Still not as high as in Nordic countries.
The Dutch healthcare system is the best in Europe according to Euro Health Consumer Index.
Still not as high as in Nordic countries.
The Dutch healthcare system is the best in Europe according to Euro Health Consumer Index.
EHCI is a self-reported, and it doesn't take into account of individual cost and coverage. North Koreans can rate their leader highly, but it doesn't give an objective analysis.
Dutchie here, guess I could shed some light on the subject and other related stuff.
Euthanasia has somehow become a big political topic despite it being a small thing. It's kinda like in the USA where the only difference between democraps and recucklicans is minor issues like abortion (not that I'm not pro-abortion freedom lmao)
This user's correct.
Free tuition was abolished recently. For now the loans are somewhat affordable but I have no doubts that it'll skyrocket soon enough. It's how it's worked in other countries: it's freshly privatized and the rates are okay, but once it's been privatized they increase by like 10% each year
fuck if I know
as far as I know we waste a lot on corporate subsidies and public-private partnershits which are a complete scam
I don't even know how much the dutch state still owns, but there's a lot of contracting and public-private partnershits involved
VAT of 21% only applies to "luxury" goods (that is to say, most consumer goods), for essentials and books it's 6%
and funnily enough, our neoliberal government wants to increase sales taxes (cause they know they're regressive) while the socialist party wants to reduce VAT
so much for the low tax right
is that the only index you use?
cause our healthcare is pretty expensive
not america-tier, but expensive
That’s Nederlands. I’m a dumb 🍔American 🍔, but you should know better
Do people really fall into the canals?
There is nothing wrong with euthanasia in legitimate cases, crypto Holla Forums scum
Stupid redditor read the op