Why can't the left meme? Is it autism?

they're not wrong tho, most "Holla Forums" memes are nabbed from other boards and newfags think they're Holla Forums original

pol memes work for a reason. leftypol memes dont work for a reason.

you can kvetch about what you think are their origins all you like. pol will keep winning hearts and minds while you wallow in tears and oestrogen pills.

GOD you "people" are PATHETIC

One can openly be an Antifa be praised as a hero of the people. But one can't openly be a Nazi & not get instantly #rekt in the streets.
Thats all I have to say man.

man what are you even going on about, memes "working" for you?
this is exactly why Holla Forums original "memes" tend to NOT work, or at least, not last very long at all (i.e. "carl the cuck"), they're forced as hell, you make them with the explicit purpose of "i will use this as a tool to recruit people".
admittedly this happens sometimes here as well but not as often as on Holla Forums.

literally all you have to do is gulag him

you can openly be an antifa in a very small minority of the country.

you can be a nazi in a much greater area of this map and no one will care. if you're openly antifa in those areas, you will probably get shot or worse.

It should be clear to everyone that OP doesn't even intend to have a serious discussion/debate or argue in good faith. so stop giving him attention.
Also remember to sage bait and shitposting threads for fucks sake.

what does that even mean? are you having a stroke?

carl the cuck is not a meme in and of itself. the meme is "look at this deranged leftist nutjob". it's a long succession of memes that only mentally ill brainwashed leftists can produce when they try to interact with the real world and it's caught on video.

i'm guessing that 99% of this board would produce a similar meme if you went outside and had a conversation with the average American voter.

To be fair, he does post on Holla Forums