Black Feminist revisionism

This is not a joke.

I know. It's really pathetic at this point.

Boons are pathetic, it's true.

One day there's gonna be a thread about actual literal baboons, like the animals, and everyone's gonna get banned out of confusion

Kill yourself.


This may sound really bad, but i have never encountered a black leftist who wasn't like this. They are all obsessed with identity and "individualized, lived experiences" (anecdotes) and are generally some of the most bigoted people you will ever meet.

I really wish it didn't have to be this way because I love black chicks but if they are left wing at all they are like this moron.

She is using a Mac book, lol, niggers are so stupid, they even waste their money on shitty tech.
Pure and absolute garbage even tho I'm not a Marxist everyone knows revisionism is bad.

maybe things would be different if the mainstream left didn't completely disregard their experiences and needs cause it's dominated by white dudes

the non-mainstream left will continue to dismiss them because theyre liberals and their feels are irrelevant to our cause