How did this game manage to be the best exclusive not just on the Switch but of the entire generation so far? Is it just a lack of competition?
Super Mario Odyssey
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Why do you people insist on shitting up every Nintendo thread on Holla Forums?
you do that on your own, OP
kill yourself
low-hanging fruit, it's a very easy shitpost and people still take the bait
Well for starters it IS the best 3D Mario game, and that alone is a high bar. Additionally you can make the argument that it doesn't have enough worlds. As for the Switch, it's only been a year since the thing launched. The only real reason to get it is for WiiU ports, Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2. You're not gonna enjoy the system if you don't enjoy those. Granted you have games like Splatoon 2, Fire Emblem Warriors and Kirby, however those games aren't really system sellers. The Switch is really for those who care about portability. If you don't care for portability in the slightest, then it's not for you.
Nintendo is still trash and mark is a fat incestous kike virgin.
This has been one of the few game that hasn't changed it's core-mechanics, tone or casualized the gameplay, and also added new gimmicks.
So yeah, it won by being faithful to its fans.
The Holla Forums raid really never ends does it?
So maybe we'll see a new contender once more competition shows up?
Yeah, pretty much. This thread is fucked to begin with. Someone should bumplock it.
Don’t be a tool. The game is mediocre at best and never feels like a full game, rather it’s a collection of mini games that range heavily in quality. The various Mario games on the Wii U were more coherant and fun than odyssey, especially the Luigi bros game.
Why bumplock a thread just because people shitpost in it? It's too easy to shut down discussion that way.
If you're going to post, post about a good game like Skyrim or something.
Who fucking cares. The only thing interesting that happened to Nintoddler was when that fucking Iwata or Owata gook died.
yeah nah, kill yourself
Well define competition, are you saying something like Sonic or Crash? Or games in general, if that's the case then the game has tons of competition. Deus Ex, Devil May Cry 3, Metal Gear Solid 3, Ace Combat Zero, Megaman X, etc. Hell you can argue that Xenoblade 2 is a solid competitor as a masterpiece.
3D World was so terrible it makes this look like a masterpiece
What Deus Ex game was good this generation?
Does that mean that every game with an difficulty option is casualized?
Yeah, you're a retard
In fact none of those are from this generation user.
oh and I forgot
its worse, but because its a mainline, big mario game it gets praised almighty just like botw did despite it being skyrim with a zeldo skin
You brought it on yourself user, mainly because you fit into normalfag norms. Also the filename is just obnoxious.
Ow the edge.
Super Mario Odyssey is a great game, which is interactive fun for both new players and old players alike. Find the game too difficult? Just enable it into journo mode and be a tourist to the game, not a challenge. It is perfect for people who like fun and a challenge and appeases both markets, making the game one of the most fun and most entertaining games out on the market for both young and old, casual and hardcore gamers alike.
Splatoon 2 is a better game for Switch, and the Nintendofags will insist that Breath of the Wild is the best game of the generation, despite it being a solid 7.5/10 instead
I can't have opinions just because a game is Nintendo now?
3D world wasn't that bad.
no you impotent retard, it means that Odyssey's game difficulty options are too casualized and the game's design around its "accessibility" with a few hard moons scattered to get among the vast majority of incredibly easy moons doesn't change that. Its minimum difficulty is much beyond most others and anyone with a brain can see that.
I'd give it lower. The lack of enemy variety and breakable loot really hurt the experience for me.
Not an argument.
The one's with casual modes.
Try getting all 900+ then. It's possible to go through the main game with ease, but the game is as challenging as you make it be.
This goes against saying it handfeeds moons. Everywhere you go there's something to do and a moon to get.
Hold the fuck up, the game may be easy to complete in terms of story mode. But the worlds it DOES have are a blast to playthrough and experiment with. Especially since the Majority of 64 and Sunshine stages feel like a chore to play through with the good ones being the classics you remember. Also Galaxy is a fucking abomination, Mario feels floaty as shit and is even more casualized than Kirby.
Millennial like you have shit taste. And a massive lack of knowledge of older games. That's it. That and ill-placed nostalgia are the secret to Nintendo success.
Well those and on-disc DLC, forced-scarcity price inflation, and aggressive AstroTurf marketing.
That's fair.
Yeah, it's not like this franchise has been doing it since Super Mario 64 with the stars, ones being harder than others to achieve.
Really, use your brain before typing
How do older games manage to this generation? Sure there have been great titles on other platforms but this generation has seen little-none outside of the Switch.
no, it goes with it, if you consider adding moons as making an area not empty then you're a fucking retard
The hat jump is the majority of any experimenting you'll do
I personally disagree except for arguably Galaxy. I can concede that being worse than Odyssey
Still not an argument. Mario is casual trash and nothing Nintendo makes is of any fucking worth.
Buy a PC console fag, and get off Nintendo's price-inflated dick. No good games this generation outside of switch? Pull the other one.
My favorite bit about Mario switch was the fucking waggle controls. Thank fuck that didn't die with the bloody wii.
you're an idiot not worth discussing anything with, the minimum difficulty or skill floor of 64 is far higher than odyssey and anyone with a brain could've realized this instead of jumping to this kind of asinine conclusion
Just give up.
They're not, it's why I bitch about gaming being a pile of shit. There's the occasional diamond in the rust like Cuphead, Fighterz, Nioh and Ys VIII not by NISA however the fact remains that those games are masterpieces of their time. Just like I consider Xenoblade 2, Odyssey and Nioh to be master pieces of this time.
Xenoblade 2 is the third worst Xenogame user. Go play Gears or Saga 1 or 3.
Fair enough, I wasn't saying it was as great as something like SM64 but relative to this generation right now I can't see anything that comes close and is actually out. Splatoon 2 for me won't be timeless like a mario game and if Splatoon 3 comes out there'll be no reason to revisit it.
Well yeah, but it still gives you a shit ton of options. Regardless I respect your opinion.
Stefan Molyneux pls go
I need to, I loved both blade games but never got around to saga since PCSX2 is a piece of shit.
It works well enough, the games aren't graphically intensive. Just be sure to skip 2 and watch a youtube of the cutscenes instead, it's that bad.
Nah, you're the imbecile that isn't taking in consideration that SM64 had 120 stars, while odyssey has 880 moons.
So of course there are more easier moons in comparison faggot, that doesn't mean there aren't the same or more of harder one compared to SM64.
I guess I could, although I gotta get the GPD Win 2 first. Especially since I like to play games on my way to work
They should've made the moons harder to get. But oh wait, that means that they can't sell that to kids anymore.
Enjoy your cardboard you bunch of fucking soyboys.
To be fair, Odyssey COULD use some more worlds. I kinda hope they have an expansion with Island Delfino, Luigi's Haunted House, Beanbean Kingdom and some other original worlds like something with the Cloud and Ruined Kingdoms
Odyssey was good, but I still prefer 64 for its simple premise and bigger emphasis on whimsical themes rather than SMO's grandiose adventure vibe. If they remake SM64 in Odyssey's engine which wouldn't even be that difficult, you'd have to adjust the physics but most of the character/enemy models from 64 have been in 3D World/SMO then that would probably be my favorite Mario
Hopefully they keep the cap toss for future games, though I'd rather not have Cappy or the capture mechanic return as well. Giving Mario a ranged option that doesn't require any type of ammunition or external device was a brilliant concept and one that I hope stays with the series, even if it's only in the 3D titles
well that's surprising. I'll offer the same to you
nigger are you not seeing one of the problems with what you're saying
I'm saying the majority of moons in odyssey are pointless, the ratio of harder moons in 64 to get relative to easier ones is higher, and most importantly the easiest moons in 64 compared to the easiest moons in odyssey are much harder to get
Yeah, the game has 733% more goal-collectibles and you want all of them to be hard
Are you retard? Do you have any idea of difficulty scaling through level progression?
That's like saying "get rid of worlds 1-4 on Super mario NES, I WANT IT TO BE HARD"
Ah, the last resort of someone proven wrong, ad hominem at it's finest.
You'll like to know that I haven't given money to these jews since the Wii.
I'd pay for an expansion but only if it had at least 3-4 new worlds minimum and that'd be a rip-off unless they were all at least as good as the seaside one.
Oh really? Nice work Ron.
Again I'm not going to disagree but I was talking only about games from this generation rather than best all time collectathon/3D platformer.
He clearly doesnt want the exact same number of moons, but all harder. He' saying you could cut the number of moons in half, make the remaining half more involved and rewarding to get, and the game would be better for it.
But then soyboys and children would cry about not being able to easymode through the game and you would have a much harder time shilling for uncle ninty.
Fuck yes. Is that a problem? I'm sorry wee little babbies and soyboys can't handle anything that requires actual brainpower. Video games should provide a challenge, not make me OCCASIONALLY press a button to do a thing and get flashy lights and loud noises.
i don't know about that though. i mean, look at 64; 120 stars is the mark of the expert, not the 70 you need to progress. i'd argue that any retard child could collect the 70 stars needed to win, just as he's arguing that any retard child could get the required moons to beat odyssey. why is it any different now?
Bloodborne and Yakuza are still in this generation, OP
64 is still my favorite, and playing a lot other platformers recently only accentuated that for one reason or another. I wish they'd bring back what they tried to do with that game, where the first few levels tried to have their own little self-contained stories. Odyssey had it's moments, but it's moons weren't really interesting. 64's length was also perfect - it knew when to end, when enough was enough. I usually get a bit worn out and frustrated with Rainbow Ride, and lucky enough, that's the last level. Odyssey got a bit tedious, whereas most other platformers end up being far too short.
At least it's a step in the right direction. I despised the settings of Sunshine and Galaxy, even if Galaxy had the occasional fun level. And Odyssey's soundtrack was fucking phenomenal, too. Just need more focused missions and stages and we'll be golden.
Nioh was better than Bloodborne
It isn't a exclusive anymore
Bloodborne is a rehash at best and Yakuza is good but it's mostly style over substance.
Most games today just want to be huge for the sake of being huge. They end up these big, empty, boring worlds where you spend your time aimlessly wandering hoping to find something interesting.
If it's not some big, empty, open world, it's usually a linear corridor with a dumb story. Something that could easily be a B movie. But the standards for video game stories are so low, a B movie is a masterpiece that soyboy game journalists all blow their low T loads over.
The maps in Odyssey are small, but they are filled with stuff to do. When you play Odyssey, it feels like the worlds are just packed with things to explore or find, and the vast majority of the time you're rewarded for exploring something. Odyssey gives you a lot of freedom, and you use that freedom to explore small, dense worlds filled with stuff to do.
It's a huge change from standard game formula that we've been getting, at least for AAA games. And it's something gamers want, which is why they like the game so much.
Odyssey does have a huge problem though, the lack of power ups makes you not give a fuck about ? blocks. In other mario games, you never know what you're going to get, it could be a power up, coins, a vine, etc. In SMO, it's always coins. And there's always more effective ways of getting coins than standing there and bumping your head on a block.
But SM64 and SMO are always compared because SMO is pretty much a direct sequel to SM64. It's way better than 3D World and it's a return to Mario's 3D platforming roots. I hope it stays, I like it a lot better, SM64 and SMO are definitely my favorite 3D Mario games. But I think trying to choose which one is better is like splitting hairs. I replayed SM64 a few months ago and did a 120 star run, I think both games have the problems a lot of you are complaining about. But all marios games start out fuck-easy and progress. SM64 was the same way, set up so most people can beat bowser and save the princess, but to 100% the game is a lot more difficult. DKC does the same stuff too. Not sure why you retards are complaining. The only reason you're tripping over moons in the start of a SMO world is to make sure drooling retard soyboys and children can beat bowser.
The whole point of all those moons is to give you rewards for exploring the map. And the maps are filled with stuff to do and find. They followed the SM64 formula of smaller, more dense worlds and it paid off very well. It just seems like getting moons is easy because you're tripping over them at the start. But once you get later into the game, it gets a lot more difficult to find them because you've already found the other ones.
XC2 does this too, whenever you go somewhere, you almost always find a treasure chest or a collection point, or something interesting. Though it's definitely not as dense as SMO.
Filled with things to do, like run and jump on things. Or jump onto things then run. Or get your hat onto a frog so you can jump onto things. Or get your hat onto a catterpiller so you can extend yourself before you run around things.
This. Microsoft and Sony have the 2 worst consoles in history this gen.
SM64 was the same thing. If you don't think so, you're wearing some serious nostalgia goggles.
This. It's not a testament to the greatness of Odyssey by any means, as Odyssey wasn't that great. It was serviceable and okay, but not amazing. It's just that expectations are so low and everything is so shit that even okay games seem impressive.
Assuming you don't count the ones that outright killed their companies sure.
at least the Saturn had a couple games worth playing.
Oh yeah, but the thing is that nintendo follows the "family friendly" mantra, so of course there's going to be easy moons.
But wanting all the moons to be hard is bad game development, you need to make a learning curve, and easier moons serve as a way to teach NEW players new mechanics and let them practice.
Like I said, on "old" games, difficulty progression was easy: First world "tutorial", and from there everything scales up smoothly.
Thanks to the magic of "open world" memery, this difficulty line has become blurred, so now you have tutorial moons on every kingdom, in case you wanna follow the "easy route".
But i doubt you can progress to the next kingdom only getting those, so it forces you to improve your game skills.
Oh, you're a "le hardcore gamerz" retard.
Surely when you started playing games you -never- used a tutorial and -always- chose the hardest difficulty.
Read above: Easier challenges aren't thought for veterans, they are for new players.
I'm sorry you feel so offended this might be the first game for someone.
But the dreamcast and last Atari consoles weren't that bad
Yes, you jump on things and run. It's called a platformer and it's actual gameplay, unlike the garbage that is popular today.
Yes it was. It also came out over 20 years ago. If you don't think so you're incapable of measuring time.
Whats it like having Nintendo living in your head rent free?
All it took for SMO to be successful was to release a true SM64 sequel. The bar is low, modern AAA games are almost entirely either a giant open world where all you do is walk for a while until you find something, occasionally encountering enemies, or "narrative experiences" that hold your hand and provide zero challenge.
You can always replay it on an emulator or something, which is exactly what I did a little bit ago. Both games are really similar, and both are good implementations of what they're supposed to be.
Holy fucking kill yourself you retarded piece of shit. I can reduce literally any game to its two most-used mechanics, too. Doesn't mean it's an argument.
Boy, you sure do like hyperbole
And? The substance in there is more than enough
Yes running and jumping is gameplay in a platformer. And shooting is gameplay in a FPS. IF i made a FPS game with a tiny level that had enemies spawning randomly and running at you could I then say "well it's gameplay is so deep and rewarding, there's so many rich and varied things to do!"
Example: "Borderlands maps are filled with things to do. There's always something to shoot and you are rewarded for exploring. (It's a huge change from the standard formula that we've been getting."
You can. But you can't take a game that is just two mechanics and say it's deep and rewarding beacuse they levels are small so you use those mechanics more per minute than other games with bigger maps. That's just retarded.
END YOUR MISERABLE LIFE, you disgust me to my core.
I meant something more like the 3DO which was admittedly more overpriced than crap or even the Ouya.
Barely even a console.
Except one is a padded fucking chore with nerfed walljumping and overall movement and the majority of its moons having no actual substance behind collecting them. 64 is still a better game, Odyssey just happens to look prettier and more saturated for 8 year old children.
They aren't the ones who made the thread, or praise Nintendo endlessly though.
This. I've yet to see the BoTW or Odyssey thread where OP is shitting on either game.
As far as that genre goes yes, Nintendo have zero competition.
At this point the best competition we're getting is SM64/SMW romhacks.
The ones that have been made have been flooded by angry fanboys. There is no issue with liking it, but god damn, shut the fuck up and stop being obnoxious, then people have the balls to complain about Nintendo bashers.
I can't imagine that it's better than Sunshine. Also doesn't it have a toddler mode?
It does have toddler mode, if you buy this game, you are buying EVERYTHING Odyssey represents, including the shit you don't like, which is toddler mode in this instance.
That's precisely the reason that I'm turned off on the game. I mean even if I had a Switch then I wouldn't be interested in the game now.
It's true. I've gotten in enough arguments with faggot who think 3D world is a game that's above a 5/10 if you're being kind to it. Every time it always ends with the faggots basically saying "yea well I like it and that means it's good". There's no room for them to just admit their favorite games are heavily flawed and below or at mediocre while still enjoying the game.
To date it's probably the worst 3D Mario game we have outside of 3D world and the other clone I genuinely can't even remember the name of. The more I played the game though the more I could see how it is a game made for toddlers as it rarely gets difficult at any portion and most of the moons are so easy to get all you have to do is walk to them and jump. After that it's a grind of doing mundane shit like kicking rocks and finding pointy objects to throw your hat at. And I'm going to reiterate what I just said because this is what people consider the "best" 3D Mario has to offer. Senselessly kicking rocks and throwing your hat at suspicious pointy things and doing senseless things in general makes up the MAJORITY of your gameplay experience in Odyssey. How people defend it is fucking amazing.
So Super Mario Bros. 2 J-type then?
From what shithole did you came from?
There is no curve to Odyssey. There's willingly grinding for moons so you can find the 1 in 80 chance of an interesting moon where you can play the game like an actual platformer instead of doing pointless shit.
From a game that makes Mushroom kingdom one of the final levels and then proceeds to make every moon in said level easier to get than almost anything in 64 I find that incredibly hard to take seriously as a mechanic they actually implemented.
The difference is that the game never becomes a "challenge" it's a series of things you need to checklist before you find an interesting area that actually poses as a challenge even to new players.
Just get everything second hand then pirate when you can.
People are most likely conditioned to ignore any possible flaws their favorite series have and continue lapping up the slop presented to them, it's why normalfag gamers nowadays don't have an inkling of criticism for their beloved game franchise. It's fine to enjoy something, but to put it on a pedestal is foolish.
FTFY. Galaxy is still the best 3D Mario.
It's like a fusion between old timey Mario and 3D platformer Mario.
I played the demo of the wetback themed level briefly where you have to climb up to high place for the moon. I was falling all over the place and gave up on it. I beat Mario 64 like it wasn't shit back in the day. Same with all the other 3D marios. Have I just gotten rusty?
You have, but it's also a different way of playing. I remember how frustrated I was during Super Mario 3D World, and how slow the characters moved. I expected free roaming across a toybox world or some shit.
Sort of. There's definitely faults it has that 64 doesn't like less momentum and more gimmicky levels that aren't really as fun to replay.
He might be one of the Holla Forums raiders we've been seeing recently.
I wouldn't go that far sure it was fun and added something new to the franchise but I would say its one of the best ones. Super mario 64 and galaxy were much better
Mario Galaxy exists.
Already showing your hand.
There weren't any tutorials when I started playing video games and I rarely used them later.
I never chose the easy. Nintendo games used to be hard. You'd know that if you actually played video games instead of jumping on the big bang bandwagon.
Make sure you check my dubs first, you fucking faggot.
Galaxy is fine. There's still a progressions of challenge and thought behind the mechanics and the levels don't feel padded.
While New Dunk City and Bowser's Castle were absolutely stellar, there were a lot of average to completely forgettable stages in Odyssey.
I think the reason it scored so high was that it appealed to the 2d pixel shit and female gamers with that ending.
Super Mario Galaxy was better and Super Mario 64 still remains practically perfect. You should still grab the game if you have a Switch, but expect to play a solid 8, not 10 like Gamespot and IGN would have you believe.
That shits barely a 6 and you know it.
come on son
I have noticed that some people from Holla Forums are invading some boards in Holla Forums. I have no fucking idea why they are doing this but it is really annoying what they are doing, some members of Holla Forums are telling them to fuck off.
In what way do you think Odyssey is better than Galaxy? Be specific.
They did it to Holla Forums first, now they're implementing the tactics in picrelated. Call it out when you see it and we should be fine.
It's because most people like garbge which this game clearly is.
If I could remove the motion capture control I would. But as a designed game the mechanics work and Nintendo hadn't nerfed the movement mechanics to much to become unbearable like it eventually did. There were also fairly decent challenges like the comets and the variation in each levels theme which often worked into the gameplay mechanics kept your interest hooked.
Technically speaking
The switch is literally the only console in its hardware generation if you don't count the xXxbonexXx or the PS4 Pro as a new hardware generation, And honestly they really don't qualify as one
My fucking god. These daft cunts have ZERO self awareness.
SM64 has actual platforming, you just have very poor memory.
Who is that character from, and who is she?
Your trips Mostly your Hitler Dubs actually demand I answer. Princess Eilonwy from The Black Cauldron.
They also doing it to other posts in Holla Forums like the Ready Player One: We Wuz Edition. But the guys are kicking them out.
They're not denying it either.
Please keep on topic.
It's the very defintion of a rehash.
Not to be the best game of the generation it's not.
Good boy! Zank you for defending master miyamoto-san and his regacy, here is one tarr grass of soymirk, on da haus. Drink up rittre birry!
As shitty as Nintendo has gotten, you can’t deny they have made their mark on the history of video games.
caveat: in Asia and North America, Euros never had the Video Game crash, so while the Leafs and the Burgs viewed the NES as a God send, Euros just viewed it as another console and went back to plinking around on their Spectrums and Amigas
Sage, because of Cuckchan memes.
As expected.
Well yeh but it's better to count them as a single generation for simplicity.
Pretty much.
Playing on an emulator doesn't change when it came out though so stay on topic.
A few would be good but quality is better than quantity anyway.
Didn't help that the NES was marketed worse than the Master System in the PAL regions and got their convertered games years after even North America, if at all (SMB.3 not reaching Europe until 1992, for example). This isn't even counting titles being censored due to Germany's standards like Contra.
That's not bloodborne.
Isn't Bloodborne better?
Either way lack of competition is a good thing. Exclusives are cancer. If sub oar games are the best "exclusives" consoles have to offer, then there'll be less and less reason for consoles to exist.
Sub par*
I blame the fucktarded electrical grid in europe tbh
It actually varies heavily by nation here.
Everyone should use 120V or die.
In what way?
Yanks are voltagelets.
Galaxy was bad but I'm not sure it was the worst 3D mario. I guess most of the rest are so strong it does seem shitty in comparison.
why are you poasting without your loicense?
I'll fucking spoon you m8.
The same reason I'm asking about the pubg edition.
What has Super Mario Odyssey got to do with PUBG?
Bloodborne is probably the better game in my book.
Absolutely nothing there are just anons out to shit on Nintendo for some reason.
The fuck is wrong with the Dreamcast?
But there were manuals, which depending on the game could prove pretty useful. Games used to be easier to just pick up and play: joypads had a fraction of the buttons, too.
Tutorials aren't bad in themselves, as usual it's been millennials during the 360 generation to bring them a bad name. Thief had a tutorial level, even Quake had a few messages, in Mario World there were tutorial blocks around the levels, Zelda npcs basically work as quest direction arrows.
Odyssey doesn't have anywhere as much gravity bullshit as Galaxy
The Switch's motion control is nowhere as awful as the Wii's
You can actually explore Peach's Castle instead of it being a boring prop in the back
Apples and Oranges. The gravity mechanics in Galaxy was one of its best ways to add to the platforming as apposed to how much they removed any fun in the movement that Odyssey has.
And yet is still managed to be less of an annoyance. The only motion control in that game that was necessary was the spin and collecting starbits. The spin was solid enough but was brought down a bit by being a bit annoying at times. The starbit collecting had more to do with aiming at the screen and that was actually pretty fine as you could just use it for the spring star transition areas where control wasn't necessary and be just fine.
Is this bait? That entire level in Odyssey was garbage and you could already do this in 64. How is this even a small reason for the game being better?
Only a handful of good games not multiplat
Odyssey is fun and charming but Bloodborne still the best exclusive fuck exclusives it'll never be 60fps on pc dammit
Boring* and charming
Memesouls fags should kill themselves. I could see a case for Yakuza, but memeborn is trash.
How do you get the vids off of your Switch? Super Mario Odyssey is packed full of exquisite details and actual technology and it's feels bad that I can't share them with people easily.
Double press the home button
That doesn't make any sense.
/tg/ here, they are doing the same.
Go to the images/video section (blue tab on the bottom of the dashboard) and select the image/video you want to share. You can currently only upload to Facebook or Twitter. You can also take out the SD card with the video/image saved to it and insert it in to a PC.
R.I.P. Miiverse.
Read my other replies.
it was a discount Galaxy level
I think we need to produce more OC of this shit so faggots can stop alluding it to cuckchan. Tired of faggots bitching about the fact that the majority of Nintendo fans who post here are manchildren.
Nu/v/ is just as bad as Reddit.
You wanna rephrase yourself faggot? It's not like Mark was around image boards prior to 2013.
More like cuckchan has a point and we need to adopt it better than they have. Nintendo fags are manchildren who refuse to accept that the games they produce are mediocre nothings, plain and simple. Feel free to use your reddit approved filter functions though so I can continue posting without your knowledge :^).
it's unfortunate that so many fags latch onto nintendo. but that doesn't change the fact that they are the only ones putting out actual games anymore, not just generic openworld games with fetch quests. only a matter of time until nintendo cucks too but at least in the worst case we can learn japanese and play that backlog for the rest of our lives without having to touch a (((new game))) ever again
Nintendo has already declined enough for me to completely lose interest, bing bing wahoo is a good game, but it's not going to save the quality of their other games.
I mean Mario with Rabbits on Rabies Crossover: Pissing on Rayman's grave.
And the games are mediocre. What's hard to understand? The fact is nothing on the Switch is worth the asking price for either the console or the game.
The literally who of platformers.
why dont you go back to cuckchan then?
Oh god what the fuck.
In the rough, faggot. Diamond in the rough.
Inherently false statement.
Oh, guess I've been listening to too much Judas Priest.
More like the interesting franchise that has been killed in favor of shovelware.
Can't be, everything in Galaxy is shitty.
Galaxy isn't that bad.
Reminder that Mario Odyssey is garbage
Im glad this faggot youtube eceleb made this video, it encompasses all the thoughts I had when playing this game entirely
Why some people don't like e-celecs btw?
Just asking.
He talks like a game journalist. Fuck you.
Joseph Anderson is a little bit of a contrarian and incoherent when it comes to his game analysis videos. I prefer Mathewmatosis and Superbunnyhop over that guy.
People don't like E-celebs here, because most of them are actually shit when you stop and critically look at them, and if threads of about them were allowed on Holla Forums then there would be constant threads in the vain of "remember when egoraptor was good?" and crap like that.
Tons of threads would devolve into either constantly shitting on, or sucking the dicks of people who are ultimately irrelevant. instead of actually talking about vida.
You know, I guess this place really is dead,How sad.
There's also the fact most e-celebs lift 99% of their content and don't actually do anything
Like all those "youtube shows" about just lifting content from and not even trying to find something original
But it's the worst 3D Mario and extremely dull and mediocre. It feels like an empty unfinished tech demo where you're dropped into small, generic worlds and can kind of just walk around and talk to people or transform into things that have one or two basic actions, then you're showered in moons for doing nothing.
I can' wrap my head around how this game got so praised when earlier in the year, the same game got shit on for being an empty dull mess with nothing to do in it, but under the title "Yooka Laylee".
What do you mean by that? Are you refering to this thread?
Say what you want about e-celebs but out of all of them with especially those two there are very good reasons to never listen to a word they say.
Fuck, this is exactly why E-celeb threads aren't allowed because this is going to do nothing but derail this thread.
But now I would like to know what Matosis did. Since I haven't watched all of his stuff but his DMC1 video was really good. Why is he bad?
I do agree with the other user that explained about the whole bullshit of e-celebs that they are fucking shills if you critically look at them. But I am not sure of people like Matosis fall into that mess. I know a lot of people don't like to talk about e-celebs in Holla Forums so I'll keep this brief.
When it comes to Superbunnyhop, they guy can made good arguments when it comes to reviewing videogames. But I can find that the guy can be a Metal Gear shill on his Metal Gear related videos.
But Mathewmatosis is a great analyst when it comes to reviewing video games and puts into great detail about the certain things that works in a design of a game and what doesn't, he doesn't come off as a rambling fanboy neither a hater when it comes to reviewing games and comes very neutral about reviewing any game that he comes to talk about it. The guy is not some overpaid shill like most mainstream game reviewers, in fact, he actually ripped to shreds to some praised games like Bioshock: Infinite when he was baffled on how this game got massive critical success when it was an inferior Bioschock game compared to its predecesors in terms of gameplay and story. Though I don't believe that he is perfect reviewer, because nobody is and I am not going to be a blind fantard to defend his flaws. But I don't undertand why do you have a a hate boner for that guy.
It's a shame MatthewMattosis has suddenly only been covering games nobody has ever heard of.
Superbunnyhop is fucking shit.
None of these are games no one has heard of. You may have a point with the Sanic literal memegame, but even that was really popular for a short while. I'm afraid it seems less like people not knowing these games and more like you're not paying attention.
His worst leanings are his appreciation for the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo in general. He also thought Mario 3D land was a good game which is amazing considering his well put videos shitting on Sunshine, which is a better game (though neither are particularly good). After that he's just kinda spacey with his opinions. Check out his alt channel podcast or QnA videos, whatever they're called. I remember completely disagreeing with giant areas in his second one. Shame I can't recall them.
This. I followed him till a few months after his dragon-con video. His stuff wasn't terrible, but it quickly became so after he got attention.
Who? Matthew?
Ah, nevermind.
What is wrong with aprecciating the Switch?
Because they're actual attention whores willing to do everything for a circumsized gold bar and they're taking over anything that involves acting, voice acting in the US is fucking dead
I am utterly disgusted for watching a single video from him back in 2015
The Switch is fine though, great even.
It's OK and is going to need more than just ports.
The Switch is the best console for three generations and the only one this generation with even one relevant game. It'll do fine.
Why doesn't our based BO publicly ban the op for intentional shit stirring and console war faggotry?
Soy posters will double down and further make mark's blood pressure skyrocket
Not getting a game shouldn't be considered a viable basis for critique, this review is as valid as IGNs one for God Hand
Memes aside, talking real shit for a second. I wouldn't call Rayman dead, Rayman Legends and Origins where great. They just actually need to make a new game instead of re-releasing the same five-year-old product. Sure Ubisoft is spiritually bankrupt and HIV positive but I hold out hope for more good Rayman games.While I hate the aesthetic of Rabbids and the mear idea of Nintenjew collaborating with Ubioshit does wave red flags I honestly don't see anything wrong with the idea of a Mario TRPG. I don't really plan on buying Mario + Rabbidsa but other then the aforementioned, I don't see anything too egregious.
that last image could genuinely be used as an Amerimutt meme
Jesus Christ
He's too busy feeling sorry for himself and actually laughing at this unfunny shit even though he fits the role perfectly.
They're laughing at his face and giving him the finger and he's ok with it.
Not even his Nintendo threads are safe from the cancerous shitposters killing the board now.
It actually is. It's everything bad about all the previous Mario games rolled into one ball of autistic shit.
Whoever thought adding stock human models with bright textures was a good idea? Super Smash started it right?
Yes, this game has an uber easy mode…
So? Nintendo always stated that it really is a TOY company. TOYS are for kids, not you 2X,3X year old loser complaining that the game is too easy for someone who has better motor coordination than a twelve year old kid… You fucking autistic retard that is so childish to still think that the fucking world revolves around your fat, loser, virgin self.
It's YOU who should kill yourself just to save O²…
Did the possession rape porn ever take off from this game?
It's games are to much for what they are and the thing itself is just more touchscreen shit so you're forced to buy an overpriced controller. It's nowhere near this.
Japan doesn't have SJWs, and even if they did the Yakuza doesn't have to listen to them like the jews made everyone do in the West.
Mark hates soyposting though, why not actually try and get to know him, you fucking newfag.
Jesus christ the west is fucked up sometimes.
The pendulum is winging back and we're winning anyway.