I recall.
I think I accidentally introduced my little sister to her husbando through this game. She's only 13. What have I done?
Good man, now slowly start feeding her incest anime until she rapes you in your sleep after dressing you up as her husbando.
I doubt user looks anything like his sister's husbando unless her husbando is Caesar.
Hey now, he could look like caster gilles or demiya too.
Yeah I'm gonna go with a no to that suggestion. Imouto's are for protecting.
The closest servant I look like is second ascension Emiya. Luckily, that's not her husbando.
Is your love really so shallow you wouldnt protect her from other men? Imoutos belong to their older brothers. It is your duty to protect her with your dick.
Tell us who it is fagget.
You got it half-right. An older brother's job is to protect his imouto FROM dick - including thine own!
As long as no other men get to her I guess it is fine, also this
This user knows what's up.
Li Shuwen. I don't know why, but she is just obsessed with him. Our humor is based around sarcasm and irony so I don't know how serious she is, but it's legitimately her favourite servant from when she first saw him in america. Every day she tells me she can't wait for his rate up. She's saving her 90 SQ she was originally saving for jalter for him. I commend her devotion, but I'm worried.
Well Li Shuwen is my favourite male servant too, so I know what she's getting at.
Did she go as far as to play Extella and Extra for his scenes too?
No, but she has implied that she will use my computer when I'm not around to play extella.
She might actually get turned off him if you let her play Extella, because he looks and plays like shit in that game.
Think about an average user's waifu autism; how much would one overlook? In fact, that may be a good test to see her dedication. She's also cursed with the strangest luck, because she rolled gill back when his banner was up, just about every freaking saber (arturia, altera, nero), and an np3 herc. I laughed at her when her first rider was Astfolo, though.
For those interested: The first chapter of the Manga version of ロード・エルメロイⅡ世の事件簿 The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II has been translated to english
Read the novel, it was pretty meh, some tidbit info aside.
Is this shit Yaoi or something?
Notes is Nasu with the Nasuisms multiplied by a hundred and a lot less of the "Humanity Fuck Yeah" that he started to develop later down the line. It's a story about a dead future Earth where Gaia herself is gone, and in her death throes called on the other planets to send super-aliens (TYPEs) to eradicate everything, where the only survivors of the planet are GMO humans (Liners) and one hundred species of scientifically-mutated primate/beast hybrids (A-Rays) who were once at war but came together to take care of the aliens. The world is contaminated by something called Grain, which these human-remnants have had to adapt their bodies to survive. Ether Liners are super-Liners who use the Grain to create Demonic Swords.
Ado Edem, the strongest Ether Liner, manifests a Demon Sword known as Slash Emperor that draws from what remains of the Earth to create a super-weapon scaled in size to equal the opponent; i.e. mostly useless against humans, but against the TYPEs, which have no concept of death (but do have a concept of being sliced in half), it's one of only two weapons that are actually useful. Oh, and Slash Emperor has what looks like a blue aura, but it's actually the sword cutting through the red sky of the dying planet to reveal the "Truth" (like Ea). Seeing as how dangerous this ability is, everyone else locks him up in a chained castle, as with Arcueid, until he must be called upon to (literally) kill a planet.
The very short plot of Notes is about the last "pure" human still alive on the planet, Gun God (named for his Black Barrel, the only weapon besides Slash Emperor that can put down a TYPE; notably, as with Ado Edem, his life is shit when the end of all life on the planet isn't eminent), and the Angel who one day shows up in house. It's worth a read.
Weivah is a flaming homosexual. He's going to die alone, though, what with Gil putting a quick end to his butt-buddies reincarnation delusions.
Case Files isn't yaoi though. It gets to showcase a lot of the other Mages of the series, including some new ones, and to further illustrate facts about them. For instance, shit like how Touko apparently keeps a monster like the one she had eat Alba inside her body.
I did a quick count and assuming events are released roughly when they should be, we should get 7 more Grails before Solomon's Time Temple opens u. (Apparently Babylonia gives two Grails, not sure if that's true or not.) Assuming I summon Rider Mordred should I throw all of those Grails on her? If not, how should I divide them between Cu, Kojirou, Leondias and Manjew?
Waifu first m8
Nah, that should have been her Bond CE.
Then again, most Bond CE are complete trash.
Meant 500 HP actually, but whatever.
If you were to make an Avalon Bond CE, it should have the effect of negating all damage from the first enemy Noble Phantasm. Or perhaps just a blanket Enemy NP Damage Down 50% or whatever. But DW is too big of fags to drop anything broken like that, so everything a shit.
As expected, Cu Alter and the Trump-powered lion are coming out next.
But more importantly, half AP for door farming.
Interesting thing to note, Avalon is in the newest promo picture. Really makes a man wonder.
Hrmmmmm, seems as if this entire discussion already started because of that picture dumbass.
Oh, the other picture was so tiny I didn't see it.
smh tbh fam
I'm more interested in finding out why Mash looks like she joined a bomb squad.
Mash dies, Fou revives her by giving up being Primate Murder, she's now a normal person who normally wouldn't be able to fight servants, mech suit helps her fight servantsb enjoy the spoilers. Fucking English only fags
Thanks m8.
Fucking moonrune fags.
Don't act like you understand nihongo just 'cause you can make a simple sentence like that. And don't even try to imitate Japanese internet culture either. When you try to act like you've been adopted by a culture other than the one which truly adopted you, you'll end up being rejected by both.
Where is your machine translation now fag?
A machine translation nigger does not have any room to talk. Kill yourself.
That makes you as bad as a cuckchanner, /fgo/-autist
If anyone's curious, you can expect to get a total of 257 quartz and 90 tickets between now and when the summer event ends. I'll personally have 281 quartz to use for Mo-san, 311 if I don't summon for Jealter.
I'm probably gonna end up broke after Jealter but i'll throw any quartz i can get for Archuria and Ruler Martha.
I could've had 370 quartz and 110 tickets if I hadn't done those angery summons a few weeks ago. I also might throw 30 to try and get King Ramses, but no matter what at least 200 quartz and 70 tickets are going for Mordred.
It'll be enough, right?
It's never enough.
Can't wait to feel Brave
With this kinda luck I know karma is gonna pay me back on the Jalter roll.
The bell tolls for thee, luckshitter
Fuck I hate you. Can't complain though, I got Edison off my first 10 roll. My second 10 roll was 9 3 star craft essences and one 4 star essence, which has happened to me for the second time this month.