Comics Aren't Worth Saving

well with the storytimes of DC Rebirth going on here and many anons praising SuperDad and Deathstroke I think there is some hope.

That, and that back in the old days, writers and artists didn't have so many media distractions back in the good ol' days.

And there's the problem. Again, you're making an exaggerative marginalisation, since A) you haven't done your research properly, and B) you're afraid of looking inside the industry itself firsthand without the extreme anxiety of being proverbially ripped apart by SJW "consumers".
Yeah, it does seem like editors are standing with nodding media businessmen going "hmm, I wonder how we'll make money off of this idea, instead of innovating new plots for the original source's story". I can't blame you for being so upset.

Thanks for reminding me how shit Archie's become.

Yep. All the hipsterfags did was help speed up the process of decay like maggots. The comic industry was already a rotting corpse.

Yo, an user whose head's together.

I understand why you're cynical user (what with the needlessly absurd and gimmicky dark age plots over the years and the shameless corporate buffoonery), but do your research better.

I agree, comics are lost.

They're still salvageable. Even once they're finally in the ruins or not, it can be made great again if there is more effort to make the general medium politically neutral altogether. And it's not going to work if everyone is going to be so fucking lazy and dismissive about the issue like every fag on this thread right now.

Thanks for sharing what everyone else on Holla Forums already knows.


wew lad.

Yes, because political neutrality is what's keeping out the real talent. It's not because comics don't pay for shit anymore. Fuck, every cartoonist would be willing to work long hours and suffer terrible working conditions for pennies if they could just get these SJWs out of comics. Fucking Bruce Timm and Genndy Tartakovsky would be lining up to work for Marvel if they could just rid themselves of the political hipsters.

The current state of comics is a symptom of the greater disease, fam.

To be fair, it's not just the politics that make SJWs such a big problem. Many of them have trust funds, which means they can afford to work for pennies, which means that by being in the business, they're undercutting all the professionals.

The SJWs are willing to work for less if it means they get a vector for spreading their ideology.