Am I too late to have fun with this? I wanted to cut off Americans' heads with my magic sword.
Rising Storm 2 Player Base
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Don't worry OP, we can play dubs!
Dubs always has an active playerbase across the world!
I loved your post
Go fuck yourself you stupid autist. I asked you one goddamn simple question.
Too late faggot. already started a new game.
check em fags
Iowa is
Maybe you should stick it in the "questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread because it surely doesn't
You can generally get a game on Friday and Saturday if you wait for the events to go on. Ignore the butthurt autists ITT they just can't separate TWI's politics from their games.
I wish TWI could separate their politics from their games, but they'll remove their games from your steam account if you say something wrong.
I've never seen evidence of them actually doing that.
They've said they might and that's enough.
I would play this more if it wasn't unoptimized to shit. I like DOI but reddit is taking it over
Honestly the gameplay is fine from what I've seen but I refuse to pay for a TWI product again.
Honestly, TWI's internal politics aren't as bad as them doing things like not disclosing how they gave money to Humble Bundle to make that 'Save the Orphans' specifically a Tripwire bundle, presumably also one where the president of the company, John Gibson, got to choose the charity in question (as Gibson is vehemently christian and the charity in question also christian). There's being a moron and then there's being scummy.
You do know that they will ban you for harassing other players right?
Anyone else buy the Pulling Rank DLC yet?
smh it would be better as a dubs thread tbh fam
Does their cuckery know no bounds?
TWI won't be happy until their games are fully pozed.
They're most of the way there last I checked.
This most of them haven't even played RS2. The game is fucking fine and doesn't even have that many niggers.
Let TWI burn.
>>>/out/ if you don't actually play vidya.
fug, check them I guess.
Rising Storm 2 is barely a game. It still has bugs from launch in it and the recent patch completely fucking broken commander. Commander was already buggy as fuck and miserable to play with how god awful the new squad system is.
Under no circumstance should anyone ever consider playing Rising Storm 2. Tripwire are completely fucking incompetent, beyond what I thought capable and I was addicted to the shit-show that was WoW. At its core it's a fun game was good mechanics, but the glaring flaws and bugs are too much. It's been almost a year and nothing of substance has been fixed, they've only broken more shit. The only people left playing are a couple hundred brain dead retarded fanboys who will defend to game no matter how broken it is. And it's likely just because they don't play roles that matter enough for them to notice just how broken the game is.
Tl;dr no maps, bugs left and right, random balance changes that no one asked for, pumping out cosmetic DLC like their lives depend on it, broke the squad system from the first game despite it being perfectly fine.
I like Rising Storm 2 Vietnam tbh
it's a fungame
How good is red orchestra 1 compared to 2/rising storm?
Its worse, clunky as shit and no unlocks. Also enjoy walking everywhere faggot.
They didn't have the balls to take the game from someone but they did blacklist a server because the owner called them out on their shit.
havent experienced any commander bugs, most of the stuff has been fixed, the only major flag that bothers me is that there are too few official maps and there is stil no joystick support for flying helicopters
Got you fam.
I dumped roughly 400 hours into the game and spent about 100 grinding out each individual weapon on both 2 and Rising Storm because I have no self worth and got the game for free. 90% of the "upgrades" are nothing more than a nicer finish and maybe a bayonet/scope.
Saving, many thanks.
Thanks for proving my point low-effort fag.
Faggots. Ro1 is miles better than Ro2, Ro2 is the clunky one.
No 1 has aged like milk contrarians just prefer it because its older and not as popular. TWI did go SJW but the actual gameplay of the later games is far superior.
Then you've never pressed "N" as VC before.