Vermintide 2 - Ranald is a shithead edition

Post about skaven extermination and bitch about class balance.

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Bounty Hunter


Battle Wizard
Witch Hunter

Correction, Slayer and Zealot should be in a Dumb fun tier

It's Waywatcher, not Wayfinder. Bounty hunter belongs in top tier as well and I'd move unchained up to "decent" mainly because I've seen it played effectively in legendary several times.

Up to great from decent

I only played 1 and it was like a crappy l4d with a loot system. Is this any better?

The only saving grace of Handmaiden is that it's milquetoast as fuck. Her perks are minor and aren't worth the trade-off from Waystalker, but at least they don't go against the core game design the way Shade does.
Slayer does also goes against it, but it actually does deal great damage in return and its skill has the proper short cooldown others need.

I can play the slayer on champion, with the right talents and weapons he does well, especially against bosses or hordes of trash.
However I play him for fun and challenge he does nothing others don't do as well or even better without sacrificing ranged.
He is 'good enough' but can be shot down or made useless very easily.

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Just watch some gameplay you faggot, what you see is basically what you get.

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Got a good one to share?

I got a guy who does a good enough job of it and isn't a faggot. From there check associates and you'll find enough.

Bounty is in Great because he's not as good as Pyro or the Elf. If there's anything he's better at, it's probably bossing but I rather take a Footknight for more control.

Unchained is okay, but I don't see the point of her over Pyro other than being able to take more hits.
Her special doesn't stagger and does pathetic damage. One upside is that it resets overcharge but Pyro does that too with a talent and it has a lower cooldown.
The only reason why I don't consider her Great is because you'd be taking her over Pyro or someone better.

Shade is great at bossing and with patrols as long as she has the space to maneuver. If her special was on half or a quarter of the cooldown it is on right now she'd be fun I think. Something like a sneaky Slayer.

Slayer is dumb fun. He's effective as hell against Chaos Warrior patrols but his lack of range is really bad. He needs a set of throwing axes with low ammo but high damage so it's entirely reserved for special killing.

I wouldn't put Wayfinder in top tier, and Shade is almost as good but less reliable; it's just Wayfinder with less ammo but has its place in the higher difficulties.
Bounty Hunter is easily top tier, as good as the Ironbreaker without a doubt. IB and BH in general are the best designed classes in the game because they actually fufill their role and then some.
Unchained is just as good as a Pyromancer if you have a decent player, so it should be in Great tier.
The same goes for Mercenary; both Merc and FK have roughly the same tankiness and potential with different utilities. I've gotten to the point where they're interchangable in Legend.
I'd also bump Huntsman down to WDTE tier simply due to how overshadowed he is by every other ranged specializaton, and even his own classes. The nerfs gutted almost everything unique about him that he excelled at.
Handmaiden is trash and belongs in a tier of its own awfulness.

I think you're underestimating BHs there and overestimating the elf, but that might be due to the amount of experience I have with the elf. Pyro/Unchained are some of the best classes in the game due to their sheer power.

first for lizardman playable character hazubando

Merc doesn't have anywhere near the tankiness of Foot Knight. He trades all of the innate damage reduction and blocking ability for a very small amount of extra damage.

Waywatcher and Bounty Hunter are on a roughly even footing. They aren't exactly the same of course, but they are both very strong in more or less the same role.

Handmaiden isn't so much a horrible class as it is a massive step down from Waywatcher. The skills are shit, but it still has access to the Elf's amazing weapons. it's better than something like Ranger Veteran or Huntsman who has both shit skills AND shit weapons. Still, since it doesn't bring anything a Waywatcher doesn't and uses all the same weapons it belongs in "why does this exist" as there's no reason to ever play that class in a real game. It does have one effective use however: Handmaiden is by far the best speedrunning class in the game, between her skill, +speed talent, and spear dashing I highly doubt any class could beat her times in a speedrun.

Are FS thinking this far ahead?
Or are they just being retarded?

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they had speedrun challenges in the beta for goodies

How would Handmaiden be made viable? A much shorter cooldown for dash would be the first step, and maybe increased melee range if she's going to fill the role of crowd control tank.

Oh yeah I forgot about that faggotry. But it can only ever be done solo for the Handmaiden to work as intended.

I would change her passive to being a 2 sec revive, that way she can actually be of use as a support tank when shit goes down.

considering the amount of RNG in spawns its kinda retarded too

It's completely retarded, especially when a horde spawns into a boss or viceversa, thought it's not like that would stop the autists.

Heh, speedrunning almost always ends up avoiding enemies rather than fighting so the spawns would be mostly irrelevant outside of the most serious roadblocks.

serious roadblocks is pretty much half the spawns though, bosses even throw up walls that block you running ahead and skipping them

Her dash already has one of the shortest cooldowns in the game. It's probably tied with Foot Knight Kruber for the shortest. Getting hit fills it up almost instantly too. The problem is that the ability is just mostly useless. It could have no cooldown at all and she still wouldn't be able to help her team with it. She could use it to run directly to the end and leave her team behind, but I wouldn't call that "useful".

Handmaiden should be significantly stronger in melee than Waywatcher. It should be the elf's "tank" spec, and I'm fairly sure that's what it was designed to be. Only instead of giving her 4x the effective HP like every other tank spec, she gets 10% bonus dodge range with another 10% on her talents, and that's fucking it. I'd give her a melee boosting talent, 2x the base effective health, and a blocking passive, and maybe take Regen from waywatcher and give that spec something else.

Trolls and Stormfiends creat walls. Chaos spawns and rat ogres do not. The reason is because you could easily outrun a troll or stormfiend if you didn't want to fight it, but rat ogres and chaos spawns are usually faster than you. Handmaiden can easily outrun either of them though, especially if they get stuck fighting bots instead.

Can confirm Zealot and Slayer in dumb fun tier. Might not be first picks for the soccer team, but they're not last picks since they're bros and make the game more fun.

Zealot is at least Decent Tier anyways, better than Handmaiden for sure and about on par with Huntsman and Mercenary. He does one thing really well: not dying. He doesn't need potions or a lot of healing if they're not retarded so they're great for carrying books around. Built right he's just about as tanky as Ironbaby but gets better weapons.

I'd also move BH into top tier since the only notable difference between him and that FUCKING ELF is that he trades the "press button to win" head seeking arrows for the ability to annihilate bosses quickly which I think is a pretty good trade-off.

Also also put Battle Wizard and Witch Hunter Captain in a worse than worst category all to themselves.

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At least witch hunter has that marking passive

As far as I know that only works for himself. Nobody else gets the bonuses which is retarded.

That WOULD be retarded, but I don't believe it without proof

Thank you to all tankies who tank in front line and allow me to rape shit as pyro, i always do my best not to fry your asses and stunlock with beam the shit that tries to get you from behind

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Also why the fuck doesn't this game have hits blocked/damage blocked stat at the end, let the tanks feel good about themselves so you can easily see the good ones among the rest

Good tanks don't have to block. If you can stunlock the enemy with your push or attack that's even better

I just realized the Elf basic class was actually WaySTALKER.

Well, I guess I won't be calling her Wayfinder anymore.

I play both the BH and Weightwatcher and she's a much better elite/special sniper since her longbow instantly kills anything squisher than a SV and two shots anything that isn't a Chaos Warrior or Shield SV. It can also fire at anything from across the map, which is useful for some special spawns.
Baywatcher also has the advantage of having her infinite ammo mechanic on a cooldown instead of being forced into melee to stay topped up. Her glaive is also leaps and bounds above anything the BH has, but that might be just my personal preference.
To top all that her F is also capable of killing specials outside of direct line of sight, which is essential to stopping some game ending Blightstormer spawns.

BH's advantage lies in being able to chunk down boss hp like no one else, as well as kill everything in a single Blessed Shot. Shield SVs also go down really fast since it's just 2 triple shots for them, and if I'm not wrong Chaos Warriors take 3 to the head. However he's forced to use single fire mode for enemies out side of medium range which can put a damper on killing certain specials.
He also has a stun in this F and his double shot talent can kill Chaos Warriors in an emergency, so there's that as well.
If you bring a BH you really should have an Elf or Pyro as back up for that extra long range/heatseeking special killing role.

Then total shoved enemies, hell give us all the performance stats with scrollable window

While they're at it they should have a friendly fire statistic to show elves why they're bad and should feel bad despite having high stats elsewhere.

I actually want a FF stat, split into two parts: point blank and anything farther than 2 meters.
I keep running into idiots that run right through me during drakefire pistol spam and then scream at me for being a bad shot.


Generally people can tell if there's ff or accidental fire on champ and legend runs. just tell them they walked infront of your weapon next time and ask them to stop being a bitch and hug the walls like melee is meant to

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You're welcome bruv, even of you do, occasionally, scorch my undeserving arse.

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Oh yeah and there's those assholes that bob and weave like they're fucking Muhammad Ali in a narrow corridor when you're trying to provide cover fire.

Did this game trigger your autism?
We don't even know what our health is.
From intentional wipes by jumping down a cliff I was able to gleam that Handmaiden took 478 damage while on another game Pyromancer 522 of damage when she jumped off.
The rest of us were still hanging so we took none.
I wonder what can be inferred from that as to our average healthpool since FS won't spit out those numbers.

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I'm currently in the process of collecting data on how much damage each character takes from certain attacks. I won't be using numbers, just bar comparisons, but it should be useful data when im done.

Keep in mind Krubers Footnight talent giving him 25% more health not to mention his passive.

The point is to compare baseline passives. I won't have any optional talents or gear that improve my effective HP, only base starting passives and maxed out item power and character level.

honestly it can be tough when you're running out of stmaina and the horde starts glitching through itself and melting your block and health

Shade is actually pretty good with a coordinated team, a spear and a proper build because then you can delete entire hordes and minor specials with a single lovetap and crit-rape everything else hard

You might also want to take a look at AOE damage.
What damage the warpfire thrower is doing to you and a trashrat in one burst would give you an indicator aswell.

What I'm doing is taking one hit from a blackrat's horizontal sweep attack on each character that interests me to test. Not going to bother with some of the shittier classes

How do you make unchained viable on legendary?

I play her with the HP regen necklace, +20% hp and +1 stamina.
Then I also got curse resistance and attack speed on my other things.
I use the fire sword with atk speed as well.

Any more tips on how to improve for legendary/champ?

I also use the beam staff

If you're surrounded, then you're not getting hit by friendly fire. If you're not surrounded, then you have room to dodge backwards.
There's no excuse to move left or right in a corridor when there's cover fire on your sides or above your head as a dwarf.
Which reminds me, if you're a dwarf on the front line stop hopping around like a retard unless you like catching arrows with your noggin.

use the regular sword.

What are the pros and cons of her melee weapons in general anyway?

mace is kinda meh but you can bash in heads of armoured rats more easily, Longsword is generally good overall for horde management and blocking. Fire swords charge swing can help you with armoured enemies and the dagger is good for horde clear.
Generally I stick with longsword as its the superior weapon when you need to block incoming attacks and clear a few stragglers without wasting charge

Dagger can be used for fast movement and damage, but it's shit for defense so you can't afford to use it for unchained.

Fire sword can penetrate shields and armor easily, but it's not as good at regular melee.

Mace just sucks outright./w

I see. I was using mace for the sole reason nothing else was really dropping but I'll check the regular sword.

Id do it but I find the fire sword far superior to clear armored enemies, but ill give ti a try.
What properties and trait am I going after?

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Here's what I run, has carried me through legendary

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As long as you aren't lagging, you stay with your team, and don't play on a high difficulty starting out you won't be dead weight. I still feel kinda bad for all the players who had to carry me in team games when I had a toaster and shit internet.

So here's a health comparison for some of the more commonly played classes. I probably should have done Zealot too but the game stopped cooperating and it took me half an hour to get a good Mercenary sample.

For testing purposes, all characters have no gear or talents that directly affect effective HP. These tests are meant to show the baseline eHP of characters with their respective default passives. I tested on Champion difficulty with 600 item power (level 30). Each character was struck by a normal Stormvermin's horizontal swipe attack while at full health. For consistency all tests were done in the first section of Fort Brachsenbruke

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600 character power*, 300 from levels and 300 from items

One thing is being shit at the game and the other is cranking wheel in Athel Yenlui for more than 5 minutes having not a single idea what the fuck you're doing.

I hope there were no items that increase resistance to certain types of enemies.

Not surprised Unchained has the most but I didn't expect handmaiden to be so uselessly squishy on top of being placeholder-tier in abilities.

No, nothing that increases effective HP, including that.

There ARE items that increase power vs enemies, but as far as I'm aware none of them affect stormvermin

There are several ways a bad player can sink a team.

So as long as you don't do these things, you'll be fine. Being bad at the combat is much less of a problem as any of the issues above. Stay with the group, look around, tag enemies you see with the T key, revive when needed.

You can block-revive your allies. Always do that.


Just reminded me, I had someone bitch at me calling me a speedrunner when I was too far ahead trying to revive a dead player and they both went down behind me because they were dawdling before a point of no return.

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Finally got a quickplay on halescourge, his fart clones definitely are easier to avoid now.

yeah, he was already easy enough if you used the 4 corner method before the patch, did him on legendary before it hit using it. He can also be instakilled before the match by knocking him off his platform with stuns

Is there any ingame voice chat? I won't play this unless I can yell at strangers over the internet.

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4 player co-op, fagget
Can't have one or two characters wipe the map clean will the rest has cleanup duty.

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game would have been better as 5 player coop with a dedi

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There is, but they can mute voice chat volume to never hear your epic banter, without even having to bother muting you specifically.

Dedicated servers are upcoming. I did think about how it would be with full teams of five and more enemies but I'm pretty sure that would give more opportunity for a weakest link to ruin the party's shit.

Dwarves hop to hit heads. It aint their fault they got diddy little pegs.

So weapons with the "Hunter" property supposedly increases your "attack power" by 25% against armor class after a crit. First of all, does that shit even work? Wouldn't appear so to me when testing on dummies. Secondly, is that attack power increase specific to the weapon with Hunter or does it carry over to your other weapon as well? Thirdly, what exactly does armor class imply? Are monsters like trolls lightly armored or are they their own armor class?

I hate this obscure bullshit.

smelly dumb knife ear scum, best party is footknight, ironbreaker, pyromancer, and booty hunter

I haven't tried Hunter, but if it's anything like Barrage I can explain.

Barrage gives you a stacking buff every time you consecutively hit a target, to a maximum of 5 stacks (I use it with beamstaff). Given that it's a buff and appears in the lower-left of your screen, I think it's safe to assume it still applies if you switch weapons. It does not function at all against dummies, so it's not surprising that Hunter doesn't either.

As for which enemies have which armor, see table:

That's an interesting chart. I'd still like to see the zealot though since he is technically supposed to be a tank.

He is a tank in the sense that he does more damage when on low health and can ignore one downing hit.
He still needs to kite and dodge like crazy to be effective.

Thanks for your input. When I tried it out it did show a buff icon like the one you described. Seems like a potent property considering it's on a BH volley crossbow.

So the devs commented on the modding tools, first they are going to implement cheats, then cosmetics, then the late game is potentially custom maps but that isn’t planned from the get go. Hopefully they follow through with it and don’t Jew out on us. They’ve been handling a lot of this genes release right.

Fucking pubbies I swear to god, its the easiest fucking map and I was running it easily at champ with a level 15 a week ago

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user that graph makes the color-blind's eyes bleed.

t. colorblind

How do you even see it being colorblind?

there's multiple forms of colorblindness, most commonly ones based on a few colors mixing together or being hard to differentiate

Same here, but at least it's readable. Most of the stuff in the game feels like it blends into a giant blur to me. Same with a lot of modern games, really.

Archives of two previous threads :

Also, Lohner mentions Burblespue was involved in Ãœbersreik but I don't recall that. Anyone with a fresher memory of the first game remember it?

Fuck off bigot

Sick of getting shot in the back with hagbane arrows.

He was part of the final DLC where he stole some books off Lohner.

Does the post-game stat-screen overall damage number factor in overkill damage?

Just imagine all the custom maps people could make if it goes to plan

That would explain it, the only DLC I played before stopping playing was Sigmar's blessing.

I've actually gotten into the habit of crouching down in a controlled horde situation. I will definitely bob and weave if shit is just all over the place so I can herd those nogs like I'm a fucking border collie, but there's no need for that in a bottleneck.

I usually don't get upset with a little FF. It happens. But some people just don't give a shit though and will fire on individual trash monsters like you're not even there. Especially those bug-eyed cocksleeves. They're too busy trying to pad their stats to care about how many arrows they punching through you.

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As long as you're above a third grade reading level you can't be worse than most pubs.

All my best runs have been on The Screaming Bell, what's this bullshit about Fort Brachenbruke being easy?

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recruit shitter here
i'm starting to enjoy quickplay now. my friend and I tried it out last night now that we've got some decent gear and know the basics of gameplay. my friend is pyromancer and i just unlocked ironbreaker so the last match we actually got all the tomes at the screaming bell and didn't die. pretty fucking great

the finale is insanely easy since no specials or armour spawns, just general clanrats. There's a grim and tome pickup just before the finale too guaranteeing a bonus even if you lose shit at the start

It's almost boring easy. Good chance there's no boss spawns. Almost a third of the time on the stage is spent aiming a cannon while a small trickle of slave rats come to screw with you. Grims and tomes are easy and most of them are right next to the cannon aiming finale section. You have to be a moron to fuck it up.
I'd actually say it's easier than Screaming Bell.

Thats a lot more than the five, maybe six classes I was expecting.

Three per character.

There's 5 characters with 3 careers each. Each character has it's own weapon set among its careers, but the careers further specialize the character in somewhat radical ways.

funny you say that ive just had another champ rn where retards got themselves killed at the finale and lost a perfect run and a tome. I feel the more games I play the fewer chromosomes some of the pubbies have

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Oh okay that explains it, I see they stuck with the same five as in the first. I guess they're diverse enough to cover all the bases, especially with the subclasses thing they got going on. For a moment I thought they had a whole fighting game's roster worth of characters.

Addition into Smash Broes when?

A fair assumption to make I suppose. But yes, they were clearly of the opinion the five Vermintide heroes formed a perfect group and that adding more would dilute the chemistry, hence the career system to diversify gameplay while preserving that. A good move I think, the problem is just that some careers are completely useless, either in themselves or in comparison to others.

How the fuck can people manage to screw that up? The tutorial is harder than the finale of that stage.

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this is the one dealbreaker for me. The first Vermintide was nigh P2W with the microtransactions giving you a concrete advantage over people who ground out gear the slow way, the only mitigating factor being that it was a co-op game.

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My bad, I misread a review that complained about the grind and how veteran players are much better geared than new players and that it makes it hard to get into the game. It has a lot of systems that reek of microtransactions but apparently there are none.


user jumping to conclusions based on shaky evidence? say it ain't so

ps equipment bonuses and traits function correctly on botsgive them something with regen and watch them attempt to chug a potion nonstop

What kind of faggot writes a review like that?

You can't say that the looting system doesn't have a big microtransaction-shaped gap. Another thing mentioned negatively is the huge RNG-based system that makes getting geared more of a grind than it should be, and at this point in time half of the game's content is behind DLC. Are you also the faggots who sucked up total wawa just because it had a warhammer setting?

maybe, but there aren't any microtransactions and the developers have already claimed they aren't interested in implementing microtransactions.

The looting system doesn't have a big microtransaction-shaped gap.
It's got diablo-lite like loot and instead of getting one piece like you would in VT1, you get three instead. It's also a co-op only game so there's a lot less incentive to pay to win even if you could.
Stop looking for shit that isn't there.

Buy lootboxes
Buy Premium lootboxes with a higher chance of cosmetics
Buy super-premium lootboxes with a chance for exclusive cosmetics

This is Holla Forums. Looking for little things or making shit up to get absolutely infuriated over so we can call every game shit and anyone who disagrees a cuck is all we do here.

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are you retarded?

Just got stomped by a patrol in the middle of the Spinemangler fight. Swarmed by shield blackrats and everyone died instantly.

My squad failed after getting repeatedly raped by gas rats and stranglers before getting to the boss, fuckers are spawning like crazy.

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the best part of karak gnol is how there's 0 ammo drops for the second half of it and unlike every other boss there's no supplies before the boss

If you need ammo drops you are playing the game wrong. There's usually fuckloads of health though

The only classes that should shoot anything but specials have in-built mechanisms to give themselves infinite ammo. The classes built around shooting that do not have easy infinite ammo should not be played.

Specifically, Waystalker elf has her level 25 talent, Bounty Hunter uses ammo on crit, and Ironbreaker and Wizard use overheat mechanics instead of ammo. If you aren't playing one of them you either shouldn't be shooting (footknight kruber) or you are simply playing the wrong class (anything else)

There is literally nothing correct in your post. Go be retarded elsewhere.

Except when you're running Karak Gnol on Legend or Champ and you get a boss in the rat village you don't really have the pleasure of ammo conservation since that area is brutal for specials and you may need to mag dump to deal with a boss quickly since a horde is on the way. Even on BH with the quick swap infinite ammo exploit sometimes you can't do it and just need to dump damage. Same thing with Kerillian.

I don't play IB or pyro since those careers are always occupied by some fotm faggot and they're both super boring

It's not like everyone has a full roster of level 25 characters.

just play recruit a bunch until you can beat it in your sleep.

we wiped hard to say the least

The only one in that list that has to be 25 is the elf. Bounty Hunter and Ironbreaker are workable straight from the level 7 unlock, Wizard from level 1.

With Kerillian you never need to conserve ammo. You can fire an arrow for every trash rat in a horde and still end up with full ammo by the end of it. Her level 25 talent is that OP (although Ammo on crit is necessary for that level of spam too).

BH is a little tough to manage, but that's the challenge of playing the class. You can still easily top yourself back off as long as you have 3 bolts left.

Heres a question, what is the fucking point of the Battle Wizard's ability

Am I just all over unlucky tonight or are pubs actually incapable of handling themselves without someone there to tank for them? I've played Zealot for so long that I've forgotten what it's like to play anything else.

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To reach grims in hard to reach places. Unlike Slayer's hop you can actually cover a good amount of vertical distance with battle wizard's teleport.
Don't ever use that shit for combat it's worthless.

Yeah but thats the thing, it needs to have a use in combat considering thats what ults are supposed to be used for.

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I play ironbreaker and most of it is CCing enemies off the DPS in legendary mode, and choking the horde during bottlenecks.

That's pretty much what I do as zealot. I just figured someone else could manage to do that, but apparently not.

Battle Wizard is not only unanimously agreed to be Sienna's worst career, it's potentially the worst career in the game.

I must be one of the rare ones that actually likes Witch Hunter over victor's other offerings. Amplified headshots and infinitely blocking light attacks is nice with a rapier.

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Witch Hunter isn't bad he is just meh.
The things he brings to the table are just his passive and active which have limited use, especially compared to Booty Hunter, not to mention that every class gets every weapon.
Apart from personal preference there is little point in using him.

For the "why does this exist tier", I'd like to submit any Sienna with the flamethrower staff. Just lost a vet into the nest because she couldn't damage spinemanglr worth a shit. Battle wizard class didn't exactly help matters but shit.

Where do i get this game for free i will never pay for videogames ever again.

ranged is overpowered right now, sure, but what you're saying is WRONG.

each class has its use and fills a role.
my team has successfully utilized every single class for deeds, and each of those characters has utilized certain weapons for those deeds.

there is a time and a place for a dd shade, just like there is a time and a place for handmaiden.

also, ranger bardin is OP and makes any class have near infinite ammo

How much is the increase to damage of tagged enemies? I've run witch hunter with a crit bow and everyone seemed to melt bosses easier

Yeah the flamerstaff has sole worth in the different playstyle, there is almost nothing you can do with it that you can't do without.
Ironbreaker makes more sense as he is a tanky motherfucker meant to be close to the enemy if not inside them.
I think the two weapons should be differentiated more, different angles of spread, damage and range.
Right now the flamestaff is just gimmicky and nothing more.

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I don't have the faintest of ideas, I don't even know if the buff applies only to him or the team. Tests must be taken.

I love ironbreakers with the flamethrower, they are a great asset to the team.
Unlike the filthy Kerillian players who shoot you in the back.

Kerillian players were arguing that it's the others fault for getting shot in the back, for not letting them (elves) clear the hordes, and they go infront and dance/dodge and clear the horde with melee, when she can do it much better.

I argued that Kerillian should just babysit their asses in case some wave comes from behind or the horde tries to flank or special show up.

Nope that point didn't even get countered, they kept insisting that they were right, and people should let them clear the hordes.

Why are elf players that fucking retarded and arrogant?

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it says the team, and that the tagged enemy receives more damage rather than anyone else dealing more damage

sounds like your team is too spread out. the game will try to spawn more if you're spread out, there is a hidden buff called "strength in numbers"

it lights shit on fire and is also a dash, its a huge amount of mobility for a class who wants to stay away from shit. its an oh shit button.

if your pubs are complete shit and you can't rally them, then you gotta play for yourself. this doesn't mean completely write off the team, but you're the anchor of the group and you gotta make it your job to get them through.
there is a concept in vermintide, especially in VT1, which is that of a health negative player, which is someone who loses more health in an engagement then they regen back. your job is to keep them from being health negative by blocking, assisting, or pushing while clearing specials.

the flame staff with heat sink actually melts hordes, we run it sometimes when we dont have an ironbreaker and our sienna doesn't feel like conflagging

i main saltzpyre (i post salty tips on here quite a bit) and when i use BH, i usually call out the side im going to shooting on (right / left / center) which cuts down on FF incidences. likewise, the elf's bow does have piercing which can take out a bunch of rats/chaos in a line, which makes your life easier, especially on Legend, where chaos hordes are fucking brutal.

The real benefit of Ironbreaker's flamethrower is the fact that the fucking thing seems INCAPABLE of actually dealing friendly fire damage. Not having to worry about 25% of your health disappearing because of the elf trying to pad out her green circles is fantastic and allows you to focus on higher priority targets like stormvermin, rotbloods, chaos warriors (all of which are being stunlocked when they enter the BardinZone) without getting caught by clan rats sticking you in the ass.
The only serious problem it has is that it renders Ironbreaker unable to deal with specials on his own efficiently as his ranged capability is piss-poor at best. Depending on your team setup it can be a serious liability. Only run flamethrower if you have a strong ranged team preferably with one aimbot skill (trueflight, burning head) at minimum.

Very important to stay consistent with an angle when you're bounty hunter. Just tell your teammates at the start or keep shooting them until they get the idea or better yet, play with the same people who aren't retard pubs and you'll find that friendly fire is extremely uncommon.
Also make sure to shout at Bardin every time he jumps, the little fuckers seem to have a bizarre habit of hopping around everywhere. Gromnil's supposed to stop you from taking damage, not for soaking the fucking BH giga nigga gut shot meant for the chaos warrior

i play legends daily with the same team, and we barely ever ff, (but when we do, its me murdering someone with my bh power, and when i say someone, its kruber)
point is communicate with your team, dont be the faggot kerillian who spams arrows from a distance.
any time i get sick of FF i one shot the fucker whos doing it, i'll even drop a grim just to teach the fag a lesson.

Nothing stops Kerillian thots like holding down the power shot key pointed straight at their fucking head.
Prompts immediate "WHOA WHOA WHOA" by some soyboy over voice chat and a quick stop to the friendly fire or the dumb asshole tries to kill you first, but sorry faggot that's ~230 damage from a double crit shot, bye bye

I melt hordes using the bloody Fireball staff or even the Boltstaff, tell your Sienna to stop being a faggot.

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No reason to run flamethrower OR flame staff. Both of them are outperformed at horde-killing by pistols and beam staff alt fires respectively.

Honestly, all of that only seems to apply to swiftbow elves. It's that particular weapon, and its wasteful use against hordes, that makes the worst elf players. I have yet to see a hagbane/longbow one that sucked quite this much.

our sienna player has an absurd amount of hours in vt1 and vt2. they mostly beam. i was just saying that flamestaff isn't useless, everything in the game is viable to a degree.

where did i mention the ironbreaker's flamethrower?? our dwarf runs 2h mace drakefire when playing ironbreaker.
the point, which you seem to have missed, was that the flamestaff is viable as a control weapon (same as conflagration)

Yes of course but with many weapons it comes almost exclusively down to the players abilities for compensation.
I am saying the flamerstaff is pointless, not rubbish or unviable.
My criticism and what FS should be looking at, is to differentiate the two flamespouters, to make them unique and useful for more than horde-melting.
Melting trash-hordes is something many staves fullfill without their light attacks being reduced to a loud fart in terms of accuracy or damage.

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I recall that this used to be the case in the beta, but both flamethrowers were nerfed on account of being too good at taking out trash so now we get "it's kinda better than melee, sometimes" tier weapons at the cost of being incapable of dealing with specials, bosses, etc.

This is what separates good players from bad players and is the case for any weapon in this game and any situation in this game, or maybe any game high in difficulty

Not every weapon can be great in any game but they should have a purpose, a role, a reason for the player to pick it the fuck up.

I have a question for you and dont take this the wrong way. What is your hero power, how many legend deeds have you completed

Well, I completed a veteran run with bots only. Little buggers are craftier than I thought. AI director wasn't particularly lenient either, got a couple of occasions that could definitely had downed a human team.

What seperates good players from bad is the ability to differentiate between worthless and optimal weapons. If you are too stupid to use the right weapon and/or class, you probably aren't smart enough to do anything else well either.

Hero Power of ca. 570 and no Legendary deeds but I am doing normal Legend maps.

I kind want more stages like the tutorial where you do things solo. Plus the unique banter.

This is because you cannot connect to the master server. Everything your character obtains in this is null and void.
The kicker is that you don't have access to all the variety of weapons, but hey you don't need to grind, it's not like you can anyway.
Again, because you can't connect to the master server.
Funny enough as I was rebooting the game to double check for that, I started getting Backend Errors on trying to load to the main menu. So I can't really play it anymore, but why would I want to play this alone?

Consider me shocked.
It's actually a shame even the loot is server-side because playing with bots is actually fairly viable on recruit and veteran

The loot NEEDS to be server side or every retarded script kiddie would give himself any and all weapons instantly.

Fair point.

So what are you anons running for Kruber in Legendary mode? I've only had ONE successful run in Legendary with randoms so far, and I main Kruber but have been switching back and forth with Mercenary and Foot Knight.

Pro's and Cons from what I experienced playing both careers:

Mercenary Pro's:

Mercenary Con's:

Foot Knight Pro's:

Foot Knight Con's:

When is Kruber and Kerillian gonna fuck already?

Oh yeah Defensive Aura was fixed, they mentioned it in a patch.
Another neat little thing about Foot Knight is that his charge can stagger bosses as hard as bombs can, so if a Chaos Spawn grabs a party member, you can stop the animation entirely by bashing him.

Except you can't actually place the teleport point on the other side of most mobs and the like and it can get stuck on certain terrain because the game is buggy as shit. On a side note it still irks me that gunners can shoot through terrain still. Its almost like they can't even code a los check.

Oh yeah I've known about the charge stagger with bosses. I thought I included that for his pro's but I guess not.

Still won but what the fuck was this nigger doing?

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>still being surprised that random shitters are shit and will never be not shit
You've only got yourself to blame.

Before I switched to beam staff, I only ever used flamestorm in legend and successfully too. If you build the talents around high homing fireball regen (50% in my build) and health on damage you can pretty much make sure that hordes and specials are no longer a problem. while the other staffs do damage, generally its not gonna be enough to kill a mass in a second while the flamestorm can vaporise them and has a faster cooldown and higher damage than the dwarfs.
Of all the staffs, Conflagration is one of the worst at the moment for its underwhelming damage

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We’ll see. I was worried something like this would happen seeing that, if people make good maps there would be less incentive to buy the official ones when they release. My guess is we won’t see custom map support until towards the end of the games life… if that.

depends how or what kinda maps are released, witht hem being so tight on loot progression, I'd be surprised if you could get loot on custom maps thus incentivizing people to keep playing the official maps anyway.

As said, I prefer the Fireball staff to flame-bulldoze my way through trash.
Othertimes I play artillery and vaporize them from above, not to mention that the light attack 2 shots Chaos Marauders and many specials.
On the other hand you the fart that is the flamers LA and the monotonous pressing of 3 buttons for the flammenwerfer. It just gets boring not to mention loss sniping specials.
I do agree that the conflag needs love, right now it has sole worth as a CC weapon.

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There is a difference between "all pubs are shitters" and "A level 26 foot knight apparently doesn't know about the block revive".

conflag has always been a cc weapon, its the witch's second control weapon next to the flamestaff, and what makes it especially strong is the ability of the player to actually corral rats in whichever direction they want without getting themselves caught out.
in vt1 it did too much damage for its purpose and is maybe in need of a slight damage increase or just give us back the dot effect on the ground.

I shit on conflag because it sucks dick compared to the others but it was my favorite in V1 and I want to play it again when it's actually fun and sensible to use it.
Right now it just kinda pushes trash around and tickles monsterballs.

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How is Left for Dead 4? I tried Left for Dead three but didn't like it so I uninstalled.

You get to kill malnourished, suicidal and stinking (((skaven))).

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They could improve it and the firebomb, which is also trash for champion and legendary, by buffing the flames to the same as the fire barrel and making the conflag cut off certain paths to trash mobs and do actual good damage to specials who pass through

I'm starting to form the opinion that anyone over level 20 in a vet game is someone who's too bad at the game to handle champion.
lv30 Kruber joins halfway through, by the end somehow takes more damage than the elf who was there from the start
lv25 BH saltspyre on against the grain instead of completing the objectives and moving forwards out of the first barn he walks all the way back down to the basement for the zero loot that was down there, I get dropped due to having a sliver of hp against zerkers waiting for him and he starts complaining about me trying to move ahead solo, he then starts crying about me being mean when my response is "alright bot." He also doesn't get the most boss damage which is his one fucking job

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Why the fuck are the randoms that try to do legendary so fuking shit. Make mistakes that are recruit tier. Fuck

Damage taken includes temp health decay and level 20+ characters get shitloads of temp health from kills.

How the fuck does ranald's blessing work?
Is it always random?
I heard from a pubbie that if you spam weapon swap at the beginning of the match you get a higher ranald blessing?

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It's random. Ranald is the god of luck

Its not just random, but also individually random to each person in the match.

Yeah but Beam staff with heat sink melt hordes, specials and Bosses and you get to stack crits (which with less overheat/recharge ability per crit means you will never overheat AND can chain your ability, which also crits).
Frankly it might need a nerf…

Gee you think?

Vermintide 2 is a massive improvement over 1.

christ. On an unrelated not i feel like as kruber i'm not getting good head strikes with my mace, are they just unreliable for it or is there a trick to doing something like a downward blow?

Kruber's dedicated headshot weapon is the executioner's sword.

don't think i've got that yet, thanks

it plays like an ass tho, but do try it and see for yourself.

In my experience vermintide doesn't transfer well to watching from playing. It's much more enjoyable than you'd expect playing it, compared to when watching it.

I don't know, I played halberd from level 1 to 11, dropped a good executioner's sword in veteran, saw it dealt fuckhuge damage on bosses and pretty much one shot any uncommon. Its crowd control is nothing to sneeze at either.

Considering I have about 200 hours in this game already I am rather inclined to disagree.

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Could be my experience is subjective, but all videos of it i've seen have been boring as shit, but when I play the game myself, I have the time of my life.

Is that a loot die inside Bardin's fucking quarters in the keep? What the hell?

Yes, it's exactly that. Hence my ranald is a shithead OP.

i just got it and did a run with it and it was pretty fun, i get the triple cleave bonus on like every swing which is nice

Turns out Saltzpyre has a bug that allows him to use a ranged kill to reset his passive. If you switch to melee immediately after firing and kill something with the bolts in flight it counts as a melee kill. So of course I made a macro to switch from melee to ranged, fire a volley and then switch back to melee all in one button press.

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What's your guys' opinions on huntsman kruber? I've been playing it a bit, using the handguns as my ranged since I had enough shit with bows from playing the elf so much in the first.
I like the extra critical chance and free ammo, and the free damage and sneak with his active help with bosses and reviving the assholes who went down in the middle of a horde.

My friend likes it because it's basically a Aragorn cosplay. Other than that nothing, I find him meh and he seems barely picked on champ and legend.

His skill's main purpose is that it like triples the damage when he shoots during it. But his dedicated weapon, the bow, is utter horse manure since it takes two seconds to zoom. You're really better served playing tank/support kruber, bounty hunter and waystalker outclass him largely.

His bow does significantly less damage than the elf's longbow, in addition to taking longer to shoot and having less ammo. Even when you factor in his talents and crit, he's still inferior to elf in every way. Basically every character but Bardin does a better job as a ranged DPS, and all without sacrificing the potential foot knight slot.

What does the HA for the beam staff do? I figured it was something like a shotgun, but I didn't seem to hit anything within pissing distance.

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Bolt staff is great too right?

It doesn't hit dummies, just try it on swarms, it is a shotgun

fucking noobs man.

I always mute voice-chat in-game because I don't want to hear disgusting nasal nerd voices like yours.

Seriously though, I loathe swiftbow niggers shooting in hordes giving elves a bad name. Waystalker should be a good all-around shitwrecker who saves healing for others.

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What's swiftbow have to do with it? I spam hordes with a longbow because thanks to ammo on crit and her talent I literally can't run out of ammo.

oh it's nice that they included nurgle on the map, it would have been pretty bad to leave him out

Swiftbow has so much ammo it invites to unload into hordes indiscriminately. It's the "I must have cool stats at the ending screen" weapon.

Jesus christ!

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No you don't understand, once you hit level 25 any bow has infinite ammo, allowing you to unload into hordes indiscriminately AND still have ammo for specials/bosses/deliberate teamkilling

Dorf not getting most kills/ranged kills thanks to the crowd clearing pistols

Sure, but we're not talking 25 level elves who know what they're doing, we're talking shitters who have three bows to choose from and choose the one they can waste on hordes.


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Well it's also the hardest to use well especially with FF on and the damage doesn't scale as much in higher difficulties and being a glass canon that can only evade (which between whacky collisions and shitty pings is something in itself) does bring a modicum of balance.

Stormvermin patrol and worse chaos patrol (thankfully it's not slaanesh patrol) are near 100% deadly at higher difficulty levels.
They're meant to be L4D witch, you can sneak past them and avoid them, which is definitively the smart choice.

It upsets me to no end that victor can't be a bot and that I have to hear that elf every time I play.

holy sigmar bless these upcoming mod tools

I am an elf main and I sympathize with your love of victor. The VA is just fantastic.

The drink pushed me to play a champion game, I'm ashamed to say I was the weakest link but the day was won.

While I have never played a Souls game, once I started Legend I got the exact same feeling many descirbe as smashing your head against a wall until you finally break through and claim victory.
At that point even the loot becomes secondary. I just wanted to beat the map even if my win rate was 10%. (pre .4patch)

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You okay sienna?

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Stormvermin patrols are WAY easier than Chaos patrols at higher difficulty. Swarms of shield stormvermin are tough, but it's nothing like getting steamrolled by 8 chaos warriors.

it is a good pain

this shit is the reason why The Witch Hunters Exists

You think Saltzpyre and Sienna have crazy hot hate sex when no one is around?

So I know that bells mean it's going to be a ratman horde and horns mean it's a chaos horde, but what are the chimes? They don't usually come before a horde at all but they could easily be mistaken for bells.

How do you think Siennas room came to look like it does?
Victor gave her the Holy if ravaged D and she has never forgotten about it since.

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Just got my second hat. Unfortunately this one is for a useless career

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In a commendation chest

Is there any fucking point in the other chests?
Only coms will give you cosmetics while the rest is mostly filled with trash.


are cosmetic drops completely random or do they only appear in games Champion and up. what kind of chests do they spawn in and are they exclusive to the character you're playing or do they spawn cosmetics for any character regardless of whose opening the chest.
t.guy whose played over 20 hours and hasen't seen any cosmetic drops.

That cosmetic came from a commendation chest, so game mode doesn't matter. They drop for your current character, however they might drop for a different career (I had Bounty Hunter selected and got a witch hunter captain hat)

Neigh 200 in and I haven't gotten a single one. Don't even know if the probabilities are higher or lower compared to V1.

witch hunter is pretty great if you can headshot with falchion and pistols.
Those clutch crits can help you take down just about anything.

Emperor's chest (champion) has about a 5% chance for red, generals supposedly has a 1%

Interdasting. What about Legend-tier boxes?

Witch hunter has no exclusive gear. What you describe can be done with bounty hunter and then some. Witch hunter can infinitely guard light attacks and has a small damage bonus on tagged enemies. That's fucking it.

All tiers of legend have around 10%, with something like 16% from emperor.

So the game's making bank, and appealing to the core audience works, who knew?

I Actually wish we get an expansion where we participate in the siege of Altdorf or Final Battle of Middenland

and without the console peasants and the compromises they bring.

I'm not familiar with Warhammer, but I'll be damned if Vermintide 2 didn't make me feel invested in it, more so than the first one. I genuinely wish the five heroes could turn the tide and restore the peace, but the sense of futility makes their struggle all the more noble. So yeah, them participating in the last stand would really be the peak of this series.

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Do you guys have any details on Holy Cause versus Righteous Zeal? I cannot seem to find any numbers anywhere but my initial impression is that Righteous Zeal is much more effective, even as a BH.

I would agree but I decided years ago that GW can go fuck a minotaur.
As far as I am concerned there story goes on past the End Times, just like it does with the Total Warhammer games.

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you mean temp hp on crit vs on kill?
i'd go for temp health on kill all day since you'd get more stray hits while fighting a horde and even 5 kills you'd get from first few swings give nice certain chunk of hp to soak damage

I honestly expected it to be removed or changed during the beta as I found it OP especially on Sienna. Not only does it give a almost limitless pool of health during trashraids but it also takes minutes to disappear naturally.
Why anyone would go for crit instead of kill is beyond me.
They didn't even have the balls to make crits give real health while kills only get temp. THAT would be a fair trade-off.

The funny thing is then sienna pyro would benefit from it even more because of crit chance increase on higher overcharge levels

Total WaWa goes past the end times?

As is, health on crit gives exactly the same amount per crit as health on kill gives per kill. Most of the time any crits you get will also be kills, so health on kill is the clear winner. Health on crit starts to pull slightly ahead against bosses and very tough enemies (like chaos warriors) especially if you are playing someone who crits a lot. However the amount you gain in those circumstances is so small as not to be worth sacrificiing health on kill.

I think if health on crit granted 2-4x as much health per crit it might be worth it, but as is it's just trash.

Sure, unless you play as Chaos, Beastmen, Norsca and co.
If you take control of the Empire you can spread the Holy Word and Fist of Sigmar to every corner of the Earth.

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Bullshit, I regulary see elves take every fucking ammo drop to replenish their 1-100% missing ammo like fucking idiots and still fail to have most kills or special kills at the end.

Not to mention bountyhunter with volley crossbow. You'd be unkillable basicly.


Karl Franz is Sismar

*Sigmar, Fuck wrong spelling

No worries, user. We all make mistakes.

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It would've been fun if they made a sack rat variant which acts exactly the same as regular one, except it drops landmines as it runs away.

Try waywatcher daggers, basically a crit every other attack, couple that with the att speed trait and you get a very short range but very dangerous pair of butter knives.

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go to hell faggot

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I love memes too, my friend. Will you post this one on reddit or should I?

I got banned from reddit quite a while ago for calling a mod a faggot.
I'm afraid you will have to do it, user-kun.

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What are these "daggers" you speak of. Elf only has 2 melee weapons, anyone who says otherwise is a damned heretic.

Heresy like this is why Duke Jerrod gave up the location of the new world of Ariel

Sigmar be praised for the existence of curse resist trinkets.

whats the max user, Because every time i try to reroll for higher curse resist it always ends up like 30%

Max for those is 33%, so negating one hole grim if you carry 2.

is it restricted to Necklases?

Yes, every buff is tied to its specific trinket class.

33%. You can hold shift to view the minimum and maximum values for properties.

We need to build a Wall-Wall to keep the man things out!

one job

Also, I'm going to give some words of wisdom for new players just going into Legendary mode:

Do all of this shit above and you won't get raped on Legendary. Feel free to add any additional advice.

Now this is going to be useful.
I actually think none of the bossmaps, bar the Chaos Champion, are worth the bother. More than double the risk with the same if not reduced reward.

read em and weep the ones in gold are maps completed on legendary

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So are those rats related to the skaven? Seems too big for a regular rat, not to mention the glowing red eyes. Also,

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The rats are normal from the city or just follow the skaven for leftovers.
There are TT units of ratswarms but thats about it, they are just rats that eat and get eaten by the skaven.

Can you speak towards recommended stats/traits on gear for legendary? Is there a meta?

I think in the lore common rats are used as spies for the skaven. Since, you know, ratmen stand out much more in a city. Don't remember where I read that so I could be wrong.

Some of them are worth doing IMO. It's funny how Burbleshit is still ridiculous after his nerfs.

Have fun failing in your quick plays.

Waywatcher, Iron Breaker and Pyromancer seem like the most go to classes at the moment. Mercenary Kruber with the right setup is vital in quick play with noobs. I'm running Battle Scars + Desperate Defiance + Blade Barrier + Soldier's Spirit + On Your Feet, Mates with Merc Kruber. Support Iron Breaker and Pyromancer the best you can, since those two classes can be the difference of winning and losing in Legendary.

Cancer is hard to kill.

Halescourge isn't that bad. The trick is to kill all the adds first every time they spawn. Adds only spawn when he teleports to high ground. Problem is that's when most people are tempted to try and spam down the boss and they get an ax to the back of the head for trying.

My biggest problem with him is trying to dodge his acid clones that he constantly spams throughout the fight. I don't blame most people trying to kill the boss as quick as possible since spamming bombs + potions seems like the way to go for most boss encounters. I've been in parties where the boss fight would end easily in 15 - 30 seconds. The only boss I still have problems even after his "nerf" is still that fat fuck. It's especially frustrating trying to melee him when he constantly spams those acid clones around him.

Most of his slime clones are predictable, the only time it isn't is when he teleports to the center and spams them in all directions. Otherwise he teleports to a position and then about 5 seconds later he shoots 3 clones in the direction he's facing. He never turns after teleporting, so all you have to do is figure out where he's facing and then move so you aren't directly in front of him. Melee is still a bad idea either way. If you don't have good ranged attacks yourself you should leave the boss damage to the professionals.

You know how in the Elder Scrolls the Khajit can be common house cats? It's like that, except with filthy rodents.

Interesting thing about the rats, autotargetting skills sometimes target them

The wiki lists the Foot Knight, Ironbreaker, Unchained, and Zealot at the same health of 150, and the Handmaiden and Mercenary are the same 125, yet this image has them at different health values. Waystalker has 25 less health than the Handmaiden and Mercenary. This is clearly indicative that enemies have a damage range as opposed to a flat damage, unless something else in the test is affecting things without being listed. The Foot Knight would otherwise be on the top, due to his built-in damage reduction.

There is some other factor affecting this, the test has other factors influencing that is undisclosed, or the enemies have variable damage.

You are failing to consider that Foot Knight and Ironbreaker take reduced damage and Unchained diverts 50% of damage to heat. Those health bars show effective health, not statistical health.

Except in the case of Unchained your effective health is pretty much your overheat, and that class comes with a bunch of tricks to vent overheat, so Unchained's effective hp fluctuates pretty wildly depending on the situation.

And that almost never happens in pubs.

what's the better trait choice for foot soldier, the one that increases attack speed or the one that increases push/block angle? I'm still not entirely sure what they mean by that angle

I would say push/block angle since your job is crowd control and chaos management, not damage. Do you not know how angular/radial degrees work? shields block and push 180 degrees in front of you and 180 degrees behind you at double cost. Increasing angle makes the first number bigger and the second smaller. If you are blocking and pushing, which you should be doing, then increasing this is good.

Are you going to explain why the Foot Knight, Ironbreaker, and Unchained damage reductions gave the Mercenary more eHP than the Handmaiden despite the Mercenary and the Handmaiden having 125 HP, or are you going to ignore that?

I assume you mean the Talent, in which case:
Foot Knight has a lot of real options when it comes to talents, unlike most classes.

Mercenary has multiple, stacking sources of damage reduction. The Reddit-Elf has only one, which occurs when they're the last man standing.
I know this not because I've played an elf, but because an elf let me die after a horde so they could activate it. The Handmaiden is only good for speedrunning, and shouldn't be treated like a real class.

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I would like to ignore it since I have no evidence or facts to say anything about it, but you would not be satisfied unless I give you something to argue against.
My guess is that every class has some form of damage reduction. It seems like it would be more controlled and easier to balance if enemies did fixed damage and PCs had fixed health and damage reduction. It would allow damage and healing taken to be separately adjustable variables that way. Under this assumption, Ironbreaker could take something like 4x the damage as a ranger, but only need 25% more healing.

I didn't know that, thanks. hopefully i can roll a good SnS for soldier now

Enemies having variable damage seems likely as an explanation for why Waystalker and Handmaiden are slightly different, and why Mercenary, Pyromancer, and Bounty Hunter are slightly different. It seems likely from the data that each of those sets of classes has exactly the same HP. Handmaiden almost definitely does not have 25 more health than Waystalker, that information appears to be completely wrong.

I'm tired of having to carry damage as the fucking Ironbreaker of all things. I should not end a legendary game with over 9000 damage as a fucking tank.

Playing Ironbreaker, and though I went with the axe weapons out of habit, I'm really starting to think the hammers are best.

The defense isn't anywhere close to a shield. Yes maybe it has a decent number of stamina shields, but shields work 360 degrees and block ratling guns. As for dealing with hordes, that's what your ranged weapon is for if you aren't busy shoving them instead. The pistols alt fire melts hordes and the flamethrower is specialized in horde killing.

I personally stick with axe and shield. Most of the damage is done with my pistols, but I spam shield shove plus the followup attack when necessary. Axe is awful for anything but single target, but that's basically all I use it for.

Not to mention the basic attack of the 2h hammer just naturally breaks through armour and batters shields, whilst it has less damage then the great axe it performs better at clearing hordes due to the increased range of the swings, relegating the 2h axe to being a boss killing weapon, in my opinion.
Plus it combos well with the restore stamina on heavy attacks talent, although this pushes you towards using the shotgun due to overheat mechanics being annoying without the reduction trait.

So, what do you BH out there use as your level 25 talent? I tried comparing double shot with just the regular F on a training dummy, and while you do indeed get two high dmg bullets, you lose all the minor bullets that deal at least, if not more, damage than the single strong bullet. On the other hand, buck-shot does the reverse. What's up with that shit?

double shot is good on Legend because it can instant kill Chaos Warriors and even penetrate them to kill multiple in a straight line. Use Encore on champion and below for the same effect

BH + "Blessed Shots don't expend ammunition" talent + Repeater crossbow alt-fire. Am I right to think that it is absolutely godly must-have combination?

Repeater Pistol
8 shots vs 3, seems like a no brainer to me.

Nope. It's 8 shots that do BARELY more damage than the 3 but take much longer to fire. The repeating crossbow does around 3x the damage per second and is just better overall for its penetration as well.

It's insane. There's also a bug where if you switch to melee immediately after firing a spreadshot any kills with that shot will reset the cooldown, but they won't give you back ammo on crits

Repeater Crossbow is the only way to go if you ask me. As the other user pointed out the repeater pistol is simply too slow on the draw. Furthermore, the repeater crossbow is much better against monsters, the killing of which is the primary role of the BH.

Dammit, I forgot that melee kills reset cooldown. That makes it even better then. Also, at first I tried this talent with regular crossbow, but turns out the damn thing is actually fully automatic - unless you press reload immediately after firing it, it will fire the second shot, which will waste the shot unless you shoot at point blank.

The red flail is always fully erect.

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Had a bright witch crying that I was walking forwards in the intro cutscene because I wasn't staying with the team, as if I'm going to be ambushed by specials during the few seconds headstart that I had, it's only champion, give me a fucking break.
I wouldn't have minded so much but I consistently dealt more damage, and took less damage than the bright witch, whom was using a conflagration staff and an unchained build, kept shooting me in the back and downed herself using overcharge at least 3 times.

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It's a bit depressing how limited itemization and talents are in both effect and posibilities. It is hopelessly boring that all careers have the same level 20 options and that all level 25 talents follow the same format, with very few of them actually affecting gameplay in any interesting way. There are a few good ones here and there, Exhaust as the Pyromancer and Blessed Shots as the Bounty Hunter, but most are just numerical increases, and often small ones at that.

Watstalker's infinite ammo level 25 talent is a good one. Foot knight's infinite block level 25 talent is pretty OK as well.

How the fuck are you supposed to fight something like this? I know you want to avoid them if possible, which is exactly what we did here, but sometimes they spawn right on top of you or with only the leader visible so you can't tell it's a patrol.

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Are you spamming it?

That is nowhere near close to true. The volley crossbow does shit damage even with blessed shots and has an abysmal ammo count that entirely relies on prize bounty to be even viable. Are you an elf psyop?

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