Why can't the left meme? Is it autism?

Even Holla Forumstards during the election admitted openly that the MSM were against Corbyn, which is why they had super cringey long posts about how "the mainstream gets it right sometimes" to try to reconcile it to their views. It's just such an accepted part of what happened that I'm unclear how I'm supposed to engage you seriously when you can't even admit the obvious. It's like if I pretended the MSM wasn't anti-Trump in the US election, and then when you countered with all the obvious I said "well Fox News seems to like him so I reject that"

you got totally #rekt buttblasted

We should start a MEME DIVISION or a new meme commissariat.

So much for the tolerant right.

umm try again sweetie

oh and the best

wow wtf im a white supremacist now

the left can't me-