Stop spamming 4chan with CP, you sick fucks, keep it to your containment board, if you're into that sort of thing


I hope they doxx you faggots, you're all fucked in the head

Oh fuck off you daft halfchan mongrel.
No one here is into pedoshit, and only a handful of retards occasionally shitpost on 8/pol/. But fucking no one cares about 4/pol/ anymore unless their /r/the_donald cretins.
Now fuck off back to your cuckshed you 56% Amerimutt

if you ever needed proof 4pol is all schizos look no further

I hope the FBI breaks down your doors and somebody streams it

>>>/liberty/ is around the corner m8

Fucking who nigger?
we're not responsible for this, it clearly a fucking false flag you thick headed cunt


PROTIP: sometimes people lie to you on the internet about where they're from

Attached: 95b0359b3369b488710b9bbe5b9d0a415cb0256fb7d65c053137a6a444fdd93b.jpg (600x600, 21.21K)

you really think someone would do that? go on the internet and LIE?


Blaming someone else
Figures, you shitheads need a purge