/sci/ fag here once again. I really like Natural Selection simulators and it's offensive that more games don't simulate it. What are some good examples of games that simulate natural selection? I will be posting my favorites.
Natural Selection/Evolution Simulators
Other urls found in this thread:
seems like your thread got "naturally selected" out of view lol
For those who have not played Creatures, it was a pretty successful PC game series in the late 90s/Early 2000nds. You get virtual creatures that have the ability to change through natural selection. Every part of their code from what they ate to their life span to behavior would change. The series had about 4 or 5 games if I remember correctly. One issue is that often times creatures would evolve to be immortal because their natural life length would just mutate to = infinity.
The creator of the series has a serious obsession with simulating life and is currently working on a game to try to naturally simulate an animal brain.
He fucks that robot doesn't he?
makes you think why aren't creatures immortal in the real world…seems like something that would be beneficial
yes, I know about the jellyfish, but still
Not really sure if this one could be considered a game but it is definitely a simulator.
In real life situations most animals die because they have a type 3 survival ship strategy plan. You can either put energy into living longer or that can go into making a body that is better at creating a lot of animals. If you die but you create 50 offspring than it doesn't matter that you died. For larger animals that generally have a type 2 or 1 strategy (less children but live longer) they eventually generally die due to getting cancer/mutations slowly accumulating in their body until something breaks.
Machine learning is sort of a type of natural selection. At least I find it extremely interesting
Species: Artificial Life is a game developed by a guy for quite a few years now. He updates the game weekly but it's still likely years off from being fully complete. Still pretty fun, especially seeing predators evolve to eat prey animals and population stabilization.
You may remember this game from a few months ago when Holla Forums and Holla Forums were trying to teach Swastikas how to walk
Machine learning is basically NS in computational form. They even get biologists sometimes to help create algorithms that are used to "develop" new cars/planes from simulated natural selection tests. They even talk about it in MGR. We will never get a new Metal Gear Revengeance I really love how the Metal Gear games bring up and discuss current and future tech but in a realistic manner.
any good games for linuxfags?
That's not a game but it's still cool, reminded me of this.
Sorry, but I know and
are Wine compatible. Creatures has it's own fan linux installer.
Oh, for any Biofags like me reading this, there is a lot of money in evolution simulation. Population Genetics, Epidemiology and machine learning all require biologists who are in high demand to apply their knowledge of evolution. It requires basic coding knowledge and a bit of math but nothing too hardcore. If you have the same type of autism I have and want to turn it into fat stacks it may be something you might want to consider majoring in.
thrive and achilles
Reminds me of this except it's dealing with virtual "neural" development instead of body.
I feel like an idiot for forgetting to post the download links. Many of these games are from the 90s or even before and are hard to find.
I am currently looking for a download link to Grandroids if anyone knows where to find it.
I remember playing Biogenesis with some anons although it might've been way back in the cuckchan times. You could connect to other players by IP and an input and output areas would open on your screen. Any creatures that go into output would appear in the other player's corresponding input box. So you could send your death bees bumblebees of peace to devastate enrich foreign cultures.
Boxcar2D is a fun and free little program where the "creatures" are cars that evolve to have different shapes and wheels to take on a course. There's a lot of variables to tinker with and several courses to pick from as well. I like to leave it on when I'm working and check back on it to see how far they have gotten.
So, Biogenesis
It generates an initial set of organisms in an environment with O2 and CO2. Once an organism gets enough energy, it will reproduce, potentially with mutations. Organisms consist of different color and length segments.
Green take CO2 from the environment, turn it to O2 and get energy in the process.
Yellow segments increase fertility, so when the organism reproduces (with enough energy) it will provide additional offspring based on the number of yellow segments.
Red segments hurt other organisms and drain energy from them.
White segments infect organisms so that when they reproduce, they generate offspring of kind that infected them.
Grey segments kill other organisms on touch.
Blue segments are immune to red, white and grey.
Cyan segments move the organism around.
Brown creatures are dead and will slowly decay and release CO2 into the environment.
Life tends to settle into mostly green creatures for long periods of time.
padding Spore padding
That was a penis simulator and you know it
Remember that 2D AI thing from a few months back? I checked it out again recently and I don't believe it has changed whatsoever.
Yeah, this one. What a shame.
I always end up missing these things.
Super columbine massacre RPG
It's okay, after a few hot jiffs everyone kind of figured out it needed a lot of refinement still. The last thing I remember making was some roo thing that ended up walking on its back. Fuckin wiley cunts.
I wonder how long it will be until toady implements evolution into dwarf fortress, and eventually dwarfs start to encounter highly evolved spiked armadillos that sanic ball them to death.
I dare you to get on bay12 and suggest that. See you in fifteen years.
So when will Willposting be a thing?
i got this little guy
niche is pretty interesting though not exactly what you're talking about
This is my current dominant species.
i think i had my first bottleneck effect it's only left with one starlike that has no offensive but sustains itself something like a plant and those motherfucking mini jets with death horns that massacred everything.
there are few jets only one star
the stars killed of a swastika shaped one that mutated from them
and i forgot to put in the image
Your Creatures mutate to infinite lifespans because there is no natural predators and it's not a realistic simulator of molecular biology.
there exist a species of medusa that is biologically immortal
Only problem was my creatures would always end up depressed, perhaps because I barely used the speaking function as a kid.
Obtaining immortality is probably an impossibility, but cancer, one of the primary limiting factors to the lifespan of humans is not an unmalleable fact of life. While counterintuitive, it appears that the larger an animal species becomes, the smaller its risk of cancer. This is called Peto's Paradox. Studying species like elephants reveals that the cause of this apparent discrepancy is that the amount of molecular resources dedicated to the repair of mutations and elimination of tumorigenic cells varies wildly in nature. As such, the rate of cancer observed in any species can be seen as an evolutionary compromise between energy expenditure (slower growth rates) and longevity. With the advent of efficient gene manipulation technologies and powerful bioinformatics fueled by cheap genome sequencing, it is not only possible but also very likely that we will eventually imbue the future generations of humans with anti-cancer adaptations from other organisms.
That may be true but the game doe not really go the full mile for mutations and DNA to such a large degree, like how most space games don't do full macro scale physics simulations. So it ends up being pretty simplistic plus those infinite lifespan creatures could end up being retarded, depressed, and suicidal.
Consider that genes are akin to context clues within a book. If I steal your favorite book and erase all of the letter "E", you'll still be able to read that book with high accuracy. Perhaps larger animals have an even stronger foundation of this "context" due to their increased physical quantity of DNA.
My world is still dominated by a kind of thornballs. A shootoff species of fertile, motile thornballs went eventually extinct because the parent species was so well defended with red spikes.
Now there's a pure green shuriken kind on the ascendancy on one side of the world. Except that while I was writing this, they got practically wiped out.
Thornballs reign supreme.
Lordy, have you been hitting that Increase CO2 button like a redheaded stepchild?
That is very unlikely, mainly due to the two following reasons: 1. The size of the genome and the size/complexity of the animal don't correlate. 2. The way genes are transcribed and the resulting message translated into protein is very sensitive to deletions/insertions. With the loss/insertion of any number of bases not a multiple of 3, the rest of the gene following the mutation becomes nonsense to the cell.
However, what seems to happen in animals like whales and elephants is not necessarily far off from your thinking. In order to keep the rate of cancer low, these organisms would appear to have copied some central anti-cancer genes many times over. It is likely that this has caused the given genes to become expressed to a higher degree, but it also adds in redundancy to the system, a more robust "context" if you will, which helps eliminates proto-cancer cells before they go completely astray.
i was cause i wanted to simulate a cataclysm, and it worked, now that the bottleneck has been passed almost every organism has the same blue starshaped signature.
It was avtually a test of what would happen when i did. First it was to 100k CO2 and then after a boom of new creatures it dropped almost to zero and then botleneck happened.
This is it now. The only survivor's children are here.
Literally cucked to extinction
I see. I've tried similar stuff, but this simulation has been 100% hands off after the beginning.
Recently read a book called Forms of Life by Eugene McCarthy, helped me understand alternatives to the current concept of evolution.
What game?
His "theory" on the Origin of species is more retarded than Creationism
It's a good thing that theories, better called a hypothesis in the case of pig-man, are judged by the validity and simplicity rather than a reliance on the suspension of disbelief.
Too bad its neither valid or simple because it horribly crams together evolution and creationism in such a way that makes both sides hate him.
I suggest reading the book.
I don't have to, I already read parts of the papers he tried to publish and they are a great read for anyone into /cow/s. Evolution through natural selection is praised in many ways by how simple it is. "Stabilization Theory" as he likes to call it is a huge clusterfuck created by someone you know must be mentally I'll.
To go further, natural selection is so simple that we can simulate it in vidya like the games in this thread have shown.
Stabilization theory is just Saltation theory.
That isn't the problem, the problem is how valid it is. Gradualism certainly isn't as supported by the fossil records as punctuated equilibrium.
Lobsters technically are immortal
Sea urchins and alligators too or was it crocodiles?
Here's a little game where you evolve killer mushrooms - bludgeonsoft.itch.io
Not a simulator.
An action JRPG with the natural selection as it's main theme.
A good game, nonetheless.
Thanks for making this thread, OP. I fucking love this kind of stuff. In my spare time I've been programming a "cellular automata"-style evolution simulator; right now I just have grass that grows to adjacent tiles on an ascii grid, and fire that spreads to adjacent grass tiles, leaving empty dirt in its wake. The plan is to have herbivores/carnivores/plants with different stats and behaviors, and those stats can change slightly with each generation (so the child will have almost identical stats with just a couple minor differences).
For anyone that's interested in evolution/life simulators, I recommend checking out the field of Cellular Automata. I think most people in this thread will be familiar with the classic, Conway's Game of Life:
However, that's just scratching the surface of what's out there in this field. Conway's Game of Life is a 2-dimensional binary CA, but you can also extend similar logic to arbitrary dimensions and with arbitrary numbers of states for each cell. For example, attachment 2 of my post shows a 1D binary automata, called "Rule 30" in the Wolfram denomination. Interestingly, similar patterns as that created by rule 30 are found in nature, on certain seashells.
I would say that in general, cellular automata are less about simulating life itself, and more like simulating elementary particles. You can imagine that each cell in an automata are like Planck-distance slices of a universe, and the state of that cell denotes the presence of energy. The rules which determine when/how cells turn on and off are the physical properties of that universe; the fundamental forces. But interestingly, you can apply the theory of evolution to these elementary forces, just like you can to life. Things start off chaotic, like the post-big-bang energy soup. Energy/mass structures that are resilient tend to stick around, and soon enough all energy is arranged into one of these forms. Then those forms bounce around until they combine and rearrange into larger, more complex shapes (assuming that your chosen universe has physical forces that support such complexity; thankfully, ours does). Quantum foam -> quarks -> neutrons/protons/electrons -> atomic elements -> molecules -> single celled life -> multi-celled life.
I realize I've rather gone off track from the original discussion about evolution games, so I'll end here. But, if people are interested in me continuing, I have more I could say about cellular automata tomorrow. And maybe I could dig through my notes and find some more simulators out there that I quite like.
Ok, one final thing before I go. An evolutionary competition of Langston Loop-style automata:
And, finally, single-rotation cellular automata:
That last link is a version you can play yourself.
This is a really fun fish tank game. Good modification and save system, though I've only turned the CO2 up and down.
Starts with a couple of bacteria, forms a green clump that gets destroyed by red and white. At low total CO2+O2 it seems that red and a minority grey win out, with no movement. With over ~30,000(?) it starts being dominated by a stationary blue shelled geometric shape; a minority of very fast 'virus infectors' eats defective blue shapes/other things, keeping it stable at any CO2+O2 level.
Biogenesis, see here:
Life has gone from the kind of circular shape design to a more spiny and sinister looking direction. Some of the offshoots are looking a bit too much like spiders to my taste. That second bastard even moves.
If this trend continues, I think I must succeed where god failed. I must make the arachnids go extinct.
What did they ever do to you? They are the best kind of creatures.
Cell lab is a great "game" on phone.
Lets see:
Those two are reason enough to exterminate any and all arachnids.
Luckily nature took the decent route and the spidery threat was eliminated without my interference. Now life prospers as fertile photosynthetic and mostly peaceful life
Probably one of the best I've seen.
The SNES version was most certainly superior. Heartbreaking, but superior.
Oh god, death bees on the rise.
I started a new, bigger world (with some more CO2 to balance out the larger area), but I included the latest most successful species from the old one. Judging by the shape (7 limbs) of the bigger creatures, they remained very successful.
And would you look at that. The stationary life developed a blue armor. Nature finds a way.
Why am I the only one to ever bring up SimLife?
E.V.O. presents a complete misunderstanding of evolution and probably gave a lot of impressionable young children the wrong idea.
Good job user
If I just spent a summer learning basic programming shit how long would it take me to be decent at Python with no computer science knowledge?
What are some good /sci/ games though? Does it even exist, something where you can simulate and really learn things.
NO I am not talking about magic school bus series of computer games.
Universe sim
Space Chem
Fold it
Tyto ecology
Some of the games posted here.
I am pretty sure there are dozens if not hundreds of games that teach math or Comp Sci skills.
Thanks user I was baiting because I am too lazy to research tonight but I still appreciate it.
(690e4d here)
Since you already have a strong Maths background, and your chosen language is Python (very high level modern language which abstracts away a lot of the nitty gritty), I'd say you could achieve a basic level of understanding within a single summer. Just find some decent tutorials online, and maybe look into what sort of programming knowledge these classes actually want you to have.
Some important coding concepts every programmer should know: common data types (int, double/float, string, char, boolean), math/logical operators (+, -, ×, /, % [modulo], , !=, etc), logical branching (if/else if/else, for loops, while loops, foreach loops), variables, functions, and simple object oriented program design.
for the common folk, medusoids are most jellyfish, and there are a lot of immortal ones. Some trees are immortal; single specimens are upwards of 10,000 yrs old, surviving past the last glacial period. They do this by regenerating from roots.
Also, some black chick had a wacky form of cancer that killer her but the cancer colonies survived and reproduce, meaning she is technically immortal. Her cells are used in all kinds of experiments because they can reproduce and are pretty much human
Don't mind me, just taking an advantage of posting robo girls.
Also Conway's Game of Life can be another example even though it's just showing generations instead of the individual life form.
Watching Civilization games play themselves with only AI on the boards pretty neat.
So is Mario Party but for entirely different reasons.
Space Chem is a nice puzzle game but it has nothing to do with chemistry.
Even a few hours later the hooks' reign of terror continues
I have no idea why is this so fucking interesting to me
I don't know why we haven't seen anything this cool in games.
Shame biogenesis always converges to big photosythesizers with a shell of blue segments and little squigle shaped predators consisting of a red cyan and grey segment that zip around the map eating each other and any photosynthesizer that dies of old age.
It's almost like that's the most efficient ecosystem given the rules of the simulation
Because we still haven't gotten over Spore
Shit taste.
There's other aspects to it I think. Eternal youth is a pretty good point. Also custom paint jobs.
I'll see how hard it is to get Yellow segments to protect against White so Blue would be vulnerable to infection.