Comics Aren't Worth Saving

Lol no. Comics are an obsolete medium that have gone past their prime. All they can do now is rely on gimmicks, pandering or really stupid media shilling.

Meanwhile guys with real talent go unpaid because they're not cheap trust fund babies.

Just don't buy from the big two and look into the writers for comics that you buy from other companies. Also look out for certain indie companies that have a bad track record of SJW books. Simple as that. Good comics still exist. You just have to actually look around for them.

Comics died when capeshit publishers removed the competition with the CCA. The big two and Diamond and the reason comics in the US are a dead medium. Comics are doing well in Europe and Asia.

There isn't a single cape comic worth the paper it's printed on.

OP is that troll who tried to shit up the Betty & Veronica thread yesterday.

You have to forcibly excise the cancer first. The only way to do that is to make the industry suffer until they change course.

You seem really ass blasted about getting called out for trying to advertise some shitty book on here.

All the smaller publishers are great.

The big kahunas?

Yeah, they do need to die, but they're still coasting on the success of the CCA and the various comics crashes caused by Marvel's jewry and DC's stupidity. The target audience for your average comic book is either neckbeard or hipster, both of whom are only interested in capeshit. I did see a kid buy an Archie Sonic at Publix yesterday, so there's some hope, but then again he could turn out to be a furry in six years.

The only reason comics are pozzed atm is because both political correctness AND superheroes happened to be hip and cool at the same time with normalfags. This will pass in a decade or two.

Unbreakable was a pretty good superhero film though.

Political correctness being appreciated by normalfags is a complete meme. All evidence shows everyone hates it except for the virtue singallers who manage to worm their way into everything and using their guilt and shaming tactics to obtain and maintain control. If that was the case, stuff like the Ghostubsters remake wouldn't have went over like a lead balloon.

There's plenty of cancer in smaller publishers or we wouldn't have gotten shit like feminist approved Red Sonja, Dejah Thoris, etc. Some of them are even worse than Marvel and DC.

As much as like some Sonic stuff, Sonic comics are pretty much kept afloat by furries completely. I think that license is the only reason Archie Comics is still in business. The new management pretty much destroyed the income they were receiving from Rivderdale titles and now are trying to rope in dopes in comic book stores, when they used to sell 400 times as many titles to young girls.

Keep crying, babe.