The position of "Supreme leader" isn't like dictator m8, it's more like a Supreme Court judge. He has the authority to axe any bill passed by the legislature that he thinks violates Islamic principles. Oh and he is appointed by a democratically elected body.
Iran is just trolling the U.S. now
Iran's been under Western financial sanctions for years.
What's that mean, exactly? Liberals have made such a corporate mess of the term that it's little more than a bourg seal of approval anymore.
It would actually be pretty funny if Trump did try to "free" North Korea, only to get stuck paying the bill to pull that backwater out of the stone age.
The refugee situation would easily be 10X worse than Syria.
Well idk how much influence corporations have in Iran, all I meant is that it's closer to a constitutional theocracy than a dictatorship like Western media/leaders portray it as.
They do if they come from Iran. See previous Iranian presidents and politicians in general, all making fun of Burger government.
Are you seriously buying into this bullshit about "post-truth"? We have been living in the "post-truth" era for decades, ever since MSM exist.
Khamenei is an anti imperialist
Shia Islam is not a religion, but a revolutionary socialist movement. May Shia Islam dominate the world. It's time leftists recognize this.
Inshallah brother.
t. americlap
This is a joke post right? I was raised shia and I recognize it's potential, but I really would not go that far