Trump & Trudeau to form Liberal Feminist cross-border initiative for 'Women Business Leaders'

Whoa, mate, slow down there, you're talking about future first female PotUS.

Liberalism never left the U.S., it is alive and well, just under a different party

of all the ways i expected Trump to cuck his followers, becoming a feminist is not what i expected.

feminism made trump possible, in the same way it created rape culture, they wrecked the moral fiber that used to uphold society.

I wonder what would happen if he converted to islam.
Kek is God of chaos after all

B-but Trump is not a feminist…..he is just pretending to be one to outsmart da joos you cucks

I wouldn't know how to react

What the fuck is even going on in there?
I realize Holla Forums is batshit crazy but how do you even get anything done or even just have a discussion in such a clusterfuck?

Holla Forums is basically a civil war now.

When do we recruit?