Stop spamming 4chan with CP, you sick fucks, keep it to your containment board, if you're into that sort of thing
I hope they doxx you faggots, you're all fucked in the head
Oh fuck off you daft halfchan mongrel.
No one here is into pedoshit, and only a handful of retards occasionally shitpost on 8/pol/. But fucking no one cares about 4/pol/ anymore unless their /r/the_donald cretins.
Now fuck off back to your cuckshed you 56% Amerimutt
if you ever needed proof 4pol is all schizos look no further
I hope the FBI breaks down your doors and somebody streams it
>>>/liberty/ is around the corner m8
Fucking who nigger?
we're not responsible for this, it clearly a fucking false flag you thick headed cunt
PROTIP: sometimes people lie to you on the internet about where they're from
you really think someone would do that? go on the internet and LIE?
Blaming someone else
Figures, you shitheads need a purge