Saturday Night Horror Thread

It is time.

Also, something something Deep Sea and Junji Ito

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Well shit I was just about done pirating the evil within I haven't seen any trailers about it because I usually don't pay attention to these hyped to shit games.

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Oh, and then there is Remothered:Tormented Fathers which supposedly started as a Clock Tower fan tribute. Make of that way you will.

Did somebody say 'Layers of Fear' ? Because I could have sworn somebody said 'Layers of Fear'.

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I don't know why but that hit me hard, thanks for the laugh.

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They fucking cut my post earlier today so I don't know..

If it was heading where the SS1 remake was headed, it's probably better. Over a million in kikestarter funds to remake a game, and then put on ice because the faggots started doing everything except remaking the game, and only stepping back after the outcry turned into chargebacks

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Step one u fucked it up, it's hard to cooperate

Alright, I apologize, this is all on me.

Are you trying to be spooky, faggot?

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Did you draw that or was it the etch a sketch guy (lily-liver) who came onto Holla Forums a while back?

Playing Deadwood

Someone compared this to STALKER… I'd say it's much more of a Slavic grim fairy tale… but I kinda get it.

I played Ghost Hunter recently. It's like Ghost Busters but you're a cop and you have to travel through Monsters INC dream doors to far off regions of the planet to recapture powerful ghosts while trying to find your partner. Super neat game. A little janky, especially in the final chapter when you can really tell that they ran out of time or money all of a sudden and the final boss is just killing 50 enemies while the main villain T-poses around the room shooting fireballs.

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I pirated it to see if I liked it, its pretty spooky but I got a bit tired of it and dropped it. I may give it another shot and if I beat it I'll throw some money down.

Patrician taste. First time i played through the swamp level i hated it, but gotta love how shit hits the fan when you revisit the mansion after learning that bitch was behind it all.

I can only find a PnP game and a tv series, you sure that's the name?

When RE4 first went to nighttime, that spooked the hell out of me back then, good shit

is scratches myst like in difficulty or is it easy to play through blind?

I think user meant Darkwood?

You can play through it blind, there's a couple of puzzles that fall into dream logic, but it's not Sierra horrible

What do?


There was one post a while ago where the thread started with asking how to make a good text-only horror game and one user had one that other anons liked. Something eldritch and in a library. Anyone got that saved?

I just downloaded SOMA to see if it's worth my money.
What should i expect ?
Is it Good ?

Story is good.
Gameplay is shit.
I consider shit like this a non-game, but if you're in for the story, avoid spoilers as it does some really cool stuff.
Would be dank movie/television tbh.

What are some really mysterious spooky games where I'll be really intrigued and want to see what happens next?

Thank you kindly.
I was once spoiled that the brain scan is just the doctor making a copy of you, i don't know wich one is the copy, is that true ? if so is it still worth going trough the game or was that the final plot-twist ?

It's a glorified walking simulator, but one of the very few ones I'd call good. Just don't expect an actual adventure with puzzles and such.

The final plot twist also involves copies, but is not what you are thinking of.

I thought it was super cool once you found out that those really powerful ghosts were the rednecks trying to protect their home.

I really liked Illbleed because of how impossible it was to decide if the attractions were real horrors or just amusement park illusions.

The copy is the one that's in an undersea laboratory a hundred years in the future. But it's just the first twist, because it's super obvious that you're running around as some sort of horrible bio-freak throughout the game.

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okay saturday nights over time to delete the thread

any more decent horror games not on this list?

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Yep, meant Darkwood. By Acid Wizard.

I myself woudl as Darkwood as an Indy title. Didn't think a top down game could give me spooks, but they have ambient sounds down to a science in this game.

STASIS is fairly good for the first half of its storyline before they go full apeshit with the plot.

Also, DreadOut should be there. At least the base game - avoid the DLC-turned-Standalone like the plague. It's one of the most blatant examples of asset recycling I've seen in all my years.

Also, Sylvio. Very clunky from a gameplay perspective (more or less a one-man project), but dear good can the atmosphere make you shit bricks on a dark night. As with above, avoid the sequel; which happens to be the equivalent of an aborted child with fetal alcohol syndrom and anencephaly.

I'd say take Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat off it but whatever.


about galerians, how's the ps2 game? i played the psx ages ago, was kind of easy to lock yourself on a massive headache and kill everything including yourself but was pretty fun overall.

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I just wanted cute girls doing spooky things.

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Shadow Hearts

there are a bunch of good text-based horror games out there perhaps most famously Infocom's The Lurking Horror (

Anchorhead is half decent too but I found parts of it annoying (the attic passageway maze) and some puzzles irritating.

Playing snow stages in Killing Floor 2. May be buying Hollow Knight since it had a good song on one stream and The Station since it's only a couple of hours long.

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that's the nightmare stage user (it's my personal favorite, you never know what you're gonna get next)

Mine too. Very fun and picturesque level.

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Finally beat Fear and its expansions, which weren’t horrible but you can definitely feel that monolith didn’t work on them. >tfw you will never save Alma.

Heavily debating on jumping to Condemned, has it aged alright? Heard it ends on a cliffhanger and the second game is trash so will that leave me with a bad feeling once I finish it.

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Do it my dude. Condemned is an amazing horror game and I can absolutely recommend it. The second one is not as good, but it's kind of underrated.

At that point, I just wanted to give her a hug; chance to be insta-gibbed included. That most of her dialogue in Fear 2 basically boils down to her being confused why Beckett pushes her away and/or her begging him to stay with her only makes it more depressing.
Right up until she rapes him

Gotcha, I’ll download it tonight then.

Alma seriously dindu nuffin and it’s sad there is no happy ending for her. Even her husbando hated her and wanted their “maggot” dead.

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Nigga wut.

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Is Don't Knock Twice any good? I'm looking for a horror game for the Switch to play on the go.

to the user who said not to play FEAR 2 in the FPS thread, I deeply regret not listening to you. It's just depressing all the ways they toned down the gameplay and AI for consoles, made even worse by the fact that it's using the same engine as FEAR 1 so they had to make the conscious decision to fuck everything up. Hell, you have to mod the damn thing to even get direct mouse input. The only thing good to come out of that game was the Alma model and story.

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Hey, at least you could see your own reflection in the bathroom mirrors. Ain't too often that modern shooters still have that.

Supposedly they improved the AI, but because it's a corridor shooter with only one way to go the AI can't actually demonstrate any ability.

oh, there's definitely good things about the game. Hell, the graphics still look really good… but the two main things, being the gameplay and AI, are just embarrassing considering its predecessor. I put it up to its hardest difficulty (like I did with FEAR) and was just running through the thing with ease. The AI never tried to do anything other than hide behind one object for cover then pop more than half their body out for an easy head shot.

i'm playin dead space 2.
i didn't really like it when it first came out, but i'm taking my time now, reading audio logs and looking at the enviroment more.
EA totally fucked up the progression system so i have to do a bunch of busywork to make the game have decent challenge.
but other than that having fun.