Stop spamming 4chan with CP, you sick fucks, keep it to your containment board, if you're into that sort of thing

Okay, what proof do you have that we're behind it?

And don't say "because they said so," because literally any jackass can get away with saying shit on an anonymous image board. Give us concrete proof.

Someone claims to be from Holla Forums and spams your shit board with cp. So you go to a website that has been raided for cphosting to accuse a board with no proof of crimes other than some boogyman narrative youve concocted.

Attached: images.jpeg (235x214, 8.87K)

That's litterally the only proof he has. This place is an actual monster in cuckchans closet

Pic related.

Attached: 6ef960041e3a461ec8f26e55a6dac4ac0561a80d8022c1d672124edfa3ba3447.jpg (600x404, 67.44K)

Guess you're done, or maybe you just got bored

I got a number on you cocksuckers, you try that again and you will see

come at me bro

Attached: che laugh.jpg (500x374, 28.29K)

OP confirmed for schizophrenic. I'm willing to bet he's the sperging Holla Forumsyp in the race thread too.

Attached: 3cb29a1b3e57c1c97e96f2aded913cd7225ce785603efe6705a32207674aefc9.jpg (999x1080, 316.58K)

You tried raiding Holla Forums one too many times, nobody will believe you :)