Comic books are too pozzed. Just let them die. Let the industry die. Then whatever rises out of ashes will have to be something not made by elitists who hate their audience.
Although, honestly, the audience for comic books has always been terrible at least for the past 20 years, a bunch of pathetic grown men terrified of how society and women will judge them and want their nerdy hobby to be accepted by the mainstream public, which is part of the problem. Holla Forums definitely isn't immune either. There's a lot of "Tumblr" here even if this is full Holla Forums and not half Holla Forums. So some of that audience needs to be purged as well.
Anyways, fuck this shit, read manga or something. Anyone that spends money on comics is a tool and you're only feeding a medium that hates you now and has turned against what comics used to be. Comics are just another tool in the cultural Marxist scheme now. They've been conquered and colonized. This isn't a "fad." The SJWs and retarded liberals are entrenched in these companies now as well as the laughable comic book media and are going to use them to push political shit indefinitely. They're not going to go away until the money stops completely.
What kinda cuck just gives up on an industry that's been around for decades just because Tumblr came around. Just stop reading comics if you're such a faggot, but this isn't your blog.
Blake Nelson
Jack Lopez
Because people like you did nothing to stop it. At least vidya fags rebelled, you took it in the ass and smiled. This shit isn't going away until the money goes away at this point. I've watched it get worse over the course of years. It's past the point of no return without a major paradigm shift.
Sounds like your butt hurt I'm telling the truth. If you want to cry about people talking badly about your precious medium, you can always make your own thread.
Brody Reed
The fuck are you talking about fagot? Nobody on here buys shit from the big two (At least I don't I fucking pirate shit) plus if you were paying any actual fucking attention you'd notice that the sales for cape shit has been crap all year.
The only reason Marvel is still doing somewhat better than DC is because of Star Wars, that is the ONLY thing keeping their asses afloat right now.
Seriously user how did your survive getting aborted?
Isaiah Thompson
Until some good writers that aren't influenced by Tumblr progressive culture create a resurgence (and this might take a while, since the editors have a severe 'muh diversity' bias)… Sure, why not? Drop out and wait. If it doesn't get well, then that's still an issue nonetheless and you can keep choosing to stay away from the comics medium with a ten foot pole. The problem is that you're right, most comic writers and artists HAVE been pressured into accepting the Marxism scheme as a good thing. Don't want to purchase a comic? Just read the old stuff, it's probably scanned somewhere. In your opinion, comics aren't worth saving because noone is making a strong effort to go "that's dumb, you can't pressure me into accepting your politics". That's not going to stop talent that aren't Tumblrites. There's no point screaming like a deranged cynical revolutionary if you don't even fucking care. So until that political bias problem is solved, well… It's going to be hard times for the industry culturally speaking.
wait I thought American comics were suffering before the SJW's came around. With DC and Marvel both had done a bunch of stupid shit that lead them to their fates, the SJW's are just the final nail in the coffin.
Angel Murphy
That's because of terrible, inconsistent writing caused by corporate rushing user. The SJW's are just aiming the rifle at its unburied head. When someone finally washes out the shit, the industry will at least try to get up. That might take a while to repair itself and go "OK, this plan isn't cutting out as we expected" (but then again, everyone on Fullchan is cynical, so it's hard to convince them that the comics industry is at least reparable).
Alexander Allen
The industry is dying and comics are obsolete man. Their only use is to supply movies, cartoons and tv shows with new ideas.
Hunter Clark
well with the storytimes of DC Rebirth going on here and many anons praising SuperDad and Deathstroke I think there is some hope.
Robert Robinson
That, and that back in the old days, writers and artists didn't have so many media distractions back in the good ol' days.
And there's the problem. Again, you're making an exaggerative marginalisation, since A) you haven't done your research properly, and B) you're afraid of looking inside the industry itself firsthand without the extreme anxiety of being proverbially ripped apart by SJW "consumers". Yeah, it does seem like editors are standing with nodding media businessmen going "hmm, I wonder how we'll make money off of this idea, instead of innovating new plots for the original source's story". I can't blame you for being so upset.
Oliver Flores
Thanks for reminding me how shit Archie's become.
Brayden Rogers
Yep. All the hipsterfags did was help speed up the process of decay like maggots. The comic industry was already a rotting corpse.
Samuel Green
Yo, an user whose head's together.
I understand why you're cynical user (what with the needlessly absurd and gimmicky dark age plots over the years and the shameless corporate buffoonery), but do your research better.
Aiden Brown
I agree, comics are lost.
Elijah Taylor
They're still salvageable. Even once they're finally in the ruins or not, it can be made great again if there is more effort to make the general medium politically neutral altogether. And it's not going to work if everyone is going to be so fucking lazy and dismissive about the issue like every fag on this thread right now.
Carson Fisher
Thanks for sharing what everyone else on Holla Forums already knows.
wew lad.
Kayden Kelly
Yes, because political neutrality is what's keeping out the real talent. It's not because comics don't pay for shit anymore. Fuck, every cartoonist would be willing to work long hours and suffer terrible working conditions for pennies if they could just get these SJWs out of comics. Fucking Bruce Timm and Genndy Tartakovsky would be lining up to work for Marvel if they could just rid themselves of the political hipsters.
The current state of comics is a symptom of the greater disease, fam.
Isaiah Evans
To be fair, it's not just the politics that make SJWs such a big problem. Many of them have trust funds, which means they can afford to work for pennies, which means that by being in the business, they're undercutting all the professionals.
The SJWs are willing to work for less if it means they get a vector for spreading their ideology.
Tyler Nguyen
Lol no. Comics are an obsolete medium that have gone past their prime. All they can do now is rely on gimmicks, pandering or really stupid media shilling.
Parker Thompson
Meanwhile guys with real talent go unpaid because they're not cheap trust fund babies.
Kevin Edwards
Just don't buy from the big two and look into the writers for comics that you buy from other companies. Also look out for certain indie companies that have a bad track record of SJW books. Simple as that. Good comics still exist. You just have to actually look around for them.
Nicholas Nelson
Comics died when capeshit publishers removed the competition with the CCA. The big two and Diamond and the reason comics in the US are a dead medium. Comics are doing well in Europe and Asia.
There isn't a single cape comic worth the paper it's printed on.
Ian Bailey
OP is that troll who tried to shit up the Betty & Veronica thread yesterday.
Austin Campbell
You have to forcibly excise the cancer first. The only way to do that is to make the industry suffer until they change course.
Nicholas Bell
You seem really ass blasted about getting called out for trying to advertise some shitty book on here.
Jonathan Brown
All the smaller publishers are great.
The big kahunas?
Yeah, they do need to die, but they're still coasting on the success of the CCA and the various comics crashes caused by Marvel's jewry and DC's stupidity. The target audience for your average comic book is either neckbeard or hipster, both of whom are only interested in capeshit. I did see a kid buy an Archie Sonic at Publix yesterday, so there's some hope, but then again he could turn out to be a furry in six years.
The only reason comics are pozzed atm is because both political correctness AND superheroes happened to be hip and cool at the same time with normalfags. This will pass in a decade or two.
Unbreakable was a pretty good superhero film though.
Austin Barnes
Political correctness being appreciated by normalfags is a complete meme. All evidence shows everyone hates it except for the virtue singallers who manage to worm their way into everything and using their guilt and shaming tactics to obtain and maintain control. If that was the case, stuff like the Ghostubsters remake wouldn't have went over like a lead balloon.
There's plenty of cancer in smaller publishers or we wouldn't have gotten shit like feminist approved Red Sonja, Dejah Thoris, etc. Some of them are even worse than Marvel and DC.
As much as like some Sonic stuff, Sonic comics are pretty much kept afloat by furries completely. I think that license is the only reason Archie Comics is still in business. The new management pretty much destroyed the income they were receiving from Rivderdale titles and now are trying to rope in dopes in comic book stores, when they used to sell 400 times as many titles to young girls.
Luis Lee
Keep crying, babe.
Xavier Taylor
I don't go on Holla Forums talking about how politics should die.
Zachary Miller
You are aware that pol stands for politically incorrect, and not "politics" right. Are you from Tumblr? And even though people in this thread say Holla Forums doesn't buy comics, there are still some retards that do, like the people crying about the message of this thread, thus why it needs to be brought up from time to time.
get some preparation h
Zachary Morris
This thread is pure cancer.
Ayden Campbell
if is so cancer what are you doing here ?
David Bell
I think he's talking about how every thread he posts in is automatically cancer.
Camden Bell
Nah fam. He's saying that the thread's cancer because it's an echo chamber through and through. If the majority of people here are severely pessimistic about the comics industry to the point of enthusiastically hoping it goes into the state of nearly crashing again like in the 2000's, what's the point of this bloody circlejerking thread? Because at this point, it's so redundant to have it here when the entire consensus of fullchan is saying "I hope it fucking burns, I'm never reading anything from that bullshit medium again until it does, and notices that getting gimmicky with 'muh diversity' was a tumor to its creative dignity all along" (although everyone here is absolutely right, again, it's NOT going to stop non-Tumblrite talent from breaking in. Case in point, Frank Cho). Hell, I hope this thread gets deleted within a few months, because it's straight up going nowhere at all. It's a sight for sore eyes seeing that it's still fucking around.
Gabriel Perry
holy shit man we are slow but no that slow
Josiah Rogers
Yeah, I have to agree, it got proverbially occupied because they went "let's not be to suspicious about it and be more 'open' to these people's politics, what could go wrong?", and look where it got them. We've got dyed hair Asian-American lesbian Iron Patriot now, for crying out loud. She sounds like a translucently gimmicky joke. I want the gimmicks and pretentiousness to end as much as you do user, but you've clearly made this entire thread out of egocentric redundancy. In short, you're doing nothing about the situation. Noone here is doing anything to make it better, and that's where the problem lies. That, and people really need to stop culturally masturbating over and over about "diversity", and fucking treat it like a normal day to day thing like eating breakfast in the morning, or watching the news.
Robert Morales
Why are you posting salt images, when you're the one who is very salty here? So you're saying the thread is completely correct, but it shouldn't exist because it's too on the money. wew. Maybe things got this bad because no one never discussed solutions instead of just letting things get progressively worse over the course of years?
Sounds like a very SJW stand point imo. Let's not talk about how much things suck because doom and gloom makes user uncomfortable.
Nathan Powell
well i dont see you proposing any solution and honestly what possible solution could be ? Either we wait until comics get unfucked by good writers and artists or we become those writers and artists, what else ?
Aiden Stewart
>Maybe things got this bad because no one never discussed solutions instead of just letting things get progressively worse over the course of years?
Yeah, you've got a point, and yes, I was kinda salty. Why not just buy the comics that aren't shit, and scan the shit ones? But then again, I'm just going to be accused of being a Jew, brown-nosing and helping "big business", which I am not, because I don't give a shit about "big business", just subtle, quality work. And I'm supposedly going to be accused of being a Marxist, despite no telling evidence? Please. Let's be reasonably sane here, user. Behaving like a pessimistic, paranoid, ill-tempered shithead doesn't cut it.
Ey, screw you too man. You of all people clearly know that this thread's one big superfluous circlejerk, so why even bother getting apologetic about it? Do you want to keep giving OP "favours"? Of course you don't you ladyboy, so stop begging for anal.
Finally, an user who doesn't need meds and isn't on some batshit revolutionary high.
Camden Jackson
You idiots should stop using sjw in every case. the fuck has this post to do with social justice ? is just plain old apathy. if you keep on this sjw will become another meaningless buzzword if it is not yet
Noah Myers
I did. Completely starve the industry of all income until the people taking advantage of comics fuck off.
Hudson Parker
Because not wanting threads about harsh truths means you want a safe space.
Ayden Peterson
so… we wait, and what are we gonna do until then smartass ?
Kayden Jackson
please nigger this is what every one of us is doing you are just preaching the choir, doing a redundant thread and getting angry when people call you about your shit threads
Ian Peterson
So was hiring fanboys. Mainstream publishers have been slowly strangling the business with cheap labor for almost two decades now. It's just now instead of gullible manchildren, they're hiring narcissistic hipsters, since the former is either getting wise or dying off.
The publishers themselves have to change. That's the only way it can be repaired. Until then, the real talent is going to stay in the alternative sphere since that's the best option for them.
You do realize the majority of the industry's income comes from the comic shops themselves, right?
The shops buy the comics from the publisher and then sell those comics to the consumer. The actual consumers have no interaction with publisher, which is why it takes months for books to die. It's an entirely speculative business.
Dylan Wright
Are you telling me that the only thing we can do about comics is sit still until the retarded twins DC and Marvel decide suddenly to stop being retarded ? What a fine mess.
Nolan Fisher
Yes, and moving to that business model versus newsstands was retarded honestly.
Jackson Thomas
You can just get out of mainstream comics. They really do not give a shit about you.
Find yourself a nice alternative comic that treats you right.
As usual with comics, it was based on shortsighted greed. The direct market was money in the bank.
It might not have been so bad if Marvel didn't completely fuck up the distribution with Heroes World, another business decision based on shortsighted greed.
Owen Bell
That's one direct way. Then there's . So honestly, we've only got two paths: the long way (your method), and the direct break-in way, which is a real 50/50, but a real doozy if folks of non-politically bias, non-desperate talent could chip in (this is a hard one in the case of everyone here, since they'd rather keep away from the industry, the big two in particular, like the plague). The only way the break-in way will work is if people behave real civil-like while keeping their foot down and their composure straight. I've been doing research on how the inside works, and it's a little about pulling good reputation, and a lot about being cogent and approachable, yet competent at the job. But fags such as you and OP are incapable of doing any of the aforementioned advice properly, and would prefer to go apeshit on everyone like some high-tier autistic version of Dan Slott, aren't you all?
The other problem is the editors. Since they're all exaggeratedly high on the Tumblr progressive kool-aid, and are too busy culturally brown-nosing to do their jobs diligently and superbly, that's a big issue. We need someone with educated experience as an published/editor who isn't a total biased, politics swilling pushover, particularly someone who is able to behave in the manner mentioned above.
Asher Evans
but what if big two change they were the first comics i read and i have so many good memories about them maybe if just wait a bit more everything will get better
James Morris
Well said.
Juan Jackson
That's going to be an emphasised "maybe" in response to that. It's a two-way road for the fate of the comics industry.
Brody Bennett
Sounds like the proverbial "muh PR" stand point. And working inside the industry controlled by butt sniffing cretins and people like Disney isn't going to produce results. You need a strong paradigm shift, like say what happened when Image rebelled and tried to create a creator driven system. They have to be made to feel pain. They're not going to be resubverted since once SJWs are in positions of power, they get what they want until they get axed by people higher up in the food chain.
James Lee
It's sound if done correctly. But yeah, you're right. As much as I hate vouching for people to fail, this might be an exception with what you might be suggesting. Can't say that you're 100% right. I mean, you're kind of on the nose about the corporate brown-nosing bit, and the other thing aforementioned, but… Your sound a little two-dimensionally iffy for the general part.
Aaron Allen
Right, and how are you going to do that? I'm not even seeing any practical sound advice from you, and I highly doubt anyone here knows any proper knowledge aside from the [$ C U R R E N T * Y E A R $] financial struggle.
Jaxon Wright
It's like I've got to keep using the phrase "do your research" until everyone is accusing me of turning it into another buzzword.
Jordan Phillips
amrite or what ?
Adam Powell
Never said I was right. Just putting some advice out there, despite everyone not giving a shit.
Oliver Roberts
Nice kek. It's a shame if someone sandbagged it.
William Edwards
Justin Young
Shiggy diggy doo
Chase Butler
There's literally nothing left at this point in terms of the vast majority of comics. The huts have been burned, the earth salted, there's nothing left.
Grayson Hernandez
That said, if you dig your hands knee deep into the pile of shit, you'll find gold. Clap with me nigga.
Mason Williams
Caleb Wilson
Leo Howard
Comics are a product. You hurt the people making them by not buying them anymore. It's simple. What else are you supposed to do? If you just go with bitching about it online, you'll be drowned out by the virtue signallers. When sales fall off a cliff, then you tell them why, and if they still don't change course, their problem.
Bentley Gonzalez
What great substantive discussions go on Holla Forums otherwise that make this thread so pointless? The ones where you talk about the cartoon character feet? The Steven Universe thread?
Benjamin Perry
Yeah, I get how it works. I'm begging for a plan that makes practical sense, not just the workings of the result. The obvious problem is yes, the big two and most mainstream comic companies are Jewing it up. Marvel is desperately wondering how they could franchise certain Superhero IPs (no thanks to that one Israeli businessman running the corporate side of the company), and DC is poorly trying to go "Hey look! We're hip wit' da times!" trying to brown-nose a progressive demographic. In short something that's actually practical and works effectively in the long run.
I sense a wall put directly in front an echo chamber in this thread. Griping in agreement to the obvious majority consensus of opinions towards the comics industry in this board does that. Hence why I claimed that this board is going absolutely nowhere earlier. The storytime threads are good, because the people on board are criticising the stories that are total horse shit in quality, or giving them good credit where credit is due if they weren't shit.
Jose Russell
Sure, you can convince dozens upon dozens of people to put a damper on the big two's sales revenue, but that plan has a weak strength. There needs to be a solid plan of fixing the issue from the inside out, and sure, while protesting hard like some sort of big-dick communist worker looks coherent, it's too slow of a process in the long-run. There is some way to fix the problem, but it needs to be well thought out and properly researched. Inciting a cold protest against somebody's revenue is just not enough. There needs to be a structured plan of approach.
Owen Stewart
pretty much why homos going "BUY GUD COMICS" piss me off
Christian King
Also it isn't on the big two that is problem. Plenty of the smaller companies are pozzed as fuck. Also companies like Marvel are keeping Tumblr squirrel girl afloat by siphoning money from successful titles.
Adrian Phillips
We need to blow this shit open
Isaac Edwards
What part are you exactly referring to? Because this comes off mistakenly as you taking a dump on what I've just said.
Asher Gomez
Yes. Yes we absolutely do.
Xavier Ward
I'm having fun and you can't stop me
Caleb Hughes
I do. Both the american political system and comics are corrupt shit that only get worse and worse with every passing year.
Isaac Flores
Dylan Morales
kys m8
Its just as bad as Marvel.
Owen Ross
Actually quite sad that the indie/self-publishing scene is affected by this as well. But then again, there was always a feeling that the indie scene was crawling with these progressive weirdos, so you couldn't be even wrong.
Joshua Russell
Vague undefined plans & fence sitting piss me off user
Ayden Fisher
Yeah, exactly, they employ the same kind of faggots. For the "support indies" argument to work, it would have to be a company that takes a stance against SJW nonsense and actually presents a strong contrast. Then the SJWs would get mad and attack that company, but they're making money, and the other companies notice this as well. Supporting the same crap from the same kind of people from smaller companies is not a statement of any kind.
Benjamin James
Joe Keating's reboot of Glory wasn't half-bad. They reimagined her as an alien amazon version of Guts from Berserk. A lot cooler than the original Rob Liefeld carbon-copy Wonder Woman. Honestly don't care if all of you think that it's shit or not.
Yeah. Sorry for begging the question if it seemed like I was. I was just growing tired of the complaining from this side and the progressive parading from the other side at the same time. "Shikata ga nai", as the weaboos put it.
This. This sounds consistent. And that's good.
Caleb Hernandez
I've never seen something so pathetic. Seriously, just don't buy it if you don't like it. Find something to enjoy instead.
Ayden Ortiz
Half right and half wrong on that, user.
Joshua Brooks
They were only referring to Betty and Veronica.
Lucas Ross
Jeremiah Martin
Yeah, ignore that one reply link. That one's a reply fallen flat on its back.
Ethan Peterson
Nice downboat sage, plebbit faggot.
Henry Walker
Make out already.
Lincoln Baker
You're not "warning" anyone. You're spewing nonspecific criticisms about an entire industry because you don't relate to the subject matter that's en vogue.
I still love you.
Kayden Morales
is that E;R or Digibro?
Joseph Barnes
Demolition_D (also known as Douchebagchocolat on the Jewtubes). And no, I wasn't the user that posted that.
Anthony Nguyen
Telling others shit is trash and about the obvious decline in quality due to constant gimmicks is a warning, and the thread is about criticizing the entirety of the general industry rather than specific comics or companies. Criticizing specific subjects is already discussed in specific threads. Also why get so hot and bothered by others criticizing something you like? Take your own advice then, "don't like it, don't read it" and hide the thread.
Demolition D
Easton Myers
oh ok then. His voice sounds so familiar to me for some reason.
Logan Allen
Does en vogue mean stuff everyone hates except for virtue sinalling ass pirates? Are Marvel and DC's sales fantastic right now?
Xavier Powell
This describes about 70 straight years of comics.
Nolan Garcia
Except the gimmick wasn't pissing on your core audience until now.
Carter Ross
I thought they did that by killing off characters in big events and ruining fun characters like Speedball in Civil War?
Samuel Foster
Backtrack. I made a post on how the sales were only good back in 2015.
Don't fret anons. We all miss the Bronze and Silver Age too. Chris Claremont's stuff was great. He once took method acting classes, so that's the reason why his characterisations were so top quality. No modern politics hitting you over the head, coherent reasons for stuff happening in the plot, and no contrived ass-pull gimmicks that deliberately go out of their way to drastically mess up characters. Wish we had more writers of that quality today. Editors still had hoakey decision-making skills back in the day though.
Jayden Sullivan
agreed, rereading Claremont's X-men stuff was so good. It seems like a very real and nuanced way to handle the issue of bigotry in the Marvel Universe.
Blake Stewart
Better than that visible BLM nonsense in Champions. By the way, who wrote that stupid Nu Marvel comic (besides the obvious Bendis excuse). Apparently, some black feminist "expert" and another writer whose a race rights journalist was hired to write the modern Black Panther comics, so… Ughhhhk.
Jayden Long
NUANCE. Nuance is what's missing in modern comics writing these days! It's like SJW's don't know what subtlety is at all!
Grayson Martin
It was Mark "I gulped down the kool-aid so some feminist journalist wouldn't ruin my reputation on Twitter" Waid. Ohhh no…
I just read that wow. It seems like Mark gets offended easily. Granted the feminist he was arguing with wasn't great either but he should realize he's talking to a brick wall at that point and just end the conversation.
Jaxson Roberts
You know just glancing at OP's pic makes me think Archie was doing the Gangam style dance.
Connor Harris
He's being shot because his gay "best friend" (not Jughead) is being targeted for assassination for being a gay Democrat politician in a storyline that takes place 30 years in the future, because gay Democrats are a futuristic idea for Archie Comics and not something that has already existed for decades. It also allowed them to do a "guns are bad, m'kay?" storyline. So according to Archie Comics, if you think people should have the right to defend their selves, you're homophobe who wants queers murdered.
Wyatt Foster
thats very black and white of them. Don't they know about the Pink Pistols?
Robert Stewart
Current CEOs are both libshits who inherited the company through bloodline succession like it's the Middle Ages. One of them is an insane feminazi who screamed "Penis!" at her male underlings, although I don't think she has creative control at all despite owning enough shares to be a co-CEO. The other owner is a rich kid Jew who tried to be a rock promoter and had no interest in publishing until the company was handed to him and has spent a lot of his time at the company trying to suck up to c-list Hollweird people like Lena Dunham.
Archie Comics at this time decided storyline ideas in round table discussions with the management present with the creative teams, and no one probably had the balls to tell their Jewish wannabe Hollywood boss that combining a gay rights storyline with an anti-gun storyline is ham fisted as fuck. Archie then has gone on to fire their old talent to hire people like the Squirrel Girl artist and the writer responsible for "unsolicited opinion on Israel." So I'm not sure if the round table method of creating stories by committee still exists.
Connor Evans
wow they really went down the shitter. Thats a shame because I used to like reading them. Please tell me they got their shit together. I mean the Betty & Veronica thread should be proof of that right?
Defeatism for who, you fucking cuck? Did you not see that most of the replies are from people that don't buy comics anymore?
Also this is multiple times you've used "troll" on mother fucking hatechan. Is this how they talk on cuckchan now, because if so that's pretty damn pathetic.
Nicholas Hill
The cuckchan closet is transparent in this one.
Personally, I'd just read scans or go to the local library. I really don't have the time to buy comics, and frankly, I only half-care about the fate of the industry. I just want subtle and coherent stories that don't build political parade floats or brown-nose to progressive ideologue outrage. That isn't fence-sitting, that's pragmatic neutrality at best. Let's not behave like stark-raving mad partisans here and expect people to immediately enlist in sides.
Austin Perez
bumping this since the Tumblrinas here are still butt hurt that this thread was posted
Aaron Murphy
Jacob Adams
Does this includes not Marvel and Dc stuff?
Because despite everything, I still love Invincible. I'm going to be sad when it ends soon.
Jordan Fisher
Oh,that's going to hurt. The Sonic comics have decreased in quality due to Sega rules decreasing the opportunities for stories.
Oliver Sanchez
It's actually gonna end soon? Bout time.
Jacob Gomez
how the fuck is that even possible. Every retard with a pencil can make a comic. The giants in the industry are not the entirety of the industry or the entirety of the hobby and their fall can only lead to an explosion of new startups to fill the void which is a good thing. As well nobody here has the power to "let things die" might as well try to stop the ocean waves from existing by getting out of the water so you don't make ripples.