The empire is ending but the threads are not.
Vermintide 2 - A ratslayer's job is never done edition
Which would you rather added?
Beastmen Special Unit/Bosses
Lizardmen Player Character
I'd rather a 40k variant that replaces the Skaven with Tyranids and Imperium/Eldar/Tau player characters
If you wanted to play as a blue faggot with laser guns try Destiny
I think the five player characters form a perfect cast that shouldn't be fucked with, the carriers were the right way to go about it.
As it stands, what I'd rather see is goddamn bug fixes because things like pic related not working in the least is ridiculous.
Have fatshark ever expressed interest in 40K? From what I understand they love their medieval. Never played anything 40K, but going for that could be a good way to continue this franchise instead of milking vermintide until it's dry.
So, is this game worth a buy?
Yes it’s playable and quite fun if you’re into L4D style dungeon crawling
I'm surprised beastmen didn't play a role in Vermintide 2 since they were mentioned in the first game.
I would go with Lizardmen Player Character or a Bretonnia character
Vs just a couple beastmen specials/bosses, a lizardman. Vs an entire beastman faction, that. It wouldn't feel right otherwise.
A lot of keeping an eye out for shit that needs to be picked off before it reaches you and dodging charges, basically. Would only work in very open maps, probably Beastmen-specific ones.
Not sure if it's still in the game but in the closed beta they had lines about greenskins so I'm kinda holding out hope we get to go kick some ork and goblin ass.
Why doesn't it say anywhere that this staff has a third firing option? I always thought it was an animation bug until I tested it the training dummy.
Yeah, vermintide 2 really lacks tutorials. Doesn't that particular trait of the beam staff only apply to headshots though?
On another note, got two goddamn chaos spawns on a veteran run, one during a horde no less. I love how hard the hagbane hits those faggots. I love being permanently targeted a little less. I know how to avoid their grabs but I can't fully kite them yet.
I wanna marry a nice lizardman
It does benefit from headshots, but it works regardless of where you aim it. It's just the burst damage option
I found and joined a streamer doing one of those twitch integration things.
It felt like the difficulty was ramped up for the sake of the audience.
Constant waves of enemies, no pacing like how regularly you'd have a rest period after an ambush. Just constant ambush after ambush.
More Boss fights or at the very least a guaranteed boss fight every mission due to this voting system where the audience votes on some event that'll happen.
It was challenging and I enjoyed the extra difficulty to some degree, but I'm not sure that I enjoyed being assfucked for someone else's amusement, plus considering it was Recruit and I was attempting to level up my Bright Witch, I didn't enjoy the near constant ambushes so much.
We can't play for shit, we can't even follow the basic tenet of staying together, but
Inevitable wipe by the finale. I have a 26% curse resistance item but I didn't even have it equipped on saltzpyre. Fuck me but most importantly fuck all these morons who learn all the grimoire/tome locations by heart before they bother learning how to fucking play.
Everyone makes this sound pretty fun but when I tried vermintide 1 the playerbase just kept playing the first levels over and over. How bad are the pubs in 2 for this?
Ratslayer more like Rat layer
You get a bonus from joining "quick plays". The bonus comes in form of upgrading your loot chest at the end of a successful mission.
Unlike the first one you always get a reward when you win, similar stuff like in the first one contribute to its rarity which means higher chance of rare items. You also get 3 pieces of gear per chest and it doesn't matter who earned the chest, the gear is always suited for the hero that opens it.
They also added "Heroic Deed" which are supposed to vary up the grind a bit.
It's not nearly as bad. People kept replaying the first levels in 1 because the loot system meant you went tomes or bust. In this the tomes just mean slightly higher chances of better loot so you can just do the mission straight and still get green/blues. (This, incidentally, is what makes grimoirefagging in recruit especially cancerous)
That changes in the higher difficulties for a couple of reasons. But on recruit I've seen plenty of variation, not to mention you can just host whatever mission you want and people will quick-play into your game no problem.
I want to stress just how much I agree with you user. To many players are trying to Sprint before they can even walk.
Yes if you're a niggercattle who likes grinding to look at lootbox animation and having spyware pretending to be anti cheat on your pc.
Now grind is less tedious and the shaking and exploding animations evoke goodfeel that makes you not think about time wasted grinding, GOTY!
To the user from previous thread, pyromancer is amazing once you get a proper crit build going with the right talents.
I used to main Sienna unchained, but the Pyromancer with the flaming skull is amazing, clearing those chaos warriors in one shot really saves a lot of time for the squad, and throwing 3-4 of them to a boss.
Not to mention the insane crit dmg you deal to bosses.
Why is burblespue such an unfun little bitch?
wait till you get to fight him on champion with the AI director spawning leeches and chaos warriors.
I still haven't been able to finish Against the Grain.
Why do people always rush? Do they realize that you can't sprint so there's no way to get rescued if they get fucked?
Because he seems to be designed solely to split the group up, and then harass each individual party member constantly, while being a DPS race at the core - the more time goes on, the more HP you inevitably lose. And time spent on focusing his ass is time being blindsided.
He's essentially a poison specifically made to kill vermintide's game design.
I'm probably forgetting a few things
The beam has 3 firemodes, beam, mouse2 aoe blast and when you press mouse2 while shooting the beam
The beam starts up low damage and ramps up to max after about 1-2 seconds of holding it on the target, the amount of damage on the beam triggering depends on your current beam damage, so if you've held the beam for a while it will do more damage than triggering it right away.
Headshots still do more damage even if you trigger it right away so accuracy is rewarded.
Rushing is a good thing. The more time you spend on the field means more time for a horde or specials to spawn. It's very rarely worth it to search every nook and cranny for supplies, you can check behind doors but overall you should absolutely keep it quick. If the other three players are going faster than you are, follow them, no questions asked. If it's just one guy then yeah, fuck him.
But overall, people who rush at least have the right idea. People who dally have the potential to create more enemies, or worse, pick a grimoire when the rest of the group is trying to fucking progress.
Rushing ahead can also create problems tho, the AI actively seeks to punish you if the team breaks off by spawning specials that can incapacitate.
Yes, which is why I'm saying rushing ahead solo is still a problem. Be quick, but stay with the group. A team rushing as one is good, one guy rushing isn't.
The problem with the Heroic Deeds is while oyu get more treasure because you get the reward from the deed in addition to the usual end of level reward, the quality tends to be worse unless it's one of the better Deeds.
On a normal quickplay level, getting all tomes and grimoires, you're guaranteed a General's lootbox minimum and if you're lucky, you'll get Emperor's (if you haven't played, these are the highest tiers). On a Deed mission, you miss out on the quickplay bonus, so you're more likely to get Soldier's and MAYBE get General's. Further, some of the difficulty modifiers remove the tomes and grimoires for some retarded reason. Specifically, the ones that disable pickups throughout the level. It makes sense that no dropped healing items, ammo, potions, etc makes the level harder, but the books offer no in-game advantage. They're challenge items that make the level more difficult by preventing you from carrying actually useful items with you. Without the ability to collect those, you're probably going to end up with a Peasant's/Merchant's box at the end of the level, which is only good for crafting supplies.
It's an easy fix… Give a Heroic Deed bonus to the end of level loot that fills the same purpose as the Quickplay bonus and make the modifier that disables pickups still allow books. Game is a pile of glitch though. Fun glitch, but still fucked up in a lot of ways
I know, I just see so much people who think you're fine if your team splits into groups of 2. The game still tries to murder you.
The biggest fault with the deeds are that they're so hard compared to what you get, like 2 emperors boxes for insta death on down, roaming enemies are all basicly storm vermin and all elite enemies have double health and damage.
All that bullshit on champion and on the skittergate mission, like holy shit.
This gutter runner had a dream.
Also, pyromancer with beam staff is definitely the Sienna for me.
Don't forget that some of the deeds are hilariously difficult with shitty rewards. One of the deeds I have is to complete a level as if you were a level 1 character with the basic level 5 gear on champion. Not only is it insanely difficult compared to something like "more elites and they also have a fuckton of health/damage", but the reward given is worse than if I just played one of the first few maps using quickplay.
how and why this game got so popular if guys who played the beta said that it was just a vermintide remake and it had barely new stuff in it? what's better from its prequel?
I'm picking witch hunter first, what should i know to not ruin anyones run?
Aim for heads with the rapier.
It fixes most flaws from the first one and steals all the public of the left4dead3 that should have been made for years, basically.
It's got some worse aspects though.
Not picking up tomes and grims is fucking retarded. Health is the last of your concerns, 9 times out of 10 if you die it's because you were surrounded or got jumped by a disabler, and having twice the health won't save you from that shit anyway.
I'm personally really frustrated by idiots on Champ who want to skip grims. Why even fucking play champ at all if you aren't going to go for the red loot chances in Generals/Emperor's chests? If all you want is the xp and crafting materials just grind in vet or recruit.
Tomes and grims literally only matter for experience and to get red stuff on champion. Pick a few tomes to get the extra XP by all means, but full-on 3 tomes 2 grims on recruit is 100% pointless.
Might as well add that a solid half of the classes and talents are worse than others, making the added content fairly meh.
There's fairly little reason to grab tomes before having your item drops at power level 300. Because every ten points increase your damage/cleave, it's usually better to go with a blue that's a higher PL than it is to stick with your orange or even red items. But fuck people that skip tomes, someone almost always could use the health items when you come across them.
Played my first deed quest with the more swarms and more elites modifier on Screaming Bell. Literally drowned in rats at the end and if it wasn't for me being Kruber with charge to bulldoze my way out of the last section I would have been fucked.
I never heal or revive the elf
Good job being cancer to your team because of memes.
It's good practice. You don't have to worry about your health at all on recruit unless you pick up two grims.
It's never ever gonna happen but I want To have a greenskin campaign with the boys. Grimgor, Skarsnick, Wurrzag and a big un, just fucking smashing through puny ratmen because that's what they do easily, the regular enemies could be like the minibosses since that's probably the only thing that's fair
Very odd you mention that were you Saltzpyre or Sienna in that run?
No it's like L4D but even worse.
Imagine L4D, but with quadruple the specials and bosses, spawn them at every possible moment, especially the most retarded moments possible, and only carry about a third of a magazine worth of ammunition with you at all times. Then add in a bullshit RNG gear progression system and a skill tree and you have Vermintide 2.
I would pay money for this tbh.
Want to elaborate on that you sexy shitposting stallion?
Yeah, you're the cancer here.
Games without elves go better than games with elves almost every time.
Try not being trash and you won't need a crutch to play.
Somebody is upset they are bad at video games
She's still amazingly useful even in Legend. Mostly an all-rounder, she's great in melee, great against bosses, great for killing specials and great for keeping the team alive with regen. She might not be as strong at any one thing (although arguably her special-killing is superb), but she's still a great character to have.
Only applies to Waywatcher elf. If your elf is playing Handmaiden or Shade you may as well just votekick.
I just cheated and gave myself ten-thousands of orange stones and made every weapon perfect.
You cant really do the same in 40k.
If you want eldar, imperium and tau then youll have to deal with different problems, for starters, why wuold they ever work together?
Then, how would you balance them? because an average eldar is almost as good as a space marine, with only the tau fire warrior and guadsman being somehow even, with the fire warrior being inept at melee.
Youre forgetting the face vagina and hooves.
I play it just fine, but in terms of quality L4D> Vermintide 2. I'm not as much complaining about it as I am describing it.
The spawn AI in vermintide just seems to be set to random and that means the game is just going to fuck you sometimes. It will spawn hookrats 2 feet from last men standing so it can hook them before they have any sort of warning or audio cue and it will put chaos spawns in the middle of hoards in tight corridors then decide it wants to through gas rats and storm vermin patrols into the mix to just to make sure you're extra dead. there's no pattern to it like there is in L4D.
And the loot system is RNG shit possibly worse than Vermintide 1.
do you want hell-aids
Makes sense.
I don't, but you would figure that a demon girl would want to spread hell-aids and not need condoms.
admittedly succubi are there to collect sexual energy but maybe she can do that without semen or maybe she's not a succubus.
I played at least a hundred hours with the exact same characters in the first game, so I'd rather they add any character, period.
Guardsman just wants to protect his family, Fire Warrior has a duty to reunite with his caste, and Eldar life is too valuable to lose. Those are the three factions that are easiest to group together and I don't know why anyone would think otherwise, because there are dozens of hooks. Guardsman could be from a fringe world that allied with the Tau (and hasn't been cleansed for it yet) and the Eldar could have enlisted help. All three could be crew members to some rogue trader.
People ignore the fact that Vermintide pairs a witch hunter with a witch who he was literally going to burn at the stake.
Eldar is a "teen", Human is a storm trooper, and Tau is in a prototype pilot battlesuit. Or, Eldar atrophied from imprisonment, Human is a hot-shot conscript, and Tau is entry-level Fire Warrior. Alternatively, if a rogue trader crew, they all dip into the same armory.
Or, just don't, because Vermintide balanced a sergeant with a bright wizard, and it bothers nobody that they fight dozens of storm vermin at a time.
Tau vs Astra Militarum give the best infantry on infantry with fire support action. It's a crime that there hasn't been a 40k shooter similar to the Taros campaign. Fire Warrior doesn't count, it was designed to be a different type of shooter.
You'd be hard-pressed to make a good infantry matchup with guardsmen that didn't devolve into a MEQ-fest. The alternative is Guardsmen vs Cultists with no demons or marines, which is just another Imperium vs Chaos game but with nothing fun.
That's not how you get repeat sinnings.
The empire will never end
What would the tau characters be? A fire warrior, maybe a kroot, but what else? A battlesuit might be too OP for this kind of game. I can see it working with both eldar and humans but the tau are just too fragile and lack variety.. Unless you made ALL the characters wear battlesuits, which admitedly could be quite cool.
I've asked this on the last Vermintide 2 thread, but has anyone come across the flat halberd on the right side of this image? I've managed to get the one on the left, but do any of you anons have suggestions on how to farm illusions for halberds? And has anyone come across the Kruber full plated helmet yet (aka the one that was teased sitting on the training table outside)?
Yes I have seen it on someone before so I know it does exist. I remembered you from the last thread so I made note of it.
There's no easy way to farm for illusions unfortunately. Best bet is veteran speed runs with bots. I don't think you can craft gear with illusion so you might want to avoid that.
Also all character cosmetics are exceptionally rare so seeing any at all is uncommon.
Rogue Trader away team.
Thanks. My friend and I were planning on doing veteran Screaming Bell runs. Also, I've been saving commendation boxes so is there any advantage on opening boxes if I main Kruber? And are cosmetics just a random thing you can get from any box, or do you have to be on a certain difficulty to have a higher chance of getting them?
*opening those type of boxes or saving them
A guardsman's family would be far, far away from where he is currently fighting unless its his homeworld being attacked and they just so happen to still be around by that point, the PDF is what garrisons planets.
Again, that would be the PDF.
I think they have a higher chance to appear on higher quality loot, so you're better off getting better quality boxes. I didn't see any on low level loot, but that just might be related to weapon quality and drop chance.
As for commendation chests, they're roughly equivalent to soldier champion chests as far as I can tell. I'd still save them for when you get to 200 gear level and can't get higher gear off of veteran anymore. The gear you get out of them depends on who opens them so if you're looking for something for Kruber, you're better off opening them on him. Not 100% certain, but I have heard you can get cosmetics out of those chests. Just remember cosmetics are both character and career bound so your huntsman can't use a hat that you got on your footknight for instance. I am certain you can get weapons with illusions out of them though.
Cosmetics are difficult to figure out how they drop since their drop chance is so low. As far as I am aware, they've only ever dropped off of champion and legendary chests. I don't know if it has to be emperors tier or not.
It's a poor man's L4D.
FYI Fort Brachsenbruke is faster, arguably easier too
Tau stealthsuits are a mobility option, and squishy enough not to outpace your tank while being better than ordinary fire warriors.
Just have the human be sergeant Harker, a Lord Commissar, or someone else capable of soloing carnifexes. Alternatively, you could just do different varieties of guard, with Ogryns as tanks, Ratlings as your elf equivalents, Catachan demolition/flamer specialists, etc.
Different varieties of cosmetics.
First, there's red loot quality. Red weapons have unique appearance, and all red loot always has maximized stat rolls even if you reroll it. Reds can only come from General's or Emperor's chests in Champion, or mid-tier chests from Legendary. I'm not sure if you can get them from anything below Merchant's in legendary.
Second, there's basic weapon illusions. It's completely unknown whether certain illusions are limited to higher tier chests. I'm almost certain you can get SOME illusions from a recruit peasant's chest, but there might be some better ones reserved for higher difficulty. Illusions come it two flavors, "generic" illusions that can be on any green or higher weapons, and "unique" illusions that can only appear on orange weapons.
Third, there's character cosmetics. I've only ever seen one of these drop (an elf hat), and I know the chest it came from couldn't have been higher than Veteran, possibly even Recruit. I don't even know for sure if character clothing (other than hats) exists in loot boxes or if that's purely a premium/promotional feature.
So I notice a lot of people saying Saltz isn't very good in the higher difficulties. Is there any reason why or is this just more slander from Elf-mains that spend all their ammo gunning down normals and aggroing packs of Stormvermin?
Speaking of Saltz, what weapons does everyone reccomend for him?
I was playing saltz for a while with the rapier but eventually I switched to kruber with the warhammer and I'm having a lot more fun. I've seen some really good bounty hunters who just one shot specials.
Lie. Bounty hunter is practically mandatory for legend.
As a Saltz Main go for the Rapier to kill non-armored bastards enmasse and for ranged go for the Repeater Crossbow for armored and boss
Not even close. He's too fragile for one, even elf is tougher. He's good at killing bosses and bad at literally everything else, but bosses are far from the most serious threat in Legend.
My best legend runs have been with very tanky setups. We used Ironbreaker, Zealot, Unchained and Foot Knight, only missed one grim.
That's a load of shit. Bounty hunter with the repeater cleaves through hordes like it's nothing if he's being played right (weaving in and out of melee combat for crits) and works great for killing specials; capable of one-shotting nearly everything in the game. Good ammo conservation, high dps, has an emergency horde/boss button, boss stun, and excellent dodge distance.
Being able to set a high speed by constantly dispatching stormvermin is super important in Legend and he's an excellent choice for it.
Two tanks, two heavy damage dealers works best for me.
Bounty Hunter user, is the repeater crossbow good for said class or pure shit?
Low accuracy, no autoaim shot, slow charging super, low HP, and it's really hard to use spreadshot without nuking your allies unless you are front lining.
The elf is your best special killer, her career skill charges twice as fast and is the best skill in the game for killing a hiding blightstormer or gas rat (burning head is good too, but less reliable because it's 1 shot instead of 3). She doesn't need to rely on meleeing to spam ranged since her career skill gives her unlimited ammo, and when she is forced into melee she has a much better weapon for it (glaive or spear, prefer glaive myself) and more HP as well.
That's dirty elf propaganda. Salty is just fine.
Bounty hunter shits damage and Zealot is just fun.
Repeater crossbow is THE weapon for BH salty.
Repeater crossbow is fucking OP and the reason why Bounty hunter nukes bosses like nobody's business. It's literally the only thing that's good about the class, but damn is it good.
Can anyone list the pros and cons for the repeater gun saltz has vs the crossbow he has, I see a lot of people saying the crossbow is better, but I see people use the gun.
The repeater has a faster reload and a larger burst shot. It takes longer to fire the burst shot though. It has a much lower overall DPS and lower damage per shot with less penetration and lower accuracy.
Basically, it will fire more bullets, but it takes longer to kill anything, making it basically useless and anyone who uses it an idiot.
From simply reading the descriptions of the weapons, I think the repeater is for shotgun death and the repeater is for piercing through a few. It seems like both have their strengths but I haven't been able to really compare the two yet.
The repeater gun is shit.
The only things it has going for it is a higher rate of fire, faster reload, and more boolets in a single special shot than the repeater crossbow even though you can't hit shit with it outside of point blank range.
It's like you aren't even aware the repeater pistol and the repeater crossbow share a word.
Does it make you feel better if I say I actually didn't?
how do i discipline sienna for shooting me in the back?
Give her a spanking.
Don't run through her while she is firing, dipshit.
is this a player in Let It Die?
What about when you're in a narrow tunnel and you're ahead of her, and she just wants to get kills? Fucking hunger in the dark brings out the worst in randos
free experience though
We've must have died at least 3 or 4 times on that map specifically on veteran's difficulty. Maybe it's just shit luck but we had ogre rats hit us off into the water, nurgle sorcerers using their tornado bullshit and threw us again into the water, and so many other things that dragged that mission out longer than what it should have been. Maybe it's subjective to personal opinion and your own experience, but we have had so much smoother runs during the Screaming Bell mission. Not to mention all of the boxes that sometimes have goodies like loot die in the market area.
Whenever my ranged allies shoot me too often, I get revenge by hanging back and letting them take the lead and only come in to help prevent a wipe. It can be kind of annoying to play as ranged too when your team is moving around randomly. I once played with a dwarf who would constantly jump when he swung at enemies and he would catch a fireball in the back of the head every time.
I got thrown directly into the river by a chaos spawn, and instantly died on that level.
I want to play a game where I'm a Skaven and kill endless waves of humans.
did the update make it harder? I've had several matches with new players now where the game just throws wave after wave of specials at you. I don't mind myself, but finding random people online and trying to help them through levels is getting a little tiring.
skaven character mod for l4d
yeah the latest patch unofficially buffed increased special spawns. Last night i had 3 blight wizards and 3 leeches spawn one after the other.
Is Kerillian's passive ammo restock (lv10 talent) supposed to work at any health percentage? I'm pretty sure I've seen it work even at full health while nothing in talent's description says about it.
I don't mind that on harder difficulties, but man is it making it hard to play with new players. Trying to coach them on how to fight enemies they don't even know how to block against while getting swarmed by specials is just making that miserable. I worry how my friends are going to deal with it when they get it. Especially one of them who is particularly bad at vidya
I was playing with a friend of a friend last night who told our saltz to block and revive four or five times, and he fucked it up every time - then after being the last one left when the portal was disrupted dived into a slave rat horde and died. I was laughing by my mate was ready to pop a blood vessel. I was pretty useless myself trying to have my lvl 3 dwarf carried on vet.
What i'm trying to say is it's really not worth getting mad at PvE games, if it bothers you too much add the good guys that you play with and invite them when you want to do a few runs. My pals and I use teamspeak but it can help if you have a bare disagreement to use for voip every now and then. Besides, you can always do easier runs and turn the drops into materials to progress, they still have a chance of rolling to increase your gear score.
I have quite a bit of patience for these things, I was just losing every game I played tonight, though I think I narrowed the issue down to showing new players a little to much of the maps. I'm probably going to stop doing that. If somebody doesn't know where a tome or grim is themselves they probably shouldn't have it. Just finished my night with a competent team so I'm alright.
I will skip grims if they are in a retarded locvation like the 2nd on festering Grounds or in Ussingen.
I never stop anybody from trying but I am certainly not goig to fucking bother with retarded jumping puzzles.
Newbies should conentrate on learning the fucking game before picking up the books.
Once they stop sucking dick they can become masochistic bibliophiles like the rest of us.
No he fucking wasn't, he WOULD LIKE to burn the witch but ONLY after she was judged to be guilty by a court of the Empire or alternatively does something clearly deserving of battlefield-justice.
Saltzpyre is suspicious of her as is his profession but he never denies Siennas battle prowess or fails to acknowledge when she does something that helps him or the group.
Going deeper into the fluff there are indicators that Victor chose the mission to escort the witch, not because he ever really cared about her but because there were rumors of (((skaven))) activity in Ubersreik. Rumors wanted to take a closer look at.
The mission convinienced him, just like finding a competent and reliable man in Kruber and hiring him on the spot.
Tomes and grimoires truly are meme game design. I mean, the whole lootbox progression system is a giant fucking meme, but still.
So I got the first virmintide and enjoyed it enough, but barely played because I had no one to play with and the loot system kinda made me stop caring after the game became kinda one note. This worth my shekels? And post some cute girl skaven please
Anyone has a complete list of the dwarven words Bardin uses? There are a few readily available dwarven language vocabularies out there, but none seem to cover everything he says, especially in regards to the skaven units.
Well, none of my friends have the game yet and I've been doing pubs only, yet I had 28 hours of fun so far.
I’ve been playing with strangers a lot and have been having a lot of fun, but it doesn’t get real good with each character till you hit at least level 7 with them. Also, the loot system is similar to a loot box but it’s a hundred times better than the first games. So far it’s the game I put the most time into this year.
Mite pick it up then. The skills and classes seem fun, like KF. Also much obliged for the skavens.
It outright doesn't work. Unresolved bug.
It worked before when she was under half, last patch was supposed to fix it to always work
I wonder if FS can even diffirentiate between bugs and hidden features anymore.
Is there some sort of mechanic that makes you lose health packs or is it yet another bug?
Well, it restores 5% of max quiver capacity, rounded down, every 10 seconds. Nothing in description said it should work at >50% health and it's still a better bonus than boosting your health regen cap to 55% max health.
I prefer to use shared regen and not be a faggot. The level 25 skill and ammo on crit together are more than enough to keep firing non-stop and never run out of ammo.
You and me both. Was even carrying a tome and grimoire
It's really hard to get any coordinated work out there.
It's like game decided to suddenly hurl better players at us. Hope the trend will continue later today
also friendly reminder to ALWAYS equip curse resist to at least 25% or something along the lines
One more thing, did anyone get most of their orange equipment from fucking commoner chests? my best loot was from commoner tier and it was green blue and orange, like 80% of the orange shit i got was from fucking commoners while merchant gives things like white white green
I might be retarded but what equipment gives curse resist? I haven't seen any yet
Saltz and Sienna have best quotes among themselves. Sienna finds his zealotry amusing and he's tsundere as fuck towards her.
Trinket. Max is 33% I think
It's on the last accessory slot only, trinkets I think.
I'll keep an eye on it. Is it an ability from oranges and reds or does it appear on greens and blues too?
Yes, it may appear on green and blue items too.
Outside of 90% of what the Elf says I love the lines of dialogue between the characters. It adds much to the flavour of the game and is wonderful for immersing yourself into the setting.
Their quips and banther are kek-tier.
You just healed a Lumberfoot, mate.
Ok, I'll keep an eye out. Thanks, user
user this isn't immersing yourself in the setting. This is being a pleb.
One of Sienna's quips when picking up the elf is great too.
Is this mayfly going to outlast you, Kerillian?
I loved the reaction of Saltz when the elf mentions her getting a lot of kills at some battle at a bridge, and he recalls how 2 Nuln regiments was lost mysteriously at said bridge and just screams ELF? ELLLFF!!
I don't get how people are having so hard a time with pubs, just did like 8 runs on vet for funs and had no issues. Ranald blesses me I guess?
I tried to pub Legendary all day today with no success. Several easy champ runs though
The picture is funny because it is fucking silly to imagine the elf being anything other than a fucking cunt.
The memes aside the voicelines are still great you twat so go fuck yourself and lose some more games on the easy difficulties.
Teamwork with pubbers only ever appears on champion and above. which you wont ever reach
Krubers license to ham beats all others as far as I am concerned.
I ale you were wish!
user, there's little vermintide artwork to go around, people just post what they have.
repeater has terrible damage, terrible dps due to constantly needing to reload, weapon charge time is significantly longer than repeater (preventing swapping to melee so as to block, etc), no penetration, and no accuracy. single shots are too pathetic to allow for sniping of specials which is half your job, since thot elf is busy racking up green circles by trueshotting stormvermin 2 miles away.
you can actually hotswap your repeater with your melee on longer range kills as bounty hunter to refresh your passive, making it even stronger than before.
What do you mean, "low accuracy"? The repeater crossbow is incredibly accurate. It even comes with damn range indicators on the crosshair for crying out loud.
Given that 2/5 characters have autoaim you're guaranteed to play with someone who does if your party isn't shit. Trueshot is great for specials, but that's it. Burning Head is usually saved for harder specials or bosses, but it recharges quickly by using beam staff on rat hordes-
You can easily get your career skill back up to full in one horde by actually playing actively instead of picking your nose in the rear line. Bounty hunter's role is to be a combination frontline/ranged DPS; all his shit excels at close to medium range. ALL his ranged weapons barring the crossbow are meant to be used at close to medium range. Comparing his function to Kerillian setting up a fucking tent in the back and throwing arrows isn't really logical. The falchion and rapier are all excellent for horde clearing by themselves regardless of your passive crit- taking the axe allows you to specialize further in quick dispatch of any nasties. The only thing I can genuinely think of that BH can't really do well against is shield Stormvermin, because you'd have to give up a good melee weapon for the flail, which is a slow falchion, which kinda defeats the purpose of the damn thing.
The repeater crossbow on the front line is the ultimate horde killer, barring a cracked-out charged fireball spamming Unchained. The amount of multi-hit and penetration you get with crit bolts is just unable to be beat. Especially because it's fucking FREE DAMAGE. If his passive were restricted to the 10 second cooldown and nothing else I'd understand your point but when you can refresh your free 12-18 kills every second on dumbass clan rats, killing another swathe with your repeater, your argument doesn't make sense.
also you can nuke the shitter elf and say it was an accident
He can't replace the role of an autoaim sniper like Sienna or Kerillian, but he can very much take on a lot of their responsibilities at no cost to his own efficiency as a frontliner. That versatility lets your teammates specialize further into what they want to do without having to worry about B, C, and D, since you've got all that shit covered. It means Sienna doesn't need to keep popping Burning Head off whenever the spawn sound for a blightstormer goes off, because you can two-shot the fucker at range.
First time I ran Skittergate as SP, I was first in line.
paraphrasing, can't remember exactly "Courageous men need not fear Skaven trickery…" then he fucking shouts "COURAGEOUS MEN NEED NOT FEAR SKAVEN TRICKERY!" to the rest of the party.
That mine really fucked with his head I guess
Repeating Crossbow is lower accuracy than any "sniper" weapon, including sienna's beamstaff and kerillian's longbow, among others. It's good at medium range but frequently misses beyond that.
Saltzpyre's melee weapons are very poor. They are one step above Sienna's, but that still leaves him as the second-worst melee character in the game. He also has the lowest HP in the game.
His "horde clearing" requires him to alternate between melee and ranged hits, spend time reloading, or risk running out of ammo, compared to Bardin or Sienna who can both spam shotgun (pistol alt fire for bardin, not the actual shotgun) and kerillian who can non-stop fire longbow arrows with even better penetration.
His career skill is slow. Shooting shit barely charges it, partly because he absolutely must have ammo on crit to function.
Even though I could never put a finger on why, I haven't touched Victor since the beta even though I like him as a character.
On top of being somewhat weak there is little to differentiate between his careers since any career can take any weapon with the sole difference being in the, sometimes equally weaksauce, abilities and passives.
While not as much, he needs a rework together with Handmaiden and Veteran Ranger.
Currently the ranged classes are much stronger than the melee ones. Mostly because their melee isn't that much weaker compared to the melee-classes, yet the melee-classes have a much weaker ranged game. IMO huntsman should be the ranged version of the slayer with two ranged weapons and no melee option and a heavily reduced cooldown on his de-aggro to help him out, even with the launch-patch-nerf he's still massively overpowered. All melee classes need buffs so they become equal to their ranged counterparts. Especially the Slayer, he's not strong enough to make up for the lack of a ranged weapon.
It sucks that I have to pick huntsman, bounty hunter or pyromancer if I want to play with randoms and not lose on champion. Always gotta carry their retarded asses.
If you build some decent critrate on top of your guaranteed crits I find the repeater crossbow still viable as fuck. If you combine it with the rapier and use your unlimited-ammo-alt-fire-pistol with it to defend yourself every now and then he can actually carry the team well. I agree that the other ranged classes are probably stronger though, except for MAYBE the elf, but that's mostly because of players who pick her being infected with the massive elftism-debuff and thus becoming brainlets when they play her.
Try using the flail and flintlock pistols with the Bounty Hunter career.
Absolutely the best combination.
Hang on a sec.
That's armor from Lord Of The Rings Online
Ironbreaker is the best dwarf class and fucking OP as hell. Part of that is because it has the Dwarf's best ranged guns, the Drakefire Pistols, but a large part of that is also because it's fucking unkillable even in legendary.
I wish they'd buff the damage on slayers double axes just a tad bit, its fucking ass that once you reach champion / legendary they stop killing basic northlander enemies in one hit even with max hero power.
I'm pretty sure the elf actually likes Sienna, maybe more than likes. She seems to especially hate Saltzpyre and the empire for how they treat Sienna. One of her healing lines refers to Sienna as "the least annoying one" which comes across as sort of tsundere, and her voice line when Sienna heals her "I'm sure I'll return the favor before we're through" is said with a MUCH warmer tone than anything else.
So why isn't there more enemy variety ?
And why are elite rats so much cooler than obese nurglefags?
You are right, even in the first game the two got on together well. Sienna being actually able to see the curse through her mage vision impressed the Elf and she considers Siennas magic abilities a gift.
In V1 she also used to be somewhat softer on Kruber. When Kruber heals her there are less angry quips and more genuine gratefulness.
While she will still mock him, its rarely with any real malice behind it like she reserves for Saltzpyre.
I suppose she likes that he is, at base, a very simple man, honest and reliable thus probably the complete opposite of any of the treefaggots who kicked her out.
They added an entire new faction. Maybe it's not enough to your liking but clearly they don't need you to think enemy variety is good.
Certainly not enough. If I had ever bought vermintide 1 I'd be bored pretty fast.
Stop talking out of your ass, faggot. I played 200h in V1 and haven't stopped playing 2 for a day since the beta and no, I am not a rarity in that.
You sound like an immature fqaggot that can't curb his ADHD.
And you sound overly defensive of your choice of game.
I won't have imbecilic cunts complain about their own retardation and then pretend it's a problem of the game.
True, he's the exception. Had him more under the category of "tank" than "melee", but yeah, the drakefire weapons make him strong as fuck. Especially if he builds on crit and gets the Heat Sink trait on them.
Pretty accurate picture except rats should be darker skinned and trying to sell tourists shit they don't need
The fanboy opinion. Hardly any argument but *it's not an issue killing the same shit forever with little to no variety*.
Guys like you play wow from it's start to this day.
>Vermintide 2 added an entire new faction with as much variety as the original and adds new skaven specials
>And adds uncommon enemies on top of that
Now a warhammer autist might begrudge there's only two factions among the shitload that exists, but you're literally just barging in there saying "hurr there's literally no enemy variety in there, and if you disagree you're a retarded fanboy!". Fuck off you retarded redditor.
recruit level shitter from last thread here
my friend and I tried out the bots and got instant results. Haven't lost a single game with the bots yet and I'm finally getting regular lootboxes. We lose the quickplay bonus, but no one is picking up grimoires or tomes which means we can actually win. I didn't even realize that recruit level shitters were sabotaging our quickplay matches by picking those things up. No level 4 character can handle that
Calling me names will not really make you less of a shallow fanboy.
Thanks for reminding me that space hulk deathwing is a thing that existed and was really fucking boring
The state of 40k videogames is bad enough to make me want to join chaos.
How's your liberal arts degree working out for you?
Lizardman and bretonian knight. In fact just scrap the current cast so you can have a bretonian knight/squire/lizardman/freeboter/gold mage team.
They did real good on making the pyromancer actually feel like a pyromancer but I'd love to see what they could do with a gold wizard.
Is Mace+Fireball still the optimal pyromancer loadout?
Has anyone noticed that Victor Saltzpyre's pistol dropping animations in 3rd person are not present in Vermintide 2 compared to 1? Or is it the fact that I'm playing on medium graphic settings where it looks like the devs took an animation budget cut?
I'm on high settings and don't see shit, I think they just cheaped out.
That sounds terribly detrimental to your ability to learn how to play and I genuinely worry how you're having so many pub issues on recruit no less. I think today I'm going to do a bunch of recruit games on my level 1 Sienna and see just how bad it is.
Some shitters learn where the grimoires are before learning how to play but, thankfully, they're not anywhere close to the majority. In fact, it mostly seems to happen in Against the Grain.
Anyone got tips for lvling Iron Breaker?
I struggle a lot on veteran, it feels like offense is better than defense in these unorganized shit piles you sometimes get. With Sienna I could sometimes salvage groups with shit players with pure boss killing power but some of the fights become a fucking drag and end in a slow death if your dps doesn't know what they're doing.
I read here that axe and shield is a bit better than mace but I haven't found one yet.
Honestly, I can carry a team of noobs who pick up grims, it’s when they seperate for no apparent reason that really fucks things up. I get when people get ahead, but there are times I’ll turn and find two members completely in opposite directions at the back of the map.
axe/shield if you havent got a dedicated special killer, hammer/shield if you're gonna be clearing hordes. And the other melee weapons are if you wanna have fun
I meant axe/shield if you havent got a dedicated armour killer
Ironbreakers are built like a fucking tank, so I firmly believe your weapons and trinkets need an offensive focus. Drop the hammer/shield for an axe/shield or just an axe for better dodge. You will now have no issues smashing armored and elite foes. Use your shield to stagger/move in a horde/on elites. Bash, move and remember to hold down left click after the right click bash for a heavy attack. Drake Fire pistols are for horde clear and removal of elite heads. On taking down bigger targets just let the reticle settle the quarter of a second so you can keep landing your hitting the heads or at least the thing you want to shoot and remember movement and higher heat fucks with the accuracy of the projectiles. The horde clear shotgun will be more effective if you fully charge it. Ideally you want to be in a position where you have time to charge, fire while the horde is incoming on ya.
Now go out there and make cousin Okri proud.
Thanks, I might try regular axe until I unlock or loot the shield one. Having my face smacks against chaos warriors and such actually count is really needed.
Drakefire have served me well against most things except larger things, Ogres and anything its size just seem to shrug off even weakspot hits. Maybe it's just an issue with my power lvl.
the drakefire pistols are pretty much the best ranged he has, shotty is pretty good if you abuse the infinite ammo crit punches. Most legendary runs dorf will run pistols
I did a veteran run on war camp, the one that ends with the barbarian boss. I'm pretty sure we would never have won if I didn't have the simple axe because the sienna wasn't doing that hot against him and elf was a fucking shade. Even more useless that the handmaiden, that.
Still haven't found an axe and shield though.
get the +HP% talent and use a two handed hammer. shields are shit in any difficulty below champion since you can murder everything with one swing
also get into the habit of not using the charged attack on pistols because it blows dick on legend and in general since you are better off push blocking with melee
Thankfully theres isnt enough skaven "art" to doom a Vermitade thread.
Most its because either people are thin skinned, retard or both and end up cannibalizing each other.
I even played with chinese and managed to do a good run, nobody kicked me when i went down three times ,dont know were the faggots bitching about "toxic" players are coming from.
Don't listen to any of these faggots telling you to use a shield, you have a mountain of stamina and dmg resistance without it so it becomes a crutch.
Use a 2handed hammer and practice perfect parrying and you will not only remain unkillable but also solo entire hordes and bosses
somebody please tell me that they are working on models of these to replace the originals later.
Is there any Sienna build that benefits from using dagger or firesword?
Stop being a furfag, satan.
I don't care about the fur, I want the lewd. Any game that can have lewd mods must have lewd mods, no exceptions.
I'm pretty sure there was a tittymod for VT1 that made the witch and elf have hilariously oversized boobs with terrible textures.
I just hope they are as loose with their modding capabilities as Left 4 Dead. If they allow custom maps and such this could be my GOTYAY.
the irony behind recruit is it's harder than the other difficulties just because of the new players.
More than anything I just want more maps. Games like this are always killed off by their small number of maps and even smaller number of actively played maps. I'm already tired as fuck of grain and fort.
I don't see how the mod tools wouldn't allow custom maps, they're the obvious primary concern for a game like this.
let's keep our fingers crossed
This, the game needs some L4D treatment to add custom maps and campaigns.
somebody could tweet them and ask I suppose. Best case they answer that it will include that, worst case we make it known that it's wanted.
The lines are a decent chuckle but from what i've played so far they could be better expanded on, except for viktor, everything he says tickles my funny bone because he's so ridiculous
Reminder that the elf is legitimately just an angsty teenager that got the boot for being too edgy.
the more I play around her the more I don't hate her though it may be the accent or perhaps the way she's tsundere for the lumberfoot…. that or Kruber is just the one she hates the least.
I don't think this has anything to do with elf but whatever you say.
here's a (you), don't waste it now.
That sounds like something an elf would say.
This kind of line doesn't work when the utter and catastrophic failing of everyone in the team is blamed on elf, azumgi.
we had a level 4 kruber completely outclass us on champion last night, my mate was carrying my level 5 dwarf as sienna, it was hilarious watching him shred every horde with the halberd while the level 20 saltz kept on dying constantly.
IP changed
go ahead and play as a lvl 1 but to make things more realistic to the beginner's experience, make sure you don't use any equipment earned by playing as a higher level character and only play the first levels in each act. Then, watch in awe as shitters as low as level 1 somehow manage to find every grimoire/tome in the level while your elf is running off miles ahead of everyone triggering every horde in the game and everyone has equally shit equipment so when the boss your grimoire shitters created comes, you get fucked hard.
my very first match was against the grain and even though my whole party was level 1, someone thought it would be a great idea to pick up the grimoire by the barn. I haden't won a single match until I started playing with botsI'm sure that now I'm level 7 and have some greens, I could probably go back to quickplay now. but fuck shitters
To be fair, they could have played other heroes and seen people go for them in the past.
i'm sure that's how it usually happens but the beginner's experience with quickplay is grinding exp in consecutive losses because low level shitters think they can survive grimoire bosses even though no one has any decent equipment and one of your teammates is MIA
Jesus christ I feel like I got lucky winning my first 3 maps in a row. I've only gotten a bad experience now that I'm playing on Veteran, it seems that since every moron jumped up a difficulty they haven't learned how to deal with the enemies. Of course they still grab every tome and grimoire so we just get fucked.
I hate when people grab grims when everyone has below 50% HP.
But even on Veteran elves are shit.
Is there any way to bypass the legend requirements? I'm still a bit far away from 420, got friends who want to play with me and the grind is killing me.
So what do I actually need to play Vermintide 2? Do I need to put up with always online DRM?
A computer and an internet connection. Plus some money to buy the game.
No point in playing champ if you aren't looking for generals+ chests. Commendation chests are champ soldiers tier, so just level up another character if you are looking to grind to 300 gear level. Of course, you don't need 300 power gear to be able to get Reds that already have 300.
Of course, that's no excuse for a bunch of 30s to get outplayed by your level 10 ass. Doesn't mean you as level 10 belong in Champ mind you, just that those 30s really sucked.
My gift to you all.
I like it.
I fucking hate Kruber. Hack poke hack hack, that's his entire fucking kit His charge is useless outside of briefly stunning bosses and a very good way to get killed, his ranged weapons are the worst in the game, he really just doesn't do anything at all but hack poke hack hack.
Maybe if you spent less time being a filthy fucking elf, you'd be able to appreciate Kruber.
I've played everything through at least one Champion game now, Kruber's my lowest at level 22 and he's still the worst of the lot.
His charge is absolutely mandatory for anti-ganking. I can't tell you how many times when a damn mini boss wants to cheese and continue to harass a down team mate. Especially in larger packs and you are the last one alive trying to get everyone up.
Bounty hunter and Pyromancer can do the same thing, but theirs actually does a fuckload of damage too
I think he takes the "balanced" role but because of that he's pretty darn boring.
And how often do I see Chaos spawns, once every 6 maps? Half that for when somebody is actually stupid enough to get grabbed?
He's melee focused. "Balanced" is elf, with salt and sienna being more ranged and dwarf being more melee.
you can block cancel it bruh
with the level 25 talent that grants free blocks it's a get out of jail free card if anyone in your party gets downed
also the best boss lockdown going with a conc pot
damage resist aura is great. halberd and handgun let you fill in gaps in your team's loadout. snipe specials. 3 shot chaos warriors on champ with your halberd. etc etc.
His weapons do good damage and he's just an all around useful character as Merc or FK, with Huntsmen becoming more useful in legend.
play ranger vet with a grudgeraker with scrounger on it
you get to blitz through the entire map blowing niggers away with your boomstick and thanks to being able to melee with the grudgeraker you can get free ammo.
get to dunk elites, specials, do respectable damage to bosses, bail out people who are downed with your ult, shoot shield vermins in the back with your ult
They had to return to their world.
I tried that shotgun build. It doesn't work for shit and ironbreaker with pistols is better in every possible way. Yes the rifle but CAN get you ammo back, but even with a maximum of 10%+base crit you have to pummel somebody forever just to get back 2 shots, and unfortunately you only get 2 ammo per enemy hit on a crit, rather than per pellet, so it really doesn't pay for itself that way either.
Try ironbreaker with a shield and pistols, block while you are reviving, use your skill if you have to revive in the middle of a pack of heavy attackers, use the pistol alt fire to blow away entire hordes, spam the primary fire to kill anything else before you even reach it, while running directly at it because you are a fucking tank.
Alot more frequently than before since mini bosses now spawn more often since the last patch. I've had many instances in veteran where a chaos spawn or a troll would trap us in a really bad spot (not due to us being noobs, you can't deny that shit happens in this game). Even if you charge into a chaos warrior or get ambushed by a patrol, the knockdowns are invaluable to your team as it allows them to do their damage while you provide tankiness and distraction.
Also, it's up to debate if the Foot Knight or if the Iron Breaker is the tankiest class in the game, since it's been argued that the Foot Knight can out tank Bardin if utilized properly.
I don't really like playing with other people, but this game looks neat. Is single player decent? Or do other people rarely talk at least?
You can do pretty decent with bots, I believe they use your skill setup and equipment.
People rarely talk. The voice chat itself is pretty shitty so even people who have mics tend to not use it for fear that whoever they are talking to won't understand a thing they are saying anyway.
Well shit, I may actually have to buy it now.
That and the fact that voice-chat volume can be fucked.
Folks will have their mike on minimum but their voice fucking blasts to everyone in-game even if they lowered the volume for voice-chat.
Additionally FS is too fucking busy or retarded to give us indicators as to who is actually talking.
This is something we have been asking since game one, the fucking idiots.
Victor Saltzpyre is the only way to go you mayflies
You can outright set mic volume to zero. Permanent and universal voice chat muting. The autist's final solution.
And what do you know, you did forget something. You know how sometimes he will directly stun a single character ?
He's just very finely designed to be the most cancerous piece of shit.
Grimoires on recruit are now officially useless.
you get a lot more oranges from higher tier chests. More oranges=more orange dust for crafting, which is more or less the only thing recruit is good for
Oh, oranges also provide more scrap per item too
step up nigger
That's our industry for you. Keep in mind that it took six(?) years for Valve to turn off the anti-mod filter they'd had in Left 4 Dead 2.
Complete opposite for me. At first I was fine with her, sure she would constantly find openings to jab at everyone, but whatever. Then I heard something along the lines of:
That actually got me pissed the fuck off, perhaps its my hatred for elves, my Warhammer obsession, or the attachment I have for the other characters being as this game created them pretty well. Whatever the case may be, every single FUCKING NOISE that ELF makes since then automatically registers a feeling of absolute eternal hatred and a need to bring a company of lumbermen to the nearest Bretonnian forest.
There should be a mandatory 500 hero power minimum for Champ, 600 for legend. 500 hero power means you either have level 30 and the max loot from Vet, or level 20 with champ loot already. If you don't have that it should automatically lock you out of any public games and disable the private/public toggle when hosting a game. You want to be the 200 power idiot in champ you can do it in your own private game.
Im sure you could find some highly motivated Dwarfs to tag along for that.
The great carpenting campaign, you can call it.
change that to legend, minimum hero level 25 please and thanks
having 500 or 600 power level doesnt mean shit and it wont automatically stop people from playing like shit
champion is easy as fuck anyways. the majority of people started champion and legend during release as soon as they were able to
you know you are good when the randos all add allyou after the game
Pay2win, not even once.
I dunno, I do fine with my 250~ Ironbreaker on champ. But then again blocking and shoving doesn't really get affected by power right?
I think shoving does. But the real restriction is that you should have level 20 at minimum. Healing on kill is too important to do without.
Ah that's true.
I use healing on boss kill.
I've gone a few rounds without using any healing items at all, the passive cooldown talent does more than you'd imagine.
As dwarf, you can use the pistol alt fire to clear hordes and instantly heal yourself to full (temp) health.
Alright, I'll give it a try.
I used veteran games to level my characters.
I like how that sounds.
You have my axe!
New patch is live. Let's hope it squishes some bugs.
Pyro is single best boss lockdown with conc potion, plus you can do it from distance
She's amazing for that, I even got a 50% increased potion duration trinket.
Pyro is great for that because Flaming Head does so much damage on top of the same stun/knockdown. However, Kruber's special does have a faster charge time.
Other patch notes here. No mention of fixing the bug on the recover ammo on boss kill traits.
Reading comprehension level zero. I don't want to sit and play on veteran all day to level up because it's boring as fuck and too easy. If you somehow think a level 10 is too low to be playing on champion you're probably a shitter who's not good enough to play on champion.
No I'm the guy who has to carry your retard ass. At least the level 30s can actually get some shit done before they die.
So the cancerous fuck got some chemotherapy, fucking finally.
But more importantly they fixed their fucking AI-Director to spawn endless waves of shit on top of 3 disabling specials.
I even like that Legendary is getting even more waves of trashrats in a horde instead of several dozen Stormvermin spawing within 3 minutes.
Undocumented change: The minecart in "Hunger in the Deep" actually explodes now. The trolls no longer simply die of disappointment
I'd actually like to see the cart knock rats down when they jump in front of it.
Yes, glad they realized it was a bit of a "fuck you, DoT for everyone" nuke button. I'll reserve judgment until I face him again though, the change might be negligible.
Note that they also made it so that they have a smaller hitbox when dodging as well, that will probably have more of an impact than the wider angle.
What's up with Kerillians ruining my runs, 80% of the time a Kerillian does a really stupid move down the line that results in a complete wipe, either by hogging potions, running by herself or friendly fire, they excel in all possible ways of failure.
Elf players are a fucking trashfire. I can't tell you how many times they ruin everything and gets the least acclaims on the scoreboard. Last time I checked they were good at dealing damage so there's no excuse. They even shoot at trashmobs to artificially boost their shitty kill count.
Well, you "could" dodge it but it was a fucking hardcore precision thing to do.
Best solution was a dworf with pistols + firebeam mage, elf and grubber on crowd control, stick together to the walls of the arena to avoid AOE and have some time the split second to dodge.
And even like that you'd wipe half the time…
If we could get new player characters that would be fantastic. Maybe another caster with an interesting spell dynamic like a kislev ice mage lore of life wizard or a necromancer
The threads keep mentioning shitty elves but in my personal experience the shitters have been evenly distributed, with slightly more siennas and slightly less dwarves. For some reason the worst kind, the one that just buggers off wherever they please like the map is a vibrant explorable world, tend towards kruber.
Wouldn't that be kill on sight for Salts?
I find that the most shitters are centralized in elves; but I might have a skewed view because nobody I know plays an elf so that slot's always open for pubs.
The only other class/character I've seen be so consistantly shitter-populated as Elves is Slayer Dwarves, followed by Battlemage/Pyro Siennas.
Saltzpyre is already fairly radical/moderate (depending on perspective), cooperating with a 'criminal' witch, an elven exile, and a dwarf. I think he could use his hatred of the skaven and the desperation of the situation to justify just about anything.
You are correct.
You are wrong. No self respecting member of the Empire would ever conspire with necromancers. Let alone a witch hunter.
Though a necro class that Victor players could grief and team damage on any difficulty would be funny.
Yes, Saltzpyre is probably the most nice Witch Hunter in existence, but even he would not suffer a necromancer to live. Why would one even be there rather than making an army of skeletons to hide behind? I don't think only Saltzpyre is the problem neither, I cannot see Bardin or Kruber being okay with one. Sienna or Kerillian are harder to predict, but I think both would want him (really) dead just as much.
I literally only play quick play pubs so I guess I get the whole spectrum of shit. But really, my biggest problem is by far shitters who are bad and want grimoires at all costs. Just one bad dude is generally manageable. Playing bounty hunter goes a long way in pubs.
Not the right game for a necro, give me a fucking gold wizard.
The end times context makes sense, its a "join or become rodent and chaos food" type of situation.
This can only happen in Fantasy, but in no way it would be feasible in 40K.
I remember a Gold Wizard in the Gotrek and Felix novels.
He could do some really interesting shit during battle.
Does the Parry trait prevent damage from bosses on a successful parry on higher difficulties?
Vlad exposes himself as a vampire to the emperor during the end times and becomes an elector count and sylvania rejoins the empire. Lahmian vampires are deeply embeded in the empire and seberal have played decisive roles in its politics. Balthazar Gelt becomes a necromancer during end times, this is all canon. A vampire or necromancer character is not ridicules or lore breaking.
I can see what you mean, I just want to skip a few steps and have a completely new cast of anti-hoeros. Proper Dark Elf, a Necromancer, a Chaos warrior, a Chaos dorf.
Nobody but Chaos gets along with Chaos though.
How many fucking niggers play elf, Its almost impossible to find a free elf slot to level this cunt in champion. Ive got all other classes to 25-30 except this cunt and I cant find quick games without being asked to switch. She isnt even that good
If they do decide to release a new character I'm convinced it'll be a brettonian afflicted with vampirism. Career choices would continue the theme of either giving in to the edginess inside (blood knight) or being saved from it (questing/grail knight) like the others.
How in the name of fuck is it allowed that no ammo recharge can spawn before a boss?
I play elf main now so shitters won’t shit up my runs anymore
What traits? I havent seen anything that would really give me a reason to stop playing waywatcher.
a good handmaiden is asset to team. Can't say the same about the waywatcher.
But the weightwatcher can snipe specials almost half as good as Pyrosienna and leave most healing items and ammo refills to the team.
Well, I've tried Slayer now.
Fuck me if it's not the most fun I've had yet.
This glass cannon meme fucks everything.
If elf players weren't always such shitters she can be a great asset to the team, Im trying to play her right now but there are so many retards on champ and legend who instafill her slot
Found the (((ELF))).
You don't need regen arrows for waywatcher. Her level 25 talent recovers 50% (not 20 like the tooltip says) every time she uses her special. That's more than enough, especially if combined with ammo on crit. I always stick on team regen for that.
Waywatcher also gains a bonus to headshot damage and effective range. You don't really need uninterruptible revive since you can block during revive anyway and anything you can't block will likely kill you while you try. All handmaiden is really good for is running ahead and getting everyone killed. Shade at least gets up to 75% increased damage from behind, though to hit something from behind you normally have to sacrifice hitting the head.
These rerolls are making me hard, nearly a perfect set
level 24 ELF LFG
Are you trying to get bullied? Is that the profile of somebody you don't like?
I'm glad I found my red trinket, I was never able to reroll a 5/33 without it. My Charm is 5% attack speed, 10% chaos, you don't usually need vs Skaven because they tend to be weaker anyway.
Oh, and reroll that awful "all other potions" nonsense. 50% extended duration is better because you get to use the potion you actually want for 3x longer than with the charm you have.
Really none of my builds are built around specific potions, and the one that is (sienna) regens her special with the combo around 3 times fully and frees up the potions my teammates want to use.
yeah but damage vs chaos and skaven covers the entire two enemy groups according to a fatshark stream so getitng +10% vs both is by far the superior option
Not necessarily. Skaven are far weaker than Chaos. You could have 10% against everything, or you could have 15-20% against the things you need extra against and only 0-5% against what you don't.
Here's the enemy table showing what types each enemy belongs to
fuck you fatshark you piece and your piece of shit loot system
Nice bait.
How reliable are bots if i just want to level up my guys to 7 to try the other classes
bots are trash until you get a good power level across all of them. not sure if they share the power level of the host or what though.
Bots use your characters exactly. They have the same weapons, stats, power, talents, class, and even cosmetics as the last version of that character you used. There is no Saltzpyre bot, playing Salt replaces Bardin normally.
Bots are pretty decent most of the time, especially once you've leveled them a bit. At this point (level 30 everything) I could probably run champ with bots reliably, but since bots don't pick up grims ever and tomes only rarely it's not worth the time.
I only have marcus at 6 and saltz around 7 or 8 but the last few runs i've tried had wiped or disconnected out partway through which is almost even more annoying than a wipe since you don't get the pity-exp
Iv'e run champ reliably with level 20 bots so there's that. Kruber seems to be able to oneshot elites reliably, sienna bot is pretty trash with ranged though
You are disconnecting from a solo run? Sounds like your internet is a piece of shit. The wipes are probably on you as well, since bots are more than capable in low tiers
They actually scale their power to match the host. You can give level 1 bots low level oranges and they would be just as good as level 30 bots with level 300 oranges and no talents selected.
If you wanna solo with bots, one of the best options seems to be setting your bots as foot soldier, ironbreaker, and unchained, while playing the damn dirty elf. You have to babysit them a little, but they will almost never die and will gladly tank everything while you focus on more vital tasks. If you don't have those classes unlocked, then just give em shields and flamesword and hope for the best. If you want to play as those tanky boys then good luck doing anything with your retarded glass baby bot.
you misunderstood or i phrased poorly. I got host disconnects in quickplay or the guys wipe cuz some one keeps wandering off. I was thinking of just doing some bot runs to get some levels up
Alright I now have all 5 characters to level 30.
I know for certain that Bots use Talents and item traits. I can't confirm Power, but it seems to follow logically if they use the traits on the item and the illusions on the item they probably use the other stats as well. The most direct way to test that they are using talents is Kruber's extra stamina shield aura. When you equip that to Kruber and play with him as a bot, you do get the extra stamina shield yourself. The most obvious test for bots using equipment traits is the Regen necklace. I've seen bots go full retard trying to drink a potion they can't drink because of that thing, so I know it's working.
Why are you saying all of that as if I said otherwise and you are trying to argue against me? I only said that they scale their power level to the host instead of using the displayed power level, nothing about the rest because that's all correct.
Elf bot generally does a pretty good job of killing specials. You might do alright playing Pyro Sienna and letting the elf provide ranged support. I don't like the idea of being the only ranged on the team
Cucked by Renald, shit sucks.
I got three Emperor's tonight.
Unfortunately, I was playing on Veteran to level up Kruber, so they're all worthless.
What does that have to do with it?
Anything in the boxes is capped at item level 200. So worthless.
Meh, salvage the trash and then make yourself some new orange items. You'll get something new you like.
How come most tanks (Bardin, Kruber) don't use the shield bash and only use the block+push. It's pretty bad; also the shield bash actually does damage on top of knock-back and can be combo-ed into strikes.
The basic way I play, with shield and axe on Bardin, is Shield bash into block into another Shield bash. Keeps hordes constantly back and I actually deal dmg to all. You can also extend the block with a push+strike and the shield bash with a strike.
Most people don't know that you can follow up a push with a quick heavy attack, and using heavy attacks effectively requires more timing and skill than the average person is willing to muster. That said, if you are trying to out-do the elf for damage then you are playing an Ironbreaker wrong. Keeping the team safe and the situation under control is top priority, not dealing damage. If just pushing achieves that, then push-on little dude. Leave the damage-dealing to the lesser races that get all excited over getting green circle stickers on their report card.
Related, but a lot of people don't know that you can manually vent fire weapons either. Press buttons you fags, you shouldn't need a forced tutorial to hold your hand and tell you every little thing you could possibly do with everything in every situation.
Is the keep randomized each time you play or did they add to the keep behind everyone's backs?
I think the bedrolls in the center change based on who's been in your group recently. Of course the quarters are always there, have you found all 5 yet?
I think it was each character gets a room at level the 10.
I hadn't found any of them my first time exploring, this time I found Bardin's, Sienna's and Saltspyre's.
Also all those picture frames have to be for something.
T-thanks autocorrect.
That would explain it, Kruber is my last sub-10 character and his bedroll is the only one still there.
At level 12 they move their stuff into their own personalised rooms.
I'm hoping they get more stuff when you hit level 30, maybe even something for hitting lv 30 with all characters, the only downside is this means I'll have to play the elf.
Speaking of keep upgrades, does anyone know how to get the statue of sigmar in your keep?
The elf just gets a hobo shack in the courtyard.
collectors edition
She has a great view when she wakes up, I'll give her that.
At level 10*
Tested it out and it's exactly at level 10.
It's also worth noting that Kruber apparently lost his comrades-in-arms to a necromancer. He might want one dead even harder than Salty.
If he lost his comrades to elves would he want the elf dead? That's not really a "kill the elf" joke so much as pointing out a somewhat realistic scenario. The idea that humans and elves have been known to fight and kill each other isn't by itself a good enough reason to prevent them from working together when necessary, nor is having had a personal stake in one of those past conflicts. But obviously a necromancer is a different situation, right?
An interesting point but I'm not sure it's a valid equivalence. A platoon of elves ruining his regiment's shit would an act of conventional war. He might get into a "gah, elves suck" mindset, but not to the point of thinking elves are a particular menace universally.
A necromancer is a different story since it's one guy who has devoted himself to control death. That's a menace in and on itself, and Kruber experienced the full breadth of that threat personally. It was even enough to make him swear military life. So we're compounding the general stigma of necromancers across the empire to personal trauma.
So while I know we're talking about a scenario where it's unite or die, Kruber would be very unlikely to think a necromancer could be trusted in any way and under any circumstance.
Dhar has a ranchid stench it the most foul and horrid of the winds especially when used for Necromancy.
It would drive Kruber insane, without doubt. He would eventually snap and kill him.
There are things no man can tolerate, Necromancy is one of the big ones.
How do I stop being shit at Saltzpyre? I'm not sure what my role is supposed to be since the fucking elf takes specials faster than me and I don't think I'm supposed to be the crowd control guy either
Sneaky skaven.
Holy shit Kruber's longbow sucks so much ass.
It's good enough damage to just hip fire but holy shit, the rifle outclasses it bad.
Bounty Hunter's his best class, makes his gun game extremely powerful. With just his weapons he's meant to be a precision melee/stormvermin disposal kind of guy, rapier and falchion do good headshot damage and falchion/axe penetrate armor. He's not bad at crowd clearing either, falchion has also great cleave.
He tends to be better at stunning boss grabs and dealing with heavy elites.
Victor needs more weapons and other changes between his careers.
Right now only BH is really viable while the other two are merely more risky while having the exact same weapon choice.
True, I haven't got the hang of zealot at all. I'm also disappointed his best class has him hiding his face. I kept thinking he was Kruber when I was starting out.
Well cosmetics aren't implemented yet so there is that to look foreward to, not to mention mods.
I just got Kruber to 25, whats your guys opinion on the best talent at the end of the mercenary talent tree. Right now I'm using the one that lets me revive teammates but I find it too situational.
Why is this shit even programmed to be possible?
while i appreciate their dedication to keeping each mission as fresh and random as possible so you dont get bored, yeah, no drops for extended periods really sucks, i havent even gotten past vet yet and im seeing some serious shortages at times, maybe when my net gets upgraded ill perform better with less lag
Dry spells are fine, but dry spells AND zero drops before a boss is absolutely unacceptable.
How is the lootbox element? See some bitching about them but it doesn't look like you can buy them.
Absolutely zero real money purchase. It's just an ingame mechanic giving you random stuff after a victory that you can scrap and reforge.
Is just a rewards that progress with the character level, difficulty settings and collectibles in the map. And you can break down items to improve or re-roll item characteristics.
Is the general, high quality loot comes from high level of playing.
No need to pay anything to get or open the chest cant believe shit is so bad nowadays that such advise is needed
When's the new thread?
Victor really needs some loving.
Witch hunter captain is all sorts of confused about what it wants to be. I think they want it to fill a more support role, but he needs some serious reworking if that's the case. Supposedly his ability to do extra damage to marked targets only affects himself and his career skill only boosts crit rate by around 20% for 6 seconds on a humongous 3 minute cooldown. His talents are all over the place too.
Zealot is a load of fun, but he needs a bit of help too. They tore his career skill apart for some reason even though literally nobody thought it was overly powerful, if anything many people thought the class was on the weaker side. They knocked the attackspeed bonus down to 25% from 50% and just about doubled the cooldown for it. Now it's virtually pointless beyond repositioning since you might get at most one extra attack in during it's 5 second duration. Slayer's skill is almost the same thing only better in virtually every single way; it can be directed without having to block cancel, gives more attack speed bonus, has a shorter cooldown that can get cut down to be online nearly 100% of the time, it can be used to cross gaps, and it has a much more reliable knockback on impact. Trying to charge into a group of enemies with zealot will just get you killed 9 times out of 10 since the enemies will just turn around and beat your face in. Some of zealot's talents are still bugged too, something the devs have been aware of since launch but still haven't bothered to fix. Pleasure from pain still takes away the attackspeed bonus if you take it and "uninterruptable heavy attacks" is just a lie.
I still mainly play zealot salty because he's a mountain of fun, but BH is just so powerful the others seem pathetic in comparison. I still whip out BH from time to time if I just want to dominate a game, but it's just not fun.
His weapons need some looking at as well. Rapier and falchion seem okay. I wish they would bring back some of the range on the rapier pistol so it doesn't hit like you were throwing gravel at 15ft. The flail, two-handed sword, and axe really need some help though. The flail is okay, but the falchion does everything it does but better in most cases. It should really penetrate armor on all swings, not just the two overhead ones. It could use a bit more range on it as well. The two handed sword doesn't hit nearly hard enough and doesn't have nearly enough range either considering how slow that thing is. The axe is just straight bad. I don't even know what they could do with it.
Cosmetics are implemented, they're just exceptionally rare. Like much less than 1% per box rare.
Hope it to happen, but gotta follow the rurs
and that ratfuckers and elfs to not come in
MPL if that you?
Way less than 1% per box. I've leveled all 5 characters to 30, so that's over 150 commendation boxes and probably in the nature of 500-800 regular boxes. I've found ONE character cosmetic.
There are people who have poopsocked this game since launch and still don't have a cosmetic.
I also don't believe I've encountered anybody else wearing one that isn't a promotional item (elf furry costume and dwarf with the fake viking horned helm). People always ask me about the elf hat when I'm playing her, so it seems like most of them haven't encountered one either.
How do I fire the pistol on the rapier pistol combo? I've never been able to figure that out.
check something along the lines of "weapon ability" in keybinds. for me it defaulted to one of the side-buttons my mouse has
Not bad it mapped to a button I didn't even have.
Yeah it's your own damn fault at this point.
If it's that rare… here, elf hat. It's waystalker only btw, not sure if I was just lucky or if it dropped for my currently-equipped career.
200 hours, nearly all maps cleared on legendary and still no red or cosmetic. Atleast in the last game if you got a perfect roll on finishing cata you were guaranteed a red
My side buttons are already bound to shortcuts for other shit.
Not my fault the game thinks I'm not already using them.
I just bound it to the mousewheel button. I also rebound targeting to Q since fuck reaching that far just to target shit. I always use the number keys to swap weapons anyways.
I've been using mace/shield kruber to some success and got my hands on a mace with no shield, is this a solid choice? I don't go down a lot but I'm trying to make myself more useful more consistently. I wanna go back to saltz but I'm trying to unlock footsoldier because that sounds fun
Nearly 200 hours and I only ever got my first cosmetic since the last patch.
So I guess they weren't in the game until then or are so rare that it is quite ridiculus honestly.
I agree, Victors weapons and abilities need an overhaul until every career has it's own distinct role and identity.
Just rare. I got my hat on 1.01
That merely confirms that fatshark are retarded. 1 fucking percent, the fuck are these faggots thinking?
I can't wait until mods will makes us more independent from these fucks.
They are only valuable to begin with because they are rare though
I think either or are fine. I mainly use the halberd because it's great for crowd control, and you still have a fuck ton of stamina shields for you to shove/block on the move. However, stay away from Kruber's maul. It's a lump of shit and it's takes way too damn long to wind ups for AoE crowd control (which in champion+ you will learn is absolutely vital to dish out quick kills if you want to stay alive).
As far as I'm concerned Kruber is a halberd with legs and why would you use anything else?
Not quite, I got one yesterday for Ironbreaker and it looks sweet as hell.
I want them because they make my characters look cool not because they're hard to get.
New thread